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Fantasy Snow-Fire Academy for the Gifted

eros continued to follow and chuckled. "oh really, hm? that is a matter of opinion,kal....though,i must admit with a attitude like that you won't make many friends or get along with many people. and when even when facing enemies it's better knowing someone has your back than facing every problem alone only to come to you're demise. " he told him as he moved so he was now walking beside him. he was still grinning as he did. "i know...how about we be friends? what do ya have to lose?" the basilisk asked holding out a hand and flicked out his snake tongue closing all but his middle eye.

Kallo Kallo
Esper Alucard Esper Alucard

(also what do you mean shot down cuase if you mean about eros' flirting,that's just part of his personality and it's not like he's looking to actually score :T he's usually like that)
eros continued to follow and chuckled. "oh really, hm? that is a matter of opinion,kal....though,i must admit with a attitude like that you won't make many friends or get along with many people. and when even when facing enemies it's better knowing someone has your back than facing every problem alone only to come to you're demise. " he told him as he moved so he was now walking beside him. he was still grinning as he did. "i know...how about we be friends? what do ya have to lose?" the basilisk asked holding out a hand and flicked out his snake tongue closing all but his middle eye.

Kallo Kallo
Esper Alucard Esper Alucard

(also what do you mean shot down cuase if you mean about eros' flirting,that's just part of his personality and it's not like he's looking to actually score :T he's usually like that)
He kept walking while listening to Eros. Simply sighing as he shook his head slightly. "Might not make friends but I have the objective of not making enemies. As for being a friend of yours." He stops, turning and looking at him. As he takes it. Shaking the hand as he shrugs. "Don't see why not." Though he quickly goes back to walking once more.
( Esper Alucard Esper Alucard you are more than welcome to toss your character at them i don't think Kallo Kallo
would mind plus with eros being a basilisk and all they might get along :p )

eros grinned again pleased with his answer as they shook hands. he withdrew his hand holding onto his bag closing that eye as well before opening all three. he continued to follow after the human male. he looked ahead to see if he could see the dorms ahead as he looked around. he was taking in his surroundings a bit more moving his eyes even checking out anyone else that passed by. eros was being observant of his surrounds and the creatures in it.
( Esper Alucard Esper Alucard you are more than welcome to toss your character at them i don't think Kallo Kallo
would mind plus with eros being a basilisk and all they might get along :p )

eros grinned again pleased with his answer as they shook hands. he withdrew his hand holding onto his bag closing that eye as well before opening all three. he continued to follow after the human male. he looked ahead to see if he could see the dorms ahead as he looked around. he was taking in his surroundings a bit more moving his eyes even checking out anyone else that passed by. eros was being observant of his surrounds and the creatures in it.

He continued to walk then. The dorms entering eyesight as he points them out to him. "Those are the dorms...So not far to go if that's where your going." As he then started jogging in order to get there faster. Failing to notice the Ballisk blinking and looking around.
N Nonexisting
Viktor raised an eyebrow and pulled her off of him with minimal effort. He had certainly improved but he knew she had as well, Viktor would avoid annoying her, as he knew that her temper was short and a fight between the two would not be pretty. He thought about her question for a moment before deciding to tell the truth, the whole truth.
"Do you remember Emerald Herald? Our old squads healer. I had a child with her, I'm here looking for him along with the one I told you look after. Also I'm the History teacher as well as this schools extra-security. With permission I can have Spetsnaz forces look for other gifted ones to help with your...projects," Viktor said. He smiled softly and pulled out a cigar. It was the same type they'd smoke after a mission.

Smoke looked down at Fallon holding her ears, his eyes wide as he didn't know what to do. Smoke then pulled off his scarf and wrapped it around her ears muffling the sound.
"Fallon? You ok?" Smoke asked after the bell stopped ringing.
(sorry that it took a while. :P)
Shawn heard the bell ring across campus, and she realized that it was the dinner bell. She sped up, not wanting to be late, and keeping her eyes down. She reached a courtyard, and she stopped for a second. She looked across it.

"Well of course I remember her," Josie said as she got over being pushed away so easily. Even though Viktor was always able to do this, she wasn't used to it, seeing to the fact that they hadn't seen each other since he left training. "And you have my permission. As for the transfer..." Josie looked off into the distance, where she could see some students heading to the mess hall. One of them had a bag in hand and was staring right at her. Josie's eyes widened. The student's eyes were glowing bright blue. "The transfer is apparently here." Josie did not expect this at all. She grabbed Viktor by the wrist and pulled him around the courtyard, towards the student, who was starting to walk away.

Shawn noticed many people heading in the opposite direction than her. She figured that that was where the either the mess hall or the dorm area was. She noticed a woman with a number of weapons look over at her, and with not a very good look. She decided she should just follow the students, as the woman was now pulling the man she was talking to in her direction. She turned around and walked faster.

"Viktor! Come on!" Josie ordered him as she grabbed his arm and half dragged him around the courtyard. She watched the girl turn and blend into the crowd, but not really. She kind of stood out in a strange, foreign way. When Josie finally caught up to the girl, they had already reached Viktor's classroom, or what Josie assumed to be Victor's classroom. It had always been the history classroom. She willed for any metal in her bag, if there was any, to find it's way to her.

Shawn realized the woman was chasing her. She did everything she could not to run, for that would make her stand out. All of a sudden, she was being choked by her bag strap. She immediately stopped walking and was pulled backwards. She scrambled for some sort of handhold, something to grab, but when that didn't work she tried to take off the bag. She ended up crashing into something behind her, and then she could breathe again. She quickly jumped up and turned around. It was the lady and the man. She braced herself for what was about to come, whatever it was.

Josie lay on the ground, regretting using that much power. She was now exhausted, partly from the chase halfway across the campus and partly from whatever was in the girl's bag that was metal hit her square in the gut and she didn't expect it. When Josie finally sat up, she did so slowly. She took a deep breath. She looked up at the girl.
"We need you to not go to the mess hall right now," she said as she got up.

Fallon was relived when the bell stopped ringing. She looked over at Smoke, who looked at her expectantly. She stared blankly at him, wondering what he was doing.

(sorry that took so long :))

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