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Fantasy The Cult of Illithiss

((I'm sorry,but I'm not sure if I can reply tonight. Too much to do and tests tomorrow))
(Sorry bout that, got sidetracked because of IRL events)

He remained quiet, listening to them speak about their race. Werewolves are not really that complicated, they work in packs to stay alive and they hunt, nothing more nothing less. But, complications starts when someone is exiled. That's the closest thing werewolves have to politics and all that, but it is still within the grasp of the nature of beasts. "Why do they need to call for help anyway? Couldn't they just force every able bodied men to guard Meadowcreek?" He asked his companions.
As soon as the orc went inside the men that were fighting stopped.Whispers and mumblings could have been heard coming from every human and elf there.

Gorrund said loudly.

"I wish to become a guard of MeadowCreek!"

He stood there...proud and strong with his arms crossed.

An impressive sight. As he entered a lycanthrope soon followed. The whispers were becoming uneasy.

"...an orc and a werewolf...what is this madness...MeadowCreek?...blasphemy...an orc wanting to protect a human village?...filthy half wolf...dumb orc..." and the whispers went on. Gor did not bat an eye.

"Can you not hear me? Where do I enlist?" 
(I'm sorry for the delay. Hopefully we can restart this :) )
((I hope so too. College has been very busy for me. Exams coming up, assignments to make, long days, little sleep... And an electrical socket in my eye on Wednesday (not kidding) kept me from focusing on this properly.))

"Well..." one of the guards hearing the wolf said quietly. "We have send guards before. More than once. But they never made it back alive, not even their bodies came back. It's like they've just disappeared. And the people of Meadowcreek are getting desperate. Guards won't do. We need more capable people. Even if..." he hesitated for a moment. "Even if they're not human."

The guard turned his head at the orc. "Over there," he pointed at the bar.

Behind it stood a man, round and tall as Maya had described him, with a long scar running over his nose and near his eye.

"Not quite the guards I had expected, but a guard is a guard still," the man laughed.

((@DryPunishment , @CrimsonEclipse , @HunterJJ , @Sara3502 ))
The orc approached the man. Indeed...tall.Still not as tall as Gorrund,but reaching.

"I've made my intentions clear...Let us proceed."

Situated in front of the man he gave a slight smile.

"Salutations,human. I am Gorrund Blacksteel..."

He extended his hand expecting a hand shake.


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