The Cabins

Ella Trics



What Azure was saying seemed really odd to her, because from her point of view she was pretty certain she had made herself very clear about the plan, but before Ella responded to what Azure she stared at him while being utterly confused if her joking or not. Hearing no response coming from him Ella cleared her throat and then began to talk, "Your joking right? Because I'm literally shocking people with electricity, no fancy smancy science stuff involded, just plain old shocking people with electricity." To show what she meant Ella shot a bit of electricity at Azures shoulder hoping for him to feel it but not make a deal out of it. "You see? Okay now since you can't conjure electricity you can, um, you can improvise what you'll do." Without clearly stating that Ella was going now, she had begun tip toeing to the cabin's doorway. When she was right at the doorway she waited for Azure to make it up there too. When he did she start counting down from 3 in her head. 3, 2, 1,  GO GO GO!. The moment Ella finished counting she immediately slammed the door open wide and ran into the cabin while searching until she spotted 5 people. Not thinking about how outnumbered or doomed she was she put both of her hands in front of her and shot her electricity at them (just enough to shock them a small bit without hurting them, but still having enough for them to hopefully notice it unless they had some sort of resistance). After Ella had finished shooting her electricity she put down both of her hands besides her and waited for Azure to come in.


-=-=((Interacting with @Advent Azure (Azure), @InternalAssumpter (Iris), @A Mysterious Figure (Olivandra and Oliver), @BlackJack (Jaws) & @Nami (Nyx)))=-=- 

-=-=((Nearby @Darkholme (Serena)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Ella's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-



Jaws was laying down for a bit as they all conversed all willy nilly not really saying much to him. Eventually he got up and wandered over to his doorway and grabbed his shark chain clearly labeled "Megabite" on the side of it. No one would ever know if he meant the pun in a literal way as it was clearly used to bit people or if he was making a pun about computers and his weapon. Slowly he started to wander back when the weird girl came through the door. He coiled the chain up and seemed to throw it somewhere on his back/backpack. He watched as everyone tried to talk to her but she just denied each one. Jaws knew who she was because he had been there 3 years while the twins had just came but were too old to be considered freshman. He opened his mouth and put a finger up waiting for them all to stop but Nyx seemed to get really angry so he put his finger down and waited for all the anger to drown out so he could say something. "This chick I know." Jaws says trying to explain but already failing "Okay so this girl is legit mean, she pretty much avoids everyone and pushes everyone awake. I have tried before but its impossible."  Jaws says with a straight face trying to cool down Nyx and help her understand that the girl does these things on purpose. "But one day I will crack through that fake shell my friend MAKO MY WORDS" he yells slowly finger gunning at her then going back to lay down.


[SIZE= 12px]But that was the thing, once he reached the couch and was at the arm facing the door of the couch he sensed a large power source. It was really screwing with his ability to read anything else. He had went and guessed it had to be someone with electric powers because he had to deal with this sensation before with some seniors who had left. They stopped for a second and then his senses just stopped. He felt very wrong not being able to see people's electric fields. He quickly slid behind the couch not really trusting the large electric field. And he was right, they slammed through the door and started shooting electricity at them. But Jaws thought ahead and as they finished he pulled the chain off his back. He was not sure what they were doing but he jumped up and sent the massive head of Megabite at her as soon as she finished her entrance "Chumming right up!" he says with a really stupid look. The weapon was not primed to hurt at the moment just to forcibly drag closer to him.[/SIZE]




Name: Iris Fortune

Year: 3rd Year​

Location: In The Otter Cabins, In Orion Academy​


Feeling fuel coming from the purple-haired girl, Iris focused her attention on said girl. Having the girl close to her made it easy for her to see her expression turn sour. Iris mentally sighed. On one hand, she was glad her 'greeting' worked. On the other hand... She wasn't really all that glad it did. Well, not like she could change anything now. Iris simply smiled in a mocking manner at the horned girl's words. So she went from cute and edgy to dark and cold. That kind of stung. But she's been through worst. But she wasn't on planning on making the girl say anything than would land her the first place in her 'Offensive Comments Said But Deserved' chart. 

"Well, thank you. I try." To add a little "flair", Iris bowed her head in a mocking, thankful manner as she said it in a sarcastic tone. She dropped her third person talk as well. Even if she likes speaking like that, it's not like she speaks that way all the time. It's still tiring even if it's fun. She's pretty sure this was the first time she dropped her weird speech today. Iris' eyes shifted to Oliver as he spoke. In a way, Iris felt sorry for him. He doesn't even know what he did wrong. Not like he did anything wrong in the first place. When he finished talking, Iris' attention went back to the girl near her. Nyx was her name, so it seems. She was about to say something but another male voice spoke up, cutting her off.

Iris was rather conflicted once the shark-like guy spoke up. She was trying hard not to grin or giggle. She was amused at the way he talk and the way he describe her. Fortunately for her, she still managed to maintain her mask. She was about to say something but for the second time that day, she was cut off. However, this time not by words but by a shock of electricity. "Hijo de tu puta madre!" In that moment, Iris' mouth spouted out words from a language she hoped no one understand. The electricity hit her arm. It wasn't like it hurt that much but the main reason for her obscene language was that the shock was completely unexpected. She didn't come to her cabin she'd be shocked by another cabin's student for no reason. You can't really blame her.

Breathing in and out, she calmed herself. She felt kind of embarrassed but her conscious reassured her no one understood what she said. Iris then turned her head to look at the accuser. Glaring softly, she gritted her teeth. Not to intimidate but she was actually holding back a smile. That pun was so bad it was hilarious. She glanced at the the guy. Who also was in the midst of "capturing" the accuser who seems to be a female. It seemed like this was all a reckless prank of some sort. So there was no need for jinxes. Yet. Who knows for sure? Shifting her weight to her left side, she looked to see what was the twins and Nyx's reaction.

Mentioned:  @CellistCat606 [Referred as 'the accuser'] @BlackJack [Referred as 'the guy'/'shark like guy']   @A Mysterious Figure

Talking to:  @Nami  


Mikado Maxwell - Owl Cabin

"Something like that." She clacked away at a few more keys before tapping the enter button and spinning around in her chair to face the two boys. "What I make depends on the quality and quantity of the metal I can get my hands on. Ideally I'd be able to get a few tons of the stuff but I doubt that'll happen." As was becoming her custom she didn't even bother to elaborate, simply leaving it there as if the pair of boys already knew what she was talking about. All the same she had a big dumb grin plastered on her face at the mere prospect of getting a sufficient supply of metal to work with. Her grin soon fell as she looked around the interior of the cottage. Her displeasure was evident as her gaze rested on the direction of their bedrooms. After a few moments of silence she turned her gaze back on the duo, her expression one of determination as she abruptly shot up from her chair and brought a fist up in front of her as she shouted out.

"Last year I had to suffer the entire time unable to do anything. Not this time! This time I'm going to fulfill my dreams!" It was at that moment that she leveled her hand at the two boys, pointing in between them. "And you two will help me! Together we shall finally make my dream into reality!" She rested her hands on her hips as a smug, self-assured smile curled across her lips. However it only took a few scant moments for her to already know the reactions she'd get from her sudden outburst. Wayne was sure to glare at her and tell her off while Jekkel would probably stare at her with a confused look. Whether he'd help or not she wasn't sure, she didn't know enough to make that judgement. Her hands slipped from her hips and fell limply to her side as her demeanor quickly deflated. prompting her to hastily speak up. "Ah, but, yeah, if we get enough metal I'll make you each something nifty... or something. You don't work for free I suppose, right?" Her eyes had since lost the passion she once had during her little speech, replaced now with a pleading look as her eyes darted between the two of them while she waited for their responses.

@Advent Azure @Sir Jake
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(Wow It has been a long week, So much marching band, I guess I should get to it then.)

He thought for a moment Then stopped dead in his tracks. "A few TONS?" He asked in aw. What is she planning on doing with this stuff? "Well before I...." All of a sudden Mikado started shouting. She was talking about fulfilling her dreams, Something about not being able to do anything last year. After this episode, she quickly withdrew herself. "Something Nifty you say, I do indeed like the sound of that. Tell you what I will help you I just want some benefits is all, Like access to whatever your building. Maybe you could teach me a thing or two something like that. Plus it sounds like it will be fun." He said with a small grin on his face. Looks like Jekkel needs to make a trip to the library and catch up on some reading or in other words research. Whatever this is or is going to become it's going to be big. Jekkel walked to the kitchen and retrieved him some water. He picked a glass from the cabinet and filled the cup up with some room temperature water from the sink. "Just the way I like it."

@Colt556 @Advent Azure  
Azure Zelo

At that moment of Ella's attempt to shock Azure to show what she was talking about, the magic was mostly absorbed into him instead, giving him a little pain, as though someone flicked a finger at him. Besides that, afterwords, the energy moved into his weapon he had on him. The entire process of Azure absorbing the magic was rather showy in of itself...

Azure gained Ella's 'Electro-Kinesis' benefits and drawbacks included

"Ah!?!? What!? Ella???" Despite what Ella had thought, Azure was in fact very alarmed... and a big deal was going to be made about this unfortunate incident? "Ella?! Why did you do that!!!" Ella was already heading off... but Azure came on after her, not happy at all, when she already began the her plan of attack before he could stop her even... and was in the doorway with her! How did this look, was he already an accomplice, in league with some girl? What if people start thinking weird things about Azure, like he's the sort of person who's a jerk, or gets easily swayed into do things by pretty girls, because he's very weak willed? He thought his days of the latter were over once he started attending schools, and the whole 'Knife' incident was resolved... for the most part...

For now though, what was he going to do. This girl was expecting him to do something... and if he does nothing... all those people inside were certainly going to do something back after Ella's show of slight annoyance. Would Ella move if he did nothing or would they only run away to safety after he did something??? If he used the dark magic he had... that was going to cause... something less than an explosion on the inside of the home. More like a concussive burst of energy that would knock things away with a weak explosive force if he forced himself to hold back but... it might be safest to do what Ella just do. "I'm sorry!" Azure put up his hands just like Ella had and shot out the electricity off the tips of his gloves, to shock the 5 people inside just as well with a little jolt similar to what Ella had just done. Wait a second... OLIVER AND OLIVANDRA?! They were in there too?!? He felt horrible ending up going through with this... and dropped to his knees when he was done. What a terrible day...

With seeing the one guy with eye wear getting readying to do something to retaliate, Azure's fight or flight instincts came on, which would probably be more accurate to say... flee or surrender if possible, otherwise fight. He thought that it would be best to get ready to run, with Ella, but one of the guys was already getting ready to strike back out of anger... Could he had done something different to make this situation not happen!? Concerned about the retribution Ella was probably going to receive for doing this... Azure got up to instead, got up to body block what Jaws shot at Ella, and would get pulled in. "Get out of here Ella..."

@CellistCat606 @Darkholme @InternalAssumpter @A Mysterious Figure @BlackJack @Nami

Wayne Yuveg

"A few tons?!? The **** Mika, the hell you planning on making?!" Wayne's It sounded like she'd be better just skipping school and going into the working industry, trying to get someone to invest in her ideas or dreams for profit. Would the school really just have a three tons of materials just ripe to be donated to Mika? There's no way a school on an island for weirdos would be that generous, but then again, this is a one of a kind school, weird certainly wouldn't be anything new at this place. Wayne gave her a look, seemingly just as she had expected "I ain't doing ****. The hell does your dream have to do with me?" This girl was really pushy... maybe that's why she really looked like she was a couple with that one ice jerk. "If you think I'm going to do something deliver you a few tons of metal crap, just for compensation, you must be outta your mind. What kind of dream are you even thinking of in the first place???" Normally... Wayne couldn't care less about things, dreams included. Somehow though, this girl peaked his curiosity, with her weird desires... He was sure he was going to regret asking... but it couldn't help but want to understand what this girl was wanting. She somehow got Jekkel involved already like it was nothing, good for the both of them, but still...

@Colt556 @Sir Jake
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Olivandra and Oliver Kelspar

Before the two girls could reply to Oliver's attempts at calming the situation down, Jaws stepped in, bluntly warning the group of the girls personality. Oliver sighed, he had hoped that the cabin could get along and be even friends; after all, if Olivandra genuinely liked a person, she wasn't going to prank them or charm them, unless they got on her nerves of course, but then again, if Oliver was friends with the group, he could warn them about checking their shampoo and looking for bugs in their clothing. Nevertheless, he could tell that this girl would undoubtedly keep to herself, and he hoped that she wouldn't be going out of her way to stir up trouble. He'd seen catfights between O and the girls she'd stolen boyfriends from, or girls who wanted to prove themselves to Oliver, and they were nasty. Some guys might find girl fights attractive, but he certainly didn't.

Olivandra continued to just watch the exchange, a bored look on her face now. She had been interested in the drama at first, but when her peace loving brother stepped in, she knew that soon enough the two girls would separate. He had a way, even with guys, to exude an aura that just calmed people down. It was confusing, because Olivandra's own charm powers caused people to... heat up, and she'd never been able to replicate the calming sensations that Oliver could. He never told her how he could be so good at it, and she was jealous as hell. 

The conversation was interrupted suddenly by the door to the cabin slamming against the door. Two figures leapt into the room, and before the group could react a wave of electricity hit them, sending a jolt running through their bodies. "What the f--"

Olivandra was interrupted by Oliver leaping in front of her and the rest of the group, holding his hands out. "What on earth is--"

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]However, even he couldn't finish his sentence as the second figure also sent a shock out towards them. Oliver bore the brunt of it, having stepped in front of the others, save for Jaws, who was further to the side of him, and so was more open to the attack. He gasped, more in shock than pain, as the hit wasn't extremely painful, but it left an uncomfortable tingling throughout his body. "What on earth was that for?" [/COLOR]He asked the two intruders, who turned out to be a strange looking girl and... Azure? Ignoring that discovery for the moment, he turned to the others in the cabin. "Are you guys okay?" he asked.

Olivandra glared at the girl, but her face softened slightly when she saw Azure, who was clearly feeling guilty. "Of course not! But are you? Why the hell did you decide to jump in front like a madman!?"

Oliver rubbed the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly. Before he could reply, he heard Jaws say something. Turning around, his eyes widened as the boy flung a weapon of some sort straight towards the girl. "Woah! Stop!" He cried out, but it was too late to stop the weapon. He hoped that the girl wouldn't get injured, even if she had attacked them for no reason.

@InternalAssumpter @BlackJack @CellistCat606 @Nami @Advent Azure

Ella Trics



When Azure held out his hands in front of him Ella had expected some sort of leaf magic to appear out of them or something natural because of his vibrant green hair, but instead she was surprised to see him shoot electricity (like she had earlier!) at the 5 people instead of shooting some sort of bland nature magic to relate to his hair. In utter shock that the person who was previously stating outside that they had no idea what the term 'shocking people' meant, while the same person had just shocked the same people she had with such expertise, caused her to completely ignore the big, toothy, weapon coming straight for her and would hit if she didn't notice. Luckily, right before the chain would've hit her ankle, Azure had heroically jumped right in front of her! Being confused of why he had just randomly jumped right in front of where she was standing instead of starting to bolt for the exit that he probably should've, only to see the reasoning by finally noticing the tooth-like chain had grabbed right onto him in a way that looked rather uncomfortable and extremely hard to move in. Hearing Azure tell her to run she had started to put one foot in front of the other, only to suddenly stop from remembering all of those previous experiences she had when her accomplices had told her to run, which had always ended up with them either tattling their face off about her, or her waking up the very next day in the nurse's office because she had went unconscious the day before (which was by either gaining too much electricity for her to handle that would cause her to black out or someone flat out hitting her so hard that it caused her to go unconscious). Deciding on not wanting either of those to happen just yet, she grabbed onto both of Azures' arms as she tried to drag him off the chains while thinking that it would work with some non-logical ideas backing her actions up, which had also convinced her that this would work better than trying to take the actual chain off that was attached to him. A red haired boy had then interrupted her focus by asking why she had just shocked them out of nowhere. Dumbfounded by the fact that this person didn't know her reasoning she decided to answer in a way that only people who knew that she subconsciously made balls of electricity from the electricity around her when bored would understand. "Because I was getting way too bored from just sitting in my own cabin, duh." Being too self absorbed to realize the faulty in her reasoning and that they probably didn't know, she continued tugging Azure as if what she had just said wouldn't come off as rude. "If you guys aren't too busy with standing around and doing nothing then I would really appreciate some help with getting my friend Azure off of this random toothy chain."


-=-=((Interacting with @Advent Azure (Azure), @InternalAssumpter (Iris), @A Mysterious Figure (Olivandra and Oliver), @BlackJack (Jaws) & @Nami (Nyx)))=-=-

-=-=((Outside of the cabin @Darkholme (Serena)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Ella's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-
Olivandra and Oliver Kelspar

Before the girl could get hit with Jaws' chain like weapon, Azure jumped in front of her, having it hit him in the ankle, grabbing hold of him. Oliver sighed in relief as he realised the weapon seemed to only capture, rather than hurt. He stepped forward to help Azure out, remembering how nice the boy seemed, and hoping that he would be able to provide them with some kind of reason behind this seemingly random attack. However, the girl replied to his question, saying she was getting bored, and then asked them for help getting Azure free. He stopped in bewilderment, watching the girl try to drag Azure out of the door, even though he clearly wasn't going anywhere due to the strength of the boy holding the chain. Before he could fully react to the blunt rudeness of this girl, he burst into laughter, the melodious sound increasing in magnitude as he doubled over slightly, wrapping his arms around his waist.

Olivandra stared at the scene in confusion, her previous anger forgotten as she watched her brother crack up at the girls antics. Sure, the whole electrocution thing definitely needed some payback, but the crudeness of this girl was... actually hilarious. A small smirk appeared on her face, but she could still feel the slight tingle in her arms, and she wasn't about to back down just yet, however ridiculous the girl was. "Are you... actually serious right now?" Olivandra looked at the girl incredulously. "You literally just attacked us... because you were bored. I mean, you're cute and all, but that's kind of a dick move." She stood up, moving to stand beside her brother, and sighing when he only managed to stand up straight for a second before seeing the two intruders and laughing once more. It was time for a little charm, and it was such a shame that V couldn't handle himself. "Azure, are you alright?" She asked, looking at him in concern. "I'm so sorry about this, we were startled, that's all. What is going on? Is this girl... your girlfriend?" she asked, her eyes full of innocence. One mention of girlfriend and she was sure he would light up like a Christmas tree. 

@InternalAssumpter @BlackJack @CellistCat606 @Nami @Advent Azure
Azure Zelo

Pain... that's the operative word... sorta... mostly pressure and grip, and not so much pain... When Ella took both of his arms to pull, combined with the fact that he was going to be reeled in by his new shackle on his leg, he got pulled right off of his feet, being suspended like a rope from the conflicting forces of Ella and Jaws. "AH?!" Today really was the worst day... if he didn't make friends with those two earlier that gave him charm based magic... he wouldn't have to feel so horrible now over the circumstances he ended up getting swept up by. It even sounded like he was being laughed at... this was extremely humiliating... that as much as past experiences... no... this is far more mild than that... "Agh...?! I'm sorry!!!" He wasn't saying this to anyone in particular... but this was not a state he wanted to stay in... for any amount of time, he already knows he can't stand up to torture... it reminds him of bad memories...

Olivandra seemed to come up to him during this time of suffering and humiliation... "I'm... gonna get torn apart..." This could of been taken either literally, figuratively, or both, and shut his eyes out of almost tearful frustration... her next question however made his face slowly turn a bright crimson... GIRLFRIENDS?! Is that how this looked?!?! He looked at her wide-eyed, and a little scared about where this train of thought might be going... "W-W-What?! G-G-... I don't have a!!! N-nnn-no!!! AGh?!" He winced, and shut his eyes again... this was starting to hurt emotionally now, while this tug of war was killing him... and out of everyone here... Olivandra was the only life line he had left that he could depend on... She's so nice and charming... compared to the others around him after all... er... lets stay on topic... It didn't help that he'd be absorbing whatever magic she was letting out passively around her, filling him up with her own magical juices. "P-please... please help me Olivandra! Make this stop... I'll do anything! Anything you want... just make it stop!!" He sounded rather pitiful, and in pain but making it all stop before he broke was what he wanted more than anything else... and she's a nice sweet girl, who's probably made friends with her cabin mates, surely she could be the heroine to for him.

@CellistCat606 @Darkholme @InternalAssumpter @A Mysterious Figure @BlackJack @Nami
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Jaws watched as the weird green haired guy jumped in front of the weapon and took the blow. Jaws was impressed. It was a nice gesture but it probably hurt on initial impact. The megabite actually had two settings, this was capture mode but he did have a wound mode. If the eyes were clicked in the eyes would glow red and serrated spikes would jut out of the already placed teeth that were actually dull. These new spikes normally were super sharp and bite into people making it so escape is not an option. But he never used that mode because he has never needed to catch anyone. Right now he did not want to hurt them just make it so they could not do anything anymore. But now he was having some sort of tugging contest. Jaws knew if he let go both the people would fling out the door and get hurt so he did the only logical thing he could think about. It may have seemed a bit harsh but he pulled the chain with all his strength. It would probably force the girl to let go but maybe she would hold on. Jaws had no idea how strong she was.


[SIZE= 12px]Once pulled the guy would probably fly across the room and not drag across the floor. Unless he was really heavy. Only thing that was for certain was that Azure was going to get grabbed by a massive shark guy. There was no escaping that. But Jaws was not going to hurt him he was just going to catch him. He planned to catch the guy, unlatch the chain which he actually could have done when tugging on it but he did not think it through. And then set the guy free in front of himself. But there was so many awful ways this could go. The girl could hold on and the combined weight would cause both to drag across the floor and into the chairs. The guy could get scared and try to stop himself from getting pulled in and end up crashing into something in the dorm. All that was known was that there was one good way this all could go or a ton of horrible ways.[/SIZE]



Mikado Maxwell - Owl Cabin

The responses she got from the pair were pretty much exactly what she was expecting. The surprise and confusion over the quantity quickly followed by inquiries as to what she was making were right on target. Even when their individual stances diverged it was still pretty much what she thought they would be. Deciding to address the more receptive one first she turned her gaze onto Jekkel and offered the boy a confidant smile. "Of course you can use it when I'm done, not much point in keeping it to myself after all." With that she diverted her gaze to the more troublesome of the two. "Well I'm not making just one thing... Truthfully speaking I only need like fifty kilos to actually complete the main thing. The rest is just for various other projects I want to work on." Her confidant smile quickly ramped up a notch into a full on smug smirk at the question of what, specifically, she was making. "The main thing I want to do is finally free myself of this prison. I tried so hard last year but ultimately came up short. But I've done it this year, I finally figured it out! All I need is the materials to build it!" She quickly spun around and plucked her laptop off the table, supporting it with one arm while rapidly clacking away at the keys with her free hand. After a few seconds she spun the laptop around and held it for the two of them the see. On the screen was a rendered and colored picture of a circular metallic device with three prong-like objects jutting out at even spacing. She quickly reached around the screen to point at the device as she beamed excitedly at the two of them. "This is what you're going to help me build. I don't have a name for it yet but basically it will allow me to wirelessly access the internet. The plans are finished and it should work, I just need the materials to build it and that's the part you guys are helping me with. You're free to use it too once it's built." With her little presentation over she spun around on her heel and placed the laptop back down upon the table before turning to once more gaze expectantly upon the two of them.

@Advent Azure @Sir Jake
View attachment 175566

Nyx Ryzrel

[SIZE= 18px]According to Jaws, who had apparently met Iris before, this cold behavior of hers was not unusual at all. She was the type of person who pushed everyone away, but Nyx couldn't help but wonder if that was what Iris truly wanted. There was something about her that just Unbalanced. Awkward. It was as though she was really trying to be harsh toward everyone, but why? Did she really want everyone to hate her or avoid her--maybe even fear her? It could be some sort of cry for attention though too, like she wanted people to question her actions more and be concerned about why she seemed so cold all the time. It was certainly a curiosity of Nyx's already, despite how she'd impulsively reacted toward Iris's initial dialogue. Although she could respond to actions rather spontaneously based on her emotions, she always later came to think about all sides of a situation or thought. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]Lost in her own curiosity, everything around Nyx seemed blurred and inaudible for a few moments. That was until a small electric shock broke her out of her thoughts.[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]There was some yelling in a foreign language, which sounded like Iris. Probably swearing. [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]Nyx jumped [/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]slightly, throwing her arms across her chest and squeezing her shoulders in an abrupt attempt to cover herself. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]"Ah, what--what was that?" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with alarm. It was a tiny shock, nothing painful, but enough to make her question her surroundings. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]It was as though everything was happening all at once, and Nyx simply just stood straight with her arms across her chest and her eyes darting back and fourth with every movement before her. A blonde haired girl with ponytails atop her head had barged into their cabin very abruptly with her hands thrown out in front of her, seemingly the source of the electricity. It all happened so fast, but that's where Nyx assumed the shocks came from. The large pair of "jaws" from earlier were being lunged across the room toward the girl, just as a green haired boy raised his hands while walking through the doorway.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]Just then, Oliver leaped in front of her and Olivandra, being shocked by electricity once again. Nyx gasped, stepping back slightly as her arms fell back by her sides. That green haired rascal had tried to send them a second shock, but Oliver had taken the entirety of it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]"Seriously?" Nyx said aloud, eyeing the two who had just entered the cabin with narrowed eyes and an unamused frown, mainly the green haired boy. He was falling to his knees when he stood back up just barely quick enough to dive in front of his blonde partner in crime and take the hit of the incoming pair of jaws. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]They wrapped around his ankle and he yelped, causing Nyx's expression to switch to now a look of concern. Her head was spinning from all the sudden commotion. "My gosh!" She rushed forward a little, stopping at Oliver's side. She was going to ask if the boy was okay, but it seemed he was fine, just in sharkboy's trap.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]She turned to look up at Oliver and said worriedly, "My gosh, are you okay? Thank you for taking the second shock, you didn't have to! I mean, I could have handled it, though I totally would have been even more annoyed with this guy." She then turned to the boy and the girl by the doorway, fumbling with the ankle chain. "Is this supposed to be a prank because it would have been a lot funnier if you just shocked us once. Like I would've laughed and said, 'Good one ahahaaa' but then you did it again and it got weird--" Nyx stopped as she saw Jaws tug on the chain harder. [/SIZE]

((Mentioned: @InternalAssumpter, @CellistCat606, @BlackJack, @A Mysterious Figure, @Advent Azure))

Ella Trics



As Ella continued tugging Azure she ignored his screams from assuming that he would stop screaming sometime soon, she then heard one of the other red heads comment on how it was rude for her to just come over to their house and shock them just because she was bored. The blonde girl gave her a look to see if she was actually serious about it, not seeing any changes in her expression she decided to comment on the red head's previous statement, "You are quite an odd group, you know that? Because last few times I caused a power outage in my class my classmates weren't too happy with me, well they were even more angry at me when I destroyed the classroom soon after. Als-." Before Ella could've continued her statement she and Azure were pulled off the ground, but only Azure made it into Jaws arms, Ella subconsciously let go of Azure after getting up into the air, only to have fallen face flat on the hardwood floors. "Hey Azure? this is the second time today I've fallen, ain't that great?" She had made her comment on her current state after getting smashed straight into the ground. After resting face-first on the ground for a while (it was surprisingly comfy) she realized it must've looked pretty awkward for everyone else so she just got up. Forgetting about what she was previously saying she stood there for a while until she thought of something to talk about, "So anymore comments or can Azure and I continue our running away so we don't get caught?"


-=-=((Interacting with @Advent Azure (Azure), @InternalAssumpter (Iris), @A Mysterious Figure (Olivandra and Oliver), @BlackJack (Jaws)  & @Nami (Nyx)))=-=-

-=-=((Nearby @Darkholme (Serena)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to Ella's CS?  Click the link in my signature!))=-=-

Jekkel Rosach-Owl Cabin

"I think finding the materials is the easiest part. The hardest part would be refining it." After all one of Jekkel's powers includes manipulation of the earth. "From the looks of it, right now we don't have anyone in this cabin who can control fire. Also, how are we going to form it if we don't have any tools unless.... You have already taken care of that part?" This project could be fun but a lot of work. Jekkel gave a sigh before sitting back down. He fished his sack of stones out of his pocket and poured them back into his hand. He started his little exercise, Making the stones fly around him. His stomach made a loud growling noise. "Man I'm getting hungry." He said putting every bit of concentration on his stones.

@Colt556 @Advent Azure 
Understanding finally bloomed on Val's face, "Ohhhhhh." But still, she remained slightly confused. Why would you need these things to open doors? Could you just... open it? Instead of further inquiries, the pretend ninja focused on what Ursula continued on to say. Roommates, huh? Rooms have mates? What? Val's confusion doubled. This time, she didn't bother questioning it however and just gave a mental shrug until Ursula urged Val forward in her excitement and she found once again she was being picked up and taken about around. Similar to last time, the elemental didn't mind one bit.

Val blinked, having been set down, at her friend's sudden hesitation. Did Ursula want to see if she could use the 'key'? How considerate! "Alright!" She grinned. "So how do you use this 'key'?" 

Ursula couldn't help but give Takahashi a confused look. Was she sheltered too? No, that couldn't be. Ursula was sheltered and even she knew how to open doors with keys...despite several instances where she crushed the key in the process. And sometimes even the door knob. She had gotten an earful from her mother for that. Shaking her head, she slightly pushed Takahashi forward, pointing to the knob with a shaky claw as if it had just murdered her parents and insulted her favorite pink sweater.

"Ju-JuSt pUt tHe KeY iN tHe hOlE aNd TuRn!" Ursula instructed shakily, hoping to whatever god that whatever was behind that door wasn't bigger than her or scarier than her.





Name: Iris Fortune

Year: 3rd Year

Location: Otter Cabins, Orion Academy



Seeing the different scenarios unfold, Iris was filled with different mixes of emotions. Initially, she was quite shocked that a second shot of electricity came but was blocked by Oliver. Pun may or may not be intended there. By his actions, she did feel the tiniest bit of compunction for her previous actions. The feeling immediately disappeared due to the green-haired guy sacrificing himself to the bear trap-like contraption in the stead of the blonde. As she watch them talking with each other, she took a step back from the scene. She really had nothing to say. Besides, she wouldn't know how to say anything since she sort of felt like there was an invisible circle that surrounded them. A circle she really didn't want to enter or intrude. [Or did she?]

Going into spectator mode, Iris continued watching. The blondie was amusing. She even made Iris almost laugh. Almost. Before she could actual do that, she caught herself. She ended up making a sound that seemed like she attempted to cough but she changed her mind at the last moment making it sound weird. Simply put, she made a weird sound that wasn't all that loud to be noticed. Feeling embarrassed with herself, she shifted her weight to her left side. She wanted to leave mainly due to the fact she really felt no need staying there anymore. Unfortunately for her, they were blocking the door so, yeah. Iris heard how the blonde did it to other people in the previous year and she was somewhat glad she was never one of those people.

Iris suddenly remembered the fuel she had during her little entrance. It was either from the girl or the guy who she now knew as Azure. After much thought, Iris felt a little stupid. She could've avoided this whole situation had she spoke something. But then again, even if she realized someone was about to prank them, she wouldn't really know what to say. Besides, it wasn't 'in her character' to warn people about that. On the bright side, she was almost full thanks to Azure and his abettor or was it the other way around? Either way, Iris continued standing a few steps away from the 'circle', arms crossed. Putting on her most uninterested expression she could pull of. Of course, her lips were in a slight grin. Grinning was a sort of trademark for her.

Talking to: No one
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Azure Zelo

This is just agony right now... nobody was helping him... and he was still being torn apart... why were the two of them doing this to him? He could understand that the scary guy wanted revenge or something, but was Ella mad at Azure, or was she actually trying to save him? If possible... he'd like to be saved all in one piece... If someone doesn't give soon... Azure's gonna... All of a sudden, the big guy doubled down on his tugging, and Ella seemed to have been completely defeated in this battle, and let go of Azure at last... Only to be brought straight into the clutching arms of his captor, he wasn't sure what was worse... being killed by being pulled apart... or thinking about the guy might do now that he has him... The only thing Azure could do now... was shiver with fright now that he was helpless in his clutches... "...Uh... uh...!?"

@CellistCat606 @Darkholme @InternalAssumpter @A Mysterious Figure @BlackJack @Nami

Wayne Yuveg

Wayne was very uncertain about what this girl's plans were. She was going to what, make a boat of her own to sail on out of here? As stupid as this school might be, it'll at least make life easier down the line. Sounds like she's had it with being the school brainiac or being forced to be at school here, and has other plans. She said though that she only needed some of that, just for the main thing... why can't she just be direct about this. He was rapidly losing interest over what she was barking about, but she managed to catch him back by actually telling him what it was for. Internet access here huh? Now that's actually something he could dig. He was going to strong arm an argument over wanting computer access if he does the work, but she was already offering that already. For a slave driver, she sure knows who to treat em well. "The whole thing sounds like a pain in the ***, but you know what... I think I'll actually grin and bare it. If doing all this means internet access, then whatever, I'm in." He already had agreed to do this... but... where the hell was he going to find that stuff anyway... maybe that's where Jekkal would come in handy. "Hey earth kid, you said you did earth stuff or whatever right? If we're really doing this, you can be like a pointer dog for that stuff right?" If he could leave all the searching to Jekkal, he wouldn't mind doing his part too... but randomly searching for what Mika needed just seemed like a massive waste of time...

@Colt556 @Sir Jake

Mina Sunford

(1st year, human, cold magic, a bit impulsive)


Mina smiled. "It's been a long journey" she thought as she walked through the forest. "I have to find those cabins are that were mentioned."  The leaves were cracking beneath her feet as she progressed. "I wonder how mom is doing..." she slowed down a bit. "There's no time for thinking about this!" she exclaimed and on a whim she froze down a descending path in front of her with her hands, and slid down on it. Her bad luck unfortunately has caught up with her again as near the last few centimeters she fell over and hit her forehead. "I should have anticipated this" she said as she stood up and walked onwards while inspecting her forehead with her hands. Becoming a bit frustrated, she quickened her pace, just to be met with a tree branch a bit later on, which hit her hand that was holding her face. "Oh for the love of!.." in a passionate irritated anger she cast out an ice bolt from her other hand, clearing a dense formation of leaves in front of her. Her small rage suddenly vanished as she saw through the hole she had made. "Is that?..." she ran forward, clearing the way in front of her with her hands. And there it was. The uninterrupted rays of the sun hit her as she exited the forest. There lay a small clearing with a wooden cabin near the middle. Mina smiled with a wide expression, and ran to the door of the cabin. She knocked subtly, and asked with a balanced voice. "Is anybody in there?"

W/ Alecta and Klef @theunderwolf @Ballerina
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Mikado Maxwell - Owl Cabin

As the two boys were both finally brought on board a large smile formed along her lips. She beamed happily at the two as Jekkel took the initiative and fielded questions towards her. "Don't worry about that sorta thing, all I need from you two is to help me get the materials." Despite enlisting their aid she felt no compunction on actually filling them in on the details or revealing too much information. All she needed from them was the grunt work. That said they had just arrived to the island and it wasn't like they'd immediately set forth to round up resources. Jekkel's growling stomach seemed to agree with her. "That said it's not like I'm going to lead you on some scavenger hunt or something. I'm a builder not a gatherer so actually getting the materials falls on you two. I'll make sure to give you each a list of what I need later, but for now let's put our attention towards other things, like food and socializing and such." While she was eager to get to work she had all year to do it, and it had been a long trip to get to the island to begin with. She could afford to take the first day to relax and settle in. As such she spun around and faced her laptop, closing the lid and scooping up to hold flat against her chest. "Let's go get something to eat." Without waiting for any sort of agreement from her two companions she made her way for the door. Whether they joined her or not was up to them, but she was bent on not only getting some food but also learning more about the new faces on the island.

@Advent Azure @Sir Jake
Olivandra and Oliver Kelspar

Oliver stopped laughing for a moment as Nyx asked him if he was okay. "Yes, I'm fine, but I wouldn't touch me, I might be electrified," he smiled at her, wiggling his fingers at her. "I know we already have a spark between us, but I think any more would be dangerous."

Olivandra rolled her eyes. "You just couldn't pass that opportunity, V." She turned back to the two intruders as they were pulled across the room midway through the girls remarks about her previous electricity related incidents, causing Azure to be pulled into Jaws' arms while the girl simply face planted into the floor, before asking if they could leave now. Jeez, this girl was cocky.

"Whatever your name is, you aren't leaving just yet," Olivandra knelt down beside her, tilting her head and smirking at the girl. "What's a cutie like you doing making enemies so soon into the school year?" She held out a hand, wondering momentarily if the girl would refuse it but deciding not to care. "Need some help?"

Meanwhile, Oliver turned to Azure, who looked very overwhelmed being so close to Jaws. "Hey, let him go, he's alright. I'm assuming he was manipulated or something by this girl. Unless you guys are friends?" He asked Azure. "I forgive you, man, but I don't recommend pulling something like this on other people."

@InternalAssumpter @BlackJack @CellistCat606 @Nami @Advent Azure



Jaws noticed that his plan went well. The man flew right into his arms, but Jaws was not being mean. He gave a really intimidating smile with rows of teeth but he set Azure down as soon as he caught him. Around him just a lot of arguing was going on but he was just chilling and was not really that angry, justa harmless prank was all. He looked at Azure and patted him on the shoulder, maybe a bit hard but he bellowed a loud laugh and looked to everyone with a smile. Getting a comment on putting Azure down he decided he might as well reply to them "Don't worry, I would never hurt anyone. I was planning on safely getting him to the ground. If I let go he would have gotten hurt. Just looking out for my fellow schoolmates." Jaws says walking a bit away from the guy, probably leaving him looking really traumatized. He did not mean to scare at all but he had that effect on most. But for the most part he seemed super oblivious to it all. But that was his personality and all, just a really chill and cheery guy.


[SIZE= 12px]Jaws flopped onto the couch as if nothing happened and flung his limbs around getting real comfortable. He then proceeded to put his hands behind his head and watch as everything went down, to him he did not mind all that much but the others seemed to be really upset over the whole thing. Jaws was one to pull pranks and all that jazz so he was all good. "[/SIZE][SIZE= 12px] I am so SHOCKED at your guys current behavior, you all need to learn to conduct yourselves. Don't want the headmaster to ground you.[/SIZE][SIZE= 12px]" Jaws says, this train had left the station, he would not stop. This could not be stopped, he continued "It was just a joke, no one got hertz. You are all getting so amped up, watt is going on with you all." many wonder how many puns Jaws has in his small brain, how one person could be so cringey. But that was just Jaws, and this train would not stop, it was[/SIZE]



Jekkel Rosach

As the stones flew around his head Wayne approached Jekkel as "Earth boy". "Well I will be able to find the metals and bring them to the surface, But In conclusion, I will have no idea what metal I'm bringing up," He said in a laid back tone. Jekkel forced his stones onto a nearby table. After doing so Mikado left on a journey for food. "That sounds Great!" He said quickly following her. He glanced back into the before walking out, "Are you coming, Wayne?" He said with a curious tone. Jekkel still had many thoughts about this project. Perhaps they could make a profit off it.

@Colt556 @Advent Azure 
Azure Zelo

Out of all the things Azure was expecting... besides Jaw's intimidating smile... all that happened was that he was let go, and put back into the ground... What was this level of mercy? He even got a pat on the shoulder??? He was still scared... not as much... but... it looked like things were going to be alright...? "Well... she's a roommate of mine... I misunderstood her when she said she wanted to shock people... I thought she wanted to scare people... I was confused... so she shocked me... and... I thought the sooner it was done... the sooner it could be over with... sorry Oliver..." Jaws then started making puns all of a sudden, over what had happened... Azure did his best not to laugh... since he was trying to apologize at the moment... but that feeling kept growing in intensity, and it grew apparent on his face he was trying to hold it in...

@CellistCat606 @Darkholme @InternalAssumpter @A Mysterious Figure @BlackJack @Nami

Wayne Yuveg

Wayne wasn't too sure about this plan now anymore... would just any kind of metal work? As long as it all holds together, it'll be fine or whatever for what's going on, right? This was definitely not his field of expertise. "Well... until Mika says somethin', any would probably be good enough. It just needs to all be processed and made into the whatever as far as I know." Hearing that he was going to get a list made him feel like he was going shopping for the girl. Even though that definitely wasn't what was going to happen, it was similar enough to what was going to go on, and it left an annoying feeling in him. Just like that though, the girl was already going off elsewhere, ignoring this whole little thing all together like she was in her own little world... she's a handful. In the end, Wayne did want internet access, so sticking around Mika didn't sound like a bad idea at all, and keeping an eye on that girl so that she doesn't do anything stupid. She didn't seem like the sort to act dumb, but her personality feels like it could be a little disagreeable to others. "Ya... whatever, I'm coming." Wayne made his way out to accompany the others

@Colt556 @Sir Jake
Ursula couldn't help but give Takahashi a confused look. Was she sheltered too? No, that couldn't be. Ursula was sheltered and even she knew how to open doors with keys...despite several instances where she crushed the key in the process. And sometimes even the door knob. She had gotten an earful from her mother for that. Shaking her head, she slightly pushed Takahashi forward, pointing to the knob with a shaky claw as if it had just murdered her parents and insulted her favorite pink sweater.

"Ju-JuSt pUt tHe KeY iN tHe hOlE aNd TuRn!" Ursula instructed shakily, hoping to whatever god that whatever was behind that door wasn't bigger than her or scarier than her.


Sounded simple enough, but where's the hole Ursula was talking about? Val's face twisted in concentration, peering down at the door knob until her mud brown orbs spotted a small indent just below the round gold handle. Ah! Was that it? In a deliberation that could only be born of inexperience, she lower the (surprisingly) correct end and inserted it into the tiny hole. A large grin blossomed across the young girl's face when it entered without a problem. Having forgot the next step, Val grabbed the door handle and met resistance. It took her a couple of seconds before realizing her mistake with a small, "Oh!" and turned the key. At last the door opened without a problem and the Elemental looked up at her new friend for her praise without realizing there was already others inside.

@theunderwolf @Sullivanity
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