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Realistic or Modern Strings and electric Hearts [ic]

Steve Freeling walked along the hallway, a Yamaha F335 guitar slung over his shoulder. Eventually, he stopped at a classroom. This is the one. There was a fire in the half-Caucasian, half-Japanese teen's blue eyes as he went through the doorway, his short dark brown hair loose about his head and stopping at his ears.
"Yo," he greeted the class with a wave. "I'm Steve and I play guitar." His deep voice exuded self-confidence and his smile was genuinely friendly.
Haru's eyes lit up upon steves arrival "Hey steve! How was school? We are working on a kickass song" she announces as the pixie-sized teen hopped off the desk to greet her band mate "and great news! Yuki is putting our band website up soon" she announced, the teen filled with energy.

She just woke up from her small nap as she just yawned looking towards her sister and the other band members she just rubbed her eyes" I'll big back in a bit I need something to drink" she said as she looked at the others as she walked out the room to the vending machine she got herself a doctor pepper her favorite drink when she got back to the music room she was messing around with her highlights as she sat back down to where her laptop as she heard what was her sister" no pressure here I'm gonna make the best website ever" she say drinking her soda becoming a bit hyper​
Haru grinned "Morning sleeping beauty' she teased, despite the distinct lack of sugar Haru felt as if she drank a whole monster and could run a marathon without breaking a sweat.

Yuki just rolled her eyes" hi Haru" she says" have I missed anything fun" she say as she looked at her" i didn't sleep much last night since i been working on the website since last night i have to finish it" she said as she yawned sleepily as she took a sip of her soda she loved doing this but it made her feel tired she was feeling hyper she couldn't help it she had to work on the website she didn't care if her sister were upset if she stayed up all night working on this it was for her and the band" i hope i can finish it before tomorrorw" she say sleepily​
Kai chuckles to her tired remarks. "You haven't missed much. Haru and I just finished a song and are waiting to get some extra parts into it," he claims with a smile. "Sure the band may be important but you gotta make sure to take care of yourself too Yu." Haru huffed and rolled her eyes, Making Kai realize he has no room to speak.
Haru listened to kai almost out of instinct, a snicker passing her lips " like you have room to say anything" she teased, giggling "Typical kai. Worrying about everyone else first" she mused, now practically laying on the desk, her sudden burst of energy wearing off like a good high coming to an end.

She just looked at kai as she sighed" I know but it's important that I finish this" she said as she heard her call her Yu she thought it was a cute nickname she saw her sister laying on a desk as she smirked as she was poking her sister" wake up wake up" she said poking her big sister she could be annoying sometimes when she wants to" come you can't be that tired to not finish your song" she said as she smiled she was trying her best​
Haru giggled, going to roll onto her back but rolling off the table, a short high-pitched squeal followed by a solid thud as she hit the ground, errupting into a fit of giggles at her own stupidity "I swear you would think kai runs this band with my god damn stupidity" she said through giggles as she climbed to her feet and her giggles subsided "ahem. We never speak of that. Agreed? She asked as she regained composure.
bronwyn watched the door to find another band member step in; his demeanor was collected and he exhibited a friendly smile, which she returned happily. she plucked at the strings of her guitar, watching them vibrate as they exuded low, deep sounds. she wondered if he was good at transitions, or maybe haru was, so either of them could possibly help her. staring intently, she continued to pick gummies from her bag, hoping to slowly ingrain herself in the group. she noticed haru, kai, and yuki seemed fairly close, and in an effort to not bother them, she continued to quietly strum from the song she was composing, humming as she muttered lyrics under her breath.

Yuki just saw the girl Bronwyn was being quite as she bites her lip she was a shy person herself as she was trying to think of what to say as she walked over" Hi u...um...um Bronwyn" she says as she was trying her best to talk to her" I'm y... Yuki you call me Yu" she nervous forgotten she had kinda met her earlier she just pushed up her glasses" ignore my sister she kinda stupid sometimes" she say as she was scratching her arm she usually scratches her arm when she's nervous about something" th.... th... that's a nice song" she say smiling​
Luckily another guy walked in late so he felt a bit of relief on his shoulders. The girl, Haru, who greeted him was interesting to say the least but did he expect that out of this group. "I'm Alston, by the way." He said as he quickly took a seat at the drum set and retrieved his drum sticks out of his bag. His drum sticks were battered from hours of practice. He made sure everything was in place and to his liking before even striking the drum. After everything seemed to be in order, he played some basic drum rudiments to warm up his hands and test out how the drum set sounded. The snare drum sounded a bit off but that wasn't a big issue, he just needed to tune it later on his own time. Once he was done playing the rudiments, he turned to the group,"You guys ready?"
Haru took a seat and nodded "go for it" she told him, settling in to listen, already having high hopes with how expertly he examined the set. And warmed up
bronwyn looked up after playing a bit, finding one of the members in front of her. she smiled warmly as she introduced herself, and stood up to keep her guitar on its strap around her torso, then reached out her hand to the girl. โ€œitโ€™s nice to meet you, yuki! iโ€™ve already introduced myself, but some people call me b. closer friends and family have other options..anyway, your sister seems like quite the party,โ€ she giggled, โ€œbut itโ€™s nicer to have some excitement rather than complete silence..also, good on you for being good at technology? thatโ€™s what iโ€™ve heard in the halls, at least, and iโ€™ve never been quick to adjust. also, if you ever want some candy, iโ€™m just your type..โ€ she finished, reaching in her bag to reveal the bag of gummy bears along with other sweets such as lollipops and chocolates, then perked up as the drummer warmed up. she bounced around, then suddenly turned to the drummer, who she wad unfamiliar with, so she quickly introduced herself. โ€œhello! iโ€™m bronwyn habine, nice to meet you. love your skills, iโ€™ve always been interested in a drummerโ€™s endurance. good luck!โ€ she hoped he would do well, then returned next to yuki to watch him perform. โ€œoh yeah, are there any general rules for the band?โ€ she whispered to yuki in order not to disturb the warm ups.
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Steve shrugged. "School wasn't that bad." His face broke into a smirk. "Jaws still can't handle how awesome I am, but what are you gonna do, huh? He even tried to draw me into a fight by trying to steal my bike. Again. He was actually angry when I took my bike and walked away from him." Akuhei Ishizawa had acquired the nickname "Jaws" because he never stopped talking and he was always angry, even wolfing down his lunch like a great white shark. He was also unreasonably jealous of Steve, insisting in a very malicious way that he was a vastly superior guitar player than Steve and even trying to fight him physically. Jaws also almost always attempted to steal Steve's red motorcycle. Steve never engaged, simply walking away. "He even got pissed at Mitsuha for saying, 'Hey, Steve! Someone's got your bike!' It was so absurd." Mitsuha Fujioka was one of Steve's cousins from his mother's side of the family who always kept an eye on Ishizawa's antics. Okay, that's enough of that crap. "But enough about that. I'm sure the website's gonna be awesome. Hell, I'll bet you any amount of money everything's gonna be awesome." Soon came the drummer's question and Haru's answer. Huh. Something tells me this guy's gonna nail it.

Yuki just looked at the bag of candy as she giggled" my sister will get mad if I ate too much candy since I will be so very hyper I can't have that while I'm working on the website" she said as she just smiled" so b how long you been playing the Bass guitar" she said as she saw the drummer boy" I don't know much of the rules my sister will know more" she told B" good luck drummer boy" she says as she looked at her bandmates except she didn't play anything she just giggled a little" sometimes I wish I can play music like you guys the only thing I'm good is tech stuff" she told her​
"Bronwyn...I like that name, very unique. Name's Alston or you can call me Al." Alston said glancing at her. He's eyes quickly went back to his set. He wanted to impress them but he definitely wasn't one to show off. He decided on playing Smells like Teen Spirit by Nirvana. He liked the song because of how dynamic the tempo was. He took a deep breathe before allowing his hands to smoothly execute the song. He didn't want to go overboard so he kept the song at a steady tempo. He had a tendency to ramp things up and he wanted to keep that under control. There were no mistakes in his execution of the song. After he finished, he didn't feel quite satisfied with the final product but that's just his insecurities nibbling at him. "So, what do you all think?
Haru watched with criticism, deeming his overall performance worthy of the band "Excellent! I say welcome to the band. Oh, and I would like to apologize for my less than professional display earlier. I'm not usually that odd." she explained, her cheeks red with embarrassment.
"Don't worry, we're all a little bit odd." Alston said with a smile. After pausing for a few moments, he continued playing a few rudiments to continue to be on top of his game. A good drummer masters the basics. He finally stopped after a while, now satisfied with himself.
Haru nodded "your right I suppose. Anyways...That is my sister Yuki, our Tech expert, over there Is Kai, our keyboard player, there is Steve, our background guitar player, and then it seems you are aquainted with Bronwyn, our bassist." she said, gestureing to each member as she spoke their names.

She just looked at her sister saying her name as she smiled" hi there i'm your tech gal if you need help with electronics I'm your gal" she say happily" it's the only thing I'm good at" she say as she grabbed her laptop as she bites her lip finishing the website finally as she smiled" I think I'm done Haru" she says as she just smiled happily hoping her sister thinks it's okay she just looked at the others she just pushed up her glasses as she just yawned standing up walking with her laptop to where her big sister was with the drummer guy​
Haru perked up "awsome let me see Yuki" she said getting up and taking a look at the website, happy with the result. "looks great. Now you should rest Yu' you deserve it" Haru insisted. Seeing her sister was still tired. "please Yuki?"

Yuki just smiled when she got the praise of her work" thank you" she say rubbing back of her head" it is fine I'm not that tired I did take a nap earlier" she said as she just yawned rubbing her eyes she was still tired she just didn't want to sleep here she just looked at the desk her sister laid on she just yawned" maybe I do deserve it that was a lot of work" she said to her sister sitting at the table putting her head on the table " I'm only resting for you because you told me to" she mumbled to her big sister closing her eyes slightly​
bronwyn was certainly taken aback by al's performance, and she exhibited her interest by smiling and bouncing around some more. "drums are one of my favorite instruments... anyway, i've been playing bass since i was 7, i learned some from my mother, who used to be in a band." she stated softly, and stroked her guitar as she smiled. "my parents, i'm happy to say, are really supportive of me and i'm sure they would love to meet everyone someday! if we ever need something financially or otherwise, i'm sure they would help if they could." she looked at yuki and nodded, "you should get the rest you deserve, but take some candy for some other time, if you want." she whispered, then winked at the girl playfully. she then turned to the band and plucked each string of her guitar, then questioned, "so, al, how much did you have to practice to get that perfect performance?" she hoped to strike conversation while yuki took time to rest.

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