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Fantasy The Cult of Illithiss

"Gorrund Blacksteel."

The orc loosened his crossed arms and extended his right expecting a handshake. He did not know if the wolf would cut him,but he did not care.
"I know little of the pale orcs, or orcs in general. Most people have forgotten your kind even exists, I think sometimes. Same goes for the Dwarves. If they're still there, they're somewhere deep in the remains of their underground strongholds. As for the other orcs, I know they mostly stick to the mountains, and that people try to avoid them. Elves and orcs don't get along well in general too, so you might be able to imagine I've yet to hear a positive story about an orc," she gave the tall pale orc a friendly smile, letting him know she meant no offense. Perhaps necessary, since she knew she didn't always have the best choice of words. Which could work very poorly for a bard.

"The name's Maya Silverwillow. Translated to the human tongue, that is," she introduced herself to the two others. "Any particular reason you're headed for the adventurers guild? Or just looking for a random quest?" She coughed, masking the words "or a barfight?"

She knew the guild well enough to know it was more of an illegal tavern where the more rowdy people went to blow off steam.
Slightly amused by her statements the orc chuckled.

"Orcs are known to be raging berserkers...my clan knows how to control the inner beast. Though in the battles bloodlust is high."

"I should stay far away from most of them then. I'd offend them in minutes..." Maya chuckled. "Certain humans are already offended by things I say. Mostly because I don't hesitate to speak my mind. And when I think about what I say, it's after I've already said it."

It was good to know those things about yourself, it saved a lot of trouble. Though knowing it about yourself and still constantly doing it wasn't exactly a good thing either. She tried, and sometimes it worked, but most of the time... well... Most of the time it worked pretty much as she had just told Gorrund.
"Even I have a short fuse,but I know when I need to keep it under control. The red orcs are very quick to anger and they won't hesitate when a fight presents itself. Heh, they don't speak this tongue very well."

He took the wolf's hand and shook it firmly.

"Lok'tar, Fenris."
Euthalia nodded.

"Very well then. I suppose I shall head to the Adventurers Guild until you have summoned all of the necessary people. Goodbye."

With that curt message she turned and walked back to the creek, dove in, and swam her river astonishingly fast to Aljana's rest. After all, being a river spirit had plenty of perks in the sense of travel. Ending up in the city, she made her way through people bustling until she reached the adventurers guild, pausing at the door. The excitement of adventure began to bubble within her as she opened up the door.

What greeted her was unexpected. First she saw a tall wolf man. Then a remarkably pale Orc. Then a human woman- or so it seemed. After a moment's consideration Euthalia recognized the traces of elvish ancestry in the woman, making her kin, albeit very distantly. Walking up to the woman, she said in typical elvish greeting:

"Gi suilon!"

Then she turned to the others and said

"Hello. It is nice to meet you."
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((Which Elvven language is she using? It looks familiar, but I don't recall it. Is it LoTR? I use Grey Company's Tel'Quessir.t hough looking at some phrases, it seems the same...))

Maya stiffened slightly as she heard the elven greeting behind her. She did not hate the elves, but they did make her feel...uncomfortable. Mostly due to the way they had treated her. She turned around to see not an elf, but a Naiad standing behind her. Could is be the River Spirit she had heard being mentioned before?

"Mae govannen, arwen. Saesa ommentien lle," she greeted the Naiad back.
He shook the orc's hand firmly as well. "Well me Gor. It would appear that they have a, peculiar roster of guards heading to Meadowcreek." He said, noticing that there's also a naiad in here. He heard them use their native languages, which he doesn't understand at all, and chuckle. "I am sorry to disappoint any of you for using the common language for I know not of any other languages." He said to them, his voice rather pleasant and beautiful, deep yet resounding.
"Do not worry,Fenris. I am certain you will make up in future battles."

The orc smiled and nodded.

"It's good to have diversity. It keeps the enemy wondering at our abilities."

Gor was a little amazed at how pleasant the wolf sounded and how well he knew the human tongue. Now the only thing left to inspect is his fighting.

The orc never underestimated any opponent,no matter how they looked. Even the smallest of creatures holds deep dangerous secrets.
(Yep it was lotR but I changed it to yours)

Euthalia inclined her head in a nod.

"Taa naa seasamin. Amin essa naa Euthalia. Mani naa essa en lee?" She asked.

Glancing at the wolf-creature, she nodded and smiled, showing no ill will towards him.
"Amin essa naa Maeralya Il'tasarin," Maya said with a smile. "But I let most people just call me Maya. Much easier to pronounce for those who do not speak the elven tongue."

Maya, too, was surprised to hear the wolf mans voice. It was pleasant to listen to, which she had not quite expected, considering the few wolves and other more... beastly creatures, sounded much more gruff rather than this.

Her curiosity had already gotten the better of her. She stared at the wold man for a few moments.

"Might I ask what it is you are?" she asked him. "I do not think I've met someone of your kind before. And I'm always curious to learn more of other species."
Euthalia nodded, mentally retaining the half-elf's name. Then she grew interested in the conversation started by Maya, and waited to hear the wolf man's response to her inquiry.
The orc got in between them.

"I hate to interrupt,but where do we sign-up? "

He crossed his arms and looked at them and then at the other people around them.
"The Adventurer's Guild is the big stone and wood building. Thatched roof, three stories. Can't be missed, really. In several ways. It reeks of booze, sounds like lots of people fighting, shouting, and bragging about their awesomeness," Maya chuckled. She didn't like that place an awful lot, but she kept coming there whenever she was in Alajana's Rest. "You should ask for Adam, he owns the place. He's a pretty... round man. Quite tall too. Has a distinctive scar on his face. Which honestly seems to be the only remaining sign he used to be a warrior of sorts." She glanced at the people around her, knowing that, if the guards would peep out (which they likely would once they'd see the chance), these people could have some trouble moving through the city. "You know what? The guild is in the same district as the Entertainers Guild, where I need to visit first. I could show you the way."
He looked at them. He really doesn't know where to go and what to do, he just needs the money.

"Sure, lead the way then."

He said to the girl.
"I don't know this city,so please. Lead on."

The people around them were giving him funny looks and he heard some call him "filthy". Gor cringed,but he ignored them. He knew orcs weren't welcome in Alajana's Rest so he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.
Maya crossed her arms and looked at Fenris, quasi insulted (more as a joke than anything else).

"Are you just going to ignore my previous question?" she grinned. "I'm truly curious as to what you are, not just pretending or faking it."

She glanced at the people who were giving the odd group funny looks and calling Gor and Fenris names under their breaths. Maya felt a strong tendency to cover her face with her hand and start shouting at them. Were they TRYING to piss off the dangerous looking people?

"Right... follow me then. Before these people do something stupid."
Fenris chuckled. He actually heard her, but he was too engrossed in hearing what the others were saying. His ears were sensitive and he caught every name that he was called, and some were actually pretty clever.

"Sorry, I was, ah, listening to something. In answer to your question, I am a Lycanthrope. I would not be surprised that you did not see any of our kind. Most of us can transform into humans, but I am not part of the most."

He said to her.
"I do know of people with the ability to transform into humans, actually," Maya answered. "Plenty of the elves are druids, and they learn how to change into animal forms when they're powerful enough. Although I do assume that is different from being a Lycanthrope. Most what I know of them is what you hear in stories. And, as you've said yourself, most have the ability to change back into their humanoid form, assuming they're a humanoid to begin with. I wonder, are there animal Lycanthropes who can turn into a human as their alternate form?" As usual, her curiosity was getting the better of her and she just asked the first thing on her mind. Possibly that was also to mask a slight form of disappointment. A Lycanthrope who can't turn back was interesting, sure. But certainly it was not as interesting as some kind of wolf-man race she had just never heard of.
Euthalia analyzed the lycanthrope's answer, slightly nodding her head. She wondered why he was not able to change his form into such as a human, but then dropped the inquisition as the conversation progressed. She felt sort of out of place- being immersed in the conversation but not actually being included in it. She was not quite used to conversing with anything other than fish and water, and so she awkwardly shifted her feet, looking down in a small amount of embarrassment.
"How is a river spirit born?"

Gor noticed how Euthalia shifted her view towards her legs. He got closer while they were going towards the Adventurer's Guild.

A topic he was not quite familiar with. A spirit,but with a physical form and can it even die? Of course he was not going to just find out if she could be killed.
Euthalia smiled a bit, turning her gaze to the Orc.

"Well, my kind are not 'born' in the sense of other species. When a new water source such as a lake or in my case, a river, is created then we are born with the water. There is not a stage in which we are infants, either. I was born appearing to be a girl of about 10 years old, and slowly aged with the river. We are truly the physical embodiment of the water we are connected to. As such, I change with the water, and my personality reflects the feelings of the water at any given time."

She hoped her explanation was acceptable, after all it is hard to explain one's nature when there are very few of your kind.
"To be one with an element,be it just a small river must be overwhelming. I can't help but wonder if your kind lives forever."

Gorrund eyed the scales on her skin. Does she have any abilities outside of the river? Could she be referred to as a half-fish? Of course not. A spirit is not a half-fish. He was always curious about things he could not understand. Things he couldn't quite grasp just yet. Orcs weren't too bright,but his people valued wits more than raw strength. He was taught that the one who charges towards an enemy with no knowledge of what might happen is half dead if not extremely lucky.
Euthalia chuckled and nodded.

"Some of my kind like to think that we live forever. I have lived over 1,000 years, and am still considered a 'young' river. But everything comes to an end at some point. If my river lost it's source or was dammed up there, it would cease to exist, as would I. As well, us river spirits can be injured and die. If that happens, then the river we protect and moderate would become wreckless and soulless, not caring for it's environment. There are several rivers nearby like this." She explained.
"That sounds an awful lot like the red orcs on the mountains...but what exactly happens with the river if its counterpart ceases to exist? I find it hard to believe it does the same thing as a raging orc."

1000 years and still be considered young? He felt a little awkward. His father and father before him lived a lot longer than an average orc might live,but 1000 years?

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