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Unwanted News


New Member
Name Alice GraveHeart

Age 21

I took a deep breath as I looked in the tall thin body length mirror that placed against the beige colored wall as newspaper lined the edge of the dark oak hardwood floor. we had just moved into our new apartment and have been painting the walls this past week. I stared at my refection and blinked a few times.

“I must be crazy” I spoke aloud to myself as I straightened the dress one more time and I shifted my hair in place. I could hear footsteps climbing up the stairs for the fourth time this evening; He/She had known my worries about tonight but is still making me go.

“Darling are you alright” I heard his/her velvet soft voice from a crossed the room, I turned slightly and he/she was standing in the doorway. I stopped to stair at his/ her dark brown eyes.

"Do we have to go" i sighed as i looked back into the mirror then to the ring on my right hand, He/She had proposed only a few weeks ago and we where headed to a party with our families to share the news and I am so nervous I wanted to puke.

"we have to button, I'm sorry" i heard him/her say as a set of arms wrapped around my waist.

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