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Fantasy The Forgotten Island (1x1) [Closed]



The Painter of Thoughts

A woman just lost her job, sold her home, leaveing everything behind and decided to take a trip of a life time. Yes, some would say she was crazy but she had enough money already, she could return any time and buy a home, get a job, go back...right? The cruise is amazing, everything she dreamed of. 6 months of pure bliss and exploring, maybe finding her self. Yet this plan changes. A storm unlike any storm creeps up on the ship to everyones suprise as they are crossing the burmuda triangle. A said to be magical area where ships sank and stories where told. A supposingly high light of the trip. However purly on accident, as she took shelter she thought she heard a young boy crying out on deck. Knowing that she hasd to save him she ran out only to find no one. No one except a huge wave that crashed the ship, throwing her over board. She saw black...

.... and moments later heard seaguls and waves as she lay against the warm sands of a secluded island. As she dizzly stood up, her mind began to panick as she looked around, frantic and scared. Takeing one step, then another towards the lush trees and plants. Yet they looked strange, instead of green a rainbow of color was before her. The sand around her sparkled like...well actually dimonds and it seemed to be the real deal just more fine then the actual stone. A few mountains seemed to be in the middle of the island and as she looked up 3 suns laced the sky. "Where....am ...I?" Taking one more unclear step she tripped over a object. Falling on her but was a outcry, a man was next to her. Fainted and knocked out cold. His white shirt torn, revealing trimmed muscle. "What the hell..."

Roles: Twisted Talia Twisted Talia ThunderDire ThunderDire


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As Knight hurled for the seventh time in his own confined bathroom. He couldn't help bust cure out the staff at Winston Hospital. Thinking he would finally have a break from the work life they stuck him on this ship. They were probably all watching the weather channel hearing about the huricanne his ship was going through and bracing for the fury he would come back with for sticking him on this stupid vacation. What he would do to be at his muti million dollar appartment complex or the hospital helping patients. Yet, he is more sea sick then he ever has been as his empty stomach continuously hurls nothing. "Dear god....why".

Standing back up, he walked a S to his bed as the boat twised and shook. The rain pounded the windows, waves taking control of the huge ship, and lightening screamed through the sky followed by the bang of thunder. Laying down he begged what ever being was up there to knock him out and end his misery. Yes he was a workaholic, yes it probably was taking a tole on his health, but....how in the world could this be better. Now confined in his room by staff he was stuck and miserable. A curse of searing coming from his lips every five minutes or so. Then something happened.

From the corner of his eye, a women ran past his window on the door. His insticts of concern drove through him. Questions rattling his brain. "I'm sure she is fine....but why is she out of her room after being told that she must stay....she is fine...she is.." Jumping up Knight swung the door open watching then running after her as she began running up the stairs to the main deck. 'What the hell does she think she is doing?!! Is she insane' he thought.

Yelling out his voice was covered by Thunder, "HEY! STOP, DONT GO UP THERE YOU'll..." Realizing he was too late, the protector with in him sprinted after her. 'jesus, they sent me on vacation to get rid of me huh..." he thought. Springing the latch open he climbed on the main deck scanning for the women as she seemed lost on the deck. He couldnt make her out to much but it seemed she was struggling already. About to yell out again A huge wave wacked the ship. Shaking the floors as he colapsed on the ground. Seeing stars he covering his eyes trying to spot the girl again. A cold death spark causing everything to go in slow motion as he watched the women swept over board. With out thinking, he sprang to his feet, hand out steached to grab the girl. Only inches away from her, he gasped as he was inches too late and took on the form of a dive after grabbing a life tube on the rail as he attempted to catch the women who now seemed unconcoius. He didnt know why he was doing what he was doing but if he was going to go down, he would go down trying to save one more life.

As salty wayer emerged him, he felt a limb brish his torso. Reaching down he felt the lifeless body and grabbed tightly as he swam to the surface. Life blow up tube in hand. Piercing through the water he gasped, position the women on top of his body, holding her close and praying that she was still alive. Watching the lightening over head, he looked around for the ship....now disappeared.. speaking in irritation and disbelief.

"Fuck me..."

Twisted Talia Twisted Talia
Salt was all Lydia could taste as she came to, coughing and spitting up what felt like absolute gallons of
fresh seawater. She felt a warm, firm surface beneath her, radiating heat in the thunderstorm that was
raging above, pouring rain falling upon her back and making her shiver involuntarily. She clung to the
surface beneath her, fingers digging into hard, muscled flesh. She gasped and immediately rolled to her
side, landing in soft sand that glittered in the pale moonlight. She sat up quickly, though evidently too
quickly, as her vision blurred and her head reeled. She coughed again, expelling the last of the salty
water from her lungs. She pulled her arms around herself, preserving the little warmth she had when
she looked up to see a man standing before her, his dark hair blending in with the night sky behind him
and his warm brown eyes staring into hers. She shrunk down, confused and scared as she gazed at the man.

2 days after the event:

Looking back at the women, her light almost white hair messy and framing her face he stood there mezmerized. She was so small, thin, looked fragile and yet...beautiful. Realizing this was the first time he really took a look at her he shivered, not from the cold but of uncertanty. This would go a few ways and he hoped it was one of the better ones. Not attempting to make a move, as if it may scare her, his shirt was ripped revealing ripped muscle. His blue eyes gleamed as lighening struck the sky letting down a small mist of rain. Nothing like 2 days ago yet it had been raining non stop. His tall frame towering over her own, he sucked ina breath and sighed.
"Your up...I didnt think you would make it". His voice rough, yet calming.
Lydia smiled warmly at the man, her small frame dripping with rainwater. She
was always known as a fighter. Battling sicknesses at a young age, fighting her
way to the top of her med school class, Lydia was not one to settle for second-best.
She studied the man, looking from his dark hair and sharp jawline to his torn shirt,
showing off his toned muscles. He seemed to be caught in some sort of trance. Lydia
stood up and dusted herself off, sending small grains of sand back down to the beach.
"I don't give up easily, I suppose." she said, chuckling quietly to herself. She
turned her head, taking in the scenery. It was gorgeous, that part was undeniable. Palm
trees lined the beach, and the sand sparkled in the daylight. Thick, luscious, plants lined
the perimeter of the beach, behind them looked to be a jungle. Lydia was relaxed, soothed
by the gentle noise of the waves, the wind breaking through the trees, and the mystery
man's breathing. She looked out towards the ocean, its clear and endless waters stretching
towards the horizon. She turned back towards the man and stepped closer to him, her small
feet leaving tiny footprints in the sand. He was much taller than her, and she tilted her head
up to look at him. "Who're you?"

Clearing his throat, Knight's relieved blue eyes didn't leave her. Yet while beautiful he was watching for any signs of illness, injury, mental strain. He was a doctor at heart, a very good one and that trait never left him. Even when trapped on a desearted island it seemed. When she was out the past few days, he cared for her. Never leaving her side for no longer then 10 minutes to grab materials, food, water, and explore parts of the island to get a idea of where they where. Did he find out? Nope, not even close. I mean the last time he saw sand made from dimonds was never and the plants were surly unkown considering he indeed knew third world medicine including the plants there. Realizing she seemed okay, he tilted his head down to her, meeting her gaze. "Knight...and you?"
Lydia coughed once more before speaking. “Lydia.” She smiled at the man, Knight. It was a unique name. She moved to push her short hair
into a ponytail, tying it back behind her head. She sighed, searching her body for any signs of injuries. She noticed a few
small scratches, but there was currently nothing she needed to worried be overly concerned with. She could see small
splotches of dried blood dappling her clothes and arms but she wasn’t too worried as no pain could be felt. She winced
as she wiped herself off, sand falling down to the beach, and small beads of red blood settled themselves on her hands.
She walked the few feet to the water's edge, and picked up some water in in her hands, running it over the small cuts
that covered her arms and legs. She let out small gasps and grunts as the salt made its way into the scratches, though
she knew it was important that she cleaned them as soon as possible. Infection on an island like this, without the
proper medical supplies she was used to, could turn deadly fast.
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