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Realistic or Modern Souls [Detailed depending on interest]


New Member

Proverbs 18:20-21 A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled. Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Since the beginning of time, humanity has been reincarnated from old to new, shifting from lives in poverty to that of luxury, sometimes through death, sometimes through other means. It is said that words have power, but many are unaware of just how much power they hold.

Human souls have been coming into existence at faster and faster rates since their creation, as reproduction further surpasses the mortality rate of humanity. In their first life, each soul learns a word of particular significance to them. When their first life is over, these souls will carry that word with them over into the next life, and, if they are extremely lucky, will hear the word again, triggering a "remembrance" in their physical form. This event causes them to remember everything from their previous life(s), allowing them to access and use the knowledge they gained in previous incarnations.

However, the window for this event is very short, as the soul must hear the word in the exact way that it heard it the first time in it's first life, and it must be heard in their second life. If they do not hear the word in their second life, the word will fade from memory, and the soul will be unable to trigger the remembrance at any point in it's future incarnations. Fortunately for the current incarnation, despite being able to remember their past lives, the memories will not be able to influence their motivations unless they allow them to. Much like reading a history book, or an incredibly detailed auto-biography, they would be able to see and understand the motivations behind the actions of their past lives, but would not be directly influenced by them. Much the same way as you and I can read about and understand the actions of famous figures in history, but not necessarily agree with them.

These beings, those who go through the remembrance event, are most commonly referred to as incarnates. Their ability has been used to the detriment and the benefit of humanity, how will you use yours?
Current Events

The year is 2042, and the Earth is on the verge of a new world war. China has been suffering a crippling economic depression, and has called on the US to pay back the debt owed to them in the hope of revitalizing their economy and giving it new life. The US objected to this, citing their own economy as being in shambles itself. China viewed this as an act of aggression against their sovereign nation, and quickly carried out operations to show the US they meant business.

The United States was caught by surprise late one night as a Chinese submarine ambushed an American oil tanker off the Gulf of Mexico, destroying it in one fell swoop, and causing the area to become heavily polluted with oil. The US Navy quickly responded, but were, unfortunately, too late to intercept the sub. American leadership suspected Chinese involvement, but they had no hard proof, and thus, the second cold war began.

The UN had grown in power and scope tenfold since it's foundation in 1945, and has well-established military and covert branches, and often uses them to subvert future tragedies, unfortunately due to their position as a "peace-keeping" organization around the globe, full-scale war is not an option for them, and they must resort to covert operations by the thousands in their attempts to stop the brewing war. Emotions are high among world leaders, and though a nuclear holocaust is unlikely, the world is preparing for the worst.

Incarnates new and old must decide their allegiance across the globe, whether it be to fight for the Axis powers, the Allied forces, or another group altogether. Betrayal and lies among them is inevitable, just as among mortals. Fear grips even the most experienced of incarnates as war threatens to bathe the planet in blood on an unprecedented scale. This is a new chapter in human history, the question is, will it be the last?
Okay, so basically this RP will be set only a few decades ahead of the modern world (so I'm conflicted on it being fantasy or modern/realistic), the world will be in about the same state as it is in 2015 save for a few differences. For one, we'll assume that the NASA mission to establish a colony on Mars was a success, next, the entire world at this point in time will be suffering an economic depression, though China will have it worst. Technology will be more powerful and there will be new inventions and innovation (i.e. real-time translators, cheaper and more powerful "google glasses" that let you browse the internet at any time, etc.). Last (though there may be more in the future), and the most obvious difference, is the existence of incarnates. Please let me know what you think, I'd love some feedback!

This is an interesting concept. How did you come up with the idea, if you don't mind me asking?
Cavil said:
This is an interesting concept. How did you come up with the idea, if you don't mind me asking?
I don't mind at all! I used to do a lot of creative writing/thinking but I could never flesh out the plot myself, so I started posting my ideas on RP forums, and they were a lot of fun for me. This particular concept was inspired by religion mainly, combining different ideas from different religions, and adding my own little twist (remembering past lives has always been interesting to me). I did a little exploration with the idea, and came up with this.
I have a sudden, huge urge to go metal gear solid on this... maybe because I just finished the third game... but still, supar spyin' shenanigans.

In anycase the futuristic time we have put ourselves in allows for quite abit of shifting and possibly adding more interest tech into the game. Wars becoming less human and man power oriented with Ais and bioengineering, focusing less on quantity and more on quality so to speak.

You stated it above, but I just wanted to pull a few suggestions out of the hat.
Orikanyo said:
I have a sudden, huge urge to go metal gear solid on this... maybe because I just finished the third game... but still, supar spyin' shenanigans.
In anycase the futuristic time we have put ourselves in allows for quite abit of shifting and possibly adding more interest tech into the game. Wars becoming less human and man power oriented with Ais and bioengineering, focusing less on quantity and more on quality so to speak.

You stated it above, but I just wanted to pull a few suggestions out of the hat.
I like the ideas, though this is set around 20 years after modern day, so anything too advanced may seem a bit unrealistic. Advanced drones and unmanned combat vehicles (Such as tanks) are a real possibility though, as well as maybe a primitive cloaking device. I'm definitely open to suggestions concerning technology (or anything else really) so feel free to send me a pm!

theglassangel said:
Can you give me some more details on the allegiances in the rp? I am very interested, by the way.
The three listed in "Current Events" will be the big players in the RP, though I am definitely planning to add more factions, they will be smaller in size. I have a few ideas for additional factions, such as a "pro-incarnate" faction, or "anti-mortal", this faction will likely work towards having only incarnates in the positions of power around the globe. There will also likely be a movement among the wealthy of the world to establish a haven for themselves in the event of a global disaster. These factions, as well as others that I have yet to establish purpose for, and still others that will only be important later in the RP's plot. I may consider taking "applications" for new factions in the future as well.

GabrielD921 said:
It's well thought out and the idea is interesting to me, so I may check it out.
Awesome! Thank you. :)

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