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Fantasy The Last Judgement

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[div class=statusText] Location: Shamelessly robbing a lowes.
BGM: Stealing
Sheet: Sheet
Interactions: Beleth Beleth Cara Cara
[div class=statusText][/div][/div][div class=title]Anything not nailed down?[/div][div class=text]
”Pleasuah t’be meetin’ ye, mate, Quite tha’ gruesome battle back there, ey?”

David Notices the way his smile doesn't truly meet his eyes. Or maybe David is simply self concious assuming others would not be happy to see or talk to him.
He wonders if it's even paranoia to not trust yourself when your litterally turning into a demon. He gives a small sigh and looks to the man he is talking to, the helmet moves silently, now cleaned and lubricated. "Yes...." He hesitates for a moment looking down. "I am happy to have meet others in that fight, but a lot of people died who didn't have to. I was going to kill a few every night, sneaking in, in a few days many of them would of ran, they would of argued and fight, broken up the group. I mean, maybe it's a foolish hope, but maybe a few of them would of turned their lives around"

The armored man shrugs and places his dagger back tightly in his belt. "Gruesome, is unfortunately true, a sword is more useful in my hands, than a gun though. A blade tends to make things messy, So why was your group even in that fight?" He ask, as he fiddles nervously placing his sword back into it's sheath and adjust his breastplate.

David can't help but wonder about these people. Are they really good people? What if they aren't? Is he going to have to kill them? He doesn't want to, them seem kind enough, but David has had dinner with rapist and murders and they seemed normal. People wear mask, people can be as much monsters as the demons. He wonders if that thought comes from the demon. He wonders if he can trust himself, he knows the darkness is changing him, how can he make any decision when the engine of those decisions is inherently compromised?

He shakes his head lightly and exhales deeply.


The ride is spent in conversation. David wishes to disclose little about himself, but he needs to learn about these people, after all he kind of just wandered in by accident because they were killing all the same people. He hopes it doesn't come to blows. Though all he knows about these strangers is that they wanted to kill raiders.

When they decide upon resting at the lowes he lights up like a christmas tree, not that one can tell from inside his helmet. He simply stands quite quickly and gets rather energetic as he nods to himself several times. "Oh, oh this could be quite useful, if I can find a Piezo Ignition the right fire place, and some materials I could reforge my own equipment maybe make some new stuff for your group. I don't know what you would need, but I can make most things pretty well" he nods some more counting off things he may need on his fingers , making a list.

He gets out of the RV still talking to rufus. "Yeah it would help if you could help me move a few things, I'm... rather strong, but shape is still a problem, I would rip many things apart before lifting them, physics is a bitch after all" He gives a small shrug that makes his metal armor clink as cauldrons fall back onto breastplate. "What do you guys need, if anything in particular?"

He waves to the others as he leaves the RV, knowing he will need to make introductions but they seem busy with a rather cute young lady, and he has robbing to do. He nods, they have a good sized group, they fairly poorly armed, and essentially unarmored, he could do a lot to fix that if they are good people and he decides to stay. Rufus, seems alright but he may be the best of a bad bunch he will have to spend a few days with them and decide for himself.

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MV5BMTg3MDU4NzM1NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDgxNjY0ODE@._V1_UY666_CR111,0,666,666_AL_.jpgNiylah Blake
Location: Lowes Home Improvement Store
Interactions: Lakyr Lakyr , Beleth Beleth , Mirgris Mirgris

One of the people Niylah was watching walked away from the rest. he seemed a bit disturbed, he was smoking and didn't notice her at first, but then he looked her direction, Niylah kept her hand on her gun but she didn’t move thinking that this way the man will know that she is not going start a fight but that she is ready for anything. He kept looking at her for sometime and it made her uncomfortable because she didn't know what he was thinking, her mind was already planning. If they were okay, she will offer them a trade, food or medical supplies for a car or sharing the shelter and everybody wins. The problem was what if they were not okay, what if he tried to attack, he's not near her but he is not very far too. She might be able to kill him with one shot if he tries to attack but she wouldn't be able to kill them all. she can run to where her car was hidden, she tried not to move her head so he wouldn't suspect a thing. maybe hide there and then steal a car when it is possible, if it is possible. The thought of him attacking was gone however when he waved his hand towards her keeping both of his hands away from his pockets and it made her feel more comfortable “ Hey, can we help you… or anything?” the man said. Niylah took her hand away from her gun but still kept it near enough to take it out any minute and she waved back with the other. Right before she could answer however two other men seemed to notice them and came closer. “Ahoy mate! Fancy seein’ a new critter ‘bout these parts, ey? Friendly, I take it?” one of them said with a grin and.. an English accent? “Cmon then, we dun bite! ‘Least not I. Do yew, lad?” he said again raising a hand in her direction and looking at his friend. “We got quite’a bit o’foodies, blankets some pillows if yer chilly. Given tha weatha . . . Name it, we’ll ‘elp out, lassie. Jus’ dun shoot no one o’ tryta do ‘em wrong an’ we should be a’right! Though, tha’s just common knowledge fer good folk like yerself, ainnit?” Niylah’s hand was away from the gun now and she took few steps forward smiling. thank you for the offer, I won’t shoot anyone without a reason be sure of that. I'm just trying to stay alive and I suppose you guys are doing the same.” She answered the men “ my car broke down not far from here, I saw the store and thought I’d check it out, didn't know you guys were here” she took another look around “ I have a lot of useful things you may need, and I can offer a trade, medical supplies or food for someone to take a look at my car? or maybe share the store for the night? I seem to have alot of both” she told them. They didn't seem bad, they sure didn't seem non humans. She gave them a soft smile to assure them that she was not an enemy and that she didn't want to harm anyone.
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[class=biggie] width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; clear:both; font-size:13px; color: #1d1b15; font-weight:100; display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; height: 100%; [/class] [class=whut]background: url(http://www.sabrinagarrasi.com/website/data/images/glimpses-of-horizon.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-attachment: fixed; padding:30px; [/class] [class=handsomedevil] background: #435c8e; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding:10px; color: #1d1b15; flex: 1; border: 1px solid #024e4f; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; font-size:13px; [/class] [class=speaks] overflow: auto; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; flex: 1; flex-basis: 30%; margin-left: 40px; margin-right:15px; [/class] [class=blue] background: #435c8e; padding: 10px; width:auto; [/class] [class=speakstoo] font-size:13px; text-align: left; font-weight:100; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; background-color: #fbf4f9; color: #272828; line-height:2; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; padding:30px; max-height:1050px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=speakeasy] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9;[/class] [class=bottoms] font-weight:400; margin-top: 50px; clear:both; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=tops] font-weight:400; margin-bottom: 50px; clear:both; background-color: #040404; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; color: #fff; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=speakeasy2] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: left; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9; line-height:2; [/class] [class name=handsomedevil maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px[/class] [class name=biggie maxWidth="800px"] padding: 0px; margin: 0 auto; flex-direction: column;[/class] [class name=speakstoo maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; margin-top:20px; overflow: auto; max-height: 100%;[/class] [class name=bottoms maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class] [class name=tops maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class]
[div class=whut][div class=biggie][div class=handsomedevil] [div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦`𝘴 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦'𝘴. [/div]
[div class=speakeasy2]Niklas Liam Voss
— Lowes Home Improvement Store
TAGS: Beleth Beleth (Tween Goth Bratz Doll) > Checkin on the Coin & Ryan-bro
OOC — edana is absolutely amazing, I didn't expect her to race him[/div]
[div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳.[/div][/div]
[div class=speaks][div class=blue][div class=speakstoo]
The blond was brimming with enthusiasm, it was a warm gilding over his features. In little golden glints, in flickers of joy, creeping into the light of his eyes and the corner of a smile. He needed something light to keep his spirits sailing on the high he had been privy to earlier. The careening downfall meant he'd have to think about all the bullshit that had happened, and he knew he...didn't want to do that just yet.

He couldn't, not right now. He felt it'd crush him and he'd crumble to dust from the weight of it all. The universe around them didn't seem to care that much about how the humans scraped and fought just to eek out a little bit of happiness. Forces greater than all of them seemed to meander and plop down when they wanted to. Nik hated it.

But more than the not-knowing, more than feeling minuscule, a pawn in the hand of some unseen, nebulous figure, Nik hated himself. For being unable to stop being a ham sandwich and take some fucking things seriously. Do the job, help...be anything but just a war machine, far too keyed into his own libido, full of bad jokes and violent joy.

He had no say in the matter, however. Hell had 'gifted' him with something he couldn't shake off, the best he could do was make the most of the joy he could create, and force himself to be useful. It took an inhuman amount of willpower, but...he was making progress. He was going to head back and tend to his Coin and make sure Ryan was at least salient...

Until Edana scurried into his vision, however, shifting on her stockings to skitter like a child up the aisle. His deep blue eyes sparkled, this was a glimmer of respite, and he was a stupid raccoon intent on chasing after it.

Who’s there? Who are you?” It wasn't that dark, he reckoned, but the impossibly tall shelves did make it hard to see very much. Except when the light of the tall windows bled in, coming swift on slabs of primrose yellow and blood-orange hues.

We have not.” She didn't provide her name for a moment, and he kept ebbing out bits of smoke into rings, trying to distract himself from trapsing back into a bad mood, if it were at all possible. Fatigue lined his eyes, so much had happened in such a short span of time. He was sure she understood, because all of them...every survivor on this clusterfuck brimstone bullshit of a planet...had experienced pain. Pain insurmountable. They bonded over it, even.

"Merriweather. Edana Merriweather. I suppose it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." Nik smile behind his cigarette and kicked his foot, the little wheeled platform spinning him slowly.

"Merriweather?" he wasn't expecting that last name, based solely on how dark a person she seemed in continence, "guess Nightmare Girl might have a bit of glow to her, after all..." he said with a playful smile. Last names had no bearing to personalities, this he knew, but he did like to tease.

I will accompany you.” Nik's brows raised high on his forehead and he started to chuckle deep in his chest, a consistent tick of amusement like a deep tenor clock hitching on its gears.

"I wasn't expecting tha—" she managed to set herself up on another little rolling device and Nik continued his amused chuckle. He kicked around to whirl again and played out his cigarette to cast into the air in a long circle, smoke licking the air in spires.

You’re on.
"Alright, Goth Barbie...let's do this," he said with a sharp laugh before kicking off, impossibly fast as he skittered forward, the sound of rolling wheels and squeaking plastic echoing across the aisles.

He swooped around a downed wooden box, arm extended, body leaning as naturally as breathing. Oh yes, he had done this before. Punky little shits in the streets of New York still had skateboards, even in this day and age.

He was quite adept at it, hefting his weight with ease. Almost like dancing, almost like fighting, his body knew how to twist and turn. It always did. He wondered just how fast this thing could go and jagged around a few paint cans, laughing.

At some point he folded his arms across his chest and smoked, letting the momentum drift him onwards and slightly to the left. The thing had a lean, which he accounted for, meandering. A goofy smile was plastered on his face. His eyes drifted to Edana as she kicked off, he hoped she was having fun. That was the most he could really give to anyone.

He felt he was useless otherwise.

The aisles rushed behind him, and Edana had managed to skitter along, not quite as confidently. But he was surprised she had gotten the hang of it enough. He peeled out a laugh and zipped his coat up, jamming the metal tin in between his shirt and coat to keep it safe.

Then, with a devious chuckle, jettisoned out his hand to grasp her elbow.

Now, the fun could really start.

Nik cascaded off of his own wheeled cart, the thing flipping and smashing with a loud burst of metal into a nearby slew of paint cans. He grasped the smaller girl by the shoulders and started to push. Fleet footed and hell-bent on making this even more ridiculous than it already was, he struck the concrete with determination.

"Center low, Winona, keep your feet on the thing...here we go!" he belted out as he shot forward, fast as he always was. He peeled her around a corner and slid forward, half tripping to keep her steady. He jumped over a few broken up pieces of wood but managed to snag her again and push her forward.

He was laughing...so much laughter, it echoed across the corrugated ceilings and metal shelving, joyous. Golden, this, and he aimed to keep it. Keep it close, keep her steady, hopefully she was having as much fun as he was. Then he noticed she was careening and heading into dangerous territory.

Downed paint cans, thick and dried out but an obstacle none-the-less. They loomed in the distance and he made the executive decision to cut the ride short.

Nik shifted his weight on one foot and snagged Edana around the waist to twirl her up, the cart skittering into the cans with blunt force enough to send a few cans flying, rolling across the halls.

"Heh," was his only response as he set the dizzying goth down on her stocking-clad feet. A paint can he hadn't been anticipating had bounced off one of the wooden palettes and set a large wooden plank on its journey. It tilted, he watched it from the corner of his eye, not quite seeing.

He had expertly bad luck with projectiles, even when he hadn't planned to make use of them. Like a cataclysm, Nik had set off a serious of events that left an entire aisle completely downed. The pair were fine, far enough away, but the smashing of several items together on the floor was...not part of the plan.

God, he was such a fucking moron.

Luckily, nobody was in that section of the store, or else he would have seen them mulling about. Nik just laughed it off as a reel of metal wire rolled towards him and smacked into his foot.

"Alright kiddo, let's go check on the others," he said with a short laugh. He drew smoke into his lungs and sent it on its way up to the ceiling, twirled like a ballerina in gray-blue mottled lilts.

"Preferably before Rhys figures out I just smashed an entire aisle, I don't need him grilling me for being stupid," he said as he picked up his pace, "which I am, very stupid..." he said with a wince. He really had fucked up, but...they were having so much fun. Could anyone really blame him?

Probably...then Nik's thoughts again grew dark, the aisles coming up beside them, the trek long enough for him to start to brood again. It was a very, very large store. Large, concrete-floored, and filled with metal and other shit men tended to like. He had never been a fan of stores like this before the crappocalypse, but now...it was a godsend.

At the front of the store, light crept in and colored his features yellow and stark. It bounced off the snow, coming down now in heavy feathered dollops, glinting over his face like a fractal. He shot a look at Edana, grin quirking in an unsure line. He hesitated.

"...let's keep the aisle-smashing between us, okay?" It wasn't like they could hide it, but he hoped if they both feigned ignorance he could blame it on...something else. The dog maybe. But Woofus already didn't like him that much, and he didn't need a creature with paws and fangs distrusting him.

"Put your heels on. We don't need you catching a cold," Nik said with paternal undertones inkling in his words, and yanked the door open, popping out into the snow drifts to kick.

Always searching for some joy, he was a veritable adult child. Snow up his pant legs, he broke into a stride to saunter to the RV. Quiet, which was unusual because he was usually a freight train, the blond hitched the door open. Slowly, just to peek in on his light in the dark and Ryan. They were both sleeping. He could see their chests rising, eyes closed and mouths dreamy.

Penny's snoring was light and airy, her mouth hung open. He smirked, Ryan was lucky she wasn't at full strength. That girl could snore loud enough to wake the fucking dead.

Closing the RV's door with a small, barely audible hitch, Nik stepped back. Careful not to slip on the ice that was ebbing on the sides of the parking lot.

"Thanks for the company, Nightmare Girl," he said with a warm smile, eyes crinkling.

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[div class=statusText] Location: Lowes Home Improvement > store > Lowes
BGM: Feliz Navidad & Santa Baby
Interactions/Mentions: Everyone in some way
[div class=statusText][/div][/div][div class=title]Rhys Contiello[/div][div class=text]
If he heard Nik's retort, he ignored it. He wouldn't trust this new witch as far as he could throw her. Which....given her size and his strength might have been a bad analogy. It had to have been in the way she carried herself. How she shifted when she spoke of helping them and the friendly, if not blatantly bitchy, sarcasm she directed towards Nik. If he were a lesser man he would have hated her just for that treatment alone. But for the moment he just mildly disliked her. There was just something about her that bothered him. There was no label that he could pin on that feeling. Rhys, however, would have bet all of his most valuable possessions that this woman was up to no good. His lips pressed into a thin line as he made his way towards the front of the store. Nik had wheeled away and Rhys, although still mostly in a good mood, didn't feel like joining in on the blond's little Tony Hawk impressions. Rhys had a mental checklist of things he wanted, including flashlights if they had them. And batteries. Lots and lots of batteries.

He stood in one of the check lanes, gaze roaming across what was left of the haphazard formation of supplies. When shit hit the fan, it looked like most people didn't think to loot the home improvement store. It wasn't completely stocked, but it had been more untouched than any of the other places they frequented. There were a couple packs of batteries that he managed to stash in a shopping basket, but what really caught his attention was the bright orange rectangular package sitting on one of the shelves. He reached out, grabbing the item and turning it over in interest. The peanut-butter cup logo stared back at him and he couldn't help but wonder if it was still good. He placed it in the basket with the batteries, setting the whole thing on the check-out belt. His gaze was pulled towards the window.

The street looked like an unfinished painting.

So much of the canvas was still perfectly white, as if waiting for the artists hand to return. The morning light struggled through murky clouds, but even in its weakness it was enough to blind. The detective made his way outdoors, squinting a bit past the light as he took in the area around them. Breath pale against the numbing air, he blinked thoughtfully as the frost patiently kissed his face, captivated by the soft, dusty illusions of light that sat heavy on his eyelashes. He really adored the snow, moreso when it was falling. Winter had always been his favorite season. Intricate patterns of ice floated weightlessly downward from the pure white sky above, each flake swirling and dancing, as an icy wind carried it toward a group of intrepid travelers. Darker clouds gathered on the horizon and it would be the only warning they would get that a storm was fast approaching. Onyx boots crunched against the snow, leaving imprints in his wake.

The store across the way looked more or less abandoned, hopefully untouched by the fearful and the desperate. What he wouldn't give for some good canned food and a couple bottles of water. He strode towards the RV, coming to a complete stop besides James. His face scrunched up, blinking a couple times as if he wasn't believing just what he was seeing.

"Who the fuck invited Sir Galahad? What, I get kidnapped and you guys start recruiting the medieval times?"

He snickered, watching tin-man move about in the snow as he trudged towards Lowes. Rhys placed a hand on James' shoulder, azure orbs flickering to the young hunter after a moment of utter disbelief. "Listen, Jam, keep an eye on that one. I don't trust anyone who hides their fucking face...especially with something that looks like it's from a fucking....convention."

Moving past the young hunter, he made eye contact with a couple other people slinking out of the RV. He didn't recognize many of them, though some seemed strangely familiar. He assumed that they had been holed up in that place along with him. Though...mercifully he had been knocked out for a bit of it. There was a flash of something in his mind's eye, a sparking of images, of blood and fangs, and a man who looked and sounded not unlike himself. Rhys blinked the lingering memories away, slipping his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"Hey, Kay, how do you feel about helping me out with something?"

He caught sight of the hunter's light brown hair and moved towards him without hesitation. A slight smile curved at the edges of his lips, "I'm going to head into that store across the street and would appreciate some back up."
His gaze flickered to the side, recognizing the young man who had driven the RV at the first point of the rescue. After a second's assessment, he figured that he was harmless enough and nodded his head a bit as if in agreement with himself. "You're welcome to tag along as well," He trailed off for a moment, noticing a girl who had come from the same jeep Reverie had. There was something about her that he recognized more than the other new faces. "And hey! If you want to tag along you can. The more arms we have, the more shit we can carry."

Rhys started walking a couple steps and then stopped, looking over his shoulder at them. He flashed a quick smile, "I'm Rhys by the way." The girl looked as if she had already known that and the new guy looked gleeful just to have that information. Or maybe he was just one of those people that was happy all the time. If that was the case, he'd probably get along with Nik; that man smiled more than anyone he'd ever had the pleasure of knowing. The thought of him stretched his smile a little wider before it fell flat into his normally neutral expression. He lifted his shoulders into a slight shrug before resuming his pace towards the store.

† † †​

The two newbies had introduced themselves as Theta and Rufus. He was quick to find that the brit had a nasty habit of talking....and he meant talking. Rhys wondered if the kid had an off switch somewhere. He wouldn't have minded it, but...Rhys could barely understand what he was saying. It took a lot of concentration to sit there and think about the words in context to how they sounded and the words he knew. Eventually he just stopped listening, adding a gruff noise here and there to act like he was. Rhys sighed, standing in the middle of a barren hallway, staring at the rows and rows of bare shelves. This place had been picked over pretty thoroughly.

"Alright let's slip up. Rufus, with me, Theta go with Kayden. Let's take twenty minutes to see what we can find and then head back. I'd rather not get caught in that storm brewing outside."

Rhys wasted no time after that, springing into action as he went in search of something useful. "Oi, mate, grab that bloody thing, will ya?" The corner of his mouth hitched upwards as he pointed towards a shopping cart. It was fairly obvious that he was teasing him, the British accent was surprisingly good coming out of his mouth and he blamed having had to listen to Rufus ramble on like an adorable --but mildly annoying-- puppy. Taking the cart, Rhys swiped the thirty or so cans sitting on the shelves into the basket. It made a lot of noise, more than was probably smart, but he didn't want to get caught out here for long. There was a noise from the back of the store and Rhys stilled, head tilting slightly as he listened. He put a finger to his lips, giving the other man a meaningful look before reaching towards the holster on his left side....only for there....not to be a holster....or a gun. A curse hurled it's way past his lips faster than a bullet. How stupid could he have been? He knew better than to charge in some place with no weapon.

Cold sweat trickled down his spine and his eyes narrowed as the rustling drew closer. Elongated fingers curled around the side of a shelf, a head peaking out that was draped in a mass of thick, tangled, black hair. Rhys swallowed, watching as the thing skittered across the floor. He had never seen something like it. At least it wasn't like any revenant he had seen. It moved across the floor on all fours, hunched and twisted in on itself. Rhys' arm rose slowly, pushing the Brit back behind him. Azure orbs narrowed in on the creature, almost daring it to come at him. He didn't have a gun. But that didn't mean he was completely defenseless.

"I'll take care of this. Just grab whatever you can."

† † †​

A frown pulled at his mouth, fingering the new holes in his jeans. The worst thing about not having a gun was that he had to let the thing get close and whatever it was had some pretty nasty claws on top of some gross ass breath. There were a couple claw marks on his face where blood beaded and dripped red in thin lines. None of his injuries were deep enough to be a concern, it just looked like he had gotten into a fight with some wild cats. Rhys nursed a cigarette as they walked, one hand in his pocket as Theta and Rufus pushed the carts. For originally thinking the place wasn't going to offer much, two cart fulls of random edible shit wasn't all that bad. Could have been worse. His head tilted up towards the sky, watching those storm clouds grow nearer.

"Hey....do you think we missed Christmas?" He asked, a bit pensive before finally bringing his attention back to the other three. It was a bit of a random question to ask and he was't entirely sure what brought it to mind. He missed the holiday. He had never really appreciated it enough in the world before and now that there weren't anymore old world customs...ironically he missed it. He missed the times he and Lawson would go bar hopping every new year. He missed the present exchanges. And although he didn't miss Monica as much, he missed those nights watching Christmas movies and drinking spiced wine. The mistletoe. The parties. Secret Santa....his mind trailed off for a moment as he looked over to the other survivors.

"We should have a Christmas party. It sounds stupid, but, it looks like we're going to be snowed in and we owe it to ourselves to relax right? Get to know one another? What better way than to do that than have a fuckin Christmas party?"

Rhys grinned around his cigarette, blowing a huff of smoke into the air. This might just be the best idea he had in a while. He twisted so that he was walking backwards, opening the doors for the carts. "Kayden, cupcake, you're in charge of finding a tree. They've gotta have one around here somewhere. Rufus, mate, see if you can write everyone's name down and put it in a bucket or some shit. And Theta, go tell the others that we're having a fuckin' party. I'm going to see if I can hunt down lights."

He gave them a crooked smile before striding off towards the back room.

There had to be lights and some generators around here somewhere.

[div class=text][/div][/div][/div][/div] [class=wrapper] background-color:#101419; box-sizing:border-box; color:#FFFFFF; display:inline-block; position:relative; width:100%; text-align: justify; [/class] [class=title] color: #b5b7b7; font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:3em; font-style:italic; padding:0; text-shadow:0 0 1em; margin-bottom: 10px; [/class] [class=box] margin:2em 1em; padding:2px 4px 0px; position:relative; [/class] [class=boxBg] box-sizing:content-box; height:100%; pointer-events:none; position:absolute; width:100%; [/class] [class=boxBgLarge] top:0; left:-5px; padding:0 4px; border:2px dotted rgba(255,255,255,.35); [/class] [class=boxBgTall] top:-8px;left:3px; padding:8px 0; width:calc(100% - 8px); height:100%; border:2px dotted rgba(255,255,255,.25); [/class] [class=boxBgMedium] top:-4px; left:-1px; padding:4px 0; border:2px solid rgba(255,255,255,.4); [/class] [class=boxInner] background-color: #242c38 ; overflow:hidden; margin:0.5em; [/class] [class=statusBox] box-sizing: border-box; border-right: 3px solid white; padding: 15px; float: left; max-width: 250px; margin: 0px 15px 15px 0px; [/class] [class=text] padding: 0px 15px 15px 15px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:0.8em; [/class] [class=statusText] font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 0.75em; margin-top: 5px; [/class] [class=characterPortrait] box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; border-radius: 20px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class name=characterPortrait state=hover] opacity: 0.5 [/class]
[div class=wrapper][div class=box][div class="boxBg boxBgLarge"][/div][div class="boxBg boxBgTall"][/div][div class="boxBg boxBgMedium"][/div][div class=boxInner][div class=statusBox][div class=characterPortrait][/div][div class=statusText]Location: Lowes Home Improvement Store
Tags: Cara Cara Beleth Beleth [/div][/div][div class=title]James[/div][div class=text]The woman raised her hand and returned his wave, her other hand not on the gun anymore but close. He wasn't worried about it she would've attacked, or whatever, already. Or maybe she wouldn't have, with the all the people behind James. Either way he wasn't worrying, always believing in the good in people and also knowing he and his group could very well protect themselves.

“Ahoy mate! Fancy seein’ a new critter ‘bout these parts, ey? Friendly, I take it?” James looked over at Rufus, who was walking over to greet the newcomer as well. Everything James knew about this man so far seemed nice, he believed they would've become friends just as quickly as he had with some of the others, but sadly Rufus had turned up at a bad moment. "Not sure about the friendly part yet, but seems like it." James cast his gaze back at the stranger, a weak smile on his lips.

“Cmon then, we dun bite! ‘Least not I. Do yew, lad?” Goddamnit Rufus. James almost had to laugh, but he could restrain himself. It was a mixture of the accent and the choice of words what made this just great. James loved it, so he looked over at Rufus with a smirk and jumped on, "Well ... I do, but just occasionally. And only if the person asked for it." Now he laughed, short and deep out his throat. This was nice again, he got his mind of off things. He put the cigarette back between his lips and was going to savor the last bits of it.

thank you for the offer, I won’t shoot anyone without a reason be sure of that. I'm just trying to stay alive and I suppose you guys are doing the same.” She answered Rufus and after she had talked James relaxed even more. It was always nice to meet someone new without getting into a fight. "Pretty much, but we're trying to make more out off it." He pressed the sentence out through his lips after he blew out some smoke, cigarette still in his mouth as he talked.

“ my car broke down not far from here, I saw the store and thought I’d check it out, didn't know you guys were here” James slowly shook his head, his expression friendly and bright when it wasn't covered by smoke lingering in the air. "There's enough for all of us, I guess. The rest of our group is pretty friendly too, so you don't have to worry." About her next words, he thought for a moment, flicking the cigarette butt away. "We could use medical supplies or food I guess ... we have a few people that could take a look at your car. I don't think anybody would mind if you stayed here for the night too. But I guess you should meet the others first." James turned around to start walking away, before he stopped and looked over his shoulder. "Are you coming or what?" [/div]
[div class=text][/div][/div][/div][/div] [class=wrapper] background-color:#000000; box-sizing:border-box; color:#FFFFFF; display:inline-block; position:relative; width:100%; text-align: justify; [/class] [class=title] color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:3em; font-style:italic; padding:0; text-shadow:0 0 1em; margin-bottom: 10px; [/class] [class=box] margin:2em 1em; padding:2px 4px 0px; position:relative; [/class] [class=boxBg] box-sizing:content-box; height:100%; pointer-events:none; position:absolute; width:100%; [/class] [class=boxBgLarge] top:0; left:-5px; padding:0 4px; border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.35); [/class] [class=boxBgTall] top:-8px;left:3px; padding:8px 0; width:calc(100% - 8px); height:100%; border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.25); [/class] [class=boxBgMedium] top:-4px; left:-1px; padding:4px 0; border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.4); [/class] [class=boxInner] background-color: #000000; overflow:hidden; margin:0.5em; [/class] [class=statusBox] box-sizing: border-box; border-right: 3px dotted white; padding: 15px; float: left; max-width: 250px; margin: 0px 15px 15px 0px; [/class] [class=text] padding: 0px 15px 15px 15px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:0.8em; [/class] [class=statusText] font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 0.75em; margin-top: 5px; [/class] [class=characterPortrait] box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; border-radius: 20px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class name=characterPortrait state=hover] opacity: 0.5 [/class]
Simjang Kim
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Secret Santa: Christmas Special
Interacting With: None

Location: Lowe's Home Improvement

Mood: Cheerful

Equipped With: Ax

Kim entered the store as she was looking for a fire ax. She found a map on what aisle it could be. The woman proceeded to aisle and searched for an ax. It was mostly her trying to find the pretty one among the bunch. As she lost hope in finding the 'one' for her, the Korean finally found an ax suitable to her taste. It was sharp enough for her and it's both sides had sharp edges. She grabbed it and explored the store more.

While she was exploring the building, she found a small teddy bear. Kim picked it up and examined it as she held it in her hand. It was holding a small flower on one hand which made her feel like it would be a good gift for a person. She grabbed it and put it inside her backpack. She noticed that she still had a dress inside the bag, still not stained and could be worn. It was a simple dress with black sequins covering it when flipping it, revealing a rainbow underneath it.. She went back to the entrance and sat down at a chair while resting her arms at a table.

Code by @Beauty_Belle

[Class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments // //and do no show up in the final design,// // these are to help you find everything easily// //and explain some code as well. // // These comments must be with in a class or script tags// // in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images// // # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes// // or color codes.// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
code// // When typing responses to rps, be aware that when you press enter// // it will not show that you did. you'll have to use the
tags// // Square sized images also will look best// // but if you have a non square image it'll still work// // Don't worry// [/class] [class=Info] Font-Family:Special Elite; color:Black; padding:20px; padding-bottom:5px; background-color:#e1dcc6; width:65%; margin: Auto; // This is the mainly background and the font// // If the Font does not show up // // use the typical bbc font tag in one area to make it show up// // you'll notice I've done so with the Name// // I don't know why it won't work 100% of the time with out doing this// // but since its just a simple thing to add// // I figured it wasn't to much to do to get the font I wanted// //if you want a more modern look I suggest using the font Anonymous Pro// //just don't forget to change it in the font tag on the name so it'll work// [/class] [class=Line] border-bottom: 1px SOLID #000000; //this is the line under each section // To get the double line I just added a style to it// //as you'll be able to see below// [/class] [div class=Info][Div class="Line" style="border-top: 1px SOLID #000000; height:3px;"][/div]

Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda Cara Cara cinnabuns cinnabuns Mirgris Mirgris
[Div class="Line"][/div] Mentioned:
Nik, Rhys, Namri, David, Niylah
[Div class="Line"][/div] Loaction:
[Div class="Line"][/div]

Ruffles & Nightmare Girl [Div class="Line"][/div]
"I am happy to have meet others in that fight, but a lot of people died who didn't have to. I was going to kill a few every night, sneaking in, in a few days many of them would of ran, they would of argued and fight, broken up the group. I mean, maybe it's a foolish hope, but maybe a few of them would of turned their lives around" The cosplayer seemed rather upset. Poor lad. If Rufus hadn’t know better, David had been just like the others who had come together before finding this common group: Cold, alone and even a smidge of afraid. Distance coated the individual as he spoke, taking a few moments to look at himself. Lifting up an armored elbow, helmet shifting with his more frail head (at least in comparison to the metallic protection), he continued with a matter of acceptance to the current circumstances, his dagger tucked securely into his belt. "I am happy to have meet others in that fight, but a lot of people died who didn't have to. I was going to kill a few every night, sneaking in, in a few days many of them would of ran, they would of argued and fight, broken up the group. I mean, maybe it's a foolish hope, but maybe a few of them would of turned their lives around" “Truf be told, lad.” Rufus began again. Words slow, careful as opposed to his typical wreckless speech. The knight was well armed, cautious and even ready to leap at anything that had proven itself to be less than unsuspecting. He had also come to learn that some individuals had a hard time deciphering his speech. It did not come as a surprise to him considering those back home - the posh ones especially - had to carry some sort of dictionary to interact even so much as a few sentences. “Killin’ normally would be a bit of a sin in me own set of laws, mate. But ‘ere . . . ‘ere tha laws are a bit different. Killin’s tha way t’make sure yer not tha one tha’s bein’ evenin’ dinnah.” The analogy of comparing survival to being someone else’s cannibalistic dinner was a bit far fetched and even exaggerated, truth be told; but it was the only way he could perceive it. From what he had gathered during the rescue exponanza, those raider people were planning on feeding human beings to . . .who knows what. Only explanation had to be other human beings. The way those villains carried themselves and slashed through fighters as though pigs about to be sent to the slaughterhouse . . .it was the only thing he could honestly gather. “I wouldn’t suggest goin’ ‘bout killin’ otha’s all willy nilly, ‘owever, lad. Found a ratha scary bunch, people bunchin’ like a ‘hole lot of ants guardin’ togetha.” David had proposed gathering supplies to which Rufus quickly agreed. What, exactly, would they need in the middle of a winter apocalypse? Surely, they’d be in need of warmth, shelther, food, water and weapons. Beyond that was above him. The lad had gone on about making weapons of his own, reforming his armor - he truly was into his knightly character, wasn’t he? “Right, err, nofin’ personal mate. But I wouldn’t know a fireplace t’forge yer . . . armory if it hit me in tha face; an’ as of late tha’s been a lot of fings.” Rufus continued walking beside David, Niylah’s voice immediately catching his attention once more. “thank you for the offer, I won’t shoot anyone without a reason be sure of that. I'm just trying to stay alive and I suppose you guys are doing the same.” my car broke down not far from here, I saw the store and thought I’d check it out, didn't know you guys were here” I have a lot of useful things you may need, and I can offer a trade, medical supplies or food for someone to take a look at my car? or maybe share the store for the night? I seem to have alot of both” The lass seemed sweet, genuine even. She had offered just the right things at an even better time; Rufus just had a tendency to hurry. Normally he’d have a place to be at a certain time. Nothing more insulting than keeping people waiting even if they were late themselves. By the time she had presented the medical supplies and food Rufus had been up ahead and constantly on his feet. There was an army to tend to, after all. While the obvious leaders had it under control, he himself sought to just sealing in the cracks of possible mishaps - despite being the devil of adversity himself. Rufus did, however, pause for a split moment to give Niylah his full attention - even if it was brief. “Sounds brilliant!” Beaming from cheek to cheek, the brit could feel himself instantly relieved with the offer. “I would’a offahed you a place anyhow, luv and somebeing ta work wif if not meself. Family’s tha best way t’survivin’ these unfortunate times, yeah? Com’on in!” Without another word, Rufus once more made an attempt to go into the hardware store. "I'm going to head into that store across the street and would appreciate some back up." IIt was honestly as though the prophet had been following the yellow brick road that led to an illusionary city. For every time he made his way to help the others, someone new was in need of assistance. Not that that was a bad thing, persay but it would have been nice to go in to warm up, find a fire as David had previously mentioned and settle before rolling around on the ice on a ridable lawn mower Rufus knew for sure would be up and running as soon as it was placed in a type of heated environment; at least out of the snow. To his diagonal right had been the leader, Rhys, asking for the assistance. Helping was most certainly something Rufus couldn’t turn down simply because it was a pleasure to be around and offer a few extra hands. Hopefully ‘back up’ didn’t entail more fighting after what they had just gotten through but if it did, well, there was certainly no avoiding it. Walking over the prophet waved a hand to volunteer. "I'm Rhys by the way." “Rufus, lad. A pleasuah. I’ll be honoured t’be of assistance, mate.” After introductions had gotten through, Rufus quickly learned that Rhys was the type to get going and crunch down on the need-to-do’s. Something the individual could learn to appreciate. Within minutes of the get to know yous and who does what, Rufus had been assigned to accompany Rhys - Nik’s boyfriend - to assist him. Grumbles and knots formed within the younger individual’s stomach. Though, he couldn’t exactly pinpoint why. Had he been intimidated by the lad? Jealous? Suspicious? None of the feelings seemed to have identified what he was feeling. Rufus made the decision to put aside his current emotional state for later diagnosis. "Oi, mate, grab that bloody thing, will ya?" Normally he wouldn’t have minded the imitation but something didn’t sit right. It wasn’t fair of him to let some individuals goof around with playfully bantering with the accent and shun others for it but Rufus couldn’t shrug off a crawling feeling of uneasiness. Shaking his head once, the prophet once again dismissed the feelings. Lad was being nice, playful. Least he could do is return the gesture. Lips parted into a child-like grin, Rufus grabbed the items Rhys had asked for and tossed each individual article with care. “Catch,” he brimmed, chuckling lightly. Feeling the laughter leave his chest hurt a bit. It didn’t feel as real. It felt more feigned, forced. Odd considering Rufus was doing his utmost best to keep everyone and everything light hearted and comfortable as possible. “Yew got a list or somefin, mate?” The prophet could feel the weight of his hairs shift to one side as he tilted his head inquisitively. What exactly were they going for? Food? Supplies? Within arm’s reach Rufus had come across a plushed bear. Fluffy, soft, albeit dusty but pleasant to look at nonetheless. As soon as they had reached that part of the shelf, the prophet swiftly made a grab for the accessory and tucked it within his windbreaker, raising his shoulders to warm himself and the bear up. Again, his insecurities seemed to have both heightened and vanished at the sight of Rhys quickly falling silent, a rare frown protruding his brown and lips. A cold sweat glimmered on the side of the leader’s face which prompted a chill of his own. What . . .mouthed the prophet, green-blue orbits darting in a direction just to find a shadowy figure passing by in the far distance. Fuck, was there someone else here? Had they heard them raiding the supermarket? If these individuals were anything like the former Wild Ones . . . . . . no, that couldn’t be the case. Those previous foes were much louder even if they had intended to sneak about. Minutes felt like grueling eons as the cart’s ear shrilling squeak undoubtedly gave them away. Rhys’ pensive state drifted his attention away from the fears and doubts and onto something the brit genuinely considered as something more important than just grappling on for his dear life. "Hey....do you think we missed Christmas?" Granted, it would be hard to celebrate Christmas buried beneath the snow’s unforgiving grave but it was a thought to consider nonetheless. Something about the world officially ending but still celebrating the holiday that emphasizes on unity and birth warmed Rufus inside. Hell, the fact that someone as callous looking as the lad took time out of all this to even remotely think about observing this special day. “Not at all mate,” Rufus’ voice cracked a bit at the thought of nearly missing Christmas, “‘s a mattah o’fact, I fink it came roight on time.” Rhys looked in his direction briefly, as if reading his mind. "We should have a Christmas party. It sounds stupid, but, it looks like we're going to be snowed in and we owe it to ourselves to relax right? Get to know one another? What better way than to do that than have a fuckin Christmas party?" Smart lad. Being given his own special role actually made Rufus feel even a bit better toward the male. Nothing significant but most definitely an improvement. “Considah it done, mate!” With an added salute, the prophet beamed another genuine smile. Considering the fact that he was in charge of names was going to be a cinch. He had already learned most of their names either during the rescue party or within the RV and names was one of the few things he could remember without fail. Nearby there had also been a roll of toilet paper. Why leave such a fine bundle sitting on the shelf? What if someone . . . crapped . . .themselves? Rufus chuckled a bit at his immaturish obscene joke for a moment as he grabbed the item, a sharpie pen not too far from it. Within seconds, the prophet had squatted down and amateurishly started to scribble each and every name he could remember. One name per square paper. Today was going to be fucking brilliant. x x x x Edana had been so damned sure she was going to win the carting competition. That is, up until Niklas had taken off miles ahead of her within seconds of the silently understood ‘go’ signal. Socks slicking and slipping around, the goth used her heels to get friction to get herself going and to catch up. Wheels of the cart bumped several times at the mercy of loose articles rummaging between, causing the witch to swerve and manuever in ways questionable to the dark nature of the hardware store. A warm but clammy hand reached for the edge of her elbow which almost caused the witch to instinctively jab the joint into the captive extension. The hand shifted to her shoulders which caused for panic within the youngest individual. A shrill shamefully left her lips as her legs kicked back against her chest, knees bent and toes curled at the edge in some sort of hesitant adrenaline. “Niklas what’re you doing!?” Edana let out, turning her shoulders and her upper torso to avoid any collision with aisle items. “It was supposed to be a race! Now we’re going to both get ourselves hurt--!” Not that she cared, of course not. But injuries after Namri spent so much time healing everyone back up would be no better than walking in with muddied shoes after a freshly cleaned floor. They swerved around the corner, her arm making contact with one of the shelves briefly in the form of a thud. Edana winced slightly more out of surprise rather than pain as Nik pushed her harder, faster as though she were some sort of child on a swingset. The female had to admit. It was nice to not really think of much when someone else was doing the work. Balancing herself on her tailbone and hugging her knees, Edana took in the breeze that rushed past them with chuckles silenced by the artificial wind. Within what felt like moments later, the witch had been in the air, held by the waist (to which she really wanted to kick someone for both being handled and curse herself for being so lightweight) only to be placed back down, clatters of paint upon contact signaling a sign of a life saving experience. Had it not been for the grown male, her legs would have slit open to the metal and possibly resulted in some sort of tetanus related injury. Edana silently thanked Nik, gripping to him once with soft pants at the realization, the incident concluding their fun. Nik had told Edana to put her heels on but truth be told she felt liberated without them. No blistering feet, constant life or death balancing on the balls, having to worry about the clicking giving herself away. Not to mention, she could slip and slide all over the store if she wanted. Hell, she could even implement this type of fun into her fighting routine! Imagine sliding around when fighting others, it would be incessentantly confusing for the opponent. “I lost them.” She lied as she followed him out into the snow, immediately regretting it. The RV was warm to be around, even more so to be within. On the way over, Nik had thanked her for her company to which the goth replied with an unnaturally warm smile, rubbing her hands together as she followed him into the vehicle. Namri, as always had been looking after the individuals so valiantly. They had been in much better condition than when they initially left. Edana looked in her direction, offering a small ‘thank you’ for her services as she came over, rummaging into her lolita-like dress pockets. “It is not much but consider it the start of a token of my thank you for assisting the fallen, Namrata.” Holding out the palm of her hand had been a package of oreoes that had been snagged from what was once a checkout station as well as a pristinely wrapped set of disposable tools perfect for any immediate self defense. “We are within your debt.”
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large.jpg Niylah Blake
Location: Lowes Home Improvement Store
Interactions: Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater , Lakyr Lakyr , Beleth Beleth , Mirgris Mirgris

The first man who noticed Niylah wasn't at all threatened by her gun, he made few funny comments when the other man started speaking and Niylah gave a silent laughed when he said that he bites occasionally and then laughed himself. They all seemed friendly and Niylah needed to smile and talk to someone since she didn't talk to anyone these past few days. When Niylah mentioned that her intentions didn't involve shooting anyone they all seemed to relax "Pretty much, but we're trying to make more out off it." the man answered her. She didn't know about their situation but she was almost sure that this statement was not for her... she kept having this stupid feeling of wanting to give up these last few days, she just didn't know why. Maybe it was because of the Vamps in Oklahoma, 'stupid car' she found herself thinking. pushing the thought away she gave a smile and a nod to the man agreeing with what he said but she could’nt say anything about this subject. "There's enough for all of us, I guess. The rest of our group is pretty friendly too, so you don't have to worry." He said when Niylah mentioned her car. It was nice of them offering her help for nothing even though they didn't really know her, but she wanted to give them an offer in return, after all she had enough food and medical supplies for both trading and sharing. The other two men started walking again as she was proposing her offer. They didn't seem to mind her being there at all, though the man who talked to her earlier seemed to listen to every word she said “Sounds brilliant!, I would’a offahed you a place anyhow, luv and somebeing ta work wif if not meself. Family’s tha best way t’survivin’ these unfortunate times, yeah? Com’on in!” he told her with a smile, she smiled back to him as a thank you but didn’t answer. Funny how the word family meant survival to him and a threat to her. After Maya’s death, family was a red line to Niylah ‘ if you love someone they die’ she thought letting her smile fade and her guard down for a second and then going back to reality as another man walked by them and mentioned going to the store across the street and needing backup, he also introduced himself as Rhys to the two men as they walked with him. Niylah tried to keep the same smile on her face and turned to the first man who was now thinking about her offer "We could use medical supplies or food I guess ... we have a few people that could take a look at your car. I don't think anybody would mind if you stayed here for the night too. But I guess you should meet the others first." He replied as he turned around "Are you coming or what?" with that he started walking. Niylah nodded and followed him raising her pace just enough to get closer to him “ that would be lovely thanks” she replied as she came to his side “ My name is Niylah by the way” she said with a smile.

Location: Lowe's home improvement warehouse

Alaska Roberts

Focus.....Harder......Shit..That definitely wasn't working.
The frustration showed on her face while she stood in front a shelf filled with electric drills. For the past half hour Alaska tried to move one of them using telekinesis but to no avail. The crappy things wouldn't even budge. Why was is so easy when she was at the veterinary? She didn't even have to think about it. At first, the young hunter had believed her soul had been tainted, she thought she had become afflicted. But when no other sign of affliction seemed to show on her, she wondered about the possibility of her mother's witch blood, was she a witch? There was no other apparent explanation to that. Alaska shuddered at the thought of not knowing her entire life.
''Fuck'' Pain and frustration boiled inside of her as she kicked one of the shelves, resulting in a stinging pain that shot through her left big toe. Alaska sighed and continued strolling around the shop for something useful.

''Woooh there!'' A rolling device, holding two figures passed by her, laughter resounding in the empty store. NIk's magical grin lighting up his face and Edana's laughter and new founded happiness completely radiating. The scene forced a full smile out of the young hunter who shook her head and shouted after the dynamic duo to be careful or else they'll break their necks. No matter what happened, no matter the amount of crap they went through, this group seemed to always find a way to have fun, Alaska appreciated every single second of it.
BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda Beleth Beleth

On her way out, and at the entrance the young hunter spotted one of the new group members sitting at a table, a teddy bear resting next to the woman's bag. With a faint smile she stated that the teddy bear looked quite lovely, told the woman who looked a little bored that her name was Alaska, and that the crazy people who were just outside of the hardware store would be more than happy to share some stories with her if she wanted. With another smile she made her way outside. She hugged herself surprised at the sudden chill in the air.
thefinalgirl thefinalgirl

"Who the fuck invited Sir Galahad? What, I get kidnapped and you guys start recruiting the medieval times?" Resisting the urge to snort at Rhys' statement Alaska shot the blessed a scolding look unable to conceal her smile then turned her gaze towards the man with the helmet. A very weird one that was, indeed...But then again, running a quick check on the awkwardness of the rest of her group, starting with herself the young hunter felt that everyone was entitled to their eccentricity, especially during the end of the world. ''Almost everything he says is covered with a thick coat of sarcasm...But he wouldn't hesitate a fraction of a second to save his friends'' Her mind wondered of to the night they took Rhys away, another shudder ran through her. ''My name is Alaska..Welcome to the madness we call a family'' her voice was soft, audible, and she flashed the masked man a wide smile before running off towards Rufus and James who were apparently talking to new stranger.
Mirgris Mirgris Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater

The new girl had long blond shiny hair, and a big confident smile. She seamed a little bit older than the young hunter and was offering medical supplies, and food. Alaska's stomach made a weird sound indicating that it would be grateful to anyone who'd be kind enough to give her any kind of food right now. After all she didn't really like the service and food of hotel abduction....especially since they WERE the food......
James....Ever so kind and caring, such a gentleman, even with people who were about to shoot him with their gun. Alaska didn't hold a grudge against the new girl, Niylah.. If the roles were reversed she would have been as reserved as the blonde was....Perhaps even more.

There's enough for all of us, I guess. The rest of our group is pretty friendly too, so you don't have to worry. We could use medical supplies or food I guess ... we have a few people that could take a look at your car. I don't think anybody would mind if you stayed here for the night too. But I guess you should meet the others first."
They both started walking towards the store, where Alaska stood with hands behind her back, looking at the two with a smile ''I'll take a look at your car in the morning'' She shrugged. The young hunter wasn't the best mechanic, but with all the supplies in the hardware store, and the other cars scattered around in the parking lot there had to be something to do. ''I'm Alaska.'' Jeez I've introduced myself so much that my name feels weird when i say it. Alaska... Aaaaalaaasskaaa... Alllllllllllaska. Where was I, Focus Her mind seemed to wander off for a second before she composed herself again with a small cough. ''Welcome to the group, I hope you decide to stay, the more badass people we get, the less chance of getting killed by some random hell spawn.'' With that, the young hunter made her way back to the hardware store.
Lakyr Lakyr Cara Cara


Inside again, Alaska ventured towards the back of the store, to the staff rooms. MANAGER the letters were elegantly glued to the door. The young hunter pushed it open and went in.
The room was quite small, consisting of a white desk in the middle, a picture frame of a middle aged man with two kids who appeared to be twin girls in their teens, and an unopened bottle of rum standing invitingly on the table. Rhys! He instantly popped into her head as a giant smile plastered on her face. It would be a great gift, to thank him for saving her life back there......She would tell him that if he pulls that shit again she'd kill him but for now, saying thank you was overdue......Plus, she did want to apologize for drawing attention towards him and Nik earlier.

Holding the bottle, like a precious treasure, Alaska placed it in her backpack -which someone handed to her at the RV- and got out of the sad looking manager room and back into the store, unable to hide the smile on her face. She wanted to ask one of the other witches -someone more experienced than herself- to help her with her telekinesis.....Someone other than the new witch...Allea... The scary one. That woman had a different air to the way she walked, so much confidence, pride, something that scared Alaska on a social level, and for now, she'd decided to avoid her.

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[div class=statusText] Location: Jingle Blacksmith
BGM: Forge!
Sheet: Sheet
Interactions: Beleth Beleth Cara Cara @Chise_Robin_
[div class=statusText][/div][/div][div class=title]Of redneck engineering and improvised forges[/div][div class=text]

"Who the fuck invited Sir Galahad? What, I get kidnapped and you guys start recruiting the medieval times?"
David stiffens with a bolt of anger flying through him and he ignores that, he has just risked his life to aid these people, to be insulted, what good would responding do? His gunatleted fist tightens and his shadow grows just a hair larger and darker for a moment. The ungrateful little shit. He could of left them, he could of let them fight alone, he could of used the chaos to slip away, he choose to hold his ground and help them with their battle. He showed honor even as he is turning into a demon. Fuck him. It's not worth addressing and full plate hides any reaction quite well.

''Almost everything he says is covered with a thick coat of sarcasm...But he wouldn't hesitate a fraction of a second to save his friends''
''My name is Alaska..Welcome to the madness we call a family''

In a flash the anger is gone, his shoulders drop just a tiny bit and he sighs quietly. "Ah, fair enough. It is good to meet you Alaska, I am David. No one has ever called me Sir before and the armor is just a matter of practicality.Well it certainly is an interesting group you have here to say the least"

David is 6'1 before the boots and full plate. Yet, when he notices the young lady talking to rufus look at him he feels taller, an odd sensation. He gives a wave to her. "Good to see another outsider" He says as greeting before turning and walking away into the lowes quickly. Rufus is called away and he is once again on his own. He makes it a dozen steps inside before realizing what he did. He had once again filled his armor with solid shadow, making himself taller and larger. -Why- though he ask himself as he starts to walk? To intimidate her? Well that would serve a practical purpose, she is a stranger, but so is everyone so that doesn't seem right. He could have been trying to intimidate everyone, for many it was the first time seeing him and for those on the RV they would be seeing him standing for the second time. He nods to himself that would make tactical sense, be a little more imposing, slightly less likely for them to attack him. He shrugs as he walks. No that isn't it. It fits, and would of been clever, but it's wrong he doesn't plan to fight these people he isn't playing mind games. Then why? He grabs a shopping cart and starts walking as he thinks.

He goes through aisles one at a time, he has a list of components he needs to set up if he wants to do some forging, which if he can't find enough of it isn't even worth robbing the store. He plays with shadow as he walks, having it make the form of a 2d dog on the floor following him. He misses dogs he thinks and as he turns to check a shelf the shadow falls apart back to it's natural state. He stops, and looks at the shadow, he didn't do that, or at least not consciously. Shadow manipulation, had become a routine thing for him, like using a fork or a pen it wasn't something he thought about anymore. It was an extension of himself in many ways.

So if he doesn't think about his usage of shadow, what prompted his unconscious usage before? Well, if the shadow is an extension of self, if it's just more exaggeration of what he would of done anyway, what prompted him to stand tall and large, to flex essentially. He stops again and throws his helmed head into his gauntlets. Flexing... He was flexing... for a girl. The shadow just helped him flex more. It was the demon magic equivalent of shoving a sock in your speedo.He sighs deeply and groans to himself before giving a few dry chuckles trying to shake off the realization.

Luckily he finds one thing he needs to distract himself. "Okay, a bunch of canned air, normally worthless because computers are gone, but for me, well I don't need a bellows if I can shove a bunch of air directly into the bottom of a fire. Good, now that's done, I need a place to put the fire, material to burn, and ideally the right type of metal" He throws several of the cans into his shopping cart along with a pack of zip ties.

He goes down several more aisles picking up a few minor odds and ends. He breaks a few pallets down for wood and throws the chunks and boards into the cart. He grabs a series of titanium drill bits. Without power drills they are worthless, unless you have a forge capable of working titanium, which he isn't sure he can do, but he is willing to try. "Charcoal burns at a max of 700 Celsius, I need 600 Celsius to work titanium, that means I need a pretty damn optimal fire to use this stuff. " He frowns from inside his helmet as he mutters to himself.

Still he hauls his loot to the fire place section and starts dragging an area clear for himself. He needs to find the right fire place components to make a place to contain the heat. He after several minutes manages to get a spot clear and stacks three fire pits on top of each other, throwing a few bricks around them in a circle to hold them steady as well as quick epoxy to hold them together and seal in the heal. With that done he gets to working on the cans of air with his zip ties, he takes several moments to fashion it so that if he pulls on one all of the will spray air. He works the thin red tube nozzle underneath the lowest bricks so he has a way to quickly add more oxygen to the fire.

He throws in his wood chunks with some cardboard and paper and starts a fire, he first needs to burn the wood to charcoal, then burn the charcoal. So he has several minutes to waste seeing nothing else to do he sits down on another fire pit that he dragged a few feet away and watches the wood burn. He will wave and welcome any company that finds him, but until the fire burns to charcoal he is stuck.

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[Class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments // //and do no show up in the final design,// // these are to help you find everything easily// //and explain some code as well. // // These comments must be with in a class or script tags// // in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images// // # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes// // or color codes.// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
code// // When typing responses to rps, be aware that when you press enter// // it will not show that you did. you'll have to use the
tags// // Square sized images also will look best// // but if you have a non square image it'll still work// // Don't worry// [/class] [class=Info] Font-Family:Special Elite; color:Black; padding:20px; padding-bottom:5px; background-color:#e1dcc6; width:85%; margin: Auto; // This is the mainly background and the font// // If the Font does not show up // // use the typical bbc font tag in one area to make it show up// // you'll notice I've done so with the Name// // I don't know why it won't work 100% of the time with out doing this// // but since its just a simple thing to add// // I figured it wasn't to much to do to get the font I wanted// //if you want a more modern look I suggest using the font Anonymous Pro// //just don't forget to change it in the font tag on the name so it'll work// [/class] [class=Line] border-bottom: 1px SOLID #000000; //this is the line under each section // To get the double line I just added a style to it// //as you'll be able to see below// [/class] [div class=Info][Div class="Line" style="border-top: 1px SOLID #000000; height:3px;"][/div]

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cinnabuns cinnabuns Anise Anise Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda BELIAL. BELIAL.
[Div class="Line"][/div] Mentioned:
Rhys, Nik, Allea, Namri, Penny, Ryan, Reina
[Div class="Line"][/div] Loaction:
[Div class="Line"][/div]

Ruffles- Secret Santa | Nightmare Girl- Secret Santa [Div class="Line"][/div]

Monsters, raiders, thieves and whatnot. These were the kinds of things that roamed about the market halls and even more-so the world today. To hell with being able to relax. Relaxation was the one more thing their current universal circumstance could not grant them. Thoughts continued to haunt Rufus as he wrote the last name on the toilet paper sheet, a flushed heat wave imploding across the tops of his cheeks, the prophet huffed once at his own insolence, shaking off current emotional affairs.

It had been done.

Every last bit of the name written and folded into a modestly raggedy hat that once served the purpose of a sports cap. “Oi, lad. All done!” Rufus called out, swallowing hard at himself. “I’m just ‘bout ready ta hand ‘em out!” The prophet looked once at the leader as he sauntered enthusiastically to find lights off in the back of the store. Turning his head, Rufus measured the distance between the shop they were in and the RV. If he had ran fast enough he could be out, passing the hat about and begin the secret santa that Rhys had seemed so passionate about. The twinkling that brought upon the male tugged a slight smile at the corner of Rufus’ lips, setting a type of dormant energy he had no idea had been bubbling within him. A deep inhale followed by an elongated exhale. Then he was off.

Converse squeaking and squawking against the multi stained marbled as Rufus made his way past the pseudo-working automatic doors, shouting behind him some sort of garble along the lines of how he’d be back soon. Those names had to be sorted out, stat. A tender, red bitten hand covered the top of the cap to prevent the villainous blistering breeze from shooing away all of his hard work. All of his twenty something names mixed into a dingy hat that most wouldn’t care to look twice at. First stop: The RV. A slight giddiness came and went in a passing, nauseating energy. Just the thought of secret santas, receiving a ticket - possibly someone you perceive as close to yourself - exchanging gifts. It was all too much and yet not enough. Numbed fingertips pried at the vehicle’s cracked doors, peering his head in. The blessed doctor, The blood witch, The roguish blonde, the white witch and the rebellious hunter. All had been congregated very similar to a bunch of carollers huddled together for warmth.

“Ahoy,” began the brit, a foot on the dock of the platform within the RV, thick rubbery toes pressed behind him, “We’re gettin’ a festivitiy goin’ fer tha ‘olidays. One’a ‘em gonna be secret santa. So go on an’ pick one!” Rufus extended an arm out in the others’ direction, using a free hand to pick a name for himself. “ ‘ere, I’ll go first.” The paper between his fingers had felt nonexistent as he fumbled the thinned paper wipes, thumb sliding the flap open. Eyes flickered for a moment before shoving the name into his back pocket.

As soon as the names had been picked, the brit nodded once to the group in a generic manner before skidding off toward Lowes to do the same, have them pick out names of their own before placing the cap on the ground for anyone who had not gotten a chance to do so.

Once everyone had been settled with their names chosen from the fabricated cap of - to some - heart wrenching anxiety, Rufus kicked a heel and made his way off to the side. Fingers clawing into the rims of his pocket to resurface his own name that had been revealed to himself earlier. Eyes frozen on the sheet, Rufus could feel the color running from his face like some sort of old timey cartoon. Blimey, Caleb was going to have his fucking head. Eyes gazing in Reina’s direction, another muster of mixed emotion rushed throughout the prophet’s entire being. She had been one of the three that the youngin had found himself to admire especially.

She, Niklas and even Allea despite the strong opinions most had of her. She held her own and without a care in the world. While sexist thinking was most certainly not in his thesaurus of thought-processes, he could not help but loop back to the disadvantages that females especially had in this world. His human gendered countered parts, sure, had every capability in their bones to outmatch men. That was not his concern. Rather, it was the amount of foes that they probably came across just because they ‘appeared’ weak or just the sheer tomfoolery that was received based off of generations worth of preconceived notions and poor teachings. Something about Allea, what he saw, proved him otherwise. Men seemed to have some sort of intimidation when around the witch. Countering with curses and banter, Allea showed absolutely no signs of backing down. It was amazing.

As far as Reina and Niklas went. Well, those were set for another time. No one liked a smotherly person. To keep things lighthearted, straightforward and his nose overall clean, Rufus had decided to grant Reina something simple yet practical. Come to think of it more, he had not really spoken to Caleb much. Had they conversed a few times and maybe even made a few inside jokes, the prophet would have considered being a bit more lively with his gift giving. On the other hand, he did not want to cheat Reina out of a holiday experience. The female had done so much to keep the motherly role going. Much to his own admittance, there have been quite a few knickknacks that the grocery store had offered. Perhaps she and Caleb could benefit off of his gift?

Relief instantly swept over the brit as he made his way over to the hunter. “ ‘allo, luv.” Offering a small salute, Rufus reached into a small bag that he had brought with himself from the shop across the street. “Picked a name an’ got yew fer me secret santa. Wild ainnit?” Eyes locked onto his descended hand, fingers sunken into a fabricated material as he pulled out a softly knitted fleece blanket. Thumb on top of the gift, pulling out the item and extending his arm in her direction. “Merry Christmas, luv.” Words quiet, gentle and with an inkling of warmth, Rufus smiled a smile that would make baby deities smile down upon them. “Fought tha wintah ‘s a bit blisterin’ out. Maybe yew an’ Caleb can take turns wif it. Or togetha. Yew know.” Chuckles left the individual, thoughts of possible jealousy before melting away. He would have no problem just becoming close friends with the huntress. “Had we not been in a crapocalypse, this would be far more than a snuggle buggin’ tool.” Smile softened, eyes rounded at the thought of their simpler lives briefed him for a moment. “Ah, an’ fanks. Fer all yew do. Yer a wondah t’ave around on tha team.” Rufus stepped forward, arms around in a warm hug to close his last words, keeping the contact curtailed but firm. Could he say he loved her? Would that be weird? Imposing? Perhaps given his mixed feelings toward her and the fact that she was in a relationship already it might have been inappropriate at the moment.

Biting the inside of his cheek, a nod instead was prompted before turning to make his exit, head numbed with warmth, hospitality and the overall nature of celebrating christmas at the end of their structural lives and the start of the chaotic ones.

Edana unraveled her paper with a feigned indifference. Just moments before Rufus had barged in so unwelcomingly, the witch had been striking up conversation with the fellow witch. Conversation within reason was somewhat pleasant as long as they had something in common to talk about. Here it was a handful of things: spells, the weather and even how cute Woofus was. Now, her attention had been forcibly redirected to this ‘secret santa’ nonsense. Bah humbug. Though her eyes suggested she was ready to murder someone’s puppy, her internal sense had been scrambling with anticipation and curiosity as to what could behold for her secret santa receiver.


Words written in a blue sharpie with an obnoxiously girly handwriting, the letters had blurred together on the . . . was that toilet paper? Bottoms of the witch’s eye lids twitched in unamusement. Yes, they were limited on resources . . . but toilet paper? Had the world’s paper supply vanished along with the rest of the universe? Edana heaved a sigh to add to her displeasure before looking to the others. “I have received my Secret Santa. However I am unsure who this individual is nor what he or she enjoys. Likewise, can anyone indicate which one is Kayden?” Quirking an eyebrow at any response given, Edana nodded twice. Her reaction wasn’t out of contempt toward the person but rather the situation as a whole. She did not like people as is. Now she had to give gifts to someone entirely new.

Rising to her feet, Edana had said her goodbyes to the small crowd that she had been sitting with for the past 45 minutes as she made her way toward the individual that had been chosen to receive a gift from her. The poor bastard. This would be the first time they interact and he (she?) would have to obtain a special present from the likes of her goth-like nature. She could always consider giving him an alternative to her usual choice of present when these social incidents arose. Somehow, the witch prodded with herself, people were not too keen on receiving an inscripted corpse with a letter saying ‘Happy Holidays’ engraved into the rotting flesh. As a matter of fact, humans had taken it in a rather hostile fashion, shouting profanities and spitting curses that they would eventually regret. Just this once, she could try for something a bit different.

Edana returned back to her once abandoned heels. Inside, rested a miniature knife pick-pocketed from one of the raiders earlier. It was going to be her backup weapon initially but given that there was nothing else that could come to mind for this secret present giving other than the very thing that rested within the palm of her hand. A drop of faded crimson red perspired into the outside world with a prick of her thumb. Edana’s eyes rested on the substance, no different than feeling a ball of sweat form from heat or chills when cold. It was all natural. A single drop of blood trickled onto the rustic blade before wiping the rest onto her soiled dress, incantations leaving the witch’s lips in a very hushed, eerie manner. The blade glowed once to match the nature of spectral like spell casting.

Rising back up to her feet, the witch had begun wandering the rest of lowes for some sort of gift wrapping paper. Beneath aisle 6 - the painting section - there had been painting protective paper; the kind to place over walls to keep certain areas from getting unwanted paint in places that were not meant to be. If only there were protective painting paper for humans. It would have to do. Grabbing the paper and cutting a piece, Edana had begun to wrap the hexed item into the paper, using the excess material to tie some sort of orgami bow. For what it was worth, she had hoped that this Kayden individual would be okay with her gift.

With help of her fellow . . . friends . . . she surmised the term was, she was able to locate the boy. A few years older than she and lightly sun kissed from head to toe, his persona was indeed soft on the eyes. Limbs and body stiffened, Edana approached Kayden, her hand grasping the coated blade. Was this too soon? Too quick? Was she supposed to wait a day or so to wait for everyone to receive their secret santa? Or was this appropriate. Her face had hardened into a pensive manner - most definitely not something to portray for first impressions. But still, she couldn’t help herself in the present moment.

“Merry Christmas, I suppose the saying goes.” Edana stood tall with all 4’8 of her height. 4’9 if she had managed to lift her head as far back as she could pull her shoulders. Presenting the crudely wrapped present, the witch had made a fleeting attempt to smile amicably before deciding the muscles in her face were just not going to have it. “I assume you have found out already but there is a secret santa going around. I have pulled your name entirely by random. I also understand that we have not so much as spoken before this very moment so I completely understand any form of discomfort now.” Her eyes darted to the off side. The social shaking have begun. She would have to make things brief. “Given that there is a scarce amount of resources, I have been led to no choice but to warn you ahead of time about this particular gift.” Edana paused, hesitating once. “The item I am about to grant you has been hexed. Treat it with care. In the event you are in a battle or caught off guard, simply pierce skin with this object and the hex will take care of the rest.” That was all she was going to say about the gift. Something told her that warning the individual about how the knife would cast an incantation and spread markings throughout the target like some sort of witchal virus and result in a bodily implosion seemed a bit . . . much. It was best that he would see it for himself. Another nod before she turned, preparing to make her way in the other direction once the conversation - if any - had ended.

Edana herself remained very reserved. Not particularly out of distaste for the sunkissed male but rather to preserve any doubts she could benefit from. Often her darker disposition . . . scared . . .others off. Though it was her point of most comfort, others around her would overtly disagree. The witch took the new circumstance to learn from previous criticism and at least keep her thoughts to herself. Her expressions of her deceased nature within as well as any fascination for the afterlife or her worship for Lucifer. Back turned now toward her previous converser, the goth could feel additional weight around her sunken eyes. Exhaustion was not the only thing that was pulling at the edge of her eyes. Isolation and the ginger weight of reality had begun to sit on her shoulders. Normally, the holidays would be a time of happiness but for the blood witch it was a token remembrance that they were - vulgarly put - fucked.

Truly and absolutely fucked. They had just been given a day as an excuse to not really think about it. In that case, then, she accepted the best course of action would to do just that.

Welcome the day, the tradition and bliss with open arms and Be Merry.

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[class=biggie] width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; clear:both; font-size:13px; color: #1d1b15; font-weight:100; display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; height: 100%; [/class] [class=whut]background: url(http://www.sabrinagarrasi.com/website/data/images/glimpses-of-horizon.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-attachment: fixed; padding:30px; [/class] [class=handsomedevil] background: #435c8e; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding:10px; color: #1d1b15; flex: 1; border: 1px solid #024e4f; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; font-size:13px; [/class] [class=speaks] overflow: auto; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; flex: 1; flex-basis: 30%; margin-left: 40px; margin-right:15px; [/class] [class=blue] background: #435c8e; padding: 10px; width:auto; [/class] [class=speakstoo] font-size:13px; text-align: left; font-weight:100; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; background-color: #fbf4f9; color: #272828; line-height:2; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; padding:30px; max-height:1050px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=speakeasy] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9;[/class] [class=bottoms] font-weight:400; margin-top: 50px; clear:both; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=tops] font-weight:400; margin-bottom: 50px; clear:both; background-color: #040404; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; color: #fff; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=speakeasy2] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: left; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9; line-height:2; [/class] [class name=handsomedevil maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px[/class] [class name=biggie maxWidth="800px"] padding: 0px; margin: 0 auto; flex-direction: column;[/class] [class name=speakstoo maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; margin-top:20px; overflow: auto; max-height: 100%;[/class] [class name=bottoms maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class] [class name=tops maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class]
[div class=whut][div class=biggie][div class=handsomedevil] [div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦`𝘴 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦'𝘴. [/div]
blahblah blahhh.jpg
[div class=speakeasy2]Niklas Liam Voss
— Lowes Home Improvement Store
TAGS: I'm tagging in the post.
OOC — trying to get a lot of interactions in, trying my best yo. MERRY XMAS!![/div]
[div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳.[/div][/div]
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The light glimmer of freeing, fearless and reckless joy had ended up just fine. When Nik had put Edana down, he noticed she had clutched to him, not unlike a child would. Because she was; youthful in face and gait, and awkward in some ways. It struck him like a pane of glass in the chest, this small gift in dark, awkward packaging.

He had...really wanted his little one to make it. She had never gotten the chance to draw a breath, hellfire sweeping that night and charring Diana and the small one within her to cinders. The image would forever stick in his mind like a pane of celluloid horror. But, here, he was trying. Trying to scrape it down to something manageable, palette knife on the painting, tearing back the oiled pigments into little clumps of memories.

Distilled to basic parts with paint thinner, to the point where he could talk about it.

Her horrifically mangled body had blossomed over like a too-ripe fruit, blistering in the sun. Encrusted like a sweet; body fluids did that at high enough temperatures. When he was able to laugh about it, then he would've done it. Made it simple, because making things simple helped him survive.

Edana gave a jab to that memory. He could never forget, but here, he could build something else. She'd possibly never know how much that meant to him.

She possibly wouldn't ever know how endeared he was when she ventured into the cold on stockings without shoes. Endeared with her lying reply, there was no way she had lost her shoes, not in all this hell.

I lost them,” she said to him, slipping and sliding as there was ice. He'd have to get her a pair of boots, but he didn't know where he'd find them. Or if there were even a pair in her size. He reckoned Alaska might have a similar shoe size, but...still a few sizes too big. Penny had ridiculous sized feet in comparison, but that could've just been Nik imagining her hulking around on Sasquatch feet because it was funny.

Maybe if he got her some socks...

It is not much but consider it the start of a token of my thank you for assisting the fallen, Namrata.
We are within your debt.” He hadn't wanted to wake the sleepers and the dreamers of hopefully warm dreams. Not nightmares, which he didn't think they were, as Penny was snoring in a light coo. Ryan had a blank expression, so he couldn't be sure. And for this, Nik had tried to be as quiet as possibly, but here Edana had mouthed what he had wanted to say. And she came bearing gifts.

This jarred the palette knife down the old oil painting again. He could heal it, with each new face, but none would possibly know that inner war except for Penny, and to some extent Rhys. But the whole of it, no. For being in love with the man, they had shared very little. Sometimes it was like talking to a brick wall. So many things he had to scale, so many barriers he had to break. But it was working, which he was grateful for.

She was a good one, that little Goth Barbie. Now he had a name to place to the face of this helper. He hadn't known he had owed this much to her. He'd have to find something for her too...Nik was already a giver of gifts. The fast approaching Christmas endeavor, that of which he didn't yet know about, would be more of the same for him.

Last time the gifts had been because he thought he was shifting to the dark side, forever. This time, not so much. He crinkled his eyes, just giving a nod to this woman, and placed in his mind a nickname before he even had the chance to speak with her; ученыичка. Judging by the plant-stuffs of what he assumed were healing medicines, not that he was bright enough to figure out what the fuck they were, she seemed like a little tinkerer.

And so he would call her an endearing term: Scientist, but with the added ичка. Meaning small, or cute, an endearing trait for women. Or men, if you wanted to be a bit fresh about it.

His mouth moved in a flat line as he left the RV. He had wanted to spend time with Ryan, too. He had been so badly injured...they all had suffered so much. But he was out like a light, Nik would leave him be. And when his light in the dark, the sleeping blond beauty, awoke, he'd kiss her temple and hold her close. To say "I love you, Pennysworth", and also "Don't pull stupid shit like that again. Do you want to become motherfucking Swiss cheese? Because that's how you become a cheese, you daft shit."

He would say those things, when she woke up. Unsure of when that was, which truly bothered him. Even if he'd call her a daft shit Swiss Cheese Barbie...it was all out of love. Nik had a lot of that to give, despite being a murder-machine. Which he hated himself for, always.

Intent on marching back into the store lest Edana lose her feet to frostbite, he took a moment to heft her to his side, feet in a dangle. If she protested, he would just grin. Back inside the store, he set her down and gave her a warm, paternal smile.

"That was a fun race. And...thank you. For, uh..." he gestured to where the RV was, across the way. As the snow picked up, it seemed elusive, obscured in downy grays and dollops of frozen rain splayed out in little mottled watercolor whites. He was a shithead. A strange expression played on his face, and he shoved his hands into his pockets.

With all these little glimmers, a sinking feeling came in. Too impulsive, this one. Too raw, red, and violent. Violently happy. Always making a mess of things. He hoped Rhys wouldn't figure out he had caused such a mess. He winced, thinking on it.

He was always so wrong, in so many ways.

"...we'll have to get you some fuckin' boots, don't need your feet frozen off, the storm's getting worse," was all he said, before striking forward to join the gaggle of others. Convening for some reason, unsure as to what or why, maybe just for conversation or sharing food, or something. Speaking of which, his oats were gone. The olive oil, gone. Protein bars, the disastrous cardboard shit-blocks, gone. His stomach grumbled audibly, and he grimaced.

He had thinned, and judging by the slim gait of this small Goth Barbie, she had too.

He hoped Rhys had gone out and grabbed some things. They had passed by when the little goth and him had been dicking around, but no passing glance could be had. He would've given him a grocery list, like a wife nagging, and he would indeed nag. A smile curled on his face, a half-smile, on that thought.


The others returned. He had set up with the tin he had found, examining the contents, and had a paintbrush from the paint section in hand. Something large, he had cut the bristles down a bit with his blade. Already making things, gifts, without knowing what was in store. It seemed to be his current habit. As if things could be apologies for him being a dickface.

Or apologies for...just being. Such a conflict, this one. Always an inner war. The affliction had made the worst parts shine, and what he wouldn't give now to be free of it. There was no romanticism left. Just like with Rhys' archangel situation, there...was no faith in it. Satan or whatever the fuck had scarred his veins black wasn't worthy of veneration.

Nik dipped his brush in a swath of indigo blue, fingers making work with crimson reds and burnt oranges, the tin would be a small painting. For someone, he didn't know. Not yet. But he'd give someone a sunrise, surely. He had already planned to give the other things within it away. He did need a good shave, but if it made someone's day to have the razor, he'd give it.

Give his entrails even, for apologies, for what he was. He shook his head, so stupid, he thought.

From the corner of his eye rested a pair he hadn't seen yet. In not so modest flirtation, a handsome man. Which he'd admit, and a beautiful woman. Kind, her face was kind. Looks could be deceiving, especially where he, himself, was concerned. But he bet it wasn't the case here. He had introduced himself earlier to everyone in a vague meandering of a red painted line, he thought.

Time again, maybe, for they had been imprisoned just like his dear friends, and the whitelighter. His smile hitched at the corner, something nearly mute, but brightened when he caught their gaze. Paint was caked up his wrists, patching over the blood he still hadn't the time to wash away. He cursed himself, because he realized he couldn't shake hands.

"I'm...Niklas. I don't think we've, shit, my hands are just covered in...fuck. Well, hey...glad to see some more friendly faces," he paused, indigo gaze trailing over the pair, trying to keep them in his memory. Filing away their interactions in the back of his mind. To remember, and to know, for someday he might not remember.

Just like Rhys, someday, he might forget. He didn't want to.

Beleth Beleth
Niklas was still painting. It calmed his mind, and it gave him something to focus on. Suddenly the exuberant brit popped by, like a welcome breeze of joy. He did enjoy just how warm he was, and the accent was a bit of a soft spot for him. Endearing, like Henry, goofy. Something glimmered and golden to keep.

Nik dipped his fingers in more paint, sitting on the floor cross-legged, dabbing on the metal surface. The light-haired bag of chips at some point had wandered his way, announcing something. It didn't take long for Nik to translate, Rhys would be the one to be confused, he bet money on it.

"Secret Santa, huh?" The blond's grin blossomed on his face like a slow-rolling sea. He did love giving out gifts.

The name in his hand was a good choice. He beamed, eyes crinkling. He already knew what to give him. But he needed some more things first, because there was no way in hell he wasn't nabbing other gifts for people. He owed Alaska a gift, he thought, and had thought for a long time. And the whitelighter of course, he'd get him something anyways.

It'd be a nice, golden-embered memory. His thoughts slid to other gifts he could give the whitelighter, and a devious expression played on his face. He snorted, prattling away at the little painting on the tin. He needed fixative, or the paint would slip off the metal. Nik stood, off now on another adventure, to find more things to give.

It was his love language, as corny and ridiculous as that was. Fucking weird horoscope new-age shit Diana had been into...but it made sense. Other than straight-up affection, it was how he cared. Small glimmers, in this sea of hellfire, frost, and survivalism.

It was all that he could give.

Secret Santa might have been the intent, but that's not what Nik was doing. He was failing spectacularly. The part-time devil managed to find some tool belts and cut the brown leather from them in strips, his blades keening to flay strands in a long ripping sound. Lowe's seemed perfect for supplies, at least as far as tools and shit were concerned. He wove them with the best handiwork he could muster, prattling in his blades to embellish the bloody thing.

Wove them as he walked, barely looking up. Aware of where he was in space, even if he was distracted.

He wasn't altogether good with crafts, but compared to many others, he guessed he had a gift. While walking the aisles, he managed to finish it without much effort. The clasp was looped in cords, he didn't have to fiddle with metal or hooks. Which he decided would take an inordinate amount of time, being that he didn't really know how to do this anyways.

Good enough, he felt, but thinking on it more as he walked, he didn't think it was...quite there. He should've made him a painting.

Henry had taught him much of this because leave it up to the cockney dingus to know how to tie fucking knots and weave rope. Not that he could've done simple multiplication or know how to speak without gargling marbles, but knots? Yeah, he had had a talent. And Nik was lucky he had paid attention, at least a little bit, no matter how boring it had been.

It was a bracelet. Stupid, in a way, but...it was something he made. Rhys had liked the worry stone, maybe this was enough of a gift.

Small, he wished he could get him something nicer.

Not spotting Rhys anywhere, he quirked a brow, and pocketed the present. He'd give it to him later, after the festivities had died down a bit. Because inevitably they'd end up in the same space before the night was over.

The blond grinned, because he was looking forward to it. Not just the tangling of limbs, that would happen regardless. But this small thing he had made, with care. Not perfect, but...it was something.

Mirgris Mirgris
The blond sauntered on, ducking his head to various aisles, scouring shelves. He saw no fixative, and sighed. It was Lowe's. They'd have to have some fucking lacquer spray. If he painted it right on the tin it'd congeal the paints together and swipe off all his hard work in a brushstroke. Leaving bristles behind no doubt.

"Charcoal burns at a max of 700 Celsius, I need 600 Celsius to work titanium, that means I need a pretty damn optimal fire to use this stuff." The blond part-time devil caught the tail-end of this sentence, keening his head around the corner of an aisle. The fireplace section of the store, which he still needed to check. He couldn't find lacquer of some sort anywhere, maybe some asshole had stashed it near the shit that could make flames.

Flames and spray lacquer made a great weapon. It was entirely possible.

He wasn't prepared for what he saw, however. A man, he assumed from the voice, clad in armor, trying to construct...fire pits? He judged the situation with a strong, raised brow. A hum escaped his lips, as if thoroughly confused by the situation, which the blond, indeed, was.

"...a knight?" he scratched the back of his head, realizing he was getting paint in his hair, and cussed.
"Fucking..paint shit god-damn shit-ass .....fucking hell," he scrambled out in clicks, low in the breath, and let out an exasperated sigh. He needed something to get all this shit off. He had blood still on him, and now paint. How Rhys had let him touch him caked in that shit was beyond him.

Maybe he just didn't care.

"Dude, what's with the outfit—you know what. It doesn't matter, you're...clearly busy," he sighed out, starting to rifle through the aisle, looking for lacquer and finding nothing.

"Have you seen any spray acrylic shit? Like lacquer but in a damn can—I'm Nik by the....way..." he made a motion with his fingers, as if to spray a bottle, pantomiming. He stopped when he realized the other man was patently busy. As if what he was doing was solely the most important thing in the world, extremely focused.

Since Nik couldn't see his expression, he could only assume his face was like a marbled statue, held in terse concentration. That was an assumption, however. With that, Nik scratched the back of his head again, perplexed, and cursed himself, again.

The paint. In his hair. It'd dry. Pinks, blues, and oranges. God, he was stupid.

Turning on heel, he left the other man to his own devices, and shoved himself beneath an aisle. He had seen a glint. Silvered, and he had heard something roll earlier during the little race he had had with Edana. Reaching with his long limb, on his knees in a stupidly precarious situation, he scrambled for the container. He had been right, fixative.

With a stupid smile splayed on his face, giddy, he crept back from underneath the aisle. Clocked his head on it, sadly, and winced. What was it with him always getting his head bashed? Nik thanked the blessed ones for their healing powers. If they hadn't used them on him, he bet he'd have even less fucking braincells than he already had.

The blond would've felt for the bump on his head, but..the paint.

Always, the fucking paint.

Lakyr Lakyr
Back to where he had been sitting before, Nik hunched over the small tin. The contents were laid out by his side, almost meticulously so, in a line. Lighter fluid, gauzes, a safety razor for shaving. He leaned forward, the small tin in his lap clinking as he worked, and made a sunrise.

A beautiful sunrise, breathtaking in titanium whites mixed with primrose yellow. Oranges, pinks, reds. Every color available, the cans splayed out next to him as if a forest of colors. How he had managed to conjure this up with fingers and brushstrokes out of household paints on a small-ass metal tin was a testament to his talents.

Which were useless now, except....except for this, maybe. To make small things of joy for someone. Someone he cared a great deal for.

His half-smile soared into a full one, and he sprayed the thing down with lacquer. A mist almost like hairspray sprayed from the can, it was noxious but he didn't really care. He blew on it intently, it needed to dry faster than this. He sat that way, cross-legged, for a time, just blowing on the stupid thing.

As it dried, he took a piece of wood to make another little painting. He was doing this Secret Santa thing all wrong. Always wrong, in a way, but...at least this was out of kindness and not out of him wanting to gore enemies. He had the best of intentions.

He didn't spot his State anywhere, so he'd need to leave this here. Jolly Old St. Nik couldn't very well have run around Lowe's hunting for the tundra with a bunch of stuff in his arms. All awkward shaped, and still wet. Impossible.

It didn't need as much lacquer for the wooden painting, the porous material would soak up the paint. If he sprayed it enough, it'd cling to the pigments. Wood was easier to paint on than tin. Which was taking an inordinate amount of time to dry. If he had had a fan this would go faster, but electricity was a resource they didn't have access to.

And he couldn't very well use it for something like this, he felt.

Some time passed, and he managed to make his way towards James. The other little gift could dry while he gave the man the small thing he had made.The tin was in his hands, clinking as he walked. It was a small thing, but James would perhaps have to put it in a bag. It could't fit in a pocket, really, a bit too long for that.

"Hey, man," he said, his voice soft, gaze a little hesitant. Would he like this? He'd probably want something more practical. Nik stood uncharacteristically awkward in his stance, but handed the gift to James. Inside was the lighter fluid, gauzes, but not the safety razor. He had a specific person in mind for that, and he'd get to grind down a joke for it.

She'd get what he meant, it was their usual shenanigans.

If she was still sleeping, he'd leave a note. A note about Sasquatches that would make her roll her eyes, huff, and then laugh. Laugh deep, he could imagine the smile lines on her face lighting her with a glow he did so love to look at. Like the lemon-yellow sun through dull clouds, that one.

He didn't know quite what to say at this moment, usually being relatively good with words. But lately, not so much. Lately, everything seemed to come out wrong. The blond stepped back, barely half a movement, and then met the other man's gaze.

"I thought you'd want something...warm. I mean, with all this bullshit we fuckin' go through," he paused, hesitating again, "...something...good to keep. When shit's bad..." he stopped his sentence and pulled the other man into a hug. Not the kind men do where they pat a shoulder, intent on not bruising their fragile fucking masculinity.

Nik had no hangups where this was concerned. Neither did James, which was one of the reasons he was so fond of his younger friend.

It was a real, solid hug, holding on a bit longer than usual. Nik closed his eyes, this was his brother, in a way. He had never had a brother. But the two had become thick as thieves in such short time, there was no other word for it. He had one now.

"...sorry, I'm just...grateful," he said, pulling away to fumble for his cigarettes. Back again with something in his mouth, he could pretend his heart wasn't vulnerable right now, but that was just a pale, thin-limbed farce. He lit his cigarette and blew smoke out from his nose, a literal smokescreen.

"Merry fuckin' Christmas, James," he said, soft, his smile a small brush stroke in gray-pinks. When they were finished he'd pop back into the RV to place the safety razor on the table with some inane note, should Penny still be asleep.

It was all in jest, but he bet she'd appreciate the gift none-the-less. He thought of her always, and he always would.

Now he had to figure out where Rhys had stumbled off to. A booty call was always a choice of a gift, but shit, it was Christmas. Not that he wouldn't appreciate it, but Nik wanted to give him something he had made. He hoped it was good enough.

Jolly Old St. Nik was intent on being a bright spot in all their lives, his especially.

Because Nik had so much darkness, it almost felt like an apology. But also, everyone deserved a glimmer of a warm sunrise, even if it was painted.

If he could give that, he would. In a heartbeat.
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Reverie Lowiezka

LOCATION — Jeep Wrangler on the road in the middle of Somewhere > Lowe's Home Improvement
INTERACTIONS Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater , cinnabuns cinnabuns , Beleth Beleth , BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda
MENTIONS— I don't know to writing lalala~
DESC. — Hair unfettered, tan wrap coat, red scarf, tights, black heeled ankle boots.
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❖ ❖​

"Ya think they went 'ta Harvard before the world's end?" Allea snorted in reply to her remark, "Got those degrees at Yale? Or mayhaps they toured Princeton with those high IQs."

In spite of her earlier reservations towards the necromancer, Reverie found herself seeing the funny side in the other witch's glib response. Letting out an air of amusement as the corners of her lips twitched faintly, she crossed her legs and turned her attention to the mini cavalcade of vehicles infront of them. It was indeed amusing, solely because of the fact that she could very well see herself replying in similar disparaging fashion had their scripts been reversed. Hazel eyes shifted momentarily to the woman in the driver's seat beside her as if in silent appraisal. A devil of a tongue surely, but no demon found in that one; at least, not of the abysmal anals of the underworld sort. She sensed the misgivings the others seemed to have for the witch with the honeyed tones, and while she'd been on the dubious boat herself, it was solely out of pragmatism and not coloured by any judgment of character. The timing had just been too convenient, and one always had to err on the side of double caution.

It'd been a while since anyone had drawn more than a passing thought from the White Witch. Most that she'd found herself developing some sort of connection with often did not last very long. Dead or gone, one way or another, none had ever managed to be quite the persistent divertissement in her shifting existence on this ashen world; not Emma with her warmth of breezy summer, or the gruff weathered cliffs of the ex-soldier's looming frame. The incorrigible blonde ape perhaps, but even so, a week was barely a considerable amount of time in the grander scale of things. Mayhap she'd been burdened with a curse that had slipped her notice? Did she know it subconsciously and thus, always felt the need take her leave before things got too... complicated?

"What an interesting question for you to ask, though, already knowing all of that.”

Tawny irises continued to stare straight ahead through half-lidded eyes as the one whom she'd initially directed her question to answered in response. If she'd been even the slightest bit more empathetic, Reverie might've assumed Reina had, for an inane reason, taken offense at her incredulity of the raiders' seeming inability to function at half brain capacity. But as it was, her remarks only solidified what she had presumed earlier. The kerfuffle back at the Wild One's camp while chaotic, was certainly devoid of the penetrating crack of thunder that usually marked 'mankind's progress'. The fact was, a mere two years scrounging in a forsaken hellscape had been enough to hurl presumably average men and women all the way back to the stone age. It was not the fact that they lacked the tools but were not able to comprehend the advantage in using them.

Such rapid degeneration was very... interesting.

❖ ❖​

Their rapidly expanding company had decided to make a pit stop at a little cluster of retail establishments. It was a welcome respite for the witch, as that had been her modus operandi before she had stumbled upon this particular group all the way back at Newark. Frequent stops at safe places to consolidate one's resources was a good way to survive. The difference was, she had a propensity to stay away from any semblance of largely populated areas. That was where survivors tended to be, and by extension, the things that preyed on them. She hung around on the onset, just long enough to commit the new faces to memory before making her way into the improvement store. It was more out of precaution, than any attempt at building future bridges.

She wandered through the shadowed alcoves, heels lightly tapping on the smooth flooring while hawklike gaze roved over the shelves upon shelves of equipment for anything that could be of use. The echoes of chatter coming from the others as they went about their tasks a constant reminder that she was now part of a larger community, whether she liked it or not. At one point, a burst of mirth and vocal protests snapped her attention and she watched as Nik and one of the newer additions careen past her on a trolley, intent on making the most out of their break to sneak in a little fun. Niggling her thoughts as it was, such a callow display of levity was so very much like the blonde donkey that it brought a gasp and a slight chuckle of amusement when she saw the duo nearly meet a messy end amidst some metal tins and shelving.

Several minutes later, her leisurely stroll was interrupted by the appearance of an exuberant adolescent with beach blonde hair. She recognized him as one of those whom had appeared to them just after the raid at the inn. To Reverie's utter annoyance, he had approached her and rattled on about some Christmas party and secret Santa gifting nonsense. Even before he'd said it, she'd already suspected that Rhys was behind this latest farce. Silently whispering a curse over the ex-cop, hoping he'd choke on some expired Christmas candy, she grudgingly received her little slip of toilet paper (really?) and shoo-ed Rufus away. Standing in the middle of the floor, the witch hesitated, seriously contemplating just chucking the slip of tissue away but on impulse, unrolled the little piece of toilet roll to scrutinize the handwritten name.

"You've got to be kidding!"

❖ ❖​

Walking the length of the expansive store, she finally located her subject at the outdoor living department. She found the Black Witch in the midst of poring over what seemed like a metal container of sorts, the same one she'd seen her packing right after they had defeated the elder vampire. Walking up to Allea, she made sure her heels clicked just a little louder so the other woman was alerted to her presence.

"What are you up to?" The Slavik woman began, before nullifying her attempt at small talk by talking over herself. "Nevermind that. I'm here for that Secret Santa nonsense, don't ask... Here-" She tossed a palm-sized compact piece of silver at Allea when she had caught the other woman's attention. It was a little compact mirror, encased in elaborate chrome.

"The vampy had this on him... I thought you rather liked looking at your own face so... I guess you could say it should come in handy." Reverie shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly as if she had not just lowkey insulted the other woman. Nevertheless, the bite was markedly absent from her tone.

"Pun intended."
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Simjang Kim
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Secret Santa: Christmas Special
Mentions: Alaska Chise_Robin_ Chise_Robin_

Location: Lowe's Home Improvement > Outside

Mood: Merry & Happy

Equipped With: Ax

Kim was reminiscing of Christmas past on the golden years of yore. It was a chilly morning on the day of December 20, Kim and her family were making sweaters for them to wear as a family in a party they were attending on the day of Christmas. She really wasn't fond of going to her husband's family since it was a tad bit too 'western' for her taste but she was still fine with it.

"Mother, is it really important to celebrate Christmas?"

The mother looked at her daughter with eyes widened in shock but she still put on her composure and responded her question with, "Of course it is. Christmas is a time for family gatherings. It's only once a year so it's special when it happens.", her daughter, Alice, responded with a nod and continued on making her sweater.

|flashback over|

Kim was returned to reality as she felt a woman approach her, the woman introduced herself as Alaska. She invited the Korean to share stories outside the store. She, then, left with a mask of glee. The woman felt compelled to go where the main group was and to share stories as well. She felt like it since she had nothing to do.

She went outside, hugging herself as the cold wind blew past her. As she explored the outside of the store, she sang a tune that came out from her mouth in the form of a hum. The hum evolved into words and now, she was singing a song without her knowing it. As she was singing, she went near the RV and observed from a distance, singing her song lightly. The group had a Merry Little Christmas all to themselves.

Code by @Beauty_Belle

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[/div][/div] [div class="PennyDreadful"] PENELOPE VALE (Secret Santa Event)[/div] [div class="TextityText"]

Her memory was foggy, and a bit cracked in its recollection, of the events following the assault on the raider camp. She remembered how brilliant Rhys had looked, cloaked in something entirely unnaturally powerful, as he put the beast to bed. The demon hadn't much of a fight against this new, different, Rhys. She had wondered what might have happened, but before she could have asked, she found herself slumped against the cage door and breathing raggedly. She vaguely recalled Nik picking her up, protective in his embrace. She had protested, more than likely, but the words that had come from her mouth were far from coherent. The blood loss had started to affect her mental processes, as well as the beginnings of shock setting in from the bullets wounds that riddled the blonde like swiss cheese. Her head had lolled, and her vision had been swarmed by vignette swirls like quick strokes of paint thinner across acrylic. Nik hadn't faltered once in his carrying of her, and eventually she had stopped protesting. The last thing she remembered before her vision going nearly black was the faint shouting and crunching of tires on snow.

Her coming to had been a bit jagged as well. Penny, slow with her limbs swimming through molasses, had fought her way to sitting up. Blood had just about soaked through all of her clothing and matted in clumps on her skin and hair. It stretched and cracked when she turned her head slowly. Her glossed over eyes, still sprinkled in sleep, sought some sort of refuge in her surroundings. Unfamiliar territory-- but nothing that the raiders would have cooked up. The low hum of a moving vehicle beneath the bed alerted Penny that they were probably in a van of some sort, maybe an RV at that. She remembered Nik, and knew that where she was had to be safe. It had to be. She blinked slowly, raising a hand to massage the ache from her head and neck. She felt reasonably better than she had back at the cages, which she attributed to the low chanting from one of the women in the cages by her side. Herbs, and what looked like medicinal herbs at that, were strewn about. Penny continued to blink, trying to focus on her thoughts and the sharp prickling of sleeping limbs returning to life.

She noticed a few of the survivors from the raider camp tending to her and a few other wounded on the bed. Penny's heart sank when she saw Ryan next to her, pale and sallow. Despite the lingering pain in all of her limbs and head, she was determined to get to healing him as soon as possible. A warm hand had settled on her arm, and in near tears Penny whirled to confront whoever it is. The same woman. Namri, her name had been. Penny, the blonde had introduced herself. Namri explained the situation, and even though Penny was about two seconds from throwing all of her blessed powers onto Ryan to help him, she was convinced otherwise. To rest. Just a bit longer, at that, but enough that she would have all of her sense to heal the man magically and with her own expertise.

Were it Nik, or even Rhys on the bed next to her, she may have been in a less persuasive mood. Still, she found herself caring for Ryan. He had toughed it through with the group on that long week to find the others when he truly had no stakes-- maybe James, perhaps. He had stayed, the same as Daisy, but he had always seemed the type to stay. Her brain distantly remembered the drunken night in the group had had, and although she didn't remember how the night ended, she did remember that when she woke up Ryan had been sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. He had stayed. Perhaps not literally by her side, but whatever traumatic experience she had forced herself through, and whatever stupidity had resulted in cereal and an egg on her forehead, he had stuck by to make sure she was okay. Penny didn't often look gift horses in mouth, especially when those horses proved some level of loyalty and... comradery.

She didn't expect the impossible from friends, but she was prepared to pledge her undying fealty if they needed it.

So Penny had waited a bit, clutching Ryan's clammy hand in her own as Namri had finished up on Penny. The two had conversed lightly, and Penny found herself relating a lot to the healer. She was a witch, but she didn't seem to be as catty or enigmatic as Amara or Allea. Namri shared a few of the maternal, and soft traits that Penny found in herself. Reflecting upon recently though, she was disturbed to recognize that some of her behaviors hadn't been as... soft as she used to be. With a hardened heart, she figured it part of the blessing, and could do little but briefly grieve the bits of herself that would be lost to the angels above.

Eventually, Penny grabbed some of the med kit supplies and went to work on keeping Ryan alive. Together, they kept the afflicted hunter stable. Penny was biting tears back through most of it, fear gripping her heart should Ryan die at her hands. She wished she knew prayers, or something to plead with anybody to keep the man alive. "I've got a lot to say to you, you big idiot. Don't go dying on me. Please." She had whispered this, smoothing back his hair and cleaning the blood from his face.

She had sunken to a small nap, wiped out from helping the other injured and Ryan. She stayed close to the man, her heart aching desperately that he would wake up soon. When she slept, she kept her hand wrapped tightly around his. Please, please don't be in some kind of coma. Come on, big life-saving dummy, why'd you do that? Why'd you have to soak up the bullets?

Waking up, with another case of the quick blinks to reorient herself, Penny saw Rufus enter with a hat. Names, apparently, for a Secret Santa. Her eyebrow quirked upward at the prospect of a holiday party. She wondered if Nik was the mastermind behind this, or someone else entirely. Despite the bleak circumstances breathing soundly next to her, she smiled at the idea of something soft and good happening to the group. Penny smiled at the younger man and reached her hand in, fishing a name. Taking a deep breath, she unfolded the paper and felt her heart drop all the way to the road under the RV.

Ryan. Of course, what luck? She frowned, her eyebrows knitting upward as she looked at the sleeping man. She tucked the paper into the pocket of her pants and brushed a few locks from his head. Another maternal gesture, just as pure as Penny was. She had done the same to Rhys back when they first met, and she had been healing him. He had blushed beneath the intimate gesture, but it had meant nothing to Penny. Here, and now though, she found some sort of prickling weight to her heart when she looked at Ryan. It frustrated her, and even more so because he wasn't awake.

But in a way, she was glad. She probably would be chewing his head off now for nearly getting himself killed. She would want to know the entire story, and then would have gone into mock fits with flying fists at the injured man. Now, though, she could only stare desperately at his swelling chest and plead that it would lead to him stirring in some way.

She looked back at the paper again, and bit her lip. What the hell kind of gift would she give this dying man anyway?

[div class="TinyLines"][/div] Interacting: cinnabuns cinnabuns Lakyr Lakyr | Mentioned: Nik , Rhys, Ryan, Namri | Located: Lowe's Home Improvement parking lot (RV) [div class="TinyLines" style="margin-bottom:0px;"][/div]
[/div] [/div]
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Interactions: Cara Cara
BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda Chise_Robin_ Chise_Robin_
I guess also: cinnabuns cinnabuns
Beleth Beleth BELIAL. BELIAL. [/div][/div][div class=title]James[/div][div class=text]“My name is Niylah by the way” James looked over at her, as she now walked at his side, and returned her smile. It was funny, for some reason he had forgotten about the name sharing part of meeting a new person, maybe because he had done it so much in the last weeks. "James," he said with a small nod, "it's nice to meet you." This made him think about all the people they've picked up recently, a bunch of them during the rescue mission. How many didn't know his name yet? To how many of them hasn't he talked to so far? It was weird, back before the apocalypse you could walk by hundreds of people daily on the streets, now friendly faces were scarce, but it seemed, to him, as though he's meeting more new people nowadays then he did before. Maybe it was because back then, you'd see all those people walking by, but you would almost never exchange a word with any of them. Seeing somebody who isn't attacking you immediately in this world of today, it makes you talk to each other and maybe you'll stay together.

They walked towards the store where Alaska already stood, beaming with a smile and instantly offering help with the car. Another name was given to the newcomer. Afterward looked around to help Niylah with a few more names and faces, quick introductions, and more names that only got a short description with them, since the person wasn't around. After all, he had no idea where everyone was at the moment and he didn't want to drag her around the place in search for whoever just for the introductions, he was pretty sure she'd manage that herself. "Well, yeah ... I don't think you need a babysitter, so, just don't sneak up on somebody who hasn't seen you yet and you'll be fine." This was his way of telling her that he trusted her not to cause any trouble and he delivered it with a kind smile. "I have to go check on someone." It had been a bit since they had stopped here, not too long, but long enough everyone to walk around a bit. And he'd already seen Nik taking a peek into the RV and coming back out again. Taking his head off of worrying had worked for James for a bit, meeting Niylah had been helping with that, but initially, he had just wanted to smoke a cigarette to calm himself before seeing how well Ryan and Penny were doing. So now was the time for that.

Or not. James found himself smoking again and walking through the snow next to their vehicles. Pacing up and down, as he always did when his mind wasn't at peace. He wasn't going through cigarettes like that, normally, but he needed it, he didn't know what to expect and he needed to calm down. As he was there, walking and smoking, he saw Rufus entering the RV and as another cigarette butt landed in the snow, Rufus walked back out. James strode towards him, pulling a piece of paper out of the hat for the Secret Santa, but putting it away without looking whose name he got. He quickly asked Rufus about Ryan and Penny and was relieved to hear that they were both awake and seemed okay.

Reassured he stepped into the RV, a bright smile appearing on his face as he actually saw Ryan sitting there. He hugged him, careful not to hurt him and asked him if he was okay and luckily Ryan was doing better than expected. Of course was he in pain but he said it was bearable. Afterward, James quickly checked on Penny, asking her how she was doing too, and then he thanked her, Namri and Ed for healing him gratefully. With his mind now truly at peace, he pulled the piece of paper out his pocket, unfolded it and read the name.

He shook his head, what a weird coincidence that he pulled exactly this name out. It filled him with glee but also scared him a little, putting him into some kind of dilemma. What could he possibly give that would be enough? That would be worthy? It wasn't hard to think of possible gifts or something that might make her or smile, but the problem was that wasn't enough. Not for her. He had been working on something the past week, even a bit before that but he wasn't all that talented and couldn't spend too much time working on it. He should finish it up, it was meant for her anyway. But was it enough? No, nothing could be, not to him, not for her. He could go out running through every store in the area taking everything with him he could give to her but it would never be enough. So he really only had this one option, didn't he?

James had an idea, nothing helping him with this dilemma but it was still something nice. He looked over at Ryan, telling him what to do. He asked why, of course, he didn't understand it but Nik would and James just told Ryan that so he agreed. It was simple, but he was sure it would cast a smile onto Niks face, maybe earn him a short laugh. Then he left the RV behind, thanking everyone inside for healing Ryan once more. He needed to get somewhere where he could work and concentrate.

He walked into Lowe's and found himself some corner a bit off of everyone. He put down his backpack, leaned against a wall and then he fished his little handiwork out and looked at it. It was small and made of wood, still looked a little crude but after all, it wasn't finished yet. But he knew it would still look a bit crude when finished. He only had his hunting knife to work on it, no way of polishing the wood. And he also had no idea of the actual craft he was trying himself on, was no kind of artist. But he still did his best on carving this and it wouldn't look too bad, he hoped. And so he took to work, still leaning against the wall, cutting and carving away at the wood, carefully.

It took him quite some time, he wasn't sure how much since it didn't feel too terribly wrong, he knew that time went by faster when he was concentrated, but in the end, he looked at the small thing and was somewhat happy with the outcome. Still a bit crude around the edges, as expected, but it looked okay, he'd say. The longer he looked at it, the less happy he was with his work, not enough, not enough at all, but he couldn't do more to it, it was finished.

He heard a clinking sound and looked up to see Nik walking towards him, a tin in his hand. James put his little piece of craft back into its pocket and kicked himself off the wall, taking a few steps in Nik's direction, a smile on his lips. "Hey, man," Nik seemed a bit unsure in his stance and voice, a little nervous maybe. It was an expression James hadn't seen on him a lot but remembered a few occasions already. When he'd given James his lighter, for example. "Hey," a short and simple response, James was eager to see what made the other man hesitant.

Nik handed him the tin and James took the first look at the work of art the man had painted onto it. At first, his expression was blank, wide-eyed. He couldn't really comprehend for a moment, what Nik had managed. A beautiful painting, on a level of artistic skill that James wouldn't know the words one could use to describe it, except that it was a gorgeous sunrise. Not just a moment caught in a picture, like a photo, but something more. Something James couldn't truly describe. A little eternal moment of beauty with something otherworldly to it, Nik's very own artful touch. After the blank expression followed a bright one, eyes filled with joy and mouth curled to a smile, slightly open. An expression of wonder or awe. "That ... wow ... I ... how ... holy shit ... That, ... it's ... thank you," James had no idea what to say as he looked up at Nik, he couldn't find the words.

"I thought you'd want something...warm. I mean, with all this bullshit we fuckin' go through," James nodded slightly, Nik was right and it was a perfect thought. Something warm like this, and like their friendship as well, was great when dealing with bullshit, it would help in harder times and make you smile and warm your heart even at the best of times. "Yeah, I ... it's..." Still searching the right words, but they were nowhere to find and before long Nik continued his own thoughts just to stop mid-sentence and pull James into a warm embrace.

"It's beautiful, thank you," It was a nice, long and warm hug and James found himself clinging on to it and so did Nik he believed. "...sorry, I'm just...grateful," Nik pulled and got a cigarette out to put it between his lips. James still smiled, he had noticed something was inside the tin, so took a look and saw lighter fluid and gauzes, small practical things were coming with it too. "No, you ... I'm grateful, this is wonderful. Thank you."

"Merry fuckin' Christmas, James,"
James shook his head and a short laugh left his lips, "Merry fuckin' Christmas indeed," One of his hands was in his pocket, fumbling with the small carven piece of would, should he ..., "Hey, Nik, I've been ... working on something myself. It's ... it's not a painting and it's not really good, but I'd really like to hear your opinion on it," He pulled it out and then hesitantly showed Nik the wooden feather pendant. "It's ... it's for Alaska, ... fuck, it's pretty bad, right? Stupid ... fuck! I should probably start looking for something else, something better," James ran a hand through his hair as he waited for Nik's reaction, then looked at the ground.

It wasn't like James had any other option he which he liked more, so he stayed with the carven feather. It was nice, it was good, right? She'd like it, James wasn't too worried that she wouldn't. It was more that he tried to convince himself that it was good enough as he searched for Alaska. As he finally saw her he walked towards her slowly, one hand in his pocket holding the feather the other scratching the back of his head. "Hey, I, uhm, shit. Merry Christmas, Alaska." he had a somewhat sheepish grin as he handed the pendant over to her, "It's ... well, I did my best. I know it's not much, but I hope you like it. I ... I could never find something good enough as a gift for you, you know? Nothing that could be enough of a thank you or a sign of ... yeah, well, at least this is self-made. As I said, I know it's not really great but ... I hope you like it."[/div]
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[div class=wrapper][div class=box][div class="boxBg boxBgLarge"][/div][div class="boxBg boxBgTall"][/div][div class="boxBg boxBgMedium"][/div][div class=boxInner][div class=statusBox][div class=characterPortrait][/div][div class=statusText]Location: Lowe's Home Improvement Store
Interactions: BELIAL. BELIAL.
BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda Beleth Beleth
cinnabuns cinnabuns [/div][/div][div class=title]Ryan[/div][div class=text]He hear voices as he was slowly coming back to consciousness, eyes still closed. The first thing he felt was a gentle touch on his forehead, brushing away hair, he didn't react to it, not nearly enough there yet. It was something he hadn't expected, coming back to consciousness. Not like this at least. Or maybe he had hoped it wouldn't happen. Hoped that death would come without an afterlife, without heaven or hell. But he hadn't gotten his hopes up too high, considering that he knew that demons and monsters existed since he had been young. But he had still expected waking up in his eternal hell would've been different. He took a few deep breaths through his nose, he had a slight headache, the sound of the voices was very dull and hard to make out. His sleep had been dreamless, much appreciated so, because all his dreams were haunted by the lost and mostly the parts he'd like to keep away. After a few moments, the voices became clearer, something about Christmas and secret ... Secret Santa? He tried slowly opening his eyes and flinched as the light hit him. Blinkingly, he waited for his eyes to adjust and the first thing he saw was Penny standing above him, or in front of him, looking at a piece of paper ... toilet paper. He shifted his head slightly to glance around the room, there were a few new faces, a girl and woman, Rufus was there too and of course Penny. Everybody had a piece of paper for themselves, Rufus seemed to be handing them out.

"So I'm not dead, huh?" He was trying to get up slowly, propping himself on one of his arms, on his face stupid little smile. A somewhat apologetic stupid little smile, obviously there to act over the pain pounding inside his shoulder and throbbing through the rest of his body in waves. He still winced at it. But he wouldn't take that away, he deserved it for being that idiotic after all. For being careless. And it had also been what had gotten him to be careless and idiotic in the first place. No, he had to live with that for now. Rufus had just been on his way out as Ryan had started talking and then stopped, as Ryan continued to sit up, he raised his voice again, "Hey Rufus, buddy, I want in on this too, whatever it is," He fought to keep his voice straight, but it was more of a grumble with the occasional moan or groan of pain, "this Secret Santa or what." As he sat up the part of his body that hurt the most shifted from his shoulder to the stomach and he looked down at himself, his wounds were wrapped in bandages soaked with a bit of blood, his shirt and jacket were lying nearby. Though magic and blessed powers must've taken a big role in saving his life more conventional means had come to use as well, that was how bad it had looked. He had realized that, but a little too late. He was lucky they had picked him up in time.

He reached into the head Rufus held out for him and fished out a piece of toilet paper, then he unfolded it to read the name within. Reading the name he nodded before folding the paper again and putting it into one of his pockets. They had obviously picked up some new people in the time he was out, so he was happy that he knew the person on his paper. He knew he probably wouldn't be running around searching for a present too soon, he still had to rest a bit, felt exhausted. So he'd have to make do with the thing he had, his eyes started searching the RV, but didn't take long to see his backpack. A sigh of relief left him. He knew what to give, then. It wouldn't be perfect, probably, and maybe it wasn't exactly fitting for the person ... but he'd take it with humor, Ryan hoped. And it would also be something useful if handled properly. He shifted over to take a look into his bag, making sure everything was still there. Then he finally looked up into the room again, eyes coming to rest on Penny. "Thanks for saving me." It wasn't solely addressed at her but at everyone there, he assumed healing him up had been some kind of group effort.

A few moments later James came in. It was obvious both were happy to see each other well. They hugged and then James asked him how he had been doing and thanked everyone for taking care of Ryan. A bit later, after he had looked onto his paper, James asked Ryan if he could do something. If he could give something to Nik, James said he would understand, so Ryan was okay with it. Then James already left, because he had to finish something. So Ryan stood up, still moving slowly, hoping that would cause less pain. His old shirt was useless, just a bloodied rag lying next to his jacket, but maybe he could find something in his size in the RV. After all, there had been people living in here before. Walking around cautiously, searching wherever he could imagine clothes could lie around it didn't take him long to find something. The shirt didn't fit perfectly, it was a little too tight, but he could wear it and it was better than a bloodied rag or nothing. After putting it on he went back to where he had been sleeping and lay back down, but a bit in an upwards position, so he could comfortably look into the room and talk to everybody around.

After quite some time of resting and talking inside the RV Nik came in, he had something for Penny and wanted to walk away again after he gave it but Ryan grabbed his backpack and got up. "Voss wait, I got something for you. This whole Secret Santa thing and all, you know?" His hand was fishing for it through his backpack and he dropped the bag after he pulled the pistol out. After spinning it once he handed it over to Nik with a grin on his face. He didn't really need it himself, never used it, but maybe Nik would. "Thought you might have a use for this," As Nik still stood there holding his present a little shyly Ryan quickly pulled him in for a short, friendly hug. "Come here Nik, Merry Christmas, and all that," A little closer than guys normally did it, but not terribly tight or warm and over after a pad on Nik's shoulder, Ryan jokingly ruffled his hair as he pulled away. "Just, please, don't shoot yourself or any of us, alright?" Ryan winked at him as Nik had done with him before, it was an honest gift and he hoped Nik could make good use of it, but it also kind of was one big joke, and Ryan hoped Niklas would understand. "She can show you how to use it, trained her myself" Ryan raised his hand and pointed with his thumb over his shoulder at Penny, "or maybe you ask James or your boyfriend or me, yeah I'd be happy to do so myself... Or you ask somebody else, I'm sure there are enough people around who know how to use a gun." Ryan still grinned, then he crouched down to pull something else out of his backpack, "There is something else ... James told me to give it to you, don't ask me how the fuck he figured out I pulled your name, guess it's just a weird coincidence..." His hand finally found the water bottle and he slowly pulled it out, looking back up at Nik, "I have no fucking idea what this is about, but James said you'd understand," With that he threw the water bottle towards Nik so he could catch it, "So here's a water bottle for you, Merry Christmas, again, I guess..." He had still no idea what this was about, but he hoped Nik actually got what James wanted.

Then, Ryan had another idea and turned around to walk a bit closer to Penny. "Hey, I think I have something for you too..." He sat down onto the bed, looking up at her, "I think you once said that you regretted not punching me, so here's your next time, I guess," He turned his head a bit and pointed at his cheek, still grinning. [/div]
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[div class=statusText] Location: Lowes Home Improvement
BGM: Baby it's cold outside
Interactions/Mentions: Everone // Reverie Lekiel Lekiel
[div class=statusText][/div][/div][div class=title]Rhys Contiello[/div][div class=text]
Emrys Contiello had never been especially good at giving gifts. He was more of the type to give money or gift cards because eighty-five percent of the time he was fucking clueless. So when Rufus came around with the bucket of names and told him to draw, he kind of regretted having the secret Santa. He should have left himself out of this whole mess. It would have been far better in the long run. Then maybe he wouldn't have to agonize about how to give gifts. He gave the Brit an odd look, holding up the toilet paper in between two fingers.

"That hard to find some actual paper huh?"

The corner of his mouth twitched up slightly, unfolding the scrap to stare at the curly blue lettering. Rufus' handwriting put the detective's to shame and there was an odd pause of insecurity that floated around him before it was quickly dashed away. Azure orbs slipped towards the piece of paper clutched in his right hand.

Who the fuck is this? His brows drew downwards as he tried to put a face to the name. His gaze flicked up, lips parting in question only to realize that Rufus had scampered off to deliver the next round of names. He reminded him of a puppy. Giddy, hyper, and far too willing to try and please everyone. The whitelighter knew nothing of this boy, but subtle assessments didn't make it all too hard to assume a couple things. Rhys hummed a bit to himself before turning back to the lights he was stringing up in the outdoor area. Soft white light illuminated the space, twisting around an overhead canopy and across the way from one patio set to another. He had even dragged over a couple of those fake plants and strung them up with a couple colored lights. Allea, the witch he had found to be almost as annoying as she found him, was swinging in a seat writing things in some type of journal. A large box was positioned in the seat beside her and he noted that her attention had drifted back and forth between the two quite often. Rhys wasn't really sure why she seemed so obsessed with a metal container, but answering that question would require speaking with her more than necessary. The two of them were quickly becoming pros at ignoring one another. Sir Galahad had dropped by to drag out a fireplace or two. Rhys didn't ask. He didn't think he really wanted to know if he were being honest. The back room had yielded generators and enough gas to keep them going for a while. Pure luck had produced the radio and the Christmas classics CD. It was ancient, but it worked and he couldn't really look a gift horse in the mouth.

"You ain't puttin' up a mistletoe are ya, Cher?"

Rhys turned his attention towards the necromancer, partly amused as she lounged in an outdoor swing. She had been fiddling with that dumb box since he started and this was the first thing she said to him. An eyebrow arced in mute contemplation, fingers messing with a plastic green leaf. There had been a fake mistole in a box marked 'seasonal' and he couldn't resist the allure of putting one up. Even if no one really happened to get stuck under it, it would be good for the entertainment factor. Originally he had placed it for selfish reasons, but he guessed that it would also add to the spirit of the holiday. Who really cared if he put one up anyway?

Allea, apparently.

"I was going to, why?"

Her nose crinkled, watching him with that disgusted gaze. Almost like she couldn't believe he had decided to do such a thing. She closed the leather bound book, placing it on top of the metal box.

"'Cuz it's obviously foolish. We ain't apart of no romantic comedy..."

Well now he had to put one up.

Rhys tied the knot, making sure the little decoration didn't fall before he slid a slightly haughty smirk towards the witch. "That so? I was under the impression that this was fuckin' Love Actually."
Her nose scrunched up again, half blanching, "Didn't think a man like you would know what that movie is."
He shrugged, stepping down from the latter and moving towards the generators, not quite sure what she meant by 'a man like him'. Did she just assume that he watched fuckin' football and action movies all the time?

"It's a good movie."

She made a sound but didn't reply. Which was fine with him, she was starting to get just a bit annoying. He busied himself with the generators, making sure that they each had enough gas and wouldn't die out on them. Losing the space heaters would suck.

"What are you up to?" Reverie's voice caused Rhys to turn, lips parting to reply before he realized that he wasn't the one she was addressing. The necromancer shifted in her seat going into a half lounging position as her eyes skated across the other witch. "Nevermind that. I'm here for that Secret Santa nonsense, don't ask... Here-" Allea caught whatever she tossed. Rhys watched the two from over the edge of the generator, noting the way that Allea seemed shocked. Almost as if she hadn't expected the gesture or the kindness. Which was interesting. He filed that little reaction away for further analysis.
"The vampy had this on him... I thought you rather liked looking at your face so... I guess you could say it should come in handy."
The detective winced slightly, catching the insult despite the nonchalant body language. He was waiting for the outburst, but it never came.

Instead, she laughed.

"Pun intended."
"I 'preciate the sentiment, Reverie. Seems I ain't got much to offer you in return, and while I ain't obligated...as luck might 'ave it, I've got somethin' that may interest ya."

Rhys blinked in surprise as she went about shuffling through her bag. Had Allea always been this nice? True, he had only met the woman a handful of hours ago, but she was a bitch. He could tell that without even having an in-depth conversation with her. Her lips stretched into a slight smile that looked unnervingly real.
"I ain't much into alchemy or potions or whatnot, so I figure you may 'ave more use for this than I."

He leaned forward a bit to try and get a better look.
Was...that an...eyeball??
"Allea, the fuck is--"
"It's her gift not yours, take ya commentary somewhere else."
Rhys scowled, pointing to the clear Ziploc with the totally creepy eye. "Don't tell me where to take my fuckin' commentary. It concerns me when--"
"It really don't."
He snarled a bit. Carrying around an eyeball was simply not normal and it gave him the fuckin' creeps. Allea flipped him off and Rhys felt himself bristle. Her attention turned back to the other witch, "It's from a Hellhound. Said to be very useful in somekinda hex or another....or ya know ya could just drain it for the weaponized properties."
One side of Rhys' face curled up, looking at the two like they had actually lost their damn minds. Witches were so fucking weird.

Allea had also received a slip of toilet paper, but it didn't seem that Reverie was the intended recipient of her secret gift. So that meant....she was just being nice?
He absently wondered if hell froze over.
Or heaven exploded in fire.
Wouldn't that be just grand?

He crossed his arms over his chest for a moment, contemplating the fastest way to get everyone in one spot. Rhys strolled towards the radio and turned it on, listening to the Christmas music spill out of the speakers. He cranked up the volume, throwing a grin at Reverie before trotting over to the microphone he had hooked up to the store speakers. It had taken him a while to figure out, but once he had power the PA system wasn't that complicated.

"Attention to all you filthy fuckin' animals, there's a goddamn party happening over in the outdoor section with some nice fuckin' space heaters and lights. You're fuckin' welcome, I know no one asked." His lips glided into a smirk, glancing up over at the two witches, amusement dancing in the depths of his eyes. "And don't think I didn't see that trashed aisle, Voss, you better hope you don't get coal in your goddamn stocking." He removed his thumb from the button in order to chuckle slightly, obviously having far too much fun with hearing his voice broadcast over the entire store. "Someone get those fuckin' party poopers out of the RV before Allea drinks all the alcohol."
The necromancer snorted, and Rhys thought he saw a momentary expression of amusement.
"So remember kids, get your asses to the outdoor living section of the store located towards the back left, and let's have a merry fuckin' christmas."

The store speakers crackled as he concluded speaking and shut the device off.
Maybe now he could figure out who his secret santa was for and what to give them.
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[class=biggie] width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; clear:both; font-size:13px; color: #1d1b15; font-weight:100; display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; height: 100%; [/class] [class=whut]background: url(http://www.sabrinagarrasi.com/website/data/images/glimpses-of-horizon.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-attachment: fixed; padding:30px; [/class] [class=handsomedevil] background: #435c8e; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding:10px; color: #1d1b15; flex: 1; border: 1px solid #024e4f; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; font-size:13px; [/class] [class=speaks] overflow: auto; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; flex: 1; flex-basis: 30%; margin-left: 40px; margin-right:15px; [/class] [class=blue] background: #435c8e; padding: 10px; width:auto; [/class] [class=speakstoo] font-size:13px; text-align: left; font-weight:100; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; background-color: #fbf4f9; color: #272828; line-height:2; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; padding:30px; max-height:1050px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=speakeasy] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9;[/class] [class=bottoms] font-weight:400; margin-top: 50px; clear:both; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=tops] font-weight:400; margin-bottom: 50px; clear:both; background-color: #040404; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; color: #fff; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=speakeasy2] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: left; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9; line-height:2; [/class] [class name=handsomedevil maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px[/class] [class name=biggie maxWidth="800px"] padding: 0px; margin: 0 auto; flex-direction: column;[/class] [class name=speakstoo maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; margin-top:20px; overflow: auto; max-height: 100%;[/class] [class name=bottoms maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class] [class name=tops maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class]
[div class=whut][div class=biggie][div class=handsomedevil] [div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦`𝘴 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦'𝘴. [/div]
[div class=speakeasy2]Niklas Liam Voss
— Lowes Home Improvement Store
TAGS: I'm tagging in the post.
OOC — if nik talked 2 you before feel free to continue the interaction and go past to where ppl are if that makes sense, I'll respond by tagging inside the post. then I'll move onwards and over, like scenes playing out of sequence in a movie. this is easier because we have so many characters! XD (jams and ryan are so cute ahhh) [/div]

[div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳.[/div][/div]
[div class=speaks][div class=blue][div class=speakstoo]
Beleth Beleth (James)​

Nik hadn't known what to do with a blank expression, the one on James' face nigh unreadable for a moment. Like a blank canvas, as if what he made wasn't processing. He should have gotten his younger friend something...weapon-related, he bet. But his positive outlook crept back in when he saw joy. His friend's eyes bright with something touching, a gossamer glimmer, like the peeking of stars over a clear morning.

A warming light cast in a glance, at this thing that he did very well, but he really didn't think had a purpose anymore.

However, Nik decided in this moment, it did have a space in their wholly unfair universe. Because if it made the other man's gaze this full of joy, mouth curled in a smile stuck out of time—a smile he had seen people employ more often before the crappocalypse—it meant something.

Nik beamed, joyous would be an understatement, but he did try to hide it just a little bit. He was mutely ecstatic, the smile he had barely contained as he tried his best not to over-exude how touched he was.

"That ... wow ... I ... how ... holy shit ... That, ... it's ... thank you."
"No problem, man. It's just house paints, but...yeah, shit, no problem..." Nik said with his smile fettering up in its token hitch. A half-smile, it really was just house paints. But you could make the impossible possible, when you didn't have a lot to work with. They all did this. Made do, survived, and lived with less than.

They made every have-not into have-somethings. They made their own destiny, at least he hoped they did. It was admirable, their little family so very strong.

"It's beautiful, thank you," James said before he returned his embrace, brothers, these two. Nik wouldn't admit to it, but misty-eyed would be a phrase he'd capture in his mind, for affect, if he had been outside of this scene. Outside of it to paint it in all its hues, or scrawl it up in charcoals in a sketchbook. But of course he hid that all in the smokescreen. Too many tender things, so close together, too raw...too much.

Even if this was a warm thing, even if this was a safe, good, golden thing. It was an awful lot of feelings to have in a scant handful of hours. They never seemed to have enough time to unpack it all, either.

"No, you ... I'm grateful, this is wonderful. Thank you."
"...I'm...happy you like it," Nik said with a chuckle, looking off to the side. He had other things to say here, things written between the lines, things about brotherhood, camaraderie, their struggles, how proud he was of him and Alaska hitting it off. How privileged he felt to know such a wonderful, caring person. On and on, but...everything was too raw. Too real. Too soon, too fresh.

It was almost like admitting this greatness was admitting to how finite it could be. Knowing full well how easily these glimmers were stolen from him, he hesitated. It was rare he wasn't vocal on this facet, this caring. But to put it quite simply: he was scared.

And so he didn't, just resting a gentle gaze on his friend, his mouth ticking into a full, broad, bright grin. He'd understand. Nik knew he would.

"Merry fuckin' Christmas indeed," his younger friend said, and Nik returned to supping on his cigarette, uncharacteristically awkward. Like there was some unseen pressure front floating over them all, over the air, over the snow falling down outside.

Because these things never lasted. He was realizing this as time passed, a bit slow on the uptake, always.

James was fumbling with something in his pocket. The blond raised his brows and flicked ash on the floor, sidling a spool of smoke in a long ribbon from the side of his face.

"Hey, Nik, I've been ... working on something myself. It's ... it's not a painting and it's not really good, but I'd really like to hear your opinion on it," the blond's smile struck something far past amusement, and into awe. Not unlike James had gifted him, that wonder in bright glimmers, but it played on his mouth more. In a tug, the corner, a brushstroke of wonder.
"This is..."
"It's ... it's for Alaska, ... fuck, it's pretty bad, right? Stupid ... fuck! I should probably start looking for something else, something better," James said, obviously nervous as he was backpedaling. Running his fingers through his hair, but Nik didn't see why. For but a moment, he plucked the whittled wooden feather with his hands, a smile careening a long line across his face.

He examined it with the intensity and meticulousness of a collector. He did so love to see handmade things...especially sentimental, especially made by people who cared, and who he cared for.

"James, this is fuckin' amazing..." he said, deep blue gaze warm, piercing past the veil of whatever unseen pressure he had felt earlier, "the State is going to flip her shit...it's—man, it's thoughtful," Nik said, gaze trailing as the smoke trailed in gray-blues across the air. The blond carefully placed it back into his grasp and gave the other man a nod.

"You'll have to teach me. I can't whittle or carve for shit," he said, patently serious despite being good with blades. He tended to go...a little overboard on the cutting. It took a delicate touch, and a patient touch. Judging by the mess he had made from the paints and his general disposition towards life, he was neither delicate nor patient.

But James was. And had made something like this, for a wonderful young woman they both cared a lot about, in different ways.

Then, the young hunter was off. Stepping away to give his offering to the Tundra, who Nik had no doubts would be thrilled. He was...incredibly happy to see them together. Though he had been wine-bitch-drunk that night, offering cacophonies with the others on their budding relationship, it hadn't been in jest at all.

Smoke curled up into the air like vines as he stood there for just a moment, musing on that night with a hum. It almost felt, in this moment, that the apocalypse had never come upon them. He held on to that idea for as long as he could, standing pensive, gaze distant. He saw the horizon of their future, and hoped it'd be bright.

Hoped his darkness wouldn't take hold, or Ryan's for that matter. Hoped the light wouldn't blind the whitelighters and make them cold to humanity. One whitelighter especially, because that...was a different sort of holy quagmire to be stuck in.

"...if the universe is going to fuck us," he said to himself, staring out across the expanse of space around him, "...we'll just fuck it right back," he ended his sentiment with a flick of ash. Not so strong in his personal declaration, but it felt good to say. If they all believed this, if they all stood for this, fought for one another, fought as hard as they could against things they didn't understand.

Things bigger than they were. Things that were impossible.

Maybe, just maybe, they'd craft their own future. Destiny would have no hand in any of it. The meek would inherit the earth.

And then maybe, just maybe, he could stop being so afraid.

Nik stood for a moment longer, smoke twisting around him like a dingy halo, and then struck out to harass his light in the dark with an obnoxious present.


BELIAL. BELIAL. (Penny) & Lakyr Lakyr (Ryan) & cinnabuns cinnabuns (Namri)

She was going to be so mad at him, but mad in the way she could get, where she'd swear her non-swears and light up the room with laughter. 'Bullpoopie' came to mind, the girl was always intent on non-cusses because she was some fucking saintly creature. Penny never had a bad thing to say about anybody, really, only when she teased. Or was drunk.

Or, to be honest, if it was him. Again, it was all in a jest, this Nik knew.

He had brought the gift for this specific, antagonistic purpose, and it would show in so many hues and tones just how much he cared. Because he could still laugh with her. He could still try to rustle her feathers. Their shared connection was still as strong as ever. He'd show her as much, just by being a dick.

Popping into the RV, the blond looked over and noticed the pair were still up. The little scientist from earlier, the tinkerer, who he hadn't spoken much to, was there as well.

" ученыичка, I didn't thank you...but, thanks. For keeping Swiss Cheese Barbie and Rambo Ryan from tanking," he said with his characteristic wink, eyes trailing over to lock on Penny's face. She was worse for wear, but alive. He didn't have to murder anyone, luckily. Because his earlier threat had been an actual promise.

"Pennsylvania. I know we're doing this goddamn Secret Santa stuff, but Saint Nik is over here, bringing you a gift," he said, his smile deeply devious, and perfectly playful. He reached into his pocket and produced a safety razor, striking out dramatically to kneel as he held it. Like a knight presenting a gift to a lord or lady.

"As I bend the knee, I praise your Royal Excellency Sasquatch Pennysworth Vale The Fifteenth," he said, palms up as if gifting a sword of some sort, head bowed,"...wield thy blade...snrk—I can't..." he couldn't continue. He just couldn't. His shoulders started to hitch, but he tried to remain kneeling, offering held up to Her Majesty.

Nik started to cackle, losing his composure, shoulders shifting in hitches. Before she could snatch the obnoxious gift away, the blond placed it before her. In a flicker of a moment he shot from kneeling to taking her head in his hands. He held her against his chest, awkwardly as he was most definitely holding her too tightly. His nose was pressed to the top of her head, he was still laughing, but it was a slower clip. Less erratic, more warm and slow like molasses.

"Merry Christmas, Penelope," he said into her blond locks, closing his eyes tightly. She was soft in his arms, and he remembered, again, how he had carried her. He remembered, again, that she had been hurt...so...fucking..badly.

"Do not pull that Swiss Cheese Barbie shit again, you daft sh—ugh, I love you. But...please...think of my heart," he teased, eyes crinkling as he smiled, "I'm an old fucker, you know..." another joke left his lips almost in a whisper.

The part-time devil pulled away gently, surveying Penny like one would a painting. He tucked a bit of her blond hair behind her ear, then let out a noise of frustration, like a grumble. She was going to get herself killed one of these days, flinging herself in front of guns. There were so many fucking martyrs in this group, it was insane.

"...I'm going to see if the detective sleuthed us up some grub, want me to bring you all anything, or do you think you can come wi—"
"Voss wait, I got something for you. This whole Secret Santa thing and all, you know?" Nik turned slightly, peering at Ryan from over his shoulder, his deep blue eyes curious. Surprise colored over his features as he twisted to look over the other man.

To be painfully honest, it felt a little rough to have the most injured people dealing with gift giving. He almost felt like they should get a free pass and be given a shitload of things anyways, out of principle. Because deep down, yes, Nik was a softie. It didn't matter if he was a murder-machine.

Ryan took out a pistol. The blond's face went through ten stages of emotions none of which had any particular way to be phrased. He knew he was objectively horrible with projectiles, frisbees, tennis, shooting guns, anything. The amount of frisbees he had lost in central park was absolutely staggering. The amount of nosebleeds he had given Penny, herself, from various moments of stupidity, was absolutely staggering.

All of that was a recipe for disaster.

Shortly after he had first met Henry, his ability to throw had been hindered. He chalked it up to some weird psychosomatic insecurity, or perhaps he was just never destined to play sports. Whatever the case, he did need to learn. If he could, that is. Because blades only got you so far.

Eventually, you needed something more long-distance. For that, he was grateful, his expression shifting to a broad, welcoming smile. However, he was hesitant. He should never, ever be trusted with a gun, ever, he felt. Self-conscious about this flagrant ineptitude, he bit at his lower lip, worrying the flesh as he, himself, worried.

"Thought you might have a use for this,"
"...honestly...I should learn sometime, right? Thanks, ma—" Nik said, sheepish, because it was one of those sore spots. He had very few, most things could roll off his back without much of an issue at all. He lived his life to the fullest, not many things were seen as pain point. But being completely inept with firearms was one of them.

"Come here Nik, Merry Christmas, and all that," Nik had not been expecting a hug from Ryan. It was not very tight, not particularly warm, but it was nice. It was a nice sentiment, this. That perhaps the man Nik had known, through the ether and osmosis, to be James' brother in a way, would too be his own.

"Merry Christmas, Ryan. You're good people." The other man ruffled his hair and Nik beamed, his smile youthful. He didn't often get his hair ruffled. He was always the one to ruffle. He was being treated like a kid he felt, because honestly that's...what it was. A grown-ass man being so incapable of anything related to throwing that he more or less could line up a perfect shot and end up shooting someone else five miles down the road in the opposite direction.

It was preposterous. However, Nik was starting to understand more about who Ryan was as a person, which he appreciated. He knew why James liked him so much.

"Just, please, don't shoot yourself or any of us, alright?"
"Ryan, I will make no promises..." Nik said with a short laugh. The laugh ticked up and he started to chuckle, low in the chest. Oh, he'd probably shoot Rhys at some point, this he knew. Even if the gun only had one bullet in the chamber, Nik took the moment to check it because it wasn't guns that he was incapable with it was aiming, yes...he'd manage to clock the other man in the leg or worse.

Probably set a car on fire, somehow.

Maybe shoot another gun, and it'd explode.

All without meaning to.

"She can show you how to use it, trained her myself" Ryan shot a gesture back to Penny and Nik's smile turned to a half-cocked one, his gaze a bit sarcastic.
"Please train her not to get shot so fuckin' often," he said, laughter following shortly after, and then a sigh. Because it was true, and it was honestly exhausting him—this martyr-death-wish.

"...or maybe you ask James or your boyfriend or me, yeah I'd be happy to do so myself... Or you ask somebody else, I'm sure there are enough people around who know how to use a gun." Nik held the pistol, staring over it with his indigo gaze, a brow quirked. Who would he ask? Unless Rhys was giving some kind of doofy group lesson, that was out of the question. They'd get no fucking work done and Nik would entirely accidentally mortally maim him. He didn't need him dying, again, and certainly not by his stupid hand.

Penny was always an option, but Nik was sure he'd just be joking the entire time, and he...really didn't want to get her shot. Again.

James would be a good option, but he bet he'd be spending more time with Alaska. He could ask later, perhaps, but...it almost felt like Ryan should be the one to teach him. It was his gift, after all.

The part-time devil made sure the safety was on and placed the pistol in his deep coat pocket. The last thing he needed was to blow off his own junk with it. Which was also possibly still going to happen. Because he was cursed.

"I might just take you up on that, thanks—"
"There is something else ... James told me to give it to you, don't ask me how the fuck he figured out I pulled your name, guess it's just a weird coincidence..." rummaging in his bag, Ryan unearthed...a water bottle. Nik's contemplative expression cracked in half.

"I have no fucking idea what this is about, but James said you'd understand," the blond caught the water bottle in both his hands, brows raised up to the high heavens. He spun it in his grasp.

"So here's a water bottle for you, Merry Christmas, again, I guess..."

"It's....an inside joke," the blond said as he tried to stop from cracking up then and there on the spot. His lip quirked, his gaze was wide and bright.
"...god, that little shit, really? Really, James....?" Nik couldn't help but laugh in little hitches now, despite being aware that the others would be confused. He'd have to give James the worst noogie of his young life for this.

"Thanks, Ryan. Really," he took in a deep breath, spinning the bottle in his hands again, "...it'd be great if I could figure out how to take down assholes from afar, instead of rushing in there like Satan on wheels," he said with his expression still rosy and grin lilted.

Ryan stood and walked closer to his light in the dark. Nik took one more spin with the water bottle gift and tilted his head to the side. Penny had been all over Ryan a while back. It was best he left, he felt. His gaze drifted and his token shit-eating smirk resumed.

"That's my cue to leave. Let's blow this popsicle stand," He said with a gentle smile, looking back at the dark haired woman who had nursed the pair back to health. If she wanted to stay, so be it, but...he felt it best to leave the two alone.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do~" he shot back to Penny as he hopped down the steps of the RV, cackling.

[ (Does Namri wanna chill, idk?) ]
"Attention to all you filthy fuckin' animals, there's a goddamn party happening over in the outdoor section with some nice fuckin' space heaters and lights. You're fuckin' welcome, I know no one asked." The PA system came on full blast, and there his detective was, barking over the airwaves. Despite the gruff statement careening over the airwaves, it had been a nice sentiment, truthfully.

Lights, and space heaters, and food—possibly. Nik's deep blue eyes sparkled, and he kicked up his step to pick up the pace. The cigarette he had crushed away earlier was now back between his lips, and he was giddy. Giddy with the festivities, happy for something to eat, some warmth, more people to talk to.

It really was like...in the time before. But better, he felt. Because they could laugh and have perfect moments even when the world was scorched with hellfire. They were a strong family, trul—

"And don't think I didn't see that trashed aisle, Voss, you better hope you don't get coal in your goddamn stocking." The blond stopped his joyous saunter in mid-stride, the cigarette between his lips inert as he blanched.

"I didn't do it!" he blurted out, as if Rhys was standing right there, when he clearly wasn't. Nik grimaced, his strong brows narrowing in irritation. Then, his expression shifted to self-pity, and he tilted his head back to let out a long, grating groan.

"....I'm so screwed..."

"Someone get those fuckin' party poopers out of the RV before Allea drinks all the alcohol."

"Fuck, he's pushy..." Niklas grumbled, head still tilted back as he continued onwards, hands in his pockets, cigarette stuck out from the side of his mouth. His steps were slow and praddling.

"So remember kids, get your asses to the outdoor living section of the store located towards the back left, and let's have a merry fuckin' christmas." The speaker cut out with an audible crackle, and Nik winced at the sound. It rang in his inner ear, an odd pinging-noise.

"Alright, alright, God damn..." he said this, exasperated, but the look on his face was nothing but playful. It had swept away from mock-irritation to something....worse than that. Devious, hellish. A party meant alcohol. A party meant food. A party meant shenanigans.

A party meant...dancing, maybe. If they had music. His grin curled up at the corner, and the blond bent down as if to scoop up the small painting he had made for Alaska, now dried. But he stopped. Cigarette between his fingers, he perched above it, staring at it with a calculating gaze.

"Hey, Nik, I've been ... working on something myself. It's ... it's not a painting and it's not really good, but I'd really like to hear your opinion on it."
"It's ... it's for Alaska, ... fuck, it's pretty bad, right? Stupid ... fuck! I should probably start looking for something else, something better."

The blond fettered smoke from his lips in a spire, kneeling near the paint cans and buckets, splayed out like a forest of colors. He traced the scene, the painting on its side, propped up to dry. Colors spread about, dollops of pigments, the lacquer spray. Nik sucked on his lower lip and hefted down to squat, stare at this little painting, and smoke, not speaking for a few moments.

James was so concerned about this gift...he was so worried it wasn't good enough. The words from early caught in his mind like slow honey. Which was silly, it was absolutely perfect...it was the most special, important, and beautiful gift he could ever give Alaska.

But he could sense something there, a tenderness. Like how he felt with the bracelet he had made Rhys, burning a hole in his other pocket. It...just wasn't enough.

How they both felt for the ones they cared for, it didn't match what they could make. But they had both made things that they could wear and carry easily on their person. Nik quirked his brow, supping on his cigarette, and then perched it between his two fingers. He stepped back, shifting to stand from resting on the balls of his feet, and reached forward.

With a careful mark of the thumb in dark ink, he smeared a small stroke around the painting, as if making guidelines. He'd cut it later.

When James taught him how to make something nice out of wood like this, he'd cut it. Then he'd give it to Rhys, because inevitably there'd be more Holidays...right? A birthday somewhere in there, he thought.

Nik smiled, hoping he was making the right decision on this small matter, and walked on towards the outdoor living section.


Niylah Blake
secret santa
Location: Lowes Home Improvement Store
Interactions: Chise_Robin_ Chise_Robin_ , Mirgris Mirgris , Beleth Beleth , Lakyr Lakyr , ... and almost everybody

"Good to see another outsider" Just before leaving with Rufus, the other man said to Niylah and gave her a wave, “thanks, it’s nice to know that i am not the only one” she said giving him a smile and a wave back. For some reason it came to her mind that he was wearing an armor. She probably didn't notice before because she was busy finding an exit to her situation. But now that everything is fine she couldn't help but think, 'why an armor?' she pushed the thought away thinking that he must have had a good reason, and left the question to be answered another time. She always thought that it was rude to point out what people were wearing anyway.

"James, , it's nice to meet you." James said and gave Niylah a smile after she introduced herself properly. “ nice meeting you too” she replied with a smile. and with names sharing part out of the way, they started their small trip. The first person they stopped to greet was a young girl with black hair, she was standing in front of the store and she had a nice smile. She was so kind to offer to take a look at Niylah’s car “ that'll be great, thank you “ Niylah replied with a smile. ''I'm Alaska… Welcome to the group, I hope you decide to stay, the more badass people we get, the less chance of getting killed by some random hell spawn” the girl.. Alaska, told her which made her smile ‘Niylah the badass’ Niylah thought that she liked it. “thanks, I'm Niylah, nice to meet you. I'll stay for the night if you guys don’t have a problem.” She told her with a smile. Well if her car can’t be fixed she might have to stay more than one night so she’ll just take a look around for another abandoned car just in case things don’t go as planned here. If nothing wrong happens here tonight, then she might actually stay around for a couple more days.

With that Alaska left and James took Niylah to meet few more people who were nearby. Niylah didn't memorise all the names but they were all nice. "Well, yeah ... I don't think you need a babysitter, so, just don't sneak up on somebody who hasn't seen you yet and you'll be fine. I have to go check on someone" James said after sometime. “ yeah sure, thanks for everything” Niylah said totally understanding the situation and smiling at the advice. “ I’ll keep that in mind” she told him. she don't sneak up on anybody.. or at least she will try not to.

Walking around, Niylah saw a hat on the ground. She recognised as the hat Rufus was carrying earlier when she was talking to Alaska. After finding out that it was about secret santa and that her name too was placed in the hat, she approached tp pick a paper out ‘this isn't a bad idea’ she thought as she read the name that was written on the paper. She recognised the name almost immediately and smiled thinking about what to give the name’s owner as a gift, after all she didnt know what they liked but she sure will find something soon.

taking few more steps, she found herself standing in front of the Rvs . The people in the RV seemed injured, but someone was already taking care of them, that is why Niylah decided not to interfere. Thought she remembered her offer earlier, and decided to go get them the medical supplies. So her next stop was whereshe left her car earlier.

Arriving to her car. Niylah prepared a bag of medical supplies And a bag filled with food. Most of the places she visited on her journey were left behind untouched. She found bunkers, houses, and mini markets that were filled with everything anyone could think of.. of course Niylah took all the food….and a lot of other things too. One of the bunkers she found was a military bunker.. well at least she thought it was. It had a lot of maps, guns, and what she thought to be military stuff. There were also emergency food rations. She chuckled remembering empting that place last week and she put some of the food rations in another bag. She then added a jar of honey and a bag of dried beans. “ that should cover” she said as she closed the bag.

Before she closed the trunk, she eyed the guitar “ christmas needs music” she said and took out the guitar as well. Then stopping for a second “music..” she said seeming to remember something. She went to the front seat and opened a pink small bag that was under the seat, at the very bottom of the bag laid a small red box with a gray ribbon on it “ this can be a nice gift” she said opening the box. Inside there was a blue mb3 music player with black headphones and 8 batteries. This was supposed to be Maya’s birthday gift but she passed away before receiving it, Niylah kept it around along with Maya’s other stuff. She pushed the thought away closing the box and placed it in her other bag along with her note book and her map.

Going back to the store, she found Rufus and approached “hey.. I just wanted to thank you for earlier, never really had the chance” she said opening the subject “ and I wanted to say Merry christmas” she said presenting the red box. “ I hope you like it” she said with a smile. “ I also brought the food and medical supplies I told you about earlier… and a guitar. Maybe we can play music if you guys wanted to gather around this evening.” She said hoping that she understood the christmas party thing right.

gift-box-tied-red-ribbon-with-small-red-hearts-printed-on-it-on-old-wooden-background_1205-1990.jpg c26-clipplus-blue-1-lg.jpg

Dried Whole Egg Powder: shelf life 10 years, total servings 300
2 bags of 1-Person Emergency Food Supply Kit: shelf life 25 years, total servings 140
Peanut Butter Powder: shelf life 8 years, total servings 65
Milk Powder: shelf life 20 years, total servings 216
potato Powder: shelf life 25 years, total servings 68

a person who transforms or creates something through a seemingly magical process.

RV -> Hardware Store​

blessed blonde, newly conscious afflicted, afflicted blond with a much shorter beard, firestarter goth witch, the hunter and his sister, the lovebirds™, the sweet witch and her snake, + namri's ss
only properly tagging those she actually talked to okayyyy. but a lot of people were mentioned and were given warm things


The best way for Namrata to look at this all, to keep her mind from shutting down on itself, was to look at everything as an experiment.

All she was doing was actively participating in tests of her ability. Looking it as such, instead of as her frantically trying to make sure someone didn’t die on her watch, made it easier on her mental state. She felt...somewhat fragile. She hadn’t really sat back and replayed everything that had happened to herself since the gate of hell opened in Times Square; she'd spent more time just looking at everything and taking it in.

Watching others was much, much easier.

Of course, doing so was hard when Namrata’s mind could barely focus on the work ahead of her. But she realized that with every carb she was allotted, she was able to ground herself better. So when Edana had gifted her a part of her chocolate bar, she’d eaten a part of it after conversing with Elijah, saving the rest as well as she could until Reina had checked on her when the RV had stopped. She slipped the last part into her mouth, focusing on healing Ryan a little while longer while the hunter and her prophet went to get them some more supplies. She thanked Edana in the back of her mind for her thoughtfulness.

“It is not much but consider it the start of a token of my thank you for assisting the fallen, Namrata. We are within your debt.”

It wasn’t that she hadn’t noticed the young blood witch arrive and her new friend - the blond who had been holding Penny earlier - it was just that Namri was more focused on doing all the healing she could while Penny slept beside him. But when she heard the crinkle of a food wrapper the scientist’s eyes left the still-unconscious afflicted and went to Edana’s hands, which offered her a treat.

“That is very kind of you, Edana. Thank you.”

She would have to ration these Oreos, too, if her brain had anything to say about it.


Rufus had come by later, with an abundance of energy that Namri envied as she went through the supplies Caleb and Reina had brought back for her and Penny, who’d woken up from her nap. She found the attempt of normalcy quite heartwarming, and definitely necessary to bring a better mood to the group. The mood only lightened further when, while Rufus was giving names to the others and she’d reached in to pick her own slip with a gentle smile and nod to the Brit, Ryan began to stir.

"So I'm not dead, huh?"

How relieving.

"Thanks for saving me."

His eyes were on Penny.

It made Namri smile a bit. She went back to rustling through the materials, knowing it didn’t matter if she replied or not. Would they have enough? She had half a mind to ask Elijah and his sister if they minded bringing some more supplies. She’d seen them go through the stores when she’d looked outside, also noting the incoming clouds and the flurry of snow blowing by the windows. With how cold it was, there could only be more snow incoming. It wouldn’t hurt to have extra medical kits, especially during an apocalypse-like scenario like this--

"ученыичка, I didn't thank you...but, thanks. For keeping Swiss Cheese Barbie and Rambo Ryan from tanking."

At first, Namri didn’t know he was talking to her. She’d picked up German, Spanish, and French during her time in academia, but Russian hadn’t been something she’d focused on. And since he hadn’t spoken to her earlier, she didn’t know she’d been given a nickname. Or that he even knew who she was.

“Well, I like being alive.”

A response to his earlier threat. It wasn’t meant to be prickly, but it might have come out that way.

Truth be told, the threat of murder coming only weeks after seeing her professor die in front of her and then, the daily threat of being dragged off to her death in the raider headquarters didn’t sit well with her; especially since she still hadn’t had time to properly recuperate. It might have helped if she’d taken a moment for herself, but then? Then, she really didn’t have the time to sit back and think about what had happened, unless she wanted to be seen as weak, like food. And now that she was free, her mind was on healing with the threat of being murdered if anyone died while she was supposed to help.

She’d had no idea if he’d meant it or not, but she’d seen his handiwork, had seen the blood painting the walls as she’d walked down the hallway of the headquarters. She had seen the raiders, some of them seemingly torn in half. She had heard the blood squelch under her boots, walking with Reina and Caleb.

She had to be careful.

“I’m certain you like your friends alive too. So I’m happy everything worked out.”

Namri pulled her bag closer to herself while the rest of them spoke and exchanged their gifts, grabbing a duffel bag Reina had brought in from the Lowe’s and placing most of the weapons she’d gotten from the headquarters into it. She didn’t need all of those knives, as greedy as she’d been grabbing them - she reasoned now that the big group she was traveling with could use some of them, and a few of the handguns she’d gotten. She left two handguns and four knives with herself, but paused as she read over the name on the paper she’d received.

She hadn’t met this one yet. But she could always get them something practical from what she’d nicked. Namri grabbed one more knife that came in a pouch and slid it into her bag before grabbing her journal. Maybe she could find some other herbs while she was out in the grocery store before she reconvened in the Lowe’s.

"That's my cue to leave. Let's blow this popsicle stand."

This time she assumed he was talking to her. When she met his eyes, he had a soft smile on his face. She nodded in response.

It was a nicer look on him than his threats, she had to admit.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do~."

Namri slid the backpack onto her shoulders and walked out after the blond and the teen witch, pausing and giving Penny and Ryan a small smile before continuing out, leaving his phrase hanging in the air. She didn't feel quite comfortable leaving those she considered her patients alone - especially since they weren't fully healed - but.

She could let it go. They were healthy enough now.

Rules were different in the apocalypse, after all.


She’d been right about the temperature falling, Namri noted as she left the RV. It was a good thing they were at a Lowe’s, then. She could grab herself some better boots and maybe a warm jacket from the clothing section after she’d gone to the grocery store. As she thought of the clothes, she noticed Elijah and Amara going back into the bigger store. They were still grabbing things. It was a smart move. Before she could invite the blond or the blood witch along with her to the grocery store, however, a loud voice with a static-like tone went clear through the air.

"Attention to all you filthy fuckin' animals, there's a goddamn party happening over in the outdoor section with some nice fuckin' space heaters and lights. You're fuckin' welcome, I know no one asked."

"And don't think I didn't see that trashed aisle, Voss, you better hope you don't get coal in your goddamn stocking."

Namri watched silently while the Russian stopped in his tracks, seemingly turning paler than he already was.

"I didn't do it!....I'm so screwed..."

At least she knew something about his name from that.

"Someone get those fuckin' party poopers out of the RV before Allea drinks all the alcohol."

Ah, yes. Jabs coming from the one driving erratically while she was saving his comrades’ lives. Namri rolled her eyes, heading towards the grocery store.

“I’ll be there soon. I have some things to restock first before the snow gets any worse than it is.” She called back to the Russian and Edana with a smile. “If you’d like, you can come along. But the alcohol might all go, so I won’t blame you if you don’t.”

The last of her phrase went to the Russian. She kept walking without making the clarification. She really did have to beat the snow.


They had really struck gold in this pit stop of theirs, Namri thought to herself as she checked out their flowers and their herbs. All pretty dry or dead, but she could still use the petals ad leaves for her pastes...or so she thought. It was weird how these things came to her as if she'd known then for ages. Why now was this happening?

Namri eyed the flora and she felt a pull towards certain ones...echinacea, aloe vera, lavender, sage, a few others - she was surprised to see broadleaf plantain, of all things, but she was glad to. Rather, something within her was instantly soothed by it. Once again, she felt slightly off with how well she recognized these things. But now, hopefully, she could find some more containers here. Namrata walked through the aisles, frowning as she looked further down and noticed the freezers, all shut off. What a waste of food. She shook her head slightly, focusing on the task at hand. Maybe if she were lucky, she could find some Tupperware or--

Namri stopped in her tracks with a nice grin as she found exactly those, and some mason jars. Even big Ziploc bags. That would work even better, she realized, since it would give her more space in her bag than either of the aforementioned storage spaces.

Luck was really in her favor now. She’d take the chances it was giving her.

She'd take some non-perishable snacks, too, while she was at it.


As she headed through the Lowe’s Namrata made a stop in the clothing aisle. Thankfully the hunter and the witch siblings hadn’t pilfered through this aisle, she thought with a little amusement as she grabbed herself a warm parka. She made a soft noise when she realized there were fleece leggings, and skirts…. It would only be smart to dress up for the winter outside. She’d been freezing when she’d come in from the grocery store. Namri took some time to change her clothes before heading towards the party. Boots, socks, leggings, a new skirt, and the parka. As she grabbed a scarf and stuffed it in her bag for later, her memory flashed back to Edana and Theta.

Neither of them had looked too warm. Maybe she should grab something for them, as well. Reina, too...and to grab something for Reina and not for Caleb would feel rude. Namri grabbed another pair of tights for Theta, and a thick black scarf for Edana, noting the slight squeaks of vermin she heard as she found warm gloves for Reina. Epsilon would be covered too. Maybe they could freeze some of the mice somehow, out in the snow, for them to take along for the snake. But for the rest of her? What if Epsilon herself got too cold?

...maybe Elijah and Amara would benefit from something warm, as well....

Soon enough, Namrata had found her arms filled with warm accessories as she went to join the others at the party. She didn’t say much as she pressed the items into their hands with a light smile - the tights for Theta with a scarf for Epsilon to warm herself in; the scarf for Edana as the goth witch would probably enjoy the new tights she’d found while in the store earlier; the pair of gloves for Reina and a scarf too; a scarf for Caleb, since she had a feeling the prophet wasn’t going to properly take care of himself; a scarf for Penny and one for Ryan, when she saw them, and the scarves for the siblings - before she ended up near Reverie. By process of elimination she assumed the witch with the red scarf who had ridden in the Jeep was the one she was looking for.

“Excuse me. Are you Reverie?” She didn’t wait to make sure, pulling out the pouch containing the knife she’d set aside for the witch earlier.

“You were the one I got for my secret santa. I hope this will be of use to you in the upcoming year.”

A swiss-army knife. She knew Reverie was a witch, at least, so it might not have been the best gift...but it was a good safety present, after all. It could be useful, for gathering ingredients or for getting out of a quick situation.

Hopefully she’d be okay with it.

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Simjang Kim
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Secret Santa: Christmas Special
Interacting With: Theta (Surprise!) izayoiix izayoiix

Location: Outside > Lowe's Home Improvement (Outdoor Living Section)

Mood: Merry & Happy

Equipped With: Ax

Kim was singing her song as she heard some kind of sound come from the store. She went inside and investigated the noise. Turns out it was just the leader of the group, talking to everyone within the store to go to the 'Outdoor Living' section of the store for a small party. His wording was quite childish but his pauses made her guess that he was getting a good kick out of it. The woman proceeded to that part of the store, teddy bear in hand.

It was quite a nice scene with the coziness of the area emanating, just by looking at it could give you warmth in your heart on how comfortable and friendly everyone was. Kim hugged her teddy bear tightly and let herself sit down on a small chair near the area. Her dress was quite simple as had long sleeves and a mini skirt. She had nothing to protect herself from the cold wind. The woman received a piece of paper earlier from a man. It said that it was for a secret santa event. The person that she would give to was directly a female, judging from her name. It would take some time for her to find the person she will give her gift to.

The woman stood up and went back to the RV, she left some things inside there and would like to retrieve it. She went outside the store to spot a woman, all alone. She was directly in front of the entrance, standing. If she were to take a wild guess and asked her directly if she was the one, it could be her. She walked up to her and asked, "Is your name Theta?", while holding her teddy bear behind her. "If that's your name, then congratulations! You get a gift from me.", she presented to her the small bear with the flower.

Code by @Beauty_Belle

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Location: Lowe's home improvement warehouse
mentions: Lakyr Lakyr Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda and Ruffles and Niylah are mentioned.
OOC: Fuck finals and happy new year!

Alaska Roberts

Glee.. The whole camp screamed of glee. People running around, cheerful, happy, teasing each other left and right, hell Niylah even had a guitar with her. Truly the spirit of Christmas. If there was one thing that group did best, it would be finding happiness even in the middle of the crapocalypse, even after all the things they'd gone through.

When Ruffle chips ran up to her presenting a bag filled with folded paper, telling her about a certain secret Santa event and an apparent party their fierce leader was planning on hosting, Alaska's mind couldn't help but wonder to that one night before the kidnapping. The alcohol, the laughing, kissing James, Penny dreadful topless and passing out. A smile crossed her lips as she reached for the paper, praying the name she picked would be one of the people she knows.

A sigh, a relieved sigh followed by the biggest grin she could muster as she read Rhys' name. The young hunter beamed at the British prophet with joy and ran back towards the store.

Now beside's the rum bottle that sat patiently in her bag, and that she knew Rhys would appreciate, the young hunter wanted to give him something more.....permanent, something he wouldn't drink in one sitting and dance around a fire naked afterwards. browsing through the shelves she happened to find the section of pocket knives.

Though their fearless leader was more of a gun man himself -when he doesn't go with his half angel powers thingy that is- she figured that a pocket knife can be easily hidden, for drastic situations. Her mind raced to the day of the kindapping again, a shudder ran down her spine, and she picked one of the knives up. A classic, black pocket knife.

On her way out of the store, her eyes landed on the wrapping section. Alaska Roberts was the worst gift wrapper heaven had created. in spite of that, she'd managed to wrap her gift in a way that wouldn't show off whether the gift was actually a spoon or a knife. With a sigh she made her way out again, only to find Allea walking around with an eye ball in her hand.... An honest to God eye ball. Blinking her eyes for a few times, she locked eyes with the older witch for a slight moment then averted her looks. Why was she so uneasy around her?

"Hey, I, uhm, shit. Merry Christmas, Alaska."
''Huh?" Still a little distracted by Allea, the young hunter turned back towards James after hearing his voice, processing what he said almost instantly after her question. A sheepish, almost shy grin showed on his lips as he handed her a handmade wooden pendant of a beautiful feather which she took in both hands with a stupefied look on her face. ''Wow...That....That's fucking beautiful!''

''"It's ... well, I did my best. I know it's not much, but I hope you like it. I ... I could never find something good enough as a gift for you, you know? Nothing that could be enough of a thank you or a sign of ... yeah, well, at least this is self-made. As I said, I know it's not really great but ... I hope you like it." Alaska had kept shaking her head all the time, when he said it wasn't enough, when he said that it wasn't really great. Something in her heart felt very warm and cozy as she put both arms around the pendant and brought it closer to her heart. Always that fucking sentimental...

The young huntress was at a loss of words there. Stepping closer to the other hunter she put her arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug, brushing her fingers through his jet black hair. ''Thank you......It's perfect.....I love it....I fucking love it.......I...'' Alaska paused, pulling away from the hug to look into his eyes: ''I don't even know your last name, but......I love you James''
Whispering the last part she pressed her lips against his into a long kiss. Her eyes filled with tears that didn't fall down her cheeks when she pulled away and reached for her wrist for an old silver watch that apparently belonged to someone old. ''This was my father's'' She took it out and put it around James' wrist ''It means the world to me.....Take care of it...Merry Christmas Jam.......''
"Attention to all you filthy fuckin' animals, there's a goddamn party happening over in the outdoor section with some nice fuckin' space heaters and lights. You're fuckin' welcome, I know no one asked."
Alaska's sentence was interrupted by Rhys' voice on a radio....We have a fucking radio. Another grin lit up her face as she put the pendant around her neck, took James' hand and started running towards the outdoor section.


''Hey! Peanut butter Santa! I was promised a fucking party!'' Alaska was now standing in front of one of the men she called a brother, panting because of the running, the kiss, and the joy in her heart because of James' pendant. Fumbling in her bag for the items she'd snatched she first presented the knife, though it was so badly wrapped that for all Rhys knew it could have been a spoon, or a very weird looking pen. ''I know you prefer guns but.....well, this can be like a b plan....or a c plan.... or, shit i don't know, I wanted to get you something to use as a last resort in case.....You know... umm.'' she was mumbling, her mind raced back to the moment they dragged him away just after he'd woken up in the cells. ''Merry Christmas big bro'' with that she gave him a warm hug. Pulling away, with a bright grin she told him that she wasn't done.

She reached for the unopened rum bottle and took it out of her bag almost theatrically. ''You said at the hotel that your favourtie drink was rum? Well, it's old, unopened and I'd kill anyone if they tried to take it away from you'' The young hunter hesitated a little before giving the man his rum ''Don't get too drunk again though, I don't want to see you in nothing but Nik's coat again....Speaking of Nik!''she chuckled, and walked towards their resident quasi devil and gave him a hug ''Merry Christmas bro! Look at what James made!'' Alaska was beaming with joy and excitement, there was promise of a party, everyone she cared about was there. Normally, at times like this, the crapocalypse would flip them all off with a new monster, some revenants or vampires. They were all on the look out, even though they didn't seam to be. In spite of all hell breaking loose though, she was determined to have a peaceful Christmas. One they'd never forget.

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[class=BackgroundBitch] Background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f0/cb/87/f0cb877b971791a9c356c4b3e2706747.jpg); Padding:50px; [/class] [class=BitchesbeBackgroundColor] padding:40px; background-color:#a3b0e2; Color:Black; [/class] [class=PennyDreadful] float:right; margin-bottom:10px; text-align:center; border-radius:2px; background-color:#000000; padding:5px;color:#a3b0e2; width:calc(100% - 15% - 25px); [/class] [class=TextityText] text-align:justify; position: relative; left: 25px; [/class] [class=FukImg] border-right:8px DOTTED #eff3f7; border-bottom:5px DOTTED #eff3f7; width:15%; float:left; [/class] [class=Imageborder] border:4px SOLID #142740; line-height:0px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=TinyLines] border-top:1px SOLID #000000; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px; [/class] [div class="BackgroundBitch"] [div class="BitchesbeBackgroundColor"] [div class="FukImg"] [div class="Imageborder"]
[/div][/div] [div class="PennyDreadful"] PENELOPE VALE [/div] [div class="TextityText"]

Elation, and perhaps beyond relief itself, filled Penny from nose to toes when she heard Ryan’s voice emerge from the groggy void of sleep and light coma. She’d overworked herself emotionally, assuming the worst but hoping for the best, in that he would stay sleeping for much longer. It was a great coincidence that he would wake up so soon after her, and the embarrassed shade of red within her was happy that it had been after she had showed all that outward affection to him.

So I’m not dead, huh?” Of course he would say that. Of course. Her face ran through a plethora of emotions: surprise, relief, glee, and then playful annoyance. This was per the usual with Ryan. They had a respect for each other, and Penny was keeping herself from mistaking the respect for romantic intent. She had always found herself with men that were like that. She vibed best with those who didn’t take life entirely seriously; which was a nice contrast to her own self when the going got tough. Flighty to the point of diving between loyalties, Penny had always desired a rock. A rock, or someone that could ground her with a singular look or word. It had been why, back in the day, she had fallen head over heels for Nik. A few other gentlemen like him, but her girlish fantasy had been particularly strong with that one. Time matured the girl, and she blossomed into a self-sustaining woman that didn’t need to rely on a man’s strong, immaterial grip on her soul. She had her own dang self, and that was more than enough. Yet, she always found herself drawn back to the same types.

She tracked the smile on his face, digging her nails into the palm of her hand to stop herself from giving him the biggest of bear hugs. It wouldn’t help, especially when Penny noticed the tick of pain slipping in between the creases of his face. She knew how to hide pain, and she knew how to spot it. She let him converse with Rufus to enter the Secret Santa but kept the worry wide on her face. Every moment, she was worried he’d burst into a pile of flesh and blood. Is that what happened when you saw someone close to you nearly die? Maybe just to Penny…

Thanks for saving me.” Ryan said it, clearly to everyone by the shifting gaze, but it still made her cheeks flush a bit from modesty when he locked eyes with her. She shrugged, running a hand through blood-soaked blonde locks.

It was mostly Namri, especially while I was out of commission. But you bet your butt I didn’t let you have anything too lasting-- internally. You’ve got blessed on your side, remember?” She chuckled, shaking her head and turning.

Penny willed her legs to move, and she placed herself on the wall adjacent to the bed. Peering slightly out the window, she frowned at the massive snowstorm building outside. They’d have to move soon, and hopefully judging by the lack of people in the van that the rest were already somewhere. Penny narrowed her eyes, leaning down to look out the window. Between the streaks of white, she saw a Lowes which made her quirk a brow up. Yet, one didn’t take advantage of the gifts bestowed to them.

She heard Ryan rustle and instinctively turned around to make sure he didn’t throw himself onto the floor and bleed out more but was embarrassingly surprised to see that he was changing his shirt. Luck had been to blame for any kind of clothing within the RV, that was for sure. Penny, turning pink, hid her face just as Nik entered.

She warmed, benevolence exuding. Despite feeling a double skin crawl from Ryan and Nik now being in the RV, she still held quite the high regard for these two. Penny smiled, trying to hide the fact that she still ached immensely from every joint or that she was covered in more of her own blood than she’d like to admit.



—I know we’re doing this goddamn Secret Santa stuff, but Saint Nik is over here bringing you a gift,” He said, and Penny’s brow raised. He had a smirk, and she didn’t trust it for one bit.

Saint Nik is a lot better than Nickel, but jeez I didn’t get you anything on account of the whole dying—

He bent on one knee, producing a razor from his pocket. She eyed the razor and gasped aloud, flushing rapidly and flapping her mouth like a fish. She frowned immediately but couldn’t deny the hiccup of laughter from streaming out of her lips. Both knees hit the ground and he bowed chivalrously, making Penny swear she could hear his armor chink from the movement (but more than likely it was just his knees creating a symphony of cracks).

As I bend the knee, I praise your Royal Excellency Sasquatch Pennysworth Vale the Fifteenth,”

God, Niklas you are so unbelievable...

…wield thy blade…snrk—I can’t…” He broke into laughter, followed shortly by her own bubble of laughter. Nik was laughing, really hard, and she was rolling her eyes.

Really, wow, I hope that whole display was really worth it. You are so—” He snapped upward once she grabbed the razor and embraced her tightly. Penny was buried uncomfortably into his chest, her breathing smothered in a headlock of cigarette odor, dried blood, and Nik’s signature musk. She broke into a shaking fit of laughter, even as he squeezed her far too tight.

She relaxed into his embrace. “Merry Christmas, Penelope.” He said, and Penny felt a prickle of hot tears tickle the back of her eyes. Nobody could see it anyway, as she was halfway through his skeleton by now.

Do not pull that Swiss Cheese Barbie shit again, you daft sh—ugh, I love you. But…please…think of my heart. I’m an old fucker, you know…

A swell of guilt filled Penny’s chest as Nik pulled back, and she looked up at him. He tucked her hair back, more maternal than she would have been in the moment (overcome, and equally suppressed, by emotions). Her brows knitted together, and she sighed. “Merry Christmas Nik, and I’ll try not to die again. Can’t promise I won’t try to get really close, just to test you…” She smiled a bit, pushing the razor into his sternum like a finger. She faltered, letting her hand drop against his chest. “No, I…I won’t die. But you know me Nik, and if it were you out there… I know you’d do the same.” She let the words fall and smiled, weaker this time, again at her friend. He’d worry, for sure, and she’d worry as well. It was an endless cycle, as it seemed among the group. Selfless and emotional.


Nik and the others left, after Ryan bestowed a few gifts and pass-alongs to her devil friend. This had been once Ryan had started toward Penny saying, “Hey, I think I have something for you too…” Her heart had skipped a beat, and she stared a bit incredulously at the man—her mind hardly believing what on earth her ears were hearing.

That’s my cue to leave. Let’s blow this popsicle stand,” Nik said and Penny turned a vicious glare at him. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do~” She rolled her eyes, her good manners keeping her from flipping the bird straight at Nik. Her gaze softened when Namri looked back, and Penny gave her an awkward sort of thumbs up that the situation would not be as sexual as Nik was implying. She also tried to communicate that the two would be fine alone, as Penny was very nearly at her regular working mode and could heal again. She’d have to thank Namri again later, and maybe dig something out from Lowe’s to bestow as some sort of ‘gift’. A thank you.

Ryan sat on the bed and Penny crossed her arms, watching him bemusedly. “I think you once said that you regretted not punching me, so here’s your next time, I guess.” He then turned his head and pointed at the exposed cheek, creased with another shit-eating grin. Penny shook her head, laughing.

I don’t recall those words, at all. You, sir, must have imagined it.” She made her way closer however, mockingly flexing her fists. “But, my, I won’t lose the chance to smack that smile off your face.

An idea sparked into her head, because she wouldn’t have punched him anyway, and once she was close enough she dipped low and pressed a soft kiss onto his cheek. She missed a bit and kissed just above his jaw (getting instead an entire section of beard). The sensation left her warm, nonetheless, but she figured Ryan was probably a lot more surprised than she was at her own behavior.

Penny pulled back a little, still within breathing distance of Ryan, and smiled. She searched his eyes, and felt the warmth grow within her again. Her cheeks flushed, sending a wave of heat over her mind and eyes. Glossy, maybe with the prospect of a little romance, she bit her lip mindlessly. Penny wasn’t one for totally spontaneous acts of affection, though she had her fair share of crazy in the past. She hadn’t dabbled sexually, or romantically, as much as someone her age might have, but she took it seriously when it happened. Ryan was someone she cared about, and she hated thinking so hard about it, and just wanted to do whatever the heck her brain wanted for one freaking second—

I’m glad you’re alive, but don’t let this stop your heart okay?” She took a shaking breath and grabbed his hand from the side of his face. She let her thumb graze the skin just above where the beard started and taking a deep breath she shut her eyes tightly and dipped forward. Her heart was thumping wildly. God, she hated herself for being so reckless. Pressing her lips against his gently, she savored the chaste kiss. Penny quickly pulled back, sucking her cheeks in and grasping her neck anxiously.

It felt… nice. She couldn’t deny that. But she’d hate it if it was something to make Ryan uncomfortable around her. God, she’d hate herself if he couldn’t be around her anymore.

I’m sorry—I just… I… We should go. Snows…bad. If we stay we’ll freeze… Please come, you don’t even have to look at me just… let’s…” She was feeling completely stupid, like an anxious teenager, and she hated every ounce of it. Penny lingered for a moment, wondering what his reaction would be, and then she tore out of the bedroom section of the RV. She hoped he would follow behind.


Ideally, the RV wouldn’t be snowed in by the time they left Lowe’s (whenever that would be). The snow was bad, really bad, and even stepping outside, she was reminded of how little clothing she had. Thin, blood-soaked layers wouldn’t be enough. Hopefully Lowe’s had something, even if it was from some employees leaving something in the back. Penny held herself tightly, bowing her head to avoid the fronting of snow to her face. It had been why she used to wear all those layers, especially to cover her face, before the awful raiders went ahead and up-heaved her residence. She was regretful that she had left most of her things, especially her headgear. There was no time for reminiscing, however, and she could only focus on crossing the parking lot.

It felt like leagues, buried in growing snow and wind. The distance hadn’t been much, realistically, but she was so glad when she entered the home-improvement store. The temperature wasn’t much different, but at least there was no snow. An echo, nearly ghostly, came from the other end of the store. People.

If we follow the voices, I’m sure we’ll find the others.” She said to Ryan, stalking through the aisles and eyeing the goods. She’d need a proper strut through the store later, in order to come up with supplies and try to Macgyver herself a few new weapons. The pistol that Kim had given her was great, but she wouldn’t try to rely completely on it.

Eventually, they came upon the outdoor living section, and Penny was delighted to see so many friendly faces. The blur of brown that crashed into her knees made Penny most happy, and she hit the ground. Her head didn’t crash as hard as it usually did, but the barrage of slobbering tongue disoriented her a bit. Penny laughed loudly, and shrilly, as Woofus just about cleaned all the blood off of Penny’s face and hair. It was a rather disgusting thought, but she didn’t care as she buried her face into the dog’s head and torso. She scratched him deeply, love swelling in her heart and tears once again threatening to burst from her eyes. She was so glad that Woofus had been alive, and she would be sure to thank the others for keeping him as such.

Penny pulled back from the hound, who was whimpering with excitement and thumping his tail wildly. Penny cooed, holding the dog tightly to her. She breathed in, feeling an ease race through her. Her heartbeat slowed to a natural pace, and her brain resumed regular activities. There had been many stresses in the last hour or so, however long it had been since the rescue, and now she was grateful that she had her dog.

I missed you Woofus. God, I’m so glad to see you” It really was some kind of Christmas.

[div class="TinyLines"][/div] Interacting: BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda Lakyr Lakyr | Mentioned: Nik, Ryan, Namri, Woofus | Located: Lowe's Home Improvement (Outdoor Living Section) [div class="TinyLines" style="margin-bottom:0px;"][/div]
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[class=biggie] width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; clear:both; font-size:13px; color: #1d1b15; font-weight:100; display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; height: 100%; [/class] [class=whut]background: url(https://i.postimg.cc/J7cBQG31/snows.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-attachment: fixed; padding:30px; [/class] [class=handsomedevil] background: #ced8e2; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding:10px; color: #1d1b15; flex: 1; border: 1px solid #b9c0ca; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; font-size:13px; [/class] [class=speaks] overflow: auto; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; flex: 1; flex-basis: 30%; margin-left: 40px; margin-right:15px; [/class] [class=blue] background: #ced8e2; padding: 10px; width:auto; [/class] [class=speakstoo] font-size:13px; text-align: left; font-weight:100; border: 1px solid #ced8e2; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; background-color: #eff0f2; color: #272828; line-height:2; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; padding:30px; max-height:1250px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=speakeasy] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #b9c0ca; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; box-sizing: border-box; letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#eff0f2;[/class] [class=bottoms] font-weight:400; margin-top: 50px; clear:both; color: #272828; background:#eff0f2; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #b9c0ca; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=tops] font-weight:400; margin-bottom: 50px; clear:both; background-color: #040404; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #b9c0ca; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; color: #272828; background:#eff0f2; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; color: #fff; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=speakeasy2] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #ced8e2; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: left; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#eff0f2; line-height:2; [/class] [class name=handsomedevil maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px[/class] [class name=biggie maxWidth="800px"] padding: 0px; margin: 0 auto; flex-direction: column;[/class] [class name=speakstoo maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; margin-top:20px; overflow: auto; max-height: 100%;[/class] [class name=bottoms maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class] [class name=tops maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class]
[div class=whut][div class=biggie][div class=handsomedevil] [div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦`𝘴 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦'𝘴. [/div]

[div class=speakeasy2]Niklas Liam Voss
— Lowes Home Improvement Store > Party!
WEARING — Thermal black coat, red beanie, red shirt, utility boots. Looks like a dork.
OOC — just a reminder you haven't been skipped, we just have tons of players so I'm trying to keep the 'threads' going in a way that makes sense while also pushing forward. I'm having trouble consolidating / processing where people are 'in time' and 'in space' so please help my dumb ass.[/div]

[div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳.[/div][/div]
[div class=speaks][div class=blue][div class=speakstoo]
cinnabuns cinnabuns (Namri)
Well, I like being alive,” Namri had responded earlier to his thanks and gratitude. This sentence hadn't evaporated like wayward wisps and curls of snow in the air. Syllables didn't fleck free like the frozen rain whipped over the windshields of their vehicles as they drove. No, he remembered. Because despite bumbling along like an unhinged war-machine with a penchant for tomfoolery, he kept personal details filed. Kept them as organized as his hell-hole of a brain would allow.

Kept them safe, for later. For when he'd need to shake himself free from whatever fever the affliction had given him. He'd need them to conjure in his mind their greater humanity, in natural analog tones, like specters in still-frame.

Because if he didn't keep memories of the people he was close to and knew, their idiosyncrasies, their faults, their strengths and virtues, he would forget. When embroiled in red blood slick to his wrists, he'd forget. And maybe even along the way he would forget eventually, as if so very naturally. Bowing down or stumbling to knees, because his body bade supine to it.

His blood was too blackened, and no amount of paint could lighten that shade. It ran watery, and he painted violently, to close the wound that blackness made. But it'd open again, thicker, and after that it'd swell like pigment in a flame. Someday, it would burst.

So for now, this little tinkerer Namri, he would keep. Understand, as best he could, being as useless as he found himself to be. Living ghosts, so he could be deliberately haunted in his skin.

Lest he become hollow inside, without their little paper hearts and puzzle-piece smiles to make him whole enough to be human.

I’m certain you like your friends alive too. So I’m happy everything worked out.” His blue gaze sparkled, and he gave her a nod. She clung to her bag a bit more tightly. A micro-expression flashed across his face at this moment, something vulnerable. Vulnerable for all this tender heart wrapped in pitch black felt, to know he had been close to losing not one, but three people, just a handful of hours earlier. One of which was his oldest and closest friend. One, a new brother in arms perhaps.

The other, the man he loved, despite...not knowing enough about. No, he had lost him, and had been given him back. But at what cost? He wasn't dumb enough to think that was for free. Not with the phrases Rhys had given him during their car ride. Given, but...there were things behind it that left him out of the moving picture frame.

Stage left, see Niklas Voss in a blur, idling with a cigarette. Laughing at the speed of light, while the main camera captures something ninety percent of them don't get to see. It drove him crazy.

"Yes. Me too," his voice was snow soft, and perhaps a bit thin. There was so much he didn't understand or know, but he tried. Tried to keep those still-frames in his mind. Tried to guess the frames in between the unfinished, unspoken, unwritten, unfilmed scenes. Paint the lines between them all, even if they were blurry, so he could keep remembering. Keep understanding.

Keep being a sunny smile, and not the skinless blackened creature that he was sure sat within his very bones.

The bright sky and warm horizon mask the expanse of black, empty space above. There are nebulae and star dust, particles and particulars, but these bright glimmers always compete in nothingness for visual weight, always.

It didn't matter how brightly the warmed little ball of light shone. There was always a curtain of the black vacuum of space, an abscess, behind it all.


Namri joined after him, backpack on her back, and at some point the Nightmare Girl had tagged along. Strange, because he didn't remember seeing her pop about, or else he would have snatched her and tried to act a fool again. Break more bullshit just to get a laugh, to make a colorful line between someone and himself, in glorious little moving pictures. Emotions tacked onto events to keep them pinned in time.

He would kill for some more glimmers, because he was sure tomorrow—or even in a fucking hour or two—something hellish would coat everything a muddy gray.

But what with that loudspeaker announcement of the incoming party—the one he desperately wanted to mingle at for various specific reasons—he wouldn't. At least not as wayward and distracted as before, because he had a place to be, things to eat, and people to see.

I’ll be there soon. I have some things to restock first before the snow gets any worse than it is.” Nik froze, froze cold like the snow clipping up his limbs, turning to meet Namrata's gaze as she spoke.

If you’d like, you can come along. But the alcohol might all go, so I won’t blame you if you don’t.
"...it should be safe in there if the others went on a shopping spree—saw them round back earlier. But..." Nik mulled his lower lip as the chill bit it harder, "...fuck it. What kind of asshole would I be if I let you go in there alone?"

He cast a gaze back to Edana as if asking if she'd want to come along...who had apparently chirped away at some point. Perhaps to give her gift, as now all of them had secret santa duty. Perhaps to find the shoes she had 'lost', her ruse had been silly, but very endearing.

On that thought, he smiled, skin rosy from the cold, wrapped the red coat around himself, and turned to go after Namri.

But she was already gone.

Before joining up with the party, he had tried to do his due diligence and wipe the paint that caked his hands and wrists. That had gotten smeared up in his hair, because he was the type to fidget, and forget. The blood that had been enacted in their little war against the raiders came next, which was harder to remove. But with a cloth he had found, and some internal drip from the snow outside (how clean this was, he couldn't say), he did his best.

Clothing came to mind, but Lowe's wasn't the best place to find garments, honestly. It was just a very large hardware store. However, he found a rugged thermal coat, a red t-shirt that said Craftsman on it, and a fleece lined knit hat—also in red. Managed to score some black boots too, heavy duty, but not a bit unwieldy. He looked like he belonged in some party of hikers, or perhaps construction workers. The beanie brought him back to more youthful days, however.

Youthful days spent kicking around Central Park, throwing snowballs and giving nosebleeds, possibly wrecking property, getting high and laughing. So much laughter. Ice cream in December, parties with lights, ice skating with a little pink-haired monster. Locking arms with a tall, goofy brit. Spinning around a dark-haired beauty. Sharing hot chocolate with his Coin, fingers gloved, watching the people pass them by as they stood next to each other for warmth.

Watched the ice cascade over the trees, and frost the grass and its dew into misty-greens. Ate hot dumplings with a wickedly smart valley girl. Dumplings that steamed the air, bought from the little Chinese restaurant by his loft. Ate them, talked, laughed, and lived.

He had new snowy traditions to remember. A new Christmas, if that was even the day. But any holiday they deemed to hit the mark would simply stick. Because when the apocalypse came, the rules flew out the window. Today was Christmas, it was decided.

The blond tied his boots with his foot on a shelf for leverage, and gathered up the red coat over his arm. He wouldn't be losing this coat, even if the gloves had found their way stashed in the glove box of the car they had driven here with—he remembered.

It had taken him a moment, as that memory had been more or less replaced with something pleasant and most definitely profane. But also perfect. The memory was another thing he'd keep.

Maybe if he held onto them long enough, the movie would just stay like it was now. The credits wouldn't roll, the extra scenes at the end would never come to pass. He smiled, and he dreamed, and he hoped.

Chise_Robin_ Chise_Robin_ (Stateswoman), Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater (Reese's Pieces, Apparently, Allea Appreciates Alcohol), BELIAL. BELIAL. (Doge & Coin) { @ Everyone }​

The blond kicked off on fleet feet to make it to the area Rhys had scrawled over the PA about. Indeed, it was set out like a celebration. Lights, in myriads of colors, food—which he desperately needed—alcohol which he wanted, and space heaters. It was the fucking space heaters that did it for him, however. The grin on his face was disproportional to the circumstance, a bit too giddy, but...fuck.

Fuck if he didn't miss being able to warm himself on something that wasn't a goddamn witch's flame or blessed holy-flame bullshit. Not a fire either, because it made him sometimes feel like a cave-man, to be honest.

Not that he disliked the talents of those around him, far from it. He just hadn't gotten to properly toast himself next to something that made heat, by design, a remnant of mankind. It was a luxury that he bet nobody had been expecting.

Nik made a bee-line and lodged himself nearest the closest space heater, hands already raised up to warm them. As he walked, he locked eyes with the detective.

He gave him a smile, the slow-rolling kind that both thanks and promises. Promises he was sure the whitelighter understood from the small, barely visible quirk of the blond's brow.

"Fuck yes, I haven't seen one of these fuckin' things operational in..." he breathed out a pleasant sigh as he warmed his fingers rosey, a childish grin on his face, deep blue eyes sparkling. His gaze flickered to Rhys for half a moment then he went back to marveling at the heater before him, and the lights. The brilliant lights.

"...Nobody raided the gas? How the hell did you—you know what, no. I...I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth." Niklas chuckled low in the chest, warming his palms and grinning.

"This time, that is," he let his words hang in the air, the whitelighter would either understand or he'd be as oblivious as he was the first time Nik hit on him. Which was, suffice to say, oblivious as fuck. Nik had to more or less tackle him to the ground and smash faces to hit the point home. The blond rubbed his hands together, then dipped his head down to warm his face.

It was still frigid in Lowe's, and his skin was still rosed from the earlier jaunt in that damnable blizzard. He'd have to find another scarf, he reasoned. But thinking on it, he wondered just how long they'd be here for. Rubbing his hands, his indigo gaze sparkled as he looked on at the others with a sweeping gaze. It was coming down heavy now, he worried they'd be snowed in.

Or worse.

He caught Alaska out of the corner of his eye and smiled, stalking forward to nab some of the food set out. He wasn't in the least bit graceful, taking large mouthfuls, like a man who hadn't eaten in days. When he had, but it had been more of those blasted cardboard protein-bars out of some warhammer hellscape. Nik had mostly gone without, because they were an attack upon humanity.

Painfully bad, dry, brittle, even chalky. However, whatever he was eating now tasted like a sweet, and he was unsure of how it managed to make it past its expiration date. Which, when examining the packaging he had torn about like a crazy-person, had...none.

Quizzical for half a moment, he shrugged and ate more. Then, he managed to snag himself some wine. Actually, the entire bottle of one of them. It was no sweet, dulcet white moscato, but it would do. A bit too aged, and not in a good way, but this was another gift horse he wouldn't look in the mouth. Red wines were acidic, it'd probably have been better for cooking.

However, wine was wine, and getting mildly tipsy while he enjoyed the lights, and danced around like a moron, was honestly the best thing in the world. It was the little things in life, things they had very rarely, things he aimed to keep. To capture.

Focus the camera on something warm, bright, and hazy. Ignore the gore to the left, that comes later. The blond grinned at his own internal joke and was about to ask if they had any music to dance to, but Alaska's sentence struck his ears.

''Don't get too drunk again though, I don't want to see you in nothing but Nik's coat again....Speaking of Nik!'' She meandered his way to embrace him and Nik held on tight, to twirl his State around, like he would at any other party. Like he would if the world had not ended. Like he would, forever, honestly.

He enjoyed their friendship, it meant everything to him.

''Merry Christmas bro! Look at what James made!'' Nik broke into a short laugh at being called 'bro', not quite that used to it—it was a phrase Olivia had used often—but it warmed his heart. Eyes crinkling, and lighting up, he held examined the gift James had made. That he had seen, because his dear friend had wanted his not-quite-expert opinion. It was still perfect and beautiful, so his awe wasn't anything but genuine.

"It's fuckin' amazing. He's going to have to teach me how to make stuff like this, I'm a bit jealous," Nik said with a low chuckle.
"Merry Christmas, sis," he said with a carefully placed cackle, the emphasis on the word 'sis' a lot less catty than it'd usually be. Instead, it was a brandy-wine expression, played on a sunny face.

He let his State go with one last tight hug, and returned back to his wine, tipping back a mouthful with his fist around the green glass. He'd obviously share, but apparently Allea appreciated alcohol, and he wasn't intent on having her steal all the booze.

He wanted to get wine-bitch-drunk again. That pleasantly warm low-rolling lull that made the world a bit fuzzy, but not indiscernible. A drunk Niklas was not something he needed other people to see. He could make Penny's crazy stripping antics seem like child's play, and he wasn't intent on scaring the newcomers—and the older band of survivors for that matter. That wasn't the purpose of drinking, for him.

Even with his impulsive nature shot up to over nine-thousand, he could stop himself in this. 'Extra' didn't cover how he could get.

Niklas cocked his strong brow and flashed a grin. Remembering how Kayden had held the booze hostage and almost created an international incident. Funny. It felt like so long ago when it was only a week. A week spent worrying, in that truck, driving with a knuckle-white grasp. Losing that truck, being deeply upset by it.

It felt like so long ago, but...maybe time just expanded when danger was around every corner. He took another swig and murmured a satisfied sound from his subtly wine-stained lips. That was enough for now, he reasoned, and he placed it down on the nearest little table.

The blond heard Penny's laughter, and shot over a gaze to see Woofus slobbering all over her face. A half-smile ticked in a sharp line, his expression soft. He was happy to see her so happy. Even if the canine had almost taken her out with his affections.

I missed you Woofus. God, I’m so glad to see you
"He's been a good boy," Nik said, winking at the dog, "right, woofers?" God, he was such a patronizing dick. But the dog didn't look on him with disdain for his joke, instead, moderate indifference, with a hint of familiarity. The animal was warming up to him. Little by little.

Back at picking through the snacks, the part-time devil rummaged out a small container of ancient grandma cookies, which still tasted good, he realized. Count on grandmas to concoct a recipe that could last through the apocalypse. With crumbs on his face, the blond stalked forward and wriggled his hand into his coat pocket.

"Hey, peanut butter bandit," he hesitated, wiping his face with his sleeve to give him a moment to pause, "I know this isn't part of the secret santa shenanigans, but...here, it's kind of stupid," Niklas held out the little woven bracelet for the other man to take. Leather in dark brown-blacks, braided and pinched into place with his blades, tied with knots. Not that great, in retrospect, but he had made something.

Tried to make something, at least. The part-time devil grew a bit sheepish, he really didn't feel like it was enough of a gift, and that sheepishness made his face pink. He could just blame it on the cold he had come out of, which...was long enough ago to not make any logical sense..

"Merry Christmas, princess." He needed that wine again, and reached for it with a long lean. Down the hatch, he held it in his hands, the lights played in flickers over his face.

See the camera pan to the right, on all the things Nik doesn't understand...it's a panoramic view, in Telechrome, with not a spot of whitespace on the slide. Sticky spots of color linger in his peripherals, the side character hesitates, the heaters buzz, and he takes another sip.

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[Class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments // //and do no show up in the final design,// // these are to help you find everything easily// //and explain some code as well. // // These comments must be with in a class or script tags// // in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images// // # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes// // or color codes.// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
code// // When typing responses to rps, be aware that when you press enter// // it will not show that you did. you'll have to use the
tags// // Square sized images also will look best// // but if you have a non square image it'll still work// // Don't worry// [/class] [class=Info] Font-Family:Special Elite; color:Black; padding:20px; padding-bottom:5px; background-color:#3D8EB9; width:85%; margin: Auto; // This is the mainly background and the font// // If the Font does not show up // // use the typical bbc font tag in one area to make it show up// // you'll notice I've done so with the Name// // I don't know why it won't work 100% of the time with out doing this// // but since its just a simple thing to add// // I figured it wasn't to much to do to get the font I wanted// //if you want a more modern look I suggest using the font Anonymous Pro// //just don't forget to change it in the font tag on the name so it'll work// [/class] [class=Line] border-bottom: 1px SOLID #000000; //this is the line under each section // To get the double line I just added a style to it// //as you'll be able to see below// [/class] [div class=Info][Div class="Line" style="border-top: 1px SOLID #000000; height:3px;"][/div]

[div class=Info]
Anise Anise Cara Cara
[Div class="Line"][/div] Mentioned:
Nik, Reina, Rhys, Niylah, Alaska, Penny, Kim
[Div class="Line"][/div] Loaction:
Location; Lowes --> party place :D
[Div class="Line"][/div]

Rufus | Edana [Div class="Line"][/div]

“hey.. I just wanted to thank you for earlier, never really had the chance”

The voice caught sight - well - hearing of the tips of Rufus’ ears. One last conclusive smile before turning to the owner, a characteristic though softened greet resting on the hinges of his cheeks. It was Niylah again. Already 45 minutes and the lass has struck him as both a sight and presence to delight in having around. Rocking onto the ball of his foot and back onto his heel, the brit laid eyes on the box outreached in the newcomer’s hands. And she had brought him a gift! Was he her secret santa? Two new birds finding one another within minutes of meeting. Small world.

Rufus extended both arms out, fingers around the rims of the box and shaking once with tact asto not break anything fragile. The object inside landed with a miniscule ‘thud’ but nothing that could indicate fragility. Once the material of the gift had been established, the prophet stepped two feet forward, embracing the brunette with both arms, the box resting at the palms of his hands from behind her. “Fanks, luv! I can’t wait t’open it!” It was almost as if he had been 8 years old all over again and Santa had been visiting his home for the very first time.

Pulling away meant re-embracing the brisk frigidity the human ice-box of a store had proven itself to be. He did so anyway so that he could open the secret surprise as well as allowing the female to breath again. Ice-coated fingers weaved in between the lacing, pressing into the damp cardboard box with glee. Lifting off the lid had been the best part. Blue-green irises rushed to the content that laid below the cap, his grin pulling slowly into a dumb smile as a frosted hand pulled out the blue music player out. “ ‘ve been needin’ one’a these, luv! How’dje know ‘m a fan of music?” The question being a silly one or not did not occur to him in the moment; in actuality, it did not matter. Anyone at this current moment could pop in, comment on how ‘everyone loves music’ and within his mind’s eye his statement would still stand valid. The gift was simple but thought provoking. He could now kick-ass with the small plastic joy sitting in the bottom of his pocket and nothing else would remotely matter.

“ I also brought the food and medical supplies I told you about earlier… and a guitar. Maybe we can play music if you guys wanted to gather around this evening.”

As if this present moment could not get any better, some mysterious being in the sky had accepted his thoughts as a challenge and - voila - out barreled an even more souped up proposal (soup sounds nice right about now --): singing, a guitar and gathering around as the family Rufus envisioned this survival lot to be. Rather fast, yes but the prophet couldn’t bring himself to picture the way things were in any other way; maybe close acquaintances but that presented an unwarranted void that presented itself as a constant nuisance. It took the male a few slow minutes to realize that he had not yet responded aloud; he had spent the energy making prepositions and fantasies of christmas holidays and miracles but none overtly expressed.

Softened, plush and all-too femininely rosy lips found themselves parting once only to close once more. What if she found him as irritating as the others? Was now his opportunity to try again and make a second friend? So far there had been Niklas that he felt close enough to consider a developing acquaintance … maybe James and Ryan as well but he had not yet the pleasure to interact with them as thoroughly as he had wanted to; but from what he gathered, both of the men were more than aware of his existence. And then there was Reina, the lass he had presented his Secret Santa present too. Those who had spoken, hugged and left the conversation with a warm but strictly platonic understanding.

“I love to sing…” He began slowly, minding his slurring dialect. Wouldn’t want this individual to think him a drunken sailor now would she? “Sing, dance … back ‘ome -- h..home -- I used to go karaokin’ erry...every night in order to burn off typical week steam. We were walkin’ distance to the place from me...my..home.” Rufus’ heart pounded in his chest and lungs, the inside of his wrists growing clammy. Had he done things right? Was he too formal? Was she going to laugh? Normally socialization was never an issue for him and should not be now. Just … something about Edana’s critique earlier on the drive here … something made him a bit uneasy with his interactions with others. Perhaps Americans possessed less energy than what he was used to back home.

At least, around in his village, people were well knowledgeable of one another and each carried a role to keep the small economy going. His, as well as a group of mates of his own, were known to ...play jester, in a sense. Goofing around after the slaving labor had been vanquished was apart of the nightly routine, elders chuckling at the grown individuals with their pondering imaginations while the children had joined in on the fun. There were even those, everyone knew well enough, of the especial trouble makers that were kept an eye out for; individuals who had shirked their real life responsibilities to join their fellow peers in the land of the pretend.

Here, things were a bit different. People were more stern, callous and very no-nonsense. Except Nik. He knew well enough when to take time out of the day to burn off even a bit of steam with innocent play. But that was when ---

Rufus stopped his thoughts there. A specific green monster he had told himself to keep at bay had found itself free of his cage and corrupting the thought-process that the prophet had specifically kept cleared of any obstacles to ensure his full participation in this group; and the number one ‘obstacle’ happened to have almost leaked into his mindset. Rhys was a good man. Had there been an abusive relationship between the two, Rufus would have immediately offered a shoulder to be cried on while using his other side to scavenge for tissues, a trash bin for missed snot-rags, sweets to no limit and inside jokes to slowly but surely cheer the individual up.

But that wasn’t the case. There was no abusive relationship, there was no knight in shining armor (well, metaphorically that is. It would appear they already have a literal one) that was needed to swoop anyone off their feet; and there was most certainly no one Rufus could think of that he could carry. The only one who came to mind was more likely to cost him his trusty right hand and a partial earlobe.

Breaking his solemn, spacy gaze had reminded Rufus of the female that sat in front of him. Shoot, he had been aimlessly brooding again, hasn’t he? Rufus shook his head twice, the thoughts nevertheless clinging to the insides of his head. One last thrust did the trick and he was leaving his pity party. “Food an’ meds yew say, lass? C’mon then, I can fink of a few nuttahs tha’ may be likin’ tha stash!” Shit, he was slacking again. Speaking properly left the brit panting for internal breaths, licking chapping lips and scratching every inch of his brain for translations of what was even ‘proper’ to begin with. Still, a part of him had hope she didn’t plan to turn and bolt upon hearing how he actually spoke; additionally, he prayed she did not feel deceived by the sudden switch in dialects nor uncomfortable at having to decipher his british garble.

"Attention to all you filthy fuckin' animals…”

Right on cue. As if yet another godly miracle to break through the awkward stammers, the painful beads of sweat forming on the side of his head and the overall torment that proved to be the result of one-sided social anxiety. Internally, Rufus thanked Rhys for coming over when he did, eyes locking onto the nearest store speaker as if to make eyes with the lad as he spoke.

“...there's a goddamn party happening over in the outdoor section with some nice fuckin' space heaters and lights. You're fuckin' welcome, I know no one asked.”

Blimey, a party? With everyone together? Sure Rufus could name a few individuals who would slit each other’s throats and serve as Christmas Dinner within two split seconds of interacting with one another but that was where the beauty lies in the gathering! Not to mention, it could give the brit a feel for how he fit with the others! It was bloody brilliant!

Feedback from the ending statement and the speaker shutting off left a vibration in Rufus’ nerves, causing the prophet to take a step back, a clammed palm to the entrance of his ear. The brit huffed once, air rushing out of his lungs and exiting through his nostrils in a mix of hot and cold air across his upper lip. Pants of a mix of ecstasy, peaking anxiety and shock from the passing events within the last 24 hours left the prophet a bit out of breath, taking an extra couple of seconds to recover. “Apologies, luv.” His attention was once again back on Niylah, the gift sacredly placed into the box from before his madness and after their hug, “one’s those weeks, if you will.” Brief but informative. That was all that was needed at this point.

It was his turn to invite her now. Sure, the point of a secret santa was to give a gift and be on with your merry self but that was something Rufus never really understood with the culture. What fun was it to just give/receive a present and then part as if nothing happened? Of course, aside from the hugs, kisses and thank yous as if the person was always going to like the gift. An experience was in order and Rhys had just set up the perfect opportunity. Extending his hand in Niylah’s direction, a characteristic grin resurfaced itself. “Roight then, gonna continue t’be an awkward lad ‘ere an’ feel free t’say no, luv but …” his words trailed off, voice beginning to get caught in his throat. A brief cough into his elbow nook did the trick. “Fer tha secret santa aftah party, would yew like t’accompany me ovah to tha gatherin’ point? Didn’t wanna be partin’ ways an’ leavin’ yew all ‘lone.” … “Nofin’ weird, o’course! I can see ‘ow this might be sendin’ off some weird message.”

Rufus found the urge to clarify aloud. Something about a guy and a girl walking to a place together had sent off some annoying signal that they were a couple to be or that someone liked someone else. Next thing you know hearts are broken and the male especially is suddenly the cold bastard who just wanted to safely escort his female counterpart to their destination without a fellow male hounding their arse like a lion on a deer’s rump. Was that so wrong? In any case, upon Niylah's response, Rufus made his way toward the party, preparing his first to the party mood.

"Attention to all you filthy fuckin' animals there's a goddamn party happening over in the outdoor section with some nice fuckin' space heaters and lights. You're fuckin' welcome, I know no one asked.”

There was a pause, as if the speaker had been wittingly planning his next words.

""And don't think I didn't see that trashed aisle, Voss, you better hope you don't get coal in your goddamn stocking." "

"I didn't do it!"

Although their banter had been mildly toxicating, Edana couldn't help but snort at Niklas' child-like whine. She had left his and Namri's side long ago but even then she could imagine the very reaction that echoed. His nostrils flaring with maybe a stamp of his foot, fingers stained with multi-colors, a specific red one playfully directed in his lover's vocal direction. Dancing on that mental note, Rhys would kick back, eyes rolling back in a laugh, a very selective laugh that Nik knew all too well of given their interactions with one another. The goth had found herself giggling aloud, the empty hallways carrying far more than she had anticipated.

The speaker reared on with an ear piercing shrill, causing Edana to instinctively jump in place. She had been in mid-sentence conversing with Kayden about who knows what with the intent to brush off any sort of awkwardness the secret santa gifting had been brought upon. The goth craned her head, as if to meet the eyes of the speaker, creaks and pops reminding her of the chilling air. It was a bit difficult to hear the man above the growing winds, to be perfectly honest; and the few words she did hear appear to be the most vulgar of them all, leaving the witch to twitch with such filth ridden speech.

“You heard the man -- it would appear we are expected in the outdoor section.” Of course it had to be in the warmest section of the entire Lowes store. Window panes dominated the designated sector, any form of sunlight entirely clogged by the clouded mass. The store had grown considerably darker than when they had first arrived. Was it evening already? Had they overstayed their welcome? One thing Edana had understood about the apocalypse was that there was no such thing as ‘staying’. At least, not anymore.

To remain in one place for longer than 6 hours meant exposing yourself to other clans or inhuman entities. Yes, clans. That was the term that the blood witch had come up for clusters of similar-goaled individuals within the post-ending of the world. Barbarians such as the raiders were also considered a clan of some sorts - their means of survival their own definition.

Edana honed in closer toward the outside seating sector, a flush of pleasantry surprising even her own self. Was her newfound leader serious? He actually put together a party? Perhaps she should have known sooner given the obnoxious brit running around, blathering about a secret santa in the middle of -- well -- everything. The lights, food, ambience and even … were those heaters? Rhys had really outdone himself. Edana stepped into the party-zone, taking a more immersive note on the weather outside. There had been a blizzard brewing. A nasty one at that. Swirls of dirtied cotton wavered the skies outside, mass producing flecks of snow.

Arms crossed over the other, Edana’s hand rubbed against her upper, near shoulder area. Her eyes had caught sight of individuals that were quickly becoming a familiar nature to her.

“I heard there was a party…” her words felt dry, foreign as they surpassed her malnourished lips. “...I wouldn’t suppose any of you have a light and a drink to spare?” The chuckle didn’t help. It was almost as if her brain had been opening up to the idea of coming to terms with these individuals, the rest of her being not yet caught up. Edana immediately shifted her attention away from the others, the anxiety the one thing her reality had been able to come to terms with. Throat tightening,the goth searched for the two people she had grown exceptionally fond of: mother reina and beach dad niklas. Of course, if they had asked she would deny ever seeing those two in that light; but if she were to truly ask herself and herself alone how she had viewed the teammates, they would be the closest to family as she could get.

There were others in the group that seemed appealing to get to know but they were not as much as a priority. Alaska … Rhys … Kim … Penny … maybe even Kayden. They seemed kind enough to socialize every now and then but as far as thoroughly bonding on the level of Reina and Niklas … it was something that actually left the witch’s stomach folding within itself. Gastric reflux snuck its way up the linings of her throat as she made her way toward the chairs. How she’d kill for her novel right now. Unfortunately, the soft covered social dictionary sat in the crevasse of the RV, collecting specks of frost from the abominable cold that gathered from outside. Fussing with the rims of her new blackened scarf, Edana rose her shoulders and shivered once. Thank Lucifer for the piece of cloth Namri had brought upon her. It was though the scientist had predicted the incoming snow-in and made sure the goth was prepared. She would have to officially thank her later. For now, her main focus was on not dying - be it from social humiliation or freezing to death.

Let's just hope the party wasn't destined to be a total hellhole.

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