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Fantasy Supernatural Boarding School/Home? (No more people, please!)


The Songstress
Okay, so, I really don't want to jump into this randomly, I've not had the best luck with that in my past, so I think that this may be the best place to test the waters in looking for someone who would be specifically interested in what I want to play around with for a roleplay? Beforehand, I must be honest and say that my skills in guiding a plot or a roleplay in general are HORRIDLY rusted, it's been a very long time since I even tried to lead or do a roleplay that, in truth, I'm very anxious about the whole process, so I figured that maybe a small, possibly one-on-one roleplay would be the best way to go for the moment? One that doesn't have a whole lot of plot persay, and is driven primarily via character interaction and such, and that is, in nature, episodic in development and posts. However, I'm not opposed to this being a small-scale roleplay that has maybe, at most, four people in it.

The setting idea I have for this is a sort of...supernatural one? Generally speaking, this is what I have in mind; we have a sort of boarding school/home that serves as a play for supernatural adolescents who are considered wayward or ill-tempered in how they handle themselves and their powers. The school/home is a place where these kids are brought, or taken to, where they can be watched over in a small number, by staff who are more than capable of ending any conflict or bad behaviors displayed by these kids whenever necessary. The school/home is supposed to create an environment wherein any problem adolescent supernatural who either has behavioral issues, issues controlling their powers or selves are able to more easily flourish into a functional member of society who won't give away the secret of the supernatural world to humanity, more or less.

It's possible that the adolescents brought here aren't actually bad or ill-behaved by nature, it just so happens that their powers are too much for them to handle at this point, and they cannot control it when out among humans, and so they run the risk of revealing the supernatural realm to humanity?

The basic set-up idea I have for this is that we focus on character interaction more or less, conversing, the characters getting to know each other, their pasts and why or how they ended up at this boarding school/home becomes revealed eventually, and they establish companionships or relationships with each other. Primarily, scenes, character interaction and such would take place after "classes" during the late-afternoon into evening and nighttime hours, ending when the characters go to sleep, each late-afternoon into nighttime would act as sort of an episode in and of itself. Moreover, getting into actual character detail, here is what I have in mind for the most part for the cast.

All I want to specify is that I prefer even gender roles in a roleplay cast, but uneven numbers are something I can deal with. In the case of this roleplay, I prefer there to be two female and two male characters since I'd like to max out at four people at most. The characters themselves are going to room together, as the setting is a boarding school/home.... Dorms and such are unisex, meaning that boys and girls are shoved in there together since the student body of the place is so small--when I say that I mean it caps out at probably 20-30 students.

If anyone is actually interested in this hot-mess, I'll share more details and info if I get a response.

Thank you for reading, and thank you even more if you're interested! (By the bye, I'd be taking one of the female characters.)
I prefer detail to casual personally, but I can go between as needed, and yes, there would naturally be drama involved--the character I'd intend on playing would be, ah, are you familiar with the anime term of "reverse trap" or "bifauxen"? The girl is coming to the boarding school/home from under her grandfather's "care" and for reasons, she's being made to attend and live at this place as a he. I don't know how you'd feel about the character's face claims being more anime than realistic, but, I usually work with anime more than anything else since it's easier for me to get into imagining the characters like that.
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I could get into this! I would rather RP a boy if at all possible.
This definitely seems like something that could be fun. I've been craving a supernatural roleplay with powers recently, so I'm very interested.
All right, awesome! ^ ^ I'll post more details on it tomorrow afternoon, for the moment, I have to go to bed as I have work in the morning!
Oh, wow I wasn't expecting this to get anymore interest than it already had. ( :o ) But, ah, I was only looking for three more people at most to take part in it.

@Bills352 thank you all very much for your interest in my idea, but I really wanted to keep this idea very small seeing that I haven't actually run a roleplay, even one as simple as this, in a very long while, I sort of wanted to do this to get a feel for my writing again. Thank all you three for wanting to take part though! I really appreciate it! (:3)

@Carmelita @Viper @cojemo if you three are still interested in this idea, let me know and I'll PM you with details?
Jakuri said:
Oh, wow I wasn't expecting this to get anymore interest than it already had. ( :o ) But, ah, I was only looking for three more people at most to take part in it.
@Bills352 thank you all very much for your interest in my idea, but I really wanted to keep this idea very small seeing that I haven't actually run a roleplay, even one as simple as this, in a very long while, I sort of wanted to do this to get a feel for my writing again. Thank all you three for wanting to take part though! I really appreciate it! (:3)

@Carmelita @Viper @cojemo if you three are still interested in this idea, let me know and I'll PM you with details?
Still interested!!!!

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