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Futuristic Terminatus


A Servant of King and Country
By 1943, Nazi Germany's offensive in Russia is stalling, the air campaign over England has failed, and German forces have been routed from North Africa. With enemies closing in on every side, the Führer turns to ever more desperate measures.

High in the Austrian Alps, Dr. Johann Hanszel, an Austrian national and the world's premier expert in neurology, is approached by the Gestapo with a simple offer: develop a superweapon for the Nazis or die. Hanszel reluctantly agrees to work for Hitler, and for a year and a half toils for long hours to complete his lifelong pet project, the psychic control node and ansible, a device that would allow him to control the motor cortex and biochemical processes of the living and recently deceased. However, the good doctor has bidden his time, and by the time the technology is perfected, the Allies have driven straight on to Berlin.

Hanszel, worried about the technology falling into the hands of the Allies, brokers a deal with Heinrich Himmler in January of 1945 to have the technology smuggled to a more secure location as Hanszel's castle is days from being overrun by American soldiers. Though not a Nazi, Hanszel was worried that if the Americans or Russians seized his invention, he would not be able to manipulate them to his own ends. A small squad of SS agents smuggled the ansible and node in pieces across enemy lines to a secret research center in Tibet where the order was carried down to begin manufacturing replications with the assurances of the staff that the weapon could save Germany and Hitler from ruin. Meanwhile, Hanszel began to cultivate his own military cult from SS and Wehrmacht deserters who he was able to convince that by following him they could reestablish the Reich.

With his castle overrun, Hanszel and his soldiers fled to Spain and began grooming dictator Francisco Franco's favor while attempting to have themselves smuggled to Tibet. By 1946, with the war well over and the Allies partitioning former Nazi holdings, Hanszel and his men left Spain aboard a passenger ship for Mumbai where they then undertook a grueling three month journey, by rail and on foot, to the research center in Tibet.

Upon arrival at the secluded facility, Hanszel was awestruck at the strides the researchers had taken with his technology. They had developed a long-range ansible, capable of exercising psychic control over an entire city, and nodes that could be implanted via specially-designed injectors. The stage was set for Hanszel to realize his dreams of world conquest. He declared himself the new Führer and dispatched agents into all countries, to cultivate followers and begin building an army both of living and dead thralls and fanatical officers to control them.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.d8bd1f6ce0daefd23d37efb692e1e1a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89734" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.d8bd1f6ce0daefd23d37efb692e1e1a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

On May 7th, 1955, on the tenth anniversary of the German surrender, Hanszel's men released a scourge upon Mankind. Emerging from sewers, old factories, and warehouses the thralls descended on the populations of the major cities of the United States and Russia, crippling the world's two superpowers in a matter of hours. Confusion and general panic set in quickly as news agencies around the world attempted to make sense of the debacle. Hanszel put out a worldwide broadcast the next day, stating simply: "I am the Führer, and the New World Order cometh."

Several days elapsed, and the armies of the world were overwhelmed as Hanszel expanded his sphere of influence across North America and Europe. Victories for the former Allies were few and far between. Nowhere did the battle rage more fiercely than in the streets of New York City, where police and Army reservists did their best to hold back ever-increasing waves of thralls. But the city would have fallen if not for the heroism of Private James Ghant, who luckily stumbled upon the ansible used to control New York's horde and destroyed it with satchel charges. With the bulk of their forces in ruin, Hanszel's men retreated from the city. Similar victories have been won in a few other cities, but the scattered and chaotic battlefield is slanted in favor of the mad doctor, who controls the entire invasion force from his stronghold in Tibet, calling himself the Emperor of the Auferstanden Reich (Resurrected Empire).


In this RP, the players will assume the roll of squad members in the Office of Strategic Service's Killteam program as part of Killteam 66. Pulled from the various branches of the armed forces, the Killteams have access to the best weaponry and are tasked with the toughest jobs in the war. Players may be male or female (social restrictions against women serving are looser than in the real-life 50's) and can be anywhere from 20-50 years old.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.4551280788309fac010d0f6754830bcd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89733" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.4551280788309fac010d0f6754830bcd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Playable Ranks: Private, Private First Class, Corporal (Subject to Promotion)

Playable Classes: Rifleman, Grenadier, Demolitions, Medic, Engineer, Heavy Weapons


Rifles- M1 Garand, M1 Garand Carbine, Springfield M1903, M1917 Enfield Rifle

Shotguns- Ithaca 37, Winchester 1912, Winchester 1897

Automatic- BAR, Thompson SMG, Grease Gun

Machine Guns- Brownings M1917, 1919

Grenades and Launchers- M62 Fragmentation Hand Grenade, Mk. 2 Fragmentation Hand Grenade, M7A1 Grenade Launcher Attachment for M1 Garand, M9A1 "Bazooka"

The events of the RP begin a month into the so-called Third World War. The armies of the world are scattered, but beginning to mount resistance against the Führer's army. The characters have been recalled from their posts or from the front-lines, or recruited from the ranks of various government agencies within the last week and have been assembled at a military base known simply as Fort Haven, somewhere in the Mojave Desert. There, they have undergone extensive PT in preparation to be assigned to an officer and split into squads. They are told that they will be instrumental in the defense of the United States and the liberation of the world.



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I haz Questions fo' you.

What types of zeds do we have here again?

By the wording of 'exercising psychic control', I imagine humans that are put into a zombie-like state ( White Zombie 1932 ) but I can't quite imagine these 'deceased thralls'. I know that they are corpses and not infected but I'm not sure how bad they actually are. For all I know these thralls are either slow lumbering residual walkers like in Dawn of the Dead 1978 or they could be some terrifying crocka****s from CoD Black Ops Nazi-zombies.

Do we have weapon variations?

I see that we have a somewhat wide set of arsenals but I'm pondering why you didn't add any one hand fire arms like a revolver, mauser or glock. If it comes to desporate measures would we be allowed to improvise weapons? Like say make some bad ass **** like a flaming sword or nailbats etc.

What are the current relationships with the nations?

It's an interesting question. It might be a little bit based off Black Ops Call of duty survival mode, with the heroes all coming from different factions during Word War Two awhile fighting off zeds. My interest is how one another would react towards each other given a decade after Hitler's War.

How much of the world is destroyed?

It's been several days since everybody kept blowing their cities up more or less with explosives. I ponder where our big guns are at and our hefty vehicles.

Naming Perhaps?

'Auferstanden Reich'... It makes no sense to me. It litterally it means 'Resurrect Empire' to me - it sounds ridiculous. Maybe 'Widerbelebung des Mellenium' or 'Rückkehr des Neuen Statts' or simply 'Hanszel's Reich/Statt'.
NeoLeaf said:
I haz Questions fo' you.

What types of zeds do we have here again?

By the wording of 'exercising psychic control', I imagine humans that are put into a zombie-like state ( White Zombie 1932 ) but I can't quite imagine these 'deceased thralls'. I know that they are corpses and not infected but I'm not sure how bad they actually are. For all I know these thralls are either slow lumbering residual walkers like in Dawn of the Dead 1978 or they could be some terrifying crocka****s from CoD Black Ops Nazi-zombies.

Do we have weapon variations?

I see that we have a somewhat wide set of arsenals but I'm pondering why you didn't add any one hand fire arms like a revolver, mauser or glock. If it comes to desporate measures would we be allowed to improvise weapons? Like say make some bad ass **** like a flaming sword or nailbats etc.

What are the current relationships with the nations?

It's an interesting question. It might be a little bit based off Black Ops Call of duty survival mode, with the heroes all coming from different factions during Word War Two awhile fighting off zeds. My interest is how one another would react towards each other given a decade after Hitler's War.

How much of the world is destroyed?

It's been several days since everybody kept blowing their cities up more or less with explosives. I ponder where our big guns are at and our hefty vehicles.

Naming Perhaps?

'Auferstanden Reich'... It makes no sense to me. It litterally it means 'Resurrect Empire' to me - it sounds ridiculous. Maybe 'Widerbelebung des Mellenium' or 'Rückkehr des Neuen Statts' or simply 'Hanszel's Reich/Statt'.
The naming was a failure of Google Translate. Going for "Resurrected Empire." I know a little German, but not enough to conjugate correctly.

How much of the world has been destroyed: considering Hanszel's forces are fighting mostly with bullets or by melee, there isn't much extensive destruction of property related to the war save what the afflicted nations have done to themselves. The human toll is much worse. Perhaps 20% of the population of the United States dead or compromised in some way, about the save for Russia proper, closer to 10% for other nations not hit in the first wave.

National relationships: diplomacy after WWII remained the same, but at this point each nation is fighting its own domestic threat, with some leaders of both the Warsaw Pact and NATO trying to form a global coalition.

The weapons list provided is just standard issue for the time period, however at certain points the characters will have the opportunity to wield experimental weaponry and the characters are free to discard weaponry and pick up different armaments at will. For instance, discard their M1 to pick up a Mauser, the typical firearm of Hanszel's men.

As to the types of zombies, picture a recently-dead corpse (doesn't work if necrosis is too severe) or a living human with the same physical capabilities, however there is a control team somewhere issuing orders through an ansible. The orders can range between search-and-destroy, stand ground, berserk, etc. Additionally, using a control interface hooked into their own spine, Hanszel's men can issue verbal orders which will be followed without pause or question. For the most part, the zombies have the abilities of a normal human and are often thrown en mass at enemy positions, either as meat shields for the Reich's soldiers or to overwhelm the enemy themselves. Thralls are often outfitted at field-factories with long razor-blade gauntlets, body armor, and sometimes firearms. These are easily identifiable by their black uniforms, which they give them instead of their street clothes. Thralls are intelligent, capable of pathfinding and manipulating tools. The living ones are actually completely conscious of all their deeds, but all faculties not associated with the desired orders are repressed. Some of the more psychologically resilient are capable of speaking, and will often being heard wailing, "I'm sorry!" Unlike classic zombies, thralls will not eat their prey. After they're killed, a subclass of thralls called "collectors" will drag away the recoverable bodies to be made into more soldiers. No one actually calls them thralls, of course. The American Army and public calls them "tickers" after the clock-like, ticking sound their implants make.
Also, here's some art I found for the zombies. Note; none of this is mine. I'm not this good at art.

This would be the most common augment used.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.23c13e13b5b3eb3026733f6f585142de.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89970" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.23c13e13b5b3eb3026733f6f585142de.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

But they would probably do a lot more fucked up stuff, such as this.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.728a2524eace6d9b002fe0216117f2fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89971" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.728a2524eace6d9b002fe0216117f2fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Also, I totally missed the question abound handguns. I simply forgot to add them. They'd probably issue Colt M1911's or Model 1917 revolver, possibly a Smith & Wesson Model 10.

Also, I may have confused you about the characters. The characters don't HAVE to be American, but it's not an international program. So its composed of individuals either employed by the US Army, US Marine Corps, OSS, or were gifted to the program by foreign governments from other services such as the British SAS, MI6, French Free Army personnel that may have worked closely with the OSS, possibly KGB or even reformed former SS that managed to weasel their way out of the war criminal trials.

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