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Fantasy The Last age

Veiko grinned as he entered te Reaper. It was empty. He had it sweeped of the previous 'pilots'. He also new how to pilot one. "Lucky me. I'm going to have some fun with this thing." He says as he activated it
"someone activated.. the reaper" she said in pain "ugh I must warn my father at once" with that Yuna pain over power her causing her to lose all feeling in her body
"I.. can't move...father.. mother...." Yuna try to force her body to move no matter how she tried nothing won't move "somebody....." she cried out weakly
Aegis comes within sight. "This is God's way of saying that you lowly Humans have become too damn clever for your own good!"
"The world’s most powerful weapon" I said in pain "but it not fully complete...... because it need me as a power source" I said weakly
Veiko takes out a syringe his father gave him for when he finally got himself in a Reaper, even though he thought it was foolish. It was a source of power that would let him fully activate the Reaper, along with all of it's powers but it was still dangerous. "Dammit. I don't have time to be worrying about risks." He shouts and inserts the needle into his wrist and inserts the red liquid into "Shit... This hurts." He begins to twitch uncontrollably after he emptied the syringe, grabbing and clawing at his chest as his heart goes through excruciating pain
"I can feel coming towards us....." I weakly looks up at Roxus "i'm sorry..... it calls for me..." waves of electrics burst out of Yuna body "ah! make it stop!" she cried out in pain
Veiko stops as the heartpain reduces to a throbbing and chuckles. "I now have full power of the Reaper, and that girl from before too. Lucky!"

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