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Realistic or Modern Strings and electric Hearts [ic]

Kai stared in awe. He was absolutely silent. Any form of music played very well, it almost seemed magical because it would pull Kai into it. He looked as if he were in a strange daze. He shook his head back and forth to snap back into reality and he held his head, trying to determine what the hell just happened. He stared at the ground for a moment before he sighed and got up slowly. He approached Al with an awestruck face and claimed: "You're perfect for us."
Alston smiled, hearing their approval was comforting for him. "Thank you for the kind words." He said turning in his seat to get a view of the whole group. His gaze fell upon the bassist who was strumming the chords of her bass,"Well, I just about practice everyday for at least an hour. If I'm in a good mood, sometimes I'll practice for 3 hours. I mainly just practice the basics. If you master the basics, you can then conqueror any music that is put in front of you. I used to be a drummer for the Jazz band at this school and that gave me a lot of insight on how to be a good drummer and a team player." Alston said grabbing a water bottle from his bag. He chugged down what was left in his bottle and put it back in his bag. "Anyways, the key to being a good player is practice. That's why we're here."
Kai chuckled. "You've got that right man. It's good to take care of yourself though. With all the practicing I did as a kid, i'm surprised i'm still here. I was working till I passed out both by my own command and by the command of others whom I wish not to speak of at the moment," He claimed to scratch the back of his head. "What i'm trying to say is that you can have long practice sessions to get better, you just have to worry about your health too. Whether it be physical or mental."
bronwyn nodded in agreement, then abruptly stopped strumming to agree with kai, “absolutely. mental health is just as important as physical health.” she stated as-matter-of-fact. she then began to play with her silver pick, moving it between her fingers or flipping it like a coin. “however, i seem to be the hypocrite with this topic. i constantly neglect my heath in order to do other things, practice, homework, help taking care of my younger sister..anything else.” she sighs, then begins to fill with energy again. “i’ve never been so excited to practice..i suppose it’s because i haven’t really performed with people before..” she seemed like a child, unable to stop moving around, instead continuing to play with the pick, her hair bouncing up and down as she did.
Haru had hopped down from the desk she had chosen to perch herself on, nodding at Kai's last statement "He's right- not that he has any room to say anything- mental and physical health are important." she agreed as she retrieved some disinfectant wipes from the teachers desk and began wiping down her instrument and the microphone. Haruka was always rather meticulous about her instrument and microphone being clean.
"I feel pretty good about my physical health but my mental health is another story." Alston said turning back to his drums, preparing to play again. He started drumming basic rudiments again."Are you a germophobe or what?" He asked without looking. "I'm not the cleanest person in the universe so I'd stay away from me then." Alston said with a grin growing on his face. He continued to drum till he got bored of it.
Haru shrugged "I don't think so. What good is an instrument if it isn't properly cleaned and cared for?" she asked as she finished cleaning and tossed out the used wipes and put the container of wipes back wher she retrieved it from.
Kai nodded. "That's another perk too. Always keeping your instruments in check. Guitars, you gotta tune as often as you need, Piano, also tune it as often but make sure it's clean and accessible, Drums, keeping it out of dangerous storage areas and keeping it clean, the list goes on. It's unbearable sometimes but you gotta live with it. It's one of the non-benefits of Music." He explained with a shrug.
Yuki just yawned as she was sleepwalking a little as she was going to the piano as she yawned she just got to the piano she was pretty good even though she stopped playing the piano since her parents disappeared manly her big sister been taking care of her she just put her hands on the piano as she smiled playing the piano she just woke up as she realized she played the piano as she looked at her sister then went back to playing the piano she just sat there feeling better not really tired anymore
Kai looked over to Yuki with a smile on his face. He traveled over to her and sat down next to her. "Ah, Hikaru Nara. That's an amazing choice. One of my favorites." He claimed. He listened to the notes with persistion and hummed the lyrics to himself as he listened. His eyes shimmered as a good idea struck him. He stood up and grabbed the guitar and he began to play along with her to the whimsical tune into a magical harmony.

Yuki just saw kai had walked over to her as she looked up at him" huh yeah I used to play when I was younger I stopped playing when my parents disappeared on us me and my big sister I lost interest but today is the first time I played since my parents disappeared" she said as she sighed as was playing the piano. Yuki just looked at her big sister hoping she wasn't in trouble for playing the piano or for telling kai about her parent's disappearance" Haru is the one that takes care of me mostly" she says playing the piano she felt tears she had missed her parents she didn't know if they were dead or they just abandoned them. Kawaiikittygamer2299 Kawaiikittygamer2299
Kai's eyes grew to shock quickly before he nodded. "That must be rough..." He whispered to her quietly. He chuckled to himself for a moment. "I guess I can't say that I understand what you're going through, but I'm in a rough spot myself." He explained. He stopped playing the guitar for a moment as he hugged it tight. "I'm not one to share my secrets like this but I guess I can trust you guys." He started. He gulped nervously. "Ever since I turned 6, My dad would every single day push me too hard into learning the Piano. He's been an alcoholic since then and he's always been really abusive towards me and my siblings. I was the core of it. He strived to make me the next Beethoven. He practically succeeded. I practiced every single day as he struck me for every wrong note I made. He would put me into competitions and I ended up losing every one due to my Fevers. He'd always strike me worse if I did." Kai started to tear up as he explained. He sighed and wiped his eyes. He smiled sadly "My mom though, she's always supported me in my surprising love for music. She's actually the one who taught me how to play the guitar. I even got to the point where I wanted to show my dad in a concert of my own but, he never showed up..."
Yuki just looked at her friend" i'm sorry that going on with your family i'm sorry about your dad" she say as she give him a hug" i don't know if my parents are dead or did they abadoned me and big sister they just left without a note or anything i miss them" she say to him as she sighed" but it's okay i have my sister i have her my only family left" she say. Yuki just sighed" you are a great guitar player you know that your mom must been awesome" she say smiling while looking at the piano" my mom taught me how to play the piano at a young age i even went to classes for the piano" she say as she smiled" i have got awards stuff like that" she say" lets say our family is very musical" she giggled Kawaiikittygamer2299 Kawaiikittygamer2299
Haru watched her sister play, tears brimming in her eyes "She's playing again..." Haru whispered, hoping not to disturb the unfolding scene until the girl could no longer sit still, she apprached Yuki and hugged her "I never thought I would hear you play again" she gushed, remembering when the sistes would play little concerts for their parents. Haru knew they were dead but she couldn't ever bare to tell Yuki that.
Yuki just looked at her sister when she got hugged she was happy she was playing the piano" I want to play again like when I was a kid when I did those concerts" she says smiling" you like when I play" she asked as she looked up at her sister as she was happy" why are you crying" she asked as she gave her sister a hug. Yuki just let her sister sit next to her" wanna hear me play something else" she asked as she smiled looking around she had missed her parents she knew her sister was hiding something but she let it be she just started to play the first song she learned by her mother she just smiled
Kai smiled softly as the two sat side by side happily on the bench of the Piano. Kai sighed and stood up. "Sorry guy but I have to head out early. I have to pick up my little brother." He claimed to rub the back of his head. He approached his keyboard and started to pack it up. He hated that he did it but, he lied. He actually needed to go to the doctors again. His mother set up his third appointment of the week, trying to figure out what's wrong with him. The fevers, passing out on stage, all sorts of unordinary things happening to him. It was NOT just hereditary. He didn't want to worry anyone so all he did was a lie, even though he really wanted to tell everyone. Once he finished, he started for the door and pulled on a fake smile. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." He claimed, waving to everyone.
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