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Fantasy The Last age

she looks away sadly "thanks... you I make sure my father pay you well for your duty" I said with a little tears rush off my face
"hmm?" she looks at the handkerchief "thanks you very much" I said while grabbing the handkerchief from him
"Its fine I say to her, I'll find a place to sleep for the night but we may never see each other again.
yuna looks up smiling "I have a idea maybe you should stay with us... I mean if you want to" she grabs his arm tightly "please stay" I said while acting childish
Veiko sighed. He failed to carry out his task, so he might as well try out the Reaper he took down, through much effort, a small army, and several days of no rest
Yuna walks out of her father room angry and disappointed after what she just heard "I'm a machine...?" she said to herself Yuna stop walking her chest start to hurt in pain again "ugh... why me?"

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