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[The Bloodline Lives On]


Welcome to Transylvania University!!

Campus Map:


Old Morrison:

The Dean's Office. As well as the meeting/council rooms, and where one can locate Student Gov.

W. T. Young Campus Center:

The student center where the dining hall is located, as well as a place to study and just chill out.

Gay/Thomas Library:

The library, as well as the media center. Free wifi is located here.

Lucille Little Theater:

The theater. Orientations, Speeches, Shows are all seen here.

Haupt Humanities:

The English Department

Glenn Building:

The Mathematics Department

Cowgill Center:

The Law/Buisness Department.

Brown Science Center:

The Science Department.

Mitchell Fine Arts Center:

The Drama Department.

Shearer Art Building:

The Art Department.

Beck Athletic Center:

The Sports Department.

International House:

The Foreign Language Department

CARE House:

First-aid and emergency care building.

Creative House:

Artist and writer hang out.

Alumni and Development Building:

The Alumni Department.

Study Abroad Office:

If you intend to ever go study abroad.

Hazelrigg Hall:

Proffesser Living Quarters. The Dean's house is right across from it.

Poole Hall:

Student Council Living Quarters.

Graham Cottage:

Displinary Committee Living Quarters.

Davis Hall:

Student Dorms. Used to be mainly male students.

Clay Hall:

Student Dorms. Used to be mainly female students.

Thompson Hall:

Student Dorm. Made to accommodate the needs for students who would pay a bit more extra.

Rosenthal Complex:

Apartment and flats offered to students, alumni, or Professer whom wish to experience a more homely private life. However, they do not have dining hall food in their budget.

Forrer Hall:

Student Dorms. The newest built dorm, with a more modern interior. Most of the upperclassmen are here.

University Bookstore:

A store that provides not only books, but living basics such as grocery food and clothes.

Patterson Cabin:

An old abandoned log cabin that still exist since the 1800s. They say it's haunted.

Two best friends who dorm together in college receive the shocking news of their life from their very own Dean of the entire school, who happens to be the King of the Underworld. They hold powerful demonic blood with abilities and even access to shapeshifting that they must control in order to save the human race. An evil force is attempting to overthrow the King and use the demons to destroy the human world and next the Heavens. The two friends is all that humanity has left. If they fail, everyone they love will die.

@Living Owl
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"Orientation Day.... I thought I'd never see the day."

The atmosphere around the university's football stadium, where all incoming freshmen of Transylvania University are situated for the annual speech, seemed more lively than Cassandra anticipated. Why was everyone so excited for a speech? Perhaps it was the new school that everyone is looking forward to rather than the incoming speech from the Dean of the school. She sighed heavily, as she noticed a group of pretty, blond girls chattering their lives away as if they must get those last gossiping words off their tongue before the Dean approaches the podium. Their pink, plump, moving lips and flushed cheeks made their features pop and catch glances from interested men. It almost made Cassandra roll her big, pale blue eyes.

A notebook sat on Cassandra's pale, bare knees, as she glanced down at her physics equations. Unlike most students who are taking a break between schools to relax, she purchases many different mathematics, or science-based, workbooks in order to practice her math and make sure she doesn't forget before classes begin. The one important trait she fears is losing her math skills. As Cassandra completes the next three problems, she glanced up with dull, bored eyes and watched some people conclude the set up of the speech. "Jeez, hurry up already. I don't pay this school just to keep me here all morning for a dumb speech...." she thought, glancing back at the group of blond girls.

However, they seemed distracted by a particular person. "Do you see that man?!"

"What's his name?!"

"Does he work at the school?"

"Oh, I hope so!! He's so hot!!"

Their gushes and squeals made Cassandra want to walk down there and punch them all in the face. But instead, her pale eyes turned to what captured their attention. From the other side of the field came a fit, tall man with blond hair and pale skin. Jeez, does every attractive person have blond hair?! At the corner of her eyes, she noticed a fairly attractive brunette with a nice thin, lean body. You can almost see the muscular abs through his skinny, white shirt. "Nope. Found a hot brunette...." Immediately shifting her thoughtful gaze from the attractive man back to her paper, she sighed heavily. What is she doing? Shouldn't she be making friends? Isn't that what she desired from college? Glancing around her surroundings, she found no one who may share the same interests and sighed once more. "Whatever. I'll try again in class."

The man every girl seemed to gush over on the stands approached the podium, but didn't seem to make any signal that he's ready to speak. Instead, he seemed to analyze the crowd, as if searching through the students' faces. "Oh, so Mr. Attractive Man is the Dean? No wonder he holds such a position. Who can disobey him besides men?" Rolling her eyes, Cassandra return her attention to her notebook and continued finishing her written equations that she recorded from her workbook. It's a lot easier to write down the problems rather than carrying around that heavy workbook....
The stadium was large and grandeur, sleek and clean in all aspects of the arena. Much different from it's modest appearance outside. One would hardly think it was fit to carry over thousands, but who knew it was gigantic. The stadium was basically just a huge pit, the football field as the main focus point.

"You didn't have to come with me, y'know," a young brunette man chided, stepping down closer to the field with his parents. He wore a dull light blue cardigan over his white sleeved shirt, pulled up his elbows. He looked nicer with his black tie, khakis and blue suede clarks. His high cheek bones are red with embarrassment as he rubs the back of his head, "It's just orientation."

He was just a boy. Barely a stubble on his chin, but then again he did shave this morning. He didn't know he would look so baby-faced. Like his mother. In fact, he was the spitting image of her. The only difference was his blue eyes, so light it reflected a purity not seen in men his age. It was his father's eyes.

"Nonsense," the father remarked, "I'll see the day when my kid enters college. A university, no less."

It was so odd seeing him so... expressive of his pride. It's something rarely seen. Usually he'd be more humble, hiding behind his business-like smile of his. But his eyes seems to hold more truth than his mouth, if one looks closely. A trait that is shared between him and his boy.

The boy's father was a tall man and practically lean for his size. He was admittingly small framed, but his jaws provokes a more masculine facial appearance. Dark as onyx, his hair cropped, combed back as neat as it could be. He wore a business suit to the occasion, but that was merely because he got out of work. As a Curator of the museum, he was in charge of bringing in new exhibits, as well as getting rid of the old ones.

"Well, where are we going to sit?" he asks.

The boys mother starts to climb down the stairs at the quicker pace, hoping to find seats.

"How about over there?" she points to an empty row of seats, not that far from the field, but close enough to see the podium. She was rather excited as well. It's not like it was a bad thing though. Afterall, her smile was a pretty thing to see. It always meant that something good is happening, as though it was a reminder that they were all having a good time.

She's obviously been embracing her recent aging as of late. White strands of hair are now noticeable against her chocolate brown hair, tied all together in a messy bun. Her wrinkles, subtle against the corners of her eyes and lips were something that one can describe as comely.

Unlike his father, his mother was more casual. But just as sleek, all the same. She simply beared some loose-fitting pants and an open cardigan. They were simple outfits, but it all made the pearls that draped over her neck look gorgeous. Yes. She was a pretty thing.

The two men followed after her. Going after the empty seats, she spots one near a blonde girl, looking in a book of some sort.

"Excuse me..." She lithely passes by her, small enough to simply go around without the girl moving. As she sits at the end, she waves them both to come over.

The son. The son with chocolate brown hair with the face of his mother and the palesque blue eyes like his father stands in front of the girl. He gave a lopsided smile, and asks, "Excuse me..."
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Cassandra, unlike most women on the stands, chose to wore a semi-formal attire to the orientation. However, she didn't go all out in such warm weather. A black, short skirt covered half of her skinny thighs, but it wasn't to the point of indecency; at least that's what Cass thinks about her wardrobe. As for her top, she is sporting a light, half-sleeved, khaki sweater that falls below her right shoulder while the other is covered. Despite the warmness of the weather, she enjoyed wearing sweaters in case a chilling breeze shivers her legs. One cannot be too careful with what they wear, especially in such bipolar weather.

As she was concluding her last equations, Cass rapidly moved her petite, faux leather backpack closer to her pale, thin legs when a family seemed to squeeze in front of her for seats. Why was a family here? Normally parents would stay home and allow their child to make friends and become situated themselves in their new environment. To Cass, it's weird seeing parents here unless they're taking classes here as well. However, when a baby-faced, thin, attractive young man squeezed passed her with a crooked grin, she smiled innocently. "No problem," she said, pushing her bold, big glasses closer to her face and rapidly closing her notebook. She didn't want to seem weird toward this man if he noticed her doing physics problems. It may seem pretty nerdy to other people....

When the man seemed to sit next to her with a slight distance, Cass's cheeks faded into a light pink, as shyness began to overwhelm her face. "Umm...." How do you start a conversation again? "The name's Cassandra, but call me Cass. It's a lot easier," she introduced, as she turned to him with a wider grin.

However, before they could continue beyond the greetings, a cough was heard from the speakers. The handsome man standing in front of the podium continued to glance in around each students' faces until his cooled gaze spotted Cass and the man next to her. His mouth twitched, desiring to smirk, as if he spotted treasure, but he collected himself when everyone seemed to silent their conversations. "Welcome Freshmen of Transylvania University and students of the future!" he began with a wide smile.

"I see you all are making friends and getting to know each other, as you are all family and family sticks together. I am your Dean, Marshall. So if any of you would ever like to speak to me in terms of bettering this wonderful university, or just want a chat, you may do so in Old Morrison, which is located in the heart of our campus. You will all be situated with a map, as our senior mentors will be passing them around to ensure everyone gets familiar with this campus. I promise those who are concerned that getting familiar with your new home will be easy as time goes on." Marshall continued his speech, introducing the main staff, as they were sitting next to the podium and stood when their names were called. This also included the student government president and vice president, and other deans of certain departments. Then, he went off about inspiration and introduced another speaker, a former, successful student named Travis, to speak of such a topic.

"Now, after this speech, you will all be dismissed and welcomed to stay on campus. There would be mini tents with our mentors sitting to answer questions and show you the way. Your first day of classes begin tomorrow and you all should've received your schedules. If not, ask the mentors in the tents and they'll assist you. There will be a festival on the Back and Haupt Circles, which are both marked on the maps. Remember: you are all the new faces of Transylvania University and the heart of what this university is about. I know you will all succeed, like Travis has, and welcome this campus as your new home," Marshall concluded, as the stadium was filled with a massive applause.

Cass sighed in relief, as she was massively thankful that it was over. Wow, that man can really talk. She stood up, debating if her new friend would continue the conversation or stick with his family. Everyone else was exiting the stadium in a rush to either go to the festival, browse around the campus, or ask the mentors many questions. "So um... do you dorm?" she asked Whit, hoping he would stay and chat with her. If not, she wouldn't mind being alone. Shoving her notebook and pencil into her small backpack, she placed her arms within the minor straps and turned back to the man.
Whit was... Surprisingly calm. Or at least that's what he's been trying to tell himself. Lying to yourself makes it possible that you are perhaps more than what you are. That's what he needed. Encouragement. Assurance. What he needed was friends.

He has mixed feelings about doing this process all over again. He'd have to be so formal in the beginning, and slowly, get weirder and weirder before they know they've gone to far that they can't back out. Hmm.

"Umm," he hears a questioning mumble beside him. It was that girl. Whit raises an eyebrow, wondering whatever could she want, "The name's Cassandra, but call me Cass. It's a lot easier."

Huh. Friends. This is the face of a person who wants to be friends with him. He didn't know the idea would be literally sitting right next to him. He brightens under this notion.

"Whitmore Frey. It's a handful, so Whit, Frey, that one cool guy. Call me whatever you like. It's all the same anyway," he smiles brightly.

"I prefer the last one, since we all know it's not true," Whit begins to whisper, "I'm honestly a huge dork."

He couldn't learn from Cass' reaction if it was a charming greeting or not, as it seemed that the headmaster was speaking into the podium. He was at the very center, and just... Stared at us. Weird. Whit brushes this off and listens.

At the end of the speech, he hears the girl beside him speak once more, "Do you dorm?"

Whit stares at her weirdly, his eyebrow peaked and his lips tugging into a smirk. "Do I dorm...? I wonder. Do I? I don't think I can do a noun. Sorry."

He shrugs, trying to contain his laughter by hiding his mouth behind his hands.
And in an instant, Cass knew she found a friend. She playfully rolled her eyes at him. "How about I call you lame from now on?" she asked, giggling softly at her own joke. However, she tauntingly pouted at him when he was attempting to act smart with her from her question. "Oh shut up," she said, shaking her head at him. "You know exactly what I meant! But I stay in the dorm rooms, if saying that would answer my question." She returned the smirk, as she turned away to begin attempt to stroll away. Maybe actually visiting the festival and making more friends would perhaps make her time on campus actually enjoyable. Since she was one of the few students who don't have a roommate, she needs to make it up with actually being social and that's what she will do from now on.
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Whit looks back at his parents, wondering if he could go ahead. They just waved him on, curious where his adventures will take him. As they usher him on, he goes for it. Running toward Cass, he catches up strolling next to her.

"I do so happen to be dorming at Transy. I think I belong in.... " he takes out a piece of paper in his pocket, crumbled up and wrinkled, "Davis Hall. I'll be bunking with two other guys in... 410, I suppose."
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"Really?" Class asked, looking over his shoulder at the piece of paper she was reading. "You're right next to my building. I'm dorming in Clay Hall, but I don't have any roommates. I was supposed to have one, but she transferred to a different school before moving in." She shrugged since it wasn't a big deal. Again, she was used to her isolation, especially since she'd be living there for the years she'd be spending here.

The exit of the stadium was rather crowded that Cass had to squeeze and push her way through until she finally reached the sidewalk and headed toward the Back Circle near their dorms. "So what are your parents here? They couldn't keep away or something?"
"Well, can't say that they aren't," whit glances back at them once more. The two were simply walking at their own pace as they followed, talking to one another. He couldn't hear what they say, so he simply returned back to talking.

"But after today they'll go back home and I probably won't see them again until thanksgiving. I guess they are spending what little time they have left with me. It's been like that the past few days... Kind of depressing to be honest, since I would always come back to visit."

Whit sees one of the aforementioned tents with mentors outside the stadium. A line was forming up.

"Want me to grab us two maps?"
When Whit glanced back at his parents, Cass's eyes followed as well and turned back to him with slight sympathy in her eyes. The thought of her ill mother stung concern in her stomach, but she immediately dismissed the thought, as she shrugged, "Why not visit her during the weekends? I plan on doing that on Saturdays by using the bus since there's a bus stop down the street from.... my mom's house." She actually meant the hospital, but she didn't want to bring up her mother to Whit. At least, not yet.

Turning to the tent, Cass nodded. "Sure! Might as well browse around our 'new home,' right?" she asked, rolling her eyes at the speech they sadly had to sit through. Speaking of which, she wondered if the gushing blonds were stalking their new Dean or plan on stopping by his office just to flirt. In all honesty, she wouldn't be surprise if they did.

"Do you want to walk, or hang out around the festival? We should really work on making friends," Cass said, eager to talk to other people.
"It's mostly because they live halfway across the country. It'd be nice, but... I don't know," he blatantly says, "I wish if I could, but... that'd be too much. Even for me. But yea, it'd be fun if we hanged out. "

Whit runs off to the tent, getting the maps that he said he would. It took a small amount of time to get in line, chat up with the seniors and stuff, and he found out something interesting. He tilts his head, but shortly ran back to you.

"Yo, Cass."
Cass nodded in understandment. "I get it. Well, I bet you'll keep in touch and have fun here," she attempted to encourage Whit and not get him down about missing his parents.

However, when he ran over to one of the tents, she stayed behind and glanced around her surroundings at all the many faces. "Everyone looks so cheerful and excited to start class," she thought, tilting her head a bit. "You would think it would be the opposite since they're returning to school and whatnot." Cass didn't entirely understand the new excitement for class tomorrow. It'll only feel like regular school besides all the new faces around class.

When called, she paused her trance to jog over to the tent and tilted her head once more. "What is it?'
"You know how we're in the dingy underclass men dorm in the far corner of campus?" He points to Davis and clay hall on the map, "Poole Hall is available and free for students who were voted onto student council. Everyone has a room of their own, and we have a bigger living space. Why don't we run, huh? We're new, but, we can still run for the underclass council..."
"Underclass council?" Cass repeated with such uncertainty in her voice. A timid, quiet girl such as herself has never even put any thought into joining a club; let alone the student council. However, it would save them thousands of dollars if they were to dorm in a free, more open room. She saw how her dorm room is like and she secretly despises it even though she possesses no roommate. "Are you sure about this? It wouldn't cut into our classes and distract us, right?" Of course someone like her would be concerned over her education. "It is a good idea though...."
"I don't see why not. Though we'll need to spread out name like sprinkles out there. We just got in after all..."

He taps his chin, as though he was thinking really long and hard about it. He honestly just wants to go to a nicer dorm where he wouldn't walk so much to his major.
"Well, we could always make a bunch of fliers and get to know everyone. Also, when we go to each class, we could announce for people to vote for us," Cass suggested with a careless shrug. Hey, if it'll save them money and get them a better dorm, why not try joining?

"Is there a meeting we have to go to to begin campaigning, or do we not need to notify them that we want to campaign?"
"Pft. Fliers. Funny. Anyway, I don't even know. It's just the first day, anyhow."

Whit walks with an even pace, walking down North Broadway Street. Damn. Why is our dorms so far. As they both neared closer to it, they began to realize it was a very old place. As though these were the first dorms that have been built. It's not as regal as the Old Morrison....

"Hey what room are you in? Do you need help getting your stuff inside?"
Cass pouted at Whit making fun of her idea and shrugged, "I wouldn't mind doing it. If it'll save me money, then sure."

Spotting her dorm at a far range, Cass felt her shoulders sink to the floor, desiring the ground to eat her up with humiliation. That's the building she'll be sleeping in? She knew it was old, but didn't realize how old it was. Her aunt registered the building for her, so she assumed, since her aunt had great taste, the room would be nice. Guess not....

"My aunt was here before because she wanted to surprise me when I see my dorm. She told me she decorated it a bit to my liking and that I need to call her after I see it," Cass sighed heavily, but grinned at Whit. She wouldn't mind moving her luggage with someone else, especially a man who can carry the heavy load. "I wouldn't mind some assistance with my clothes and other stuff. Do you need help to? I wouldn't mind helping you out as well."
"Yea, sure. That'd be awesome thanks." Whit eagerly urge on, "So everything is there right? Where's your stuff?"

He looks around.
Grabbing Whit's wrist, Cass eagerly jogged toward her new home. "The Lobbyists have it behind the desk. Since I was almost late to Orientation, I just carried everything into the lobby and they offered to hold onto it until Orientation was over. I drove my mom's car to bring it here, but don't tell anyone because I don't have my license just yet," she explained, as they entered the building. The doors were at least electronic, so they opened by itself once detecting the pair's approach.

In an instant, the receptionist behind the desk, located right next to the entrance, instantly recognized Cass and grinned widely. She was young, appearing to be just another student at the university, except older. "How was the orientation? I see you made a new friend," she said, as she stood up and fetched Cass's bags from the back. One-by-one, she returned with three massive luggages that almost seemed too heavy even for her to carry. "Here you go! Enjoy your stay and welcome to your new home!"

Cass slightly bowed in gratitude. "Thank you so much for your help!" she enthusiastically said, as she picked up one of her fairly large luggages. Who says a woman can't bring enough?!

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