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Futuristic post-apoc rp


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Mad Scientist
  • attack
    What you see isn't always the truth
    Claude Dukas
    Claudia Durst
    Oct 1st
    North Base
    Claude is has dark, choppy hair that is technically brown but in dim spaces may as well be black. He cuts it himself despite his family's pleas for him to see a professional hair stylist, hence it's quite messy so a lot of the time it is thrown into a bun or a ponytail. Thankfully, his hair grows really slowly so he doesn't need to cut it frequently, however that does mean he doesn't grow much facial hair either; it took him years to grow what little stubble he has. His features are mostly soft: average jawline, roundish cheeks and subtle cheekbones. Though he has a very sharp and angular nose, which is often hidden by his glasses. In terms of his physique, he is slender with slight definition in his arms, as there is a surprising amount of heavy-lifting that comes with working in a lab. All that considered, with a decent wig and some make-up, he makes a rather convincing woman. Until he opens his mouth. His voice isn't extremely deep but it's not particularly feminine either.
    Claude has always had a very strict moral code; he knows injustice when he sees it and he firmly believes he will be the one to fix the blatant corruption in the Northern Base. He couldn't care less about the power that may come with finding the cure, he simply wants to help those in need. Although, this righteousness may come at the expense of his loyalty: he will often choose the greater good over those he cares deeply about. (but that may be subject to change wink wink nudge nudge). As he has done before, the most obvious example being that he is currently choosing the citizens of the Northern Base over his own family, despite the fact he loves them very much.

    Curiousity is also key component of his personality; his drive to learn and explore is what inspires him to innovate. Before he found the formula for the cure, he was adamant on trying to brew one on his own, always testing out different elixirs, measuring out exact volumes, staying up until the crack of dawn experimenting with various ingredients. He's always keen to learn and loves sharing his knowledge as well.

    His sense of humour is influenced by the books he reads, which are all rather old and outdated, so his comedy is rather straightfoward. He doesn't really understand or appreciate sarcasic or dry humour at the moment, but as mentioned, he's equally very eager to learn so it's something he could grow accustom to.
code by Nano

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