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Trickster's Champion

"never... never mind..." Sage said standing up and picking another door, just as brash as she did the first time, though prepared to shut it.
Sage picked up the blue Gem before tucking it under her robes and in between her binds. With that she came out of the room and closed the door behind her.
"Crap.. you've got to be kidding..." Sage said, there was no way she could sneak at this point. Sage turned around and back tacked till they got the ]Mirror room and opened the door slowly.
"missy says you are glowing like a becon," The girl said the room was like the doo room just mirrors all diferent ones showing noting but the room
"Thank you Elly...and Missy..." Sage took out her Mirror "Buba... I need to get back... I'm in a room... with mirrors... can you get me from there?" Sage asked.

"I can... with the Genie which i've been holding on too..." Buba told her, "But you have to wait till I make the wish."

"Hurry hurry hurry... I have most likely a horde of Gods coming for me in a bit..." Sage said closing the door behind her.

Buba sighed and gently rubbed the lamp while heading to her Mirror room.
Sage then ducked and sat on the ground holding her breath. "hurry... hurry... hurry...." Sage breathed hopping it worked faster.
"What in the name of..." Buba said when Sage didn't appear in her mirror. "Gem... where did she go?" Buba asked.

Sage looked around, noticing she wasn't where she wanted to be.
Sage looked around wide eyed. "Where..." Sage said.

Buba cursed in an old tongue before she picked ran to her back room and kitchen to retrieve things to help her find Sage.
Sage looked around before trying to talk. It took her a while to figure out what was happening. She tried to run somewhere to see if she could find something, anything.
Buba located her within the hour... pulling her out was an entirely different skill... but she was able to do it. When Buba pulled her out, she still had the Gem but Sage was also skin and bones. she looked barely alive... if at all. Of course as soon as Buba got her out, the girl bit her... and Buba let her take enough blood from here to pass out, which wasn't a lot. "What did you do..." Buba wondered.

It was then Buba returned... it had been 4 days since her and Sage left, but Buba was sure by sage's state is was so much longer. When she got to Luicfer's house, Mika opened the door, Buba came in without even knocking.
The second Buba walked in Rota saw Sage and ran to get rick "SAGE IS HURT!"

Lucifer was in the living room comforting Max who was worried about his sissy.
"I don't know what happened to her... she was done and coming to me in perfect health... then she just... disapered... I located her as fast as i could and pulled her out... and... I don't even know how to explain this." Buba said, for once in her live she didn't even know what to say.

Rick came down with a gasped seeing Sage, he could only see her face, but that was all he needed to see.

Buba held the jewel. "I'll start on Kai right away." she said before leaving to Kai.

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