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Realistic or Modern The Fort | Zombie Apocalypse | OOC

I might bring a child into the mix later on. For now I am good with my two. :)
Or should my dearest say... more personality and less skin :'3
We do! I'd just like to see a little bit more for her personality other than that, welcome to the group! ^^

That should do it! Though I had to drop the aesthetic because I somehow managed to screw it up pretty badly when I edited it.

Or should my dearest say... more personality and less skin :'3

Ah, well, a piece of skin is worth a thousand words.

That's how the saying goes, right?

Lmao you got a manuscript right there then xD
As you might have seen, Clem and I decided it would start today at Clem's time cause I am ahead in time zones ;p
Loraenys Loraenys Maybe you should alert people that the RP started, cause' it sure took me long to realize on my own, and even that was out of pure luck.
We've been talking here about it
Loraenys Loraenys Maybe you should alert people that the RP started, cause' it sure took me long to realize on my own, and even that was out of pure luck.
You are aware that the site was down for maintenance right? Your alert could of gotten lost that way. So calm down.
Rpn is known to have a crappy notification system, I tend to check the threads regardless if notified. Its a useful habit.
Saffron and Joy are up! Feel free for interaction. I'll see to my boy now!

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