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The son of a slaveowner


One Thousand Club
Kevin walked with his father to the slave auction. Sighing, he rarely liked the atmosphere here but came for his father. Sitting beside his dad, Kevin waited for it to be over. He hated slavery and treated the slaves at home with kindness and respect.
Eve Marie hissed as people walked into her area she was the only vampire slave around and hated it she hissed and kicked the cage unshackling one of her ankles.
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Kevin watched as the girl kicked the cage and poked his father. His father said, "What? I'm in the middle of business."

"Her, can you get her for me. Just no branding, I will do my own," Kevin said getting his father's smile.

"Okay, Kevin. Only because you asked so nicely," his father said. Soon his father had purchased this girl.

Kevin walked up to her and said, "Hi my name is Kevin. Do you want to come with me?"

"Hello, Sorry for my actions I am the only Vampire Slave, My name is Eve Maire." Eve Marie smiled a little and showed her fangs just a little attempting to be friendly.
((Yes, please post in character sign-up.))

"Well, Eve. You belong to me in the eyes of the others. Come on," Kevin said releasing her of the shackles and taking her hand to lead her to his carriage. His father would take the second one when he had finished. Arriving at his carriage, he opened the door to let her get in first.
((I just Did.) "Okay." Eve said as she got in a little worried cause she needed blood.
"Yes I am." Eve said as she looked away from Kevin not wanting to slip and feed off humans
"Driver, head to the forest please," Kevin said smiling gently. Then looking at her he said, "Do you want human blood or animal blood?"
"Animal I haven't fed on humans since I met my old friends who taught me about feeding off animals." Eve said still looking away from Kevin's neck.
"Ok, so we are headed to a nearby forest. Why don't we start by you actually making eye contact," Kevin said lifting her chin up so their eyes met.
Eve looks at him in the eyes and starts getting thirstier and hold her breath. "Okay." She said as she kept her breath held.
"Look, I don't mind you taking a sip from me every now and then. Come on, let's get you some animal blood," Kevin said smiling gently as the carriage stopped.
"Okay, If I drink from you I may kill you that's the problem with vampires they get addicted to blood easily." Eve said worried that she said to much.
"That's okay. I regenerate blood at an amazingly high rate," Kevin said as they walked into the forest. Looking at her he tied a forehead protector onto her arm saying, "This is so that other slave owners won't try to catch you."
"Go ahead. I'll wait here," Kevin said lifting up a column of dirt to sit on. Smiling he felt happy being with Eve.
Eve nodded and flashed in the direction the bear was and attacked him and started to feed from him.
Kevin opened his book and began to read. Sighing to himself he wondered if he could keep up the portrayal of being her master when he already liked her.
Eve smirked as she wiped the blood from her mouth feeling stronger but needed more she sniffed and smelled something heading toward Kevin and quickly flashed over to him and saw the huge mountain lion. "Master Kevin you gotta move!" She yelled as the mountain lion went to attack Kevin.
Kevin put his hand up and the lion stopped in mid-air. Flicking his fingers he sent the lion flying towards Eve. Smiling he said, "Do you think vampires are the only beings with special powers."
"Do you feel better now," Kevin asked as he stood up stretching. Pushing the earth back down into the ground, he looked at Eve gently and knew he couldn't. Now it was something more along the lines of a budding friendship.
Eve nodded but was a little worried cause she sensed another vampire near. "I sense another one of my kind near maybe it's one of my old friends." Eve said as she looked to where the vampire was.

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