[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

JayJay said:
// Well still, people should be more forgiving :c
[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse]Mikasa gave Shiki a small smile. She had grown use to being in his body, but soon she would be fully capable of her abilities. She actually hadn't mind the guy she switched with and found him to be a friendly ally. She actually wanted to continue being partners with him until they found a way out of this world. "Yes that would be very convenient for us right now." Mikasa said as she walked beside him.

OOC: Since Aki is gone for now, I wonder if we can just go ahead and find the serum to switch back bodies on our own.

Exploring the facility with her, Shiki cut down any hostile force that might have gotten in their way with relative ease, consistently putting on his glasses when they were walking and then taking them off again when they were fighting. Essentially, as far as he knew, they were lost in this big facility, so he went ahead and scanned the place for any signs that might direct him to the place he needed to go. Particularly a sign that would say "Requisitions" or something of the sort would be ideal.
RainbowWave said:
Elsa's protection of molly outreached Molly's times 300, making Molly only regret her anger and resentment of Elsa. She was pushed on by the queen, protected, and even cared for, it sparked something in Molly that seemed to die that long five years ago. "That....That door leads to a cave, a very dark cave." Spoke molly her hand pointing at a 10x10 sliver door, she was leaning on Elsa, and more of a burden now then she was ever in her world. Looking at Elsa, Molly smiled, and did what she thought so would never do, Molly kissed the young queen, her pale lips meeting Elsa's in surprise. Pulling back, molly spoke
"Lets find our weapons, then we can head out of here." happily spoke Molly, her tone sweet and her face blooming a bright red.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
((git off meh woomon betch))

Elsa went silent when Molly asked her if she was ready to leave. The queen let her platinum blonde hair hang in her face and she turned away.

"No, Molly, I'm not ready."

She clenched her fists at her side and hung her head. She was upset seeing her smile like everything was all right. It wasn't. Everything was wrong!

"You have to go and get out of here yourself. I need to stay and atone for my sins by making sure all the other survivors get out too. Then I'll meet up with you. Molly, I-I..."

Elsa narrowed her eyes. "I'm not who you think I am." 

Cressy said:
((git off meh woomon betch))
//ooc: @Cressy Haha well the get over here and interact with Elsa. :P Intensify the love triangle and both of you fight over Elsa! xD haha.
[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]//ooc: My mistake, it's now a love square? haha. Elsa will no backy off~ :P Engarde!

(( Yeah lemme just go interact with elsa after I get 30 bullet holes in my chest and cross the sea of mp5's ))

((Dandy will always have a special place in my heart))

((Dandy is love))

((Dandy is life))
"No, Molly, I'm not ready." answered Elsa. Molly last her smile in a instance, a frawn replacing it.

"Elsa are you alrigh-"

Elsa clenched her fists at her side and hung her head. "You have to go and get out of here yourself. I need to stay and atone for my sins by making sure all the other survivors get out too. Then I'll meet up with you. Molly, I-I..."

Elsa narrowed her eyes. "I'm not who you think I am."

"Nothing is ever as it seems." Replied Molly, and then she was off, doing as the queen asked, Molly was used to it, traveling alone, being alone, she just wasn't use to the heart shattering feeling that now enclosed her heart. It didn't take her long to reach the door, and she left, traveling through the dark cave all alone, hoping to find what's on the other side.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Delayinder @RainbowWave

Debra opened her eyes, blinking as she looked left and right, looking at the other survivors widening her eyes and looking down at herself, wriggling and attempting to free herself from the straps with no avail. "WHAT THE FUCK?" she yelled out.. She was frightened, confused and shocked all together.. "I-.. What the fuck is going on? What the fuck is happening?" She yet again tries to yank her hands away from the straps, but they don't even budge. "This is freaking.. reminding me of Dexter.." She eyed to the left before the right once again. "Are.. What the fuck happened?" she said, in a more.. calm, accepting tone.. well, still loud, but not as loud as before.
RainbowWave said:
"No, Molly, I'm not ready." answered Elsa. Molly last her smile in a instance, a frawn replacing it.
"Elsa are you alrigh-"

Elsa clenched her fists at her side and hung her head. "You have to go and get out of here yourself. I need to stay and atone for my sins by making sure all the other survivors get out too. Then I'll meet up with you. Molly, I-I..."

Elsa narrowed her eyes. "I'm not who you think I am."

"Nothing is ever as it seems." Replied Molly, and then she was off, doing as the queen asked, Molly was used to it, traveling alone, being alone, she just wasn't use to the heart shattering feeling that now enclosed her heart. It didn't take her long to reach the door, and she left, traveling through the dark cave all alone, hoping to find what's on the other side.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

(ooc: Aww poor Molly. </3 xD Elsa didn't mean to upset her. She just wanted to tell her she's a clone. Haha.)

"Nothing is ever as it seems," Molly said back, before turning to leave.

Elsa lifted her head and glanced quickly to Molly. "Wait-- It's true! I just need you to know... I'm not Elsa... I'm not... the one you love so much..." she muttered, knowing Molly didn't hear the end of her words when she left.

The queen dropped to her knees, tears going down her cheeks.

She was fake. She hated that she was a clone, a copy of the real Elsa.

"P-Pull it together, Elsa," she told herself. "You still have to help the others. Then this can end."
Klutzy Ninja Kitty]((ooc: [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3134-cressy/ said:
@Cressy[/URL] So Elsa's free now I think at least. If you don't have anyone to help with the battle or interact with she can come help. ^^ Otherwise I'll just chill here until I'm needed~ ;D ))
It was so dark, pitch black was all Molly could see. Feeling along the wall, Molly followed the smooth rocky surface for what seemed like hours. Eventually among the sweet silence, Molly heard low voiced moans, causing her body to tense and her movement to stop. It was coming from in fornt of her, Molly was guessing she was in a very long tunnel, but the lack of light gave very little correction to her theory. The moans only grew louder, and more and more joined the horrifying sound. Throwing her hand up, molly sent a small fire ball blasting through the air, showing a group of 18 zombies only 15 feet away from her. The fireball hit a women infected, sending her falling backwards with a chestful of flames. Molly re-threw her hand, sending yet another fireball flying, hitting another infected. Molly did this another five times, missing due to the lack of light for aiming. 'I should go back, look for a flashlight, or something' Thought Molly. Molly turned, walking in the dark away from the zombies, and back towards the facility.
After being shot by Lupo, Jill was left to die after being shot in the arm. She was now dying a slow painful death and was beginning to lose quite a bit of blood. She was now fighting to stay awake, having lost her strength to attempt and break free.
Verite said:
OOC: Since Aki is gone for now, I wonder if we can just go ahead and find the serum to switch back bodies on our own.
Exploring the facility with her, Shiki cut down any hostile force that might have gotten in their way with relative ease, consistently putting on his glasses when they were walking and then taking them off again when they were fighting. Essentially, as far as he knew, they were lost in this big facility, so he went ahead and scanned the place for any signs that might direct him to the place he needed to go. Particularly a sign that would say "Requisitions" or something of the sort would be ideal.
Mikasa scanned their surroundings as the group walked around the facility. She wasn't sure where they could go to get the cure but she knew it was somewhere nearby. She unsheathed her blades and continued to walk cautiously. "Nothing yet..." She muttered to Shiki.

(Yeah we can probably get there pretty soon now.)
[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse]Mikasa scanned their surroundings as the group walked around the facility. She wasn't sure where they could go to get the cure but she knew it was somewhere nearby. She unsheathed her blades and continued to walk cautiously. "Nothing yet..." She muttered to Shiki.
(Yeah we can probably get there pretty soon now.)

"Yeah, but it should be somewhere around here. You don't make a serum without also making something that'll counteract it, I reckon," Shiki replied. Eventually, after several more minutes of walking, he would eventually see a sign that seemed to read "Requisitions." As it caught his eye, he immediately began to make his way towards it. Oddly enough, the room didn't seem guarded at all, likely as a result of any guards present scattering around the whole facility to look for them. Speaking of which, Shiki briefly wondered if the others were okay, like Mr. Emiya and Solaire, but he couldn't worry about that now. He was too distracted with the real pressing matter at hand here.

Inside the room, there seemed to be several serums with different colors. They were all labelled "experimental" and came in many different colors like blue, red, and most importantly, orange! Marching straight over to the orange serums, he picked one of two of them up, examining them. "Well, these are the same color as the ones we drank back on that big heli-carrier thingy. I just hope these'll reverse the effects if we drink these," he said, handing the other to Mikasa, "But we won't know until we drink 'em, huh?" He asked excitedly.
Akibahara said:


“Eight Months”

The Umbrella facility was dead, the neon lights illuminating it's signature symbol died out long ago. UMBRELLA TESTING FACILITY GEORGIA, one of the few underground operations labs within U.S. soil, was trashed beyond belief- chemical spills, putrefied corpses of researchers, and documents littered the confines.

6:57pm, and you were among it tonight.

Molly was no where to be seen, but if you did managed to track and search her- you'd find nothing- she was INNOCENT. Do you know who wasn't? Ellie pressed a bowie knife around Katniss Everdeen's neck. She coughed with a choked gasp, as blood, all too red, all too bright, oozed as the blade dug in. She felt unbridled fear, her lips quivering, just as... clank! With a bubbling, hateful scream, Ellie dropped the knife, “I... I can't do this...” she said, tears rushing down her cheeks.

“Awh, are we having a little problem?”

Lupo grinned, her slender hands pressed against the poor secret Umbrella operative's shoulder, “You did wonderful work with Elsa back at the U.S.S. Romero, my dear. But I'm afraid your... conscious got the better of you. We'll talk to Command about this.”

Ellie was ripped aside, vanishing into the darkness, just as...

A white, wispy fog gained access via ventilation shaft embedded in it's steel mainframe. It was tasteless, odorless, and trailed toward the survivors at a steady pace. Shit. The reinforced iron blast door slammed shut with a thunderous 'BOOM.' Red siren lights silently whirred, spinning as you lay trapped awaiting your doom. It was coming...

Lupo smirked, grinning at her handy-work.


Perpetuating the distraction.



It's been too long.

Far too fucking long.

You remember capture: The Umbrella Corporation drugged you, relinquishing your weapons, armor, and nifty little toys you may have had. Hell, you didn't mind the two back-to-back cavity searches- not as much as you were stuck HERE: Trapped, split up, in your own private hell. Wolfpack seemed to enjoy this:

Bigby, Dallas, Dandy, Aiden Pearce, Solaire & Emiya were trapped in a large glass cell, it seemed impenetrable. Spectre watched over them, the song: “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen played over and over and over again... and when they slept, it kept playing, just at a lower volume. He swung a chain of keys over his index finger, grinning at them with such manly Russian features!




Katniss, Claire, Jill,Mandus, Lann,Scorpion, Delta, and The RED Spy were trapped in a pitch-black pit, it was too deep to climb out of without assistance. Ellie mainly watched over them, with the EXTREME supervision of Lupo. She enjoyed watching the poor Umbrella spy suffer, as the survivors in this prison were given little food and water, followed by an incredibly low amount of light.


Leo Barnes, Debra Morgan, Isaac Clarke, Molly, and Adachi were buckled down tight, strapped into electric chairs wired with explosives. They too, were in a cell, but were subject to arbitrary torture at Wesker's whim-- who, from the looks of it, forced Elsa to electrocute them at high volts. If she declined, she'd meet an epic pimp slap from the man in black himself. Don't fret, it was merely apart of the brain-washing process.


Clementine, Luke, Hatty, Mikasa, Rand, Matt/Kinsie, Shiki,
& Vi were placed in a large arena-esque type testing ground. B.O.W.s attacked them for months on in, usually smaller ones, and oftentimes, they had to rely on Tank Clem to eliminate them. Beltway watched over them, he found this rather amusing. Today, he had something special, the “U-2” creature. Special, special little thing.


James Earl Cash, Chrom, Jehoel, were tossed into a cage filled with 50 Hunter B.O.W.s. They were devoured immediately.


Annie, Wynne, and a bound-and-gagged Captain America lay on an operating table, Four-Eyes watched over them, dotting notes into her chart, “Fascinating...” She had captured Adam, too, thanks to a little smuggling and blackmail within SHIELD's ranks. Annie felt a sharp pain into her abdomen, she was going into labor with Wynne as an assistant...


Adam's eyes widened, “Is... is that--...?! My baby?!”


Aaaand finally, Bertha had Ariel suspended in mid-air, bound and gagged in some weird-ass BDSM outfit. Her ass, little Ariel with bigger lips, and chest was hanging out, mauled to shit par the usual:


“Mmm, you look like zee Little Mermaid, ja,” said Bertha, in a fluent German accent.

“How about zis-”

She held a cage filled with rats, a hole in the opening, as it laid across Ariel's belly, “If you don't zing, wunderbar und lovely like a bird. Zey vill.”

She lit a torch, burning bright orange, and placed it above the cage, “Zing.”​

You can now start posting in-game! The Traitors will submit kill shortly. This round will end @ 12:00pm MST or 2:00pm MST, depending on activity!


Dallas as Dallas (PAYDAY 2)

Scave as Aiden Pearce (Watch_Dogs)

Flaming Centurion as Dandy (Space Dandy)

Jeremiah as Annie (League of Legends)

Reaper Jack as Kiritsugu Emiya (Fate/Zero)

JayJay as Ellie (The Last of Us)

Leo Barnes as Leo Barnes (The Purge: Anarchy)

MrWubsDubs as Vi (League of Legends)

Verite as Shiki Tohno (Tsukihime)

Kawashima Thunderas as Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)

LunarDiscord as Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)

Lunar-Eclipse as Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)

MattieLee as Matt Miller & Kinzie Kensington (Saint's Row 3&4)

Bombielonia as Debra Morgan (Dexter)

Xibilation as Ariel (The Little Mermaid)

Flowershadow as Adachi Tohru (Persona 4)

Hatty Hattington as... Hatty Hattington (Battleblock Theatre)

SuperChocoMilk as Clementine & Luke (The Walking Dead)

The Gil as Bigby Wolf (The Wolf Among Us)

Misterchids as Oswald Mandus (Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs)

MozoWhittaker as Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

Elondora as Wynne (Dragon Age: Origins) (Captain America PARTNER)

Delayinder as Isaac Clarke (Dead Space)

TheAlmightyEmperor as Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)

LannTheClever as... Lann the Clever (Game of Thrones)

SirDerpingtonIV as The RED Spy (Team Fortress 2)



Umbraism as "Fem" Hei (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Hayden as The Hermit (Underhell) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Trickster Vixen as The Black Widow (Marvel) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Chris Redfield (Resident Evil) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Ahzek Ahriman as Ahzek Ahriman (Warhammer 40k) ( TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Cressy as Solaire of Astora (Dark Souls) (BLOWN IN HALF – INNOCENT!)

The Golden Witch as Lambdadelta (BANISHED – TRAITOR!)

Deeox2 as Subject Delta (BANISHED – INNOCENT!)

Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Elsa (TORN VERTICALLY IN HALF – INNOCENT!)

GreenSea as Junpei Iori (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Sandra as Rin Okumura (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Saturnice01 as Garrus (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Hunter2258 as Chrom (EATEN- INNOCENT!)

TheFelixMoon as James Earl Cash (EATEN- INNOCENT!)

Magnestia as Jehoel (EATEN- INNOCENT!)

RainbowWave as Molly (BANISHED- INNOCENT!)


JayJay as Ellie (BANISHED – TRAITOR!)

Ariel coughed into her gag, feeling weak and sore. She wasn't sure how long she had been in the facility. Weeks, months, years? It all passed by in a blur after a while of the torture. The pain was never ending. After being whipped, stretched in a machine, getting things stuck up down there, slapped, bruised, hurt, and hurt in more ways, Ariel had grown numb. She didn't feel anymore. She had learned to zone out, to be anywhere but where she actually was. Yes, she felt the pain and soreness afterwards, but while it was happening, she'd grown emotionless. A punching bag.

She felt the cool metal of the cage as it seeped through her thin outfit, one that covered all of the wrong things. It was black, with spikes on the sides so she could never relax her arms. It wrapped tightly around her stomach, just a black piece of cloth that didn't cover her chest, making her starved stomach squeezed in and look even smaller. She didn't wear any pants, just laced socking and heels that regularly got stabbed into her. She also wore a necklace that Master liked to choke her with when Ariel wasn't behaving. Or when she was behaving. Whenever Master felt like it, really.

Master constantly was reminding Ariel that Master was only protecting her from the Crossed. "Ze bain is zonly temporzary. It's zonly zoo helb vyou, whore." At first, Ariel hadn't believed her. She knew that her friends would save her. Solaire and all of them. But slowly, as time passed, Ariel began to loose hope.

And that, my friends, was her breaking point.

Once Ariel had lost hope, she recited her lines and received the pain easier.

"Zopen vyour legs, pitch."

"Yes, master."

"Hold vyour arm out, vyou ho."

"Yes, master."

"Yes, master."

"Yes, master."

So, as the metal touched Ariel's stomach, and Ariel was demanded to sing, Ariel didn't react at first. Then, in a hoarse, deadpan voice, unlike her light and delicate one, she asked. "Master, may I please have water first? I-" Ariel broke out into a coughing fit. "I-I need it. It's been 3 days now."
@Cressy @everyone else fighting the soldiers

(*cue long post because I felt like it even if I still have to wait for Aki to get back* :3 )

The queen could barely keep herself together, remaining in the empty room. She froze the floor around her and glanced at her reflection narrowing her eyes in hate at it. This wasn't her own face. Her real face was that idiotic, rotting mask that Wesker had made from the real Elsa's corpse. The real owner of that face was the one who had the beautiful, warm sister named Anna. The real owner of that face had been the one to meet all of the other survivors like Katniss, Ellie, Solaire, and Molly.

"Oh, Molly," she mumbled, balling up a fist and punching the ice she had created on the floor. Her punch to the ice caused it to crack, distorting her reflection. Her reflection deserved to be distorted, because that's how the queen felt. And she only felt worse now, worrying she had hurt Molly's feelings. She hadn't meant to do it. She just wanted her friend to know the truth. She wanted her to know that she wasn't the Elsa that deserved such open, beautiful care.

Things were all wrong. Elsa knew she couldn't ever make them completely right again, but the least she could do was try. She had encouraged Molly to leave for a reason. She wanted her safe. But she wanted everyone else safe as well. She wasn't sure how many of her friends and the other survivors were still alive, but she was determined to help them. Then, once they were safe, she had one last thing to take care of. Elsa was a clone, an abomination. She would be better off dead. And she knew who she would ask to end her.

Forcing herself out of the angst she felt, Elsa rose to her feet, feeling motivated now that she knew her goal. She made her way out of the room, knocking aside occasional guards with slabs of ice like they were a pieces of wet paper towel. She pressed onward, figuring that many of the survivors still left that hadn't been set free would be in the prison cells. She headed in that direction, stopping dead in her tracks when she heard gunshots and chaos. Gunshots and chaos only meant one thing.

Some of the survivors had escaped.

They needed her help.

The queen rushed forward, shooting walls of ice at the soldiers. Some of the men turned and began to fire at her, so she brought up as much icy protection around herself as she could. She even froze some of the bullets in mid-air, hearing them as they fell and clinked against the floor. She heard a few voices call out in the background, recognizing one of them.


The queen smiled, privately happy that Solaire was still alive. She wanted to get him to safety just as she had Molly. Elsa was prepared to fight and die to make sure everyone got out if that's what it took.

But her average arsenal of ice wasn't good enough. She watched as some of the bullets started making it through her ice and bit her lip, raising her hands to strengthen the ice. Shooting slabs of ice wasn't going to be good enough. She needed to fight like they did.

Elsa squeezed her eyes shut and began to morph a chunk of ice, shaping it to appear like a machine gun. The icy gun shot out bullets, not as powerful as a regular machine gun, but powerful enough to give her a bit of a chance.

"Don't worry, guys, Elsa's coming," she thought. Clone Elsa, at least.
Xibilation said:
Ariel coughed into her gag, feeling weak and sore. She wasn't sure how long she had been in the facility. Weeks, months, years? It all passed by in a blur after a while of the torture. The pain was never ending. After being whipped, stretched in a machine, getting things stuck up down there, slapped, bruised, hurt, and hurt in more ways, Ariel had grown numb. She didn't feel anymore. She had learned to zone out, to be anywhere but where she actually was. Yes, she felt the pain and soreness afterwards, but while it was happening, she'd grown emotionless. A punching bag.
She felt the cool metal of the cage as it seeped through her thin outfit, one that covered all of the wrong things. It was black, with spikes on the sides so she could never relax her arms. It wrapped tightly around her stomach, just a black piece of cloth that didn't cover her chest, making her starved stomach squeezed in and look even smaller. She didn't wear any pants, just laced socking and heels that regularly got stabbed into her. She also wore a necklace that Master liked to choke her with when Ariel wasn't behaving. Or when she was behaving. Whenever Master felt like it, really.

Master constantly was reminding Ariel that Master was only protecting her from the Crossed. "Ze bain is zonly temporzary. It's zonly zoo helb vyou, whore." At first, Ariel hadn't believed her. She knew that her friends would save her. Solaire and all of them. But slowly, as time passed, Ariel began to loose hope.

And that, my friends, was her breaking point.

Once Ariel had lost hope, she recited her lines and received the pain easier.

"Zopen vyour legs, pitch."

"Yes, master."

"Hold vyour arm out, vyou ho."

"Yes, master."

"Yes, master."

"Yes, master."

So, as the metal touched Ariel's stomach, and Ariel was demanded to sing, Ariel didn't react at first. Then, in a hoarse, deadpan voice, unlike her light and delicate one, she asked. "Master, may I please have water first? I-" Ariel broke out into a coughing fit. "I-I need it. It's been 3 days now."
(( Finally, my ass is back. I'll sum this whole giant-ass RP in a mid-round update. First, I must appease my fetish and torment Ariel. :) )) 

Xibilation said:
Ariel coughed into her gag, feeling weak and sore. She wasn't sure how long she had been in the facility. Weeks, months, years? It all passed by in a blur after a while of the torture. The pain was never ending. After being whipped, stretched in a machine, getting things stuck up down there, slapped, bruised, hurt, and hurt in more ways, Ariel had grown numb. She didn't feel anymore. She had learned to zone out, to be anywhere but where she actually was. Yes, she felt the pain and soreness afterwards, but while it was happening, she'd grown emotionless. A punching bag.
She felt the cool metal of the cage as it seeped through her thin outfit, one that covered all of the wrong things. It was black, with spikes on the sides so she could never relax her arms. It wrapped tightly around her stomach, just a black piece of cloth that didn't cover her chest, making her starved stomach squeezed in and look even smaller. She didn't wear any pants, just laced socking and heels that regularly got stabbed into her. She also wore a necklace that Master liked to choke her with when Ariel wasn't behaving. Or when she was behaving. Whenever Master felt like it, really.

Master constantly was reminding Ariel that Master was only protecting her from the Crossed. "Ze bain is zonly temporzary. It's zonly zoo helb vyou, whore." At first, Ariel hadn't believed her. She knew that her friends would save her. Solaire and all of them. But slowly, as time passed, Ariel began to loose hope.

And that, my friends, was her breaking point.

Once Ariel had lost hope, she recited her lines and received the pain easier.

"Zopen vyour legs, pitch."

"Yes, master."

"Hold vyour arm out, vyou ho."

"Yes, master."

"Yes, master."

"Yes, master."

So, as the metal touched Ariel's stomach, and Ariel was demanded to sing, Ariel didn't react at first. Then, in a hoarse, deadpan voice, unlike her light and delicate one, she asked. "Master, may I please have water first? I-" Ariel broke out into a coughing fit. "I-I need it. It's been 3 days now."
Bertha growled, pulling the neck-chain back, it pressed against Ariel's neck, strangling the poor girl in a fit of rage, “VATER?! Ach ja...” The Umbrella medic smiled, dosing the Little Mermaid with a bucket of ice-cold water filled from a nearby sink—she anticipated Ariel to transform into a mermaid—and if she did, a stainless steel machete flashed down, impacting through her green mermaid tail like a knife-on-butter and sending a flare of agony up her spine. Whatever piece of flesh lopped off, it caught onto a large metal plate below our lovely Disney princess:

“Vell, I vunder vat mermaid tastes like, ja?”

“... Und zen du can have ein taste!”​

It was raw, fresh blood dribbled from Bertha's fork, as she placed a chunk of Ariel's flesh between her lips, chewing, “Mm, zat ist like cod! Vant a taste?!” She laughed in your typical evil Nazi she-bitch sounding guttural tone, force-feeding Ariel her own body for the first time!

Akibahara said:
(( Finally, my ass is back. I'll sum this whole giant-ass RP in a mid-round update. First, I must appease my fetish and torment Ariel. :) )) 

Bertha growled, pulling the neck-chain back, it pressed against Ariel's neck, strangling the poor girl in a fit of rage, “VATER?! Ach ja...” The Umbrella medic smiled, dosing the Little Mermaid with a bucket of ice-cold water filled from a nearby sink—she anticipated Ariel to transform into a mermaid—and if she did, a stainless steel machete flashed down, impacting through her green mermaid tail like a knife-on-butter and sending a flare of agony up her spine. Whatever piece of flesh lopped off, it caught onto a large metal plate below our lovely Disney princess:

“Vell, I vunder vat mermaid tastes like, ja?”

“... Und zen du can have ein taste!”​

It was raw, fresh blood dribbled from Bertha's fork, as she placed a chunk of Ariel's flesh between her lips, chewing, “Mm, zat ist like cod! Vant a taste?!” She laughed in your typical evil Nazi she-bitch sounding guttural tone, force-feeding Ariel her own body for the first time!

Mid-Round Update!

An hour has passed since your escape. You could hear the Umbrella operatives fighting for sweet life as G-Virus Adachi tore them bit by bit, their MP5s tried to damage him, as did their hefty arsenal of rocket launchers, grenades, and other military-grade weaponry. Nothing. Nada. You escaped your prison: Elsa, Bigby, Solaire, Mikasa and Shiki, everyone! Well, except Ariel, who was still tormented by Bertha..

However, we had someone new in tow:

Annie and Adam held a precious little baby, it appears our physically 19-year old magic girl warded off Wesker long enough for her to escape with “Janice” and Adam far, far away from the malevolent man-in-black. He didn't seem phased by the whole event, really. He walked with a purpose, passed G-Virus Adachi, passed the dying Umbrella operatives who tried to fight it off, and into the Communications Room: His voice echoed throughout the facility...

“I see you've made it out.”


You found yourself on BOTANICAL LAB #1, topside, it smelt like dying roses. Trees, flowers, unnaturally large genetically modified Venus Fly Traps dotted the landscape, as vines grew from the walls. It appears someone hasn't been keeping up with this level. There is, of course, a few potions you discover:

- A green potion—it appears thick, but smells of cucumbers.

- A pink potion—it smells like strawberries, there was probably some of the fruit involved with it's creation. There's an image of a strongman flexing his muscles on the bottle. Ooh, perhaps it'd be a unique concoction for our more... physically capable survivors.

- x2 red potion—It's a bottle containing two pills, approximately 2 cm wide. They're orange, odorless and tasteless.

-x2 blue potion--It's a blue colored liquid, thin. It smells like blueberries.

- x1 purple gas--It's a purple gas, contained within a bottle and cork. If the user opens it, the smell reminds them of old gym socks.

- G-VIRUS CURE—It's a purple syringe filled with a purple fluid. You'll need this.

“As you can see, your friend is causing such... needless destruction to the Umbrella facility. No matter. I'll make an offer: Give me the baby and I'll ensure you escape the facility. If not—then I'll be forced to activate the self-destruction sequence—and you'll all... perish.”


You can now start posting in-game! The Traitors will submit kill shortly. This round will end @ 12:00pm MST or 2:00pm MST, depending on activity! Oh, and be sure to vote this round! VIGILANTE kill is also this round!
Akibahara said:
Mid-Round Update!

An hour has passed since your escape. You could hear the Umbrella operatives fighting for sweet life as G-Virus Adachi tore them bit by bit, their MP5s tried to damage him, as did their hefty arsenal of rocket launchers, grenades, and other military-grade weaponry. Nothing. Nada. You escaped your prison: Elsa, Bigby, Solaire, Mikasa and Shiki, everyone! Well, except Ariel, who was still tormented by Bertha..

However, we had someone new in tow:

Annie and Adam held a precious little baby, it appears our physically 19-year old magic girl warded off Wesker long enough for her to escape with “Janice” and Adam far, far away from the malevolent man-in-black. He didn't seem phased by the whole event, really. He walked with a purpose, passed G-Virus Adachi, passed the dying Umbrella operatives who tried to fight it off, and into the Communications Room: His voice echoed throughout the facility...

“I see you've made it out.”


You found yourself on BOTANICAL LAB #1, topside, it smelt like dying roses. Trees, flowers, unnaturally large genetically modified Venus Fly Traps dotted the landscape, as vines grew from the walls. It appears someone hasn't been keeping up with this level. There is, of course, a few potions you discover:

- A green potion—it appears thick, but smells of cucumbers.

- A pink potion—it smells like strawberries, there was probably some of the fruit involved with it's creation. There's an image of a strongman flexing his muscles on the bottle. Ooh, perhaps it'd be a unique concoction for our more... physically capable survivors.

- x2 red potion—It's a bottle containing two pills, approximately 2 cm wide. They're orange, odorless and tasteless.

-x2 blue potion--It's a blue colored liquid, thin. It smells like blueberries.

- x1 purple gas--It's a purple gas, contained within a bottle and cork. If the user opens it, the smell reminds them of old gym socks.

- G-VIRUS CURE—It's a purple syringe filled with a purple fluid. You'll need this.

“As you can see, your friend is causing such... needless destruction to the Umbrella facility. No matter. I'll make an offer: Give me the baby and I'll ensure you escape the facility. If not—then I'll be forced to activate the self-destruction sequence—and you'll all... perish.”


You can now start posting in-game! The Traitors will submit kill shortly. This round will end @ 12:00pm MST or 2:00pm MST, depending on activity! Oh, and be sure to vote this round! VIGILANTE kill is also this round!
[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse](I'm gonna sleep soon so don't post a bunch please >_< and I'll vote for Annie)

Akibahara said:
Mid-Round Update!

An hour has passed since your escape. You could hear the Umbrella operatives fighting for sweet life as G-Virus Adachi tore them bit by bit, their MP5s tried to damage him, as did their hefty arsenal of rocket launchers, grenades, and other military-grade weaponry. Nothing. Nada. You escaped your prison: Elsa, Bigby, Solaire, Mikasa and Shiki, everyone! Well, except Ariel, who was still tormented by Bertha..

However, we had someone new in tow:

Annie and Adam held a precious little baby, it appears our physically 19-year old magic girl warded off Wesker long enough for her to escape with “Janice” and Adam far, far away from the malevolent man-in-black. He didn't seem phased by the whole event, really. He walked with a purpose, passed G-Virus Adachi, passed the dying Umbrella operatives who tried to fight it off, and into the Communications Room: His voice echoed throughout the facility...

“I see you've made it out.”


You found yourself on BOTANICAL LAB #1, topside, it smelt like dying roses. Trees, flowers, unnaturally large genetically modified Venus Fly Traps dotted the landscape, as vines grew from the walls. It appears someone hasn't been keeping up with this level. There is, of course, a few potions you discover:

- A green potion—it appears thick, but smells of cucumbers.

- A pink potion—it smells like strawberries, there was probably some of the fruit involved with it's creation. There's an image of a strongman flexing his muscles on the bottle. Ooh, perhaps it'd be a unique concoction for our more... physically capable survivors.

- x2 red potion—It's a bottle containing two pills, approximately 2 cm wide. They're orange, odorless and tasteless.

-x2 blue potion--It's a blue colored liquid, thin. It smells like blueberries.

- x1 purple gas--It's a purple gas, contained within a bottle and cork. If the user opens it, the smell reminds them of old gym socks.

- G-VIRUS CURE—It's a purple syringe filled with a purple fluid. You'll need this.

“As you can see, your friend is causing such... needless destruction to the Umbrella facility. No matter. I'll make an offer: Give me the baby and I'll ensure you escape the facility. If not—then I'll be forced to activate the self-destruction sequence—and you'll all... perish.”


You can now start posting in-game! The Traitors will submit kill shortly. This round will end @ 12:00pm MST or 2:00pm MST, depending on activity! Oh, and be sure to vote this round! VIGILANTE kill is also this round!
*Vi walks over grabbing the a RED BOTTLE* ... Well.. I guess here goes nothing...

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