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Fantasy The Summits


Ex Ignition Hero
Made test subjects and failed as ones too; you play the role of a team of rejected human test subjects who are being exiled where all failed test subjects end up, a place referred to as 'The Summits'.

'The Summits' is an island in an unexplored part of the pacific ocean. On this island lives the rejected test subjects of testing facilities all over the world. It's called the summits because of the astronomical height of the mountain range. The mountains are so high, they block most all communications of the outside world.

You all are failed tests; this means you are super human, but to an extent. You all have major drawbacks, weaknesses, AND fears.
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Babble was in a cage, on a plane, and on his way to place that others called 'The Summits". It's the place where all failed tests go.

"So...what's this place like?" Babble nervously asked an armed guard sitting next the cage he was in.

"Hell." The guard said. He then chuckled and kicked the cage.

"Stay back you freak."

Babble didn't flinch, he just stared and gave his usual helpless look he is always wearing. The plane rumbled and Babble griped the bars of his cage harder. There was a loud booming sound in the next room over, in the cargo area. This was followed by a red light and some static voices over the armed guard's radio. He stood up, replied, "Copy, on my way." Then exited the room with his rifle in hand.

It was storming outside and Babble couldn't tell the difference between gun shots and thunder. Without warning, the air became thin, a loud crack rattled Babble's ears, and everything went silent. The hull of the plane had ripped open and Babble blacked out. He awoke a split second later now out of his cage, but falling. He was surrounded by burning debris and a few bodies. All sound has gone deathly quiet and muffled. Babble could barely breathe when it hit him; "I'm going to die..." He was convinced, it all made sense now that this was how it ended. Babble closed his eyes as he pasted through the clouds just in time to see the island below him. He closed his eyes.

For what seemed like hours, he fell, hurdling towards the earth. he felt something slam into him. He opened his eyes, he was closer to the earth now but what had hit him was the dead body of the guard he spoke with earlier, he noticed that the guard had a parachute on. Babble made his way over to the guard and stripped him of the parachute. Not knowing how to put it on, Babble gripped it tight and prayed for a god he didn't believe in.

He was now very close to the ground when he pulled the chute. The blanket-like material unfolded and captured air underneath it, jerking Babble suddenly. The jerk caused Babble to loose most of the grip he hand and dislocated his left shoulder, leaving his right arm the only thing between life and death. Babble road the parachute down for about 6-7 minuets before he had had enough. He took a deep breath, and though about being on the ground. He felt his body particularize and form about 20 feet above ground. He looked up, the parachute was far above him, he fell onto a tree, and then onto the ground landing in a puddle of mud.

There he laid, catching his breathe and allowing his body to rest. The rain washed off the mud on his back. The parachute landed lightly on top of him, acting like a blanket. He smiled and thought to himself, 'I just successfully controlled my teleportation...". His sense of hear returned as the calm pitter patter of the rain filled his ears.

Babble motioned his shoulder around and felt it pop back into place, a warm wave of relief washed over him, yet he still laid in the mud, waiting for the energy to get up and continue living.
Darman's attention had been diverted from his fruit snack by loud clasps and booms. Airflow, definitely airflow. Although, probably not thunder. Possibly some oceanic anomaly? This is an island after all. Perhaps it's just some experiment finding out he can control sound or something. Some crazy kid with a new toy. If that were the case, the islands sleep factor will be diminishing exponentially for a while.

Just in case, Darman scanned the skies for what could possibly be the noise. Behold, a falling plane. The heat coming off of it was hard to miss. From the plane he obviously saw debris and other things that should have stayed attached to the plane. Then one object caught his senses. Roughly human shaped with similar heat just floating down. After a good stare down, he decided it had to be a parachute.

With a slow methodical manner he had grown to accustomed to, he stood up from the place he had been relaxing and enjoying some fruit. Dusting off just a little to be presentable to whoever decided to choose life on this island over staying on the plane. He grabbed his hiking pole, a carved white pole just a little taller than him, and trekked off in the general direction of the faller. He would look up occasionaly to make sure that he was going the right direction. After some walking and wading he looked up to see his little friend, he had been calling Joey in his mind, when after a second of watching him, Joey suddenly ceased to be there.

Darman watched the blank spot in the sky for a moment without losing pace. Slow thoughts started trickling in saying that maybe that fruit earlier had a hallucinogen of some kind. No matter, he had already left his fruit behind so it wasn't any use going back for it. Darman continued his trek in the general direction of Joey before he dissapeared.

Coming into a rather disgustingly muddy area, Darman started using his pole to actual effect. To be truthful he had just been carrying the thing around because it took him forever to carve it into a somewhat straight pole. Now it served as a way to balance and slog through the mud. Through minutes of slogging, he came upon a figure outlined by a canvas in a section of mud. Darman stood there fighting the urge to poke it with his pole and just simply wondering.

Is this what fell? Is it a person? Is it dead? Maybe I can just take the canvas. Is it rude to steal off dead people? He won't need it. It is a he? Joey? No, Joey dissapeared. Maybe Joey never existed. This could be Joey. Maybe Joey just fell really fast and this is Joey. What if Joey was actually a girl this whole time. Joan? Joey Joan.
Luna was hiding among the rocks of a mountain in a cave. She was alone, as usual, sitting among the silence of the cave. She hated being alone, but if she approached anyone, they surely would cast her away. If those stupid scientist hadn't made that one tiny mistake, she could have been in a rich house and pampered. Then again, she also could have been abused as a slave. She sighed, curling up. She hated her personality. Abrasive, headstrong, feisty. But she couldn't help it. It was the experiments. It was there fault, but sometimes she felt as if it where hers. She just didn't want to get hurt anymore.

After a while, she heard the rushing sound of objects falling though the sky. Her ears perked and she walked to the entrance, seeing a boy in a parachute land on the beach. Out of fear, she took off, her wings letting her glide effortlessly into the air as she approached the beach. Apparently there was someone else there, but she didn't care.
Seth, currently in the middle of trying to still his hands against a rock, looked up to see a plane flying in. There was no mistaking that this was a similar plane, if not the one that he flew in on. He remembered his flight, spent mostly curled up in a cage, occasionally vomiting. Even if his hands had worked they'd still have been shaking. The guard, cruel as he was, eventually moved him to a window, where he could see how far from the ground he was. At that point, he would dry heave and continue holding his eyes closed, hoping the ride would end soon. He turned away until he heard a sound, and turned back, only to see the plane now burning and careening downward. He eventually spotted a pair of figures falling through the air and began moving towards where they were headed, considering he was pretty close.

He got there, only to see a relatively familiar face, although not one he could put a name to. He backed away from the white-haired man, realizing all of a sudden that he wasn't sure he wanted to see anyone. He turned away and began trying to quietly walk the other way.
Tony was contently sat in a tree watching the plane as it careened forward, tilting toward the earth. He noted the figures, but by the time he'd opened his wings and untangled himself from the tree they'd already crashed. He flapped his large wings, fluttering toward where the figures had landed, slightly dismayed to notice how many people were also curiously approaching the form in the mud, and he huffed, sticking to a tree branch where he could watch. His feathers ruffled in annoyance at the wind which swept through them, and he huddled against the tree trunk to shelter himself as he watched with curiosity. He wouldn't get down, seeing as he didn't like people.
Luna saw someone else and was suddenly vary aware that there were others around her. Her outer defenses curling up, she suddenly becoming angrier. She backed away, her teeth baring at the rest of them. She slowly shrunk into the shadows, hiding under a tree. Although she was hiding a bit more now, she looked like a white thumbtack on a black board. She gazed around, her cold eyes laying over the others around her as she curled her wings tighter around her fragile body.
Tony flinched as the girl backed up under his tree, apparently not noticing the other wings being in said tree. He stayed silent, watching her with his gold and red eyes. His own wings were wrapped about his shoulders, and were ruffled. One of his pure black feathers fluttered down from his wings, landing on Lunas head. He stayed still as he noticed his feather, hoping she didn't look up to see one gold and one red eyes staring at her curiously
Luna continued glaring at everyone until she felt something touch her head. Her face twisting into a confused looked, she felt around on her head, searching for the source of the weight. She felt around until her hand touched something light and fluffy. Pulling the object off her head, she realized that it was a black feather. Looking up, she saw a red eye and a gold eye peering at her though the leaves.
Darman broke from his rambling thoughts for a moment and realized he was standing in the open. There was a mass huddled under a canvas at his feet and any number of other variables. To make it all suck collectively, it was raining. Perfect.

He leaned on his pole a moment and looked around for heat. The rain offered some interference but not enough to disguise bodies. He counted a few lurkers about, a possible dispute over a tree, but nothing too dangerous. Nobody aiming a stick at him.

"You're all a little skittish, aren't you." He projected in a neutral tone. Now was the moment. Would they break and attack from all sides, would they scurry away, or would they be civil social animals. Seeing as the third option was very rare on this island, he hoped for scurrying at least.

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Tony blinked at her, and spread his wings to protect them both from the rain that was dripping through the trees, "H-Hi" He stuttered, his voice a unsure rasp from disuse. He hardly ever talked, and when he did it was with a stutter that made him seem nervous, which he clearly was. His odd eyes watched her unsurely
"Hi." Luna said, trying not to sound threatening. She closed her wings around her. At the white haired boys comment she snarled, glaring at him. "Skittish wouldn't be the right word in my opinion." She said, pain in her eyes but anger in her voice. She hated this side of her. But what else could she do. She had nothing left and she wasn't about to let her slowly healing life go to waste over some stupid guy.
Tony hopped down from the tree and set his unsettling gaze on the boy, "Leave her alone" He growled lowly, wings held in a threatening way. He was standing slightly in front of the girl, feeling protective of the other avian. His red eye seemed to darken to a deep blood red as he glared at him
"Fine, you two can fight over your tree. Don't mind me." Darman shrugged returning to the mystery at hand. He started studying the canvas and what could be under it. New arrivals, even some veterans of the island, could be unstable so moving the canvas too much would more than likely be a bad idea.
Justin was in the middle of sleeping when he heard the sound of a plane go by. He woke up from the sound and I made his blood boil. He never wanted to be awoken from his sleep but he only knew what that sound actually meant that another reject was her to suffer. He got up and kicked his door open and he started running to the plane crash leaving a trail of fire.

He soon arrived there and saw a person in a parachute, two bird people, and some other person. He just looked at all of them angry. "Alright who was the one this time who made the noise! I hate the sound of noise when it comes to things like this. So someone should confess up and if they are lucky they will just get a simple pounding!" He said to everyone. Little specks of fire appeared in my hair not affecting anything though.

If there was one thing eluded Tatt in her new home, of was the sky. Try as she might, there wasn't any possible way to know what was going on up there. Earlier on that day she had even thrown a couple smooth, what she assumed were, rocks upwards to get a feel for what was above her. And to make sure she wasn't in some elaborate setup. The rocks went up for a few seconds before thumping back down uninterrupted. No ceiling, nor anything hovering over her. Perfectly alone now.

And that was a good thing. The batch she came in with were all dead, their bones scattered mostly but a fair amount she had managed to collect and pile in the back of her home. All teens too... One even had some meat still in his bones. Something she relished as she cracked open and gnawed out the marrow like a heyena ripping into a rotting carcass. Her stomach rumbled and she figured since she was lacking food she'd try and eat the bones later. What's the worst it could do, kill her?

She laughs to herself, the sound of it something she nearly startled herself with before going back to being quiet and listening to the world around her.

After a few weeks, she'd eventually gotten a decent feel for her 'home' a smallish hovel that belonged to some boar or something. It was about two feet high a the entrance and went into the earth about twenty feet where it opened up into a smallish cave about five by five. She shored up the inside with a bunch of branches, didn't need it collapsing on her . Suffocation was easily in her top ten worst deaths so far and she wasn't eager to repeat it. She came back stronger and was able to scoop dirt better but really was it worth it? Either way, the hovel was now a small bowl shaped cavern where she could eat, sleep, and relax out of the way of the damned souls outside.

The jungle on the surface was calm enough, nothing unique but underneath , it was a death trap and Tatt had experienced almost all of them.

Her first was from the cold. She just shivered in the rain for two days, succumbing to sleep and dying then. She woke up and wasn't cold anymore. Only later did she realize she died then. Next thing that got her was a big cat. Some leopard that stalked the island.

It was a warm day and she could feel the heat on her neck, the feeling a bit rejuvenating but there was a smell in the air. Something musky and predatory. She had dropped her bundle of sticks to run but something grabbed her and threw her down. Pain struck in her neck as impossibly strong jaws crushed her spine. It was all over after that. Tatt was still awake as the rough bark splintered in her paralyzed cheek as the lepoard dragged her up into the trees to eat. Her left side went first, pain making her scream inside her head . Then her organs followed by the arm. About two hours in was when she finally started functioning again, startling the shit out of the big cat which ran off. Smart too, because he was on the kill list. Her body grew some sort of stinging cells on her skin. All she knew was that nothing snuck up on her like that anymore.

Outside her hovel, she shivered . The cries she wanted to scream where silenced by the cracked spine but her body still felt it all. Ready to finally let them out she tilts her head back only to hear the roar of a jet.

Crawling back into the dirt home, she waited a good hour before crawling back out. Following the sounds , Tatt reached the edge of her territory just close enough to hear the new meat.

Tatt herself was covered in dirt, blood and smoke. Her lab clothes were little more colored rags now, tattered like her. Carefully she moved closer, hiding herself behind a tree and eavesdropping.
Dell was tired, hungry, and scared but she couldn't do anything about it. She was lost and had no idea where she was so here she was curled up in a little ball crying. Just then she heard a loud sound pierce through her tiny cries which only made her cover her ears and cry louder." I just successfully controlled my teleportation..." Dell opened her eyes she heard someone else's thoughts which meant she wasn't alone. She smiled and stood up only falling forward seconds after. She struggled to her feet and when she regained her balance she rushed around trying to find the owner of the thought. She finally found a boy lying on the ground but she didn't go to him right away there was another person. She just watched as others had shown up she was excited she wasn't alone but didn't know if she could trust these people or not.

She listened to them talk to each other with their threats and simple words. She was a bit worried about the the one laying on the ground. She didn't know what happened when she heard the loud thunder like sound but assumed it had to do with why he was on the muddy ground. "What happened to them are they trapped here too?" she thought biting her lip. She had almost come out of her hiding place when a young male walked up yelling at the bunch of people. She saw fire specks in his hair which caused Dell to go back into hiding. " This isn't going to play out very well is it..." she thought kneeling back down hoping that the guy hadn't seen her. She felt like sitting in a corner and crawling up into a little ball again but this time never coming out.

((Sorry for my late post I fell asleep...))
Constance looked around for the others, as he was off on his own to gather food. He hated doing that. Being alone. Like back in the cages... Where there was only himself and the few other experiments that loved him. Weren't scared of him. His hair, or his eyes didn't freak them out. He didn't care where he was, as long as he was with them.... He heard a girl say "-very well is it..." And headed to the voice in a speedy Fox form in order to greet his new/old friend.
Dell was still watching the group which weren't doing much at all. She snapped out of her thoughts turning around to see nothing but she could feel eyes on her. " H-Hello?" she said quietly awaiting any kind of response. There's no one there turn around and pay attention Dell...she thought mentally slapping herself. She turned back around and continued to feel as if someone or something was watching her...That's impossible stop it!....She shook her head and turned back around " If someone is out there can you please come out. I won't hurt you I promise," she said with her same childish tone.

X - 000

White was to undergo another experiment. As long as the researchers could find a way to extend White's shortened and doomed lifespan, they would be able to continue experimentation upon him, but since this was deemed to be near impossible, White was brandished a failure. Nonetheless, White was one of the few still experimented upon on this island of rejects. He had just undergone an experiment where he was injected with a gene altering drug that forcibly attempted to recode some of White's DNA. This experiment was a bare success, it was able to extend White's life for two years, and left him on the brink of death. The pain that White felt was beyond excruciating. Even though he was given a strong pain killing drug, White felt as if every cell in his body were protesting against him, as if his entire body were losing energy and then being forcibly ripped apart in every location.

But White did not scream. Pain was a part of his existence, and every man's existence accommodates for regularities. Near death inducing pain was simply a routine for White's pitiful life as an experiment. These experiments were usually performed every time a new reject was brough here, and the plane that brought the reject usually had a small research team to analyze White and give him more pills to survive.

Today, White stood outside on the soft, dry grass. The island itself was a picturesque landscape of nature, with rising mountains capped with snowy splendor in the winter and with a verdant green tip in the spring. The air was clean and mossy and the fauna and flora flourished abundantly. Nature was one of the few things that White unabashedly admired, and this was probably due to his artistic nature. Should White have not been used as a disposable tool, he would most likely have become a renowned artist indeed. Food was not an issue for White, as his entire body existed only to fuel his brain, and an experiment had given White's cells 100% efficient ATP recycling which allowed him to go on living for an incredible amount of time without eating. This helped White in this wilderness because he wasnt strong enough to actually catch anything, and thus he lived off of a few fruits every few weeks.

However, White was jolted into awareness by the sound of a plane crashing. The crash was incredibly loud, and White could even hear the debris it flung out thud on the ground, indicating that it was quite close.

Even though the crash was close, White was slow. His frail, weak and starved body stumbled about, regularly losing balance on the uneven ground of the grassy land. By the time White reached the crash site, he was quite exhausted.

White saw a considerable group of rejects conversing about and around the crash site. White had the desire to go and meet them, but he was stopped by flashbacks of his memories in which he forced escaping test subjects to an unconscious state with his power so that the guards could capture them.

This was when White was still considered a good test subject, and was outfitted by a neural device that forcibly controlled his power. The guilt that White racked up from these experiences weighted down his mind as much as the realization that White's life was simply worth nothing.

White considered leaving so as to not become a possible threat to these people, but he noticed one of them that he had not noticed before. It was the test subject that had taken White's place and forced him out of the facilities and onto this island. White felt no enmity towards him, as he knew that his existence was just as hellish as the one White led, but White was still curious. Why was this man here?

Steeling himself, White stepped out to the crash site and weakly said, "Hello everyone".
[QUOTE="R e i n e r]Dell was still watching the group which weren't doing much at all. She snapped out of her thoughts turning around to see nothing but she could feel eyes on her. " H-Hello?" she said quietly awaiting any kind of response. There's no one there turn around and pay attention Dell...she thought mentally slapping herself. She turned back around and continued to feel as if someone or something was watching her...That's impossible stop it!....She shook her head and turned back around " If someone is out there can you please come out. I won't hurt you I promise," she said with her same childish tone.

Constance emerged from the shadows as a fox of moderate size, with the same eyes as he usually had. He let out a yip, and panted. He didn't want to turn human just yet. It hurt to transform sometimes, and this was a better way to find out who she really was.
" Oh uh...Hello are you the one who was watching me?" she said with a smile looking at the fox. " My name is Dell and I can't believe I'm talking to a fox," she looking at the ground " My gosh I must be going crazy!" Dell said slapping her forehead. " I want to go back to my corner, curl up in a ball, and die like that," she yelled leaning against a tree. Dell pouted her bottom lip and crossed her arms. " Do you think I'm crazy?" she asked looking at the fox.
Vi emerged from the forest. She was usually not one to step out unless the situation was important however she brought food for everyone and commotion was heard. Dell looked scared, Darman was being ignored.. unintentionally it seemed. She noticed the collapsed plane part and White, quickly handing him some fruit found after a second to evaluate his physique. She gave some of her own rations to support him a bit.

"Welcome to our island.. make yourself at home, love, and consider me Vi."

She gave a natural smile before eyeibg the crowd and chuckling. "All who want food, come get some!"
[QUOTE="R e i n e r]
" Oh uh...Hello are you the one who was watching me?" she said with a smile looking at the fox. " My name is Dell and I can't believe I'm talking to a fox," she looking at the ground " My gosh I must be going crazy!" Dell said slapping her forehead. " I want to go back to my corner, curl up in a ball, and die like that," she yelled leaning against a tree. Dell pouted her bottom lip and crossed her arms. " Do you think I'm crazy?" she asked looking at the fox.

The fox shook his head and wagged his tail, still panting. He nuzzled up to her warm skin as a way to say hello. He liked this girl. He licked her face to show that it was okay. That she was here among friends. That they would help her survive.
White took the fruit and grasped it in his palm gratefully. It had been a week since he had last eaten, and with this new piece of fruit he would sustain himself for another week.

"Thank you, but don't bother to to give me any more fruit like this. I don't need it and it would be better used by someone else." said White quietly. White wished he could spurn the fruit and die of starvation, and had tried many times before. But every time he was on the brink of death, he would look for food and sustain himself. Along with making every aspect of White's brain powerful, it had also made his survival instinct incredibly potent as well, and White hated this. He was a worthless object in this world and his only wish was to die anyway.

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