• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Multiple Settings The Voidwalkers (A Post Armageddon Multiverse RP) (Sign Ups Closed)

"私が知っていたらいいのに..." A phrase uttered under her breath in another language, quickly punctuated by a more-recognizable and audible "Noodle," as she peered up at the tall figure with a small smile.
For a split second, the girl's hair would part as she tilted her gaze up to look at him- face to face. In a first since waking up, she made unbroken eye contact with somebody.
Well, as unbroken as this new friend's helmet would allow it.
Nonetheless, it only fueled that now-confident smile of hers.
Speaking of, he introduced himself as a Samael Mendicles- that was good. The teenager recognized how important it would be to make friends right now.
Ones she could trust.
What made this man trustworthy, exactly? Noodle couldn't put her finger on it... perhaps it was the way he spoke. As peculiar as it was.
He, who was at first the most intimidating figure in the room, had quickly become the first person the teenager felt she could rely on. She found the whole thing rather interesting.
A moment of reflection past, and Samael's voice pulled her attention to himself again.
Back into corridor, and soon back into the mess hall with twenty-something people still inside. Though a noticeable portion had since migrated to other places in the ship, surely in search of a way off.
With a half-decent idea of how many people were onboard, she silently promised herself to return to the terminals after they were done here.
She wouldn't have followed Samael out of the room if that exchange had gone any differently, make no mistake. But perhaps sticking closeby to him was the better idea.
If they truly were in some sort of void, then there wasn't any threat of a looming or oncoming danger- just the objective to get back home. For now.
Though, Noodle still recognized that there had to be some sort of limit to their time here.
Twenty-eight living beings on a spaceship of unknown size.
How long would the food last? Water?
Ah. Perhaps she shouldn't delay.
Yes. As soon as they were done here, Noodle's next stop would be those terminals; with or without Samael.
With that affirmation in mind, she strode bootstep-by-bootstep alongside the Spacemarine. The difference in their size was almost comical- the girl tucked an arm behind her back, idly taking hold of the opposite arm that lay at her side in what may look like an awkward position.
Taking care to not fall in path of his footfalls, she noted how much impact the soldier's each step would make. Almost trembling the ground beneath them.
Scanning the room, a few of these characters had gone- or were going through another doorway from the dining hall.
If she was to remember the map from earlier correctly, that was the path that lead to storage.
Silently, Noodle made a mental note to investigate it herself. Another entry on the to-do list.
Catching the tail-end of the Captain's most recent speech, the teenager waited patiently and took in every word she'd been around to hear. They really only implied more questions the girl would want answered.
Politely, Noodle kept silent. The young Japanese girl wasn't exactly certain if Samael- or anyone else for that matter- had plans of speaking up first.

Admin > Cafeteria
Mentioning: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Specialist Specialist & characters of the cafeteria en masse!
Interactions: Specialist Specialist
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Liz just sorta got lost. She didn't know where she was, but she knew she might have been in the electrical because she saw wires everywhere. "Hello? Mister? You there?" Liz asked. She wanted to befriend everyone here, starting that vampire-looking guy. She walked inside and walked around. She saw a vent and shrugged, getting out of the room as soon as possible
Mentions: Everyone?
Trying to befriend: Funnier President

Interactions: Blessthismess Blessthismess Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Location: Dining Hall

"You are called 'Noodle?' That is an interesting forename. Well-met, Noodle." Truly, there was not much else to say further as the Astartes strode purposefully toward the cobalt-colored Pill-Xenos; silently dismayed the thing and its ilk existed yet still. He stopped short of the blue Crewmate and wasted no time in his inquiries. "Captain. Where may she obtain a communications device- a radio. Secondly, wherein space is this ship located." His tone was neutral and carried a powerful sense of utter disregard for rank-and-file of those not explicitly under Imperial authority. It was worth giving this a try. If it didn't work out, he would seek answers for himself with or without the Xenos' permission.
Veso furrowed his brow, deep in concentration as he nudged the bow off the top of the pile with his osprey. "Ah!" he gasped when it fell, but breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing it was intact. The success bolstered his confidence, so he tried the same method with his Plinx. The osprey bumped the weapon until it dropped... right onto the Corpus crewman’s head!

Though a ripple of light blue energy indicated his shields had engaged to absorb the impact, Veso fell back. The osprey, no longer receiving orders, moved on its own, observing with curiosity its user sprawled out on the floor. “That... could’ve gone better,” he murmured.

darkred darkred

Ada looked around more, noting the location of a vent in the engine room. She then headed into the adjoining hallway and noticed a security office across from a reactor. A wiring cabinet of some sort was embedded in the wall next to the security office. Before anything, she peered over her shoulder at the man following her—the one from the storage room. His lack of words from this stranger put her on edge. “So? Should I expect a pick-up line at some point?” she teased while scanning the clearly damaged wires with her gadget.

Bixir Bixir
Interaction: Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo Bixir Bixir Tiguidi Tiguidi Mirai-chan Mirai-chan Topless Topless Crow Crow

The Blue Captain turned to the arrival of the armored man, who came along with the asian woman who asked the first question. The Armored man appears to have requested the use of the Communications' Radio

"You're the 2nd Person who asked me to use the Comms Room today. When you get to Storage, take the left door. It's the room that branches to the left near Shields." The Captain answered honestly before being asked where in space are we. "Normally, we should be at the Andromeda star system, but ever since that cosmic lights blew up in our faces, we're literally in the dark."

Interaction: Bixir Bixir Goonfire Goonfire

When using the device on the wiring cabinet by the Security office, Ada would notice how four wires were disconnected. Cut, even. Was someone actively sabotaging this ship?

Interaction: Funnier President Funnier President AlexIsFallingInLove AlexIsFallingInLove

Managing to get to the Electrical, this rather dark, but still well lit. Wires scattered around the floor, leading from one wall to another. There's only one door leading into Electrical, so if DIO manages to block the door, then Liz is pretty much cornered
Aurelia Flavius
Interaction: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Mention: Specialist Specialist Blessthismess Blessthismess


Despite her questions being answered, she appears to be nowhere close to at least showing calmness. If anything she is stressed about the whole thing. Stuck with strangely shaped strangers in the middle of nowhere is like a nightmare to her. As a teen girl, unfortunately, she left her Scroll (Basically just a smartphone) back in her dorm room the last time she remembered. With no other ways to contact her loved ones at home, she didn't know how else she could handle herself in a situation like this.

Folding her arms, she rests her cheek in her right hand. Trying to take in the fact that she really is floating in deep space. So they weren't all floating in one cluster, she thought. She was so alone in her thoughts that she seems to have stopped speaking to the blue space-faring thing. Despite the obvious, she still believes at least one of her teammates is still out there, floating in space... Alone...

The blue captain also stated the time of the ship's departure from a place called Polus, a planet she is not obviously familiar with or heard. It's been a while since their leave there which basically means they are probably lost. She couldn't bring herself to ask if they are lost, but she gains the strong impression that is likely the case. Her face sank into her hand upon the news of it. It didn't take long for new faces to greet the blue captain. A large suit of armor armed to the teeth with no presence of flesh was found. His voice was of a man filtered through something she cannot identify but does enhance his voice to speak in a tone of a man in a higher position. Another face to note is a girl about her age, a little strange in appearance which she also could not say out loud. These two are very human, more so the girl. She could have mistaken the large figure as some kind of mech of sorts. Asking a simpler question of where to find the radio station of the ship, seems like they tried to contact someone. She did keep note of the direction of said comms as to not be the third person to ask where it is.

She asked for the time and now she gets to hear the space the ship is located. For her, this came as a bigger shock than the time the ship was floating around in space. Yes, it took a while but the time frame she woke up to the ship appears to be in great shape and if she is held at gunpoint, she can't for the life of her remember the last time she was in but hearing the fact that they are literally in the middle of nowhere is what sealed the deal for her.

"So... These windows are not tinted? T-there really isn't any s-stars out there!?" Her voice came out trembling despite her best to remain audibly calm. She pointed towards the big windows in the cafeteria which she can only see pitch black outside, not even a shimmering dot standing out. She can only stand in silence as she grips into her battle-ax like a sort of cane.
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"Well-met, indeed!" The girl seemed amused by his choice of words- though that smile quickly disappeared.
A soreness shot through her side, and quickly she was reminded of the bandages that stowed away whatever wound had been inflicted upon her during the crash.
Damn. She'd almost forgotten.
With no delay, a hand came up to nurse at the wound- holding a pressure over it. A placebo, but helpful nonetheless.
The captain began speaking, the being's voice becoming her sole distraction. It didn't take long for Noodle to convince herself that the soreness was ebbing away.
'Cosmic lights'?
What the blue astronaut implied had spurred a brow of hers to raise.
So it would seem some sort of event took place here- or everywhere?
It was of cosmic proportions, or so he said. Would that have been the theoretical wind that blew the stars out?
This could be a problem. None of this coincided with her theory on limbo; furthermore, it only motivated Noodle to find true, proper answers.
Just what the hell happened?
So, the comm's room is what she seeked.
Upon reaching storage, it'd be the door on the left, he said. Branching left near 'Shields'.
For now, Noodle had to ignore the soberingly real possibility that there might not even be an Earth to call home to.
A deep breath made sure of that.
For now, a certain comm's room was calling out to her.
Amidst the (brief) silence to follow the blue being's speedy answers, the young girl tapped gently on the gauntlet of the Spacemarine beside her- whispering a simple "Abeamus." Before continuing off on the very directions that the captain had laid out in word.
Silently, Noodle sort of hoped she'd picked up on his earlier Latin correctly. Otherwise, she'd probably have sounded crazy.
As the teenager's slender figure strode towards the doorway, the corners of her eyes caught another girl who was about the same stature as herself.
Redheaded. Definitely about the same age- and she seemed to be more outwardly broken-up about this than most in the room.
A quiet bow of her head showed sympathy, even if not directly towards the kid in question.
The fact that so many others were in here, sharing the same plight. A sense of dread filled her lungs, accentuating every silent breath.
Saving themselves was up to everyone here, but Noodle made an internal affirmation to try and help as many other poor souls stuck here as she could.
However she could.

Cafeteria > Storage
Mentioning: Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Interacting: Specialist Specialist Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre (!briefly)
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Interactions: Blessthismess Blessthismess Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Mentions: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Location: Dining Hall > Communications

As the Captain answered Samael with a tinge of irritation in his voice, the Astartes only issued a nod in reply, before catching a fleeting question of dialogue belonging to a shaky voice. He looked up and to the source; spotting a ginger-haired girl no older than Noodle. With a side glance toward the cobalt colored Xenos, his scowl radiated beneath his helmet. ‘The dreaded Warp consumed the stars of this galaxy..?’ His anger was moderated by a simple flex of his hands into fists; looking more like an attempt at relaxing than a threat of physical violence. He spoke up to address the second girl. “It appears so. Something foul has touched this quadrant of the galaxy we inhabit. It is all the more imperative we find a way out of this sector- perhaps to a planet.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Noodle lean in. His rightmost audio receptor instinctively tuned into her whisper, which served to outright surprise him. “Let’s go.”

High-Gothic, specifically Latin. Granted, most Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, the Astra Militarum and Imperial Navy spoke Low-Gothic. Where it was often seen was through high-ranking Officers, or those born to Nobles or other esteemed figures throughout the Imperium. The Imperial Sentinels, however, did not bother to take to it as a necessity. How in Terra’s name did she, if she even came from an alternative Earth, spoke the language of High Gothic so well? He had to admit, he was impressed as he was mystified. Yet, it only lasted a fraction of a second’s pause as he nodded toward Noodle, whispering “Intellectus” before looking back to the other girl at the dining hall table. “If you desire to accompany us, you may do so.” With that, he turned on a smooth pivot as he began to follow Noodle’s lead to the Communications room.
Interesting- Noodle was correct in her observation, but did she detect a regional dialect unbeknownst to her?
This train of thought proved a good distraction. The teenager was actually quite curious to learn more about this man and his home.
Clearly, he came from some sort of Earth. An alternate one, like in the movies.
It was obvious just from looking at him: the technology he wore was far beyond anything she'd seen before.
Perhaps when they figured out a way, he could show her where exactly he came from.
She was genuinely curious. Moreso with each moment caught in the thought of it.
More questions, and for once it was about a 'who' and not a 'where' or 'why.' Noodle actually looked forward to conversing with him more- perhaps this could be a way for the two to communicate without any prying ears.
Hah. As if nobody could understand the language from which most root words originated. The young woman had to stay smarter than that.
During this train of thought, her arrival to the next room over- storage- snapped her out of it. In it, piles and piles of boxes, odd knick knacks and even peoples' belongings were stacked to the ceiling.
She was about to pass it by, but something caught her eye.
It didn't take much more than a glance to see the surprise painted on her face.
Before her, nestled gently inbetween other peoples' personal effects, was a violin case.
It's exterior was plastered with multiple stickers- notably one of a grinning, cartoonish skull. Opposite side of that was a red stenciling- reading a stylized name:
Just what was that doing there?
Stopped directly in her tracks, a taken-aback Noodle diverted towards it with no hesitation.
She would be carrying this around, now. No matter what.
It was to never leave her side.
With bootfalls ever-so-quietly treading over the mess, she came upon it in no time; a single pull was all it took to free it. As she did, no louder than a murmur did she voice such surprise.
"私はずっと前にあなたを必要としていました。How'd you end up here...?"
The whole thing felt reminiscent of some sort of reunion.
Regarding that, Noodle knew that they needn't stay here too long, and quickly uttered a sheepish "Sorry. This is important." towards the person (or persons) following her.
Strap and case slung over her shoulder, and now the girl felt much safer...
...She wasn't aware of how unsafe she'd felt, until after that fact.
Continuing on, the Communications Deck was within eyeshot. Recognizing that they must not waste more time, she sped up to a brisk pace.
Though to her it hardly felt wasted.
Despite her pace, her voice called back to the soldier that followed suite. Her voice genuine, if with that characteristic oddness in form. "Um- Thank you, Samael. For helping me out. I know you didn't -uh, have to."
No hesitation. The big bulky door opened before them, and inside would sit a single office chair. Flanking it from three directions each were individual computer terminals. It all seemed a bit more than outdated, compared to what they'd just come across at the helm.
Directly to the right was a headset on a plain wooden table- a thin cable connected it to a box with multiple knobs and buttons.
It was easily recognizable as a radio, but was this...all they had to work with?
In the vast emptiness of space- no- this void?
Noodle refused to believe that- but perhaps it was hooked up to a much greater antenna.
Two begrudging steps to the side, and the teenager put the headphones over her head; the bow of which had disrupted her bangs and revealed each soft pale feature that'd been previously hidden behind them.
Deceptively wide eyes quizzically scanned the console, and two fingers daintily fiddled at the first knob she'd find to be labeled 'Gain.'
A satisfying click! resounded as the knob was turned past a certain threshold. Power filled the gadget Noodle wore on her head.
The fuzz of radio volume then found her ears; what exactly would she hear?

Storage > Communications Deck
Interactions: Specialist Specialist
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Jack Frost said:
"Ehhhh~? Is Tall, Dark, and Golden Boy spookin' ya, ho? He's one-a the only hee-hooligans here worth a damn! Listen, Maki-ho: if you're gonna roll with this cold Jack, you're gonna have to get real cool about a lot of things real quickly, ho!" Before Maki-ho could even give a response, Jack cackled like a bad cartoon villain.



"Maki-ho" still had no idea what to think of this cool cucumber as she looked directly into his beady blacks—was he trying to cheer her up in his own twisted ways, or was he just a run-'a'-the-mill em-baw-dee-mint o' chaos? If that smug mug was anythin' to go off of, it was probably the latter. Whatever he was up to, it was at least keeping her mind off of worrying, at least for a little bit.

Makina's eyes returned to Weavile's partially eaten meal again, and then they found their way to the banquet in the center. She ran a quick headcount: Jakki, Orangeylocks, Mr. Standoffish Cat, and Red 'n' Blue were the only ones left in the room now. Makina breathed a little easier knowing how many people had cleared out now, but the idea of approaching that blonde foreign lady to get a plate of food was still nerve-wracking enough to give her second thoughts.

Makina gripped her skirt tightly. What was more important to her: peace of mind, or food in her belly?

"Huuummmmm...." she warbled in thought.

...Well, she wouldn't have that precious "piece of mind" if she stayed hungry, huh?

Subtly telegraphing her getting up from the table, she brushed past Jack as she got up. The sudden chill at her side made her spring up and stand at attention. If she had had any doubts before taking the plunge towards the center table, the shock of that touch had jolted her mind back into focus.


Makina walked around the table, passing by Weavile on her way to the center of the room. She shuffled down as if she were still walking on carpet in pajama slippers, each leg refusing to actually lift off the ground on the way there. She passed by Aurelia and the captain, who had been discussing the finer points of starless nights and just how hopeless their situation was (real uplifting), and finally stopped in front of the center table. Makina couldn't look Nero in the eyes, instead opting to pilfer around for a tray of some kind and start stacking delectables on its plastic surface without trying to be noticed.

Interactions: Bixir Bixir Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Mentions: Tiguidi Tiguidi Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre

Interactions: Blessthismess Blessthismess
Mentions: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Location: Storage > Communications

Samael let Noodle take the lead; the girl surprised to find something of value to her seemingly placed not far from where he detected Kyria’s weapon signature. The case carried a strange scribble to it, bearing the foreign title of ‘Gorrilaz’. It sounded like it should have syllables. ‘Gorri-las.’ Perhaps something akin to a Lasgun design he was unaware of? Perhaps a relic from an ancient civilization? His questions would wait- snapping back in his mind as she proceeded to thank him upon reaching the Communications center.

“It is no issue nor burden, Noodle. Where I can assist, I shall.” Samael said confidently, striding further into the room. The Astartes took a moment to glance around the interior. As alien-looking as the equipment was, it seemed fairly standard in comparison with what the Imperium worked with. Yet, the room’s purpose wasn’t for him. He already knew communication with the Imperium was entirely lost; the Warp scattered him among the stars into a different galaxy- even the Captain confirmed it. Instead, he turned to stand guard with his back to Noodle; Bolter low and idling in his grip.

“Contact your friends if you are able. I will ensure you are safe.” He glanced to the crude map on his HUD and looked to see if anyone or anything might be heading his way.
Weavile.pngWeavile was just about to finish his plate, his mind more or less focused on the idle talks going around him. He had been momentarily surprised at the sight of the large golden and emerald axe; with the color palette, he first believed that it may have belonged to the yellow-clad humanoid but he was relieved (if not surprised) to see that the more gentle female was the one it belonged to. His eyes curiously dawdled on the weapon before turning back to his plate.

During the feast, the group was then welcomed by another of the small creatures; this one was called Blu S'Clues and was apparently the leader of the vessel. Good to know. If anyone would know something about the situation, it had to be the one in charge.


… Well, turns out that even these creatures are as clueless as everyone else. Considering they all seem to come from different places, it wouldn’t be hard to believe that… whatever happened affected a larger territory than anyone would anticipate. Still, being accepted as a crew member was relieving in a way. Weavile allowed himself to smile; being part of a group or organization brought back all sorts of memories of his own squad back home. A part of him wants to believe that the others are alive somewhere, floating in the dark void outside, but… ’I shouldn’t have too many expectations…’, he sighed. He was lucky to be alive and he knew it.

The Ice-type’s gaze slowly followed Dio as he walked outside the cafeteria. He was half-tempted to follow him, at least to make sure he wasn’t up to no good but it looked like someone else took initiative; the large armored humanoid also went in the same direction. While the armor-clad one gave Weavile a sort of menacing aura, it wasn’t outright as malicious as the yellow-clad one had.

Movement around the cafeteria caught Weavile’s attention again as many of the new residents started splintering to explore other locations of the vessel. There was no way he’d miss that! As an explorer, he was actually waiting for this moment. Pushing back his now-empty plate, the Pokemon got up from his seat and, after a moment of hesitation, walked back toward the Medbay, hoping to see what lied beyond the area. Looked like he wouldn’t be alone as a group of humans went this way as well.

“Oh, whoa, sorry…!”, Weavile let out as he almost bumped into Gordon when he entered the hallway in the engine room’s direction. He was so absorbed by his own thoughts that he didn’t notice the human, though Gordon’s quiet nature didn’t help in the matter. “Uh, looks like we’ll team up for this exploration.”, he idly started the conversation with the humans.

Weavile stayed silent when they entered the engine room. As much as he was curious to learn about this technology, he knew he was the only one among the small group who knew next to nothing about it; from what he learned, humans didn’t have the same abilities as Pokemon but learned to get by by using advanced technology. However, as he peeked over Ada’s shoulder, he couldn’t help but think out loud. “Aren’t… wires supposed to be connected?” Even he was aware of such a fact.

Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah Mirai-chan Mirai-chan Specialist Specialist Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Blessthismess Blessthismess Funnier President Funnier President Goonfire Goonfire darkred darkred Bixir Bixir Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo
Ada narrowed her eyes at the anomaly in the hologram. That couldn't have been right, but the EMF visualizer didn't lie. Upon opening the wiring cabinet, she could plainly see the wires were severed. Closer inspection revealed they had, indeed, been cut; the cleanliness of the breakage, especially on the rubber sheath, told her this wasn't from wear, chewing, or tearing.

Ada heard the small commotion and shot a sideways glance towards the man in orange. One of the strange nonhumans had bumped into her impromptu companion, but posed no threat. "Looks like someone doesn't agree with our plans," she told the two strangers, gesturing towards the wires. “We’ll need tools to patch these wires. Find me a solder gun and some electrician’s gloves. We might need to kill power to this section, but we should notify the captain first.”

Bixir Bixir Tiguidi Tiguidi
Interaction: Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo Bixir Bixir Tiguidi Tiguidi Mirai-chan Mirai-chan Topless Topless Crow Crow

"Yep. If there were, we would've seen Helios by now. It's the 3rd star between Polus and Earth, can't miss it. It's a red one like Superman's." The Blue Captain explained, "Usually ANNOYINGLY BRIGHT, but now I kinda miss it."

Little did Makina know, Nero was already staring at her. Like her interest piqued, she felt something off to the young girl. Something more interesting than say, the end of the multiverse. Well, Nero was always a bit selfish like that, but since her empire was long gone, she could afford to be more lax about things.

Interaction: Bixir Bixir Goonfire Goonfire Tiguidi Tiguidi


Either the ship was prepared for this sort of event, or this has happened too many times and have gotten people shocked in so many ways that the wires themselves with marked--both in color and shaped. Especially when Ada opened the wiring cabinet.

It's like a simple connect the right wire to the right color sort of deal, but then again, a solder gun would've had a more permanent solution.

Interaction: Blessthismess Blessthismess Specialist Specialist


Through the radiowaves there was nothing but the buzz of static. Faintly, one might hear growls, snarls, and shrieks of beasts piercing through the static and onto Noodle's precious ears.

Switching channels or frequencies don't help this either--this faint snarling is all they would hear...
Aurelia Flavius
Interaction: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo Bixir Bixir

Mentioned: themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah Mirai-chan Mirai-chan


She looked very stiff at the presence of the gigantic armored figure, even with their non-hostile attitude towards her. Barely muttered another word from the two, she could only watch them go and the footsteps disappear from her hearing.

Turning back to Blue, who has been bluntly answering all the questions that she threw at them. She looked nowhere close to content as she was asking. Superwho? Not to offend the already strange stout blue guy. She can only rub her temples to relax a bit. It's a busy environment and she barely knows what is going on. "Something big is going on here..." She muttered to herself. Noticing back to the blonde woman, their eyes were fixated on someone. It was the girl from before, glad to know she didn't roam too far.

She knelt down at visor/eye level with Blue. Looking around before leaning a little closer to them. "I would like to speak to you again soon, Captain. F-for now, I need to go. Also... I need to report to you about... A scary blonde man in your clinic earlier. H-he threw one of your members at me earlier before. It was the white one he threw at me. I think white is alright now. I just need to report it... I'm sorry regardless, Thank you." Whispering lowly to the blue crewmate. There is potential danger on the ship and who knows who else might not be so friendly towards strangers. Slowly she stood up and turned her head towards the girl hiding her face behind a tray and snacks for who knows where she got it from. Stepping forward towards the girl with her tall weapon resting on her shoulder (Which is not helping her demeanor)

"There you are... You too..." She called to them, upon close enough distance for a less awkward conversation space gap. Her worried face also had a slight disappointment when she also saw the blue cold creature attached to the girl, greeting him too as an afterthought. Given the shyness of the girl, she was stuck in an awkward silence which was only brief seconds but felt like minutes to Aurelia. Asking the girl straight overwhelming questions may drive her away, putting her in the shoes of the mispaired-colored socks girl. "Umm... What do you have there?" She started with a more casual tone and stated the obvious, despite the one wielding a golden axe that is secretly a gun. Aurelia can't seem to be shaken off easily as she would subtly follow Makina to one of the tables, she could have also sworn she heard music being played somewhere as she looked around a bit to find the source.
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Buck glanced up from his guitar for a moment, finally realizing that the cafeteria was a lot less populated at this point. Noticing the orange haired girl a couple of tables over, he gave a small nod and a smile hello.

Some of the people here looked so young. Frankly, it hurt his heart to see it.
Latent white noise, the nothingness that met her ears stayed uninterrupted for so long. No matter the frequency.
Noodle had found the mic, and going to speak into it- nothing came out.
She'd rather said she got choked up, that she just couldn't bring herself to say something into it, but the teenager was certain it was otherwise.
"I-..." What does she say?
What possibly could she say to this?
In response to... this?
The girl didn't know how to react. Confused. The truth had hit her before, but not like this.
Space radios should pick up atleast the background noise of the universe. Distant pulsars and quasars, dancing in synchronicity at their own unique frequencies- the swirling nebulae that draped themselves over it all at vastly incomprehensible distances. The very sounds of cosmic nature; unavoidable to a radio of this magnitude, surely?
It was the first time in a very, very long time, but she felt it.
Noodle almost forgot how Samael stood at solemn guard by her. The emotion was that much.
It was that of dread.
Dread for everyone she knew.
Everyone who knew somebody here.
Everyone here who knew somebody elsewhere.
If those 'elsewheres' still existed?
A haunted expression adorned each young feature of her face, coming and going hopefully sooner than any one person could look.
The nothingness froze her in place, it could have been forever until...
It became flush with a small, gentle sound. It only took a few heartbeats to hear, even after her last attempt at the dials- but the silence before had felt dragged out for a much longer length.
She almost confused it with snoring, but Noodle quickly discovered otherwise. Was this always here? Did she just now hear it?
Animalistic, ravenous castrophany so subtle, it confounded her how they were heard from this far away in space.
The nature of it was enough to even further confuse her into thinking it was... "Murdoc?" It quietly slipped out. Noodle probably sounded a bit too desperate there.
No reply, despite the mic's constant transmitting status. It became clear that the sounds weren't him.
It appeared to be such a myriad of transmissions, bombarding all frequencies. They had infected the furthest reach of the radio's dials, and the girl couldn't figure out what it all meant. The snarling, growling- teeth gnashing? It truly puzzled her, but gave her a modicum of hope.
The truth was somewhere to be found out there- a light in this endless array of dark that cloaked this damned ship they'd all found themselves on. Noodle just didn't know if she was gonna like it. Still preferable to the alternative nothingness.
Feelings of dread came and went, and through that self-reflection came a strengthened determination to figure this out. Somebody here had to.
A genuine void, they were in.
The place in-between universes.
She knew of some people who would have called it Hell.
Silently, the teen debated on making this discovery clear to her newfound friend. A foolish mind would have kept this secret, but they needn't keep secrets now. It would be their ultimate downfall.
All of this internal mulling over in the span of a few seconds, not much longer than she'd begun to hear the noises.
Noodle took the still-broadcasting headset off, turned the volume up and held it out to him with one hand. Her presenting it to Samael came with urgency in her tone. "Hey. What do you hear from these?"

Interactions: Specialist Specialist
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Interactions: Blessthismess Blessthismess

Location: Communications

Nothing on the map indicated anyone was headed their way. He couldn’t help but briefly turn his head back at the singular utterance of desperation and fear the young woman must’ve found herself in at that very moment. Still, he stood guard over her as was his promise; breaking only when he was suddenly addressed by Noodle’s inquiry of the noises he heard all too well emitting from the Vox-Communicae. He reached out to gingerly take the headset she offered, ans simply placed it a few feet from his helmet. His Auto-Senses immediately kicked in; tuning into the frequency and broadcasting the sound into his helmet. He listened for a few seconds, scowling beneath his helmet before offering the headset back to her. His initial tone was one of a foreboding discontent, that gradually morphed into a conveyance of sincereity as his voice softened- partially not to intimidate her by accident.

“That is the vocalization of foul Immaterial beasts, Noodle. There are such things that exist outside of Realspace where I am from. Daemons along with all manner of hellacious creatures, if you’re familiar. I am certain that if they are indeed able to be intercepted from this device, we are not alone in this place.” Samael said, before finally allowing himself to turn around entirely to face her. “Your companions are still out there. You must not lose hope no matter how dire the circumstances, Noodle. Wherever you hailed from, they are counting on your return. I will assist where I can to ensure you are reunited, as the All-Father wills it.”

Samael finished speaking with a single nod; solidifying his promise to the girl as he glanced at the map again. Positions didn’t seem to change, which satisfied him enough to disengage from paying attention to the doorway of the communications room- at least for now.
With his work finished in the storage bay, Veso rose to his feet. “Agh... No time for a nap. This ship won’t maintain itself,” he supposed. He powered down his osprey and gently placed it on the shelf. As for his Plinx... it was sturdy and reliable. He placed it in a thigh holster before exiting.

Wandering the rear of the Skeld, Veso peeked into the electric room, but hesitated to tamper with such antiquated wiring. He kept moving towards the lower engine room.

All seemed quiet in this room, save for the waning hum of the engine itself. He glanced at the fuel gauge, which was on red. “Hm, empty,” he muttered, just before a metallic slapping noise made him flinch. Like a deer in the headlights, he stared at the person who emerged from the vent. He opened his mouth to speak to this character, but gasped in horror when a lance-like protrusion jutted out, cleanly piercing his shield and stabbing him through the heart. The spike then retracted, the attacker leaving Veso to crumple you the floor, dead on impact. His face was frozen in a look of terror, his hands still grasping at the hole in his chest.
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Act 2 ~ The Monsters Among The Void
To those who was still in the cafeteria, the Red Crewmate would come from the weapons area and approached the Captain.


"Red? What's going on?" Captain Blue asked, turning to the approaching Red Crewmate.

"It's Pink, she's--" The Red Crewmate would report to the Captain before suddenly, something emerged from the southern part of the Cafeteria, emerging from a vent.

The mangled body of a Purple Crewmate--though it would seem that way at first. Looking closer to that crewmate, it would seem that this Crewmate was some kind of alien Imposter in the shape of the Crewmate--this one has a hole in its head. Likely punctured by something long and sharp.

"There has been a murder aboard this vessel!" Nero stood in shock, gasping as she spotted Purple's body in the vents.

"What the hell?!" The Yellow Crewmate gasped in shock as The Blue Captain clicked his tongue, making his way to the center table. Before he could press it, however, another Crewmate made his way from the west side of the cafeteria, entering through the medbay corridor.

"H-hey, uh--someone just died in Engine?" It was a Brown Crewmate, soot covered his body as if he was working the engines. "Some hairless ape--not a Crewmate, methinks."

"Alright, that's it." Blue nodded, pressing the emergency button placed in the middle of it, blaring an alarm all over the ship.


The sirens blared, calling everyone in the Skeld back to the Cafeteria. In Black's case, out of the Kitchen. What's going on?

Twilight teleported back as fast as she could.


"I came as fast as I could!"

A blue streak followed her behind.


"As did I!"
Aloy nodded a brief thank you to who brought her weapons to her as she heard a scream. She didn't hesistate as she ran toward the cafeteria where a emergency meeting was held. She ran toward the cafeteria wondering what was happening when she looked up "What happened?!"

She gasped as she saw the body "Who did this?!"

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod


King Leonidas (Fate)

The King ran toward the choas when a meeting was thrown as he stopped.

There was a meeting for something right away and Leonadias arrived.

His emotions were masked by his Spartan helmet.

"What the hell Happened!"


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"That's what we're gonna figure out." Captain Blue said, crossing his non existent arms. "Apparently there's been a murder. Now I've been through a couple of cruises myself with this sort of thing happened and this..." The Captain looked around the room, glaring at every single one of the passengers. "Is the work of an Imposter."

"An...An Amogus?" The Yellow Crewmate gulped.

"Yes, that's the species name. The elusive sussus amogus." The captain says, turning to everyone. "Now I want everyone of you to go through what you lot did for the past 2 hours." He then glanced upon Nero and the others. "For you lot, after you woke up. Specifically say something about a suspicious party..."


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