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Unwind with Lioness075


Senior Member
In America after the Second Civil War, the Pro-Choice and Pro-Life armies came to an agreement: The Bill of Life states that human life may not be touched from the moment of conception until a child reaches the age of thirteen. Between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, however, a parent may choose to retroactively get rid of a child through a process called "unwinding." Unwinding ensures that the child's life doesn’t “technically” end by transplanting all the organs in the child's body to various recipients. Now a common and accepted practice in society, troublesome or unwanted teens are able to easily be unwound.
Elizabeth stared out the window, as she rode in the car in silence. It was crazy to think that it was finally happening. All these years of preparation, and she was finally going to be unwound. She was content with herself and this form of 'death' as some may call it. She'd made peace with herself a couple years ago and so she felt no warring emotions as a result. Shifting her gaze to the sky, Elizabeth noted that some rain clouds were beginning to roll in. Odd, she hadn't expected any inclement weather to come in today. Hopefully it wouldn't get in the way of her unwinding process.
Elizabeth's Father: I look back at Elizabeth she hasn't spoken a word since my other daughter (she who will not be named) went AWOL, she loved her so much I turn around to Elizabeth, we just crossed into Tennessee "We've entered Tennessee " I say not expecting a response dose she hate me, I think quietly to myself Elizabeth has always seen the honor in being a Tithe unlike that other child "Don't worry they'll bring your sister back safe to Heaven's Light " I look at the road ahead only a few more states I think to myself "Are you scared " I ask softly

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