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Fantasy War of Saint and Snake ( Open )

[sorry for jumping in randomly, just trying to somehow get more invested in the plot.]

Allister continued to walk, his head was down, and his eyes were trained on his feet. He listened to the sound of grass being trampled by his feet, before hearing a boy shout. He directed his attention to what was happening in front of him. Allister blinked rapidly, had he walked a few more feet he would've walked right into the small group. He watched on, not hiding but not yet making himself known.
Jay watched the girl snarling she tried to move and only managed to get the arrow out of her side, wincing she felt blood seeped between her fingers rapidly the paralysis wasn't strong enough to make her completely frozen, but it made movement extremely hard
Both the twins had stiffened just slightly at the yell, before directing thier attention to the nearby tree. An arrow had been fired, not hitting either sibling, but rather the furry not far behind them. Both the dove and the crow set thier eyes upon the now fallen wolf. She was awake, but unmoving. It seemed she had been paralyzed. Instinctively, Note grasped the handle of the axe she wore on her back. Klavier made no move for his bow, but still he was prepared. Neither knew what to expect. Bandits, perhaps? Or maybe a soldier of purity had recognized them, and mistaken the wold to be one of thier comrades? When finally the shooter made her appearance, both twins had their eyes set on her, ready to attack.
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Lakota ran towards the furry, where the person who had shot her was approaching. "Don't go near her!" He shouted, grabbing his katana and gesturing it towards the girl. He backed up until he reached the furry. She was not moving anymore, but she was still breathing and blinking. "Are you alright?" He asked, not taking his eyes off of the attacker just in case she tried anything else. He studied her carefully, she looked to be of higher class, but he couldn't tell. She had nice weapons, and a nice suit of white armor on. She was a neko, he could tell that much. Then, he felt more vibes coming from nearby. Someone else had to have been watching all of this. But who was it? He looked around and couldn't see anyone. "Come out! I know you're there." He shouted to whoever was hiding.
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She raised her hands up in surrender, showing a bottle of yellow liquid. "Its the cure to paralysis. I apologize for shooting you with an arrow, and please, stop pointing a weapon at a girl. Its rude."
Allister walked closer to the group after hearing the same boy call out to him, or at least he thought he was talking to him. He stopped, hearing another speak, maybe it had been her he was talking to? And so Allister was standing still once again, unsure if he was visible or not. He took a drag once again, flicking the ash of his cigar. " The hell is going on here?" he mumbled, probably only quiet enough for himself to hear.
Lakota raised a brow. "Why should I lower my weapon? How do I know that you won't pull anything on me?" He asked, standing still as he has been. "Is that really healing potion?" He asked, flicking his head to a crowd of trees where a small piece of cigar ash fell to the ground. "I know you're hiding. I can sense yor presence." He said, waiting for something to happen.
A surrender? Already? Note didn't lose her grip on her weapon, but Klavier did ease up a little. Note did find herself wondering, just what lead to this girl shooting the furry? My, too much was going on so soon in the day. This certainly wasn't the discord either twin expected to occur on thier trip to the fort. Note sighed and took her hand off her axe, now turning her eyes towards her brother. The pair considered leaving. After all, they had a place to be, but without them the plans wouldn't move forwards. Thier lateness would cost them nothing but daylight, which they truly didn't need for an ambush. It might actually be better to attack in the cloak of night.
Allister put his hands up in defense, walking into full view. " Alright, alright, I just thought you were talkin' to the lass," he bit his cigar once again, a nervous habit that he needs to fix. He looked over each and everyone of them. Two looking slightly familiar, he shook his head dismissing it. He put his hands back in his pockets, waiting for something to be said.
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Rea rolled her eyes, getting impatient at the boy, her guard still up. She doesnt know whether or not they were her enemy or her comrades. "Tch. Whatever." She threw the bottle at the boy, "If you dont want my help, fine. But accept this as a token of apology."
Finally the lurker came out into view. "There you are." Lakota said, looking at the man with the cigar in his mouth. He lowered his katana as she threw the bottle at him. It landed in front of him. He put his katana back and grabbed the bottle, looking up at the mysterious girl. "Just one question." He said. "Why did you shoot her?" He asked, opening the bottle and pouring it on the wound.
Note turned her attention to the new man who had appeared. For a moment, she paused on him. Did she know him? Perhaps. Klavier seemed to feel the same sense of recognition his sister felt, but he was already quite certain as to where he had seen this man before. He must be working with Firra. Perhaps he was patrolling for thier nearby station? Such would make sense. Klavier took his sights from the man, and instead on the nearby exchange. It seemed to have been resolved without a fight. Before the appearance of the newcomer, Note would have left at this point. However, she was now somewhat curious. She decided to stay, for now.
Allister reverted his eyes to the wolf woman, and her wound. " You're really just gonna trust her? That could be poison for all you know. I'd take being paralyzed over dead," he walked closer, but he took cautious steps. He didn't want to get stabbed, as he did notice the boys katana. He smiled, it reminded him of when Angus and Seamus almost cut each others heads off, oddly enough. He stopped next to the familiar girl in white.
"Of course I don't trust her. I don't trust anyone in fact, not even myself sometimes." He chuckled, but it was the truth. "I don't need to use my weapons to defeat her, I have special abilities. And for this paralysis cure, it's the real thing." He said, looking at him. Lakota stood up, gazing around at everyone. The pair was still there, and he just realized that he had not gotten their names due to the archer and her paralyzing bow.
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"I was walking around the woods, and being the idiot I am, got lost. I climbed up a tree for a vantage point. I then saw your group, I wasnt sure if you are my enemy or not. So I took out my bow, I was contemplating whether or not I should kill you and decided that a paralysis arrow would do. As I overheard your conversation, I was about to lower my bow when someone screamed. Accidentally, I release the arrow, and for that, I deeply apologize." Rea concluded her story with a short bow.
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"Well then, it seems this has all been resolved," announced Note. She looked between each person in the group, examine them all with a perceptive gaze. She could only find recognition in the newcomer, who she was still quite curious about. She wanted to know who he was. "Shall we return to introductions, then?" she suggested, purposely speaking to the whole group instead of just the thief.
"Alright, whatever you say," Allister gazed back at him, before he broke eye contact, looking at the pair next to him. He looked at them out of the corner. He heard the other girl speak, and turned back to her. " You got lost? This is your own kingdom right?" he pulled the cigar out of his mouth. He turned back to the lady in white, "Oh, names that's great. My name's Allister, you?" he held out his hand other hand to the girl, with a cocky smirk on his face.
Lakota didn't know whether to believe that story or not, but just nodded. "Okay, I'm just glad none of us are dead right now." He said, turning back to the siblings, then looking at everyone. "I'm Lakota." He said to everyone, plopping down on the ground and taking his hood off to reveal his scruffy brown hair. The tall guy introducing himself seemed to be a little rude, but Lakota shrugged it off. He's never liked cocky people.
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Rea narrowed her eyes at Allister, silently scanning his stature. "The names Rea. Rea Shawcross." She said leaning against a tree.
Note glanced to Allistar, not terribly bothered by his attitude. Few things bothered her. She has learned to deal with all kinds of people, and how to ignore most of her emotions. It was nessasary if you planned to live a life as deceptive as her's. "I'm Note Mirra," she said, not caring that she had just given her real name. Those who knew politics well would now easily be able to recognize her as a vassal, and the dove. Klavier did the same as his sister, introducing his true self. "I'm Klavier Mirra, her brother," he said.
Allister blinked " Note? Klavier?" he knew he'd seen their faces before. He pulled his hand back, throwing his cigar on the ground before stomping on it. " Well, it's nice to meet you all," he shoved his hands in his pockets. He looked away from the pair, thankful that they hadn't recognized him. They might've blown his cover, in front of the people of Purity. He nervously bit the inside of his cheek.
Lakota perked his head up. He knows those names, and now it fit the description of their appearances perfectly. He didn't say anything about it though, they don't know he's a thief. He doesn't know what they'll do if they find out he stole from the land of purity. Lakota doesn't know that he's the youngest one here, but can assume it just by looking at everyone. Except for Rea, she looks about his age, maybe a year older. One thing he's been able to do ever since he's been on his own was reading people. He can do that easily, but sometimes it's hard if the person shows no emotions. For some reason he felt like running. Dashing from the scene. Maybe it was the small crowd of people around him. What was the point of introducing everyone if we're all heading our separate ways anyway? That is what's happening, right? He asked himself. The last time he talked to someone was when he was being threatened, and that didn't go very smoothly. He ended up getting turned into a lizard for a whole twenty four hours after he decided to try to escape from the old Wizard. Anyway, completely off topic. This was the first time he's talked to people without feeling unsafe. The feeling was uncomfortable, mostly because he doesn't know how to handle kindness.
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Rea felt uncomfortable. She felt like everyone knew something but her. She shifted uncomfortably, an awkward silence seeping through the air like a thick fog of smoke.

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