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Fantasy The Summits

Jenna looked at Luna "Are you new to fire or something?" She asked handing everyone a stick with a fish on it. She saved the smaller tuna for herself she loved tuna almost as much as she loved animals. "Oh i forgot to say that animals might come around here if they do i will handle them okay?" She said as she smiled and cooked her fish.
Luna looked at her. "A, no fire is not new to me. B, I can handle one myself thanks." She said, taking the fish. She starts to cook her fish slowly over the fire. The only thing she could remember from that experiment was rings of fire and a whip. She shuttered again at the rings part. She finished cooking her fish and started chewing on it.
Jenna just looked at her "Okay, i was just asking....." Then she stood up and went into the jungle leaving her stick and fish behind.
Seeing that the rest of them were staying quiet, Seth joined the small group by the fire, sitting on his hands. He quietly greeted them before sitting, unsure of what to say.
Wraps got up and sat by XY, "Nice to meet you! I'm Wraps." He said with a smile.
XY peered over at the man in bandages, then smiled weakly, "Nice to meet you too, Wraps. If you hadn't hear me earlier, then I go by XY," her voice was a little shaky and soft, but soon gained back it strong composure. "Sorry, I fell from the plane and it winded me pretty good," she had mumbled this.
Wraps chuckles, "It's ok, we all get knocked down sometimes." Wraps remembers his condition, although Vi had helped him, he still worried about his mouth. He reaches up to the bandages of the bottom half of his face, he feels them for a second then lets his arm drop. He stares at the fire for a second then he shakes his head, "O-Oh yeah, your name was XY, don't worry I remember." He weakly smiles, trying to forget the decomposed flesh on his face. He picks up one of the sticks with the fish on it, he simply holds it.
Babble awoke, he heard chatter outside of the shelter, he was still on the ground. Jenna was outside, something about fish. He tried to stand up, it took him a second but he did it. He made his way to the exit and looked back to see a flickering appearance of a girl who seemed to be watching over him.

"Hello there..." he said cautiously. "Who are you...?"
Vi listened to the chatter, laughing at how well everyone was getting along. The sun pounded on her skin like a 20 pound weight. "Haha.. well, Its a pleasure to meet you XY. You are truly a unique character of a person. I look forward to our time on the island together. Consider me Vi."

She said after listening for a bit. She started inching towards the shade and the shelter.
8 wakes the boy awakens, she see's him staring at her.

She is paralyzed in fear as she stars back at him.

Tears come rolling down her face for no reason.

"Stay back!" She gets up and runs past him out of the shelter, trips, and tumbles outside. "I'm sorry!"
Wraps darts up, standing in a defensive position. He faces the girl, gripping the makeshift knife tightly. He realizes who it is and sits back down, "Oh, it's only you." He mutters, he feels bad for drawing his knife, if it could even be called one, on a girl.
"It's okay! Just tell us who you are!" Another unknown face pops in with a knife. "Who are you?! What the hell is going on?" Babble was insanly confused. He moved slightly toward the girl in an attempt to calm her down. "Everyone...shhhhh!" He limped toward the situation when suddenly he was surrounded by clones of the girl. "Jesus..." He sighed. "I'm...gonna go find...food or something. He started fr the beach, passing Vi on the way. "Hey." He said rubbing his temples as he passed her.
Vi paused, hearing what Babble was talking about. She covered her shoulders with her hands and held up a finger. "Would you mind if I were to join? It would be a good use of time and while socializing is nice, productivity is necessary." Her red eyes gleamed with the idea of distraction or adventure.
"Go ahead. I'm just starving and sick of," he tripped one of the running clones. "Those things already. Who is she?" He kept walking for the beach. "I need food, fish seems plausible. What time is it?"
8 felt the clone's pain as Babble tripped it.

The pain filled her need to cry as she too, tripped and fell into the ocean.

"Oof!" She said as she hit the sand ground.

All she wanted to do was make friends, but she knew she couldn't if she was unable to talk without tearing up.
Looking up at the sky, Vi tried t take a reasonable estimate. "It is.. possibly a little after noon.. she snuck in last night, however she seemed.. a bit too nervous to speak to in kinder terms." She walked as well, eyeing the things. "Fish is a good idea. Um, Babble, correct? How is your leg treating you?" She lifted a hand. palm trees were stripped of long fibers which binder together. As it make its way to them, the fiber wove itself loosely. She didn't really know if it would hold, but it worked as a net somewhere where they lacked rope.
"Yeah," Babble nodded. "Babble. The other tests named me that." He walked along side her. "My leg's the least of my worries right now. We need food, a better shelter, and a plan of survival. We won't last a week like this. What's Jenna up to? Is she fishing? 'cause if she's doing that, then we'd better work on something else, or just help her." He looked up at the sky, "I'm staying up all night."
"hm?" Vi chuckled at the given name. "You don't seem that terribly chatty, but I feel it fits still. Vi is for the letter V. The lab guys got pretty pissed when I started smiling about everything and asking how their days were. Keeping the name and saying 'thank you' was the worst.. and the funniest." She explained. Hm, jenna? Vi had not seen her in a bit.

"Sorry, I believe I should have kept up, hm? I don't know what she's up to.. and I will most likely as well. My skin doesn't like sunlight anyways. But be careful with your leg. A bit of rest before overdoing it is better than days of immobility, and I only bound the skin together. Muscle damage needs some taking it easy."
XY nodded to Wraps, a stronger smile displaying on her face as she regained her breathing. The heterochromia girl watched as Babble walked past them all, smirking slightly, she waved to Wraps as she got up to follow Vi and Babble. "Heh, long time no see Babble, how was the fall?" she asked in a joking manner, she didn't mean any real harm towards it, just trying to lighten the mood.
"Gotcha." Babble stopped walking. "I'm chatty once I don't feel like I'm bleeding out." He chuckled. Babble looked around at the treeline. "Let's go gather wood for a fire, I'm fairly confident that Jenna's got the fish under control." 
"Fantastic." He said sarcastically. "How was yours?" he asked moving towards the woods. "What exactly happened to plane do you know?'
Wraps takes his cooked fish and goes inside, he still doesn't want anyone to see him, he knew he was a freak, and he knew that everyone on the island were misguided souls, but he wasn't comfortable with anyone seeing him like this. He knew there were people who looked and felt worse than him, but he was too modest. He sits inside and pull the bandages from the bottom half of his face and eats, he finishes eventually, he struggles with eating since he has no cheek or lips but he manages. When he is done, he slides the bandages back over his face and sits there, not wanting to go back out. He holds back tears of remembering the years and years he was yelled at, mistreated, and worst of all, alone. He pulls himself together and walks outside again, smiling weakly as he sits down with himself to talk to. He sings to himself and draws in the sand.
"My fall? Incredibly painless, I passed out on the way down," she snickered at his sarcasm. Continuing to follow him, she finally got next to him to hear him slightly better, "Plane crashed in the middle of the island, caught site of where we were headed to crash before I blacked out. Oh, and that officer that left your cage? They were shooting at me, jumpy aren't they?" XY giggled a little at the memory.
"Yeah they are..." Babble stopped. "Wait...shooting at you? Where was this again?" Babble started thinking.

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