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Futuristic The Zodiac Experiment (IC)



Mistress of the Elements

7:00 AM

Processing. . . Processing. . . Task Completed.

Systems running at optimal level. Starting procedure in 5. . . 4. . . 3. . . 2. . . 1. . .

As the morning sun rolled over the hills into the cloudless sky the house systems started up after a long period of static. The simulated sky acted on its own following the pattern of the sky above to show a seamless display in the training grounds. It was as if when the children shut down so did the house. Everyone's brainwaves had been monitored closely since they fell under after the procedure to ensure their survival. Proper supplements to keep them stable and everything was recorded accordingly. Promptly after they fell into their comas the house started to shut down parts that weren't currently necessary to conserve power as per orders. The only thing left was what their guardian needed to properly care for their lifeless husks. Now that there was a flicker of life the house started to reboot itself, informing Mother of their current status. Everything was going according to plan with their predicted awakening right on schedule. She had even removed their IVs and reverted the rooms back to their original state for transparency from the med lab it had been during their slumber. It was all falling into place now.

"They have awoken?"

"Yes. I'm going to evaluate them soon."


The audible click of a phone rung through the steel stairway as Mother made her way to the living quarters from her own room. Her heels tapped in a soft rhythmic pattern against the cold surface as she walked down the hall to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her 'children'. It was the start of a good day, a momentous day, she thought would never come. It had been far too long since she'd had human interaction and honestly, she was starting to go a little stir crazy from the silence. Had they not woken up again things would have become... complicated.

Everyone rose with the same feeling of nausea, grogginess, and confusion. They awoke to a blank room with a soft yellow hue to it from the ambient lighting, simulating the rising sun in the early morning. There wasn't much around aside from the plush bed, dresser, desk, and shelving. Inside the wardrobe were a few things they don't recognize yet somehow feel familiar with, knowing for a fact that it belonged to them. A uniform of sorts was could be found hanging along with a sweatsuit, a few pairs of shorts and pants, a few shirts, shoes and one unique outfit for each one of them. The uniform and sweatsuit both had the same crest on the shoulder and left side of the chest like the one on their arm. Nothing made sense, for those with passive abilities they'd feel the coming effects of their powers awakening but for those who don't, they'd have no idea they even had them. Everything felt so normal yet so eerily unsettling at the same time, being stuck between the line of complacency and distress. It may seem overwhelming, terrifying, or even discombobulating but the smell of home cooking draws them closer along with the lull of soft humming in the distance.

Everyone, please include your name, zodiac, location, and interactions in your posts so I can keep track of everyone ^^ I don't care what format you use as long as you include those 4 things.
These are the uniforms. The tracksuit for
boys, the one for girls (minus the straps), and the matching sweatsuits. They're all form-fitted to the individual and go with any pair of shoes.
King Kamila ~ Leo
Location:: Bedroom - Dining Room | Interactions:: Open

The brunette's light eyes shot open connecting with the dim lights in the ceiling. She growled a bit before deeply breathing like she had been suffocating moments prior. Her low snarls spooked herself with them echoing off the empty walls of the enclosure. Wha.. What am I..? She blinked a few times as she sat up straight in the room. Better question... where am I? She was in a location unknown to her yet she felt a sort of connection to it like she'd been here before. Her eyes trailed the walls to each object in the room before deciding if she should move or not. The dresser caught her eye subconsciously knowing there would be clothes inside. Kami slid out of bed almost immediately collapsing to one knee, startling the spirit out of her. "Why can't I-" Being asleep for so long had deprived her of the proper strength to use motor functions right away but the girl was tough, or so she thought as she pulled herself to her feet and shakily made her way to the dresser. She found a few clothes, opting to put on the sweatpants and a yellow t-shirt along with a pair of sneakers.

Next was getting out of here but where was she going to go? The door swiftly slid open the moment she approached it leading to a short hall with three other doors. You can't be serious- The girl had an inaudible groan as she randomly chose which door to go through, ending up in the bathroom. It was a good size, everything felt comfortable rather than squished. She took one of the available toothbrushes and started brushing her teeth while inspecting her face. She had smooth tan skin, light nearly amber eyes, sharp canine-like teeth, and curly hair. Do normal people look like this? She wondered as she finished up in the bathroom. Her body moved instinctively like she'd done this a million times before without thinking. Her nose twitched a bit catching the scent of something sweet coming from the hallway. Like a hound Kami started following its scent until she got to the source.

"Ahh~ Leo good morning. My sweet you're always the first for everything." Mother greeted her as she entered the kitchen with a bright smile.

"Leo..? Is that.. me?" She blinked curiously, tilting her head to the side.

"Oh dear, what happened to your memory? You've seemed to forgotten a few things." Mother was equally as confused not aware of what effect the experimentation would have on them other than what was predicted. Memory loss was one she certainly hoped wouldn't be the case but there were procedures she had to follow. "Come, sit and eat. Maybe that will jog some things while we wait for the others to wake up too. You all went to bed pretty early last night."

"Thank you mother," Kami said as she started choosing from the feast that awaited her on the table. Others..? There were all different kinds of options; french toast, eggs, pancakes, muffins, cookies, bacon, and the like. She took a plate of french toast and bacon along with a few cookies before taking a seat in the dining room.
Aleki Payne mcgovern
Bedroom, hallway, dinning room
Interactions:: Open
Aleki woke with killer headache as he sat up quickly. It was an mistake as he felt his stomach lurch and he stumbled into the nearby trashcan and dry heaved. He kept going and cursed under his breath " damn.. should have taken it slower..." He said as he wiped his lips of his saliva. He groaned as he looked at his uniform and thought about it. He knew somehow it would be the best course of action and some how felt his own mind working in overdrive as he felt everything was abit off. He slipped on the uniform as he wore a simple pair of slacks, a Dress shirt and a tie. He slipped on a pair of fine dress shoes so he matched his uniform and felt it was perfect for him and nodded as he went to the door.

He looked at the hallway and followed the scent and saw on his badge was a single name on his uniform. He rubbed his chin as it was common for folks that follow such a manner would be in a military force or a means to keep a record like a experiment. He shook his head as the thought came to mind he had black hair and soft blue eyes. He looked at Leo and mother and softly smiled and grumbled " morning mother." He said as he got a plate of eggs, bacon and some toast. He also grabbed some milk and glanced around for any jelly. He felt a rather strange hunger for something sweet.

He sipped at his milk as he took a little pad of butter and spreads it on his toast and nods to Leo " I have to ask.. remeber much? my uniform had my name on it and that is it.. it says... Aquarius. I just hope I am not the only one not remembering the whole situation here. oh and thankyou for breakfast mother." he said with a soft smile towards their mother. He didnt like talking to others but sometimes it helps to collect information from more then one source.
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Tupa (Em) Junnila
Bedroom > Dresser > Dining Room
Interactions: Open

The sunlight dimly streamed in from a nearby window. Tupa seemed to sleep soundly with the stillness that could rival even Sleeping Beauty on the plush, feathery bed. In fact, dust had even settled on the tip of her nose. That is, until she woke. She didn't wake up sleepily dazed and joyous from her slumber. Nope. Instead, Em sat up so straight that it was robotic and alarmedly looked around. It was all empty, but for a small dresser (which for some reason she knew was where her clothes resided, but who cares about that?) and a couple set of doors.

Em stood up and immediately regretted it as her legs turned to jelly and shouting quite drunkedly,"
Why the hell am I so...", she didn't finish her sentence as she slumped against the dresser. "Ughhh...., what the hell happened to me..?", she hasn't felt this drunk in... well. Actually, she never got drunk but she supposed this was how it felt.
She sobbed quietly onto the poor dresser before she opened the drawers and pulled on a lavish, long, blue blouse and some shorts. Quite frankly, she didn't really care what people thought of her right now. She litteraly flopped towards the door like a salmon upstream into which she assumed was to the dining hall.

However, as Em managed to half-heartedly open the door, a familiar scent wafted up into the air. Of cinnamon and something else that hurt when she tried to recall it. She covered her eyes against the brilliant orange light before her eyes adjusted to the view. All kinds of food were prepared on the table of many empty seats. All save for three. A boy with jet black hair. A brunette with golden skin. And among all these strangers were mother, smiling.

Lo Mom", Em's voice then turned singsong as she skipped to take her seat by the two strangers. "Hello...," Mother hesitated for a moment before replying with ",Em".Tupa swiftly gobbled up basically the first thing she grabbed as the people beside her gave her strange looks. "Ahhhh...", she sighed out appreciatively, although, she couldn't quite place how she got here in the first place. She had no memory at all of her legs going here.
She did remember something before her nap, it was all vague for her to care
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Aleksandra Petrovna Ivanov
Bedroom - Hallway - Dining room
Interaction open

The reality was dark and painful. Her eyes were still closed yet she knew her body was weak. Weaker than she was before she fell asleep. Funny how a nights sleep can ruin you. She slowly opened her eyes as the light invaded them.
The room she was in felt so familiar yet so foreign. She was fully aware of every movement in the room as the time seemed to slow down. She liked the feeling of timelessness that the mornings make her feel. Her mind came into concussion that in order to regain her strength and slowly lowered to the ground to do some push ups. It took her mere minutes to do 30 of them and she didn't even break a sweat. She quickly got up cleaned and dressed as she had been living here all her life.
She exited the room and could her someone moving somewhere farder down the hall. It only seemed natural to follow them even if it meant trouble to her.
It took her no time at all to reach the area that seemed to be a dining room. There were already 4 people. One of which was Mother.

"Доброе утро, Мать"
She walked to the food and after some looking found some nice oatmeal. As she turned to take a seat she could she some odd looks pointed towards her.
"Good morning to you too"
She snarled annoyed and found a place fardest from the others.
Mihara Sho
Bedroom - Hallway - Dining Room
Interactions: Open

As the simulated sunlight faded through the room his eyelids slowly began to lift. He couldn't see much as his eyes were still adjusting to the warm light.

"Ugh... What time is it anyways?"

He looked around for a timepiece of any sort, his eyes still barely open. They eventually readjusted and he could see properly. Looking around one more time, he couldn't find a clock but he did notice his dresser. He eventually began to get up, and attempted to stand from his bed to no avail as he immediately stumbled to the ground. Why do my legs feel like pudding? he thought as he forced himself to his feet. He eventually made his way to the dresser and decided to put on a red T-shirt and a pair of khaki shorts and a pair of sneakers. Everything seems so familiar but... As he thought that he noticed a nostalgic smell coming from outside the room. Ah... mother must have prepared breakfast. Opening the door the scent only grew stronger, eventually leading him to the dining room.

Turning into the kitchen, he noticed what was essentially a feast laid across the table. As his eyes wandered up from the food he had noticed 4 others, not including mother. Glancing across at all of them he quickly noticed a blond haired girl who was isolated from everyone and looked a bit annoyed, as well as a blue haired girl eating like it was the first meal she had in days. Seeing an open chair across from some scrambled eggs he began moving towards it. As he passed by mother he gave her a warm smile.

"Good morning Mother, thank you for the food."

Passing by the head of the table on his way to his chair he said, "And good morning to you all as well." Still wearing that warm smile as he sat down.
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Ethan Burns -Toro(Taurus)

Interactions: Open || location: bedroom-dining room​

Groggily the black-headed male sat up in bed, he rubbed his eyes and looked towards the bright light above his bed. How long had he been asleep? As he moved to the side of the bed he noticed that his arms and legs were weak. That couldn't be a good sign but he forced his legs to move and he walked over to his dresser. That had to be where his clothes were even if he couldn't remember where he was. Had he ever been here before, well he must have if he was asleep in that bed but why couldn't he remember anything? It's so familiar but why can't I remember? He shook his head as he pulled out his sweatsuit. He yawned though he didn't really feel tired. He looked around the room spotting two totes underneath his bed, "What's in there?" He mused aloud before walking towards them stopping dead in his tracks as he smelled food. His stomach grumbled signaling to him that he must be hungry, "Those can wait, I can't think on an empty stomach.." He muttered as he headed to the door.

Upon leaving his room, Ethan looked around, again everything seemed familiar but he could quite figure out where he was or who he was. He only remembered someone named mother, well he called her mommy. It took him a little bit of time to find the dining room. First, he peeked inside the room wondering who these people were, but someone caught his attention. He ran to hug the woman he called Mommy "Mommy! Good Morning!" He said excitedly as he dropped his arms and walked to the table, taking a seat next to a girl with Curly hair.

"G-Good Morning everyone." His voice was less excited as he said that and there was even a small stutter though he doubted very highly anyone would notice what with the thick accent he had. Looking at the table, he was stunned. Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes, French Toast? How was he supposed to chose what to eat? He couldn't even remember that much. Why can't I remember my favorite breakfast. Mommy sure did cook a lot of food. He sat there a little confused and hesitant to grab food.
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
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nteractions: Everyone/Open | Location: Room > Bathroom > Kitchen
»»————-  ————-««​
The first to hit was nausea. Grace, afraid she may retch, tossed away her sheets and attempted to stand. The moment her feet made contact with the floor, however, her legs buckled and she slumped to the ground. Fearful that moving might agitate her stomach more, she remained still, breathing in through her nose and out her mouth with closed eyes.

The next to hit was anxiety. Grace tried remembering something - anything - but her mind was cloudy with a past hidden in the mists of her mind. Her face pinched together in distress. The more she struggled to remember, the more her head pulsated with restlessness. Time passed, and Grace wondered how long she had been on the ground. With a settled stomach and some strength back in her muscles, Grace used her elbow as leverage to hoist herself to her feet.

Grace brought her hands to her face, remarking her delicate fingers and smooth palms, noting that they were the hands of someone who knew nothing of hard labor. Beyond her hands, the room was a hazy amber, blurred, and undefined.

"Well," she thought, "at least I can see. I just can't see far."

A short distance away from Grace stood an unfocused rectangular object and something lower and more flat near it. Cautiously, the woman shuffled towards what she would soon make out to be a desk, but not before stubbing her toe on its leg. She groaned, gripping the edges of the furniture. Taking a deep breath, Grace composed herself once more, genuinely surprised at her control. Gradually, she was beginning to unravel the truth of who she was and her personality.
  1. Remarkable self-control and composure.
On the desk, just as she guessed, was a pair of everyday black-framed glasses. With gentle fingers, she placed the frames on her face, and the world around her shifted to focus, bathed in soft amber light. Her room was inviting, but simple, and for a reason unknown, Grace felt it complimented her personality.
  1. Remarkable self-control and composure.
  2. Modest
Finally, Grace moved to the dresser and began to search through her clothes. Folded perfectly between the black garments were a blue and white lined long sleeve shirt and vest. She chose to wear this along with matching white denim pants. With thigh-high cognac boots, her outfit was complete. The thought of leaving a safe and enclosed space heightened Grace's distress, but her curiosity triumphed.
  1. Remarkable self-control and composure
  2. Modest
  3. Curious
As the doors slid open, the woman peeked her head out. Determining it was safe, Grace stepped out of her comfort zone and began to trek the hallways.
  1. Remarkable self-control and composure
  2. Modest
  3. Curious
  4. Cautious
Each door she passed remained locked except for one: the bathroom. Suddenly, it dawned on her; she did not know her name or her appearance. Curious as ever, she stepped into the inviting room and caught a glimpse at her reflection. Shrewd crimson eyes reflected back, and long waves of plum hair cascaded down to her hips. Her skin was fair and unblemished. Grace, however, deemed herself unremarkable and quite average. Sighing, she turned the faucet on and splashed her face with cold water to invigorate her senses before making herself presentable. She brushed her teeth and placed her hair in a low braid before descending down the maze again.

It was a strange phenomenon; everything was foreign to Grace, and yet, she felt at home. As she ventured further, inviting aromas of food delighted her senses, and she was suddenly aware of her hunger and how starved of water her body was. So, she followed the odors to a kitchen full of people she did not recognize. Standing back, she observed the variety of people indulging in food. One body stood out.

"Mother," she greeted, walking into the kitchen.

Mother, a familiar face in this odd circumstance, brought Grace relief. She walked closer to the group and scanned the food on the counter. Despite her growing hunger, she glanced around the room until spotting a coffee maker. How she knew it was a coffee maker and how she knew to work it was beyond her comprehensive; she just knew she wanted whatever liquid would drip from this magnificent machine.

After brewing a pot and pouring herself a cup of coffee, Grace chose a seat between the others. A boy with dark-hair greeted the group, and as Grace took a sip of her coffee, his voice belted out again. This time, however, his lips didn't move, but his words were clear as day.

Why can't I remember my favorite breakfast? Mommy sure did cook a lot of food.

Bewildered, the liquid trickled down the wrong pipe, generating a coughing fit from Grace as she thumped the coffee cup on the counter. After settling, Grace lifted a brow in the stranger's direction, eyeing him carefully. Recognizing her poor manners, she tore her eyes away from him and nodded towards the others. Hopefully, no one had noticed her odd behavior.

"Good morning, everyone," she stated, "please don't take this the wrong way, but who are you, people? And who am I? I only recognize Mother."


codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
Interactions: Open
Locations: Bedroom -> Bathroom ->Bedroom -> Hallway -> Dining Room

The scent of a breakfast filled with innumerable treats, primarily ones of bacon and pancakes, lead a massive campaign against Ikaika's nose even before he was roused from his sleep. The boy hadn't even opened his eyes as he begun to lift his head from the wonderfully comfortable pillow, wiping the pooling drool from his mouth he stretched, it felt as though he hadn't done that in months. He shook his head at the absurdity of that notion though, he had only been asleep after all. As a massive yawn escaped Ikaika, he threw the covers off of himself and swung his legs over the side of the bed, but as he attempted to stand his legs suddenly gave out from underneath him and Ikaika found himself stumbling into the wall, clinging to it for support. "Well dat ain't right." He muttered to himself as he pulled himself along the wall to the bathroom. Slowly the feeling came back to his legs and he was able to stand straight and look into the mirror, opening his eyes for the first time since he awoke. Everything around him was new, he swore that he had never been in this room before, but as Ikaika had though about needing to brush his teeth his body had moved on its own, taking him to the bathroom.Capricorn.jpg

His mind raced as his body acted almost autonomously, looking in the mirror he saw his own visage. The wonderfully tan skin, the muscles on top of muscles, Ikaika questioned as to whether he had always looked like this, that thought bringing forth more doubts and even more questions. The only answer that he could think of calmed him almost as quickly as he got riled up, mother would know. It was at that moment the young man finally relaxed, all the tension released from his body as he let out an audible sigh, of course mother would know, she always knew what was best. As he finished his business in the bathroom he stepped back into his bedroom, he hadn't noticed before but the doors were automatic, opening and closing as he got close. "Oh way?!" Ikaika exclaimed, "Shoots." nodding as he expressed his approval of something so cool. While admiring the door the oaf ended up backing right into his own dresser, nearly toppling the furniture. As he turned to be sure that he had not broken anything, he remember that he still needed to get dressed, it would be inappropriate to greet mother like this, he fished for the tracksuit, its familiar material alarmingly alien to his eyes, just as he was pausing to question this sensation an even more powerful one came over him. His stomach let out a growl that rivaled the sound of an earthquake, this was no time for pausing, he was hungry. Ikaika quickly donned his tracksuit, the outfit form-fitting and incredibly flattering to his already spectacular build, and began his journey to the dining room, nearly being carried by the scent of the meal.

It was only a few moments, but as he entered the room he saw her, there she was, his provider, his caretaker, it was mother. Ikaika was positive that she would be able to answer any silly questions that he might have, but for now there was two pressing issues, food, and the fact that there were others here, others that he had no recognition of. The table was already half full, and for some reason this bothered Ikaika, he felt a strong sense of disappointment in himself, like he should have been here before everyone else. Why should mother have had to cook her own meals? She already provided everything else they needed, he would be sure to get up early tomorrow morning so that she would not have to slave over the stove, especially for all of these people. "Aloha makuahine," Ikaika said as he passed behind mother, giving her a peck on the cheek, "don't worry about the eatins tomorrah, I be cookin up a breakfast dat'll broke da mouf!" It was as if when he had seen mother all of his worries had melted away before him, as long as she was there for him, he need not worry about anything. He quickly gathered a plate, stockpiling it with several pancakes and enough bacon for a small family of four, before taking an empty seat at the table and beginning to chow down.

Erna.jpgErna Perry (Rius) | Sagittarius | Location: Bedroom -> Dining Room | Interaction: OPEN

Feeling the warm rays of the sun - or rather, seeing from her partially opened lids - the woman with the blue hair stuck to the corners of her mouth should have been bounding up out of bed, preparing herself for a productive day ahead. Rather, there came a groan from the bundle of blankets and pillows, and the woman found herself slipping back under her duvet to avoid the sun getting in her eyes. At least, the grogginess in her believed it was the sun. Her head was still dulled by sleep, a nausea beginning to creep up into her throat, and a tension gripping her temples. Had she been drinking the night before? Perhaps she had one too many beers. Worringly, the woman struggled to grasp onto any memory that she so previously owned. But it hadn't been just the night before she had forgotten. She couldn't quite remember where she was, what day it was, what the season had even been.

Erna - that was the woman's name. Yet, it was not this that she attributed as her name. Instead, it was one name - whether one would even consider it a name.


Erna continued to shelter herself under the protection of her duvet, letting her body wake up. Though, the aromas of freshly, homemade cooked food wafted into the room and under Erna's duvet. Slowly, her nose emerged from under the sheets, twitching at the sweet, savoury - bitter, perhaps? - aromas. She soon emerged hastily from the nest like an animal venturing into the new spring-time - or, well, her fall onto the floor could be attributed to something like the birth of a baby deer. The woman groaned, rolling onto her side as she rubbed the thigh that broke her fall. Erna opted to lie there for a moment, recover from the shock of the fall, before she bounded onto her feet. She let out the most obnoxiously loud yawn she could, rubbing her eyes. Though, she noticed something off...even when she rubbed her eyes. It was like wiping the windscreen of the car clean when you can't see out of it, but still not being able to see out of it afterwards. A hazy blur remained in her vision, another thing that confused and made Erna anxious.

She exclaimed, her hazy blues widening as she recalled something. Her glasses! Where did she leave them again? She squinted at the surrounding interior of the room, and with them landing on the desk, she stumbled over to it, feeling around the surface. She shook her head. Not here... It would have been the most logical place to leave them. Erna hummed to herself for several moments, before again, she exclaimed, bounding back over to the bed, and reaching under her pillow. Just as she thought! She had left the bright red spectacles under her pillow. She wasn't sure why - and was rather thankful they hadn't managed to snap in half. She set the glasses onto her nose and pushed them up, blinking as the world became that little bit clearer. "Much better," Erna smiled.

With her sight adjusted, and the effects of waking from a sleep no doubt brought on by the consumption of too many beers, she approached the wardrobe in the room, opening it. She frowned at some of the contents inside. They weren't awful clothes, by any means. It was just that from what she could see, they didn't have skirts or dresses available. Erna hummed to herself, about to settle on one, until she noticed the dress that had been hanging up. It was deceptively simple - a white dress that stopped somewhere mid-thigh that was begging for food to be spilled on it, and a grey lining at her shoulders and collar that didn't quite close. Though, the dress did have a pop of colour - in the form of a thick belt around her waist. Erna eventually settled on knee-high boots - again, unsure if it was the season for boots or dresses, for that matter - and made a half-assed effort with her hair, not even grabbing all of it to put it in a ponytail of some description.

The aromas for food were calling for Erna, and she wouldn't deny such a call. She was soon on her way to the Dining Room with a spring in her step, though, found herself asking peculiar questions. Why did she feel so elated, yet, so heavy in her limbs? Wasn't she suffering from a hangover, or a bad night's rest, or was it something else entirely. The questioning seemed to dampen her elation slightly, as she found herself trying to answer such questions. Only, her mind drew blanks, rather than giving her answers. It was peculiar, confusing, and she felt a tinge of worry well up in her, but she simply shook her head of such thoughts. She would find answers - and she knew things would work out along the way, somehow.

Erna practically skipped into the dining room - after all, breakfast was being cooked, what was not to like? - and found her mouth opening of its own accord. "Mornin', Mam," she chirruped in the direction of the radiant woman standing and slaving over a stove for them, before she made a beeline for the pancakes. She started grabbing a plate full of pancakes - at least three large ones, can't start the day on an empty stomach! - and dolloped an unhealthy amount of maple syrup on top. Though, she grabbed a banana and some strawberries too, for good measure - as if that would counteract the sugar intake. Somehow, she felt unusual after calling after their Mother. She wasn't sure why, since Mother was well...always Mother, wasn't she? Perhaps Erna was feeling out of sorts.

As she turned to find a seat in the dining room, she paused, taken aback by the many people that had already gathered. Erna struggled to recount names, faces, personalities, anything that might help her know who on earth all of these people were. Siblings, perhaps? A lot of new siblings, anyway... Siblings would make sense with Mother - after all, adoption was never out of the question when it came to children, plus, she was a Mother - though, the woman believed that sounded silly in her head. Nonetheless, she painted on a smile - so not to alarm anyone with her sudden hesitance - and set her plate down at the end of the table, pulling up the chair in the process.

"I didn't know we had new roomies,"
Erna announced, staring over the spread of different faces around the table. Though, her brow lowered in thought for a moment. Were they all roommates? Did they buy this house recently? Were the bills expensive? Who knew, because Erna most certainly did not. In fact, she felt that tension in her forehead return at the very thought of it, and resolved not to think too much on it. "I'm sorry, if we've met before I've forgotten all of your names." She admitted sheepishly - rather bluntly, actually - giving a slight shrug of her shoulders and something of an apologetic look. It didn't last for long after she remembered her pancakes, and soon, started to tuck in after she felt her stomach demand a feeding worthy of the gods.
[div class=container][div class=image][div class=title]{ maddox cardoso }
[ Pisces, the selfless dreamer ][/div][/div] [div class=c2][div class=scroll] Pisces was no morning person.

So his first instinct after waking up from a coma, (not that he knew that, of course,) was to sleep some more. For about half an hour, he cocooned himself in his blankets, an attempt to hide away from the 'soft' morning light. Sluggishly, he thought to himself: the whole world could explode and it still wouldn’t get my ass up.

True, more or less. To Pisces, the world exploding isn’t too alarming. After all, that kind of world-shattering event sounds like a quick death. Hell, a quick death doesn’t sound too bad right about now. It probably feels better than the migraine banging from the inside of his brain. this is how chicken eggs feel. Got to be. With the fucking chicks chippin' away at 'em. Groaning, he funneled himself deeper into his blanket, cradling and surrounding his poor noggin with the puffiness of the sheets.

Alas, his woes do not stop there, for another affliction now burdens him: his hunger. His, curiously, ravenous hunger. The allure of his bed isn’t easy to escape, but for the sake of his rabid stomach, he pushes himself up and—Nope, nevermind, his hands immediately buckle, both from his sudden rise and the lack of practice.

What the fuck? Fuckin'... There's no way he's getting up so soon; time for him to get creative. Plan A: roll. he rocks and rolls, right off the bed and that chair-like extension of the bed. carefully.

Thankfully, the floor is plush, carpeted, so it feels less like rolling off a cliff. He still lands with an audible thud though. And throughout this riveting experience, he’s only now noticed that he's in his birthday suit and that’s he’s got a tattoo. (One of which is clearly more alarming than the other.) Wandering around without any clothes on is just him begging to be punched. And I deserve it too if I’ve got the balls to actually do it. Which he does not, so clothes will have to take precedence over food.

He experimentally flexes and stretches what he can, his fingers, his neck, his toes; he's completely sore and unused to motion. Feels like… a hangover? No, it's similar, but it feels more like he’s been asleep for a long time.


"M'kay, let's—" He grunts as he makes a second attempt to stand. Sedentary lifestyle or not, this is fuckin' weird. He'll be the first to admit that he isn’t the most athletic, but dammit, he needs to eat, so he tries and tries again. And eventually, he does get it. Finally.

Time for his most immediate concern: getting dressed. He walks over to what he assumes is a wardrobe and after spotting a loose shirt and sweatpants (alongside well-fitted sweatsuits and tracksuits,) puts it on. He also spots a mauve beanie and immediately adds that to his look. It just wouldn’t feel right without it.

After he's dressed, he stumbles out into a short hallway with four other doors besides his own. One of those doors should lead him to where he needs to go. (And yeah, it’s weird that for all the familiarity of this place, he can’t seem to remember the exact details of it, but he’s attributing that to his own grogginess and the migraine.) At random, he opens a door, the one on the far side of the room.

And behind door number one is… "Oh, bathroom." Just like the bed, it’s tempting to jump into it, but he leaves, reluctantly. I'll just come back after eatin'.

Back to the current order of business. Exploration. There’s a sort of vague idea in his head of a kitchen and dining area, but just like his currently frail body, it’s going to need a little bit of remembering and practicing.

He tries at the other two doors, the ones with a keypad, and after a few trial and errors, gives up and goes to the final door, the one that inevitably leads him into the hallway.

Finally, he's getting somewhere and both his mind and body seem to finally be speeding up to things. He's fairly sure he knows where the dining room is...

◆ ◆ ◆​

When he gets to the dining room, he’s met with a bunch of people. And he doesn’t know any of them. Are they hostile? Is he trespassing? (Maybe that’s why the house only seems vaguely familiar?) Should he make a run for it just in case? Go back the way he came?

Before he can deliberate on it further, he finally spots a familiar face: Mother. And she looks relaxed, completely at ease. So she probably knows these people. Her guests or somethin'? It makes a lot more sense than his other explanations.

Politely, he nods in acknowledgment at the people he passes on the way to Mother. "Mornin' ma." He gives her a quick peck on the cheek before honing in on the food laid out.

And it all smells fuckin' delish. He piles his plate with lots of bacon, eggs cooked sunny side up, and rice before taking an available seat that’s relatively close to Mother. "Mornin' to y'all, too." After taking a big bite into his meal, he continues. "So. Y'all friends of ma?"

[div class=border]location[/div]
Pisces' Bedroom > Living Quarters > Bathroom > Living Quarters > Hallway > Dining Room

[div class=border]interactions && mentions[/div]
interacted with mother and everyone.

[div class=border]out of character[/div]
I’m gonna on the assumption that everything is super state of the art so whatever effects and consequences of their coma are super weak ^-^ goodbye physical therapy !! And ah whoops on the long location and sorry for the wait
[/div][/div][/div] [div class=c]code by: @undine [/div] [class=container]height: 375px; width: 280px; border: 1px solid grey; margin: auto; cursor: url(https://i.imgur.com/fkP02Jr.png), auto [/class] [class=image]height: 40%; width: 100%; background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/03/d2/84/03d28495bbd28615c9aef77a1dd6274f.gif); background-size: 100%; background-position: 20% 65%; [/class] [class=title]width: 100%; font-size: 0.57em; position: relative; color: white; top: 45%; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase [/class] [class=c2]height: 50%; width: 80%; padding: 20px; margin: auto; font-size: 9px; overflow: hidden; text-transform: lowercase; [/class] [class=scroll]height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow-y: auto; padding-right: 100px; text-align: justify [/class] [class=border]padding: 10px; width: 96%; background: #000022; color: #fff; font-size: 0.95em; text-align: center; position: sticky; top: 0%; letter-spacing: 2px; font-family: serif; z-index:5 [/class] [class=c]width: 100%; text-align: center; opacity: 0; font-size: 10px [/class]
Pupper Luka ~ Cancer
Location:: Bedroom - Dining Room | Interactions:: Open?
As the warm-toned hues glazed over his still shut eyes Luka felt himself coming to life slowly. Is it morning already..? He thought as his eyes fluttered open regaining focus of the blurred textures of the room. Immediately, a wave of nausea washed over him so the ginger rolled out of bed to the floor with a rather loud thud and crawled desperately to the small trash bin near the desk. It was a lot of painful dry heaving for a few minutes before he started vomiting stomach acid. T-That's strange.. didn't I eat last night... What... did I do last night..? He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand while the other held onto the small bin staring blankly at its contents. He couldn't recall a single thing beyond just now. It felt strange not being able to remember things, he should remember something, anything but the more he struggled to remember the more painful it was.

Deciding it was about time he got up from the floor, mostly because the smell was starting to nauseate him once again, Luka pulled himself to his feet using the desk as leverage. His legs buckled a bit much to his surprise but he soon got a grasp on it. Things weren't adding up with what made sense in his head. He went to bed last night, obviously, and woke up like he hadn't moved in years. Now that he thought more about it the things that would have made sense to him didn't. He couldn't even recall his name or face, only that he missed mother. Mama! That was the person who would most assuredly know what was going on with him. Mother always knew best.

The jolly ginger practically ran to the wardrobe on the other side of the room, inspecting its contents only briefly before pulling out an outfit. He pulled on a fuzzy yellow pullover and a pair of black sweatpants with some sneakers before darting out of the room. The only thought on his mind was his mother, getting to her and seeing a familiar face. He ran to the door leading to the main hall, stopping dead in his tracks to turn to the bathroom. Something like an itch in the back of his head bothered him greatly as if he were forgetting something important. His legs carried him inside where he came face to face with the mirror. His skin looked pale, paler than he thought it should be, he had disheveled orange hair, and his eyes... those eyes. Were they always like that? He couldn't remember but something about it pissed him off. They were two different tones, one more rosy and one more golden, and he wasn't fond of it. Why wasn't he fond of it? Is he different or is everyone like this? What if mother doesn't like it? What if mother doesn't like it? The panic started to set in almost to a painful point, his heart dropped to his stomach at the thought but he slapped his cheeks hard to dismiss it. The bright red marks on his face woke up him to full attention as he started vigorously brushing his teeth. "Die germs die!" W-Where did.. that come from..?! He despised germs but saying it felt so wrong and so natural like he had said it before. He shook his head before quickly rinsing his mouth and getting out of there. He felt uncomfortable in his own skin.

Hitting the corner like a speed racer, Luka was faced with a long hallway that led in two directions. One was dark and appeared to be unused while the other had a small flicker of light at the end. He sniffed the air taking in the savory scent of freshly made breakfast. Mother must have cooked something, that was obviously the case but as he drew closer to the kitchen he felt more apprehensive about it. There were other voices, other bodies in the room and he knew not a single one of them. "Mama!" He called out immediately snuggling up to the woman's side. He wrapped her arms around her tightly as if he never wanted to let go. He almost had completely forgotten there were other people in the room until the creeping thought of all of them staring at him entered his head. The innocent giddiness of seeing his mother quickly turned to fear as he hid behind the tall woman.

"WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE??" He cried out terrified of being around complete strangers. He wasn't a fan of making new friends or having house guests so this just felt uncomfortable. Who are these people?! Were they staring at me before? God, I hope not. Why are they here? What if... What if they came to do something o-or they came to take mama from me!? The ginger didn't even want to eat because he was too rattled. I'm scared. This morning had been too much. First the vomiting, then the collapsing, his memory loss, those wretched eyes of his, it was overwhelming for Luka. Go away... Tears started to well up in his eyes as a reflexive response but he couldn't understand why. He wanted to cry so badly but he wouldn't allow a single tear to fall. His chest felt heavy from his slightly labored breathing as he started to go into full panic. I'm scared, I can't be alone here.. not without her.. not with these people. His thoughts grew increasingly more unstable afraid of what these strangers were capable of. People were terrifying, more so because he knew none of them, but he didn't understand why he was so scared. It felt like a gut reaction from something in the past he couldn't recall. They all conversed so naturally before he interrupted, maybe they all knew each other and he was the odd man out. He didn't want to be the one left out, the one that was different. He was already different from them enough with his heterochronic eyes and small body, he couldn't take another thing. Internally his mind was starting to shut down, he wanted to return back to the quiet familiarity of his room to avoid their stares. Externally he looked like a child hiding behind his mother, too afraid to leave on the first day of school. Go away go away go away! His eyes shut tight as he ducked out of sight behind the blonde hoping that when he opened them again this would have all been a dream.
[div class=container][div class=image][div class=title]{ maddox cardoso }
[ Pisces, the selfless dreamer ][/div][/div] [div class=c2][div class=scroll] Mama what? His memory might have been wonky for the whole hour that he’s been up, but he's absolutely sure that he had no siblings. When he thinks of family, it’s just him and Mother, so unless this kid was adopted today, there is no way that the kid could possibly be his relative.

He glances between Mother and the kid inquiringly, with a lot more scrutiny on the latter especially after his outburst. It’s a little tempting to join in and ask, but as much as he'd like to do that and get some answers for himself, it’s probably for the best to keep things calm in front of her other guests.

and hell, the kid looks like he's about to cry. That elicits some sympathy from him. Sure, he’s thrown by what happened, but he's still got himself together. This kid, on the other hand, looks absolutely terrified, like an animal taken out of its habitat. Or maybe a cornered animal. Yeah, like a lil' puppy. Without its claws and teeth. Can kinda imagine it too. Thinking of the ginger kid that way had somewhat endeared him to Pisces. Which made his next move easier to muster.

With gentle and placating motions, Pisces stood up from his seat and made his way to the other, slowly so as to not frighten the poor guy. "hey calm down, buddy-o. Pretty sure none of us mean you any harm. Right, everyone?" He looks over to the guests and jerks his head over to the kid, hoping they get his signal that they should all agree. Hesitantly, he tried to give the other guy a soft pat on the back to back up his words. hope I’m not agitatin' this guy. "To answer ya there, I'm Pisces or, uh... Twelve." That last bit, the one that just popped in his head right now, came out a little choked, as if the name wasn’t completely his own.

Weird. He supposed that he was just a lot more used to being called Pisces by Mother.

On that note, maybe he shouldn’t drop that bomb on this kid either, that they apparently have the same Mother, given how confused he already is. So to keep things simple, he slightly smiled, hoping it didn’t come out too gruffly as it was often did. "And you?"

[div class=border]location[/div]
Dining Room

[div class=border]interactions && mentions[/div]
interacted with everyone, particularly cancer. [ thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm ]

[div class=border]out of character[/div]
Nothing much. Don’t worry about it.
[/div][/div][/div] [div class=c]code by: @undine [/div] [class=container]height: 375px; width: 280px; border: 1px solid grey; margin: auto; cursor: url(https://i.imgur.com/fkP02Jr.png), auto [/class] [class=image]height: 40%; width: 100%; background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/03/d2/84/03d28495bbd28615c9aef77a1dd6274f.gif); background-size: 100%; background-position: 20% 65%; [/class] [class=title]width: 100%; font-size: 0.57em; position: relative; color: white; top: 45%; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase [/class] [class=c2]height: 50%; width: 80%; padding: 20px; margin: auto; font-size: 9px; overflow: hidden; text-transform: lowercase; [/class] [class=scroll]height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow-y: auto; padding-right: 100px; text-align: justify [/class] [class=border]padding: 10px; width: 96%; background: #000022; color: #fff; font-size: 0.95em; text-align: center; position: sticky; top: 0%; letter-spacing: 2px; font-family: serif; z-index:5 [/class] [class=c]width: 100%; text-align: center; opacity: 0; font-size: 10px [/class]
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Aleksandra Petrovna Ivanov
Dining room
Interaction open

The food was devine and filled her stomach so good. She couldn't remember when she had eaten. Maybe it was yesterday or day before that but it definitely was quite some time ago. That's why she took each pite with caution unlike the morons sitting at the table with her. If they are lucky that food will stay in their stomach till the next meal. More and more people started to poor in each seemed weaker than other. 'Soon a baby will walk in. What ashame they all are' Some tried to start a conversation and that irked her even more. She knew that Mother had many children. That is what mothers are like but seeing all those weakling made her stomach churn. She wished that all this was a bad dream and her 'siblings' would be strong like her. Her interest was peaked when a strong man walked in. 'Well at least one of them is worth my time' She zone out from that point forward thinking about how she could beat that guy. There were many many thoughts inside her head. She went through cenarios where she used brute force but non of them seemed any better than the other. Another thought was to just be faster and harder to hit until the man couldn't fight cause he ran out of stamina. Yeah that seemed like a good plan. She had finished her meal in the meantime and prepared to leave when the thing she feared actually happened. A total baby walked in and started to cry like a one. 'OK, that's it. This is stupid. I'm out of here'

She stood up and started to wash her bowl in the sink. The whining was really getting on her nerve and she just lost it. Her blood was pumped full with adrenaline and the sudden rush did something thing odd. She could she the world in slo-mo. That fucked with her head as it switched from super slow to super fast. It happened all so fast.


She put away the the bowl and walked straight out of the door while her world slowed down and sped up at random making her stumble a bit. The only thing that kept her sane-ish was her angry steps echoing from the floor.

PS: I made the inner thought blue so it would be easier to find them
Aleki Payne McGovern

Location: dinning room
Interaction: open to all
Aleki sighed as he took note of those around him and nodded as he noticed Aries leaving and reached into his jacket and pulled out a notepad as he jotted down a memo about the ill-tempered girl. He made sure to put to remain a distance as she is to invite both conflict and harm to those she is around. Maybe even those who she is romantically attached to. When he finished his eggs he stopped and his eyes widened as he reached over tulpa and grabbed a jelly jar and grunted as he tried to open it. He didn’t know it had been maybe years since he last opened a jar.
d.Damned lid...open already!!! “ he said as he tried his hardest and grunted as he just sets the jar down hard. He pouts as he looked at the jar as it looked like his mind went into overdrive.his lips move but no sound came from his lips and a small smirk came as he got up and grabbed the jar. He went into the kitchen and a pound string of curses come from the kitchen as he worked.
You will open you fricking piece of shit!!
He yelped loudly and came back into the dinning room as he had his middle finger in his mouth and a bandage in hand as well as the newly opened jar and sat back down. He took his napkin as he dried his finger as he had a deep cut and then bandages the finger. He take a knife and starts to add a large helping of the strawberry jelly to his toast.
Tupa Junnila
Dining Room>Living Quarters
Interaction: Aquarius; Open
images (1).jpeg

The sun shone through a nearby window as Em slurped up the remains of her Mango Pudding. Absolutely divine, she thought to herself as she sat heavily on the leathery stool, and so unlike these strangers.

So far, she narrowed all of them down into three easy categories. She took out again her makeshift notepad and looked on with dismay with what she had so far:

1. Hot - headed musclebrains, avoid at all costs
2. Manipulative suckers, might make good henchmen
3. The cold ones, might pose a problem later on

Em let out a sigh as she glared at the empty plate. What am I doing here?, the thought came unbidden over and over again like a broken record. Here she was surrounded and thrust into a circle of strangers but Mother and eating a side of pudding. It was almost hilarious.

Em knew Mother had her reasons, though it was unclear to her but unsurprising. She recalled one time...actually what was that one time? She tried to remember it and was rewarded with a splitting headache. The pain almost caused her to switch. Almost.
She counted one to ten before she shakily flopped her head against the table.

Em was about to head over to the faucet to rinse her dish when all of a sudden she heard someone cry out quite harshly and came back looking quite red in the face as he sat back down to nurse a newly formed cut. Her lips twitched just slighty upward as he kept slienty cursing his wound.

"What the hell are you smiling at?," he growled menacingly as he clutched his still-bleeding wound.

"Hmm?" she raised her eyebrows, her smile rising ", I have no idea what your talking about. Now, if you'll excuse me."

She rose up from her seat and went out from the dining room, but stopped by the doorway to face him "
, I'll be taking my leave now.". She turned to walk out and into a long hallway with four doorways leading to God knows what.​
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King Kamila ~ Leo
Location:: Dining Room - Entertainment Room | Interactions:: HeyItsBanana HeyItsBanana Jaellagirl Jaellagirl
One by one the quiet room began to fill with others. A ton of faces she didn't recognize yet they all called her mother their own. She was sure she had no siblings, that it was just her and mother that lived here yet every single one of them addressed her as such. Kami looked over each of them deciding their worth in her head from how they entered the room. Most of them seemed like idiots, some dangerous idiots, while the others seemed a little... unstable. She ate while she observed the room, only a few others attracted her interest. Then came the baby of the group. He came running in clinging to mother and screaming so early in the morning. Her head started ringing, making her twitch slightly. For some reason, it was much louder in her ears than she thought it'd sound. She felt like a dog when they hear high-pitched noises, covering her ears and rubbing her head. Things were starting to get chaotic amongst the group but what set her off wasn't the boy cutting is hand, it was the girl yelling at the baby. She couldn't understand why but she wanted to protect him.
Location:: Kitchen | Interaction:: Everyone

This was just as she feared. All of them had lost their memories of the time they had spent here. Each one came in to greet her as she assumed they would as the woman was the only grounding they had left to this place. "Now now, everyone settle down. It would appear that all of you had lost your memories of this place and each other." She had a gentle smile as she rubbed the head of the boy clinging to her side. "Pisces you're such a good boy, always caring for those around you. I'm so proud." She rubbed the raven's head as well giving him praise for assisting in calming down Cancer. Things ere escalating much faster than it seemed and was bound to get worse as their abilities developed. Leo and Virgo looked as if their head was going to explode, Aries couldn't walk in a straight line, Gemini has seemingly split into two, and the others are still a mystery as to how they will develop. Mother clapped her hands together to grab everyone's attention. Once all eyes were on her she began to speak again.

"You all live here, every one of you. The people around you are your roommates as some of you share a common area together directly."
She pointed to each of them stating their zodiac name as their real name in case they had forgotten, which she assumed they did. "Those are your names so try not to forget it again. This place has given you many things, be appreciative that you get to live here with me and not around other people. You all... are so special.. So different that other people wouldn't accept you. If you left our house and tried to go out into the world on your own you'll only find trouble. You wouldn't leave me, would you? Leave your dear mother all alone in such a big house?" The blonde looked at the group with innocent pleading eyes as if her feelings were so fragile to be hurt by something like this. The younger one on her hip snuggled into her indicating his answer which she assumed the others felt the same. "They'd never accept you like I do. No one can ever love you like your mother. There's something important inside of each and every one of you and I'm here to guide you so that you can be the best you possibly can be. Together we are strong so do try to get along okay? You all were friends yesterday so I'm sure you can be friends today." That was a slight lie, not all of them got along before their comas but they didn't need to know that. This was an opportunity for reprogramming just as they wanted. She had to lay down more clear rules now that they are older and focus more on developing their abilities so they don't kill themselves. This would all be for nothing if they died.

"There are a few rules you must adhere to. No one, under any circumstances may come into my room. Don't even go down past the fourth level. That door is locked and will only be opened by me. No one goes into the storage room. It's cramped in there and I don't want anyone getting hurt. That door is also locked at all times. Everyone must be in their rooms by 11 pm. You can bring snacks and eat in your rooms but no one out in the main hall past eleven. If I catch you, you'll be in big trouble. All training sessions are mandatory. Everyone has a tracksuit that must be worn for said training. They are custom made to each of you specifically so don't go swapping uniforms. If anyone gets hurt please inform me, some things in the little infirmary we have are restricted so I would need to open it, the same goes for the workshop. The more dangerous tools are locked up but feel free to use the fabricator. I know Capricorn likes to be a little engineer." She had a serious tone about her as she wasn't joking about any of this. These were strict rules she expected them to follow. "Everything you do in this world has consequences, cause and effect that can affect everyone." Mother took a deep breath after she finished that mouthful. Hopefully, they understood fully what was expected of them. They were grown adults and should behave as such but she knew they wouldn't. As grown as the world makes them out to be this was typically the age where people are in between childish and mature behavior. They are going to behave however they see fit and it was her job to observe it.

"Everyone run along now. You should try to explore and refamiliarize yourself with the house and the others. I have to clean up my kitchen after this big breakfast that you all devoured." They really ate all the food she had made, not surprising as they haven't eaten solid food in a while. "Training is at 10 am. Be prompt and ready in the gym." She finished off before disappearing into the kitchen.
Pupper Luka ~ Cancer
Location:: Dining Room - Hallway | Interactions:: pinnasina pinnasina
Luka was overwhelmed with emotions, mostly terrified that a girl whose name is Aries yelled at her and a boy whose name was Pisces approached him. He did feel a bit better that they weren't, in fact, here to kill him and that Pisces showed a bit of kindness. "I-I'm Cancer... that's what mama said my name was and it feels right." The ginger introduced himself after mother had left his side. He felt a bit of an attachment to him now, deciding he wanted to stick around Pisces over the others since they were a little more abrasive than him. His palms came up to rub his now puffy eyes. "I-I wasn't crying you know o-or anything. I umm got dirt in my eyes." He said between sniffles as his nerves calmed down. Like a sudden burst of energy the boy was in a chipper mood now, excited to explore the house. "I wonder if there's games somewhere. I-I can't remember if there was and.. it hurts when I try to b-but I swear there are! We should find them." He took the boy's hand dragging him out the dining room into the hallway without waiting for a yes or no. Luka was much like a little kid in the sense that his attention span could just from thing to thing. He was just trying to act tough after losing his cool and now he was excited to find some video games.
You mean to tell me I live with these idiots... great. Kami wasn't the most ecstatic about hearing that they weren't just guests but tenants. She scooted past the people who sat near her picking up plates as she went. The brunette always liked to help mother to lighten her burden of caring for her, at least she thought so. It felt right. She gathered up all the empty plates and put them in the sink before grabbing the rest of the food to put into the fridge after covering them. Mother had already taken over the sink scrubbing all the dishes and counters before Kami even had the chance to offer help. Every time she went to offer mother just shooed her away out the kitchen saying to 'go play with the others'. Fine. She thought as she reappeared into the dining room. Only a few people were left since a chunk of them went off to explore. Doing that by herself didn't sound like too much fun but dragging someone along might be more enticing. She looked over the potential candidates deciding the tall one with the island accent was one she could relate to best as she sounded similar. "You." She approached him, her alpha aura taking over. "Come with me. Now." She took the male's hand and dragged him out of his seat with the force of an elephant. It was odd how easily she lifted him yet it felt so natural to do so. Not wasting another second she marched out the room, dragging poor Capricorn by his hand behind her. "You too." As she marched past Aries she snagged her wrist and started to drag her as well. Kami felt Aries was too dangerous to leave alone and Capricorn smelled strong. Everyone else smelled of fear and dust, a weird but uncomfortable combo. She dragged them all the way down the hallway to the entertainment room. It was quiet and away from the others.

"Mami say I need ta go play so ya two will play with me. I say we wrestle." Her accent was thick like a girl straight from the islands. She nodded as if it were a great idea not really giving room for objection. There was this aura about her that made others listen, something like when the alpha of the pack makes a command the others follow without question. Why she chose wrestling no one knows. She felt it was right probably because her mind is on pup mode and that's what pups like to do, wrestle with their kin and see who is the best. Plus she wanted to assess if her ideas about these two were correct. "Three, two, one go!" Kami all but threw her body at Capricorn tackling him to the ground like a lion capturing its prey. Her body seemed to move on its own, contorting itself around him until she had him somewhat restrained. "Ya my roommate na? Assist me! Get him. He must know who la boss!" She called for Aries backup hoping a girl would help out another girl. She assumed the girl would just tickle him but whatever she did was up to her. If the two of them ran the place things would be well under control.
Aleki Payne McGovern
Location: dinning room

Interaction: open to all
Aquarius finished his toast and nods as he took down the rules and smiled as he pulled out a pocket watch. He nods as he got up as he went to get changed. When he went to the bedroom he stopped and rubbed his head and muttered
why must I be weak.. I mean I am smart but I feel as if my body has been tampered with..
He fidgeted as he found a old set of headphones and picked them up as a old mp3 play was attached and his eyes widened as he slipped the headphones in his ears and changed into his tracksuit and nods as he had his uniform hanging back up and nods as played some old opera music and nods as he listened to the soft sounds of both wind and string instruments. He smiled as it calmed him and stopped as he eyed Gemini and smiled as he walked in a way that he wouldn’t make a sound as he slowly stalked the girl. She was the intriguing one to him and heard of the attack and sighed as he looked at Leo attacking one of the boys and jumped back as he felt something inside him tell him to keep his guard up as the girl he was stalking could be hostile at any moment.

Alodia "Lis" Chastain
L O C A T I O N | Dining Room
M O O D | Confused
I N T E R A C T I O N | -OPEN-
Pulsing and throbbing. A sharp ringing sound in her ears. She could no longer slumber and slowly wobbled her away out of the bed. Feeling rather bare, she buttoned up a long sleeved shirt and put on some shorts to cover up. With blurred vision, she slumped to the bathroom to take a look at her reflection.
Who is this? Is this...me?
Alodia touched her pale soft face and scuffed through her silver hair to make sure that her reflection was her own. In her own disbelief, she traced her own outline against the cold mirror. This is my face...My body...Everything belongs to me. It feels...so foreign.
Her body sluggish body screamed from caffeine. Even though she didn't remember much, her body definitely remembered Alodia's addiction to tea and coffee. Intrigued by the smell of food, she followed her nose down to the dining room.
As expected, being one of the last people to awaken, she arrived late and only caught a bit of what mother had said. She cautiously stayed near the hallway and slyly clung onto the door. The new faces all blurred together and blended into the background. Oddly, mother was all she could recognize inside the kitchen. As she pointed to everyone and gave them their names, Alodia still could not recall anything. Her mind felt empty. Even though she could still speak the common tongue, it felt as if she was programmed to be able to function. Her attention to mother waned as she thought deeply about her identity.

Alodia - Scorpio. My name? Who is Alodia...? Is that supposed to be me?
Suddenly, her heart dropped thinking about the idea of leaving mother alone. Though she could not remember any memories of loneliness, the feeling of loneliness surged through her body as she imagined mother's lonely face. A frown sunk her face as she gazed back at mother, giving her Alodia's full attention. Taking mental notes about the rules and the training, she also decided that she would find a journal of some sort to note all the information down. Strangely enough, Alodia knew she could write and read. Again, no memories of her doing such actions, but her body was urging her to do so.
A loud grumbling sound came from her stomach. Embarrassed, she placed her hand on her belly and sheepishly looked at the food on the table. The food provided was a bit too heavy for Alodia, but nonetheless, she had to have something in her stomach.
"Bonjour mere," she shyly smiled to mother. "My apologizes for being late...I assure you it won't happen again."
As mother disappeared back into the kitchen, Alodia took a seat and ate what was left of the food. Bacon and eggs with the copious amount of carbohydrates was not the best way to start the day for Alodia. Though she felt incredibly heavy, her body ached for a cup of caffeine of some sort. Wondering if anyone would go on a quest for caffeine with her, she decided to invite people along to share a drink.
"Coffee...and tea anyone?...We still have some time before 10 AM," Alodia suggested to the remaining people who were in the dining room.
Aleksandra Petrovna Ivanov
Dining room - Entertainment hall
Interaction: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm , HeyItsBanana HeyItsBanana

Mothers words were calming and seemed to desolve the anger. It was a melody for her ears as the time set to it's normal state. She really needed a moment to analyze all of that what just happened. When Mother finish a girl who seemed to be strong and capable grabbed her and the buff boy with her. Although she was not quite sure what she was saying but she assumed that it was about sizing up the strongest. Winners for sure would form alliance and co-rule. Though she had to admit that the other two would make a pretty powerful couple. She hoped they end up in some kind of arena but the girl dragged them into the entertainment center.
Next thing she knows is two bodies on the ground. The girl pinned the boy and asked for assistance. That is something that she would happily provide cause ain't no meat mountain gonna order her around.

Sure thing sister, I am going to have a bit fun just keep him down for a second ok.
She walked down to the man's head and squatted. It all happened so fast though that she couldn't quite comprehend what happened before she was there.
Hey goat boy. You may have a thick head on the intelligence side but you are not invincible. This is just a reminder to you that this house is ruled by women.
She only had thought about giving him a good slap before her hand hurt like she had done it and the guys face had a upside down handprint on his cheek.
I hope you understand now the power dynamic here.
Interactions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Jaellagirl Jaellagirl
Locations: Dining Room -> Entertainment Room

It was odd to Ikaika, he could only recall Mother and that she was always there for him, sure he would help out whenever she would allow, but try as he might he simply could not remember anything about the others that had also gathered for breakfast. By the time he had arrived to the table with his first helping of food, knowing that this plate would hardly be enough for him, there were several faces he had never seen before. Mother made her announcement just as he returned to the table with his second full plate, warm pancakes begging to be covered in the sickly sweet syrup that they were so accustomed to. She had led the conclusion that all of us had lost our memories, not her though, mother would never do such a careless thing, but we were indeed a family. There was a twang of guilt that passed through Ikaika as she listed all of their names off, he couldn't recall any one of them, not even his own. 'Ahwhey! Capricorn, what kind a lolo I be, forgettin mah own ohana!' He scolded himself, not wanting such a sleight to go forgotten. As mother listed off all of their names Capricorn paid close attention, attempting to steel his memory and not forget them again.

There was a woman with tan skin, much like his own, Leo was her name, 'she gotta be ya sister', the young man mused to himself, she seemed to radiate a dominating attitude, nothing malicious, or so he could gather, just that she saw herself as the apex predator and was bestowed the confidence and skill to back her claims. He could not exactly place how he felt about this one as he shoveled a pancake into his mouth. The next person that his eyes fell upon was a boy, much paler than he and much smaller too, but as Capricorn watched the eyes of the young Aquarius, as he was called, dart about there wCapricorn.jpgas a specific glint that he could not capture. His eyes were full of an intelligence that he had never seen before, Capricorn wondered just how smart this boy was. Next was Gemini, she was another girl, but she had longish purple hair, but that was not the only thing peculiar about her, she seemed very happy one moment, but had suddenly snapped at another member of the family before leaving the dining area as mother had suggested we do. The next one introduced, Aries, was much like Leo, yet there was a much more direct aura of malice directed at nearly everyone, except for mother, in the room. The fires in her eyes were not one of simply winning, but of a complete victory, a victory over what exactly, Capricorn could only guess, because she did not seem like the type to play nice when push came to shove.

Next was a boy with hair that was a color between blue and purple was introduced as Libra seemed to be the first truly friendly face other than mothers, he sat there with a smile so warm that it made Capricorn's pancakes and bacon seem cold. If they were all to become family once more, surely Libra would make it easier. Next was Taurus, but Capricorn couldn't quite place him. He would have to learn more about him in the coming days. The next was a redhead that Mother had dubbed Virgo, she radiated a vibe that spoke of kindness, but something else as well that was beyond himself. In fact it seemed that everyone he had seen so far was quite beyond him in someway, he would have to try harder to be the best sibling he could be. Next was a blue-haired girl, Sagittarius, who also seemed very kind, if not a bit distracted, as she had quite quickly returned to her breakfast as she admitted not remembering anyone, though, looking to his own second empty plate, Capricorn could respect that. Next was Pisces, 'What rubbish me how I gon forget uku cousins?!' Capricorn thought as yet another joined them for their meal, the pink hat he wore covered his hair, but he entered the room with a smile and did not hesitate to greet the rest of the family, earning a nod from Capricorn. Another joined the family as he ran in, his ginger hair shaking as he immediately clung to mothers side, clearly in distress from all of the faces that he did not recognize, Cancer had made his introduction. Just as it seemed the flow of people had finally ceased one more girl made her way into the dining hall just as everyone begun dispersing, Scorpio, the last member of his now gigantic family had made her appearance, but Capricorn did not have even a moment to guess at what she was about before he was being pulled away by Leo, and her grip was impressively strong for someone as small as she was. Aries quickly following suit, only a moment of worry passed over him as he was tugged through the halls, thinking how uncanny this girls strength was the entire time.

No sooner had they reached their destination then Leo had launched a surprise attack on him, he hadn't even a moment to brace himself before she had pinned him to the ground. They had hit with a loud thud, though he felt no pain from the fall, he was in shock that Leo had pounced on him without warning. "Ey sistah, you like beef eh?" Capricorn said as the woman called for assistance from the other that had followed them here. Suddenly he was struck on the side of his head, hard, it was nothing enough to cause significant damage, but something triggered inside of him. Aries had been saying something to him, putting him down from what it sounded like, then she mentioned that women rule the house, and Capricorns eye twitched for a moment. His heart thumped loudly in his ears as the room quieted, time seemed to freeze for a moment as an anger filled him. His body began acting on his own, in the small amount of time that he had been awake he couldnt fully grasp his strength, but his body remembered. Though Leo had the leverage in the pin, he was too angry to care in this moment, Aries must be reminded how things really were here, with as much might as he could muster, he managed to loosen Leo's grip, enough to roll her off of him careful not to be too rough, she had not struck him after all. He stood, rising to his immense height, eyes looking down to the unblinking eyes of Aries.

"You say I got dat thick skull ah?" He said as he grabbed the girl by the front of her shirt and hoisted her clear off the floor, her feet dangling as he spoke. "I guess I got do da righ ting and remind ya of da 'power dynamic' here." Unknown to Capricorn, as he was too upset to care at this moment, his face had become a dark slate color. In fact, to those that could see his face, it was spreading. Even his eye had been taken over by this material that was quickly spreading from the place he had been struck. Capricorn's body was defending itself the only way it knew how, by turning the the damaged area into solid stone. The metamorphosis had overtaken half of his face before it slowed and stopped completely, it seems that it could only work so well on its own. The view from Aries' eyes must have been grim as she looked upon Capricorn's visage, bisected into one flesh and one stone side, hauntingly the stone half still reacted and moved as though it were flesh, not even hindering his speaking. "I ain't had no scrap wit ya before nah, but you wanna be bringing the rubbish to me speakin its da truf ya bes be heading for da door. There only be one woman," His emphasis on the word woman exaggerated greatly, "here wit da powah, and dat be Muddah. Ya do good to remember dat before scrapin wit da family member." Though every fiber of his being screamed at him to hit Aries, it was mother's wish for them to get along and be family, and what mother wanted, she got. Gently Capricorn set Aries down as he turned to Leo, "I don't wanna have no serious scrap with ma ohana, if you two gonna try and do dis to everyone I gonna stop it here. Not everyone can take a punch like me, but even fewer not gonna hit back. But I aint gonna let ya badmouth muddah like dat neitha." The man crossed his arms and looked to Leo, waiting for their next move, he was prepared to fight them if he had to, even if he died, it would be for mother, and he couldn't think of a better way to go.

Ethan Burns -Toro(Taurus)

Interactions: Cancer ( thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm ) || location: dining room​

Toro chose to eat Bacon, Toast and Scrambled Eggs. He avoided Milk though as though he knew that he should stay away from it. Toro was still eating a piece of toast and some eggs when mother began to speak. He looked at each person as their name was spoken and tried to remember them but nothing was coming to him. So, he sat in silence as she spoke thinking about the two totes that were under his bed, he wondered what could possibly be in them. Shrugging slightly he looked up as Mother finished speaking. "Mommy, That's my name? Taurus?" He said following her towards the kitchen but he was almost immediately shooed out. I guess that I should talk to someone but who? Maybe that one boy that seemed to be just as scared as I am? He nodded as he walked over to the red-headed boy. "H-Hi, I'm T-Taurus. You seem s-scared, Mommy says that we should play, do you want to play with me?" He sounded much like a little kid but he was trying to be extra nice.

The kid looked scared as it was and he was sure that he did too. He felt like a fish out of water, maybe he was standoffish or something like that. But Mommy had said that these people were okay, yet he still got a strange feeling from some of them. He didn't know what to make of it though. He trusted Mommy, but it would take time for him to trust others. There are so many emotions running through my head but why I only feel a little scared and curious.. It was strange to him and he was starting to get the beginnings of a headache. He needed to get out of the room but he could wait a little longer to hear the redheads' reply
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
King Kamila ~ Leo
Location:: Entertainment Room | Interactions:: HeyItsBanana HeyItsBanana Jaellagirl Jaellagirl

"La beef I ask fa. Ye dun wan smoke ya. You won't win." Kami giggled as she leaned into him enjoying messing around with the boy. Despite having this level of control there was an air of innocence around her like a playful puppy not aware of their own strength. It did occur to her that she shouldn't be as strong as she is but Kami attributed it to her ego. She believed herself to be alpha so naturally, she would be able to overpower the others. Aries strutted over talking a big game, which partially confused her as she wasn't intending for this to be serious. "Wait don't-!" The brunette called as she saw the blonde's hand raise. Kami watched as Aries full-on bitch-slapped Capricorn much to her surprise. She thought the girl would tickle him or draw on his face or sit on top of them to crush him but she also expected no less than for the girl to strike him. The slap rang through the room and everything fell silent. Then, as if she could see the aura around him, she physically felt Capricorn get angry. He had this aura of malice about him similar to Aries but was still gentle with removing her from his person. She half expected him to throw her across the room. He proceeded to lift the blonde up by her collar and scold her for her actions. The way he stood up for himself rather than back down intrigued her. Weakness was disgusting and showing it was something she tried to avoid at all costs. Seeing Capricorn become dominant compared to his lackadaisical appearance started the chain of fanfictions flowing through her mind.

Kami wasn't one to intervene unless she had to so she silently observed from her spot on the floor, that is, until his face started to transform. Her eyes widened at the sight of his skin changing from a caramel tan to a slate gray. H-How did he..! Her palm came over her mouth looking on with a mix of emotions running through her. Were they all like this? Was something wrong with him? So many questions flooded her mind as to why this was happening and if she were anyone else the girl would have panicked. Compose yourself Leo stop acting like a little bitch. She shook her head calming her thoughts after a deep breath.

By the time she regained herself the two were done with the chat and Aries was back on the ground. "I ahhh... didn't see this way. Lo siento Capri... No quise lastimarte... A-Ahhmmm... you'll forgive me right? Bueno? Por favorcito~?" The brunette's eyes fluttered with sweetness written all over her. Kami was like a typical bad-ass little sister trying to make up for something through being cute. Her cheeks tinted a light pink looking at him now. Being scolded felt strange to her and it made her uncomfortable so she tried her best to make him forgive her. Her tongue slipped into a foreign language because of it, something she'd like to not make a habit of. He was right of course, mother did ask for them to get along and going against mother was something she couldn't bare do. Something she thought would be good fun turned into a prison riot out of her control. She hated when things were out of her control. The girl was visibly discomforted at the thought and the idea of looking weak made her want to gag.

"Mmmm... ya face... It's different from earlier. Lemme see na."
She tugged him down to her height by his collar with one hand and carefully touched the stone on his face with the other. The thought of it being contagious did sprout in her mind but she was far too concerned with his health to worry about her own. "Seems ya face is... some kinda stone.." Her jaw dropped naturally as she inspected his face revealing the sharp points of her front teeth. The skin felt weird, like solid stone, yet soft and fluid like skin. It was impossible, as impossible as a girl of her size tackling a guy of his, as impossible as all of them waking up with no memories of the day before except mother. Nothing was making any sense and where she hoped there'd be answers she only found more questions. Kami leaned in closer to his face sniffing a bit to absorb his scent. "Ya smell different too.. D-Don't ask how I know it. Ya jus do." Before he smelled of body soap and a hint of musk but that had almost entirely dissipated on that half of his face. "We can't let the others know. La our job to protec dem. They already scared as it stands. Come out witcha normal self." Kami felt a soft of attachment to Capricorn now like he imprinted upon her more than the others. Probably for the fact that he's the only one who could most likely physically overpower her. The light tint returned to her cheeks as she realized she was still close to his face, pushing him away from her swiftly. "Mmmm! I just wanted to play a damn game! I'm bored of sittin and waitin." Her cheek puffed out frustrated that things weren't going her way and now she was more concerned about the health of her family. Was everyone in danger of turning to stone? Was she in danger now that she touched it? Who was to say.
Mihara Sho
Location: Dining Room
Interactions: Honeymilktea Honeymilktea

After hearing Mother lay the ground rules and explain what happened, Sho let out a sigh of relief.

"So we did lose our memories... No wonder everything seems so strangely foreign yet still familiar..." he muttered to himself as he took one more look across the table at his forgotten companions. Aquarius seems a little strange, if not eccentric to say the least. Taurus and Cancer seem like they'll get along.... but before he could evaluate the rest of them in his head, the three undoubtedly strongest of the group all got pulled away further down the hall. The blue haired girl has left on her own and all that were left were himself, Scorpio who had just invited everyone to tea and coffee, Virgo who seems stuck inside her own head for some reason, and Saggitarius who seemed pretty open-minded.

Dammit! I let them leave before I could say anything.... Well.... According to Mother we were all friends at some point right? So I guess a good place to start would be by acquainting myself with them. His eyes then flicker back to Scorpio who seemed the most inviting at the time. He gets up from his chair at the table, and brushes any potential crumbs off from his face with a nearby napkin and begins to make his way over to the silver-haired girl. With the warm smile on his face once again, "Hey! Scorpio right? I'll take you up on that offer to enjoy some coffee and tea." He didn't particularly care for either of those drinks but this was his best chance at reforming frendships with everyone, and he isn't going to let a little caffeine stop him.

Interaction: Aleki Aleki ; Open
Living Quarters>Dining Room>Gym
images (2).jpeg

As Em wandered around the hallway, she stopped right in front of a door. She glanced at the plaque beside it reading four. And...that was it. Nothing special. Yet, her curiosity was somehow still piqued as an aura of familiarity surrounded it, though she didn't know why exactly.

Em attempted to pry the cool metal of the doors until she resulted to kicking the door. She cried out suddenly as her toe seemed particularly red. Tears pricking her eyes, she held out her hands and pulled out something deep inside her that had been troubling her since the moment she woke up. Something she thought was unimaginable. She breathed once and let go of all the stress that had built up overtime and let the floodgates open.

The metal sliding door was instantly knocked out of its hinges as a strong gust of wind propelled it backwards. Em stared goggle-eyed before wincing as a loud clang echoed through the entire floor. She prayed Mother wouldn't know.

Just as she thought this, she saw at the edge of her vision the boy (Aquarius, remember?) with obsidian hair gaping at her.
As if in shock. In shock. And here she thought the boy was capable of nothing more than angst.
Em immediately walked by him and gave a dark look, replying ", speak of this and you shall regret this till the day you die. Understand?"

Em didn't wait for his response as she went over nowherein particular. She really needed some Me-time today. She snapped up her tracksuit and went over to the gym.


For some reason, Tupa felt quite giddy today as she ran laps around the room. It was quite spacious, with the whole dome reprogrammed into a track field so that instead of suffocating darkness, sunlight as brilliant as she was right now shone instead. A track was even made into the whole arena as she panted down into the pseudo-bleacher, the heat offering no respite.

She still remembered the way Mother ennuciated each of their names with reverence. Gemini, she had said to her, is your name. She recalled how right and wrong it felt to be called by her name. She knew that her name was Em. Mother herself had called her that. But, for some reason when Mother dubbed her that ominous codename...she hadn't felt more recognized in her life.

However, Tupa's train of thought was disrupted as she saw a shimmering image of the red-headed boy smiling at her. She waved over to say hi but immediately , the boy dissipated into mist.

Em instantly flinched as a chill reverbrated across her spine. What was that?!, her mind wracked with alarm. And for some reason, the boy reminded her of the ginger who got shouted on by the rather furious blonde. This only served to bring a chill to her back. Maybe she was going mad from all this chaos.
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