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Trials of Friendship (Twi and Paint)

Ivy went for a walk with the babies and a strange man walked up to her. "Hey Ivy. It's Jason." He hugged her and she smiled. Amber began to cry. He led her to a car and said "Let's go to my place."
(Damn, but they are inside and she is on a walk so…)

"Ian shhh, It's ok bud!" she said as he gently pushed her into the cast. He drove away to a different house.
Ian kept crying. Nichole felt something admiss. She took the boys inside and looked for ivy.

Cooper gently placed his son on a pillow. "Um vi? Wheres ivy and the kids?"
Vi was sleeping soundly, the anesthetic still affecting her. Indigo said "She went for a walk!" Kiku whined and nuzzled Indigo.

Venom was rearing outside and striking his hooves. He snorted but was hooked up to the wall so he couldn't chase after them.

As soon as they got to his house he took the babies from her. She was pushed into a cell and locked in. "Wait what!?"
"You let her go alone?!" Cooper said his eyes wide. He paced back and forth. "This isnt good at all vi!"

Nichole ran to venom and untied him and put his halter and stuff on. "Lets get ivy!" Kickint his sides after hopping on. Nichole called juan. "Juan! Somethings wrong! We cant find ivy and the kids are missing!'
Indigo shrank back. "I'm just a baby daddy!" Vi was still asleep because of the anesthetic.

The man laughed and chained her up. He turned the lights off and gagged her. She was blind, alone, cold, and afraid.

Juan cursed and got in his truck. He drove over. "What the hell happened!?"
Nichole said"I dont know! I just got back. I had venom keeping watch. You know how protective of ivy he is." Cooper said"im sorry. Sorry."licking her head.

Nichole got venom to go faster.
Juan growled and kept driving.

Ivy whimpered as the man came in and began to toy with her in ways she wasn't comfortable with.

Indigo whined and snuggled with Kiku.
Nichole said"venom follow those tire tracks!" Ian kept screaming and crying. Jason groaned getting himself up. He had a bad feeling. He ignored the nurses and took the iv drip out checking himself out. He winced then ran out of the hospital.
Ian screamed and cried.

Nichole bit her lip and called jason telling him. He ran to the ranch and got on caramel. "Lets go!" Kicking her sides and they took off after nichole.
Nichole hopped off venom before he even stopped when they got to the house. She and jason kicked the door down and nichole got her gun out. "IVY WHERE ARE YOU?!"

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