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Realistic or Modern The Freak War

Jacob used his powers to catch the shattered glass in mid air, he held it there for a few seconds and said "Screw it" in a playful way and dropped the glass, it fells down to the pavement below.
"thank you" Yata said blinking as into say what the hell. He slowly made his way to the third floor to where they are "nice place" he said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice looking around.
The sound of glass shattering had Zodiac immediately rushing to the third floor, which was but one above him currently. With a bit of a huff, he looked around to see what had happened. "Who got hurt? Wa-Wa.?" He was a bit too dumbfounded currently over something apparently to even finish his sentence.
Nekoda shrugged not bothering to address his sarcasm. "It's not filled with Mutants constantly arguing with each other, so it's perfect to me."

Kody smiled slightly as a flustered looking Zodiac ran up the stairs. "Sorry, that was me."
"It was Kody!" Jacob said immediately pointing at her, but he said so in a way that everybody could tell that it was actually him.
Kody raised an eyebrow at Jacob. "It was both of us. I broke it, Jacob trashed it."
"no it was me I did it" Yata said not even knowing what had happened he just did it for the fun of it
Purple eyes looked back and forth between the two as Zodiac leaned back against the wall to catch his breath. Really, he didn't care, so long as no one got hurt.
"I would give an example of what I did, but I think it'd be best if didn't damage anymore of whoever's floor this is." And with that she turned and walked up the final set of stairs where her, her older brother, and two younger siblings stayed. She laid down on her bed and stared at her ceiling where a faded out poster of some old band hung.
"yeah, it was a team effort" Jacob said, looking into Nekoda's eyes and smiling only for a second before adruptly looking away "erhm, i uh gotta uh... uh.." Lost for words, he quickly walked into the closest room. 
(Just before Nekoda goes upstairs)
Zodiac remained in his current position about a few minutes more before looking around. Where had everyone gone? They had vanished, pretty much. And so, The Songster had begun to look for a room himself to take a moment in.
Kody smiled at the image of Jacob's flustered face. 'I wonder what that was about?' Suddenly she came up with a spur of the moment idea and connected her telepathic link with Jacob's. "Hey Mr.TeamEffort, what was that all about?" She thought to him, her multicolored eyes scanning every bit of her empty home.
'well i guess that's my Que to find something to do' Yata thought to himself walking into a openish space and putting his skateboard under his feet and doing some tricks that don't require him to move a lot.
Zodiac was in dreamland the instant he hit the sack. Exhausted emotionally and physically, the troubled little man began to descend into a dream state where he began to replay the accident that resulted in his disdain from humanity.
Linn awoke. For one panicked moment, she had no idea where she was. Then the memories of the night before came back. Where had everyone gone? The place was empty. Apparently they had moved off. The Ahlgren child sat up, going into a sort of trance that spread her psychic tendrils far and wide. Each person had a specific frequency that marked them as an individual. The closest frequencies could pretty much read each other's minds, they were that similar.

She was searching for the mutie, since her frequency stuck in Linn's mind. Her tendrils extended over the city, thin and difficult to control. Tiny threads dropped down, searching for that one. And she found it. The blanket of psychic energy withdrew into a single tentacle, pointing straight to the mute girl. Linn stood and picked up her knife, silvered eyes unfocused as she slid it into the thigh sheath and began walking.

The girl arrived at the entrance to the building where her psychic tendril had pointed to. She pulled the knife from its sheath and held it almost casually, but her muscles were tense and ready. Linn pushed open the door and poked her head in, deeming it relatively safe. "Hello?" she called. Might as well make herself known and not get stabbed. Or deafened. Or anything else. She might've been a bit insane, but there was that kernel of logic rooted in her mind.
"Calm down, we're on floor 3" Jacob replied telepathically, a hint of annoyance and frustration in his voice, as he continued to lay, staring at the ceiling.
"What did you get all flustered about? Come on, you can tell me." Nekoda replied telepathically with a bit of teasing in her voice. "Hey Linn, I could feel your psychic link lock onto me. Please, do not stab anyone. There's been enough drama already."
Zodiac was tossing. Turning. Sweating and purely in a nightmare. The looks of disapproval on their faces showed through the dream as he backed up a bit. The look before him, upon the ground, was the worst part of this dream. The little girl. No longer breathing. How did this happen? What had he done? He blacked out and heard a buzzing in his ear. There was something about the way he was standing that showed he had taken time to make some offensive move. And the humans around him were walking up to him with weapons in hand.

He was scared, and needed to flee. He tried to run, making his way down alleyways with multitudes of people following behind in a single file line as they raced after him. Why was he being chased? What had he done to deserve it?

"I AM INNOCENT!" He screamed as he came upright in bed. The powers had caused a crack in the wall, not one that could be seen through, but only a superficial one that would surely be seen when one walked into the room. Along with a curled and frightened Zodiac. The Songster was a bigger nervous wreck now.
Jacob was carefully removing his blue contact lenses when the piercing scream of Zodiac made him jump, He dropped the contacts "Shit!" He whispered to himself, He wasnt very fond of his "colourful" eyes. He connected back into the Telepathic conversation between Nekoda, Linn and himself. "Uuh could someone go check on Zodiac, im uh not feeling to well" he Telepathically said, quite unconvincingly infact.
"I'm already on it." Nekoda replied jogging downstairs and into Zodiac's room. "What happened?" She turned her head and noticed to the crack in her wall pointing at it as she mouthed furiously. "And why is there a crack in the wall"
Linn huffed in annoyance. "I'm not stabbing anyone unless they try to stab me first. I'm having a moment of sanity, give me a break. I might just have to stab you, now that I think of it. But I might not." She ascended the stairs, heading up to the third floor. The scream of Zodiac caught her attention, and she immediately headed in that direction. But there was something in Jacob's telepathic voice...

Her curiosity led her to the blue-eyed boy, the one who asked them to check on 'Zodiac'. Must've been the one to scream. Psychic tendrils connected her to him, showing her his location. It was so much easier trying to find someone when you knew they were in the same building as you. She stood in the doorway, staring at the fellow telepath. "You trying to find something?"
"Uh no.. nothing" Jacob replied, making sure that he was facing away from Linn,His heart started racing, he still couldnt find the contacts, He immediately put up shields around his mind, to block any "sneaky" mind reading attempts. "Just cleaning up" He said, pretending to wipe something out of his eye. He then lay down with his face in his pillow "Uh, imph nth feeling welthl so..." He's muffled voice carried through the pillow.
"GET ME OUT OF HERE! I AM INNOCENT! I AM INNOCENT! THE GIRL ATTACKED ME!" He said with a whisper before making a crescendo into a scream as he looked around. For a moment, he had not remembered who was around him. They were strangers. A broken memory of whom or what they were. And so with the strangers coming in for a moment, he cowered back into the corner of the room and glared at them with intrepid purple eyes. His breathing was rapid and almost sporadic, like the hefts of running quickly.

"W-Who...? Wha-What happened? Did-" He stopped mid-sentence before his memories had started to come back to him. He had had a bad dream, and then they had come back to him with a vengeance as he looked to the one whom had entered. "I... I had that dream again.... Why does it plague me so...? Why?"
Nekoda looked at Zodiac with sympathy and confusion. "What dream? What's wrong Zodiac." She asked sitting down on the bed near him.

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