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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones! (OOC)

It's one thing to give us criticism, but it's really just your option which we never asked for in the first place..   

allow me:

well, how about we all make a small opinion listing about the characters?


Character- user name tag - opinion after reading character sheet (make it more than just "I like it!" ) - maybe opinion from your character too?


That sounds like a great idea! You start! Start with my character.

Not ONE objection was posed, and one person said they wanted to try it. This worked well in the past, so I didn´t see any reason why not. I knew there were a couple characters I didn´t really like for personal reasons, but I didn´t think that anyone would take it personally, much less to this extent.

Well, you see, I'm a slut for constructive criticism.

When I ask for it.

allow me:

Not ONE objection was posed, and one person said they wanted to try it. This worked well in the past, so I didn´t see any reason why not. I knew there were a couple characters I didn´t really like for personal reasons, but I didn´t think that anyone would take it personally, much less to this extent.

Absence of a no doesn't really mean a yes.
I must agree with the others. Though some people do appreciate constructive criticism, many don't when it's unexpected. If somebody wanted it, then perhaps just give your opinion on their character and their character alone. 
y i k e s

Don't get in a twist because I don't like my half assed attempt (Well. More like quarter assed. I didn't exert myself too much) at getting a character out being viewed as my full effort.
Fine! I tried proposing what I thought might be a good idea, but things fell way below my expectations... I TRIED getting over my personal feelings and thought we could have it in a light introduction to the fact I am not found of a lot of this but was willing to work through  it. I had no idea it was gonna cause this kind of commotion and no one here objected it once.

Yes, I know no "no"s don´t mean a yes. But a yes, without "no"s means yes.

So, fine. I made things awkward. I thought one mistake wouldn´t get me this much hate, but appearantly it did. So, since I there isn´t a single person I am consistently interacting with here yet, I´ll just go ahead and leave...

and no I´m not trying to blackmail/threaten anyone, I´m just not gonna put in the effort to put up with this stuff if I'm just gonna make things awkward. I´m sorry for whatever I said here.
Okay. Let's not talk about this anymore. lol. It can get out of hand.

And I want our RP to thrive. If this kind of conflict happen all the time, it might not be good for our RP.

Are we all cool now?
Alrighty then. I missed a lot.

@Idea thank you for writing critisism. i appreciate it. 

And I do understand that my backstory was a bit of a rush. I was on my way to school and wanted to get it finished before my classes started.
Let me just say one more thing. We didn't say yes or no because you only asked on person. The GM. If you really wanted all of us to answer and see if it was a good idea, you could have tagged us and asked us. Get a vote or something.. 

But things are fine now. I just want to get back to the roleplay. I'm actually looking forward to it very much.
I am as well! About looking forward to the roleplay. It's one of the few times I've actually been proud of a history I wrote for a character. It's not super edgy.

I think the character limit was a good idea because, like, I actually tried for once. 
Let me just say one more thing. We didn't say yes or no because you only asked on person. The GM. If you really wanted all of us to answer and see if it was a good idea, you could have tagged us and asked us. Get a vote or something.. 

But things are fine now. I just want to get back to the roleplay. I'm actually looking forward to it very much.

I tag any specific person. The GM just happened to be the only one to reply.

We're not hating, just not appreciative of a thing you did.

It's calm.

repeating negative statements and the obvious- check

not once recognizing the other person is sorry and that is was a mistake and not a personal attack- check

wording it in such a way that makes what the other person did seem like some crime- check

that´s hate to me.

Alrighty then. I missed a lot.

@Idea thank you for writing critisism. i appreciate it. 

And I do understand that my backstory was a bit of a rush. I was on my way to school and wanted to get it finished before my classes started.

thank you. I may have hurt you too, and I apologize , again. I didn´t mean to hurt anyone and I honestly thought this was a good idea.

Okay. Let's not talk about this anymore. lol. It can get out of hand.

And I want our RP to thrive. If this kind of conflict happen all the time, it might not be good for our RP.

Are we all cool now?

I don´t have anything against the RP. I am still considering leaving though, cause I think my mere presence will make things awkward from now on....
Good lord, just stop.


You made a mistake, you got backlash, now it's fine. There were no hard feelings. The fact that you're trying to drag this out and throw a pity party shows you're either not that sorry or just want attention.
Anyway, people, we need to plan on our teachers and subjects of study.

All ideas welcome!

What subjects should we have? I'd say Math, English, and Science. And then we add the supernatural subjects like Magic Arts and Combat Arts.
On second thought, I'm not sure what to do with gym class. I'm not sure if I should simply include it in combat arts or have it separate.
Well, is combat arts really necessary? Maybe it could be an elective..? 

I would say Combat Arts, or something similar, would be necessary. The school is meant to prepare the characters to conflicts of the outside world. The classes would be comprehensive.

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