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Fantasy There's a Beat

cardiacsunshine said:
"I'm Gwen- a classical," She replied, relaxed by the girl's smile. Quickly, since class was about to start, she gathered her things and took the desk right next to Cecily, as to make conversation easier. "Pop, huh? I only know a little bit about it from my studies in home, but from what I gather it can be pretty diverse, right?"
She worried a little that her words sounded stiff- an issue from being raised in a far too proper home- but brushed it off in favor of satisfying her curiosity towards the girl instead. She had also taken note of the new arrivals, but felt her focus was better found on Cecily instead.
"Well it's nice to meet you, Gwen," Cecily responded to her. She could definitely see that she was classical by the way Gwen spoke. It wasn't quite uptight, but it was more formal and sophisticated. "I guess it can be pretty diverse. It's hard to tell when you grow up with it," she answered with a laugh. "I'm pretty bubbly I suppose. So I guess I'm at one end of the spectrum." It was obvious what kind of personality Cecily had by her outfit and hair. "You're a classical? How cool! I've never met any classicals before. What's it like?" She propped her elbows on the desk almost leaning, interested in what Gwen had to say.
Fishy hides among gwen, cecily and the others. "i think ill be with some relatively sane people now.... so hi im Sean but you can call me fish!"
"no, for sanity is only decided by the prodominant decision made by the populouse

because i can grammar" said fishy
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Moonstruckforest said:
"Well it's nice to meet you, Gwen," Cecily responded to her. She could definitely see that she was classical by the way Gwen spoke. It wasn't quite uptight, but it was more formal and sophisticated. "I guess it can be pretty diverse. It's hard to tell when you grow up with it," she answered with a laugh. "I'm pretty bubbly I suppose. So I guess I'm at one end of the spectrum." It was obvious what kind of personality Cecily had by her outfit and hair. "You're a classical? How cool! I've never met any classicals before. What's it like?" She propped her elbows on the desk almost leaning, interested in what Gwen had to say.
"I suppose you're right- it would be hard to judge if you're in the center," Gwen smiled, glad she keep up a conversation with at least one of her new classmates.

"Being a classical is very... Boring," She sighed, letting a small pout shine through. "I want to be able to learn something a little bit new, you know? Experience things-" she paused, and then began to look embarrassed, "I sound just like book protagonist! Not original at all huh... Hahaha," Her face held a light red, but still had a smile. 'One small hope towards rebellion at a time, self...'

She then turned towards the new arrival of Fish- a new person and more new things to learn.

"Hi there- Fish? How... interesting of a nickname. I'm Gwen- what kind of music might you be?"
Fish shrugs "i dont know. i was never told. but i prefer classical, alternative, and techno as just kinds i enjoy. graham cracker?" holds out a cinnamon square
" Hi Gwen nice to meet you, sorry for interrupting but are you a classical? " I asked curious she didn't look like one to me. Well her clothes and vocabulary sure resembles a classical. But there is a certain spark in her eyes that makes me think otherwise.
Hey guys! did you know that 100 percent of people who drink water die! That makes it more dangerouse than any other drug!"
A girl comes into the classroom, wearing the usual hoodie and such. She looked about the others with slight intrigue, but restrained intrigue due to a certain quality most of them shared. It caused hesitation and she'd risk sitting a little closer to the commotion than normally intended. She got her supplies out, looking to the teacher and saying clearly, albeit softly "I'm a transfer student from a public school up north...."
The teacher nodded up from his book for a moment before returning as he had the entire morning so far
Ally would look about the classroom, assessing who she might have an appeal to. She of course skipped over Zack, and Sean, and looking at the others currently present. She sighs and rests her head against her desk, taking a paper from her notebook, with a pleasing clean rip from the dotted tearing groves. She'd rustle through artistic pencils, looking for the highest H Value she had to begin sketching. While she sketched at everything she wondered to herself if she would ever have courage to make anymore friends. If she would have the ability to commit to friendship. It didn't matter now though, while she sketched all that mattered is this, and it was heavenly.
@Flashko @Moonstruckforest @cardiacsunshine @Iurden Blue @angrygiraffe086 @envy2018 @Minxa

The teacher Stood up , Very Wabbley in Grace then grabbing a small peice of plastic , began to write on the touch screen-ish board using the small chunk of plastic like chalk , and began Writing a name "My Name , is Mr.Lurkings , Ive Had a Couple of you in the Past , so you already know my basic rules , but for those who dont , Phones are allowed yes , music is allowed yes , because if that effects your grades , thats not my fault , BUT if it causes issues for other students , they will be taken , and I know it shouldnt have to be said , but , No Fornicating in the classroom....and before you all ask , yes that has been an issue....." Mr.Lurkings Turned around "Class will now begin , So everyone please return to their seats"
..... yea i still cant beleive josh an annabelle did that.... my mind is still melting from that sight...."
"My Question is why they thought they'd get away with it..." Zack said taking a sip of his Coke and tipping back in his chair
Ally snaps out of her drawing trance, and looked over to Fish. Her eyes weren't cold, but... weary. she however did make a genuine smile to combat the worrisome look. "about a minute ago..." she says calmly "My name is Ally Kindre... Call me Ally." she would return to her drawings, she would hear him out if he kept trying to talk to her, but otherwise she was comfortable leaving it at that.
Iurden laughed " not once have i ever heard of such a crazy class" he siad through laughs. " i think I'll like it here" he siad to himself "so what are we going to do today? Don't tell me it's name cards" iurden said regaining composure and getting out his suplies.
fishy sets a few graham crackers in front of her and then walks away

actually it is name cards iurden. its that way every year
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She looks to the crackers and takes them, looking to fishy and saying "thank you" gently before taking bites, enjoying them.
How could being a classical ever be boring? Cecily thought in response to Gwen's statement. When hearing the teacher start to speak, she felt a mix of excitement and disappointment. The start of class meant she could learn new things but that also signaled the end of her conversation. Listening to the rules, she found them easy enough to follow. It was weird though, she had never had a teacher that was alright with phones in class. Usually, if a teacher even saw a phone, it was taken for the rest of the day. She could easily tell from the first 10 minutes of class that it would be an interesting year.
Ally would take a quick look about. She saw Cecily, something about cecily intrigued her to observe. She thought she was generally a person who didnt make an uproar, although she could be wrong about that. She seems like she'd be comfortable to hang around. Ally would wait for the teacher to look away, and she'd slip into a chair closer to cecily. 'Perfect!' she'd think; 'Im close enough that maybe she'll talk to me, and if she doesn't it'll be better than being near certain people.'

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