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Fantasy The School For Elemental Beings

Zane looked very confused at the sight of the wind,"Whaaaaaa?" He didn't see how wind could possible so much fun but he smiled at the sight of Winter being so happy.
Winter blushed running back up to him, "My element." She said gently gesturing to the chaos around them.
"Well, there is probably a nurse at the medical wing," Edmund said. "You really should get someone to check your wrist" he added.


Just as he finished sketching the head of the crow, he was surprised for the second time by a strong wind that forcefully flipped over the pages of his book. Now annoyed, he first manipulated the air around him to form a bubble where no wind enters. Seeing how his drawing was now scribbled over he ripped the page and threw it out of his bubble, not caring where the winds take it.
"Could you walk me there?" I asked nicely. I slightly stuck out my lower lip. (I'm changing my characters picture. Do you think my picture will be prettier than the pic I have for my character now.)
Edmund nodded. "If you want"


Avanelle blinked when a paper was on her face. She took it, and looked at it. "Crow..." she said softly.
Winter smiled, "Sorry, I get overly excited easy.." She brushes her hair out of her face continuing to smile.
Zane shook his head and place his hand on her arm and said,"Its ok." Zane smiled at her as the courtyard lit up as if the sun was in the room with them.
Winter's eyes light up in amazement, "is .. this what you can do?"
Zane nodded and said,"Not all." He looked around at the windows and doors and stared. His hand still on her arm.
Eyes wandering to where his were fixed she soundlessly watched.
"Hmmmm," Zane took Winters hand and put it out, his eyes focused and flashed as his palmed glowed a blueish color as a figure was outline from a clear energy. In seconds it was filled with a mix of colors and was the sized of a finger. Zane pulled away as the almost rainbow figure cooled, after cooling it was shown as a perfect replica of Winter."One of many talents of the light's smith," his words were as if told from a book of riddles.
As Avanelle touched the paper, her hands glowed black. She quickly let go of the paper and there was now a creature standing before her. "Kweee!" it said. Avanelle blinked. The creature slowly went to the boy with the air bubble. It tilted it's head. "Kwee?"


Winter grinned up at Zane her eyes full of a child's wonder, "That's amazing" She looked around, "All I can do is this.." pushing one hand to his shoulder she made a bubble around them encasing them from the chaotic wind. "Only peace or chaos"
Zane started chuckling as his hand lit up and with a loud bang his shot out a laser putting a large spreading hole in the bubble as if it was being melted. "One seeks sharpening of blade not the creation of the sword," he said as he looked at her with a blushing smile.
He watched the way she was holding his drawing thinking that she was just going to toss it away until her hands glowed and seem to have created some creature. What was more bothersome was that same thing walked to him and started to kwee. Lazlo just stared at it coldly until he went back to drawing. Surprisingly he was attempting to draw the creature even though his specialty was birds.

(Off to work, night guys)
Winter winced when her ear popped at the loud sound, "And others care of only the soon to be history made." She feels her ear.
Zane looked over at her and smiled,"Small places are easy to lose yourself within, sorry." Zane places his hand on her ear and a light warmth creeps through his hand.
Winter smiles sheepishly, "Sorry for being so breakable.." She mummers.
"Not breakable, gentle hearted," Zane finishes the sentence by leaning down and kissing Winter's forehead with a gentle smile. Pausing after he says, "Sorry If I shouldn't have uh..."
"O-oh. Um r-really. You'd do that... for me?" I asked smiling lightly. I looked at him in the eyes and blushed. Then looked away.
Edmund nodded. "Of course, because I care" he said, standing up. "Let's go there" he added.


"Kwee" the creature went and sat in front of him. Avanelle then jumped away from the rooftop, landing on a tree. She sat on the branch and put her knees to her chest, slightly sighing.
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I giggled lightly, then covered my mouth with embarassment. I stood up too. "Which was is it?" I asked.
"Just follow me," Edmund told her as he started walking towards the medical wing, which he knew the way because of Avanelle, who has been there for three days after he took her to the school.


Avanelle was looking at some scars she had from that night and just sighed. "No one here is like me..."

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