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Realistic or Modern the Walking Dead. rp thread.


Minnie jumped out of her skin as a stranger spoke to her. He was only a little older than her but still a scary stranger. He had a serious face, like if she did something wrong, he'd make sure she knew. She quickly nodded in response to his question, getting to her feet. She squeezed past him, running up the stairs as she rubbed her wounded palms. She kept checking over her shoulder for her sister, Haewon, making sure she was following after her. Haewon was indeed a few steps behind but waiting for the last few. Where the hell was that military man?

Minnie made it up to the roof, heading over to the edge to watch the chaos below. The military man was... running away? And only in his vest, too. That was weird. She couldn't yell, she was in enough trouble for running away anyway, but she wanted him to come back, she didn't want to watch this stranger die trying to do something stupid and heroic.

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Haewon jumped back as the military man launched himself over the fence, her eyes wide.
"Jesus Christ-- I thought you'd know what you were doing!" She called out, running after him towards the stairs. She was relieved to be off of the ground, she had a vantage point to see what they were dealing with. She headed to the edge, keeping low so she couldn't be seen by any hidden, more human threats.
"Where the hell did they all come from..." She muttered, practically crawling away from the front of the store so she was out of Jane's way. She didn't have anything ranged and she certainly wasn't about to chuck her bat off of the roof. She gestured for Minnie to come over, bringing her into the cover with her.
"Let me look," She told her, taking her hands to look at her palms. Just scuffs, definitely nothing serious, but it was good to check for grit.

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Jane grips her gun, shaking her head at the amount of noise her gun shots were making. She needed to make sure everyone alive would make it over.. alive. However, as soon as everyone did--no more gun shots. She knew there was a large hoard hovering around somewhere and this did not help whatsoever. The plan, anyway, was out the door for now. There was something new to deal with, something potentially more dangerous than anything else. She analyzed the people making their way down the fence and up the stairs, ultimately on the roof. None really seemed particularly harmful. The lot of them were young. There was also a young girl. She hadn't seen one in so long at this point. Well, not one alive anyway. The only person she was most threatened by was the tall man who quite obviously had some sort of military or police training. He was guarding the others, but it didn't matter. He could still be a threat at the end of this.

That train of thought subsided, but was quickly replaced when a girl, seemingly about her age, rushed to the side of the younger girl. For a moment she felt sick, but she tried to shake it off. How nice. An older sister it seemed she was. Not a day went by without Jane trying to shove the memory of her's out of her brain so she could survive. Valerie was 13 when all of this started--when her mother's boyfriend took Jane away from them. This was the most people she'd ever seen since she last saw her family. She swallows hard and returns her attention to the people not on the roof yet, "Hey!! Get up here. The fence will hold for awhile, we can stay on top of here til they lose more interest." she says, her hand motioning to follow the two girl's footsteps.

She then shoots a walker close to the opposite end of the fence. The expression on her face was painted with urgency for everyone to get over soon.

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David hated being called 'kid', but it'd been awhile since he'd even heard that term. Even so, his expression stayed consistent, "Yeah." he answers, looking at both survivors who'd just killed two walkers with notable precision, "Jane's got you guys, climb over." The taller, male survivor seemed a bit off, but he couldn't really tell what it was in the moment.
After asking the smaller girl if she was okay, she seemed uneasy--right before scaling the roof alongside who seemed to be her sister. David grits his teeth, wondering if he looked particularly threatening. He hadn't looked in a proper mirror in awhile now--mostly by choice, but that interaction made him regret it. His hair had gotten pretty long, swooping over his eyes and sticking to his face due to the dirt, sweat, and blood. This thought would only race through his mind for a few seconds because now the amount of walkers that were pouring out of the backroom were beginning to be really concerning.

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Daisy & Jaime- - - doedeer doedeer KaigerGalaxy KaigerGalaxy Walliver Walliver Miaow Miaow - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daisy dropped down on the other side of the fence, steadying herself for a moment against Jaime who had waited for her to catch up. The boy who had called out from the roof had come down and was urging everyone to get to the roof. Daisy gave him a quick evaluative once-over. He was young, but it looked like he had level head on his shoulders. Seemed to be genuine too, most anyone meaning harm would've started the usual macho threat posturing by now.

The way she saw it, they had a limited number of options here. They could cut their losses and take advantage of the attention the other people were drawing to the front to be able to make a break for it out the back of the lot. Another - they could trust these strangers for now, and help get everyone to safety with the potential to share whatever was in the shop. Or lastly, they could become what you always feared strangers you met these days were, and try to use the confusion to take control of the resource and fight the other humans off.

Daisy knew which option she'd choose if she was on her own. She'd have headed for the hills as soon as her boots had hit the ground this side of the fence. But she glanced up at her friend's face, looking back at her with trust in his eyes for whatever she decided, and she knew which way this had to go. If they left, he'd follow her, he always did, but the uncertain fates of these people if they didn't help would weigh on him, and Daisy couldn't live with his unspoken judgement.

"Right," she said, "get up there and help cover. I'll help get the rest of these jokers over." As if to emphasize the 'jokers' moniker, a tall, white-haired boy chose that moment to catch his foot coming over the fence, landing himself flat on his back before scrambling back to his feet and making for the safety of the roof.

Jaime flashed Daisy a smile before running for the rickety metal stairs, taking them in bounds. He glanced back as he reached the top to see Daisy had gotten back up on the fence, straddling it as she offered a hand up to a young brown-skinned girl.

He turned back to the people on the roof, offering them a small wave and simple "Hello!" before taking a knee next to the dark-haired teen who had been providing cover fire while everyone gathered. He wavered for a second on which of his weapons to employ, before pulling his revolver loose from its place at his side. Regrettably everything was close enough he didn't need the range the rifle on his back provided. The world always seemed to quiet and narrow when he was looking down the barrel of a gun. Now was no exception, as he felt calm focus envelope him and he fired off three shots in quick succession, precisely downing walkers that'd gotten too close with clean hits to their temples.
Brad took the advice and slung his rifle over his shoulder. He looked at the fence and was reminded of his days in boot camp, clambering up a high ass wall. Looks like the training would finally pay off. He unburdened himself from his rucksack and threw the pack over the fence. Slinging the M4 over his back diagonally, and hauled himself up and over the fence. He landed on the other side and pulled his pack back on and raised his rifle at the side from where he came.

He got back into his tactical crouch and fired off a few rounds. He was getting reckless, but the prospect of what he could find in the store reinforced him, so he downed three walkers that were getting too close before spinning around and jogging up the stairs. "Someone open that door, the sooner we're in, the better," Brad ordered. He wasn't happy with all these kids just standing around the door, and the sooner he got some resupply, the better he would feel.

Jane shoots one more walker, nailing it right between the eyes this time, and takes a big, sharp breath. She hadn't even noticed she had been holding it in as she backed the strangers who were climbing their way to safety. She puts her gun down then turns, scanning her eyes on the scene in front of her. David. There he is.
She walks towards the small crowd as David hops on top of the roof. She had a sudden instinct to hug him, but stopped herself after getting a good look at his face. She felt like cringing. They had just overcome such a hectic event --their first in forever. There was really no use in thinking of David by his age anymore. This was just the world now. She turns her attention to the strangers, some still on the stairs and some on the roof. "Hey." she says strongly, "We should probably get inside. Drawing even more attention would be idiotic at this point." She motions to the open window to the attic.

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David looks at the culmination of people for a second then back at Jane. That seemed like such a close call. He glances at the fence with now over twenty plus walkers clawing relentlessly. The fence would hold up, for now. For a bit though, they should be laying low until some of them lose interest. It was probably around 11--maybe 12pm at this point. He turns his attention to a tall, sturdy looking man. To David, he seemed like some sort of cop or maybe a military man. "Um, we got through the building by this window. There's a way down the attic to the main part of the store."

Jane furrows her brows looking at the military man after he spoke, "You guys in first, I'll follow behind." she says intently. David knew she just wanted to be cautious in case anyone tried anything. It seemed like she was a bit threatened especially by the military man and David couldn't blame her. Seeing people was both a relief and a risk. He had to be on his guard still.

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