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Fantasy The Mole (Mutant-esque RP (Round 3))


Bumblebee Therapist

I am only accepting a certain number of applicants, I don’t want this rp to be too large and I want quality players. Therefore I will set a deadline until May 21st Noon E.S.T. unless more time is needed. Once that deadline is reached; we (
@Prizzy Kriyze and @Der Kojote will pick who will be accepted from there. Yes, this is a remake of an rp and just because you may have been accepted in the past does not mean you'll be accepted this round. But good luck and do your best!! Feel free to chat in the OOC if you have any questions (Or PM one of us) or if you would just like to waste time and chat with other potentials players until the deadline



Age: (no younger than 15)

Ability: (Nothing over the top please, keep this somewhat realistic. Like no ability to control all elements, just one, no complete invincibility, etc… you get the point)

Appearance: Picture and short description of whatever you’d like to include



Relationships with other characters: (Will be determined when characters are accepted)

Theme song (Optional):

Writing Sample:
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Natalia Meeks






  • Shape-shifting, mammals strictly.



  • Height: 5’9”
  • Hair Color: Auburn
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Facial type: Oval
  • Preferred hand: Left
  • Body Type: Ectomorph
  • Build: Long legs, average build, fit but not overly toned.


  • Natalia was born in a small town, nothing extraordinary. She was raised by her mother, her father had disappeared when she was too young to remember. Her mother was considered the town psychic/fortune teller/witch, giving tarot card readings, palm readings, potions, spells, etc... to whoever was willing to pay. Natalia never took what her mother did too seriously, but always found tarot card reading a fun distraction, often carrying her own set around to gain a few dollars from the kids at school. She wasn't a very social child, sticking to herself mostly, seeing as how most kids found her an oddity for what her mother did. She never resented her mother in what she did, knowing from a young age people shouldn't judge others because of someone else's choices. When she was about ten years old she discovered her ability, the kids at school were being exceptionally brutal to her and she kept wishing she was nothing larger than a mouse to run and hide. The next she knew, she was quite literally that. Of course the kids freaked out and told their parents but it was brushed off since children tended to have wild imaginations. When she confronted her mother about it, she urged her daughter to explore her skills, in private of course. At the age of twelve, she was doing her homework as usual while her mother did her work in the other room. It was one of the one's she hated, those desperate women who wanted someone else's man. She quickly became irate when her mother refused service until the woman paid. When Natalia made her way into the room to see what was going on, the woman had a gun pointed at her mother. Natalia freaked and the next she knew she was a doberman who had the woman pinned to the floor. At her mother's pleading, she backed off the woman. Her mother tried to convince her she always had a dog but the woman left the house after spewing out threats.

Natalia figured she was all talk as nearly two months went by without incident. However, she was pulled out of class one day by some government agents. They asked her a few questions about her mother, apparently the woman from before had been missing for some time now and had been recently found dead. She knew it couldn't of been her mother, but all the evidence pointed towards it. Her mother had killed the woman to keep her daughter safe from being found out by the government. She offered the agents a deal, she would come to work for them and her mother wouldn't spend a lifetime in jail. She also requested that her mother never knew what she did, to let her think she had ran off. They agree and decided to train her for a job with tracking down other mutants as a mole once she was trained and old enough. She was assigned to one particular agent, whom she lived with since she was 12. Her training starting at a young age made it easy to make her see things the way the government did. To convince her that some mutants truly were a danger to the world. Her missions would entail gaining the trust of other mutants and then report her findings and eventually their whereabouts/weaknesses back to them. She was always promised they would never be harmed but she never found out what happened to them after her job was finished. When she asked, her rescuer always gave her some excuse or extensive story about them being relocated or they were released in some obscure place or something else she knew in the back of her mind probably wasn't true. Whenever she objected or complained, her boss would always threaten of locking up her mother in some awful prison. Natalia made herself believe it was true. Her rescuer was the only family she now had; she had grown attached to him and thus she didn't want to imagine him doing anything terrible. After all, he was always kind to her and she owed him her mother's life, even if sometimes she felt she was being treated more like a pet than actual family.

  • Personality generalized: Independent, optimistic, stubborn at times but fairly easy to get along with for the most part.
  • Energy: Usually fairly laid back. Doesn't lack energy but you won't catch her bouncing around or being overly bubbly, still determined/focused when need be.


  • Her eyes are always the same color no matter what form she’s in.
  • She always carries around the tarot deck she stole from her mother before disappearing, as well as a necklace that was a family heirloom she had received on a birthday many years ago.
  • Hobbies/Interests: Cooking, pool, archery
  • Skills/Talents: Piano, Stealth, Archery, marksmanship. Trained in a variety of martial arts.
  • Likes: Vodka, whiskey, coffee, cats, fog, thunderstorms, sweets, spring rain, summer, fuzzy socks, tiger lilies, nighttime, confidence.
  • Dislikes: wasps, pepper, sauerkraut, being cold, sunburn, someone drowned in cologne/perfume, last call, hang overs, talking down, empty promises, insecurity, being overly cocky.
  • Pet Peeves: Obnoxious chewing, vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity, gum popping
  • Superstitions/Beliefs: Salt over the shoulder, finger crossing, bad omens
  • Guilty Pleasures: The movie Drive, honey blunts, vodka

Theme Song:


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Name: Nicholas (Nick) Young

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Ability: Terrakinesis

Nick can do quite a bit with his terrakinetic powers and he’s broken them up into the three categories.

They are as followed.

Utilitas/Utility: These parts of his power are more focused on making life easier. An example would be the crafts and figurines that he makes out of stone, perfectly shaped. As he imagines it, so it is, so long as he has the material. These crafts tend be fairly ornate and worth a pretty penny, though usually they’re simple objects that could be held in your hand. Whenever the group is in a town, Nick usually tries to sell them at a flea market. Sometimes they’re popular, sometimes not so much, however in the end, every little bit helps.

Also another utility is movement. He has two styles of movement Super Terram/ Over earth. He calls this skating, it’s where he seems to ski on top of the earth… or through it. He can actually. Get pretty fast with it. However, it tears up the terrain. Wrecks anything in his path, and has a tendency to be very noticeable. It’s not something he likes to use. Then… there is the emergency travel, per terram, or through earth. What he ends up doing is driving through the earth. He essentially goes through the crust. Moving through it at high speeds. Upside, it’s covert, it’s rapid, and it’s less damaging to surface features. Downside, it wrecks pipes and wires, and Nick can only do it for as long as he can hold his breath, as a human he needs oxygen.

Tractatio/Manipulation: These are the bread and butter powers of Terrakinesis for Nick. Earth quakes? He can make them. Spires of earth? He can turn a lot of things into shiskebabs. Casting giant boulder? No problem. Creating dust and sandstorms? With a lot of concentration, it’s doable. Then in terms of Area defense. There is no problem, Nick can make a giant dome of earth around people, downside is, it takes a lot of focus and its durability is dependent on the surrounding material. Honestly it’s just better to raise smaller sections of ground to absorb attacks.

Fabricare/Construct: These are different from utility because all these parts of his power are about weaponry and more… personal defense. Nick has two preferred weapons.

-shards of the earth: Basically a super sharp knife or sword made from materials from the earth, be it rock or metal. As they are formed and forced into shape they all are razor sharp and Nick can easily re-sharpen them.

- The Behemoth’s tail: Imagine a whip made of earth. Long, tough, made blunt in some sections, rough in others, and sharp in others depending on the materials. This whip can be in various shapes and sizes, so long as Nick is concentrating. This is the Behemoth’s tail. Its purpose is destruction; its mark of success is devastation. If Nick has gone to this, he no longer cares for collateral.

“You have crossed the Rubicon. You will die. Your Rome whatever it is will lie in ruins.”


- Scales of the earth: Earth armor it’s been done countless time, as Nick says. “Why abandon a good concept?” The armor requires a lot of focus or emotion to use effectively. That is because it’s incredibly heavy. He needs to move it with his mind as well as his body. However, while very damage resistant to small arms fire. Explosives still do damage due to pressure waves being lethal to most things. He can’t swim. He can’t manipulate fine objects, and fire is still a concern… hot stones on flesh are terrible recipes. As well as heat still scaring lung tissue. He’s removed one problem sure! But at the same time… he’s made himself a MUCH bigger target.




Weight: 170 lbs

Height: 5'11"

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Body type: Mesomorph

About/Background: Nick had a normal life until 14. He was the only son of a loving couple from Jefferson City Missouri. He was interested in two things, Ancient History and Some good old fashioned football. He rooted for chiefs with his Dad on Sunday, he constantly asked his history teachers questions, and when it came to Rome he was the kid with all the answers. Then December 5th came. He'd turned 14 only 3 weeks prior. He and his mother were out on a bit of a grocery shopping. On the way back to the car in the parking lot, some random jerk figured, "Hey let's assault the teen and his mom." This failed spectacularly. What started as a mugging escalated into a fight with Nick and the mugger. In a fit of desperation Nick tried to stomp on his foot. He instead hit the ground. This sent a tremor into the ground and after a ground upheaval sent the mugger flying. Nick was dragged into the car by his mother.

Nick's parents were fearful, as was he. Mutants had been rounded up for a while. There were rumors... but the store that they'd been at had no cameras, and it could have been anything that got the man knocked down. But... still they were dealing with a Terrakinetic. He had to figure out his powers, and control them. Hide them. His parents were going to be careful about it. They moved from the city, going to a more rural area. Mr. Young took Nick on "Camping trips." Where they'd brain storm how to work on his powers. His mother tried to support him. She picked the rocks from his body if something went wrong. Clean up his dirty and dusty clothes. She was the best mother she could be. This went on for 4 years. Nick was a boy just graduated from high school. He was aiming for college, the idea that he might get discovered wasn't anywhere near him. With his powers he had also branched into geology. Maybe he'd become an archaeologist he thought to himself. He had already been accepted into Colombia university. He was looking forward to life without worry. Without fear. It's a shame how that ended.

It's amazing what a drunk driver can do. Ruin lives, cut them short. For Nick and a few friends. It almost happened. They were coming back from a pizza parlor that usually they went to every Saturday night. It had been their last get together before the rush to college started. They were laughing and crossing the street when a drunk missed the light. In a few moments, Nick changed his life forever. He reflexively put up a wall. Between them and the car. His friends survived. The car stopped... but his secret had been exposed. He ran back home, his friends in shock. They didn't tell... but the Cameras at a local store did.

It was 30 minutes after he got home and his parents were getting somethings packed in a bag before there was a bang at the front door. Men in gear swarmed in. His father rushed him and his mother out the door to the garage. While Nick and his mother got in the car. His father held the door screaming for them to drive. There was the sound of a few bullets before Nick saw his dad slump down red pouring from wounds. His mother drove... and drove. Sirens were in the distance. Her face was teary. Outside of their town she pulled over to the side quickly and told Nick to hide. He bailed out in a thicket of trees while she drove on. He watched as she drove off black vans following her. What was supposed to be a pit maneuver was preformed poorly. The road was two lanes and a grass median separated the two side. Nick watched in horror as his mother careened into the other lane. Getting hit by a car. The hit was directly on the driver's side. Within 24 hours... both his parents were dead, and he was on the run. He didn't sleep well that night... or the next... or the next. He lived like a zombie going about day to day. One day it was a hobo camp, the next... a park, the next a homeless shelter, the next a church. He made what little money he could selling his crafts... he wandered for a while before coming across a group of people like him. Mutants... on the run. He fit in perfectly and ever since has been running with them.


Nick is probably one of the nicer Mutants in the group. His face is all smiles, he talks, he shows new comers the ropes. He's seemingly the most pleasant person you could meet. However beneath that fear has compressed and become rage. Nights still come back that he remembers his parents death having nightmares. Every nightmare builds rage. For his allies, he is a bulwark. For his enemies he will turn the earth they stand upon into their enemy. He will give police and first-responders to a "Mutant attack" A bit of lee-way. They are just trying to protect their town... the suits... the agency however. As soon as the black vans start coming... engine blocks start getting pierced. Rocks get thrown... There is no mercy. There is only vengeance.

Relationships with other characters: (Will be determined when characters are accepted)

Theme song (Optional):[media]

Writing Sample:

The fire crackled and popped as Nick stared at it. How long had it been? He asked himself as he breathed slowly in and out. Snow was falling and he'd yet again found himself in another hobo camp. Yet again huddled around a trashcan. Another Carl's junior 4 for 4 deal consumed. The cheap greasy food was filling, and the protein was a nice break form the granola bars he'd been shoving down his gullet. Year and a half maybe? He pondered thinking back to the day it all went wrong. The wreckage, the gunshots, the realization it was all over. It all flashed before his eyes. Ghosts of the past. He thought to himself. He looked around a few other residents were gathered around the same trashcan fire. They're eyes showed sadness, loss. All of them had their stories. It was the same look that Nick had in his. He breathed out, a cloud appearing in front of his mouth as police sirens sounded in the distance.

"Awh hell." One of the bums stated. "Can't they just leave us to huddle around a damn burning can?"

"Nope... everyone scatter..." Another said dejected as the sirens drew louder. "Don't want to get thrown in the slammer for vagrancy again."

"Yeah... state'll give us a home." A third one said. "Rotting in a jail."

Sounds like paradise to me, Nick thought as he grabbed his bag and started walking away from the sirens feet crunching in the snow. A trail of second hand boot prints marking his path. Where I'd go is far worse...


Hobbies: History, crafting, socializing

Skills: Trumpet (played through high-school), Krav maga (Learned it after the incident with the mugger)

Likes: Hot dogs, animals, Cheap Vodka, music, nature, small towns, low police presence, football

Hates: Agents, Black vans, causing a scene. Not getting a razor. The quality of his work getting questioned.

Pet Peeves: None

Guilty pleasure: The feeling of satisfaction at hurting agents. The fact that sadism towards them no matter how much they deserve it makes him feel happy really makes him wonder what he is doing or becoming. He sometimes wonders what his parents would say.

Milo Esteban Rask




Twenty Three


Psionics -
Milo has the power to create fields, shields, bolts, beams and any other applicable word of destructive energy. The psionic abilities Milo possesses has many different uses and can even be used less destructively as a wind of energy, lifting objects and swatting things off tables.

It is very obvious whenever he does use his powers though. Once his powers manifest, his irises and pupil glows a deep purple. When putting his psychic abilities to real use, his scleras and the skin below his eyes will appear to crack, tracing his skin and eyes with more purple light. In extreme cases, even the body part he uses to channel the energy (generally his hands) will crack in the same fashion.

Weak Acoustic Manipulation - Strangely enough, Milo began manifesting a secondary ability nearly 3 years ago. It put him under extra attention from the government and agencies who capture mutants, but Milo himself had originally just thought it was something affected by his psionics. Milo can silence or amplify sounds, but he can not create them.




Height: 6'3''

Hair: Black

Eyes: Hazel

Body type: Ectomorph

Long dark hair, hazel eyes and pale skin. Milo has something wild, stern and mysterious about him, sometimes even being confused as a native american due to his facial shape. His muscles are apparent, but rather because he's very skinny than because he's especially well-trained. That being said, from all the years on the run he's had to pick up enough muscle to handle himself.

Milo has a powerful stature, and an air of authority that's undisputed. With his uninterrupted gaze he's been able to stare down people from agents to shopkeepers to other mutants, though the imposing nature may very well be a side-effect of his abilities.

It seems as if he's got permanent dark circles below his eyes, but despite his poor sleep schedules, fatigue isn't the cause. He's got charred tissue beneath his eyes, as well as on his hands and forearms. These are remains from the battles he's fought where he'd been required to truly use his psionics.

Across his back is a large tattoo of a burning spine, with the words "Ex Igne Resurgam" printed across it. That is, "I will Arise out of Fire"


Once Milo was much more social, much less quiet and unspoken. That was a long time ago, before his life was tainted by the constant terror of the Department of Mutant Capture.

As a young boy, Milo had little to no troubles. He was generally a nice kid, got along with pretty much anyone and did pretty much everything he was told to. A real parent's dream, to be honest. The occasional bully got on his tail for being a goody two-shoes, but he had a way with people that got them off his back quite easily.

That is all up until his 11th summer. See, Milo's parents were old. Much older than any of the other kid's parents. As it turned out, Milo wasn't the only kid. In the middle of the night, Milo awoke and went downstairs to find his parents in a fierce argument with some 20 year old man he'd never seen before. Upon seeing Milo, he immediately confessed that he was his older brother.

From that day, Milo, who'd always wished for a sibling, started visiting his brother. His parents objected, but he wouldn't be dismayed. After school he'd go to his brother, spend a few hours there, then head home. What Milo didn't know at the time, was that his brother was a renegade Mutant.

His brother started getting him into things he wouldn't tell his parents about though. By the point he was 12 he wasn't new to neither liquor nor weed. All throughout years 11 to 14, he spent time with his brother. His parents always thought something was up, but Milo was amazing at covering up for his late nights, long weekends, missed lessons, etc.

When he manifested his abilities, he only told his brother about it, who suggested that he should keep it a secret. Not that it mattered. It wasn't long into his 14th year that the government came knocking, and took both him and his brother far away from their home...

Whether repressed by outside or inside means, Milo doesn't remember much between the ages of 14 and 16. He couldn't tell you exactly everything that happened in the government's care, but there was a lot of death, a lot suffering that imprinted itself in his head. Changed him, turned him from the sociable boy he once was into something that craved justice.

But in all honesty, Milo could never blame his unhappiness entirely on the oppression and injustice he'd experienced. Heartache lies deeper within him, and he generally feels like he's been robbed of his right to love.


Music, Guitar, Drinking, Smoking, Getting High, Women, Climbing, Parkour.

Skills/Talents: Parkour, Guitar, Stealth, Level-headed, Sleight of Hand.

Likes: Rain, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Drugs, Music, The warm and humid winds of early summer mornings, Adrenaline, the comfort of skin to skin contact.

Dislikes: The sensation of frosted glass, the taste of warm water, easily offended people, those who hold him from his somewhat self-destructive nature.

Pet Peeves: Any touching that is non-sexual, inquiries about his past.

Superstitions/Beliefs: Pretty much nothing at this point.

Guilty Pleasures: He hardly feels guilt by now.

Relationships with other characters

(Will be determined when characters are accepted)

Theme Song


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Just needs his history


Adrian O'connors







Adrian has the ability to assume the form or qualities of any animal in the reptile, avian or invertebrate families, and as well as taking on their physical shape he also receives their instincts; though they may conflict and resist the control of his conscious mind. Shifting into an animal is typically a conscious decision, but it may also be triggered by certain situations, such adrenaline spikes or sudden, strong shifts in emotion.

These 'Trigger Shifts' are less easily controlled and are usually tied to the animal(s) Adrian feels closest to, or 'tuned' into. Being tuned into an animal occurs when some (or in rare cases all) of its instincts are present outside of its shifted form to the point where it often feels like a separate presence altogether. In some cases effects also include changes in personality and alterations in physical appearance.


For Adrian, despite having the aid of an animals instincts it still takes time and practice to become comfortable in new forms and adapt to controlling the different types of body structures (although learning new forms similar to old ones is significantly easier) and their unique abilities; due to the variety of different attributes this makes invertebrates by far the most difficult shapes to transform and master.

Trigger Shifting also poses a danger, these shifts are unpredictable and aren't easily reversed; meaning Adrian could be stuck in a shifted form until the cause (whether it be unregulated emotions or an imminent threat) dissapears and possibly left weakend from the stress.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.388d3ac377b294b1b35f56c12b4524ff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126184" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.388d3ac377b294b1b35f56c12b4524ff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Adrian is a tall youth standing at 6'1 with a long and somewhat lanky body type; he has a toned physique with lean muscles and an oddly graceful bearing. His skin is lightly tanned with an almost golden hue and there are several distinguishing marks, tattoos and scars scattered about it almost at random. These include the tattoo of a cobra on his neck and another of a swimming crocodile on the upper part his left arm. He has multiple scars dating all the way back to his childhood and more recent wounds received less than a year ago; two of the most prominent of his scars include a five year old knife-wound curving upwards from the top of his right hip to the upper left quadrant of his abdomen and three year old talon slash stretching from the center of his collar bone to the top of his left shoulder. Adrian typically dresses in a 'punk' or gothic style, preferring the darker end of the color spectrum. But he isn't too strict on keeping up with appearances, willing to adapt in new situations; athough he does insist on always keep his piercings\\\\\\\\\\\\\ in and he usually keeps a pair of leather half-finger gloves on to hide the croc scales that tend to surface there when he becomes angry.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.f2579f6e7273cdc7f1e5ef6add1f3d16.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126233" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.f2579f6e7273cdc7f1e5ef6add1f3d16.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Somewhat scattered around the edges Adrian is typically a laid back and easygoing individual, happy to go with the flow and let other people in the group take command, although he doesn't like to sit back and watch things happen from the sidelines; he's observant and easily distracted by the tiniest detail in his surroundings, and prone to the strong urge to investigate everything he sees. He has a fondness of the arts and enjoys hobbies like photography and drawing and sculpting, but occasionaly he also paints or writes. He has a tendency to seek out the warmest or highest place in his environment and take naps or drowse in the sunlight.





Verity: Verity is Adrian's cousin, and although they weren't particularly close before she gained her own mutant abilities that changed over time as he helped her learn some basic control during the first few months after their emergence. When the incident with Verity's parents occured she left home and joined him in living on the streets, Adrian was the one responsible for introducing her to the group.

Since they've been surviving together for quite a bit of time, Adrian's grown to view and treat Verity as he would a younger sister.



- Sun-basking, warm surfaces and places.

- Water, swimming and boating.

- Hunting.

- Sweet foods.

- Reading, action/romance and sci-fi or fantasy literature.

- Horror/thriller and Sci-fi or fantasy movies.

- Finding thermals and currents in the air.


- Cherry flavored candy.

- Storms (Controlling instincts becomes a problem).

- Sudden loud sounds or abrupt changes in surroundings.

- Slapstick Comedy (sometimes).

- People in suits or uniforms.


- Storms and other bad weather.

- Being stepped on.

- Predators (depending of what form he's tuned in with).

- Open spaces (unless he's tuned to something like a bird or prey).


- Listening to music.

- Photography.

- Martial Arts (More of an interest/self taught practice than any official type of technique).


- Predatory Behavior: observing events or things of interest while staying completely still, or focusing only on movement. Also includes hunting behaviors.

- Binge Eating: eating large amounts of foods in a short time than eating nothing or very little for several hours to several days.

- Basking: dozing off in the sun for short or long periods of time; usually occurs at the start of day and coincides with binge eating.

- Collecting Things: gathering little trinkets or objects that attract his attention and then placing them around his sleeping area.

Current Possessions

Adrian has a black duffel bag and a small backpack that he uses to store all of his things: in his duffel bag he carries his clothes, toiletries (toothbrush, hair gel, those types of things...) basic med kit (just some bandaids, stitching tools, alcohol wipes and a roll of gauze) and half a brick of green molding putty. In his backpack is a small digital camera, a battered up ipod with a pair of earbuds, a couple encyclopedias with info on reptiles, birds and insects, some spray paint, pencils, and the bit of money he retrieved from his savings.


Writing Sample

Just my old (un-edited) introduction from your Cabin RP.

He'd slept soundly-- if not better than anytime he could recall-- but as he begins to gain consciousness he's startled awake by a sudden, and strong sense of urgency. Opening his eyes the young man hisses at the flood of sudden pain and bright light, he squints; holding a hand to his face and blocking out the light until his eyes adjust. When his vision is cleared he's met with unfamiliar surroundings, he's struck by a pang of unease: should he know this place? Try as he might he can't seem to remember how he's gotten here or even, where he's come from, but something deep down--instinct probably-- tells him something is terribly wrong.

The first thing he notices about the room is the far wall: it's almost entirely made of glass and lets in a brilliant amount of light. The room itself is designed in an open concept fashion and is quite large with a somewhat naturalistic theme that gives him the feeling it's somehow meant to be reassuring.The regular walls of the room are painted in creamy neutral colors that contrast with the dark wooden floors and ceilings and there are two large stone fireplaces: the closest is slightly smaller and built from grey colored stone that fits neatly against the wall, the fire burns rapidly from behind a metal screen. The second and farthest fireplace is much bigger that the first and built from an almost golden rock that appears to have been organized in a slightly more chaotic fashion, the fire here burns openly and flickers in a way that makes it seem content. And in front of the this fireplace is a small pool that seems quite inviting. Curious and moving slowly, the young man sits up, puts his feet on the ground and starts making his way around the room: looking, touching and smelling everything he can reach, all the while trying to get an idea of where he is. He finds some clothing and other items that share his scent and takes inventory of what he assumes are his possessions, putting all objects small enough to fit in his pockets and tucking the rest out of sight where no one else can find them. When he enters the bathroom to continue his search a small, yellow square seemingly attached to far corner of the mirror catches his attention. Plucking it off he realizes it's a sticky note:

Welcome to The Cabin. You'll find your things have already been moved to your bedroom and bathroom, the closet also has some articles of your clothing. Enjoy your stay and just think of it as a bit of a vacation. You do not need to know who we are, all will be revealed in time. Just be yourself, we know what you are. Don't venture too far or else you're in for a nasty shock

Well, that solves nothing. He's unimpressed with the crypticness of the message: he'd been hoping for something a little more direct, but he takes the note and folds it in his pocket for later anyways. If he's lucky maybe there's someone that can make more sense out of it than he can– that is if there are other people here. But the thought of being alone in 'The Cabin', or whatever this place is, is a lot more disturbing than he cares to admit so he shakes it off instead and heads to the door. Reaching a partially gloved hand out, he notices a metallic grey bracelet just above his wrist. He freezes. But that isn't what's stopped him from grabbing the handle; if he tries to open it and it's locked... No, he refuses to finish the thought and forcefully pushes it down. The door opens.

Stepping outside the room for the first time the young man peers up and down a hallway unsure of where to head next. For a moment everything is silent and worries that he might actually be alone, but then the sound of music drifts to him from one end of the hall and he lets out a sound of relief. That should mean people, right? Making up his mind to go investigate the source he begins to proceed in that direction then stops when a flash of silver on the door catches his eye: the name Adrian O'conners is carved into a small metal name tag and all at once he recognizes it as his name and a few things about himself start to come back to him. That's right, I'm a mutant; guess that note makes a little more sense now. Feeling a little more confident Adrian turns back in the direction of the music and sets off at a brisk pace, all senses strained for more signs of life.

Once he's locked onto the sound it's easy enough to track down, even without his powers it's quite loud; as if it was meant to be heard. And within a short time Adrian finds himself peering into what would appear to be a kitchen; walking in he almost grins at the strong overload of meat and other food stuffs that assault his nose, along with a definite people smell. Finally, looks like I'm in the right place. Hopeful, he ignores the growl of his stomach for the time being and follows the scent into the next room--some type of living space--and is rewarded with the sight of someone. He wasn't quite sure what she was doing but she looked kinda busy and he almost regretted that he was about to interrupt... But still I can't just stand here and do nothing.

"Hey, sorry to barge in and all, but is this house yours?"


Just needs her history


Verity Mclaire






Electromagnetism Manipulation


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.086f9486abf9905cf3d74da086263d64.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126302" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.086f9486abf9905cf3d74da086263d64.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





Originally black but lost all pigmentation (thus turning white) once she gained her powers.




Having been forced onto the streets due to the actions of her own parents, Verity suffers from trust issues and as a result, this makes it difficult for her to interact or socialize honestly (she can act quite well when needed) with strangers and people that haven't done anything to earn her respect. To the people that do manage to become her friend Verity is a loyal companion willing to put herself at risk for their sake, and although she's still quite new to the group Verity doesn't use her inexperience as an excuse to slack off or wait out dangerous situations, no, if anything it only makes her more determined to work harder, continue training and prove herself equal to her fellow Mutants.

On the battlefield Verity can sometimes be impulsive and rush into making decisions that she feels are the best option at the time, especially when someone she cares about is at risk although she's always been wary to actually use her powers, especially on other people and prefers to act as support or focus on setting up a defence. If given the opportunity Verity prefers not to outright kill her opponents, instead incapitating them in other, non-lethal ways.





Adrian: Adrian introduced Verity to the group; the two are cousins and met a few times during their childhood. Since Adrian was outed as a mutant first, when Verity gained her powers he was the first person she called for help, and when soon after the incident occured with her parents she left to join him in hiding on the streets.

The two of them are very close, and although they may bicker at times it's rare for them to actually fight and even rarer for negative emotions between them to last longer than a couple days; she views and treats him as she would an older brother.



- Sour Foods.

- Anything with a thriller or 'scary' theme.

- Most animals.

- Tattoos.

- Bright Colors.

- Comics/Super-hero or action media.


- Water or getting wet.

- Excessive Hot or Cold.

- Lemon Flavouring


- Entering large bodies of waters (anything where her feet don't touch the bottom).

- Fish, and anything that has a slimy texture.

- Losing control of her abilities/never learning control.

- Being stranded in nature or cut of from humanity.


- Doodling Comics and Cartoons

- Learning About History (Particularly technological advancements)

- Reading Literature


- Taps her fingers and utensils to a silent song when thinking.

- Chews on stuff when nervous.

- Paces when anxious.

- Will occasionally use her powers to draw on metal.

Pet Peeve: People trying to sneak up/startle her, and going to pick up/interact with something made of metal and then having it bend or remold itself accidentally.

Guilty Pleasure(s): Feeding off the energy of anything electric, and shocking people.




She carries a red suitcase for the majority of her belongings and a small knitted knapsack for any small items. Inside the suitcase is her clothes, toiletries (brush, any makeup, etc), a small tablet, a couple comic books, money and some extra jewelry she grabbed incase she needs to pawn it for cash. In the knapsack is a map, compass (can't use it close to her though), pepper spray and a 2 year old fake ID she had made when she was in highschool.



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M i r a n d a W i l l a r d

♀ — 5'2" — 19 — Time Manipulation

₪ P e r s o n a l i t y

+Blunt +Clever +Elegant +Firm +Logical -Provocative -Pretentious -Impulsive -Condescending -Critical

₪ B a c k g r o u n d

Miranda kept her secrets and shadows at close guard during the origin years. Hers was a subtle art, bound within her own perception of the world, difficult to detect by strangers. The talent was cryptic at that time when Miranda knew not the mundanes of life. People around her sporadically carried themselves slower than she was accustomed to, other moments stood nearly frozen in the continuum. The sound of inanimate and organic objects growled at her with Hellish tones. Miranda was confused and frightened, nervous and anxious, to the point of confessing to her parents about her outlandish nature. It was an unfortunate mistake. The elder Willards were religious conservatives whom despised the existence of demons, and they could not bare the thought of their own daughter possessed. Suspecting betrayal from late-night phone calls and strange visitors out on the street, Miranda saw to her belongings and took flight through her bedroom window and never looked back.

Leaving a life behind at that age was exhausting and terrifying. However, providing for herself proved to be a trivial task after prolonged moral conversations with her conscience. Miranda's talent allowed a dishonest, although abundant table of nourishment each night. As the weeks and months passed, she suppressed whatever ethical dilemmas stealing imposed on her. Nobody could see her, nobody could find her, nobody could capture her in the unlikely event that somebody would somehow find her. Even though Miranda grew into the woman she is today, those on the streets were grateful for the contributions and donations she left at her trail.

As her command over the flow of time developed, Miranda's perception and thoughts concerning reality and life became increasingly skewed. Her eight hours of sleep appeared to others as eight minutes, her soul and mind aged faster than her body could comprehend, and the books of all the world's subjects piled up. Of how she became to associate and hold up with a group of her own kind in some crummy warehouse, she remembers little. To Miranda it seems like a lifetime ago, but might in reality be something less dramatic.

₪ O t h e r

∝ Interests include making the perfect grilled cheese sandwich, roam the night when everyone is asleep, taking care of stray cats and dogs, and reading weird magazines.

∝ Talents include climbing things and squeezing through narrow passages, various fighting combos, pick-pocketing and lock picking.

∝ Likes ice cream, rainy weather, contemplation, winter, and all sorts of games.

∝ Dislikes hubris, losing, excessive heat, doing anything at all.

The setting sun was mocking a forlorn man with an ever fading, crimson light. Shadows of rooted pikes, clad by impaled heads, cast far and wide across the blood drenched, pallid ground beneath his feet. Myriad corpses of brave, young sons of lesser men lay piled to form thrones for the wicked and feasts for the crows. A tragedy had befallen these isolated fields once cultivated by husbandmen. A great battle one could suspect, alas it was not so. For it had been a massacre of the meek and frightened by some nameless adversary. Only the forlorn man remained.

Forasmuch as he had once praised the Sun, his fate was stricken by satire. The wondrous celestial body erstwhile an object of his worship now growled in the veiled sky with smoldering tones. The sound was akin to distant, burning fields of rotten crops and malnourished, screaming livestock. It was maddening, but such was the ruin of the sinner; cursed by angst and despair by that afore hallow. Alas, redemption was but a faint, distant glimmer beyond his grasp. That miserable act of atrocity, enticed by the putrid bosoms of Desire, had branded the forlorn man as amoral amongst foreign souls and imposed banishment from the fertile realms that had led him to this pitiful state.

“Why so sad, oh meek and ruthful one?” A rusty, crepitate voice spake.

The forlorn man had not traversed hostile and jagged mountains, crossed besmutted oceans and murky depths, nor endured his belittled credence only to be japed by a crow. His visage from the comfort of his palms emerged with dread and stupefaction. How was it that a creature of Witches and other such foul meddlers could utter the words of men? The forlorn man remained bewildered. He mustered the last ounces of vitality coursing through his veins and stood upon feeble bones clad by frayed material; thus the meek pointed his pike.

“You there, how do you speak the words of mine?” He coughed and croaked.

“Know you not where you are, puny man?” The crow retorted; flapping about on top of a skull soaked in fleshy bits and pieces, crushed by hardened steel.

“This is no place for man or beast; that I know for certain.”

“Aren’t you the observant one,” the crow chuckled mockingly, satirically, spitefully.
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Name: Myra Davis

Gender: Female

Age: Twenty-Three




Myra can teleport respectable distances, or anywhere that she can visually see with her eyes. Her ability requires a lot of concentration and she must focus heavily on where she's teleporting to. If she accidently transports intersecting an object that was already there, she will be mortally wounded and could possibly die. Though it is possible for the woman to transcend that boundary, the results wouldn't be very healthy. Myra would have no control over if she intersects something or not.

Her power offensively extends to relocating teammates and even objects to other places. Once again, she must see the object at hand and be careful as to not let it intersect. When she's teleporting enemies she obviously doesn't really care about where if they end up. She can drop enemies from high in the air to have them crashing down on someone else or just have them cut in half by the concrete of a building. When it comes to other objects, Myra can only support about 250 pounds at a time (or twice her weight). The problem with teleporting other people and objects is that she still gets tired from it. Myra can teleport a couch, but will afterward feel like she has literally lifted This arises other questions, though, of a moral value. Myra doesn't have many offensive attacks that don't include, you know, killing people. Some of her teammates obviously don't approve of that.

The details of her ability are vague. Teleporting doesn't make noise. In fact, she can be disappear and reappear within the blink of an eye. The only remnants of her motion exists in the form of a grey smoke following after her. Myra knows close to nothing about where exactly she is traversing from, for her it's just like diving into smoke momentarily. When she teleports others it's the same.
In addition to her teleportation, Myra has superhuman agility. She moves rather quickly on her feet and has fast reflexes to augument it.



Myra's hair is one of the easiest recognizable things about her. It's a mass of soft, thick brown waves. It's length can be rather cumbersome, however, and she hasn't cut it in quite a while. Usually, she keeps it kept in tight ponytails or messy buns. Her eyes are very dark indeed. Sometimes it's hard to tell her irises apart from her pupils. They're very catlike, with long and dark lashes. Myra's figure is commendably curvacious and is somewhat of an hourglass in shape. Years of living on the street have hardened her physically. She has scars up on down her limbs, with hands leathered from years of hard work. A few tattoos from different gangs she was afilliated with lines her back. Myra's skin are a soft honey brown, and though she looks young it is also apparent that she's seen some shit.


Myra was born in a relatively poor suburb of Detroit, where she lived with her single mother and elder brother. They were never rich but got by. Myra's father died long before she was born, and thus the young woman has no memories of him. She's learned from her brother's rambling that although he wasn't a good guy, he was also one who loved his family and did his best to protect them. It is of no secret to her that her father was also involved in illicit activity, though she's never known exactly what. Myra's mother wasn't around due to her work. This "work" including scantily clad clothes and strange men with scary faces. Her brother, Devin, was the only thing that protected her from this side of life. He did his absolute best to keep his sister safe and on a track that might just get her out of the crime ridden city.

Myra's powers only strengthened as she got older. The girl had always been odd, but it reached a point where she'd nearly pop across a room spontaneously or even move other people a few inches on accident. Devin could no longer ignore that his little sister was a mutant, but tried his absolute best to hide it from everyone. She missed school as much as possible and avoided making friends. When she wasn't at school, she was to stay in her room. This worked, for a few short months. Her mother discovered her ability and understood that she would get money for selling her child. The woman called the government immediately to have her taken. It was only because of Devin that the then eleven year old Myra was able to escape. He took her as far away as he could, with as much money as he could muster up, but had to leave her to fend for herself.

The years after were miserable. A childhood of poverty had prepared her, but it was still a struggle. Myra survived by petty thievery in which she utilized her powers to take what she'd needed. She learned how to run and evade, and picked up a highly rogueish fighting style. For a bit, she worked with a group of criminals as a pick pocket. She'd been living this way for a long time, when she stumbled across a group of mutants and accidentally chose to steal from one. The girl was amazed, and though she started off on rough terrain, now completely accepts them as her mixed up family. She'd die for them, of that she is sure.

As a person, Myra is surprisingly light hearted. She's sarcastic with a dry and witty dark humour that never seems to end. If she stops making saucy comments, you know something has gone terribly wrong. It must seem of no surprise that she uses this as a mechanism to protect herself. Myra isn't very secure in her feelings. She never truly deals with them, just ignores them for as long as she possibly can. Despite her tough exterior, Myra is to her core very soft. She is indefinitely loyal to those she cares about, with a stubborn attitude and an oddly endearingly blunt honesty. It is notable how flirtatious she can is. It seems that everyone will get a wink and comment at least once. Myra is also oddly mature. She shows a sort of wisdom that is impressive. As all do, however, she has her own flaws. Her idealisms are frightingly blunt and harsh, as are her words. Myra also has trouble trusting new people. She often treats them with a cold shoulder.


  • Embarrassingly, Myra has a terrible memory. Her powers would be much easier to handle if she could quickly remember places and the objects that fill them. She also depends heavily on her eyesight. It's hilarious to see her constantly eating things like carrots in hopes of keeping them healthy for a long time to come.

  • Myra is a mixture of African and Hispanic. She's grown up in families where cooking is important and she's rather good at it. Her food tends to be very spicy, however.

  • She can't swim. Like, at all. The young woman thus has a prevalent fear of drowning. It is to her knoweledge that her brother has enlisted in battle. Actually fighting him is one of her worst fears.

Theme song (Optional):

[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkDoEChgO9E[/media] [media]


Writing Sample

If Myra had a penny for every seedy asshole eyeballing her right then, she'd be drinking Piña Coladas in the Caribbean by sunrise. This was The Hanged Maiden, a hub for every petty criminal in the city. The drinks were sufferable, the tenants were shadier than darkness itself, and Myra refused to even question the sticky tables. Though it would sound insane to anyone else, she figured that the entire establishment had a charm to it.

This is where she'd get all of her work from. The objects she'd "found" from the pockets of civillians would be auctioned off and sold to whatever idiot of the day wanted it. It was dangerous work, but she didn't know what else she could possibly do. It seemed the only way that she could get some food on the table without getting seized by the government. Myra took a sip of her brandy with a smirk, flashing her gaze at the rugged bartender in front of her. He spoke before she had a chance to.

"No. Absolutely not. Whatever you're thinking. No."

Said bartender was someone Myra knew simply as Chett. The man was tall with thick muscles and tattos covering his body, messy blonde hair flying in every direction. The punkish style was only to disguise the fact that he was barely past his twenty. Chett served as a weird friend in her world of psychotic money-hungry cowards. He was an asshole, sure, but so was she. They were like a pair matched in hell. Often, her and Chett would take turns conning the less intelligent customers. Myra gasped in an intentionally exaggerated manner, her lips slipping into a catty smile.

"Why, how rude! I have no idea what you're referring to." Her voice dropped as she continued on. "I was just looking at Mr. Decked out over there. He looks like his jewelry alone is worth a thousand. You really want to pass a chance like that by?"

Chett smiled, signaling that he too was interested in her request. Though he tried his best to pretend that he was just going to shrug her off, it seemed that he just couldn't. The boy stood and removed his apron, settling it upon the counter.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Are we doing this or not?"
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Lillian "Lily" Farron






Cryokinesis - Lily possesses the ability to rapidly cool molecules in an area at a very rapid pace, allowing her to coalesce those molecules into a formation of solid ice. In combat, this allows Lily to create formations of ice to be used as projectiles or weapons, while defensive capabilities include forming barriers and walls.

Due to the nature of her mutation, Lily can sometimes have difficulty maintaining control of her abilities in unnaturally hot areas, and naturally feels more at home in cooler environments.




Lillian Farron had a remarkably unremarkable childhood. For a mutant.

From a young age, she was the perfect definition of average. She had an average family with an average amount of wealth, an average number of friends, and her performance in school was rather... yes. Average.

The change was as sudden as they come, and didn't occur until she was nearly 17 years of age, having gone unnoticed until Lily woke on a hot summer day to find her windows frosted. Initially she was able to convince herself she'd imagined it, but as time passed, the occurrences were more and more frequent, until she realized what was going on, and decided she needed to learn to control it before her parents found out. This world wasn't a place for mutants, and the girl was no fool. Mutants were widely persecuted by nearly everyone, her parents included.

Lily found time to practice her abilities, eventually learning to first keep them in check, and then later to control them altogether, and shape the ice into various formations on a whim. It wasn't until late into her 19th year that her mother stumbled into her room during one of her practice sessions, and discovered what her daughter truly was.

The Farrons took as rational an approach as one could hope for, sitting down with Lily, and gathering all the facts before jumping to any conclusions. After a short conversation, learning all they felt they needed to know about their daughter's "condition", they decided she needed medical help, and decided to seek out a family friend who owned his own medical practice.

After showing up for an initial consultation, there was no turning back; the doctor had contacted the authorities and informed them of the appointment that was scheduled. Lily was just able to avoid capture (details TBRP'd if necessary).

Her home under constant surveillance, Lily Farron had no choice but to flee to try to keep her parents safe, never staying in one place too long, and never really settling down.


Though she first began showing signs of her mutation rather late, Lily's been able to gain an impressive understanding of her own abilities and limitations over the last few years. She's all around a very kind person, though usually quite withdrawn, fearing that any personal attachments risk putting others close to her in danger.

Relationships with other characters:

*Pending character approval*

Theme song:

Gratia Mundi


The rain ceased to fall as quickly as it had started. Small drops of rain crystallized before her very eyes, as she smiled, delighting in the control she had over her newfound powers. How can this be dangerous? Her entire life, she'd been taught to fear mutants; that they weren't people, and didn't feel as humans did. Yet, she now knew differently.

Lily hadn't ever known any mutants. Not personally. Her friend Sally, while growing up, had said she'd known a mutant. No one had believed her, but that was the most exposure Lily had ever had to them. They'd learned in school that all mutants were heartless monsters, that killed on a whim, and cared for no one. She'd taken it at face value, as any child believes what they're taught by their elders. They'd all believed it without a second thought, and now Lily couldn't help but wonder what her friends would hear about her. Would they be told she was a mutant? Maybe they'd be told she just up and left town on a whim. Surely her friends wouldn't believe it, but then what would they think? She sighed, and released her hold on the crystallized rain drops around her, leaving them to resume their inevitable journey toward the ground, and shatter on the street.

A life without friends, without family. This wasn't living. But it was her life, now. Getting back into the car, she slammed the door, and turned the key. The car turned over a few times before finally sputtering to life. Glancing down, she noticed the arrow on the gas gauge was pointing directly at E as she broke through the city limits. The car wouldn't get her much further, she knew, but as eager as she was to put some distance between herself and the city, Lily didn't mind.
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Crescendo Vanite


Cres, Doe








Cres has the ability to secrete two different types of acid. The acids she is able to will out of herself have different effects, completely opposite of one another. She has the option to use both at the same time, which negate one another and have no effect. This is what she likes to call her 'Neutral' State. In doing so, she is able to pin point certain points of her body (without worrying about the rest) that she wishes to secrete one certain type of acid from, specifically her hands. The acid is transparent and hard to notice, though it makes her hands look like they have been coated in a thin layer of liquidized glass.

The first is able to dissolve materials that are not alive, or currently alive. If it does not have actively moving cells, it is susceptible to this. Of course some things take longer than others, but it still does a pretty efficient job. Especially if she uses it in larger concentrations.

The second is proficient in eating away organic matter, although she has been able to use this in a much more tactfully useful way. In the process of melting something of organic matter, she is able to transfer said organic matter back onto herself after it has been dissolved into the acid. This means she is able to heal using another's sort of life force, although it is not 'draining' per say... Just painful as it eats away at the opposer. Although not as useful as someone with accelerated healing or something of the like, it still proves to be a rather handy ability.





Normally in pigtails or up in some way, resents putting it down


Dark Emerald Green






80 lbs



Passive aggressive, pessimistic, quiet, independent, persistent, and grumpy

Quiet, enjoys her space. Shes a bit of a pessimist when it comes to situations she doesn't like, and will shoot you down if questioned about it. She'll seem patient, but secretly shes being very passive aggressive. A girl who seems a little too conscious about things, she enjoys listening to the world around her and is extremely intelligent. This surprises people, as she seems like she tries ignoring everything. Instead, shes there the entire time. Listening in intently. She isn't one to waver on her opinions. When someone pushes her over the edge, she'll go from a little annoyed to outright aggressive. She has a long-ish fuse with small firecrackers along the way, but a very large bomb awaits.

Her nerves are very easily set off, and she can even be seen from a distance scowling menacingly at things she doesn't like, as if passive-aggressively trying to will them to stop. When shes in an outright bad mood, things can get worse. She can be very gruff and easily shoot people down with strikingly blatant remarks. When shes happy, shes a little more upbeat and teases people lightly. Doesn't happen too often because of her constantly getting annoyed, but its better than the bad moods she has.

If one approaches her with an optimistic attitude even after her remarks, she often finds a small part of herself still touched by her missing brother and shows lenience to that person. She will often even show more tempered kindness to them, and becomes easily attached to them.

Though she doesn't like to point out that shes annoyed directly, you'll know. Through glaring or body language, most likely. Amelia blushes easy, getting frustrated with the fact that she does. When faced with a challenge, Amelia will think of why she wants to do it and pursue that goal viciously. Seriously, don't get in this girl's way if shes after something.

Whenever she becomes more than just angry, she becomes the stuff of nightmares. Manipulative, cold, merciless. Cruel in extremely surprising ways. The few who have gotten her beyond the state of yelling have used these comments to describe this condition, though people can rarely go over the threshold. This threshold being between her state of being very mad and then to completely and utterly furious.

She gets protective over those she ever gets close, even trying to prevent them from doing things all together. If she gets that close to someone, she would rather sacrifice herself rather than see that person disappear. Shes independent, so she will often make decisions without another's input.


Crescendo's history is a bit jumbled. Her family was into music, so much so that her parents had named both her and her brother musical terms. It was normal for the first 10 years of her life, and she always liked it that way. Her brother Clef was close to her, radiating his own sort of rays as a confident figure in her life. That was, of course, before they found out her brother was a mutant. Cres was always close to him and found that the moment he was ripped from her was like taking away the sunlight which made her grow.

Towering monuments of pristine white lab coats and clipboards were erected from the ground the instant her parents had told the authorities, severing the warm rays of reassurance and encouragement. It made her feel cold, slowly shriveling into less of a flower and more of a gnarly thorn bush that had had all of its beautiful flowers murdered without its knowledge. Both of her parents became the trimmers of this nasty plant.

They were deathly covetous of mutants, finding the prospect of them beyond unfair. Unfair. Cres always remembered the way they used the word enviously, as if it were something to be jealous about. And to this day, she resents the word with a burning passion. Kids crying over some toy because it was unfair... Idiotic. The word was abused to a tremendous amount and thus it became like that of a villain. Later on in her life, when she was an unmanageable teenager at the age of 13 and a half, she was informed of his previous abilities. The ability to emit light.

She found this cruelly ironic, so ironic in fact that at first she had started laughing. This was not the only news she had gotten on that faithful day; She was also told that she would monitored in case she got 'Infested' (As her parents both put it). This did not bode well with Cres.

First, they take away the only light of her life. Now her freedom? No. She refused to believe that she would ever come down with this 'awful' Mutation. The day she did, however, came all too swiftly. Her clothes had... Seemingly dissolved right before her eyes on one occasion. She figured out why, finally, and decided to put it to good use. Figuring out a way to negate the acid, she decided that it was time to get the heck out of there. Escaping into the night, her journey began when she was 14 and ended when she was just about at the age of 16 when she arrived. She is fairly new, to say the least, but she has found a way to assimilate even in her ways...

Pet Peeve-

Hearing curses excessively, being unable to sleep

Guilty Pleasure-

Cres has an affinity for stuffed animals, and often tries to collect her favorites


Occasionally, her tears have been known to possess acidic qualities

Her acid also vaguely smells of lemons, though it is unknown if it tastes like lemons... Cres personally recommends against trying it.

Relationships with other characters-


Cres enjoys Verity's company, surprisingly. When they interact, they often like to chat or rant to one another about a certain topic. Confiding is not something uncommon either, and thus Cres has found the older girl to be much more likable then most other people. As an end result, Cres likes to hang out with her when she finds the time to.


Crescendo finds Milo frustrating. More often then not, their interactions involve arguing or some other kind of disagreement.

For some odd reason, Cres finds him to be someone she can deal with on a more understandable level. She finds him annoying, but she likes to argue with him about odd things and they both have this weird way of being happier even after their quarrels. Its probably the fact that they get to lift a few harsh subjects from their chests without regretting it later.

Besides the constant fighting, she wouldn't know what the group would be like without the irritating Milo.


Myra likes to tease Cres. Cres has really no clue why, but she does often fall for the teases and blows up to give her the reaction she wants. She'll do it just to get Myra off her back, but she has no real grudges against her.


Nick is someone Cres actually respects greatly, and often will choose to listen to him on the occasion he tells her what to do. This is not to say they haven't gotten into quarrels before, it just explains why she likes to hold her tongue around him more than others.

The funny thing is though, she is also one of the people able to speak up against him without guilt. She knows the boundaries, but she also knows that he will take her opinion into consideration. To her, he is a bit like Clef and she tries her best not to disappoint him for almost exclusively that reason.

Theme song-

My Nemesis - Five Finger Death Punch

Writing Sample

(I'll use an example from another RP I'm in)
The Omega stood staring at the male in front of him for a long while, fur rustling in the wind. He did not make a sound as the Hunter spoke his words of hope and words of logic. Imari, after a very long time of believing he was floating in this tranquil pond of humility and self reliance, came to realize he was really drowning in a self ridiculing ocean and pushing the buoys away from himself. He had made the salty ocean with his own mental tears. In his desperate attempts for the waters of salvation, he drank the water around him frantically. He had caused his own delusions of mental stability, his thirst for self assurance unquenched and only worsened. It drained him of his logicality and left him a wretched husk of absolute pity.

The caramel wolf felt a sudden disgust with his actions. This Tikaani in front of him was right, he was so terribly right. The truth shook the Omega to his core and made him want to gag. Realization flooded his mind. He was giving up, and being an ignoramus. All he wanted was help, and yet he pushed everyone away. He thought he himself was helping everyone, and by doing so thought he needed no one. A new found respect found itself washing over him. His mouth opened, but lost the words to the winds as they were so delicately placed upon his tongue. Pushing his thoughts into his mouth with sufficient force, he managed to say something soft as a Remit.

"Why was I being... So stupid before? I was lost, so very lost. I thought I had found an island for which I could assert myself. I thought I could put my claim in the pack and feel I had done something for everyone else. I felt I made a mark. But I did nothing but kill myself slowly, and for what?!" He exclaimed, taking a long breath and riling himself up more.

"As I slowly climbed the tree of my past, seeking only the fruit on the top and ignoring all others when I was evidently starving? The fruit of ignorance, of remorse, of pity! Yes, pity me! The poor Omega! That was all I wanted, patently mislead by the dream that I was helping everyone by hindering myself. But I shall not tolerate it any longer! These shackles of infinite instability shall not bind me, I shall not be pained by my starving mind! I'll jump from the tree, tear my eyes from the deceptive fruit!" Imari shouted this, getting bewildered over it and animated.
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Name: Aidan Hen Werth

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Looks: height 5ft 4in


Ability: Electrokinesis (power to manipulate electricity only pure electricity no bio energy or magnetic fields :/ )

Personality: He is a kind and protective always putting others needs first and he is a little shy

Bio: After he was born both of his parents died due to a shooting in a bank he grew up in a orphanage and didn't make many friends. He did have two and the three of them got picked on a lot one day when he was getting picked on he shocked one of the bullies and this was the first appearance of his powers. Soon when he was 15 Aidan ran away due to the constant bullying and he spent a year lets just say learning how to use his powers somewhat properly. By that I mean not to shock everything in the area so now he can keep himself from using his powers. He still doesn't know how to do any fancy stuff but not shocking people is fine.

Other: He has a fear of being alone :/


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