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The Trapped Gods
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When the demigods of Camp Half-Blood notice their powers start failing, they need answers. And Chiron isn't giving them any.

As it turns out, the gods are being held hostage by unseen forces. Four quests will be needed to save Zeus and Olympus, Hades in the Underworld, Artemis on her hunt, and Dionysus from Half-Blood. Otherwise, their greatest enemies will lay claim to the world.
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  • AnimeGenork

    The Duck Overlord
    Roleplay Availability
    Roleplay Type(s)
    My Interest Check

    Hades Team
    Hani, Felicity, Elijah, Star
    For the king of the dead and those below
    The elder son of fire and daughter of beauty must go
    Accompany the Underworld's spawn and with rainbow's aid
    Face a king who long ago to rest was laid
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