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Fantasy Slayers: Modern Maniacs

(@CloudKitteh After lunch, the slayers were called over the PA to report to Mr. Grey's room. Apparently, a local graveyard is being overrun by newly raised undead. The Slayers are going to be sent there by Mr. Grey's magic so that they can put them down. Amelia thinks they should research the dark mages that are raising the undead, but Mr. Grey said no.)

"N-no, of course not," Amelia stammered, rejoining the circle. "I just... don't know how much I'll be able to help with the... Slaying..." she admitted, hanging her head. She was not looking forward to encountering the shambling corpses. Those were their sacred dead. They were supposed to be laid to their final rest, but someone was bringing them back. Imagine what that did to a person - if they were in fact conscious. They would be so confused, lost, and probably in pain. Being torn out of whatever sort of afterlife there was? That would drive a person to madness. Were they still people? Were they in pain? Would killing them again be merciful or brutal?

There were so many questions that Amelia had no answers to and Mr. Grey sure wasn't keen on answering them. Why did he want her so much to be in the dark? The seeds of rebellion were finding their place in Amelia's heart. If things continued on this path, she would find herself questioning Mr. Grey's motives much more as time crawled on.
Mr. Grey exhaled slightly. He appreciated Amelia's thought process, but it proved to be somewhat irritating. She was a remarkably bright young girl, but perhaps she's too smart for her own good. He glanced at her as she rejoined the circle. Then waited for Takao (@KroNicc115 ) and Terra (@CloudKitteh ) to join them so they could get started. Jane stood ready, Grey's hand in her right hand, and Luke's (@Huntrey ) in her left. She took a breath and began to further plan ahead in her head.
The girl hesitantly took a random hand and prepared herself for the teleportation? Terra doubted that the experience would prove to be better than the last time they had joined the "circle."
Takao stepped over and gently grabbed the hand of Terra and looked toward her and smiled. He was ready for the art of war. The epic battle to come. And all of the blood he will have to wash from his clothes later when he got home.
(IM BACK< SO IT TOOK SO LONG @Huntrey @MysticPisces @KroNicc115 @CloudKitteh @Beowulf )

"Now that the circle is complete...it begins." Mr. Grey said. A familiar surge of blue energy surrounded the teens and teens alone. "Remember, put your rings on when you get there." He said before the teens started to fade away, and travel through the same odd state of transportation. The teens ended up at the graveyard several moments later. Jane let go of Luke's hand one they arrived and she popped her knuckles. 
Jane slipped on her ring, as by Grey's instruction. She took it from her pocket and once she put it on, everything she had on her when she last wore the ring reappeared on her, including her swords and bloodied clothing. "What the....well, I think the rings have like a memory system for whatever we wore last while wearing them." Jane commented. "Maybe we should get suits, or just really dark clothing," she suggested jokingly, chuckling. "I'd prefer dark clothes...I like dark clothes. Oh my god, I'm off topic. Everyone, put on your rings, it's time to get to work." Jane commanded the others.
Luke put on his rings, allowing his torn up t-shirt to return, along with his patched jeans. "Wow, didn't think it would come back tore up." He was sighing at his shirt, for there was barely any left. He looked to Jane, then announced to the other, "Today will different from yesterday, put on your rings and we can devise a formation.". His voice was soft, but a firm tone was underlying, giving the impression of a calm, but stern leader.
Amelia shrieked. Upon putting on her Slayer Ring, she found herself in the bloody, burned dress she had worn the day earlier. True to their enchantment, the ring had remembered what she had worn last and what she had with her. Whereas the others had their weapons back, Amelia was clutching the bag of potassium powder and the two books she had accidentally taken home with her.
Jane unsheathed her blades, twirling them around. The undead were her assigned enemy, her head started to hurt once she sense they were near. She fell to one knee and grunted. "The graveyard's up ahead...I can...sense them." She said, sounding like she was in discomfort.
Takao put the ring on his finger. His blood stained clothes were back on him, He had felt the gun in his pocket as he pulled it out. He takes it out and spins it on his finger. "Oh man is it good to be a slayer, I love this feeling..Oh power."
She grasped her forehead, when a Slayer's enemy monster is near, that Slayer alone can sense it. She slowly rose to her feet. "The undead are very close. The graveyard can't be far." She said. "And by the way Luke...(@Huntrey ) nice leadership." She commented, then she collected her blades and sheathed them again. "Lets move out," she said once everyone slipped their rings on. (let's assume Terra and Conner have their on)
"Just... make the best of it," Amelia told herself, gripping the books tightly. What would Mr. Grey say if he saw her with them? Amelia turned to Luke and gave him a nod to signal that she was ready.
Jane moved ahead of the group. She led the group in direction as they progressed towards the graveyard.
Conner stood with his shotgun pumped and ready. Hearing that they were close, Conner kept swinging his head back and forth, looking for them. "If video games thought me anything, it's aim for the head."
Jane as led the group to the graveyard. She looks ahead with her eyes. "Weird...I don't see any undead walking corpses." She said. The graveyard appeared empty. A hand suddenly busted through the ground like in an old movie. "Wow...arising form the ground. How cliche." She commented and unsheathed her swords. Before she knew it, there were several undead corpses rising from the ground by their graves. The 'zombies' moaned and groaned, they were just puppets to the dark mage who had summoned them. "Well guys...time to nut up or shut up." (That was for @@Huntrey and @@KroNicc115 xDD)
Takao got the reference and gave jane an evil glare but laughed right after. "Ah slaying zombies, so fun." Takao aimed for a the head of a zombie and shot it square right in the forehead. Its head exploded and blood flew everywhere. "Oh yea this is gonna be fun"
Amelia screamed at the sight of the unsightly creatures that had once been humans. Like she had imagined, these poor people with rotten, decaying flesh had been reanimated by some dark magic. At that moment, Amelia came to the conclusion that it would be merciful to return them to their deathly slumber once more. Opening the bag of potassium powder, she grabbed a handful and readied to throw it if one came near. "Burial didn't do you any good," she said. "Perhaps a cremation would be better!"
Jane dashed out to face the creatures. She was the Slayer born to fight the undead...her combat was...different. (My way of saying when we face someone's arch enemy beast, it's okay to become a little stronger) She flipped over one of the walking corpses. She decapitated two zombies at the same time with clean swipes of her blades. Blood spattered everywhere. She flung her blades all around and sliced and diced the small circle of undead around her. "This feels.....this feels awesome!" She exclaimed, becoming a, not literal., beast on the battlefield. She side kicked one to the stomach and stabbed it's skull. The slow-moving beasts were easy to kill. but as they kept killing...more kept arising.
Terra moved with the others, throwing knifes in several direction. In truth, she was terrified out of her mind and body, but she refused to break down in midst of action.
Takao keeps shooting down more of the zombies when he looks back to see Terra, She looks a bit scared. He decides to be by her and make her feel a bit safer. He heads over to her and stands in front of her. "I got your back Terra don't worry" He looks back and smiles at her as he shoots another zombie that was behind her. "I won't let anything hurt you, I promise."
Luke had already moved, using his staff and brute force to cave in the undead's rotting skulls. He kept close to Amelia, for she had nothing besides powder. While he could hand her a weapon the time frame between zombies wasn't favorable to pull out the long sword. "Takao while you're covering Terra," Interupted while breaking a face, "Could y'all two form a barrier in front of Amelia?". He didn't want to leave her, but he also wanted order, "Conner over here too!". Jane was fine on her own, but as the 'brutish leader' he had to watch her. He had a quick moment to throw his sword into the ground next to Amelia giving her a quick wink, informing her He wasn't moving til she was safe.
The zombies could tell Jane was the Slayer tailored to them. (This'd be the same for vampires with Takao, demons with Amelia, etc.) Jane looked around as she was soon covered in zombies moving towards her. She dashed away in order to regain control of the situation. She looked over and saw a zombie behind Amelia. "Amelia! Look out!" She called as she threw one of her swords at it, the blade was like a javelin and pierced the creature's head. She now had one sword, she'd need the other one in order to take on the massive group of undead heading towards her. She quickly decapitated a few of the undead before finding herself in a pinch, another circle of them surrounded her. She looked over and hoped Amelia would pass her sword back to her, knowing she'd need two blades to fight them all off.
Takao nods at what luke says and grabs the hand of Terra bringing her over to where Amelia was. As they were running up he saw jane throw the sword and it pierce the zombie and hit the tree. He saw her get surrounded by zombies. Takao grabbed her sword and charged toward jane. He shot the zombies that were in his way and put his gun away. The sword in his hand was light and easily usable. He sliced through some of the zombies and looked for Jane. "Jane!" He saw her and tossed her sword toward him. Takao had to rush back to Terra and Amelia. He took out his gun again realizing it was empty. No time to reload. He took the scythe that was on his back and spun it around latching two zombies onto the edge of it, he threw them to the side and ran over to Terra and Amelia. He reloaded his gun.
She caught the sword that Takao threw to her. "Thanks!" She shouted, then sliced one zombies head off. Now with her dual blades, she began a flurry of attacks and was soon surrounded in a circle of dead undead bodies...as contradictory as it sounds. She realized the group was all huddled over together by Amelia, who was pretty much defenseless. She understood why they weren't exactly in the fight, but it'd be nice to have some physical help. She darted out to the middle of the graveyard, where a whole horde of newly sprouted undead awaited her. She once again continued her massive sword-swinging and head-slicing.
Luke now left the group, feeling that Amelia was protected. With his staff in hand he began to spin as he approached Jane, ending up back to back with her. "Hey beautiful, God you look great in zombie brains." His cockiness had come back with the fight. He had already dropped the javelins on the floor, beginning to pike the zombies that were a little ways away.

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