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Fantasy Sky Pirates RP


The Shipping Queen

Take to the skies, for your new life will bring you above the clouds...

Cold hands grasped the note with little resolve.

The creature almost tore the small piece of parchment in two.

It was a peculiar thing.

A flimsy piece of paper with the most chill-rendering message, scrawled in perfect black loops...

Greetings, and welcome to your first task.

You must obtain a Hand of Glory, which can forgo any lock and freezes all it is presented to except the thief when lit.

Bring me this item and prove your worth.

I care not your methods of obtaining it.

You will be working with four others aboard this ship, and will set out in the morning.

If you fail...


let's just say don't bother coming back.

Lest you want your demise to be by my hands.

~Captain Ebon

The frightening aspect of it all, is...

You KNOW what this note is for, don't you...

Sky Pirate?


@Hoshi3Kara @Nico McFly @Aroura @Moonfire810
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A young woman was making sure all the ropes on the ship were tied properly. Her long hair in a simple braid down her back, against the light gray shirt she wore. Her boots clicked against the wood of the ship and the swords on her weapons belt bounced slightly as she walked.

the young woman glanced around the ship with her bright real eyes and tapped her somewhat long fingernails on one of the blood red hilts of her swords. Her eyes fell onto the figure that had caught the note and she cocked her head curiously.
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Soon enough… you could hear the ‘rrrrRIP’ sound that signified a document being torn apart with carefully manicured claws. A sign of discomfort and general uneasiness.

If you decided to continue your eavesdropping… or general observations, the ‘tap tap tap tAP TAP’ sound would soon be made apparent, breaking the wood floors apart with clunking high heels. Another sign of rage and misplaced judgement.

And to continue to stand there would be a death sentence. The cry of ‘HOW /DARE/ THEY?’ tore through the spacious area in an instant, floating up to the sky like a dagger ready to strike.

This humanoid was definitely angry.

Seriously, what the heck? In what world was it okay to just… taunt somebody like that? Sure, it had been merely a month before, where this creature merely ‘asked’ to join out of boredom, but come ON! That was the most…

“Ridiculous, Self-centered, FULL OF THEMSELVES… Oh, I hope this is worth it…” The voice, now lowered to a gentle sigh, stated to the female with the blood-red sword hilts.

... You know, it was really awkward to be talking to a black- robed figure. It was a perfectly sunny day, why would they choose THAT to wear, of all things?


(i'm starting this off slow lol)
Thorn enters the cabin she'd been sharing with many of the crew since her arrival on this dreadful, nauseating, ship. Her feet are sore, her chest heaving at the effort of gaining air in her corset, and her all too tight pants are sticking to her legs. Her entire being radiates frustration and indignation, and she can hardly stand the disgusting sweat that had stuck to her since she'd arrived. Her fatigued eyes, land on her small, yet not entirely uncomfortable hammock. Thorn knows that she should be in the mess hall, walking her apparently fine butt through the tables to give the crew their drinks and food. She shudders at the memories of what had happened since she came on board this awful ship. Men had leered at her - the stories of nymphs leading their actions, and she could do oh so much to them but not without risk. There are too many men on board who would just jump at the opportunity taking her down would bring. Yes, Thorn knows she should be in the mess hall, but the thought of sleep was too much of a temptation after all she's gone through to get to this moment.

"It has to get better than this, after all whats the point in having to survived just to end up mangled, or worse, by this lot?" Thorn mumbles to herself whilst crawling up into her hammock. She closes her eyes, hoping that her exhaustion would allow her even a moments rest. It did not, and she tossed and turned for an unknown amount of time before she fell into a restless sleep.
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A tall, slender man walked into the dark room. "They're making their leave, Captain," he said clearly, staring clear over the desk that lay in front of him. "Good," mumbled the man sitting at said desk. "Follow them, and I don't want anything like last time, Cage, or I'll have your head on the wall right next to that damned Lich's, do you understand?"

"Yes, captain."

"Now go! And tell Abeln to get me a damn coffee. I'm exhausted."

"Aye," the man rushed off, out of the room, leaving his captain alone with his thoughts, once again. He stared over at the skull he'd mounted on a plank from his first expedition on his luxury liner of doom [cue the lightning].


Jerry Cage, a man in a tight green V-neck and a pair of baggy blue jeans hurried off to meet the ship's navigator after stopping by the medical bay and having the leader of such group brew their captain a cup o' joe. Why he left this job with a doctor was beyond everyone, but the last person to mention the Captain had crumbs on his shirt from his morning toast had gotten tossed into the Atlantic. At least, Jerry thought it was the Atlantic, but he was terrible with directions.

"Follow them, Captain's orders," First Mate Cage said as he walked into the navigators' room, leaning over a terminal.
The young woman looked at the cloaked figure.

"What's wrong with the note?" She asked curiously, her hand still resting on the hilt.

Before the figure could even open their mouth to respond, the cook walked out. "Fates! Find Thorn!"

"On it!" She nodded.

Once the cook was gone, she groaned. "That damn girl is always hiding." She muttered. "And it's always my job to find her."
Fire dances in Thorns wide eyes, an essential part of life that she'd known to take small areas of the forest when humans were involved or when lightning struck sometimes. This fire was vile, it ate and ate and ate up the forest. Her home burned before her eyes and the screams of her family chill her to her very core. She shakes in fear at the menace, and the exaggerated shadows that come with it. She could see the shadows of creatures, people, whoever and whatever started this. As they began to turn to nearly black eyes towards her she feels the forest drag her - her feet moving on their own.

Yet through this all she also felt removed as if this had already happened. The loss of the forest was a ripping pain straight to her very core. One that she felt she had already felt, and yet at the same time it hurts as if it were brand knew.

The scene fades slightly until all she could see were those repulsive, sickening eyes.
"The note... oh."

The creature didn't seem to realize that the note was addressed to several people. And those several people had their name on the back of that note.

Which she just ripped.

"Er... here. Hope you know a... 'Moon' and a 'Fate' or whatever. Few other people, too." The person awkwardly handed the two sections of paper to the girl. Yep, because that was going to work swimmingly. Although you couldn't see this one's face, you could just feel the embarrassment radiating off of them. Luckily, if you put the paper together, the letters were just legible enough...

But then the Chef walked out barked an order, causing curiosity, and the right to question: '... Ya need help with that mission, friend? I mean, this is one giant ship."
"No. And Moon Fate is me. Fate is my last name." She smiled slightly. "I have a couple ideas where Thorn could be." She sighed and looked up at the sky. "Guess I have to find her soon." She looked at the figure. "I'll talk to you later about the note since I was on it." She jogged off to find Thorn. Moon searched most of her normal hiding places before checking said girl's hammock. She saw her tossing and turning in her sleep and rolled her eyes.

"Sleeping again." She muttered under her breath. Moon walked over and pushed her out of the hammock. "Wake up. The chef needs you."
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Thorn lands with a thud, and gasps as her eyes shoot open. She has to fight the impulse to scream. She pushes herself of the ground and quickly glares at Ash -Moon. She mentally corrects herself as she takes a swift glance down at the girls bracelet with softening eyes before returning to her glare. She places her hands on her hips and scowls.

"I don't give a sh*t what the cook wants. I am tired and I need rest. So you just march your butt back up there and leave me alone." She says sourly. She knows she should feel bad yelling at Moon like that but h*ll, she's been through a lot!
A burly man lumbered up the gangplank, in a black t-shirt and Orange (yeah, like a traffic cone) cargo pants, brandishing a bejeweled rapier. He looked around, as if he'd just moved into an empty flat, and he was second-guessing his investment.
Moon crossed her arms, eyes narrowing. "I'd rather not loose my dinner tonight." The nymph hissed. "Now you either get up there or I will drag you my damn self." One of her hands had move to one of the hilts of her swords.
Thorn, unwilling to give in to this nymph girl - no matter how much she reminds her, or seems to be, Ash. She notices the girls hands fall to her swords and, despite knowing a lost cause when she sees one, sticks her tongue out at Moon.

"Just because you are older than me doesn't mean you get to boss me around. I leave, when I want to leave." She says childishly and crosses her arms before stomping back up to the deck. She supposes she should be grateful that if this girl is Ash, that she's alive. She turns and looks back at Moon softly. "I guess I shouldn't treat you so poorly. I will be leaving as soon as possible - no matter what." She grabs her necklace and holds the rune in her hand before exiting.
". . ."

Having nothing else to do, the figure on the ship sauntered over to this... well, they'll just call them traffic-cone man. However, this man was taller then the cloaked one by a lot. So the figure had to tilt their head up to meet his eyes.

We now can figure out that the figure is a female, for her hood fell down slightly, revealing long white hair. But the features of her face were not revealed.

"Hey there, buddy."

Ah, buddy. Friend. Chum. Pal. Amigo. Homeslice. Bread slice.

She didn't see Thorn saunter out with her strange rune necklace, or whatever Moon decided to do.

Nope, she was totally transfixed on this burly man.
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Moon sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose before walking out and walking over the edge of the ship, leaning on it and looking out over the horizon
He gave a half-smile, genuine, with a welcoming gleam in his eyes. "Boone Aurora, Crow's nest, reporting for duty." Oh, yes. This was gonna be great. He was surprised at how fast they just accepted him. Bolas said they'd be stupid, but not damn he hit the jackpot.
Thorn glances at the hooded figure and the oddly dressed man. 'Yeah, oddly dressed. Says the girl who never even saw clothes before a few weeks ago,' She thinks to herslf with a small chuckle before turning towards the kitchen. Begrudgingly she drags herself back to the mess hall and the way too handy crew.
Like she actually knew who was and wasn't supposed to be here.

"Well, whatever you say, darling. I don't know who's supposed to be where, but you seem like you... belong with us. "

There was suggestion in that voice. Something deeper then the face value.

And Swift Beurezu knew how to twist words around. Make them look shiny and pretty...

Who am I kidding, she was just making pleasantries.

But hey! That was a lovely, shiny sword he had on his hip.

A rapier of a fine quality, she could tell just by looking at it.

Perhaps the man would be just as fine.

She'd just have to wait and find out.

But Swift felt as if she were forgetting something important.

... Oh yeah, the note. The whole thing about that ARROGANT-

Her pleasant aura twisted into one of malice and anger, and you could hear an audible SNAP as she cracked her head to the side in an odd gesture. If you were looking at her hands, you'd see her long, claw like nails writhe as the fingers attached to them flexed in a odd display of anger.

"Excuse me, cutie, but I have to find a few people. I doubt you'd know a Nicol around anywhere. But... hm, maybe I can find this Krow Von Karma?"
Moon glanced over at Swift and Boone. She frowned slightly at the sight of a new crew member. Another name she would have to remember, that was something she didn't need at the moment.

The nymph ran her fingers through the strands of her hair that had escaped the braid.
Somewhere else.......

Krow had been hired by an group of pirates as an navigator to find some treasure he had no idea or care for, but it payed good so he wasn't one to complain. He had known that he was one of the most well known navigators, he hadn't failed to find every treasure that he sought after, he took one more glance at the map he had made random sketches and notes before exiting his cabin. He stretched in the sun and transformed into an blue jay and took and morning flight around the ship.

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Thorn sighs as she weaves through the men, ignoring every hand and lingering gaze. Eventually the majority of the crew file out to return to either their jobs or their hammocks. In the few weeks she'd been on this ship she's learned that all the crew members just seem to get drunk, work, sleep, and drink again - not to mention the fights. As the mess hall died down to just a few men she began to relax, just enough to keep her guard up. She notices something in the stale air, and steps outside - well more of phases to the outside with a swirl of dry wind and leaves. She blinks, and her mouth falls open.

"I. I didn't know I could do that..." She mumbles in surprise, placing her hand over her chest. She looks up at the sky mournfully. Something is changing, and she knows that whatever is about to stat is going to be big.
"A nickel?" he looked a bit taken aback, but he ultimately reached in his pocket, checking for any loose change he had. He pulled his hand out and stared down two dimes, a quarter, and seven pennies. He looked back up at her, inherently done sifting through the coins. "No nickels, sorry."

Oh, Boone. [Cue the "live" studio audience laughter.]

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