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Realistic or Modern the colour of envy






Q U A I L . C R E E K

sa | pop;3796 | usa

no slide
the plot

Little old Quail Creek, South Carolina. Home to just 3,796 people. Quail Creek was a quiet town, up until around a week ago. A good, church going girl name Bernadette Green hung herself from a tree in the middle of town at approximately 2:57am on May 12th, 2016. She left no note and no idea as to why she did it. Her parents had been concerned about he behaviour for weeks, but she had never told anyone about her troubles. The day of her funeral was a town event. Everyone looked on as the Hearse drove by, the whole town wearing black. Nothing ever happened in Quail Creek.

Until now.

You went to the same school as Bernadette. You knew her. St. Ambrose is so small, that you can name almost every kid who attends. Since Bernie's death, there have been conspiracies;
Is she still alive? A girl like her wouldn't possible have killed herself! There have been bullies; What reason did she have to die? She was perfect? Selfish whore. And there have been lies; Bernie was a very important part of out school. She was cherished. But no matter what people say about Bernie, her death did shake the town. Her parents have been condemned. No Christian parent should let their child commit the ultimate sin!

You attend St. Ambrose High School. You are a Senior, just like Bernie was. It's the start of a new semester, and everyone is still reeling from Bernie's death. Because of the mystery of the suicide, out of town detectives have come to investigate. You could be on their list, so watch what you say. What part did you play in her suicide? How guilty do you feel? Is your conscience
really clear?

This roleplay will be semi-detailed, and I will expect at least two paragraphs per post. There won't be reservations for characters, but you may express interest for a certain role.

bernie's story

Bernie had fallen in love with The Captain of the football team. He was handsome, funny and outgoing. The moment that he started showing interest in her, she changed completely. Little did Bernie know that The Captain was just playing with her; treating her as if she was just some silly little game. He'd kiss her and invite her to parties. Bernie thought she was finally popular. Before Danny, she'd volunteer at the library with The Nice Kid and care for her Grandmother. She was perfect. But, as soon as she met Danny, she dropped all that.

At parties, The Cheerleader and The Party Girl would encourage her to drink. The Dealer would force her to buy drugs. People soon found out what Bernie's antics were, and The Cheerleaders pictures of her didn't help. Bernie got a name for herself, but she didn't care; she was in love. The Captain started to feel guilty, but he couldn't show The Cheerleader or anyone else for that matter that he was a wimp. He kept the joke going.

The Sidekick was always mean to Bernie and always tied to start arguments with her, but Bernie was too nice to carry them on. In school, The Writer, The Princess and The Nice Kid warned her that The Captain was just playing with her. But she didn't take their advice. She followed him like a puppy dog.

On Bernie's last day on Earth, The Nice Kid confessed his love to her, but she pushed him away. The Dealer threatened her as she told him she didn't want to but drugs from him. Just as everything went down hill, The Captain felt that he had to break it off with her. He didn't want to hurt her, but to impress the Cheerleader, he broke Bernie's heart in front of the whole school. The Cheerleader taunted her and kissed Danny as he broke he heart. The Writer, who had warned her about Danny that same morning, watched as Danny broke her heart. The Princess watched, smiling, she knew that Bernie had been warned. The Party Girl tried to help her, but Bernie pushed her away, feeling betrayed. On her way out of school, The Sidekick tripped her up. She was the last person to see Bernie before she died. Ten hours later, Bernie was dead.



The Captain | |

Dating the Cheerleader

Brother to The Princess

The Captain of the Football team. A veritable hero. But in reality, he's lost. He does everything to climb higher on the social ladder. He does bad things to impress girls. He is dating a queen bitch and he drove a girl to suicide. He started to feel bad for Bernie near the end. He didn't want to keep leading her on. The look of false hope in her eyes was destroying him, because he was putting it there. He feels so much guilt for Bernie's death. He is weighed down by it totally, but he can't let anyone see that.

On the day she died: Danny broke Bernie's heart into a billion pieces. He told her that she was a joke and humiliated her in front of the whole school.

The Nice Kid | |

Best friends with The Writer

Was in love with Bernie

The Nice Kid and Bernie were friends since sixth grade, when she spilt a carton of grape juice on him. He and Bernie have always hit it off. Almost every day after school they'd hang out, and he'd even volunteer with her at the library. He realised that he loved her when he was twelve years old and she came into school with a rose coloured dress on and her hair down. Ever since then, he's been slowly vying for her affection, but she never seemed to realise his love. Especially when Danny came along. Almost immediately as she started seeing Danny, The Nice Kid stopped seeing Bernie. But he got a new friend, the Writer. He wanted to make Bernie see that Danny wasn't right for her. But he gave up on her and is stricken with grief that he didn't do more to save her.

On the day she died: The Nice Kid tried to confess his love for her, right before Danny broke her heart. She rejected him, and out of sheer frustration, he said he didn't want anything to do with her.

The Writer | |

Best Friends with The Nice Kid

In love with the Princess

The Writer never really had a connection with Bernie. Before he became friends with The Nice Kid, he never knew anything about her. But when he realised that The Nice Kid was a good guy, he wanted to make her see just what she was missing. He tried to talk to her on various occasions. He wanted to tell her that she was making a mistake, but she wouldn't listen. Fortunately he was a little more persuasive than The Nice Kid and he stopped her in the corridor and stood by her locker. He wanted her to see that there was more to life than Danny. He felt a strong need to fix The Nice Kid's life, because he could see how much it hurt him that Bernie didn't love him back. He doesn't feel guilty about Bernie's death, just regretful. He just wished that she had listened to everyone's warnings.

On the day she died: On the morning of Bernie's death, he trapped her against her locker and truly asked her if she was happy with Danny. She said yes and he told her to stop messing around with the Nice Kid.

The Dealer| |

Dating the Party Girl

Dealer to the Sidekick

The Dealer didn't know Bernie up until the last few months of her life. She bought weed off of him once, and he started to pester her to buy more and more. His customers were few and far between, and he knew that Bernie would succumb to peer pressure, so he kept asking her and she kept on buying. He didn't realise that what he was doing was scaring her, really scaring her. She felt totally vulnerable. He realised this after her death, and felt guilty. But he couldn't deal with the guilt because he is terribly paranoid about the police questioning him about his relationship with her.

On the day she died: Bernie finally mustered up enough courage to say no to the dealer. This made him a little angry. He hated it, especially because Bernie had rejected him in the middle of the school cafeteria and lot of people heard. He threatened her, out of panic.


The Cheerleader | |

Dating the Captain

Best Friends with The Sidekick

The Cheerleader knew about Bernie and Danny almost from the start. She was always there to upset Bernie and she'd kiss him in front of her and make her feel even more insecure than she already was. She'd spur Bernie on to drink more and she'd take pictures of her when she was wasted or high and upload them to the social media. She was the one who made Danny continue the joke. Deep down, she is screaming with guilt. She knows that what she did was hideously wrong. But, she thinks that Danny doesn't feel guilty, so she pretends that she doesn't either. She openly says that she was an obsessive kid who brought it on herself.

On the day she died: She stood and laughed as Danny took Bernie down in front of the whole school. After he was done mocking Bernie, The Cheerleader went up to him and made out with him, just to upset her more.

The Sidekick | |

Best friends with The Cheerleader

Secretly in love with The Cheerleader

The Sidekick has been in love with The Cheerleader for years. She is totally in love with her best friend, but of course, she has to keep her sexuality a secret. She will do anything to get her best friend to love her, even if that means destroying other people. Unfortunately, Bernie was one of those people. The Sidekick was even crueller to Bernie than The Cheerleader. She wanted to impress her best friend with lame jokes and stupid pranks. She doesn't feel guilty, but she feels angry at herself for putting Bernie through what she did. She knows that maybe Bernie wouldn't have been so upset if she had just left her alone.

On the day she died: The Sidekick waited for Bernie to leave school. She saw the girl, running away, crying after the heartbreak she had suffered. The Sidekick tripped her up and told her to leave The Cheerleader alone.

The Princess | |

Sister to the Captain

The Princess didn't know Bernie that well. She tends to keep her head down and she's more interested in her studies than the latest gossip. But, because she goes to all of her brothers parties, she had seen Bernie around. She knew from day one that Danny was playing her. He was using her and The Princess could see just how wrong it was. She decided that she was going to do something about it. On various occasions, The Princess told Bernie to stop being deluded. She tried to warn her, but Bernie didn't listen. She was too clouded by what she thought was love. The Princess had seen The Writer try and warn Bernie too, so she doesn't feel guilty about the girls death. Bernie had plenty of chances to stop what she was doing, but she was deluded.

On the day she died: The Princess watched as Danny broke Bernie. She smirked at the girl. She gave her a look that said I'm-not-going-to-help. The Princess had told Bernie so many times to leave him. She did nothing to help.

The Party Girl | |

Dating the Dealer

The Party Girl felt a deep connection to Bernie. She had listened to stories about her aggressively religious parents, and she wanted to help her let loose. She wanted to help her to be free. She handed her drugs and alcohol alike. But she wasn't in on the game that the Captain and his goons were playing. She thought that she was really helping her. She only realised that on the day that Bernie died what she had been apart of. The feels so angry at her 'friends' for doing what they did. She feels angry at herself that she didn't see it.

On the day she died: The Party Girl saw Bernie get her heart broken, and she wanted to stop it. She followed her out of the building, but Bernie told her to get lost. She thought that she had betrayed her too.


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RedLikeRoses said:
All of the girl roles seem so stuck up.. South Carolina isn't filled with snooty a-holes...
The Party Girl is far from stuck up, in fact, none of them are really; it's up to how you make them. The Cheerleader might only have the exterior of being a bitch. Besides, this isn't a reflection on South Carolina; Quail Creek isn't even a real place!
I'm definitely interested! I remember I signed up the first time around but it never really picked up because everyone was going back to school but I really hope it works out this time! This RP has so much potential :)

Also I'm not sure which role I want to sign up for right now, but this isn't first come first serve, right? Like you'll be choosing characters based off which one you think will best fit the RP?
Semblance said:
I'm definitely interested! I remember I signed up the first time around but it never really picked up because everyone was going back to school but I really hope it works out this time! This RP has so much potential :)
Also I'm not sure which role I want to sign up for right now, but this isn't first come first serve, right? Like you'll be choosing characters based off which one you think will best fit the RP?

And that's right, you can express interest, but there'll be no reservations.

Welcome back!
SpectroVector said:
And that's right, you can express interest, but there'll be no reservations.

Welcome back!
Awesome! Well since everyone else is expressing interest in roles, I'm leaning towards the Cheerleader :) (or Captain)
Hey Spectro, assuming you can only have one character, if someone was interested in two of the open roles, could they put up a CS for both those roles, and then you'd pick whichever you like best? c:
i always miss everything. thats what happen when you go to school kiddies.

still interested in this thou <3

party girl is mine bitches. >:-)

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