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Fantasy The Snowglobe: A Christmas Crossover Romp!


Sad Shroom
There once was an ancient Christmas legend that has now since fallen out of knowledge. Nobody knows quite what its origins were, nor what morals it pervaded to teach. But it follows as such.

The legend states that once every year, at the time of Christmas festivities, Santa Claus sends a special gift to the house of one very lucky child; a shooting star packed with festive magic from the man in red himself. What exactly this magic allows the child to do is vague in clarity, but it is known to amplify certain emotions and bestow the receiver with a one-day only ability to create as Santa creates.


Then, one Christmas Eve, a ragtag group of people awake to find themselves scattered about an immense snowy wasteland. A huge diversity of characters from a number of different worlds suddenly tied together in an impossible fantasy. For out of their individual worlds, they have mysterious been transported to the enigmatic 'Snowglobe', a wintry expanse surrounded by a huge, unbreakable glass dome. This strange world is certainly no winter wonderland; our diverse set of heroes have been thrown right into the middle of a three-way clan conflict. From the south, the comical Candy Crew, a brigade of confectionary critters. From the north-west, Jack Frost and his chilling ice army. And from the north-east, a sinister company of twisted fairies, led by evil mastermind Moonlight.


Caught, trapped in the centre, there is a bedraggled group of reindeer and elves, exactly like those from the popular festive folklore. Timid and terrorised, they claim that Santa, the only person who might know what on Earth's going on, has gone missing, and with him, his four sacred treasures; his sleigh, his stock of magic dust, his 'trinket staff', and the fabled Naughty 'n' Nice book. They also speak of 'Emotion Shards', powerful crystal segments said to be manipulative. If these were to fall into the hands of the three forces... things would turn very dire indeed.

Thrust into a bizarre yet surprisingly tense situation, heroes of every kind must unite to solve their predicament and rescue themselves from the snowy wilderness. Can they fight through the conflicts and save Christmas itself? Can they save Santa and retrieve his magical implements? And can they solve the mystery of the Emotion Shards and discover the cause of their peculiar summoning? Forging new friendships along the way, this is one festive adventure they won't forget!
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Trudge-trudge! Trudge-trudge! The sound of something peculiar marching through the barren snow. An army garbed in a rainbow myriad of different garish colours, shiny and frosted and sugar glazed, humanoid and not, delectable, edible soldiers. A selection of Candy Crew commerados, gingerbreadmen, jelly-babies, hissing strawberry-lace snakes, biscuit people with icing beards, each weilding weapons of measures equally bizarre; candy cane lances, long Roman-esque chocolate bar shields. Marching in formation like the nightmare of a sugar-high five year old, the slight squelch of sugar meeting snow with each steady step as wobbling gluton limbs that were never designed to walk carried out their impossible task. The Candy Crew marched on, bathed in metallic moonlight. Trudge-trudge! Trudge-trudge!

And then
splat! A tiny snowball flew through the air and bounced off of the leading figures face, his jelly face caving in slightly with the impact. The Candy Crew turned as one to the gentle hill from where the snowball had materialised. At the peak stood a smallish elf, his cheeks as red as his overalls, a manic fury in his pine-leaf eyes. Behind him huddled the rest of his group of scavenger elves, eyes wide and wingling with fear, clutching logs, rocks, anything it seemed bar snow.

"Take that, you monsters!" the elf squealed. "Got'cha now, didn't I? You scared? Huh? Well, there's more where that came from! Oh yes, never judge a man by his size, that's what me old mam used to tell me! I may be small, but I fight like... erm... like a thousand armies! Tiddly but tough, that's me. So come on then, boys, let's have 'em! Because I, Elvis the elf, am not going to let you touch my friends!"

The Candy Crew shifted and took a single step forwards. Elvis 'tiddly but tough' the Elf managed a strangled yelp. Scrawny arms scrambling, he blindly swung to grab another snowball but lost his footing and fell face-first into a mouthful of snow. The edible enemy took another step. And another. "Erm... maybe we can talk this out?" Elvis rapidly brushed snow off face, the white matter crumbling away like his fading confidence. "See, when I was talking to you, I wasn't actually talking to you. Cause us Elves, we love a good Christmas play! Nothing b-b-brightens the f-festive spirit more than a good play. So you see, i-it was n-n-n-n-nothing more than a big misunderstanding. A b-bi-bi-bi..."

Elvis the Elf screamed into the night, his comical yelp echoing out like a wolven cry into the evening snowlands. And the Candy Crew advanced.
Trudge-trudge! Trudge-trudge!


Skyre opened one eye, then another. The night sky above him was still as dark as the swirling flesh of the Shadow-Warriors that had massacred his people, the permeating blackness punctuated only by a few hopeful balls of fire an impossibly long way away. Mornings were always the worst. Tiredness seaped through his concentration like rainwater through a scrappy skein, flooding his mind with images of the fallen, images too painful to dwell on. He sighed out into the night sky. He was not one to worry over things, or at least that was what he strived for.

The stars seem different somewhat this morning, he presumed, That and it seems very dark for the morning. Are they arranged differently to normal? He wished he'd payed more attention to his navigation classes at the University of Wind Magic. Whilst Valians knew nothing of astronomical science, they stilled fancied themselves as philosiphors of sorts, though magic and its wonders had always distracted Skyre from certain, duller lectures. Cripes, it's cold too. Like we've skipped all of Autumn and plunged straight into Winter. He extended a soft hand and felt the ground around him. Snow. Wait, snow?

The redhead rose to his feet, finally regarding his surroundings. He found himself in a hilly snowland of sorts, snowy hills extending off into the horizon as far as he could see, a sea of moonlit white.
Well, this certainly isn't the southern forests. Am I in the north? No, there's no sense in that. So I must be dreaming. But... He knelt down spryly and grabbed a handful of snow, the freezing touch sending chills up his spine. Too lifelike. And I only dream of the past anyway. So it's no good. There's no answer here. Which means I'm going to have to find one somewhere.


Skyre span. A scream! It must have been a fair distance away, but using his inate wind magic, Skyre had been funneling sounds to survey the area. At once he set off at a jog. I might not understand what's going on, but I understand sure as rain that somebody's in danger!

@Braxnond @cloudyblueday @DryPunishment

@DamagedGlasses @KingHink @Goddess @Kharmin
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To Jade, there were only two things worse than the Batterwitch. One was heartbreak, which had very recently been exposed to and the other....well the other was what she doing just then. And that was plummeting through the sky towards the snowy grounds below, at breakneck speeds. Although since she was so far up she had time to consider a few things so she positioned herself in an Indian style sitting position and considered the following.

1)She could pull the juju from her *sylladex and engage Trickster mode but she didn't feel like dealing with the aftermath.

2)She could don the Crocker Corp. tiara that allowed her to fly and allowed the Batterwitch to invade her mind. No absolutely not.

3)She could let herself plummet and pray to gog the snow was deep enough to lessen the damage.

4)Why was she falling and where was she? This was something she would definitely have to look into once she landed.

Jade waved her hands about as if shooing away pesky bugs and opened her sylladex, selecting the JuJu. She sighed heavily and gripped the lollipop, watching the rapidly approaching ground. Now, if she looked close enough she could see figures moving around below and could faintly smell the heavenly scent of gingerbread. Jade swore to herself that this was her only option and touched the tip of her tongue the ridiculously large confection.

Moments before she hit the ground (not really, she was still a solid 70 feet above the snow) her entire body froze and was enveloped by a blinding pink light. If someone had been watching, the last the would have seen of 'normal' Jade was her frown turning into a crazed grin. The light faded away and there levitated Trickster Jade, leaning on her candy weapon as if floating was the most casual thing in the world. She sat upon the stick end like it was a witches broom and took off, rocketing towards the ground like a comet.

"Wheeeeeeeeeee!" She hooted and landed with a deafening boom in front of the Candy Crew's forces. "Helloo everybody! Don't you all look delicious!"

*the sylladex is like an armory in a small closed off dimension where weapons and other belongings can be stored and accessed through a videogame like menu.*
A safe... an anvil... a boulder... some kitchen appliance... Wile E. was quite familiar with all sorts of the sources of head trauma. If he had to guess, he might say it was all of the above. That was what it felt like. Sitting up, the coyote felt dazed, and swatted away the brightly colored stars that encircled his head and were impeding his vision. Snow... so much snow. Winter already? Surely not. Standing up, he put hugged his chest to warm himself, having not realized immediately how cold it was. It did not do much good as a violent shiver that started at his feet and shot up his body, the tremor shaking off the icicles that had formed on his snout. The blue began to fade away as he quickly became acclimated to the temperature.

This certainly no desert. Eyes narrowed, he scanned the horizon. No cliffs. No mountains. No roads. Maybe he got knocked through to one of the poles again. He would not have put it past the writer to do something like that. He had to think, and put his hands on his hips but right then a most lovely scent entered into the nose of the hungry coyote. The sweet smell of dessert... Admittedly, coyotes do not really eat sugary foods, but when you have been starved for over a hundred episodes, even what is off the diet plan begins to make ones mouth water.

Thoughts of this frozen wasteland vanished at the prospect of something to eat, the suddenly wild eyed coyote tucked his arms close to his body and began to build up for his run. His legs became a blur as he was running in place for a few moments before blasting off into the snow barrens, kicking up large amount of snow in his wake. That brown blur shot right by jogging man on his speedy trip. No need to stop and ask for directions when it was clear which direction that smell was coming from.

Sure enough, coming into view, was just an absolutely beautiful assortment of candies and goods. The feverishly famished Wile E. did not care that they were autonomous in nature, with his mouth wide open and his claws outstretch he took a massive leap at the closest one he came open and --- ... The fates seemed to have no mercy on the coyote, not even here. As from the skies was called the confectionery calamity of Trickster Jade Crocker to crash upon the unsuspecting canine, burying him in the crater of her entrance.
Kiyo had awoken minutes before, with his hand inside his kimono and the other tightly wrapped around a tan flask. Looking up toward the sky Kiyo had gave a grimace toward the night sky before downing some sake. It was clear to him that something wasn't it right. For one , the sky was a tan color with a few tints of pink and red. Second was the fact that he was sitting in a tent, and had happened to fall asleep against a busty beauty who had recently joined the revolutionary army. Last but not least , the weather was hot as hell's fire , yet for some reason he was shivering like a five year old runt who had walked outside with nothing but his draws on. Kiyo took another sip, sealing it with his index and thumb before he slipped it inside of his kimono. "What in gods great mercy am I doing in fucking winter. Was it not hot as hell's fire a few seconds ago. " Kiyo yelled out , waiting a little to see if he would get a response. "No...no answer, right of course no answer." Kiyo spat at the ground as he stood up, pushing off his knee for more force, his feet going deeper into the snow. "God damnit."

Kiyo hissed as he looked around , his katana dangling by his side as it moved every which way he did. "I had a babe by my side ...now look at me. In the middle of nowhere , on a snowy day." Kiyo shook his head as he began his walk toward some answers.

Of in the distance he heard a scream, his steps stopping mid track as he listened. A plea for help , it seemed. Just the thing Kiyo needed to get some answers. Help the damsel in distress, have a nice feast, possibly get laid and at the end of it all get answers. Kiyo nodded his head , agreeing with his thought process, nothing could go wrong so he thought. Instantly Kiyo took off up the snowy hill and over toward the crying plea.


"Achoo" Rem rubbed her nose with her finger as she sat up in the snow. Sneezing once more she made sure to cover her mouth and nose. Batting her eyes she looked around her vicinity, curious as to where she had ended up. It wasn't rocket science that she wasn't in her library anymore, she clearly remembered putting books away. "...where is this? " Rem lifted up her hood, placing it over her head to at least have some warmth . Standing up , the heals of her clogs slid deeper into the snow. Falling again, she landed on her rear with her hands groping the cold snow. "Calm down Rem...don't freak out. This is a dream yes? I must be doing it again." Rem let out a sarcastic laugh as she stood back up again, making sure her clogs would sink again. "Ok...how do I leave this, this should be easy for me." Rem closed her eyes as she counted to four. "1...2...3...4..." Rem opened her eyes smiling , but only for it to turn into a frown. "...did I not do it right."

Out in the distance she heard a man yell, then a woman , then some trudging feet. "People? Here of all places...well they probably have answers." Picking up her feet , she made her way toward the upper part of the hill to see what was going on. With every step, every bit of her patience was running out. She began to become irritated with how hard it was to lift her feet from the snow, how cold she was and the fact that her hood and stockings weren't keeping her warm. "Bloody git, hell to the saints lord. " Rem pouted as she gave up half way, falling back into the snow with her knees first. Rem didn't even have her satchel with her, this was truly the worst. "Gooooooodddddd."


If anyone was near or even had the ability to hear really good, you could hear a female hissing and the sound of snow crunching. This blonde female with every bit of anger and force , was beating relentlessly into the ground as if the snow could be harmed. She knew this , that it was snow nothing could be done unless she set fire to it, but she didn't have that. Hissing more and more she ended up growling and kicking the snow, stomping on it like a dead animal. After a few minutes of her little tantrum , she began walking up the hill with her back hunched over and her eyes filled with annoyance. Chimera hated snow, she hated anything that was cold in general. Didn't people know that cats hate water, have you ever wondered why you see cats inside during winter. Chimera held herself as she shivered, her teeth chattering and her nose running. This was truly god awful and for her to be there with nothing but shorts and a crop top on was like stealing a snickers from a plus sized kid who hadn't eatin in days.

"Why ....I was there , sitting in a wonderful warm tavern , eating plates of delicious foods. I went up to my room, let my hair down then slipped into bed. How do I go from a tavern to a snowy wasteland in the middle of nowhere. Is this my punishment for leaving my mom, is this what I get for being a criminal. Is this my judgment day for not finding a different path, instead of following a stranger into an alley way. " Chimera shook once more, grinding her teeth out of anger and irritation. Out of her anger she heard sounds far off, a man , a woman, another probably...was that a man who hasn't hit his manly stage. Whatever it was, it was clues. Rushing up the hill, Chimera used all her power to drive up the thick snow to reach over the top.
A cold chill went down Malikah's spine. Something she has never felt before. It was so surreal...she had heard tales of the Ice Lands of the northern regions,but how could she get so far in one night? Even more so she was sleeping. Hesitant to open her eyes just yet Malikah stood still not realizing the snow around her was cooling her body quickly.

In moments she realized that. Malikah had never been so cold in her life and she quickly rose from the ground bracing herself.

Wearing nothing,but her armor and a big scarf was no way to go in this cold. She shook like a battle-ready rattle snake's tail. The snow was breaking apart and getting between her exposed toes. She quickly found out she couldn't scream or move because of the cold. What was this place? Was she taken here by nobles that discovered her location? She didn't remember drinking anything before going to sleep and even then she sleeps like a rabbit. Malikah covered most of her body with the scarf to try and preserve some heat and tried to move around.

Suddenly, she heard a scream and as she moved on the air smelt like the inside a baker's shop.


Cold...what's up with that? Did she fall out of her bed again? Did she mingle with the air conditioner? Did winter come so fast? It was merely October when she last checked. A few moments passed and the cold became unbearable so Kat got up. Snow?

"IS THIS SOME KIND OF JOKE?" She yelled as the air around her made Kat turn on the gauntlet's laser so she could use the heat generated by it to get warmer.

After inspecting the environment some more she realized this wasn't her flat. What's even more weird is that she hadn't gone to sleep with these clothes on and the gauntlet on her hand.

"Okay...this is weird..."

Before the gauntlet could overheat one of the cores she stopped the laser and put the gauntlet closer to her body to catch some more heat.

A faint scream could be heard in the distance.

I need answers...



The sword yelled.

"THIS IS NOT GARK'S QUARTERS!" Jeeves quickly realized. This place was different. It was still very much dark and he sure as hell was not in The Halls of Ice.

"Gark! Gark ,ye mongrel, where the heck are we? GARK!"

No response. That probably means Gark's not around.

"Hmpf...good fer nothin' orc." This place sure was cold...Jeeves felt if it was cold or hot or anything else,but it didn't bother him one bit,nor did it affect him.

A few seconds later someone or something screamed for help.

"Shut up! I'm tryin' to figure out where I am...wait a minute...LADY! If yer around 'ere come and pick up a sword laying on the ground! Do remember that it needs to be sharpened with a premium whetstone made by The Iron Pact's finest blacksmiths and ye also should know that ye need to kill something with it every so often just so it doesn't get bored! LADY? Do ya hear me? ANYONE?! CAN YE PICK ME UP ALREADY!?"
The first bed that wasn't filled with bugs for months. It was pure bliss. Although, the only problem was, they were given two beds. Neither Jane or Joey was used to this. On cold winter nights they'd huddle up together to keep the cold from getting to them. But it was now autumn, and there wasn't really a need to cuddle up. But the fact that they wouldn't be in the same space was new to them. Jane sat on Joey's bed, his covers all the way up to his chin as he stared at Jane. "Good.. goodnight, Joey. I'm just in the other room in you need me." She smiled weakly and kissed him gently on the forehead. Then she left the room.


Jane woke up with a crick in her neck. Letting out a soft moan, she put her hands on the ground and pushed herself up, then looked around. This wasn't Astrid's mansion.. She looked at her hands. They were covered in fresh powder. "Wha?" She said, touching the side of her cheek which she had found herself on. Also covered in snow. "Where.. where... J-joey? JOEY!" Jane cried, absolutely ignoring the other people around her.

A few feet away, a small figure of a young boy covered in snow stirred. He did not make any noise, or cry out, but he knew this was not Astrid's mansion. He slowly sat up, and saw Jane frantically shouting his name. He raised his hand in the air, and Jane scrambled over to him, and crushed him in a hug.

"Oh, Joey, you scared me there." She breathed, hugging him tighter. Unlike Jane, Joey had been covered from head to toe in powder, his face much more white than usual. He gazed up at Jane, who smiled at him and brushed some snow off of his face, then resumed hugging him.

"What is this place?" She looked at him curiously, and he glared at her. She cleared her throat. "Ahem.. right. You don't know."
Luna, being both shaken up as well as curious, had the urge to uncover what exactly brought her here and how. She had no idea at all as to any reasonable assumption to lead her to the final answer to her questions. She parted her thinned, slightly pink lips , only to release a slight , soft wave of air from the cage of her lungs. Once locking her lips back together, she turned her purple marbled irises in a gaze offward toward the forest line. Currently, she was alone, having as to no clue where the nearest source of civilization would be, or even could be located. It too a few moments,averted her gaze to a group of figures seeming to be shaded in white. Cocking her head sideways in a clockwise manner, she observed them for a moment before turning her gaze downward to gaze upon her lower body, catching her first glimpse of the white substance of which she was currently standing on. Gathering her thoughts, she jumped backwards, having never made contact with such a thing in her world. She parted hr lips to speak to herself, questionably whispering. "What...is this?"
The waves of the ocean had wagged Erasmus into a deep slumber. The northern ocean was an unforgiving place, which Augustus, who he had chased for weeks, knew. A big bounty lied in wait for him, and to begin with he hadn't been able to contain his excitement, but as time passed on he'd calmed down. He was having pleasant dreams about himself and the ladies back on Tarman Isle when his eyes were forced open by his survival instinct. He blinked a couple times as he laid face down on what he believed was his boat. He moaned loudly and turned over on his back over the sudden ending of his dream, but acquiesced to the natural functions of his body.

He lied there for a while and looked up at the sky and the flakes of snow, slowly falling down around him. Why is the boat so soft... and wet... and... cold? He quietly wondered, but judging from the snow he already figured he'd gotten into the northern ocean. Luckily, he'd already donned his winter outfit prior to falling asleep, which he was very happy about now. Though, something seemed very off. Then it struck him. It was waaaay too quiet. Where'd the waves go? Where was the regular creaking of his cannibalized ship?

He quickly looked around him, and the bounced to his feet with flames tracing his right hand. "What the F***?" He loudly exclaimed. Why was he in some sort of winter land? How'd he gotten here? Even if his boat had brought him here, he was far from any shore. Did someone bring him here, and in that case, what did they want from him? The flames rising from his hands subsided, and he crossed his arms. No, this was no good. He had to find out what was going on. But first... A small wave of fire pulsed from his body, melting a bit of the snow around him and briefly alleviating the cold biting into his skin, as he wrapped his scarf tighter and closed his vest to shut the warmth in with him.

Sighing and stretching his arms, Erasmus yawned, still a bit tired from his earlier nap. The area was not lifeless he realized after scanning the grounds around him with his eyes. There was a hill with a few people on it, and shouts were heard from here and there. He started trudging through the snow in the direction of the hill. His winter outfit wasn't exactly fit for this kind of weather, but he was able to keep warm enough with his magic.

After a little while he came up on a girl, who was sitting in the snow and complaining to no one in particular. He glanced at her, and then wondered Do I have to care? The obvious answer to that question was that no, he did not. On the other hand, she was the first human being he'd come across, and she was a she. Oh well.

He walked up next to the girl in the snow and extended his hand towards her. " 'Scuse me darl'. I'm Erasmus, and I'm from Cajuun, in the western ocean. You wouldn't be able to tell me where we are, or why we're here, would you?" He looked her up and down and noted that she was about his own age. Purple hair? Her outfit wasn't anything he was used to either, but then again how much did he know about most cultures in the different oceans? Diddly squat, that's how much. "... sorry, I ain't seen nobody like you before. Where you from, cutie?"

(I apologize ahead of time for Erasmus' behaviour xD )

Everywhere was white and black, snow and sky, silence and crunching snow, and no changes, and nothing different. He was the technicolour pinprick in a world of shimmering monochrome. Skyre clutched the emerald-coloured cloak to his narrow body as he ran. The cold had taken a little while to reach him, but now it was attacking him with brutal force, immersing him like an invidisible waterfall cascading down on him from every direction. Everything was so unfamiliar, and in his life of hiding in the forests Skyre had almsot forgotton that the rest of the world existed. Still, he smiled. The wind was still there, only faint and occasional, a subtle undercurrent, but present enough for him to control. He through his arms back and a sheet of wind surrounded him like an invisible duvet, an airy protection from the cold.

With the wind in his control, Skyre's senses were acute, and shortly he reached the top of a small hill to view a truly bizarre scene.

What in the name of all Valia...

An army of... things were marching monotonously up another slight incline to where... what appeared to be dozens of tiny men (Skyre's viewpoint was far from perfect) huddled together, trembling and whimpering lightly to themselves. It was unlike anything he'd ever seen before, and he had to quickly remind himself to expect the unexpected now that he was in a place so thoroughly fantastical. To top things off, some kind of humanois wolf creature leapy out of the shadows towards one of the things and was suddenly smashed into the ground by a yodelling girl wielding a particularly peculiar weapon. He gritted his teeth as the poor creature's arms flailed, though the entire situation was too funny for him to avoid being amused. Not that I think the Shadow King's behind this, Skyre chuckled exhasperatedly, but if he had more of a sense of humour, this'd be quite the way to kill someone. Death by bizarrity and confusion. The mind boggles.

The girl's sudden entrance caught the attention of the strange army, and they all turned at once to face her. There was a collective sigh of relief from the hill behind them as the little men realised they were off the hook. They probably caused the scream. Skyre remained there for a moment, watching, as the figures trudged slowly towards the weird girl. I'll leave off attacking for now, Skyre decided, lying low in a freezing blanket of snow to watch what the girl did, I don't know for the life of me what's going on, or what these crazy things are weak to. Cripes, it's all beyond me. Then, when I know what on Valia is going on I'll hop in and lend a hand. It was an unusual tactic for the young redhead, who would usually rashly charge in at the sight of somebody in need of saving. But really he was overwhelmed. The biting chill of the snow beneath him was the equivilant of pinching himself to wake up from a dream. A few more seconds of that, and he'd be ready for action.


Crazily enough as soon as Kat reached a hill to better see what was happening something coming down from the sky and formed a crater near a...what? An army of gingerbread people? They were moving around freely and looked like they were sentient.


After the snow had settled down the thing that came rocketing from the sky was revealed to be nothing more than a girl...with a giant-sized lollipop and dressed in colorful wear.

Kat wondered where the hell she was now.

"Hey! Are you real gingerbread people?" She yelled. A small group noticed her and slowly made their way towards her intimidatingly.

"Um... stay back! Really...just..." They were still slowly coming to her. One step at a time.

"You're taking your bloody time you know that?"

The gingerbread people grabbed tightly onto their weapons and formed a battle position.

"Okay...so...you're hostile? Fine then."

The gauntlet suddenly started playing a sweet tune...something to match the funny waddling the gingerbread soldiers made.


Marching forward once again, the baked warriors were looking as intimidating as ever.

Kat backed slowly as the gauntlet charged, the timer hitting the 0:27 mark. The sweet tune suddenly starting to fade.

"You asked for it..."

The timer hit 0:31 and as soon as it did snow powder and gingerbread parts started flying away as the loud tune blew away the gingerbread soldiers and it could be heard for at least 50 yards away...

Kat's shock-wave hit the gingerbread men like a literal truck.

Now the tune faded completely after the 0:43 mark was hit.

Nothing was left of the poor baked warriors...some parts were either disintegrated or just blown away back into the big army.
Slash! Wham! Boom, crash-bash! A concerto of chaos as far as he could see and, by the titans, all on his humble ship! Whiskey stood at the wheel of The Abyss, his prized skyship, and looked out at the pantomime going on below, whereby his fellow shipmates were locked in fierce combat with some kind of governmental scum. The Whities, they were nicknamed, though so drenched in blood were their teeth-white overalls that they may as well have changed their name to 'Reddies'. Certainly weren't ready for us though, were they? His ship was lost in a mist of fine, mist-like cloud. He grinned his ferocious grin and leaned over the battlefield, like a conductor at the helm of an orchestra. Swoop! The clash of blades! Thwop! A rugged hand breaking a manicured Whitie skull. Whiskey's booming laugh echoed across the battlefield, as the thrilling melody of clashing metal and bruising flesh crescendoed to a fine climax...

..."ARRHAARRHAARRRHAAR!" Whiskey laughed out into the desert of snow he now inadvertanyl made his bed. His arms, like tree-trunks, rose up into the air in the midst of his slumber, flailing, slashing, the pirate captain still fighting out his own imaginary battle in a dream some million miles away from his impossible location. Until eventually, his arms sank and he was still, his hulking body strewn out like a huge, hairy snow-angel. His laugh was so loud, so well projected that it had probably echoed far into the snowy night.

Then quite suddenly, his eyes flicked open, and a manic grin returned to his face. With a powerful leap far beyond his grotesque body, he lurched to his feet and froze. Where in Aekra's name am I? Where be me boat, me crew? He gazed around, confused, like a shark on land. Is this what hell is like? Did I some'ow fall from me ship through the clouds to this... this... wherever I be now? For in the Hexosphere, save for the tallest mountain, there was usually no sign of snow. Everything was warmer, brighter, jollier, and devoid of the biting icy wind, the peculiar whiteness. Still, it was quite beautiful, and though he appeared it, Whiskey wasn't too much of a brute to appreciate a wonderful sight. Still, that wasn't enough to stop him from growling like a bear and giving the snow a few forceful stomps like a hairy oversized toddler.

Never be minding all of this white stuff, he told himself, Not much point in being a big baby over cold and unfamiliarity. We should check out what be going on round us here. Who knows, maybe there's a tavern or something just as great nearby, with answers and wine and people to swindle and play.

It was at that moment that Whiskey finally realised he'd waken up right next to a pair of youngsters. They were dressed in a funny attire that seemed both lavish yet cheap. The older one, a red-haired girl, seemed to be the guardian of the younger one, a boy who looked like he'd not only seen a ghost, but been beaten round the face by one, several times. No doubt they had seen his little performance. He was far from inconspicious; it was all part of his job description. So he offered up to them a cheeky wave, his ragged grin punctuating the bush of his beard once more.

"Greetings, me bucko's," he chimed, ignoring the cold, "Don't suppose any of you have the foggiest idea what be transpiring, eh?"

Jane gripped tighter onto Joey as another man, who seemed to be dressed as a pirate, began to speak to them. At first, Jane was unsure if he was directly talking to them, or someone else, because he was quite loud and grinning like a mad man. Joey just gazed at the man like he looked at all people; warily.

"No, sir. I'm afraid not." Jane managed, proud of herself for not stuttering. The cold was getting to her, and she wasn't wearing anything except for jeans and a t-shirt. Joey had his big brown coat, which right about now, Jane envied. The best she had right about now was clutching Joey for warmth.

A couple feet away, Jane noticed a brown satchel in the white snow. Her heart raced happily. Her tool bag! It was here too! She let go of Joey and reached out and grabbed it. Flipping open to top, she rummaged through it. Her wrench, her screwdriver, her goggles, her notepad.. everything. It was all here.

Jane slipped the bag over her head and let it hang over her shoulder before taking Joey's hand and helping him up, even though he probably didn't need that. His clothing and hair were speckled with white and Jane smiled as she ruffled his hair, and then turned her attention to Mr. Pirate.

"My name is Jane. This is Joey." Jane motioned to herself and then Joey, who made no movement to say hi or anything, except stare. Jane sighed. "And you might be.."

Iris "Scarlet"

The first thing Iris noticed was it was far colder than it should be. The second was... that it was way too cold for it to still be hunting season. Bright emerald eyes slowly fluttered open peering between locks of scarlet hair at a dark night sky and something very white beneath her. She shivered before slowly pushing her self to her hands and knees, bits of snow falling from her hair and body as she moved.

"Where... what..." She muttered softly still confused as to what was going on. The last thing she remembered was taking a solid hit from a Capra which knocked her into some rocks. She had expected to wake up back with in the walls of Arcadia, not some snowy wasteland.

She took a mental inventory of her self, nothing felt broken, scratched or burned so she wasn't injured, just cold. The body suit she was wearing might have been great protection from an enemy attack but offered little to keep the cold out. Winter was not a season Chamions went hunting in, so there was very little reason to weight them down with thicker fabrics which didn't breath and would just cause over heating. Even in the later months of fall Iris didn't find the hunts worth going out for due to the cold and low numbers of active Monsters. She slid the inside of her gauntlet off to check the IV infusion system and saw only one of the four viles of Nectar had been used up. She slid the cover back over the sensitive port and looked around trying to get her baring before something donned on her. Roy.

She hadn't been able to spot her partner anywhere. Anxiety started to twist her heart and stomach as she started to search for the other Champion. "Roy?"

The bite of cold was forgotten as she started digging around in the snow to see if perhaps he had been burred. Hostile environments and monsters she could take on but she hadn't had to do so alone in years. Roy was always by her side, watching her back as much as she watched his and making sure they were safe. With out him she was lost in more way than just one.


Luna continued to stare over at the growing group of strangers. Seeing as though the others were grouping together, she took in a deep breath, surpressing her nervousness as she then sauntered over to the said group. She stooped at a few feet distance, wondering whether it was safe of not to approach them.

Of course, being the girl she was, as he didn't want to upset anyone for unnecessary reasons. Even so, in this dire situation, she needed information as soon as possible.

Realizing this, she covered the remaining distance, slowly positioning herself bind one of the males. Not that she was sure to speak, but she could at least listen in on the details of their intense conversation.

Listening in to one of the boys questions, she raised a bow, awaiting an answer from the other two. She directed her full attention on the pair, the ones whom seemingly arrived here together.

According to herself, she saw them both rising out of the snow only moments earlier before she herself arrived here. She wasn't quite sure if she could trust any of them. But, considering the circumstances, she needed to have at least one person by her side during this term of turmoil.

@cloudyblueday @SkyGinge
It would seem that Malikah had been further away from all this madness,but she was still able to bear what sounded like some monster giving its dying breath. The air around her smelt more and more like baked sugary goods.

Freezing in the unforgiving weather Malikah formed a few words.

"H...help,please!" She said,barely able to open her mouth.

There was no wind or downfall and she couldn't be more thankful. Her eyebrows were still snowy from being on the cold snow earlier. She clung to her scarf tighter than ever and buried her face in it.

This was hell.

Malikah was exhausted,but before she could fall to the ground she noticed a few figures nearby.

"I'm..." she moved closer to them. A man, a woman and a child.

"I'm c-cold..."

The words came out of her mouth in a soft manner. She tried to wave at them,but needless to say Malikah was too cold for that.

"H-help me!" The words were louder this time as she was approaching,her eyes almost closed.

She removed the scarf from her mouth and tried to yell,but all that she could do was raise her tone.

"Please help me! It so c-cold..."

Malikah hoped they noticed her. She didn't get to see anyone else,but the three that were there.

Suddenly she fell to her knees. It was so damn cold for her. Malikah never in her life experienced such low temperatures. Even the desert's cold nights didn't feel as freezing as this.

She felt her eyes closing and her body failing her.

Malikah felt bitterness...weakness.

Rem looked up as she sneezed again, a flush of redness appearing across the bridge of her nose and to her cheeks. Taking his hand she stood up , her heels once more sinking into the snow. Holding onto his hand tightly she looked down at her feet as she sighed. Her shoes were going to be a problem, so there was only one things left to do. Taking them off one by one she held her shoes with her right hand, chills running up her spine as she shuddered. Her feet went from 52 degrees all the way to zero maybe even below that. After a few minutes of trying to stop her chattering teeth she answered the man's questions. "I am as clueless as you are. I had woken up here...at first I thought I was doing it again, but after several attempts of trying to wake myself up I realize that this place is very much real." Rem smiled faintly as she let go of his hand.

"Oh how rude of me, you've introduced yourself but I haven't. My name is Rem Bell Myers, a German if you can't tell by the accent. As far as where I'm from. Psydrium, a utopia in my opinion. " Rem nodded her head as she got close to him, not caring for his flattering words. "Excuse me , if you don't mind." Rem wrapped her arms around his arm, but only to attempt to steal the little heat the man could possibly have. "I read that if you get close to someone then you share heat. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right ,but bare with my indecent actions." Rem gave him a wider smile then before as she began to warm up a bit.


Running over the edge Kiyo's half smile faded into a more disappointed look. From what he saw if he was even seeing it right, was a girl in the middle of little sweet like folk with odd weaponry. A few ways behind her was an elf so it seemed , and to his side was a red headed boy sitting there looking at the girl. Was this a game and he didn't know it. Kiyo looked at his sake before putting it back into his attire. Annoyed beyond reason he walked over toward the red head, his long legs extending out farther and farther with every step he took. With his loud voice he yelled toward the red head but with no disrespect. "You there kiddio...boy ...child ...man , where in God's green earth are we. I was in a tent ya see, and all of a sudden I'm here."

Kiyo went to spout out more questions till he saw a blonde run up the hill with anger, she wound up tumbling down the hill into the vast group of sweet like folk who seemed to be in an army of sorts. "What in god......what the hell."


"GAHHHH" Chimera tumbled down the hill of snow, unable to grab at anything to stop her. Falling into a gingerbread man, it fell back onto its rear while Chimera landed on all fours. Gasping for air she stood up , slightly bent over as she pointed toward the cookie man , her hair standing up as she began to let loose a bundle of rage. "How fucking dare you be in my way when I am falling down a hill. Why are you just staring at me like I'm cooked meat. Are you that much of a boy that you couldn't help a falling girl. I demand answers...you know what, no tell me where I am this instant." She hissed at the gingerbread man, his gumball eyes looking around toward his comrades who, too was unable to answer. Chimera looked up from the man toward a girl who too was in the middle of it all. "Oh so now your attacking girls huh, you think its fun to pick on girls." Chimera lunged for the man, grabbing onto its shoulder as she took a bite out of its shoulder. "Is it fun now!"

Kiyo let out a laugh as he fell back, kicking his legs. "Girly got guts...she just took a real big chunk out of him. "

Chimera turned around spotting two others. One was a red head while the other had red eyes. Standing up and walking away from the cookie man she marched herself up the hill. "You think this is funny don't you. Why are you sitting her on the sidelines watching this poor girl. "Chimera jerked her head toward the red head as she stopped in the middle of them. "You there , Ginger...what are you in a daze or do you too think its funny to watch a girl in the middle of a cookie army. ?"

@SkyGinge @Prizzy Kriyze
Jane an' Joey. Cor, they don't half breed 'em with strange names in crunchy white world, do they! Still, the poor tykes look as confused as I probably do. He smiled brightly, his dry lips curved into a spiky grin. Are they quiverin' in their boots for me? Most ordinary folks fear a blatant pirate fer his blatant piracy. Bless 'em. No point in masquerading for this audience then.

"I," he grinned, "be Captain Fletchin, though most folks call me Whiskey after me favourite drink. Not that that'll be of much import in a place like this. Look at it." He shrugged out to the endless plains of snow. "Not a tavern in sight. Just this finicky white rubbish." Don't suppose there be any point in scannin' stragglers like these. Besides, I'll be needin' some comrades in a place like this.

The wind carried a strangled cry to his ear, and he was suddenly aware of a girl collapsed on the ground, light snow sprinkling like dust around her. Another figure in foreign ware, though Whiskey thought he recognised the outfit from a warrior he'd once encountered in the Teztran deserts. It was an outfit made for intense heat, not searing coldness. Whiskey wasn't the selfless hero type, but this woman was no enemy; she'd just gotten very unfortunate in the process that brought them all inexplicably together.

She was unconscious before he could reach her. He regarded her for a fleeting moment and then quickly threw off his long, navy coat. Underneath, his metallic left arm was now visible for what it was, and he was left in long-sleeved black under-armour. He wrapped her in the thick, long fabric and without hesitation, Whiskey hoisted the girl onto his shoulders like a sack of vegetables, completely unfazed by her weight.
"Well, me bucko's," the captain managed to grin in spite of everything, "this be a perfect example of why fate be a heartless swine. Droppin' a girl dressed like that to this forsaken wasteland." In turning back to face the others, Whiskey noticed another new figure, what appeared to be a cat crossed with a girl. Blimey, I be surrounded in young lasses this evening. If I were half me age this'd be a frosty paradise.

"Hello, lurking young miss," Whiskey addressed the newcomer. "Can you grace us with a name?"


@The Dark Princess


Skyre didn't like lying there like a cold coward on the cold crunchy ground, watching to see what would happen. It felt against his nature, but something in the girl with the strange weapon's manner made him feel fairly confident that she wouldn't get herself into too much trouble. That and there was always the wind, fast as ever, and he could always help out from afar if needed. Hardly a hero's helping hand though, is it? Cripes, wake up Skyre. Wake up!

Another girl appeared, equally as strange as the first one though infinitely different in appearance. Part of her body appeared to be made out of a metal of sorts. She called the warriors gingerbread, an unfamiliar term for Skyre that set him off into laughter for some reason. And then a small batch of the army broke off to attack her. Then music unlike anything Skyre had ever heard before crackled through the air with such force that batch of warriors crumbled into pieces in the snow. Skyre shielded his ears. There's not much taste to this music. It seems fake somewhat. I can't say I'm a fan, but that's quite a way to use a weapon.

The music-wielding girl had proved that the enemies were weak, which was a refreshing change from the Shadow King's relentless warriors. And so Skyre rose to help, but found himself immediately interrupted by a gruff voice. He barely caught a glimpse of him before another girl appeared and then just as quickly disappeared rolling down the hill. This is all... beyond me.

Things were moving so quickly and so strangely that Skyre still struggled to believe he was not in a dream. And then the girl who for some reason Skyre couldn't at all put a finger on reminded him of a cat was angry and was shouting at him and the man who was a human but not as anybody he had ever seen with a weird dress thing and slanted red eyes and... Skyre took a deep breath and blinked incredulously.

Still, she had a point. Why was he sitting there? What would that achieve? "Sorry about that," he rose to his feet, "Seems this unfamiliarity is beyond me. I'm Skyre, but we can deal with formalities later. Fight first, talk later." A large number of the 'cookie' warriors were marching towards them, some like the crumbling foots oldies from before, some long and thin and red and coiling like snakes, some clad in sugary flesh in the colours of a dulled rainbow, others even beyond that. Skyre drew his sword, held his ground for a long minute. Then leapt forwards.



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Jane was in awe of the way this man spoke. What was he from, the eighteenth century? His clothing, his accent, his.. everything wasn't normal. Heck, none of it was. This place was certainly not normal, it was certainly not Astrid's mansion, and it was definetly not winter. It shouldn't have been snowing. Yet, it was. Jane tilted her head at the man as he introduced himself as Whiskey. No wonder he looks like a drunken pirate.. he probably is one. Still, Jane kept a weak smile on her face the whole time. He was being kind, apparently, so Jane wasn't going to be a jerk.

Jane looked around one last time, trying to figure out where they were and who the heck were the lot of people surrounding them. Jane flinched as a couple yards away, a girl that seemed to have a robotic hand played very loud music and scared away ginger bread men. There was a wolf boy thing a little farther away, too. Wait. Was that Wile. E Coyote? Jane remembered watching that show as a kid..

Jane opened her mouth to comment on the weather alongside him, but he turned his attention somewhere else. Following his gaze, Jane gasped as the figure of a girl was seen on the white ground, in such light attire it seemed like she came from a desert. Before Jane could say or do anything, Whiskey had pulled off his thick coat, wrapped it around the frozen woman, and threw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Jane gaped.

Absentmindedly, Jane brought her hands to her arms to rub them, in attempts to get warm. She slightly envied Desert Girl because she got Whiskey's thick coat. God, this was all so insane. Where the heck were they? Was that a girl with cat ears just standing over there? Was this a dream? No, wait, in her dreams, Joey always seemed to talk, which he wasn't doing right now. Just to be sure, she gave herself a quick pinch. Ow. Not a dream.

Joey was quite dumbfounded by all this. But as usual, he did not show it. He stayed close to Jane, not saying a word, staring at everyone that came near or spoke to them. Whiskey intrigued him, Joey knew very little of pirates, but the girl he swung on his shoulder was most peculiar. She was quite pretty, actually, with her long black hair. He wondered why she was wearing such light clothes. Luckily he had his jacket.

@The Dark Princess



Roy had not been able to notice how cold it was, given the fact that he had been unconscious for an undetermined amount of time. In his dream, he was lying on a beach; his back in the sand. The weather was warn, the sun was beating hot and he was enjoying his vacation off of hunting season. Of course, this made no sense given the fact that hunting season was still in effect. However, this did not help the fact that Roy had not been conscious on arrival.

Iris’ digging would lead to finding him under the snow, a couple of inches deep. When her fingers swiped at the snow, they had also managed to graze his face – causing Roy to wake up instantly. He shot up, scooting back from Iris a couple of feet in the process. Roy had no idea where the hell he was, or who the hell he was looking at for a brief moment. When he finally came to his senses, he realized Iris had been the one to find him. His exoskeleton had not been up.

His eyes moved from her frame, down to the snow around the digits belonging to his hands. Then he looked around. Everything seemed hazy – the snow providing quite a thick scenery of gray behind falling flakes. Moving from the position he was sitting in to his knees, he would scoot over to Iris. Between his dream and current reality, he had no idea what was going on. The confusion was obnoxious, but there was at least one thing which had not been plaguing his thought.

Arms threw themselves around the girl’s neck. Roy found his nose, lips; damn near his entire face nuzzling into her neck. He was taking deep breaths, but his grip did not falter even for a slight moment. He was cold, but the embrace provided a bit of warmth. Not that it mattered – Roy was not only genuinely happy that he was with Iris, but that she was okay. Regardless of not knowing where he was, as long as he knew she was okay, it really did not matter.

The champion from Arcadia knew that any obstacle could be passed with Iris. Without her? A bit of a different story.

Sica tossed a grenade out to the group of pirates that had boarded the ship and with a quick explosion they had been splattered over the walls. Alarms were sounding as Sica helped fight off the boarding party, a large hit to the ship had disabled it long enough for the enemy get board but they lacked the firepower to actually capture the Achilles. Sica fired a few shots from her arm cannon as she put down a few more down as their numbers began to dwindle. There wasn't much more left to clean up, only a few more needed to be picked off and they could probably board the pirate's ship and take the remainders for capture. Sica got up to turn a corner only to see an EMP plastered to the wall as it detonated everything went black.

Systems reactivated. 3% Chassis damage. Location; ERROR. Temperature is Below zero. Activating antifreeze.

Sica looked around as her surroundings had rapidly changed, one of the first things she had noticed was the frozen tundra, second was the error on her location and third was an usual army of candy. Sica had no idea where she was for the first time, she attempted to connect to the military database only to be rejected with the phrase "Connection unavailable." She was now frustrated, someone had to have tampered with her systems while she had been offline and they dumped her into a frozen wasteland that seemed to be something out of a dream. And it was infuriating.

Softy cuddly candy creatures were not her thing, snow was not something she was paticularly fond of either and worst of all was being completely lost. She needed to shoot something, that would make her feel better and she knew exactly what to hit. She stood up as her right arm had already began the transformation into a cannon, it wasn't a canon persay, more like a longer range rifle but Sica liked to call it a cannon, it sounded badass. Once she was ready she had already began to take aim at the candy species, she didn't care if they were some important race or species, she just knew she needed to shoot something and if that something was going to be annihilated she could just say they were hostile or attacked her first.
Erasmus grabbed her hand and pulled her up to her feet, and raised an eyebrow at her as she took her shoes off. "You think that's a good idea..?" He quietly asked her, but didn't stop her on his own. He wasn't paid enough for that. He looked her right in the eyes as she spoke to him, and then sighed again. No news there... He thought to himself. "Alrighty, thank you..." He got caught up in thought. Other people were brought here from different places as well. Strange, who did this and why?

He snapped out of his thoughts and looked back at the girl when she told him about where she came from. He got a look of confusion on his face, and responded "German..? Psydrium..?" He said, his voice filled with uncertainty. Wherever she was from, he didn't know anything about it. "I ain't ever heard of the place, lady. Which ocean is tha-" He was cut off when she grabbed onto his arm. He blinked a couple of times, and then resumed his smile. He was far from the womanizer he used to be, but it seemed like this one was practically throwing herself at him. She seemed to be some sort of scholar though, seeing as she was able to read. It wasn't his first encounter with surviving harsh weathers though, so he did know a little about it.

"Then you've read it good, hun. I hear the best heat sharing's done by direct skin to skin contact though." He hinted, and then internally frowned. This seemed like as good a girl as any, but the situation simply didn't allow for it. He actually had to try and do things. "Methinks we don't got no time for such activities, unfortunately." He said, with a barely noticeable hint of disappointment in his voice. "Here, lemme do the second best thing." He raised his right hand, and for a moment the square on the back on his hand glowed for a moment. Another wave of fire erupted in a controlled amount, not even singing the clothes. It left behind a small atmosphere of warmth around them. "There. That's better, ainnit?"

He didn't push her away from himself, but he started walking towards the hill that people had gathered on. "How much good are you in a fight, gal?"

Rem tried her best to focus on nothing but gathering up heat until he said skin to skin contact. Blushing Rem looked down. It was such a crude thing to say , barbaric was the first word to come on mind about him, devilish, lewd perhaps hungry for things. Shaking her head she objected to the thought but remained silent to him as if she didn't hear what he said. " Um...your place is quite odd to me too, I've never heard of it." Rem wanted to refrain from the subject at hand so she decided to back track toward where he came from. As he continued to talk though , Rem could hear voices off in the distance. If it was true that people have been gathered from different places, then something must be wrong. No one pulls people from their homes without a good enough reason and even if it was a joke, it wouldn't be like this. "I-" Rem felt a source of heat on her back, it seemed the man was doing something.

"T..thank you. I feel warmer." It wasn't much of a surprise to her since she too had special abilities but it was odd that he wasn't using his mind, but his hands. "Fire...you can generate fire, maybe that's why your getting so hot. Thank you, I'm not sure how I can repay you for this , but if there's anything you need, I am here." She gave him a nod and a smile as they began to walk, her hands grabbing a hold of his sleeve so she would not get caught in the snow.

"Er...my fighting...I can throw a few punches but as far as average would go not very good. You see...my ability lies with the brain, and it um...the best I can do is see whats going on the other side. Do you know what remote viewing is? Maybe not...and its to long to even explain. I'm sorry again for having you take care of me, sadly I will be of no use if were going into a fight. The least I can do is tell you where their coming from, and when you should turn. " Rem frowned as she realized she was far more useless than she had originally imagined.

@Prizzy Kriyze
Luna halted, turning her gaze upward toward the group of strangers she was once observing from afar. Her attention then went from them, down to the collapsed girl upon the snowy substance.

Just as she parted her lips to check and see if the girl was alright, the appearant pirate named Whiskey spoke and lifted her onto his shoulder.

To this action, she had no objection, seeing as though he said he'd take care of her. Seemingly, they weren't any threat to her. She was safe around them. For now at least.

Luna then allowed her ears to flatten against her head just as the male pirate, Whiskey mentioned her presence. It took her a few moments to calm herself, for she hoped she wouldn't have been noticed.

As she did so, she was quietly examining the gaze of the others of whom stared at her odd features. She wanted to make an outburst, flaring about how she looked different, when they looked like aliens to her.

Eventually she calmed herself, wrapping her tail into her arms as she began to speak, flattening her ears ever flatter against her hair.

"My name....is Pri-...Luna."

Iris "Scarlet"

Numb fingers dug through ice and slush unable to really tell the difference any more so she couldn't really tell that she had come across Roy, not until he sprung up from the snow looking as lost and confused as she had moments before. She returned the embrace as relief washed over her as she found her partner, He looked whole and healthy for the most part, though that part didn't really surprise her. Even better was that she wasn't stranded alone in a winter-ish nightmare . She did fight the hug she was pulled into only shivered as his cold face was buried into her neck. Iris just smiled softly and nuzzled Roy back with a low purr giving him a moment to regain his baring and collect himself. He was no doubt as lost as she was on this whole situation but knowing they at least had each other would make things a lot easier to manage.

slightly frosted ears twitched slightly and moved at the sound of something not to far away. It was a sound she was well acquainted with, fighting. Her body instinctively tensed as she became more alert and aware of her surroundings. Iris hugged Roy a bit tighter as she looked around trying to find the source of the sound and if it was heading their way. She spotted something bright over the snow bank a few feet away. Thankfully the sounds was not heading in her direction which was a huge relief in her mind. They escaped detection, thought that didn't exactly mean they were safe.

"Roy... I dono where we are but it doesn't exactly seem safe."


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