The avatar above you rolled a Nat 20


The Boy Savior
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Okay so thanks to Idea Idea I realize I should probably put instructions in here. So a Natural 20 is basicly the opposite of a Nat 1 which is the worst thing you can roll. A Nat 20 is the best thing you can roll. So if somebody rolls a Nat 20 not only what they want to happen will happen but maybe something even better.

I tried to fix a car from the junk yard and rolled a Nat 20
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Tip: The first post of a forum game should have the game's instructions. Even if they seem obvious to the initial poster, not everyone may be aware of what they mean. For instance, not everyone would know that a nat 20 is a critical hit that among some GMs mean you can things extraordinarily well.

In any case, you fix the car so well they become a transformer.

I try to find a good trio of images for a character, and roll a nat 20.
(Thanks for the tip I definitely needed it)
You find the perfect image and everyone likes it. You end you getting paid to pick out people profile pictures.

I try to describe color to a blind person and roll a Nat 20
You literally kill Jeff with kidness.

I try to download things quickly before my internet goes to sh*t and roll a nat 20
You download everything and wait. Your internet never goes down. After a few minutes a voice comes from your router. “Leveled Up!” You now have the best internet in the city.

I try to turn water into wine and roll a Nat 20
Jeff instead decided to kiss you first because they know how good of a kisser you are.

I decide to do some parkour up a tower and roll a Nat 20.
You make it up the tower with ease.

I do some studying and roll a Nat 20
You mess up so bad, that the cake is even better than what you had intended it to be!

It's my wedding day and I'm about to say my vows(I'm marrying Jeff the Killer ofc) and Roll an Nat 20.

You nail the vows. Jeff marries you and you live happily ever after.

I attempt to make friends with an aggressive adult, and roll a Nat 20! +2 Charmisa-
You have the best day you've ever had. But not too good, so you can enjoy the next day even better!

I try to hug an aggressive bear, and roll a Nat 20!
The bear sits in front of you and gives you a LITERAL Bear Hug (Get it?)

I try to kill and cook a feast with my bare hands, Including the Bear Hands, and roll a nat 20.
(I get it.)
*Beast I assume.
Success! In fact you somehow cooked more food from little pieces!

I attempt to hug A HUGE DRAGON and roll a Nat 20.
EDIT (due to being too slow with the post): You hug the dragon with such force and love that the dragon promptly dies. The other dragons die too out of second-hand embarrassment.

I try to take a nap and roll a nat 20.
Success, Nina is dead. You gained a small amount of strentgh after doing so. Level Up!

I attempt to converse with the gods for the rain to avoid my tail and I roll a Natural 20.
You argue your case so well all Gods agree it should be declared impossible for rain to touch your tail no matter what the weather is like.

I try to figure out the last number of pi and roll a natural 20.
The last number is 2. But you only know the last number. And whatever else of Pi you know.

I attempt to skip across the water like a skipping stone and roll a Nat 20.
You're good enough that it doesn't invoke rage.

I try to make hot chocolate and roll a nat 20.
It's so good that everyone in a 20-mile radius wants to buy it, and thus starts the 'Hot Choco-Lot' business.

I try to teleport myself into Undertale and roll a nat 20.
It's post-pacifist!

I try to play Animal Crossing and role a nat 20.

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