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Fantasy The Mole (Mutant RP)

Daniel looked at Jekyll and blinked. He had never heard the boy utter more than two words to him before and he smiled a little. "It's okay. Just relax." He said as he laid a hand on his shoulder comforting. He turned to here the announcement of his friends' return. "Come on, let's go out and greet them." He said softly as he turned to walk out of the back room. He looked at the items that were dumped out on the table Felice pulled to the centre of the room and blinked. "Damn... This is more stuff than I've seen in a while..." he laughed and smiled softly. "How did you guys manage to get all this?" he asked as he leaned against the door frame and looked at them.


@Everyone else because I'm lazy....

(Sorry for the late response, work got hectic.)
Aurora and Scars joined in after a while, sitting down and eating while the two talked through each other with Scars telepathy. They were back to being great friends seeing Scars smile as well as her even if her hood was on. Her eyes a light green, having a calm yet happy aurora with her. She enjoys the food, making small sounds of delite before quietly taking her pills, not caring if anyone saw anymore. After eating she soon got up to stretch her arms, and sat back down just quietly having a conversation

@ Everyone there
The rest of the trip was awkward to say the least. There was an uneasy silence between all three of them more often than not, and Felice seemed to be avoiding looking straight at Dante...but, on the bright side, Zatch was back to his normal self. Well, this is fun...but why'd we waste all that cash on this? he mentally grumbled to himself, looking over everything he was carrying. I guess this gets you on everyone's good side, but we'd be better off with beans and basics... he furrowed his brow, then relaxed and shrugged. Eh, it's whatever. Everyone needs a good treat now and then.

As they entered the warehouse, Felice announced their entrance with a prize-winning smile. Zatch followed suit, but kept to giving a half-wave before setting everything onto the table Felice dragged over. Looking over the mutants gathering round, he noticed there were two others he hadn't seen before. Wonder if they were hiding, off, or just got here? picking up his chocolate bar, he began to open it as he listened to everyone chat around him, making notes in his head all the while. The girl named Amber seemed nice enough, and didn't seem to mind seeing a newcomer here (thankfully). The other white haired fellow seemed pretty relaxed...or timid, he wasn't that sure. Wonder what their powers are... he took a big bite of his candy bar, chuckling at Daniel's question as Felice got the radio in tune.

"Stole it all, how else? Even made headline news." he gave Daniel a big grin, and, midway in taking a bite, paused and lightly chuckled. "I'm joking, of course." he quickly added before indulging himself. Looking over at Amber, he gave a wave and swallowed his food. "Amber, right? M'names Zatch, pleasure to meet ya." he gave her a grin, then picked up his other candy bar and excused himself. He made his way over to a nearby wall somewhat off from the group and sat down cross-legged, deciding to simply enjoy his candy and the music instead of socialize and fret over things. Makes for a nice change of pace...
Amber looked over at Jason and grunted. "To literal Lancelot." She said, smiling at her nickname for him. She had a fun time coming up with names for others. It was one of her ways to make people loosen up. Jason always seemed to be grumpy, and off put, which made Amber want to fix it. Even with the mention of last time she had tried doing that, and the chaos it caused, she still decided that pushing a few buttons would do justice. "I have to agree though, her bite does look worse than her bark." She joked, smiling at Felice before going back to eating her delicious sandwich. "You know Jason." Amber said between bites. "You should loosen up a bit." She said, smiling at him.

In order of Mentioned Interaction


Luna was still grumpy as ever, staying in her corner. She had taken a little peek at the squabble behind the building, but had done nothing to stop it. She was not the type to intervene. She was awoken from her long cold slumber by the smell of food and joyful conversations. The icicle opened her eyes, looking out over the crowd. They seemed to be happily eating food that the new mutant had brought for the rest of them, peeking her interest. She hadn't had real food in a long time, and the smell was starting to get to her. Slowly getting up out of her snow filled napping area, Luna shook off her head, letting the small little flakes of snow fall off as she walked out of her shadow slowly, simply observing the others around her.

@Everyone There
Aurora looked over at Amber having her conversation with Andrew Jason and Felice, she chuckles hearing her words before back at Scars. She whispers something into his ear and he nods getting up and leaves. She waited, looking around the room quietly as she started to sing out of nowhere. Forgetting that there were others around the room, being in her own state of mind
The left side of Jason's face twitched slightly at Amber's remark in response to his comment about Felice, starting to feel like he was sizzling on the inside. He didn't like the nickname she'd given him, and also found it annoying when the girl talked to him period. The audiokinetic mutant had been picked up by their group shortly after he and Andrew were recruited in, and for some odd reason, he was the one whom she took the most interest in. He'd been subjected through many of her attempts to either strike up a conversation with him, tease him by calling him names or do something as simple as ruffling his hair, and when Jason looked back on all of it he was utterly amazed that he hadn't lost his mind yet. However, there was still that one incident that took place... One involving details that he preferred not to reminisce or discuss with anyone in the group.

"Mhm... Stop trying to make me feel better," Jason retorted in his monotone voice when Amber said that she agreed with him, taking a moment to chew and swallow another segment of his shawarma. "You- even more than 'Romeo' over here- know better than anyone that it's not going to work." Andrew, who was sitting peacefully by the table and taking the time to listen to the song that was playing over the radio, heard what his friend said about him and caused his face to become flushed again with a shade of red that was slightly darker than last time. "Oh, will you stop-! I'm just- you know, Andrew, alright guys?" he said in address to both Jason and Amber, not pleased with the fact that he was being embarrassed right in front of Felice. "I'm just a dude trying to be friendly... I'm not a star-crossed lover or anything like that."

"Tch. Yeah, sure."
Mercifully, Jason said nothing more in addition to that, deciding to let Andrew enjoy his time with his 'girlfriend' and chewing on his shawarma wrap while his mind wandered elsewhere. He was always thinking about one thing or the other when he wasn't interacting with anyone, though he never really opened up about any of it... He really was a man of mystery, though fortunately for him, there were not many people who bothered to pry. Except for...

"You know Jason... You should loosen up a bit." Jason turned his head to look over at Amber, resisting the urge to narrow his eyebrows and keeping his facial expression placid as his eyes fell upon that bright smile of hers. She just never knew when to give up, it seemed...

"Who says I'm not loose? And who says I have to even if I wasn't?" he asked calmly, keeping his gaze trained on his fellow mutant for the time being. "Talking to people isn't really my thing... And besides, we're all here so that we can survive. Not so that we can chill out and have a great time. So, I'm not sure why there's a reason to be so... You know. Happy. Like the way you are now." So far, this was already the longest *civil* conversation that Jason had been able to have with Amber, and if he was actually thinking about it right now, it would have been sure to surprise himself. He felt that him and Amber were like oil and water, two things that just didn't go well together... So, for him to be able to talk to her in such a relaxed manner was really an odd thing.

Jason was momentarily distracted from the conversation, however, when he felt a cool breeze suddenly passing by. Turning around, he noticed that Luna had finally emerged from whatever dark corner of the warehouse she'd been lurking in, and he observed her for only a second or two before focusing his attention back to his shawarma and waiting to see if Amber would respond to what he said. Like he mentioned before, he was not really the social type, and he also wanted to avoid provoking the Ice Queen into creating another spear that would be aimed at his head instead of Trev's.

In order of mention/interaction:


@Prizzy Kriyze
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Felice looks to Daniel as he asks how they got all of that and looks to Zatch as he answers the question and laughs a little. "What he said" She leaves it at that, rather than making up some excuse that would have just generally been she had cash saved up, rather boring compared to Zatch's amusing, but fictitious response. She watches Amber and Jason a bit, noticing there to be quite a bit of tension between them, mostly from Jason's side. She looks away from them at noticing a chill in the air and sees that Luna decided to make an appearance. She pulls the pack of cookies out of one of the bags and pushes them in her direction. She didn't say anything not wanting to provoke her, but simply offered the cookies as a sort of silent peace offering. She turns her gaze off of Luna letting her do what she wished without being under the gaze of someone.

She looks to Jason, Andrew, and Amber feeling the tension she was feeling before not subsiding and perhaps even tightening a bit more. "I think Jason's allowed to be stoic if he wishes. A crowd of bouncy overly happy people would get tiresome rather fast if not annoying. I think there has to be a balance of personality types and because that apparently exists here there is of course going to be disagreements. Jason may be a bit of a sourpuss but if that's how he chooses to be so be it. Everyone has their back stories and lives before here that have shaped them into who they are" She states with a simple shrug. "I'd like to think of myself a little bit of both worlds. I'm not overly energetic but I'm not a stick in the mud either" She states with a joking wink at Jason, letting him know she meant no harm by the comment.

She looks at the radio as

starts playing and she couldn't help but let out a tittering laugh as it seemed a rather fitting song for this band of misfits. She felt her hips sway slightly when the chorus set in before realizing she set the station without so much of asking anyone of their opinion. "I can change the station if someone prefers to listen to something else. I kind of took control of it without asking any of ya'lls opinion." She looks around the warehouse for any one's opinion before frowning at not noticing Trevor, nor Otto were around. "Where's the bossman?" She asks giving another glance around the building.
@Ryu Keiko

@Jaded Conformity



@Prizzy Kriyze

@Der Kojote
Daniel blinks at Zatch's response and chuckles a bit. "Well, whether it was stolen or not, I'm grateful for it nonetheless." He says softly as he grabs himself a sandwich. He, taking small bites, begins eating silently, not wantnig to talk with his mouth full. As he swallows his first few bites, he looks over at Luna, and smiles a bit. He was glad that she had made her appearance. "Hey, why don't you grab a bite to eat?" He asked kindly, watching as Felice slid a bag of cookies her way. "At least put something in your stomach, it'll be good for ya." He said with a smile. He looked back at his sandwich, wondering what about it was missing that... Flare, when he smiled as it seemed like a lightbulb had went off above his head. Hold the sandwich in his hand, he concentrated, as his hand began to slightly heat up. After a while, he chuckled and smiled. "Perfect~" he said as he took a bite into his now toasted sandwich, with melted cheese~

@xx0mittens0xx @Jaded Conformity @IceQueen
They had been laughing for a bit though as time had passed Otto looked back towards the direction of the warehouse. "I think we've been gone for long enough. Honestly we probably should head back, make sure that we don't have another 15 people showing up, at that point we can be sure, one of us have a secret power to attract every weird person under the sun." There was a nod from all as they began heading back to the warehouse. By the time they came around Otto was hearing a familiar song. He also heard Felice speaking "I can change the station if someone prefers to listen to something else. I kind of took control of it without asking any of ya'lls opinion." Also she was asking where the Trevor was, Otto popped his head around the corner of the wall, "A. Styx is awesome don't change the station, B. We're back. and c. We have found another person." He shook his head with a smile, "We keep this up we'll need a boarding home."

@xx0mittens0xx , @Ryu Keiko , @Prizzy Kriyze , @Mockingbird @grey987 @Jaded Conformity @IceQueen
Daniel stopped and looked towards the entrance and smiled seeing Otto and hearing of their return. "Hey man, glad you guys made it back." He said smiling as he finished the last bite of his sandwich. He heard Otto speak of a new person and laughed. "You would swear we are starting a small militia in this warehouse with all the new people..." he chuckled as he stood, dusting his pants off to be ready to greet the newcomer.

@xx0mittens0xx @Prizzy Kriyze @Mockingbird @grey987 @Jaded Conformity @IceQueen @Der Kojote
Amber smiled over at Andrew, giggling. "You sound like a Romeo." She spoke, rubbing his hair before turning back to Jason. "And making people feel better is what I do, making people feel welcome and happy, which you seem to love avoiding." she said, poking a finger at him. He was so, uptight, it was hard for her to stand. That one time though, it proved that pushing him too much could probably result in a lot of destruction, since both of their powers were pretty explosive, and crazy. She just hoped she didn't push him too far, but seeing as his face was still neutral, she gathered that she hadn't pushed him far enough.

About to make another comment, Amber opened her mouth, only to have Felice say something about different personalities. "Buzz kill." She grumbled, sad that her fun had been interrupted. "I didn't mean that he had to be happy all the time, I just think that a small smile would serve him better than a mean old frown." She said, smiling as she had the urge to pinch his cheeks, but resisted for the good of everyone around her.

Looking over at Otto, Amber smiled. "You're back bro. Nice to see you!" She said, going for a fist bump

@xx0mittens0xx @Der Kojote

Luna was looking at the food from a distance, her mouth watering silently as she thought about going over to get food. She was about to move when Daniel talked to her, and she jumped. Clearing her throat, she looked at him. "I was already planning on eating something. No need to starve myself, though spicy food wont help my cause." She said to him, walking over and grabbing a sandwich and walking back to the edge of the group before eating it.

@Ryu Keiko
Andrew scoffed and shook his head when Amber commented about him "sounding like a Romeo", shaking his head while she ruffled his hair before propping his elbows on the table and listening to the last few bits of "Black Magic Woman" as they played over the radio, cradling what was left of his shawarma wrap between his hands.

Meanwhile, Jason flinched when he felt Amber's finger prodding his arm, looking back at her with a glare in response to what she said to him. And then, for once, Felice managed to say something that didn't bring out a negative reaction from him; his gaze lingered on the newcomer as she explained why his demeanor would be acceptable, finding that he was silently agreeing with her in his head. Even when she made an indirect joke about him being a "stick in the mud", he stayed calm and didn't say anything to try and put her down. In fact... his lips curled upwards slightly in the very, very smallest of smiles: a sight that was nearly impossible to see, and one that he realized he didn't want Amber to see. So the smile disappeared almost as fast as it came, and Jason was back to being his regular self in no time at all with his gaze lowered back to his shawarma. However, the audiokinetic mutant didn't make it any easier for him when she called the shapeshifter a "buzz kill" (the comment truthfully made him want to chuckle), though he managed to hold himself still and looked over at Amber with that same old gaze of his when she commented on the facial expression he had on all the time.

Hmph... How ironic, he thought to himself, his mind lingering for a bit on when he did exactly what she said he should do: letting a small smile come to his lips.

Andrew continued to listen in on the radio when "Renegade" came on and found that he was enjoying the song, and Jason's attention was also pulled to the music when he heard the first couple of lyrics. Funnily enough, he was thinking the same thing as Felice; it was a rather fitting song for all the people who were a part of this group, and for a moment he was more contemplative than usual... Going to dark places that he didn't wish to go to ever again after he'd been to them the first time around.

"Don't worry about it, the song's pretty good... Wait, 'bossman'? You mean Trev?" Andrew asked, realizing himself that both the group's leader and Otto were absent from the get-together that was taking place in the middle of the warehouse interior. "Hm... I guess he and Otto must have gone out to talk about something... They do that every now and then; they conference about us, and decide what should be done so that... You know, we can be safe... Anyway, they should be back soon."

Coincidentally, that was the moment when Trev and Otto came back in, and when he heard Otto's voice, the electrokinetic mutant turned to look back at the trio with-

Wait a minute... Who's that?

The smile that was present on Andrew's face quickly vanished when he noticed the girl who was with the other two male mutants, not having expected to see yet another new mutant joining their ranks. He found himself stunned at the amount of new people that were coming in, and Jason himself just had to comment about it.

"So, Trev... I gotta ask you something right now. Did you happen to recently put up a giant sign in front of the building with flashing lights that say 'MUTANT SAFEHOUSE'? Because that's what it seems like right now, after looking at all the new people here." The question was obviously a joke, but if Jason was going to be honest, he felt that something was odd about the fact that they were suddenly attracting mutant after mutant to their safe haven in the span of only two consecutive days...

In order of mention/interaction:


@Prizzy Kriyze

@Der Kojote

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Aurora and Scars soon left the warehouse towards the outside and enjoyed the quietness it produces as they lay on the grass and stare up at the sky. "Hey Scars.....shouldn't we have told them before we came out here?" She asks her friend looking at him, but the way he was snoring probably ment he fell asleep. She chuckles lightly before looking up at the sky again mumbling, "Yeah me to..." she soon closes her eyes starting to fall asleep, but soon she jolted with a gasp and sighs seeing that they haven't moved. "It was all just a dream......sorta..." she lays back down, even though she felt mixed feelings about the sudden "dreams". Truthfully she was a bit frightened of what she saw when taking a nap, so probably she won't get much sleep if that keeps on. Aurora remembered that she could talk to Andrew about anything, this was one thing that surely has to keep hidden. Since she doesn't know what they mean yet
"Huh, didn't know you were into that sort of thing." Trev joked, commenting on Otto's taste in music. He passed by his friends and walked into the warehouse, smiling at seeing most of them being at least somewhat cheerful for now. For once, that even included himself. "Yeah, 'Bossman' is back." Trev air quoted "Bossman", and smirked at the nickname. "'Bossman' is also bringing an old friend along with him. One who I've known for a very long time. Yo, Tris, come out. You're probably better at introducing yourself than I'd be if I tried." He motioned towards Tris, but kept walking into the warehouse rather than wait for her introduction. Just be the social butterfly you always are.

He passed by Amber, Andrew and Jason, and momentarily gave them all glances. Jason and Amber never quite seemed to get along, and he didn't want their interaction to cause a fight right now when everyone was alright for once. Well, perhaps not everyone, but it was as good an opportunity as any to be. He looked over in Luna's direction and noted that even she was speaking more than she usually did. He wasn't going to hold her spear threat from yesterday against her- she should most likely have been aware that it wasn't a very frightening weapon for him in the first place. Instead, he decided to let it go and not be hard on her for it. She never seemed to respond well to reasoning anyway.

Instead he wandered over to Felice with a bit of a skip in his step betraying his good mood. He casually leaned an arm on her shoulder and gave her a happy smirk. "So, what'd you end up getting for me, hm? I've been starving for a week or so now."
Felice looked over at Otto and Trev as they made their way into the warehouse just as she had asked about them. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear" She jokingly states, bumping Trev lightly with her hip in jest when he approaches her. She smiles glad he, as well as mostly everyone else seemed to be in a rather good mood. "I got you three types of chicken wings. Buffalo, hot, and BBQ. I figured I couldn't go wrong with the classics" She leans across the table and grabs a bag that had the wings in it and places it in front of Trev before grabbing some contents out of another bag and pushes it in Otto's direction. "There's your jerky and peanuts you asked for... oh!" She reaches in her pocket and places a bit of money near the food as well. "I couldn't pawn the item you asked me to. I liked it too much so I thought I'd buy it from you instead" She looks over at Daniel and tosses him an old walkman. "It's not much but it's something. Don't know what you could do with it but it's all your's" She looks over at Tris and gives a friendly smile with a shrug. "I'm sorry I don't have anything specific for you but there's cookies and other various junk food. I probably went a little overboard but I figured it's worth it. You guys seemed a little 'down in the dumps' to put lightly. It definitely looked like you guys could use a bit of a mood lift" She empties the contents of the other bags so everyone could enjoy the items as they pleased.

She looks over at Dante, letting her tongue run over her teeth. She knew she'd have to make it seem like they got along even if Dante wasn't the most charismatic person ever, she figured it was better to interact with him. Perhaps if he figured out she was true to what she had said previously he'd lighten up on her. "If you want to break out that alcohol you so kindly brought. I would think tonight is as good as any to break it out. Unless of course you were hoarding it away all for yourself" She states making a face at him before looking at Trev before she could see how Dante would react to her. She grabs his wrist and pulling him a bit from the group. "When you get a chance, can I talk to you privately?" She asks in barely above a whisper, letting go of him. She had remembered what she had seen on the way home and didn't want to freak the others out by putting it out in the open.

@Prizzy Kriyze

@Der Kojote

@Ryu Keiko


Otto returned amber's Fist bump, and looked over to Andrew, He shrugged at his comment, "I don't know if he did or not, I certainly didn't but you know. the more the merrier... until the food supplies run out, or we start having the same number of people as a small apartment complex, at that point we'll probably be moving into a subway...or something." He sighed looking around at the group of people, "Because at the current rate we're going, we are going to need to move soon. But that can be talked about later." His attention was then drawn to Felice, as she pushed the food stuff he asked for towards him, as well as some money. He immediately began tearing into the jerky. "God, haven't had this in a while! thank you!" Though his eyebrow at her next comment about his little runic art, "Really? Thanks, you know if you want something specific, I can do it fairly easy."
Daniel looked up just as Felice tossed the Walkman his way and he reached out and caught it. "It's not much, but I can probably get this thing working and get us some for on the go. Or maybe it'll come in handy if we get stuck somehow, I'm not really sure." He said as he scratched his head blushing. "I just like being prepared, ya know?" He said softly. He grabbed a bag of chips, deciding to munch on that, rather than making another sandwich. He stuff the Walkman into his bag and placed it back on the ground as he looked at everyone at the table. It made him smile to see everyone enjoying themselves, and honestly, he wanted this to stay until the end of times.

@xx0mittens0xx @InsaneKiller19 @Everyone else, because I'm lazy.
Jason was silent as he listened to Otto speak on the matter regarding a bunch of new mutants being recruited into their group by chance, giving a somewhat dismissive grunt when he said that the prospect of them moving locations could be discussed at another point in time. A look around the nearby area made him aware to the fact that their little 'party' in the middle of the warehouse had gotten bigger than before, with just about every mutant living here gathered to let loose and have a generally good time. If he was going to be honest, it was a pleasant sight... Everyone seemed pretty jovial- even Trev, who was rarely ever caught in a good mood- and for once people were able to relax rather than remain so tense. If not himself, then let everyone else be happy... They deserved it. Deciding that he didn't have any more business here, Jason then turned and left to go lurk in an unoccupied area of the warehouse.

In order of mention/interaction:

@Der Kojote

@Prizzy Kriyze

@Anyone who feels like responding
Aurora left Scars out there soon, not wanting to wake him up. She didn't go back to the group either though and went somewhere to think in private in a dark unoccupied area. When she arrives though, she noticed Jason soon after and stopped before starting to walk off to find another area to occupy by herself @grey987

Scars wakes up after a while and notices that Aurora was gone, he ran a hand through his hair before getting up and goes to walk around not caring about what time it is or that, he should be back. When he does come back though, he walked in to the group and something about new mutants joining. Which made him very curious

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