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New Member

I'm open to hearing suggestions and bouncing around ideas, but I'm usually soft for fantasy themes! Everything you need to know is down below.


I'm an English major in my twenties who likes to get into characters' thoughts, motives, feelings, and relationships. While I'm not working consistent hours, I do have a hectic home life and some health issues, which means I may disappear for a bit. If we have an ongoing rp, I'll do my best to let you know if I won't be available. Speed of replies usually depends on the length of the post.
I would love if we could also be friends, or at least friendly! I like making collages and such for characters if I get really invested, so don't be surprised if I hurl those your way.
  • Someone who is understanding of my schedule and open to communication
  • Literate partners (preferably ones that also love characterization!)
  • Someone 18+ (I'm not comfortable rping with minors, especially if it's romance)
  • MxM or FxM. I'm really not good at it and find it hard to get invested, but I love FxF, FxNB, or NBxNB (trans and GNC characters welcome)
  • Anything shorter than two paragraphs
  • Fandoms. I MIGHT be flexible on this depending on my mood and the fandom, but I generally prefer original rps. I don't mind plots based off media though.
  • I'm not really into westerns, sci-fi, mafia, dystopian, or historical plots, but I might make exceptions depending on the plot.

Witches, wlw, boarding school/school settings, paranormal, horror, sibling relationships, enemies to lovers, slow burn, overarching plots, supernatural beings, found family, drama, seventies/eighties settings, ghosts, mystery/secrets, plots based on books and movies, magic, fantasy worlds, strange small towns, roommates, character-driven plots, parent x teacher, supernatural creature x supernatural creature, human x nonhuman

*All of these are pretty vague so they can be added to or changed! Bold indicates what I'm most in the mood for and * indicates preferred role.*
  • Witch* & Apprentice - a powerful sorceress takes in a young apprentice, but she's not sure which is more troublesome: the perilous magical predicaments they find themselves in, or the apprentice themself.
  • Teacher* x Parent - Single parent meets their misbehaving child's teacher when they're forced to come to the school for a disciplinary meeting, and their child (unfortunately) decides to play cupid.
  • I won't let them hurt you - A child whose family is killed by supernatural creatures is taken in by the same kind of creature, though this is kept secret from them.
  • You heard that too, right? Two paranormal investigators stumble upon the real deal when they're called to investigate a haunted house across the country.
  • Whose woods these are - A village is plagued by a beast in the bordering woods, and a team of locals come together to slay it once and for all.
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