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Winter Kakyoin

"I could've saved them... I really could've..."
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The day for Rayyven had started off rather well, other than the usual falling out of bed morning routine. She was definitely going to have a bruise from that. Since she was used to the whole falling out of bed thing, she was just going to look over that and try to have a good day. Did she have a lot to do? Well, she actually didn't know. She had already unpacked her clothes the night before, already had her outfit for the day picked out, and had all the usual stuff pretty much done. Seemed like the only things left to do, was take a shower and get dressed for the day. "Let's see... Shirt, pants..." She was going through her outfit, making sure it was exactly what she wanted, when she realized something was missing. "Alright, where the hell are my socks? I swear, I put them here with my clothes last night." Talking to herself when she was doing something was another habit of hers. For some reason, it helped her think better, or find things quicker when she was looking for something.

She started to look around her room, throwing pillows on the floor, looking under the bed, searching in all the places she thought her socks could've ended up. Though, after searching for about twenty minutes, she finally gave up. Did she really forget to get a pair of socks out? She swore that she put them with her outfit. "Shit... Fuck it..." She went to the closet in the room, grabbing a pair of black socks out, shutting the drawer with a little bit of frustration. How the hell could she forget socks? She was going to be wearing her boots for the day, and she usually always remembered to get socks out with her outfit when she did wear her boots. That just wasn't the case the night before. Welp, she just waisted twenty minutes of a nice morning. Fucking great...

Next task was to take a shower, which that was another fifteen minutes. That's what she got for not brushing her teased and hair-sprayed hair out the night before. She was weird about that. She could remember song lyrics after reading over them once, but she forgot simple daily tasks, such as brushing her hair out, and putting socks with her outfit. Now she had one worry, and one worry only. She was going to be late. "Fuck! Why?!" She hurriedly dried off and got dressed, not even worrying about doing a dramatic makeup look at this point. She didn't have time. Being locked out of the studio was the LAST thing she needed. Trying her best to hurry, she put on a quick, thin winged eyeliner, ratted her hair a bit while spraying hair spray into it, got her keys and wallet, then rushed out the door.

"Damn it! Why today? Of all days!" She was just annoyed with herself. She had to be at band rehearsal in twenty-five minutes, and the studio was twenty minutes away. She hoped that traffic wasn't going to be an issue. Well, living in the city, that probably wasn't going to be the case. She could only hope. She hurriedly got into the driver's seat of her black, 1967 Dodge Charger, shut the door, started the engine, then drove off. At least the traffic wasn't that bad... surprisingly. Just like she hoped, she made it to the studio five minutes before practice started. While rushing out of her car and into the studio, she kept kicking herself in the ass in the back of her mind. She really needed to get her shit together...

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