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Fandom Walking Dead RP

Jason reached out and grabbed Mayt by the hair, yanking her down to the floor, Lachlan still holding the M4 as she fell, never losing grip of it. As she attemped to stand, Jason put a boot to her nose, damaging it even further. He then spoke in a angered tone.

"Are you fucking stupid? Thinking I'll trust you like that? Fuck you! Now either get that boy to the Hospital, or grab that Glock and fight with and probably kill that kid in the process!" Jason on scolded, and he then picked her up and dropped a loaded Glock as well as dropping Garcia's handgun. He wasn't gonna give one a Assault Rifle. Jason and Lachlan began to sprint away from Mayt and Garcia, and they arrived 12 minutes later. There was a total of four survivors there, fighting off the dead, and Jason recognized two. "Sean, hold in there! It's me, Jason, I got Lachlan! Keep that toddler safe!" He then raised his rifle, along with Lachlan, and began to mow down the Undead that converged upon Sean and the Baby. But every time one fell, two seemed to take the corpse's place.
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(Dude, the moment you grabbed her by the hair, she would've shot your ass immediately. You're God Modding herd core.)
(She wasn't armed. She had hands on the M4, yes, but two things. One, Lachlan still had the M4 and Lachlah is MUCH stronger than Mayt, and two, Jason is behind her. She is between the two of them as soon as she went after the M4, and Lachlan never lost grip of the M4, therefore she wouldn't be able to fire. If you're not going to be realistic, neither am I.)

(As stated in my post, Lachlan had grip of the M4 the entire time.)
Lachlan released the weapon without a struggle. He was in some shock, the sounds of little Joey echoing in his mind. He shook out of it as Jason started to shout, "Are you fucking stupid?" His boot met her slender fingers as she reached out for the mag. He flattened her hand to the concrete and there was a sickening series of crunches. Lachlan had had enough, his own fingers still throbbing and swollen where Jason has snapped them. While he was distracted Lachlan slowly pulled his own gun out. He flipped off the safety while Mayt screamed and Jason continues with his rant. Without warning he held the handgun up to the boy's head and pulled the trigger. The front of the young soldier's head burst outward, his face, skull and brains spraying across the unconscious boy and the woman. His remaining eye jerked from side to side, before rolling back in his skull. His boot let up on her fingers as his knees buckled and he fell to the ground with a heavy thud. The large man stood behind the dead man, the handgun smoking in his meaty fist. He nods at the young woman. "What you said.", he says simply, his deep voice shaking some.
Mayt watched Lachlan in shock, Jason's blood splattered across her face, the warm goo dripping into her open mouth. She was too dumbstruck to care. She stood shakily, clutching her hand to her chest, cradling the crushed fingers. "I- Thank you." She turned to the kid, helping him to stand. "Is there anywhere we can go. He needs to be treated and quickly."
Lachlan nodded, slowly putting his gun away. "I don't know..we came from a safe place...but it's a good walk from here.", he said as he stepped over Jason's lifeless body. "I'll carry the boy...if that's alright with you?", the last part was directed at Garcia as Lachlan moves closer to them.
Ebony sat perfectly perched in a tree as a few survivors spoke about something. Ugh, she thought, why does everyone just have to sit around talking when living, breathing corpses are roaming around? Pathetic. Unfortunately, Ebony's thoughts were interrupted by several zombies scratching at her tree. She let out a scream of surprise, and realised she would definitely be noticed by the group of people, so she climbed further into the leaves of the tree, almost leaving her AK-47 behind.

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