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The Trapped Gods
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When the demigods of Camp Half-Blood notice their powers start failing, they need answers. And Chiron isn't giving them any.

As it turns out, the gods are being held hostage by unseen forces. Four quests will be needed to save Zeus and Olympus, Hades in the Underworld, Artemis on her hunt, and Dionysus from Half-Blood. Otherwise, their greatest enemies will lay claim to the world.
𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐒𝐧𝐠 & π‚π‘πšπ©π­πžπ«π¬


The Duck Overlord
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

It's a regular day at Camp Half-Blood, the Greek camp for half-mortal, half-godly campers. At least, that's what we would say, except Chiron and Mr. D are being awfully secretive about something, and they refuse to comment on the arrival of the twins from Camp Jupiter. Not only that, but the demigods' powers have been on the fritz lately. Almost as if something is wrong with their source...

But none of that is our concern at the moment. It's just a regular day at Camp Half-Blood, after all! There is absolutely nothing wrong! Nothing at all!

Not that a certain daughter of Athena believes any of that...

Note: It is morning. Care Isaac has already discussed her plan to find out what Chiron and Mr. D are hiding with the Morello twins, Damon, Felicity, and Star. Her plan will be set in motion later in the day, sometime after breakfast. The children of the 12 Olympians (and Hades) are experiencing "glitches" with their powers. By the end of the day, their powers will fizzle out almost completely.

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  • home (filler tab)

phil collins

you'll be in my heart

Violet startled awake and nearly fell off her wheeled stool. In the nick of time, she righted herself and squinted towards the windows. Faint sunlight filtered into the infirmary through the blinds, and Violet stretched her arms above her head and yawned. It looked like she'd fallen asleep during inventory again. She really had to get a handle on her insomnia before she got sick. Then who would take care of the other campers?

But that was a worry for another time. Right now, she had to clean up the inventory she'd taken out during her rounds last night. Violet carefully replaced the bandages and medicines on the shelves, humming softly as she cleaned up her own mess. Luckily, she didn't have any patients to check on this morning, so she was by herself in the Big House. As she finished cleaning up, she wondered if she should go wake up her half-siblings for breakfast or if she should wake up Victor first. Of course, Victor might already be awake, whereas there was almost certainly at least one Apollo camper who was bound to be snoozing away, even with breakfast time approaching.

As she was considering, she heard a slight noise behind her. She turned to see her pet bunny, Kevin, poking his head into the infirmary, his little bunny nose going up and down. "Good morning, my honey bun," she cooed, crouching down and holding her arms out. Kevin hopped right into them, nuzzling deep into her embrace as she giggled and stroked his fur. "You sure are cute." Kevin was one of many wild animals Violet had helped over the years, and after she'd fixed up his broken leg, he'd stuck around. She'd named him after her childhood friend for lack of another name, but it seemed to suit him. Besides, Violet liked to think that Kevin was still looking after her, even from Elysium.

"Let's go to breakfast, hm?" she said to her rabbit, who gazed up at her. She kissed the fur between his eyes and stood up, leaving the infirmary and the Big House so she could head to the dining pavilion. Before that, however...

"What do you say, buddy? Should we go check on Jasper or Victor first?" When Kevin merely wiggled his nose in answer, she nodded. "Victor it is."

So Violet set off across camp, passing cabin after cabin on her way to Cabin One. She had no way of knowing if Victor was in there, but it was worth a shot, in case he was still sleeping. Once she was in front of her friend's cabin, she knocked lightly on the door. "Vic?" she called. "It's almost time for breakfast!"

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  • home (filler tab)

quinn xcii w/ Chelsea cutler

stay next to me

Noah woke up remembering that, once again, he'd beaten his best buddy Kyle in a game of beer pong. While Kyle had gotten completely wasted, Noah had stayed completely sober. Of course, other campers thought it was weird that Noah was always so proud of his sobriety during his showdowns with Kyle, but he found it to be a point of pride nonetheless. After all, wouldn't it take a true son of Dionysus to win at a game involving alcohol?

Sitting up in bed, he yawned and proceeded to go about his daily routine. Today's outfit consisted of a vaguely Hawaiian print shirt, much like what his father donned while he was here at Camp Half-Blood. Not that he was purposely emulating his father; he just really liked the collar and the color. Hehe. Similar words. Maybe he was tipsy after all. Was that a side effect of hanging out with Kyle?

Ah, well. Now that he was dressed, Noah was ready for breakfast. For Kyle's sake, he hoped there was some sort of eggs on the menu. If not, he'd probably have to take Kyle to Violet again, and well... He never liked to be around for her scolding lectures. It was kinda cute watching her worry so much over his best friend, though. Maybe he'd have to talk to the love twins about them. Fee would certainly have an opinion over two such happy-go-lucky individuals.

Speaking of Fee, Noah paused and peered back at the Aphrodite cabin. Should he...? Nah, Damon could take care of it. It wasn't technically in his job description anymore to worry about Fee waking up on time. He smiled wryly. He had no regrets about dating the prettiest girl in Camp Half-Blood, though he sometimes wasn't quite sure where their boundaries were now that they weren't together. But as his stomach rumbled, Noah reminded himself that he had bigger fish to fry. Or eat. Mmm... fish.

So Noah arrived at the dining pavilion ahead of some of the crowd, sitting down at the table with a jolly whistle. He wasn't sure why, but he had a good feeling about today, even with the weird tingle in his fingers that told him something was going to go wrong. Surely nothing could go wrong within the borders of Half-Blood, right?

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  • home (filler tab)

doja cat


Damon wouldn't ever admit it out loud to anyone except for Fee, but he was a bit nervous. Naturally, he had faith in Care's plan and all, but he sorta wished he didn't have to get in the middle of whatever it was she was doing. Why couldn't he be left to his matchmaking instead of being the sexy distraction to whatever shenanigans she was up to? At least Fee was in this together with him, like she always was. It was a marvel they were able to live separately at all with how attached at the hip they were. Well, except for when they were off seducing their various targets.

Speaking of... Damon opened his eyes to the walls of a cabin that most certainly wasn't his. He could tell this because the walls of the Eros cabin looked like Valentine's Day (coincidentally his birthday) had vomited all over it. Anything that wasn't that meant he most certainly had spent the night in someone else's bed. His partner from the night before appeared to still be sleeping, and Damon was never one for mushy goodbyes with his paramours, so he gave her a kiss on the cheek and pulled his clothes on to leave.

It was a bright, sunny day outside, perfect for executing a plan that would probably get him and his best friend in major trouble. Damon strode across the camp to the Aphrodite cabin, which was practically his second home. He slipped into the cabin unnoticed, as most of the Aphrodite campers barely registered his presence there anymore since he and Fee were often having sleepovers together. Those who did notice received one of his famous winks, which caused many a giggle and blush all over CHB.

In no time at all, he was in Fee's room, smiling and shaking his head at how buried under the covers she was. "You always were a sleeping beauty," he murmured to himself, kneeling beside her bed and gently poking what he assumed was her side. As he waited, he rested his chin on his hand, cooing, "Amooooooreeeeeeee. Feeeeeee. It's time to wake up. We have a distraction to pull off." He glanced down and noticed her alarm clock on the floor, and he clicked his tongue. "Now, now, Amore, I know you love your sleep, but how else are we supposed to find everyone's true love if you're cooped up in here." Pulling back the covers a bit, he gently kissed her hair. "C'mon, now. I know you can hear me. Let me see your pretty face?" Thank goodness it was Damon doing this and not someone else. If anyone else tried to awaken his Amore, they might never have succeeded.

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  • home (filler tab)

vance joy

missing piece

Willow was having one of her vivid dreams again. Or, at least, as vivid as a misty forest could be. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought she'd gone to sleep trying to use her astral projection to contact someone. But she definitely didn't remember doing that... As she squinted and tried to find an exit, she heard a voice calling her name. "Willow... Willow... be... careful..." She couldn't find the source of the voice, no matter where she turned, but based on the fact that she'd never heard the voice and it knew her name, she could only assume it was her father. Hypnos.

As soon as she figured that out, the misty forest faded, and she was sitting by the beach at camp. Confused, she looked around her, only to find Caleb resting his head on her lap. She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair, and he smiled despite being asleep. Now this was more like it. She'd been having more and more dreams like this ever since she and Caleb started dating. It was certainly a leg up from reliving the day Agnes got attacked or the really weird dreams about her pillow being made of marshmallows. Whatever her dad had been contacting her about, it could wait.

When Willow woke up (albeit reluctantly), her face was smushed into her favorite pillow. She lifted her head and blinked as the image of Caleb's room came into focus. Ah. Right. Since Willow seemed to sleep much better when she was with Caleb, she'd taken to spending nights in his room rather than his own. That and the fact that he'd probably steal her pillow and blanket from her anyway. But as embarrassing as it was to be interrogated about, she actually quite liked waking up like this. It was a reminder that for once, it wasn't a dream. She really was with Caleb, he really did like her. The thought never failed to make her smile like an idiot.

Sitting up, Willow rubbed her eyes and glanced down at Caleb still sleeping beside her. She leaned down and lightly kissed his cheek, smiling as she got up to pull on a pair of her sweatpants over her pajama shorts. As much as she normally didn't care about going to breakfast in her pajamas, she much preferred to have her legs covered as she did it. After a second of hesitation, Willow snatched one of Caleb's sweatshirts and pulled it over her head, too. There. Nice and comfy. Her cat, Somnus, was nowhere to be seen, so he must have snuck out of the room at some point.

While she waited for Caleb to join her in the waking world so they could go to breakfast, Willow pulled out her sketchbook. If she didn't scribble down what she'd seen in her dreams, she would probably forget them as soon as she fell asleep a few hours from now. And she would hate to forget that she'd been visited by her father. Her pencil moved quickly across her page as she sketched the misty forest, but since she hadn't seen the source of the voice, she could only draw a little speech bubble with her father's words. Blowing some of her blonde hair off her face, she started to sketch the other part of the dream--the part involving Caleb--in the corner, hunching over her sketchbook and focusing intently on her work. She wouldn't have been surprised if she fell off the bed. But, well, this was important to her, and besides, knowing Caleb, it would take him a while to wake up. Maybe she'd even have time to add some color!

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  • home (filler tab)

jp saxe ft julia michaels

if the world was ending

As seemed to be her habit nowadays, Star had gotten up right as the sun was rising to check in on the pegasi. They were snuffling and nickering in their stalls when she entered, and her personal favorite pegasus, Eagle, gently nudged her shoulder with his snout when she passed by him. She went to each pegasus one by one and brushed their coats, topping off their oats as she went. Star tried not to let her thoughts drift to the plan that was set to start later today. She had faith in Care--she was her best friend, after all--but she was hellishly nervous about defying Chiron and Mr. D. In a way, she was relieved that she wasn't very involved with the plan save for asking Brandon to come to the meeting, which she'd already done via the CHB text messaging system.

Star sighed, resting her forehead against Eagle's flank. She really hoped that there was nothing bad going on with the gods or anything else. Even though she'd been here for four years, sometimes it felt like she'd only just gotten here. This was the only home she knew; she couldn't lose it now. In a way, she was depending on Care's plan to reveal that nothing was wrong, but even her simple mind knew that wouldn't be the case. "I almost wish she hadn't asked me to come to that meeting with her," she muttered, finishing up with brushing Eagle.

She said that, but she knew she would've gone no matter what. When Care asked, she tended to go along with it. She trusted the daughter of Athena with her life. Speaking of trusting people with her life...

Putting down the brush from the last pegasus, she peeked outside the stables toward the water, squinting to see if she could see Brandon. When she didn't spot him, she sighed. She could really use a comforting teasing from Bran Muffin about now to calm her nerves. But she'd have to take a pegasus out instead. Oh, well. Maybe he'd appear as soon as she (very probably) fell off. The thought made her chuckle as she went back inside the stable to saddle up Eagle for a morning flight.

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  • home (filler tab)

david archuleta

my kind of perfect

If Adrian had his way, he wouldn't wake up so damn early after a graveyard adventure with the other two-thirds of the Darkness Trio. But since he usually got more sleep than they did anyway, he of course ended up waking up early anyway. Oh, well. He could at least take the opportunity to check on his garden. So he rolled out of bed and threw on one of his usual dark-colored outfits (which he wore for Nyssa's benefit especially but in general tended to prefer anyway) before leaving his cabin.

As he rounded the cabin to his little secret-that-wasn't-so-secret garden, he yawned probably three times. He really needed to set some sort of curfew for the graveyard adventures if he planned on not becoming hopelessly sleep-deprived. His garden greeted him with bright and duller flowers alike. One corner even boasted a small assortment of roses that he was saving for a special occasion. Not that he was sure that occasion would ever come to pass. Maybe someday you'll grow a pair, he told himself. But that wasn't why he was here. He needed to wake himself up, and surrounding himself with the scent of his flowers was a sure way to do it.

The sun slowly peeked over the horizon as he watered and weeded his garden, and he pondered checking in on Eli and Nyssa. Was she in his cabin or had she actually tried to sleep in her own? He shook his head, sighing. One of these days, the three of them would actually get a good night's sleep. Or day's. Depending on if they became fully nocturnal or not. Maybe someday Willow would figure out how to help Nyssa sleep.

Well, that was all he needed to do for his garden. Adrian made his way to the front of the cabin and sat on the porch, taking out his CHB phone and shooting a text to Eli and Nyssa. Either of you awake? I don't wanna eat breakfast alone. He flipped the handy little phone in his hand as he waited for a response, impressed, as always, that the Hephaestus cabin had managed to figure out a way for campers for text each other, even in camp. Chiron hadn't been a fan at first, but it sure made calling meetings easier. He'd come around eventually.

In any case, Adrian sure hoped Eli or Nyssa was awake. It would suck to be lonely during breakfast.

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Felicity -







  • home (filler tab)



A faint tone of an alarm clock could be heard going on loop from the deepest and secluded room amongst the morning routine hassles that is known to be in Cabin 10. Whilst most of Fee's siblings went on a rampage to carry out their morning skin care routine, beauty up and dress up, Fee enjoyed her beauty sleep far more than that. Besides, having the reputation as the most good looking girl in Camp, she did not have to try. A hand went out from under the sheets and swatted the alarm clock away to shut it up, sending it sliding across the floor.

The noise rang continuously as the rest of the room was so quiet with the sleeping beauty laying asleep under the pink satin duvets. Felicity was never one to dally in bed but lately she has been loving the extra few hours in the comforts of her bunk. Especially, given all this planning and plotting that was being concocted. She trusted the daughter of Athena's plans with anything but planning this ultimate distraction of distractions was something that was troubling her. This usually was a piece of cake. It was different when there could be something wrong with their parents... the camp. The only reason she agreed to it was because her other half, her partner-in-crime was in on it too. Speaking of the love devil, she could hear the door to her room slightly open. Only two people ever got that far in the Cabin. Her ex-boyfriend, Noah, made his appearance quite less there for obvious reasons and the other person was her lover boy, Damon.

Felicity was laying down in her usual sleeping position. What looked like a mountain of pink satin duvets, underneath was the blonde laying on her belly with one leg up, hugging the pillow underneath her with her face buried in golden blonde locks that was held back by a white cat eared band to keep the hair out of her face. Clearly with the amount she tumbles in bed, her hair still manages to make its way in her face. Fee felt pokes on her shoulder from over the covers and let out a soft groan at the other attempt of being woken up,
"Enngggh... I don't want to,"
her voice muffled from under the covers and the pillow. She was not really keen to wake up and get into trouble.

She knew her friend was persistent and he was not going to stop until she was out of bed. Feeling the light from outside hit her lightly from him pulling back duvet felt a bit more inviting to wake up. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she felt his gentle kiss, as she slowly exposed her porcelain face which was still bare.
"Sleep is certainly something I am more willing to do right now. However, I will not deny you my pretty face to that handsome one of yours."

She placed a small peck on his nose as he was at her level,
"I like your wake up methods more than the alarm clock, Bello."
With that, Fee shot away the covers and let out a soft yawn while stretching out her limbs from the cramped sleeping position before patting the space next to her,
"Must we go out and do this? For once I am really not in the mood for steering trouble."

It was a good thing Felicity had her outfit prepared for the day from the night before. Otherwise, she would be even more late due to the extensive selection period.

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Narcissa -







  • home (filler tab)

Fight Song

Rachel Platten

Warm breaths and licks could be felt over her palm which was dangling off her bunk. When she did not budge, another set of warm breaths and licks found their way to her cold cheek. As Nyssa started to feel the slobbers on her face, her eyes shot open and slowly made up a snout that was practically vibrating from the excited young pup that was half standing on the bunk with his purple tail wagging from side to side.

Scrunching her nose she let out a soft chuckle as she let out a hand to scratch behind her hell hound's ear to calm him down a little bit,
"Thanks for the wake up call there bud."
With that, Anubis let out an acknowledged bark and went off the bunk, sitting down on the floor with a tilted head, waiting for her to wake up.

Narcissa cannot believe that she managed to fall asleep after so many attempts in trying to do so. Even if it was just for a nap. However, as she tried to get up she felt a slight weight around her waist which was not normal. As she looked down she noticed that she was still in yesterday's clothing so her sleep was totally not planned or attempted. Weird. As her eyes met the source of the weight, she noticed it was an arm. She would have gone into a state of panic before she tilted over and noticed a familiar set of brunette locks laying behind her, also asleep for a change. This was truly bizarre. A small smile danced on her lips as they both seemed to have unplanningly gotten some rest. Anubis' training must have drained them more than she expected.

The pair were trying to teach a crucial difference to the hellhound. The difference between 'tackle' and 'attack'. Nyssa surely did not want someone getting attacked just because Anubis wanted to be friendly to them or vice versa, attack when he sees them as a threat when they were not. Hence, they wanted to make sure that on one command line from them, Anubis would know when the person needs to be a target of attack or simply a target of a friendly tackle.

Coming to think of it, it could be how they ended up in this predicament. Anubis was struggling to understand the friendly way of greeting others that are not a threat. It meant less tense and less teeth and a simple friendly jump. Attempt after attempt was proven to be pointless until Elijah started demonstrating. Out of nowhere he had jumped and tackled her down on the bed which was the thing that knocked Anubis into sense. As he saw him do that, Anubis tackled both of them on the bed and she fell into fits of shock and rested into laughter at the realization of what had happened. That seemed to have been a comfortable position to land in and they probably had called it a night.

Back into the present minute, she could feel a warm flush grace her pale skin as she heard a buzz from her nightstand, as she checked the messaging system she noticed it was their best friend and other member to complete their darkness trio, Adrian. He was usually the early riser as unlike them, he actually managed to sleep. How jealous she was of that. As she saw the message, her hand lightly nudged the hand that was around her,
"Lijah, we fell asleep. It's morning."
Speaking of breakfast, her stomach grumbled as she was famished herself. Plus it would be good to see whether Anubis would properly tackle Adrian this time. The first time did not go as well as they hoped.

No response. Her voice was always quiet and barely audible most of the time, so she nudged him again,
"Lijah, wakey wakey."
Till he came around to wake up she shot Adrian a text back, 'Yeah, I am up! Somehow, we fell asleep. We are at my Cabin if you want to meet us there and head to the Pavilion?' With that she awaited for the son of Hades to wake up from her gentle nudges. Narcissa was quite small and petite, strength was not her forte so the weight of his arm and some body weight was keeping her from getting up either way. Not that she felt like getting up at that point. She felt comfortable, for once.

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Amber -







  • home (filler tab)


Selena Gomez

Amber couldn't properly get some shut eye. She was not one to usually sleep deeply due to the change in scenery but this was different. Usually, being situated in the crowded Hermes Cabin caused her to stay alert even if she was asleep. Her hand always clenched on her key that she tended to lose quite often. She thanks the gods that it was charmed otherwise she would have lost it years ago. This time it was the plan. She was dying to finally be a step closer to knowing what was going on around Camp. Why were they sent here?

At four in the morning, the female started tossing and turning. With a sigh she sat up, she definitely could not sleep. Looking to the side, the bunk next to her was slept-in but empty. It belonged to her twin who seemed to be as restless and eager to know their quest as much as her. Amber tried to figure out where her brother wandered off too but she could feel her hands starting to sore. As if she was holding a staff for a long period of time. She grinned, the training grounds, of course.

With that the female silently changed into a pair of jeans and her camp Jupiter shirt followed by her trusted leather jacket. She slipped into her black converse and lastly her golden chain that held her key. One of her recently acquainted campers here and welcomer, Violet had given her the advice and she took it. True Amber usually lost it but ever since she came to Camp Half Blood it was a special case the amount of times she lost it. This seemed to be the ideal solution for the time being. Being fully ready, the female jogged out of the cabin and tried to make her way to the training arena, in hopes to see the familiar face of her brother.

Returning to present time, the pair had agreed to a spar to keep themselves occupied from their internal thoughts. Amber needed the distraction for sure and this was somewhat doing it. Her brain was clouded, that was for sure. After her conversation with the son of Zeus the previous day, she realized how much emotion and close bonds to specific people was of importance in the Greek Camp. While that was important, the Romans learnt that emotion could also be the downfall of a person. Especially if a loved one falls in battle right in front of your eyes. It simply would lead to more downfalls if one was to fall in an instance of grief in the middle of a battlefield. Her thoughts then jumped to the daughter of Athena's plan. It was fully fleshed and successful if all parties played their part well. She did not want to resort to leaving her behind should things go south. No man left behind.

As she was lost deep in thought she felt a wooden staff hit her right behind her knees, causing her to come back to her senses as she felt a sharp pain in her lower back,
. Amber found herself with her glaive on the ground and her in a sitting position on the ground. Avery had knocked her off her feet again. At least, he feels the same pain she felt to make it even. With a loud sigh, she laid down, her face looking up in the sky which was now lit up with the sun of the morning,
"I hope you felt that. I just want this day to pass without a hitch. I would feel pretty suckish if the Athena child had to get it."

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caleb -







  • home (filler tab)

troye sivan


When Caleb finally started to wake up, he didn't even try to move. If he didn't move, then clearly he would fall back asleep. At least, that's what he hoped would happen. Of course, it never had before, but hey, a man could dream.

With a near silent sigh escaping him as he slowly rolled over, he was pleasantly greeted with the sight of his girlfriend hunched over her sketchbook. Even with his eyes cracked open into slits, he could still make out how focused she was. He grumbled lowly, the sound similar to a purring cat as his arms began to stretch above his head, enjoying the pop and crack of his joints as he woke the rest of his body up.

Seeing as Willow still hadn't come out of her trance but was slowly slipping towards the edge of the bed, he reached out, sliding his arm underneath her book to wrap around her waist and pull her back towards him and the middle of their bed.
"Gotta be careful there, Songbird."
he rumbled into her hip, his head resting against her thigh.
"Don't want you breaking a wing anytime soon."

Caleb pressed a kiss to the bare skin that had been revealed by his sweatshirt riding up her stomach before he pushed himself up and into a sitting position. He yawned, reaching up to scratch the back of his head idly.
"You seemed into it, what'd you dream about this time?"
he asked around another yawn.

While he knew his girlfriend enjoyed sketching for the hell of it, he also knew enough to recognize the type of focus she'd just had as her trying to hurry and jot everything down before she forgot it. He hated seeing her stressed at times like that, so while he would of course ask about it to see if she wanted to talk, but otherwise he was ready to haul her up off their bed and get some food in her. Last thing she needed was to lose that much track of time and forget to eat.

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elijah -







  • home (filler tab)

andy black

beautiful pain

While he could vaguely hear the familiar sounds of a dog 'woof'ing in the background, all Elijah wanted to do was curl further into the bed and snuggle deeper into his blanket. He was comfortable and relaxed and he felt safe. Something he hadn't felt in a long long time. He didn't want to give that up.

So he didn't. Well he tried, anyway. He tightened his grip on the pillow he was holding to his chest, humming in content as he shifted slightly, burying his face in the...hair?

"What the..."
he mumbled.

He forced his eyes to open, squinting slightly even though there wasn't much light. A small mercy, it seems, seeing as all he could see was the hair of his best friend.
he jumped, startled and confused. He jerked his arm to his chest, his face a furious red as he tried to hurry and shove himself away from Nyssa. He couldn't believe it. Well he could, he'd thought about it-nope! He gulped, the blush beginning to crawl down to his neck. Not going there, not going there at all!

Before he could even try to stammer out an apology, he went flailing off the bed and landed on the floor with a heavy 'thud'. And seconds later, now that one of his owners was on his level, of course, Anubis barked happily before leaping and landing on his stomach, forcing the air out of him with a wheeze.

"Oh gods..."
he whimpered, trying to fend off the hellhounds' excited licks.
"Anubis...buddy, Anubis, o-off!"
he wheezed, trying unsuccessfully to shove the overgrown puppy off of him.

It took a minute, but eventually Elijah managed to free himself. He pushed himself up into a sitting position and looked up at his Nyssa only to flush again at the look on her face.
"I uh....S-sorry..."
he stammered, hand reaching back to ruffle his hair awkwardly.
"I...um, how did..."
he paused, trying to remember how they'd gotten like this.
"Wait, are these yesterdays...wait we fell asleep? How did that happen?"

He looked around, trying to find his phone so he could check the time.
"We slept the whole night?"
he wondered aloud, impressed. Seeing the thread between himself, Nyssa, and Adrian he paused.
"Ah, shit."

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Kyle -







  • home (filler tab)



The faint ringing of his alarm clock could be heard on his bedside table. After a long evening of beer pong, mornings were never Kyle's best friend. As he heard the ringing it felt like it was drilling a hole into his brain. The pitch resonated through his hangover. Kyle tried to tone it out by placing a pillow over his head. It was clearly not working.

With a loud groan he threw the pillow at the alarm clock which caused the ringing to stop,
"Ahhh, that is much more like it."

He closed his eyes again to try and go back to sleep but two things were troubling him. First it was his head pounding and secondly it was his stomach growling. You see, this was a feeling that Kyle knew all too well. It was the nice effects of a hangover. Last night, Kyle and Noah had one of their famous beer pong tournaments and once again he had to admit defeat. Kyle was stellar when it came to games of chance but as much as beer pong was a game of chance, it was also a drinking game. One that a son of Dionysius was an ideal match for. Usually, luck works in his favor but as much as he loved it, he hated it as well. Kyle's luck is fuelled by his emotions. The more competitive he gets, the more it works in his favor. However, the more confident he gets, the less it worked in his favor. Therefore, to try and keep the odds of the game even, he tried to go in with the mindset as neutral as possible. That being said, his cocky side always takes over resulting in his losses and banging hangovers.

Kyle huffed in annoyance and messaged his buddy and co host, wondering whether breakfast included eggs on toast which was his ideal remedy. He could barely get up and get dressed, let alone go to the Dining Pavilion. He needed his remedies. An idea of going to the infirmary was suggested but he opted otherwise. He did not really want to show up hungover in front of Violet. She did not seem to enjoy it and it worried her. Worrying her that much was not on his agenda. That meant he had to make an appearance at breakfast to play the act of being okay. Speaking of Violet, she had confirmed that eggs on toast had been made permanent. How sweet of her, she shouldn't have but it was appreciated. At least he had his favorite meal every morning, every loss he suffered. Seemed balanced enough.

Trying to build up his energy, the pale freckled male sat up like a mummy coming to life. His eyes hooded as he looked around the room, his field of vision looked as if Iris herself stunned him with rainbows. Giving his wild auburn hair a few scratches he swung his feet off the bunk and tried to stand up, keeping his balance. It was so early for these tough challenges,
"Why do mornings have to be so hard?"

He slowly maneuvered his way to the trunk and opened it, taking the first pair of pants and jumper he could find. Luckily enough, the khaki pants and the olive green sweater matched perfectly. He switched to those clothes and wore his blue converse which was pretty much one of the two pairs of shoes he owns and opened the door out of his cabin. The sun instantly hit the boy and he winced. Why did it have to be so bright? He dragged his feet and reached for his lucky coin in his pocket. Kyle had the signature walking style of being slouched over, dragging his feet and tossing his coin to keep himself from a) passing out and b) keeping his balance. With that successful stride, he managed to make his way to the Dining Pavilion where he was sure his best mate was there. He was not a fan of sitting with his siblings, instead he squinted his eyes in the search of a familiar male brunette, who was surely sober and ready to rub it in his face.

As he spotted Noah, he slid his way on the seat opposed, giving him a look as if saying, kill me now.
"Why good morning Grapevine. You seem awfully chipper this morning,"
he commented with a chuckle. His stomach immediately replied with a growl as he clutched it,
"It appears I am also famished."

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘
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Brandon -







  • home (filler tab)



A couple sighs of frustration could be heard from Cabin 3, belonging to one son of Poseidon.

The day before, Brandon had faced off one of the children of Ares who needed to blow off some steam in the arena. Brandon had accepted and it was quite the challenge. True, Brandon was quite skilled when it came to his dueling and fighting skills but no one could match an Ares' kid with major anger issues to blow off. Thankfully, Greg was one of Brandon's friends so anything done was nothing personal. However, by the end of that spar Brandon had various cuts on his left bicep and one across his left pectoral which both stung at every touch and sign of movement he made.

Brandon was hovering a small stream of water over his cuts in order to heal them. Supposedly. However, they were not healing.
"What the..."
, his brows curled in frustration as he was not seeing his skin tears heal by the water. When it should. He kept at it for a whole five minutes before the stream of water slowly poured down his body and caused his shorts to become wet. His cuts were not even close to healed. That was frustrating. He was not aware why he was not healing. Bran suddenly remembered that Star had messaged Brandon that his presence was requested for a meeting. If his Scamp sounded worried, something must have been up and he intented to find out about it for sure. Could that be why Care summoned them? He let out another sigh. This was stupid, what had Poseidon gotten himself into again...

The son of Poseidon refused to let this stop him. He wanted to heal his wounds. Stream from his spear was not working, maybe he had to go to a direct water source. The lake!

With that he slid in his flip flops and grabbed a black thin fabric buttoned shirt with white eagle prints on it and left it unbuttoned. Brandon hated clothing layers, the less he wore, the better. He preferred wearing buttoned shirts for the sole purpose of leaving them unbuttoned. He treated his body as a temple for a reason, it was a shame not to show his well toned body after all. Slipping on his beaded bracelet (his weapon), he jumped off the dock of the back of the cabin which led outside and by the lake.

As he approached the water, he could already feel his aura strengthening but not as much as it used to. It was as if the connection had weakened.
"Strange... come on old man, help me out here."
, he spoke up, with that Brandon slipped his left sleeve of the shirt, leaving it hanging on his right shoulder and dipped his left palm directly in the water. Usually that did the trick. As the water sensed his touch, it slowly started making its way up his lower left arm, as if sensing where he was hurt. The water trailed up to his bicep as it started to touch the broken skin there and slowly closed the cuts. However, as it almost healed the cut on his bicep the water dropped. He let out a groan of frustration this time, holding his arm which had a few centimeters left to close and a deep cut across his pectoral to heal. He closed his eyes and dipped his hand again, biting his lower lip in irritation now. Hoping for it to work.

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘
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Eric -







  • home (filler tab)


Imagine Dragons

Eric was craving a little bit of chaos around camp lately. It has been quiet, way too quiet...

Eric had no troubles sleeping but he was not one to sleep for lengthy hours. He usually enjoyed waking up at those early hours when the sun started to rise. He enjoyed the brisk air in the morning, especially when he did his morning flight. True his mother was not a major goddess but she provided him with the ability to manifest wings and he was forever grateful for that. Even though it hurt like a mother-trucker at first. Nothing beats the feeling of defying gravity and the feeling of the wind sliding against his skin and going through his hair.

That is what he in fact did. He threw on a pair of jeans and black converse. As for a shirt, most of Eric's shirts were thorn from the back due to his wings sprouting from his shoulder blades. For that reason he wore a white long sleeved shirt and took a handy black sweater wrapping it around his neck during his flight. He usually ended up wearing a jacket or sweater to cover the thorn shirts most of the time. With that, he took an apple that grew outside of his cabin and slouched his shoulders forward, sprouting dark black wings from the back with a slight wince. He still remembered the first time he ever felt them come out. The feeling of his flesh tearing was so painful that he nearly fainted every time he exposed them. Given now his cuts are there, it hurts less and less each time he did it. With that he bent his knees and took off towards the climbing wall which was one of the highest points in camp and also one of his favorite places. He saw the whole camp from up there and most importantly he saw the sun rise and the sun set every time. In fact it was one of the places he loved taking Diana to enjoy the scenery of the wonders of nature with him.

The sunrise was simply so peaceful. He took a bite out of his apple before scrunching his nose. Diana's were so much better, it had a better crunch and sweeter taste for sure. They had the perfect taste. With a soft hum he proceeded to eat before seeing other things unravel beneath him. Most of the campers were about to wake up in a couple minutes probably but he fascinated himself at the amount of animals wandered off from their owners as well.

He decided to use the new equipped messaging system to pass the time. As a matter of fact, the owner of a cat was worried about him. He recognised her to be the daughter of Hypnos and the cat was a gray cat that was near the area not a few seconds ago. He had nothing better to do so he launched himself down from the climbing wall and walked a few to trace the cat's steps. He found Somnus, which was the cat, under the shade of a tree going for a nap. Smart cat. The shade was always a good place.

Eric inched closer and knelt by the cat, slowly patting the cat's gray fur. He tried to show he meant no harm. The last thing he wanted was to end up in a billion cat scratches for the morning. As the cat slowly inched in his hand it seemed docile enough to pick up and take to its owner. The cat was harmless and the minute Eric picked him up, Somnus purred and nuzzled to his chest and closed his eyes. Eric was not a pet person, he raised an eyebrow at the cat's behavior and his lip curled into a side grin.
"C'mon little guy, let's get you to your owner. "
, with that he bent his knees and flew all the way outside of the Hermes Cabin where Willow instructed to bring him. He landed, slouching his shoulders again to cover his wings back inside. He sat on the platform outside of the Hermes Cabin till she showed up, with a cat curled up on his lap. A situation Eric never thought he would find himself in.

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘
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marissa -







  • home (filler tab)

why don't we

don't change

It was the sound of a loud clank! that jerked Marissa awake. She'd been slumped over her work desk in the middle of her forge and had apparently knocked something off the table when shifting. Blinking warily a few times, she waited for her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. What had she been doing?

Clearing her throat she went to try and move a stray curl away from her face, only to realize part of why she was having such trouble seeing. Grabbing a fistful of her hair she shoved it over her head and out of the way. Feeling some of it flip back in front of her eyes, she huffed in annoyance. That's right...she'd been getting a headache the night before after working by the flames for so long, so when she'd moved to the blueprints at her desk she'd let her hair down to relieve some of the tension.

Seems she'd fallen asleep soon after. She sighed, remembering what had happened. She'd gotten frustrated with her current project and had let her head fall onto the table and it seems she'd just...never lifted her head.

It almost happened again, her eyes beginning to close, only to shoot open in surprise at the loud grumble her stomach let out. She flushed, embarrassed even though she was alone. Seems she hadn't eaten in a while...again. She groaned, shoving herself away from the table and stumbled to her feet. Heading into her side room where her bed and closet was, she quickly changed into shorts and a clean tank top and pulled her hair into a messy ponytail.

she mumbled, stumbling her way out of her forge and through the winding corridors that made up the underground of the Hephaestus cabin.

Somehow she made her way back up to the front entrance of her cabin and out into the fresh air. She winced, reaching up to cover her eyes from the sun that was currently attempting to blind her. She whined, wanting to go back and hide in her room. However, her stomach growled, reminding her of why she had ventured out into the wilderness that was the rest of camp.

Her body having decided for her, she made her way further into camp and towards the dining pavilion. Thankfully it didn't take long for her to get there and it was good to know that she wasn't alone in her search for food. Spotting Noah and Kyle two people that she recognized, she headed straight for their table.

Dropping into the seat next to Noah, she whimpered, her head falling onto the table. She turned slightly so she could lean against him.

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

meredith -







  • home (filler tab)

ben rector

brand new

As per her usual, Meredith had woken long ago and gotten dressed so she could go out and take care of her section of the cabin gardens. Used to being the first awake, she was used to the silence and even enjoyed it as she slipped into her working jeans and an old shirt she'd stolen from Damon that he'd deemed no longer in style. She had seen his point and encouraged him to no longer wear the clothing, but that hadn't stopped her from reusing it.

She could be plenty resourceful when she wanted to be. As she knelt in the dirt in front of her cabin she carefully felt around her lovely flowers and vines, checking for any weeds or pesticides. There never tended to be any, but the day she began to slack in her care for her beloved plants was the day that she would keel over and die. She swore it by the Gods.

Nothing would happen to her garden on her watch. Having checked for any interlopers, she moved on to infusing a minuscule amount of her energy into the ground to enrich the soil before standing and going to fetch a watering can which she then filled at the small well attached to her home. Once filled, she turned off the water and then went about giving each plant a healthy drink, smiling to herself as the flowers seemed to look even brighter after her care.

Now finished, she returned the can to its rightful place and headed back inside, ready to escape the clutches of the dirt covering her legs and hands. While Meredith had no problems working in dirt and getting dirty, it didn't mean she actually liked being covered in dirt. No, she was more than ready for a shower to wash everything away and to get dressed into something actually cute. She had an image she'd like to retain, thank you very much.

Dressed and ready to leave once again, it was now later in the morning and more of her siblings were beginning to wake and start to care for their own plants. She smiled and waved at them all, wishing them a good morning before she left her cabin once again, this time heading out back towards the lake where she was sure to find one of her closest....friends. When in doubt, Meredith could almost always find Brandon wading in the water.

With her skirt swishing around her thighs, she slipped off her sandals so she could carry them as the grass below her feet turned to sand, enjoying the feel of it between her toes. She had been right after all, seeing Bran not too far ahead of her, standing in the shallows of the lake.

"Hey, Pretty Boy!"
she called out in greeting, smiling at the sight of him.
"How's it go-"
she cut off as she got closer. Startled at the red lines covering his arms, she dropped her sandals in the sand and hurried into the water after him, not caring if the hem of her dress got wet.

Reaching out she gently grabbed his arm, trying to see what had happened.
"What happened, are you okay?"
she asked softly, tilting her head back to look up at him, eyes shining with worry. Why hadn't he healed himself already?

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘








  • home (filler tab)

we three


Victor was having a good dream, he was back home on the farm with his mother. They were happy, it didn’t matter whether his dad was there or not. She was happy there with him, and he was normal and not a demi-god. Violet was still there, but she was just his best friend. Even Amber was there. Everyone, he loved was there and they were happy. He was happy. He didn’t want to leave, until a knock on his cabin’s door woke him from that wonderful dream. He sighed as he opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling above, which shines like the night sky. Taking a minute or two before getting up and opening the door.

”Hey Vi, come in. Let me get dressed, and we can head out together.”

He said as he lets her in. He was still in his pajama's bottom with no shirt but Violet has seen him half naked a lot of times due to her coming over and waking him up for breakfast. Victor just heads to his bathroom and starts to shower, he closes his eyes to try to control his breathing. He was sad and broken that his dream, was what it was. A dream. What he would do to have his mother back, to have that home back. He owns the farm, as it was a family farm but it was under his Aunt’s care until he turns 18 but he couldn’t go back there…as it was the last place he saw his mother. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t.

Victor quickly takes a shower and gets dressed. Walking out of the bathroom dressed with Violet sitting on his bed
”Let me charge up and we can go.”
He says heading towards the car battery that was on the other side of the room. The Hephaestus Cabin made him a car battery or a giant battery he likes to call it, to help charge him up. He turns it on, and electricity surges in the air. He grabs the open wires and starts to absorb the electricity but for some reason, it hurts a lot more than usual. He groans in pain as the pain increases. He struggles to turn off the car battery and then falls down to the floor. He looks at his smoking hands and back up at Violet who had run to him the moment she sensed something was wrong.

He slowly opened his hands, and there were burns there. Bad ones. It was weird because he wasn’t supposed to get burned like this. His immunity should have kicked in from the night before, well it did, but it was weaker. It was like it was barely there, but he was able to absorb the lightning so…maybe he just forgot to charge up enough.

He looked at Violet
”...I don’t know what just happened?”

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘
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  • home (filler tab)

alicia keys

doesn't mean anything

Care doesn’t want to talk about the last couple of days she had. From getting into a huge fight with Star, and then going off and almost getting killed by a harpy to ending up at the infirmary for the past couple of days. It was like nothing she did, was going right. It was like all her plans were falling apart and there was nothing she could do to stop it from happening. It made her more firm in her ideals that something was up at camp. Her plans never falls apart. It was like she couldn’t make the perfect plan without something failing. This plan has to work so they could figure out what is happening. And she will make sure it will.

She had left the infirmary early that morning after getting the ok from Violet. Her arm still had to be in a sling for the next day or so, to make sure she doesn’t do anything to make the soreness worse. Care quickly walked down to breakfast, grabbing some food and throwing some in the fire for an offering for her mother. Silently pleading for her plan to go off without fail. She wanted to make sure to dodge her brother. Knowing him, he had been looking for her all over and with Violet helping hide her, he would double his efforts today. She didn’t need that right now.

Care goes straight into her cabin, grabbing her notebook and ignoring all the looks of confusion from her siblings and questions. She also grabbed a book to read. She then goes towards the meeting place. Heading for the tree where they met. She honestly didn’t think the twins were that bad, just misunderstood. Especially Avery, for him, emotions were a weakness in battle and he was taught to restrain them. No wonder he was somewhat cold, even Amber was at a point. Getting thrown in with Greeks who were nothing but emotions must have been uncomfortable. She knew that he had them though, just from looking at his interactions with his sister. You could tell that he cared about her more than anything on this earth and vice versa. She knew he could be trusted. Romans might be somewhat emotionless, but they are good allies to have. She just has to make the rest of the camp see that.

Now for the love twins…they were her siblings and she knew that they would follow her. Care had their trust and they had hers. She knew that they could handle this, as much as they would like to not. She needed them to see the truth, and this was the only way they would. She needed to see that there was something going on, and not just by her word. Plus, they do make some good distractions, and they were perfect for the plan. Plus they are one of the only ones who can rally everyone together. Felicity and Damon were popular and well-liked by everyone…not just the ones they slept with.

…Star was just for her. To be honest, she needed her in this plan for her own calm and sanity. Plus she was good friends with Brandon and can help with gathering him but in all honesty. She could have given the twins that purpose but she wanted Star and which is why she made sure she had a part in this plan. Once she got to the tree, she carefully climbed it. Making sure to not strain her arm, and once she was on her branch, she started to eat and make final adjustments to the plan. She was also writing Star the apology that she couldn’t say out loud. The words just get stuck in her mouth..and she just couldn’t say it.

Care sighed and kept writing, throwing the papers with half-written apologies to the ground, not noticing that they were just falling to places where people could grab it and read it.

All she wanted to do…is say sorry and fix things.
β€œFucking hell”
She mumbles as yet another paper falls to the ground.

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘
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jasper -







  • home (filler tab)


lemon drop

When Jasper had woken with the rest of his siblings, he watched awkwardly as they filed out of the cabin and most made their way to the infirmary, led by Violet. It still always left him wincing as he remembered the incident that had left him banned from helping in the infirmary. Sure it had happened years ago, but it still bothered him. For being a son of Apollo, he sure didn't have any talents in the healing arts.

He sighed, forcing himself not to go down that road. It only led to more dark thoughts, and he wanted a happy day. Something that wouldn't bring him down.
"Isn't that right, Aurora?"

Receiving a bark in return, Jasper smiled down at the australian shepherd puppy beside him. His baby would always have his back, clearly.

"Come on girl, let's go for a run."
he called, heading further away from the center of camp, planning to do a quick jog around the edge of the forest. Maybe he'd circle the training area and if he was lucky he could bump into Sammy. She always knew how to get his head on straight and keep it that way. He grinned at the thought.

Now with a happy plan in mind, Jasper took off at a quick jog, ready to work up an appetite, Aurora at his heels. Waving to anyone he saw as they passed, the brunette was happy to feel his mood lifting the longer he was out. Maybe today was going to be a good day after all.

He wasn't sure how long they were out, but as he began to feel his stomach growl at him in warning, he slowed his jog to a steady walk.
"How you doing girl? You getting hungry too?"
he asked, receiving a loud bark in response. He laughed, nodding.
"Alright, alright, let's go find something to eat."

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

althaia -







  • home (filler tab)

maxton waller

on my way

Theta winced, jerking her hand back as sparks shot out of the bowl she'd been working over.
she hissed, cradling her hand against her chest.
"Dang it..."
she mumbled. She didn't know what she was doing wrong that kept causing the spell to rebound back on her.

Yes, her regular abilities focused on the elements, but still, this was listed as a basic spell, and she was well past struggling on basic spells. So why was she having such a hard time with this one? She sighed, biting at her lip anxiously. She just didn't know what she was doing wrong.

Taking a look at the book that was off to the side next to her spell station she frowned, flipping through a few pages. She was hoping to find some answers, but nothing seemed to be working. She sighed, letting her head fall forward in defeat. Apparently today wasn't going to be a good day. And of course, immediately after she acknowledged this, the lights went out.

'Sorry!' a shout could be heard from deep within the cabin.

"Of course..."
she sighed. Without a thought, Theta waved her hand in a complicated motion and a small ball of fire appeared in her hand, bringing light into her room and casting shadows on the wall. With a quick flick of her wrist the flame flew from her hand and straight to the torch on the wall nearest her. She watched as the flame bounced, jumping from torch to torch until it disappeared from view, continuing through the whole cabin until everyone had enough light to see.

A cheer went through the cabin, some even whistling. 'Thanks Theta!' someone shouted. She smiled. At least some of her powers still worked.

With another glance down at her station, she shook her head, deciding to put it out of her mind. She could try something else later, but for now she figured she should probably find something to eat. She'd been up for a while, having started practice early.

Heading out to the pavilion, she wondered what was for breakfast and who all was around. While she was on good terms with everyone, that didn't mean she was fully comfortable in one on one conversations with everyone she'd met in her years here. Maybe she'd get lucky and she wouldn't have a nerve-wracking time at breakfast.

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘








  • home (filler tab)

justin bieber (feat. khalid)

as i am

Avery couldn’t sleep. He was tossing and turning all night, well…he did sleep. But it was at most for an hour, it was the reason he was so restless right now. He had a nightmare, a nightmare about losing his twin, his other half. Without her controlling him, curbing him, he’s more ruthless. It’s what their roman leaders found out with the twins. Placed them in separate cohorts, as leaders to see if they were strong on their own. They found out that they weren’t only as strong on their but much more colder and ruthless. They were dangerous on their own, even scary at times. They needed each other to be more human, more open.

He had a dream that she had fallen in the battle that was yet to come, and he watched it happen and couldn’t stop it. He screamed and it was like red everywhere. At the end of the nightmare, everyone around him was dead, and he was holding her body with tears on his face, it was the lifeless from her that woke him up. Avery after that couldn’t sleep. He checked on the bunk across from him and saw that Amber was still sleeping, so he quietly and quickly got dressed and headed to the training grounds to release some tension.

It wasn’t only the nightmare that was keeping him up, it was also the fact that Amber and him, a group of greeks were aiming to find out the truth today. What was the quest? What was the purpose of him being there, for Amber being there? Chiron wasn’t sharing, and he was ignoring their question, Avery wanted to find out the truth, so he and Amber could go back home sooner than later. The change wasn’t something that Avery handled well. Not to mention that he had already made enemies in the greeks. He wasn’t like Amber, which is why he always observed and she interacted. It was better for them, this way.

To be honest, they were a few greeks that had gained his respect. Greeks like Sammy, and Care. Especially Care, they bonded over books, and he knew the entire time where she was, thanks to Nia Veon, a Hunter of Artemis who had found him and let him know where she was. He truly didn’t think to go to any of her family members, he was just focused on making sure his ally was ok, and with this, he kept her company and they bonded. Now he calls her β€˜little c’ and she’s the only one other than Amber to call him Aves.

So maybe these greeks aren’t so bad or at least Care isn’t.

Avery had been training for at least 2 hours when he saw his sister come up to him. Also with the non-sleeping issue. They both agree to train until they can’t anymore. This is how they got to the present time, Amber is distracted, as Avery knocks her on her ass by hitting her on her back. He groaned as the same pain goes through him but it was worth seeing her face.
β€œβ€œYou were distracted Berry. Just using what I saw to win.”
He sighed as he sat by her and nods softly.

β€œβ€œYea, to be honest, I’ve grown close to C, and I rather not see her get caught and us get off scot-free.”
He says honestly
β€œBut also, C said that her plan needs a fall guy to work. She has chosen that role for herself. I do not wish to harm the plan more by going against it.”
Avery said as he looked at his sister.

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘
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  • home (filler tab)

justin bieber


Sammy was training as always. She had gotten up at 6 am, to start on it before her siblings came to it. It was her peaceful time, the time before she had to deal with other siblings and her brother who was most definitely hungover. Sometimes she couldn’t see him like that, it reminded her of her stepfather. Of what happened when he drank. That’s why she avoided parties, and her brother was intoxicated. It reminded her too much of what they had to grow up with and what they had to return to at the summer's end.

She wanted to just run away from all of it but couldn’t. Leave her mother and Kyle to deal with someone like Maximus? That was something she could never do, something that she wasn’t able to handle. Her father, Ares offered once to take care of the problem. She wasn’t surprised that he knew, he was a god of course. Sammy refused, she just reminded him that he wasn’t to get involved in human affairs. This would be breaking the rules that were set a long time ago and just for her. It wasn’t worth it. That’s when he gave her the staff and told her that one day, she’ll fight back and need it.

The thing was, Sammy would love to fight back but she can’t. Not until her mother and she could find a way to make sure that Kyle would never go to Maximus. That he would stay with them, and they are working on one. Her mother had found someone, someone that could help her adopt Kyle. To help her retain custody of him. They just needed to wait, and wait she will. She will take all the pain, just so her brother could know that he was theirs and not his. She trains harder and harder, not taking a breather for a moment until she spots a head of brown curls, and the sounds of a dog and smiles for the first time all morning.

Only one person takes this walk, with their dog. She runs out to meet him as he was talking to Aurora. β€œLook who’s out early!” She then felt Aurora jump onto her, and she giggles
β€œHi Aurora!”
she said as she scratches behind her ear, and looks up at Jasper
β€œHi Jas. Came for a visit?”
Then hears his stomach growl and giggles again. It was definitely food time for him, she just nods and holds up a finger as she runs into her cabin, quickly taking a shower and putting on clothes.

This was their thing, he would run by the training ground and meet her with Aurora. She would quickly get ready and they would walk to breakfast together. It reminded of the time..when he and her would do that only he would be training with her. It was the reason, why she was so careful to not let her feelings get out of control with Jasper. Sammy couldn’t fall in love again, not like Adrian. Breaking his heart and hers, was enough for her for a lifetime. She couldn’t do that again. She just can’t. Sammy walks out, meets with Jasper, and smiles softly at him.
β€œCome on slowpoke! Aren’t you hungry?”

Sammy notices something off about him, and she walks closer to him, taking his hand.
β€œYou ok Sunny? You aren’t as bright today as before…”

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘








  • home (filler tab)

avril lavigne

dare to love me

Hani was alone in his forge, after staying up all night yet again. Normally Marissa would have come by and made him sleep but she was in her own forge at the moment and wouldn’t be surprised if she had the same dark circles he had. He sighed as his stomach grumbled. It was surely time for breakfast and for…socialization which he hated. To be honest, Hani avoids other campers, even his own cabin. He just…doesn’t know how to interact with them and most of the time tries to just avoid them.

Marissa, his sister was one of the only people that he let near him. Partly because she wouldn’t leave him alone until he did. She understood his rules and respected them the best she could. He also hung out with what the campers call the darkness trio, which consists of Adrian, the son of Thanatos, Elijah, the son of Hades, and Narcissa, the daughter of Nyx. They had basically taken him in as an honorary member of their trio and allowed him to spend time around them, and into their outings.

Honestly, those nights were the best when he was with them.

He never felt alone while he was with them as he did with anyone other than Marissa. Hani didn’t feel different when he was with them, he felt like a human and that was a feeling that he had forgotten, as he was growing up, with powers he couldn’t control. He never felt human, he felt like a freak. A freak who burned down houses and apartment buildings when he gets too emotional. With them, or his sister, he felt human. He felt like he wasn’t…broken.

Hani sighs as he leaves his forge, having taken a shower and changed clothes. He had made a hideaway in his forge. A place where if he wanted to, he could stay down there for a few weeks without ever going up. Which, of course, he has before Marissa dragged him back out into the light. He goes for the forest entrance, as he really didn’t want to run into his cabinmates. He was in his mind thinking of a project he was working on when he bumped into someone.
β€œI am so sorry. I should have been paying better attention.”
He said softly as he helped her up with his gloves.

Once he looked at her, his face went red as he realized it was Theta…a girl he may or may not be crushing on at the moment that he had bumped into.
He mumbles as he backs up quickly about to make a quick exit before he thought about Adrian’s advice about making new friends and breaths in deeply.
β€œI-i-i actually have a q-q-question for you if t-t-that’s ok?”

He closes his eyes at the next sentence out of his mouth, not wanting to see her reaction

β€œW-w-w-would you l-l-like to be f-f-friends?”

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘








  • home (filler tab)

alicia keys


Nia was annoyed. She had been at Camp Half-Blood since she had figured out that she couldn’t return to her hunters or her lady. She had gone straight to Chiron about it, and he just told her that they are aware of the situation and that if they figure out anything, she would be told about it. It’s been too long since then, and she was anxious. This was the longest she had gone without her lady and it was hurting her. She felt like neglecting her duties as a hunter and most of all, she missed the girls that became her sisters, her family. She wanted to go home. She gets up as the quiet cabin eight bothers her more than anything. She was used to traveling in a group and now she wasn’t.

She was alone and hated it.

She quickly got dressed, and ready. Today she wasn’t going to leave Chiron alone until she gets answers. He had no right keeping her from her lady, from her family. What if they are hurt and needed her? She couldn’t deal with the unknowns. Nia wanted answers and she was going to get them. She glances out of her cabin, to make sure that a certain duo wasn’t lurking by. Felicity has been trying to corner her ever since she found out that Nia was the daughter of Venus, the roman counterpart of her own mother Aphrodite. She wanted to know what made Nia give up love and beauty. When they were the literal children of it.

Nia didn’t have an answer for her. How could she tell her, that her heart was broken into pieces, and she couldn’t trust love anymore? She couldn’t trust that it was beautiful as her mother and her sisters said. They were all there and all she saw was the note that her lover left her. A note telling her that she was in love with him, that she was running off to marry him, that she wanted her to find someone else. There at the time, wasn’t anyone else for her, there wasn’t someone that could even be anyone else. She gave up on love and beauty and everything because she didn’t want that pain anymore.

So when her lady offered her a way out, she took it. She took it and she ran with it. Plus the curse that her mother placed on her because of her choices, wasn’t all bad. It was the only reason that she was able to find that greek camper, the daughter of Athena. Her heart was hurting so bad, that Nia had to see and make sure that she was ok herself. The curse gave her the pain of a broken heart and she could feel it every time someone nearby was experiencing it. The pain only lessens when she comes into contact with the person with the broken heart. If it’s really bad, then it has the capability to bring her to her knees. Which the demigod’s broken heart, did.

Nia rushes out and heads straight to The Big House, knocking on the door sharply. Ready to argue as campers pass by.

β€œChiron, I know you are in there. We need to talk!”

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

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