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Fandom Sonic Rp (Don't know how to change tags but this is closed if in rp feel free to rejoin but no new members thank you)

Rune Kindle
Magicka: Full
Health: Full

The man was under an apple tree, sleeping silently with his Sword and shield beside him. A fresh red-ripe apple shook itself free of the tree and smashed into his steel horned helmet. He jolted awake as he quickly got into a fighting stance and looked around to examine his surroundings. Once seeing there was no threat he sat back down and lifted the apple into his hand.
He was going to bite the apple Instantly, but It turned into dust. The dust picked up and disappeared into the wind. Now, this was strange, even for this new world or land he was in.
Rune Kindle
Magicka: Full
Health: Full

The man turned his armoured head to the girl and responded with, "Why Yes, Young one. I am fine. It is just...Did you see that apple? It turned to dust as If it rotted Instantly...Say, Are there Necromancers of any sort here? They are Evil, and summon Evil spirits, not to mention they bring back the dead."
He then unsheathed his sword and plunged it into the dirt. "Little one, Would you like to try to swing?" Rune asked as he folded his hands back behind his back.

Spiderman Toby Maguire Spiderman Toby Maguire
Maria: I'm sorry but I'm not fighter I'm just here to make sure Shadow doesn't over-exert himself or do anything dumb. Also Yeah I saw the apple but I don't think we have necromancers unless Hyper Dark is one.
Rune Kindle
Magicka: Low
Health: 68%

The Dragonborn frowned and upon her answer he pulled his sword back up and resheathed it. "Swords are not used for just fighting. They have purposes, Like a book. They tell us not to fear, But Instead fear fears us. Now, Who is this Hyper Dark? Is he some sort of god-like Idol or similar-" He stopped when an arrow pierced through his shoulder. Rune grunted and turned to spot a Skeletal Archer hiding in a bush.
He broke the stick of the arrow off and threw it down to the ground. Rune ran towards the foe and struck him three times, Turning the skeleton into a pile of bones. "Strange..." He spoke softly as his hands lit up and his wounds instantly healed.
Maria: Hyper Dark is Sonic's Dark form serpated from him he's far stronger than any of us even Sonic and Shadow our two strongest fighters that are considered to be gods in a way...*sees his wound.* YOU OK!?....oh you healed it...wow....
Rune Kindle
Magicka: Medium
Health: 100%

The Dragonborn nodded slowly and said, "Yes, I can cast spells with my Magicka. I can Heal, Throw Fire, and such as long as I have Magicka. Say, You said something about the others being Gods in ways. I am a God, As one of my Ancestors was a Dragon who mated with a mortal woman, Generations later here I am." Rune then turns to the newly appeared Ghostly figure. "Inihalos, Good to meet. I am the Dragonborn, Master of the Thu'um, or Voice. Is there something needed of me?"

Maria: YOU ARE STILL DARK HYPER THOUGH!? *feels a sudden spike in energy*
Shadow: *turs Super Shadow Blue* At my current level my god form rivals Zane and Blue Evloution 50% of you. This is the form between them.
Shadow: *turns normal* Zane...Inihalos...and more...perhaps it's time I used Boom me's greatest fear...CHAOS UNSEALING!! *I weaken the seal on Zesheir.*

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