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Fantasy The Mole (Mutant-esque RP (Round 3))

Another day on the job. Most people, normal people, had the nine to five job. The grind they called it. Moaning and groaning about their mediocre lives when they would never know just how lucky they were to live such lives. Natalia supposed she should be grateful. After all, she had a job that offered security, something some of those like her never have. And unlike most like her she lived a good life, and as long as she threw out any sense of morality out the window she could enjoy it.

She adjusted the strap of the tattered black backpack up on her shoulder as she continued her way down the street; wearing her usual mission uniform; a pair of jeans with various rips, an old black T-shirt, a well-worn brown leather jacket, worn out boots, and an antique key necklace. An outfit that made it appear that she had been on the move for quite some time. The contents of her backpack were mostly essentials; a small amount of cash, a Swiss army knife, a blanket, a small pillow, a couple granola bars, ¾ bottle of

, a hairbrush, and her mother’s tarot deck. She had just been dropped off about a mile or so away from an abandoned warehouse.
This was probably one of the biggest missions she had been assigned to. She may have been assigned to one or two mutants, never an entire group on her own. Perhaps they realized she was growing jaded to her missions, becoming indifferent and cold and they assigned her to this particular one to give her a challenge to bring the spark of the prodigy wolf in sheep’s clothing back into her work. Or perhaps it’s because she finally became that way she was ready for more emotionally taxing work. But it reality it seemed it was because no other method they had used in the past had captured one particular mutant that they had been in search of for quite some time; one that got the better of them more than once.

A pair of mutants, one especially who were of high interest to her boss and the agency she worked for. Apparently one she had been told were to be rehabilitated but had escaped the facility in quite the violent manner. He was almost recaptured once more in the past but due to the help of another who had a terrakinesis ability, they managed to escape. She was told they sacrificed the others in the group they were traveling with for their own survival as no one else made it out alive. She had been told both of them were highly dangerous and not to be trusted, as they were a danger to mankind and only wished for the destruction of anyone not like them. Currently they were traveling with another group of a few other members, each potentially dangerous in their own right. A time manipulator, an electromagnetism manipulator, a translocator, a cryokinetic, and even another shape-shifter, it was definitely an interesting group she was heading into. She was curious about the shape-shifter, she had never met anyone else like her, and the closest was someone who could turn objects into other objects, but that’s not nearly the same. Kieran was his name. That’s one thing she never forgot, their names, their abilities, or their faces. She always hoped she would see them again, but in the past nine years she had been with the agency and the past six years she had been out on the field she had never seen hair of any of them again.

She approached the warehouse as the sun was setting; this side of town was settling down, those still out weren’t the savviest of people to run into. She slides open one of the metal doors, wincing a bit as she wasn’t expecting that much noise from it, although she had no intention of being sneaky about it either. She takes a deep breath before shakily speaking out, raising her hands up to show she had no physical weapon. “H-Hello? Anyone here”
Nick picked up another rock from the pile he had gathered. He glanced at it, it had a nice gloss, the texture was pleasant enough. He smiled as her looked at the rough exterior. "Yes." He said happily. "You'll do nicely." He wrapped his hands around it. Thought came through his head, what would he make? He'd been doing dogs for a bit. The last 5 pieces were dogs from his neighborhood. He could remember them all, Sparky the lab. Bolto the husky. That was his friend's dog. Damn it was almost his dog with how many times he'd been asked to watch it. Precious the Chihuahua.... who was a little devil. Marcus the Doberman, a happy dog as ever. And finally Ashley the wonderful Westie who was the terror of gardens. I miss them all. Nick muttered feeling sad for a moment. He sighed and pushed the thoughts down. I'll do cats this time around. Nick reasoned not wanting the memories. Soon with a tiny bit of focus, the stone took shape into a simple cat looking out at the world. "You'll get me 5 bucks easy." He muttered before looking up hearing a noise of a door opening.

There was a call out. Hmm... female sounding voice. He slowly stood up. Hopefully Milo isn't drunk again, Wonder if it's another wanna be squatter. At this point Nick figured he'd investigate. He slowly stepped out into the light getting a good look of the girl. Always keeping the focus of his powers underneath her just in case. "Yeah... someones here. If you're looking for a place to Squat, Might I suggest heading to St. Andrews church? At least they feed you there for the night."
"I love the taste,

Savor the smell,

Feeling the texture run through my mouth"

The headphones pumped sound into Milo's ears, but despite how loud it was nothing was heard out. He made sure of that, as he wandered through a corridor at the side of the warehouse. A half empty bottle of vodka hung from his hand, and he was swaying back and forth, nearly knocking over all sorts of random stuff. While his physique seemed overcome by alcohol, his mind was sharp and aware.[/color]

"As you're slicing it up,

feeding me well,

my privileged spot at the top of the hill"

Although, he still couldn't hear shit with the music in his ears. So when he stumbled into the main room and noticed that some weird new person had arrived, he was taken aback. It didn't quite register with his intoxicated body though, so he ended up just acting on impulse. And acting on impulse happened to mean singing along with the screaming in his ears.

"For my meat fetish

oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

And acting along with the radical music, he got taken over by the moment and decided to toss the bottle towards the newcomer. It smashed into a wall a few meters away from her and scattered its contents all over. Milo stood there in silence for a moment, pulled the headphones off his ears and had a general look of confusion on his face. The silence was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"... why the fuck did I waste that?"

He scratched his head, then looked to the newcomer once more. "Hey, who're you?"
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(Feling really tired so there may be some mistakes/messiness. I might clean it up later. I planned to do both characters at once but Adrian's will have to be posted tomorrow.)


Hanging out in the main room of the warehouse Verity lays stretched across a pile of flattened cardboard boxes, the majority of which are old enough to have been raided for their contents but not yet having started growing spots of mold like some of the others. She's flipping through the pages of her favourite comic book, one from the Deadpool & Cable series, while a bare lightbulb floats a few feet above her head to provide enough light for her to read the captions as the sun lowers behind the windows. Slowly taking it's light along with it.

As the last page turns Verity pushes herself into a seated position, pulling her knapsack down from where it was hanging on the piece of metal sticking out from the support post next to her box pile. She slips the comic back into its plastic sleeve and tucks it carefully into her bag along with the others; it's not much really, when she was still a member of the Mclaire household once she'd had entire shelves dedicated to her collections of books, but now with only three left they are her most treasured possessions.

Verity dips her hand back into the bag and pulls a half crushed candy bar from the bottom. She takes a couple bites and has just put it back in when the door to the warehouse opens with a loudly audible protest. Surprised, Verity drops her hold on the still floating lightbulb which goes dark in response and falls towards the ground, but with quick reflexes she manages to catch it before it can shatter on the pavement. Did someone go out? No, the person who walks into their hideout isn't a member of the group, or at least she isn't a member Verity's met before. The woman holds her hands up in surrender, carries a backpack, and her clothes are tattered worn down. She's probably looking for somewhere to stay the night.

"Sorry. It's like he says; this place is taken," Verity watches the newcomer with narrowed eyes and crosses her arms defensively. Nick might be willing to take the gentler approach to unwanted company but in the end all that matters is keeping the local human population from figuring out about that they've picked up a bunch of fugitives. Mutant fugitives.

It isn't a nice thing to do, not at all. Considering that Verity's been on the run for almost two years now herself she should be sympathetic. See herself in this girl. Want to help her out. Something. But that's not true, whenever a stranger somehow manages to find their way into the groups newest hideout all Verity ever wants to do is tell them off; tell them to get the fuck out of a hideout they don't belong to. Legally or not the warehouse belongs to them. And only them.

Verity's about to try and push the point; make sure there's no misunderstandings about what's going to happen next, but then Milo walks in, bottle in hand, and the words die in her throat.

(Note: Tag me in any interaction please)
Crescendo Vanite ~ Warehouse

Crescendo was having something of an ordeal with her slumber this night. Now, on normal occurrences, sleep was something she greatly prided herself on. Getting good nights of sleep was important to the brunette, and as of right now she was frustrated at the lack of it. Groggy, she glared daggers at the ceiling above her. Even in the dimly lit room, she could make out some of the more prominent crags of the ceiling above her. All the little imperfections...

Her brow furrowed at the sudden observation, forcing her to think about the possible chain of events that could occur from such mistakes. Ceiling collapsing, leaks... Very conveniently over her own head, of course! The brunette shifted in the sleeping bag, moving her head to observe the wall level to her head on the left. This was all done with a scowl, the sleeplessness providing a bitter mood to the already grumpy mutant. As she finally managed to get her eyes closed against all odds, there was a quiet, subtle shift in the air.

Voices. And not the ordinary kind she normally heard around the warehouse.

Cres lifted her head from her pillow. What was going on? Pushing herself from her vulnerable position on the ground, her hand flew towards the door's handle. Cres opened it ever so slightly, pushing it to reveal a scene a few yards away from her at the entrance of their encampment. Someone looking as if to surrender, and she saw several people come to the scene immediately.

One of them being one of the more leader-like figure of their group, Nick. Another was Verity. Cres felt compelled to saunter over to the girl and ask her what the situation was, but when Milo threw his vodka she decided that it would be best if she let the situation defuse. That was not in her legs interest, apparently.

Her instincts betrayed her, and without her consent her legs moved and left her room. She had only been trying to get ahead on sleep... Why did this have to happen right now? Slinking over to Verity, she reached up and tapped the taller girl on the shoulder without hesitation. "What on Earth is going on?" Cres inquired gruffly, but such an attitude was not directed towards Verity. It was evidently poised at the situation unfolding before them. Mentally, she felt a little guilty for not saying something a bit more... Intelligent.

Tags: @Abyss

Cres's mood: Irritable

User's mood: Tired, but still a little rapturous
A sigh of irritation escaped the girl, as she heard the ear-splitting sound of the warehouse door opening. "Could you maybe try a little harder to let everyone in the city know we're out here?" The words came quietly; so much so, she wasn't even sure she'd spoken them aloud. Having only been with this group a short while, Lily obviously had no say over many of the goings-on around the warehouse, but if she had, that damn door would be frozen shut every evening, and wouldn't thaw until around noon. So far as she could see, there was little reason to leave the warehouse unless scavenging for supplies, and that could easily be done during the afternoon hours of the day when the city was a much louder place.

Springing to her feet, Lily slid open the door to her small section of the warehouse (calling it a room would be fairly generous, as it wasn't much larger than the size of a small closet), and poked her head out in an attempt to locate the offender. As she did so, she was greeted with the sound of a bottle shattering, painting a sharp scowl across her face. Great. Sounds like Milo's been drinking. Again.

Her door now open, Lily was able to hear the conversation between the other group members, and what sounded like a newcomer asking for somewhere to stay the night. Luckily, it sounded like the others were going to have the common sense to turn her down. Nevertheless, Lily figured she could at least help ensure that was the case, and began approaching the others. Her gaze flitted back and forth between the newcomer, and Milo. "What's with all the noise? I didn't realize we were throwing a block party."
Natalia's gaze fell on Nick, looking him over as she figured out who he was. "No that's not exactly what I'm looking for and I'm not hungry..." Her voice faded slightly as her attention shifted over to Milo. She immediately knew who he was, even though she had never met him personally. He was obviously intoxicated, which meant one of two things to her. He's that much more dangerous or that he'd be more likely to let her stay. She was half expecting some form of lashing out from him from what she had been told about him; so when he threw the bottle at the wall near her she only winced slightly and finally spoke up again after he had. "I was going to ask you the same thing, it's a sin to waste vodka you know" She sets down her backpack looking around briefly at the sound of the other voices in the warehouse. She opens her backpack and pulls out a bottle of vodka, grasping it by the neck as she saunters over to Milo. "I think vodka that comes in a plastic bottle is much more your style." She opens the bottle and takes a swig to show him it's not poisoned or anything like that before holding out the bottle for him to take. "Not that I think you need any more of this stuff."

"My name is Natalia" She says loud enough for everyone to hear, so she wasn't asked more than once. "I promise I don't mean any harm, as long as neither do any of you" She moves over to where Nick was, noticing he was watching her every move, everyone was, and she was doing the same to them. She was quite aware they were all ready to use their abilities on her if she made even the slightest of wrong moves. She looks at his small pile of trinkets near him before back at him. "Did you make those? Rock is pretty hard to whittle away at" She gives a knowing smile before moving back towards her backpack.

"If I'm correct, which I'm hoping I am or else I'll have to book it out of here faster than you can throw another bottle of vodka at me; I believe you all are just like me. I've been wandering around for quite some time on my own and lately I've been in search of others. Being on the run on your own gets difficult, not that being a group is a slice of pie but I figured it has to be easier. And I realize this is a selfish request and so I'd like to offer my services in return. I can hunt, I have a bit of cash, and I'm pretty good at swindling people out of more"

(@Sidelink and @cinderfloof I know you guys haven't posted yet. No rush I'm not going to let the rp get too far ahead without you guys. Just figured I'd give everyone some more info to write about than just staring/standing around/asking the same thing at/to my character)
Myra Davis

Myra had been lying lazily on one of the upper levels of the warehouse, occupying herself with a nap. She'd been so terribly bored that afternoon. This safehouse had it's own character and all, but definitely lacked in the department of things to do. Wandering about and throwing jokes at her groupmates every few minutes got dull after a while. Myra wondered if she could go out and maybe hit the town once nightfall came? That could actually be more entertaining than just sitting here and staring blankly at graffiti all day. She'd had a taste for the hunt too. Myra figured the group might be low on cash, anyway, and if they weren't then she could still bring some back. It wasn't like more money was ever a bad thing.

Her thoughts were then interrupted by someone entering. Myra lifted the grey hoodie from her head and stared on, unblinking. It happened to be a young woman who didn't look much younger than her. She was overall pretty. Her auburn hair and hazel eyes stood out even from as far as she was. For the first few moments, Myra simply thought that this new visitor was simply one of Milo's one night stands. Time revealed that this hadn't been the case. Myra had always been wary of newcomers. Her past didn't offer any openings for a benefit of a doubt. People were just generally assholes, that fact been especially true when you're a fugitive from the government. She understood that she was no exception from that rule. The people she stole money from probably thought she was just as much of a dick.

Time afterwards was spent with Myra merely listening on to her introduction. The woman, Nitalla, was apparently a mutant just like they were. She didn't answer one important question, however. The brunette thus leaned over from a near balcony to address it. Her voice was dripping with sarcasm,

"Well, that wasn't vague at all. How'd you find us?"

( Mentions: @MittyMittens )
Whilst everyone in the building came out of their hiding places and joined the spectacle, Milo just stood somewhat slack jawed and swayed in place. The new woman offered him what he could only assume was replacement for what he'd just wasted. "... It's a lot less dramatic, though." He mumbled and held up the bottle in whatever light there was. Drinking out of a plastic bottle was depressing.

Suddenly he put his fingers to his forehead and got a general look of dissatisfaction on his face. Not even drinking helped tonight, it seemed. With a half-open eye he surveyed the scene and everyone who'd come out to watch, and he realized that he couldn't really shirk his responsibilities if he's supposed to be some sort of leader either.

"Lily, don't be a bitch. Cres, shut the fuck up. And Myra...." Milo paused and removed the hand from his face, revealing his no-bullshit expression. "Good point." The little light in the room soon grew in a purple hue as Milo's eyes started burning with his trademark piercing violet. Steam rose from his skin as he performed a painful and complicated detox procedure. He shot out with one and and caused the metal door to slide close again, except this time it made no noise despite all the rusted metal grinding. He snapped his finger, and immediately all ambient noise from the outside disappeared. With decisive and intimidating steps he walked straight towards Natalia, and stopped in-between her and her bag.

In a seamless and clearly practiced movement he slipped his arm over her shoulder and dug his fingers into her hair at the nape of her neck. He was wearing a tank top, so his body heat transferred directly to her through his uncovered arms. Which, strangely enough, felt like he had a 140F° fever. A sly smile had spread across his face, and he moved his hand onto her hip to perfect the lover-like posture. "Prove it, love." There was an unspoken challenge in his voice, and his arms were rapidly increasing in heat. Not to mention the cracks forming on his scleras.

The grip was vice-like. Harder than anyone of his build should be able to summon. Of course, it's not like any of the people in the room were natural.

@MittyMittens @AshenLily @MoltenLightning @cinderfloof
Natalia was about to answer Myra's question but stood quietly as Milo had the door shut and outside noise silenced. She watched as he marched his way over to her, inhaling sharply through her nose to steady her nerves since she wasn't quite sure what he had in mind. She stood stiff as he put his arm around her and dug his fingers into her nape and as gripped her hip tightly. She kept her composure, pretending as if his touches weren't uncomfortable in the least, other than her rigged stance. If she was to prove herself acting weak wouldn't make a very good first impression. She knew Milo had to do his intimidation routine, to show who's boss, or whatever it is he needed to prove to the other's he had the situation under control. She listens to his words carefully and couldn't help but smirk at the challenge in his tone. She felt the heat in his touch, saw the change in his eyes and she knew he could be quite dangerous if he so chose to be, so she had to choose her actions carefully.

She closed what little distance there was between the two of them, relaxing her posture the best she could and stood face to face with him, tilting her head up slightly to keep his gaze with her own. "As you wish, love" She then looked away in a way that could almost be considered seductive before kicking off her boots. The next few moments probably took a bit of comprehending to anyone who watched. The girl once standing there being interrogated by Milo was now a tiger who had Milo on the ground and pinned underneath her. The same hazel eyes were staring down at him, a strange sight on a tiger, but her smirk was replaced by a show of bared teeth and ears pinned back against her head in an aggressive manner.
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Nick nodded as he got confirmation, Yup she's a mutant. So that's something. Still would prefer is Myra's question got answered. He split his focus also at Milo's feet. It was a deal that they had. He could "Test them" see if they were mutants and if they could take care of themselves. He'd split them up if either one got... "out of hand." Still a shapeshifter. Hmmm Adrian will be interested. He walked over to Verity's side whispering in her ear. "I'll monitor the sparing match. Separate them when needed... you be the judge... tell me if she's on Adrian's level." He then headed to stand between Myra and Cres. He was interested to know how'd they think about this. He considered their counsel important as well. And Myra had brought up the VERY important question. How did she hear about us anyway? Maybe my work? It is a give away at some points... it's good, almost too good... I really don't want to lower the quality... but maybe it's a calling card. He sighed. The prospect of making shoddy work was terrible. He looked back up happy to see the new girl not getting thrown through a wall.

Well... we'll see how this goes. I guess your audition starts now.

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Crescendo Vanite ~ Warehouse

Crescendo was awaiting a response from Verity, but her attention was drawn to the current development a few feet away. First, Milo did his thing and told her to shut her yap in a very offensive way. As a result, she herself became indignant and crossed her arms sourly. In her mind, she didn't take it personally. That's not to say she didn't take it a bit emotionally. Watching the whole situation happen with an endless scowl, Cres looked as if she could care less about what was happening. But, the brunette couldn't help but gawk at the fact that the girl before them had somehow become a tiger...

But she managed to sustain her bitterness. Seeing that Nick was giving her a chance, Cres somehow found herself closely observing the tournament (of sorts) before her eyes. She really had no clue why this girl knew where exactly the group was, so she gave Myra credit where credit was due.

Cres was definitely still suspicious about this girl, and the fact that she could become a blood thirsty predator was not something Crescendo would openly pledge her compliance with. Sure, Adrian could do the same... But at least she knew who he was. This new lady had a different air about her. Cres couldn't pinpoint it exactly, and she found her mind already trying to jump to conclusions as it was. Shoving those thoughts away begrudgingly, her attention returned to the situation at hand. Even if he was one of her least favorite people, Milo was the one Cres silently rooted for.

Crescendo would never directly tell him, though. That's not how she worked. When the fight was over, she would find a way to ridicule him.

That would be much less painful, compared to finding something nice to say... Others might have found that statement perplexing, but that's just how she often felt.

Tags: No one in particular

Cres's Mood: Aggravated, but observant

User's Mood: A little nervous, otherwise pleasant
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That was quick, happened to be the first thought that went through Milo's head as he was suddenly holding an entirely different sort of cat in his arms. The unexpected weight change had him off his balance, and he landed with a resounding thud. "Hahhaww shit." He half moaned, half laughed as his ribs made unpleasant noises, but the smile on his face was unmistakable. He enjoyed this.

"It's not like I want to be rude or anything kitty," He spoke. "But you're regrettably not the heaviest cougar I've had atop me." The smell of singed hair started filling the room, and the straws of tiger hair spontaneously seemed to combust when they touched Milo's skin. He gazed back into her hazel eyes with his own glowing purple, and from one moment to the next his cheeks seemed to splinter. A cross-stitch of purple ran up his arms as he summoned all of his power and forced his muscles to far beyond extreme. He tossed the enormous feline into a number of metal pipes that had been leaned against a wall, and they all came down in an ridiculously loud untuned glockenspiel song.

He jumped to his feet and cracked his neck, then punched his ribs a few times to see if they were intact. A malicious smile was still all over his face when he looked at the newcomer. The cracks retreated from his arms and cheeks, but the purple glare in his eyes was still ever-present. "That's the spirit. Come at me like you're going to kill me." He said in a somewhat threatening tone, then raised his arms, both of which immediately caught ablaze with purple fire. The piping on the floor rose into the air, and each aligned to point directly at her.


Natalia Vs. Milo - Collab Post


Natalia was surprised by the smile on his face, he was actually enjoying this and the cougar joke afterwards just assured her that he was. Her face went from aggression to shock as his eyes turned purple and his skin splintered purple. Not to mention contact with him was growing more and more uncomfortable as it seemed his touch was burning her. Before she could fully respond to either of these changes she found herself flying across the room. She found herself landing in a pile of pipes with a none too pleasant sound. She got back up to her feet, giving herself a shake, looking at him as urges her on with a challenge, the pipes around her lifting into the air fro added measure it seemed. She narrowed her eyes slightly, it seemed he wanted a full show. "Game on" She started off in his direction, shifting from tiger to bat, making herself a smaller target and more agile as she moves up into the air weaving around the pipes before hitting the ground with a thud. She had shifted into a caribou and was charging full speed at Milo, antlers down and aimed towards him since they wouldn't be affected by the flames. She had every intention to send him flying with them.


The diabolical grin on his face took a darker tone as he leaned his head forward decisively. With a flick of the wrist he sent the metal piping towards her once she started her charge, but she quickly changed into a bat and avoided the rows of painful death. Milo felt a little disappointed, but sensed the impending doom before he gave Natalia the opportunity to attack him. The last metal pipe he sent flying straight towards himself, intercepted it, and smashed it into the ground between himself and the newly formed caribou. He took a step back, and then shot forward with both his hands, firing two heavy bolts of purple energy towards her.


She stopped in her tracks as quickly as she could as there was now a pipe in her path she was about to collide directly only stopping just in time before hitting the pole. She notices him stepping back and raising his hands and quickly shifts down into a fox below the line of fire, having felt the heat of the energy singe the tips of her ears just before. She knew she only had a few moments to get to him before he aimed the energy down towards her once more and lunged at his leg, mouth wide open to sink her teeth into it.


Milo would've stopped to laugh if he only didn't want to give her an advantage. A motherfucking fox? You have to be shitting me. The bolts of energy passed over her head and blew craters into the concrete wall. He pulled his hands back, and cracks of purple light traveled down over his partially exposed legs (ripped jeans, though the rips were hardly delibirate.). He started bringing his leg forward in powerful kick aimed right at the little critter's mouth. However, whilst he did so, a crystal layer started forming over his shins. "Eat all you'd like, fucker!"


Bad choice, very bad choice is what rung through her mind as his kick sent her flying back once again, with a more than sore mouth. She steadied her feet for when she hit the ground, skidding/sliding to a stop. Her breathing was labored as she stared back at him, the metallic taste of blood on her tongue. "Fuck, this guy is ridiculous" She could keep trying, keep running after him but where would she end up? Tossed across the room like a damn rag doll again. That's all he was doing with her, toying with her. She narrowed her eyes slightly as she evaluated her options. There weren't many of them, and so she huffed defeatedly as she sulks over to her bag, nosing it open and pulls out her spare set of clothes. She shifts back into her human form, slipping them on. She looks back at Milo. "If you weren't so damn indestructible I'd have mauled you several times by now!" She straightens out her hair, already feeling the bruising from being tossed around and kicked. "If you want me to go so be it, but I can hold my own, just not against someone lIke you. You're damn impressive" she didn't really mean it as a compliment rather than an observation, but she was one to give credit where credit was due.


The satisfying crack that ensued as he punted the tiny creature across the room rung softly into his ears, and that she was still conscious almost surprised him more than that she hadn't had the time to turn into something more powerful before he kicked her shit in. The crystal construct fell off his leg like dust and scattered over the floor, but his skin was still traced by bright purple scars and the entire room was illuminated. His chest was heaving heavily, and with every breath condensation filled the air. Air that now smelled slightly of burnt flesh. Frankly, this had gone much farther than it should have for some simple test, and Milo couldn't find another reason for going after the beat-up fox.

It's not like it could be seen through the flames, but his fist were so tightly held he almost broke his own skin, but his stern gaze slowly softened. Natalia got clothes on as she turned back human again, and as she tried to defend her honor he finally let his power return to the core of his body. The light faded from his arms and returned to his eyes, before his hazel overtook the purple and he returned to his relaxed stance. In the end, she did actually force him to try. Better than many.

"You'll pass." He said in a bitter tone and with his head hung. The silence seemed overwhelming for a second, before the ambiance from the outside returned. Cars in the distance like nothing just happened. Milo looked up again at everyone present, "Hey is it just me or did it get hot in here?" The steam rising from his skin was getting thinner and thinner, but it was obvious what he was referring to. "I need hydration..." He moaned to himself, then picked the water bottle out of his sling bag and chugged half, only to remember it was filled with Vodka. "Oh yeah. Fuck." He scratched his head, then shoved it back in his bag.

"Someone initiate the newcomer, get her somewhere to sleep. I think I still have female company half-passed out somewhere. Good-fucking-night."

@MittyMittens @Der Kojote @cinderfloof @MoltenLightning @AshenLily @Sidelink @Abyss
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Nick shook his head at the conclusion of the fight. He looked over to Milo. "Water's still running on the second floor if you don't mind the taste of metal. I filtered out the lead and heavy metals... as well as the so it's clean-ish." It was clean... it just tasted terrible. Though he turned to Natalia. "Alright... Good show... shape-shifting is quite the useful power. Great for attack, defense, travel, or recon." He noted as he approached her trying to be cordial. "Nick's the name." He looked around to everyone else. "They'll introduce themselves when they feel like it. Best done that way honestly." He said smiling. "Anyway... welcome to our little slice of paradise. Here we have all the essentials... power between the hours of 8-6... Ac that works half the time... water on second floor of the factory... the pipes don't work on the first. Kinda hard to do when they're rusted out." He added.

"Anyway... I'll see about getting some bedding for you." He looked to Cres. "Cres... up for helping me look?" He asked her. Though... honestly he wanted her opinion on a few things. It was almost a big brother little sister talk, though it involved... more than a bit of worry, could they even help another person... money was tight, I mean... she was offering some... and Myra's comment was also ringing. How DID she find us.

Crescendo Vanite ~ Warehouse

Crescendo watched with an air of 'I-could-care-less', but her eyes portrayed how intrigued she was with the fight. As if the girl's shape-shifting wasn't enough, Milo had to actually try when he was fighting her. She saw it in his eyes. And after the fight. Watching him leave, her own eyes hovered on the placed he had previously been as he left. Drawing her attention from Milo was Nick, asking her a question. The brunette's eyes softened slightly. Nick looked a bit nervous, and she already knew why.

Silently, she nodded. To both his question, and the ones he looked hesitant to ask. She'd hoped he would catch her drift on that part. Her glare accidentally shot itself at the injured girl as if she disapproved, but under Nick's gaze it calmed itself and hid back in the depths of her eyes. She turned around for a second, tapping her chin and observing her surroundings.

"I wonder if we have any spare broom closets..." She mumbled sarcastically to herself, keeping her eyes darting about her. "I forget... Do we even have any extra bedding?" Cres inquired genuinely, albeit a bit rough. She began straining to remember the last time someone had bedding directly after they got here. Come to think of it, she couldn't even remember where the bedding they might have would be located.

Tags: @Der Kojote

Cres's Mood: Intent on helping out, although forgetful

User's Mood: Blissful

"Lily, don't be a bitch. Cres, shut the fuck up. And Myra...."

Lily's scowl lessened just a bit at his words. Having only been with the group for a short time, she still couldn't figure out if she admired the man's charisma, or if she hated the cocky attitude that seemed to be present in everything he did, more. It was a close one, really.

She remained silent as the newcomer shifted into a tiger, and the fight began, the look on her face slowly fading between one of disdain, and one of amusement. The new girl managed to hold her own quite well, but in the end, it was the outcome she expected, and Milo came out on top.

Lily raised an eyebrow at Milo's display of powers. She'd been trying to figure out exactly what his powers were for some time now (from her experience thus far, it was best to figure out how to deal with other mutants' abilities as practically as possible just in case things went south), but hadn't quite developed a coherent summary of what Milo was able to do, just yet.

"...I think I still have female company half-passed out somewhere. Good-fucking-night."

The feeling of respect she'd gained for him upon seeing his mastery over his powers vanished just as quickly as it had come, as she once again tried to determine whether he inspired her, or repulsed her. She watched as the others began to disperse, again turning her gaze back to the newcomer. "Well, guess that means I'm not the new kid, anymore." She offered a mock, two-finger salute, and a crooked grin. Lily was still wary of the girl, particularly curious as to how she found their group. For the most part, the other members of the group seemed pretty level-headed, and none of them really enjoyed flaunting their powers all that much. Still, wary or not, Milo had welcomed her. Regardless of her skepticism, getting to know Natalia was logically the best option she had, now. "Name's Lillian. I'm the resident bitch, it would seem. Lily, for short. Or whatever you'd like, really. I'm not terribly particular... I'd offer to show you around, but," she motioned with her hand in a grand gesture around the warehouse. "This is pretty much it."

@MittyMittens @Prizzy Kriyze (mentioned)​
Natalia watches as Milo leaves wiping a bit of blood from her mouth as she rotates her jaw tenderly, there was probably a hairline fracture of some sort in there somewhere. For someone as powerful as he was he sure did like to hide behind a loser-esque facade, she didn't quite know why but everyone had their reasons. There was obviously more to him than he liked to show. Her attention was captured away by Nick as he spoke to her, giving her the run down of the place, and nodded appreciatively. She frowned slightly as he said "good show" not sure if he was being sarcastic or not, watching her get thrown and kicked around wasn't exactly a good show in her mind, but he seemed relatively nice enough. Her gaze moved over to Cres, it was apparent she far from trusted her, especially by not even offering up a name. She studied her briefly before looking to Lily as she spoke up, introducing herself and giving her the "grand tour". She smiled slightly before it disappeared rather quickly as it hurt to do so. "Nice to meet you all and thank you. I'll be quite fine, I have my own blanket and pillow that's good enough for me. I'll find my own corner, no big deal, no need to fuss over me, I'm a big girl. If it matters you can call me Tali for short, but I understand if you'd rather not."

She looks around once more, glancing at Verity for a moment before looking to Myra, knowing everyone wanted the answer to her question. "As for finding you all, well no offense but abandoned buildings are kind of a go-to when searching for a bunch of people in hiding. I've just been using the same technique I did earlier, but they've all been empty, full of druggies, or squatters. This is the first one I've come across with others like me. I understand your suspicion of me but I promise I mean no harm to you all. Though I know you have no reason to trust me just yet, I get that and I don't expect you to. I'm just asking for a chance is all"

@Prizzy Kriyze

@Der Kojote





NOTE: I plan on skipping forward to the next day in my next post, so make sure you get everything you want posted for this night in your next one.
"Hey, you're not the resident bitch." Nick said with a smirk to lily. "Far to much respect to have that labeled put on you." He then looked to Cres whom after Tali spoke up the issue resolved itself. "It's alright... never-mind, thanks though." He then turned to the newcomer. "Tali is fine with me, and in terms of squatters and druggies... know that story far too much. My first experience... hobo camps... didn't want to mess with them... wasn't keen on hurting people... sometimes a bit of a light jog is all you need to get away from them." He chuckled at the memories... though to most it would be terrifying. For Nick well there were more stressful things to run from. "Also... you don't need to confine yourself to a corner... I think... there's a shipping container that got left behind when the factory closed down. A bit of privacy for the ladies." He chuckled. "With Milo around... I think you all deserve it."

With a groan he looked over to Cres and then to Lilly. "You two know the drill, if either of you need anything... don't hesitate to call... I'll take my usual spot. I think I finally yanked out the spring in the couch that was poking into my back for the past three nights." He murmured rubbing his back.
Crescendo Vanite ~ Her Room

Crescendo nodded at Nick, as a soldier would to his commander... Although without the salute. That would have been rather odd, especially for Cres. The brunette dismissed herself, keen on leaving the odd situation and finally relieving the headache she was acquiring. Sleep was the only sort of drug that could do such a thing, so she made it her mission to do said action.

To Cres, sleep was like a ritual. It had to be done after a certain time, in wake of the sun setting. It also had to be done before a fixed period as well, prior to the moon reaching its peak. And she wasn't going to break her rules of slumber anytime soon, if she had a choice in the matter, either. With those thoughts, Cres found the energy in her jumbled up head to make it to the mattress which held the fruit that could lessen the severity of reality. If only for a little while.

Opening the door, Cres quickly hopped into the room and shut the door softly behind her. Glancing around out of habit, her hand reached towards the mattress. The girl was on her knees now, reaching under the mattress and grasping for something. As her hand closed around it, the girl's expression lit up victoriously.

Something made of fur, one of her stuffed animals as far as she knew. Pulling her arm back into the dim light with decisiveness, she expected to see a stuffed manatee or giraffe. These were the ones she had collected and put under her mattress after all.

But, no. Life thought it'd be hilarious if something else happened.

And to Cres's dismay, it was a rat that happened.

A rat she held in her hand so endearingly and pleasantly that even her hand convulsed at the new knowledge. The creature squealed. Cres gasped, holding back a scream of terror, and threw the rodent from her grasp to hit a wall. After it impacted and fell to the ground in disorientation, it let out a hiss and flew off towards a hole in the opposite wall. Cres was left breathing heavily on her own, eyes wide and hand hesitant in scavenging further for her 'Bundles of Joy'.

But Cres couldn't sleep with the knowledge that they might be missing. And thus, Crescendo convinced her hand to pursue its original goal. It slunk under the mattress again, feeling for fur fervently.

Finally, she felt it. The soft, seemingly unreal fur of the animals she had hidden away under the bed where she laid. Pulling on the source, the grey fur of the manatee toy becomes visible in all its chubby glory. Cres pulled it into a small embrace, and then admired it for a moment in her arms. It looked so innocent. The fact that it was made her feel like a child again, and that was what she needed.

Swiftly, so as to not get caught, she hid the stuffed creature under the mattress once more. "Goodnight, Wilson." Cres whispered to the doll as it left her sight.

And as quickly as she'd placed the doll below the mattress, her head hit the pillow on the mattress and sleep overcame her like a wave.

Tags: None

Cres's Mood: Asleep and calm

User's Mood: Pleasant ^-^
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Natalia feels the corners of her lips curl up slightly at hearing Nick, his kindness was definitely a 180 from Milo's attitude earlier. She gives a nod in agreement on how to handle the various types that made up a squatter. "A light jog or a bit of quick thinking and charm, but thank you I appreciate the kindness, especially with me being a stranger and all"

She finds a quiet spot, pulling out her blanket and pillow from her backpack to get settled in. She laid awake for quite awhile, thinking over the events of the day. This was definitely going to be one of her most challenging missions yet.


If Natalia thought she was sore last night, nothing compared to this morning. She sat up slowly with a grimace, being tossed and kicked around definitely wasn't being forgotten. She rubs her jaw gingerly, having no doubt something was fractured before letting out a small sigh. She was starting to think she was in way over her head. Letting out a small sigh she pulls her brush out from her bag, running it through her hair before putting it, as well as her blanket and pillow back inside. She was hoping she'd get to know the others a bit better today. Her first impression probably didn't go too well as most of them watched her ass getting kicked.

@Prizzy Kriyze

@Der Kojote




Myra awoke even more groggily than usual, her hair in a mess of wild curls. It always seemed as if the sun was a total bitch in the morning. She wished it would shine just a little less, or not at all. Her initial grumpiness was the mere effects of drowsiness. That night she didn't sleep well in the slightest. Not only was a warehouse floor cold and uncomfortably hard, but she was still wary of Nitala. It wasn't as if the girl had done anything, either. Chances were that she was just another mutant running from fucktard politics. Myra just didn't like to run on chances. You die that way.

The brunette stretched and shook the thoughts away. It was a new day, and another opportunity for shits and giggles. Perhaps she'd even get some good alcohol today and a change in scenery? A girl could only dream. While deciding what to do, Myra noticed that not many of her comrades were awake yet. No wonder she was so damned tired. It was early. Myra supposed she could just make breakfast for everyone. Did they even have conventional breakfast foods? She'd never paid attention to stocks (which was honestly pretty bad). She muttered to herself,

"Only one way to find out..."

Myra decided herself too sluggish to actually walk down the flights of stairs that separated her and the pantry. With a puff of smoke, she appeared in the area. It was an extremely lazy display of her abilities but hey, if you have it flaunt it.

(Mentions: N/A)
A groan was heard from Nick’s corner of the factory and then a thud as he rolled off the couch. “Fuck… wrong spring… that made things worse.” He rubbed his back and stretched. Yet another day. There were no cages… no bars… no people screaming at him. He sighed shaking his head. His face looked rather sad as per usual in the morning. Then again, he had the same nightmare he always had. A near play by play of the night everything went to hell. Rubbing his eyes, he grabbed his jacket and slid it on. Ahh well let’s see if we got breakfast… and see if I can get something resembling a shower. He scratched his chin and frowned. “Stubble… I hate stubble.” He lamented. However, a good razor was hard to come by for cheap. He slowly made his way to the “Pantry.” He noticed a familiar form in front of him. “Myra.” He said with a yawn. “What are we looking at… or are we out of essentially everything again?” The prospect wouldn’t surprise him. Though it would be a problem.
Myra had been digging through the boxes full of supplies. There honestly wasn't much to work with. The lack of food wasn't new for her or anything, however. The woman had grown up poor, and generally only had feasible foods on lucky days. She felt willing to get a little creative with things. It was then that her thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Nick. He'd appeared absolutely exhausted, but she supposed everyone was. Myra responded with a nonchalant smile.

"Ah! Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Myra lifted up the items she'd found as she spoke, "Besides the house special of air with a side of air, we also have beans and what looks like rice. Everything else is in unidentifiable cans. Probably vegetables of some sort."

(Mentions: @Der Kojote )
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