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Official enby virus
Please follow sign up Before joining: Multiple Settings - The silver wand club (Sandbox RP, multiverse and multi fandom RP by Sombra lover)
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  • Angel dust= #FF3E96
    Virus= #CD00CD
    mr. mechanica= #EEC591
    Alastor= #B8312F
    Tom= #CDAD00
    West= #553982
1586285592668.pngA skeletal figure began to approach the club, tilting their head... well, floating skull. With them not having any lower jaw, or a visible spine, they continued to, somehow, walk to the entrance of the club."This seems like the correct place, if I'm not mistaken... The Silver Wand, I believe." The being wore a white tuxedo, his gloved hands adjusting it slightly, as he wore a red undergarment. From where his 'neck' should be, a soft red haze flowed out of it. Where his eyes should be, there were pits of darkness, with two small yellow orbs in each.

He looked at Tom, then turned his skull to the plaque. "I, currently, have no weaponry on me, I have no clue who this... 'Shadow King' is, albeit they sound like quite a character... I am well over the age of thirteen, and I have no plans on being what you consider 'stupid'." As he was a bit impatient, he tapped his foot a bit, glancing around the outside of the club to see what it was about.

[interaction with Virus Virus ]
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  • Mentions: proiettile proiettile
    "cripey! You scared me, fella!", Tom almost fell backwards, a floating skulled person? Strangest thing in oz...
    "no weapons? Alright, but if Alastor catches you, it's over. About the shadow king, he's a villain in oz that has gone on a rampage lately, don't acknowledge him. I mean stupid as in no... lewd stuff. ... and whatnot, virus will explain...", he handed him a small card of approval. It had glinda the good on it, with the name and date of the club.
1586287837187.png"Quite a lovely card, wouldn't you say?" He examined the card, placing it in his tuxedo pocket, behind another object in it. "Ah, you meant as in 'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap'..." A slight laugh came from his behalf, as he stuck out his hand for a handshake. "Introductions must be made, so apologies. My name is Tengoku, which is Japanese for 'HEAVEN'. And who may you be?" He tipped his head back a tinge, straightening his posture. The haze from inside his tuxedo darkened a bit, turning into a crimson red.


  • Mentions: proiettile proiettile

    "name's Tom, nice to meet you, tengoku.", he shook his hand with his metal prosthetic. Mechanica poked his head out of his desk to see what was happening,"what happened again? I wasnt-whoa!!", now, he knew about magic, but the sudden look of seeing a skull floating above a neck is quite terrifying to him. He dipped below the desk, and won't come out.

    West: open for interaction
    Meanwhile, a tall teenage witch came in. It wasn't Sabrina, it was a girl named West. "hello! Um, is everything alright in here?"

Tengo1586299251867.pngku turned his skull towards Mechanica, a low chuckle coming out from him. "Ah, that makes sense. People usually react the same when they first see me." He slowly waltzed into the club, taking glances to each other being in the bar, before settling to the bar. "... Do you have a specific drink called 'Lightbringer's Requiem'? It's quite a good taste..." Tengoku looked behind the horny spider demon thing, then looked back to them, that haze turning back to that normal red. "Introductions! I continue to forget..." He rested his arms onto the bar, holding one of his gloved hands out. "My name would be Tengoku, and what may your name be... good sir?"

A strange shadowy figure approached threw the door holding up a card "I woke up on the side of the road with this in my pocket, so may I ask, is this the silver wand club" he said as he collapsed on the floor, from exhaustion.
Fafnir and Mortimer
A pair of beings were making their way up the path, one was much taller then the other as Fafnir was almost twice the size of his companion. "So this is a good drinkin spot"? Mortimer asked straightening his hat and scratching his beard a bit. Fafnir nodded and pointed up ahead.
"Yep that's it the Silver Wand Tavern, at least that's what the sign says. Oh and don't be stupid" Fafnir said as they both stopped beside of the plaque. "Oh yeah Sean was right, no weapons. And you were whining that you couldn't bring your dumb gun". Fafnir poked the werepossum on the chest. Mortimer huffed.
"Miranda likes goin places with me" he mumbled, Miranda was what he named his gun.
"Well too bad I guess" Fafnir said. The two of them continued on a bit until they reached the door where they found a pair of bouncers and someone already trying to get in. "Good evening folks" Fafnir called over, then he noticed the state of the skeletal man. He didn't say anything but the skinny dragon almost visibly jumped at the sight oh boy.
"Howdy" Mortimer added.

proiettile proiettile Virus Virus

In the tavern's kitchen a little creature was hopping all over the place to keep up with orders. He threw a little mixture of something into one pot and stirred another. He hopped onto a counter and flipped on the switch for a stove. "Whew" the ferox fell back into a sitting position. Cooking for a crowded bar was pretty tough when you were the size of the average housecat. Noodle's eyes went over to a little bowl with what looked like small square slabs of some rock, he got a wry look on his little face and hopped over eating one like a cracker. Noodle hopped onto the ground and his body and muscles bulged until he was much larger and more muscular. Now he could reach everything without running around like a madman. Noodle traded out his gloves for some much bigger ones, put on a hair net, though he didn't shed so it would probably be fine and got right to work. Noodle hummed a tune with his growley voice as he did his work.

    Yahhah Yahhah
    Mr. Mechanica has finally gotten up from under his desk, and wiped his goggles clean.
    "are you scared of that thing, mech?"
    "Scared!? I ain't scared of anything, tom! Its not like something is going to burst out that door any moment now-", he spoke a little to soon cause as he gotten his sentence finished, the door threw open. He fell backwards, and tom fell to his side at the sudden startle.
    West was a little scared, but she dealt with it. "sir, what's wrong? And yes. This is the silver wand, most magical club in all of oz.", west stopped to see two new ones coming in, and what looks like a dragon,"well, aren't you a gentleman."
    "mech, get up boy! We have visitors.", Tom called out to the desk on the other side of the door.
    "it's not...my fault... I have horrible anxiety... I had it since a child, tom"
    "whatever.... any weapons you two? I don't want Alastor to catch you two with them..."

1586349907302.pngTengoku's skull turned towards the entrance, as he didn't visibly flinch in the slightest. "I would guess that those two are not regulars..." He waved slightly to the skinny dragon and the werepossum, his gloves not even budging as he waved, before turning back to Angel Dust. "A mojito sounds delectable right now... I just need something right now." He began to tap his foot again, not in impatience, but from habit.

"HELLO!!!" Yuki said with a quick shock and then looked at the silver wand club card that said get a bottle of whisky, so Yuki said thank you and left for the bar. Yuki sat down by the skeleton looking man and then Yuki's body seemed to recognize him but Yuki did not, "hello my name is Yuki" he says as he sat down "hello I would like a whiskey bottle please" when he looked at the skeleton mans face he seemed to get woozy and then went back to normal "what is your name"

proiettile proiettile and Virus Virus

  • Mr. Mechanica was still recovering from his backwards fall. Some of his robotic arms were a little broken, but it didn't matter; what mattered was that he was ok. Tom however, was not ok. He couldn't get up cause his arm was stuck in the floor vent,"mech, I need a little help over here!!"
    "coming!", under the desk he went to help get Tom's arm out of the vent. He extended one arm, and a screwdriver came out of it. He had to take the vent off to get part of Tom's prosthetic out, but he did it. "whew, nice save!"
    "thanks bud"

(Some things wrong with the code, I apologize)​
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Yuki went to his hoodie pocket for some reason then he found another peace of paper and then he looked at it "WHAT!!!" he said with surprise the paper said "yuki birth: 1900, death: 1915" "hmmm" Yuki mumbled as he took a sip of whisky "well that is quite strange" he said then he pulled another $32 and gave it to angel "here and umm i'll pay for his drink too"

Virus Virus and proiettile proiettile
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Fafnir and Mortimer
"No sir no weapons on us" Fafnir was quick to pipe up. He gave Mortimer a look, the werepossum nodded just a little sadly.
"I left her at home" he confirmed. Fafnir then noticed the individual slightly inside of the bar, the wingless dragon thought about what that was all about but shrugged pretty quickly, not his problem. The bars in Magicorth got pretty wild so this one was probably even more so.
Interaction: Virus Virus

Mentioned: FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395

  • Yahhah Yahhah
    "good cause I don't want al catching ya. Here's your cards, and enjoy the club!",he sighed loudly, "I wish I was back at the workshop Before it burned down. I miss Bendy..."
    "sorry for your loss, tom. But, we will make money for the workshop to help build it. Thats why we are working tonight-", mechanica stopped to see the cloaked figure approaching,"someone has bad private issues..."
    "Shh...", he said.
    "jeesh, was it something I said?"
    "stay quiet, Mr. Mechanica..."
    "Wait a second, how in the world of oz do you know my name!?"
    as soon as he said that, he disappeared,"Tom did you..."
    "no, I didn't. What happened?"
    Mr mechanica palmed his face hardly in annoyance.
1586439042099.pngTengoku, from where he was sitting, examined Yuki as their head and their body seemed to be working in two different manners. Possibly two organisms working together? No, that isn't feasible... He tapped his shoe onto the ground, catching his drink, and sliding back a gold coin. As it was looked at, this was pure gold, and was worth upwards of $3,000 in USD. "Keep the change." He then proceeded to pick up his drink, as a red haze surrounded it, leaving nothing other than the glass itself. He took no notice, or care that Yuki decidedly 'paid' for his drink, and simply, yet quietly, laughed as Yuki did so.

[apologies for not answering sooner, i was busy with stuff!]
Fafnir and Mortimer
"Good deal, thank you sir" Fafnir said taking the card offered and moved into the bar.
"Much obliged" Mortimer said taking the card as well. Upon entering the establishment Fafnir took a seat at the bar, wrapping his tail around the chair, for comfort and to not trip anyone walking by. He took note of a few of the other people at the bar. Mostly the guy that had caused the scene earlier and the dude with a skeletal appearance. "That fella seems to be havin a hard time" Mortimer said taking his own scene while pointing to the stage. Fafnir looked to the spider working as bartender.
"Do you take gold as payment here"? Fafnir asked. Mortimer looked over at the other people at the bar and noticed who they were.
"Oh hey, you're the feller who came in and fell over earlier. You doin alright"? Mortimer asked.
Interaction: Virus Virus FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395

Mentioned: proiettile proiettile
"ya i'm fine I just blacked out" he said with a kind smile "my name is Yuki whats yours" "umm, another bottle please and yah do you take gold cause I have a lot of it, and i'll pay for these fella's first couple o' drinks" he said with a nice tone "ya were do you two come from, like what land" Yuki seemed to know a lot about the world for someone who had died a hundred plus, years ago, he looked at the young girl who asked him if he was ok earlier he thought she was a little young to be working at a tavern, then he noticed a tiny creature in the kitchen who seemed fascinating to Yuki.
interaction: Virus Virus Yahhah Yahhah

  • Tom heard Alastor screech, causing him to cover his ears and whine like a dog,"ugh.... would it stop...."

Fafnir and Mortimer
Fafnir glanced over at Yuki seeming a tad bit suspicious of this guy's offer but then again he was never one to turn down free drinks so he just sort of shrugged. "Pretty generous of you" he said before looking back to the bartender. "What kind of drinks do you have? Is there a menu I can look at"? he asked. Mortimer seemed far less critical of motives and much more in a conversational mood.
"Oh, I'm from Magicorth, well I wasn't born there or nothin but I live there now. It's like a huge ginormous city full of magical folks, where all kinds of creatures live and work together. It's a pretty neato place I've found" Mortimer told him.
"It's pretty neato, as long as you've got gold" Fafnir piped in.

Interactions: Virus Virus FROSTBITE4395 FROSTBITE4395
"hmmmm, well nice to meet you mister Fafnir and Mortimer, I have no idea were I come from" Yuki says "hmm, another bottle please" Yuki notices that there is a person who just sat down, "he looks sad" Yuki thinks to himself "any way, what are you two fella's doin' out here, I just woke up and had a card saying come here in my pocket" suddenly Yuki had a giant headache, he was having a flash back but he didn't show it on the outside he just acted normal.

Yahhah Yahhah and Virus Virus
(Sorry for not answering, was busy getting stuff done.)

    Tom saw yuki go outside for some reason, but he didn't bother to ask what was going on. He just Sat at the desk, keeping an eye out for trouble on the inside.
Yuki came back inside sat down bay fafnir at the bar and started drinking his bottle of whiskey, turns out Yuki's flash back was about the people who are in the bar, now he knows all their names "thanks for holding the drink for me Angel, also how do all of you people know me, its like the second I came in here you knew who I was" he said tired and confused, he then took A wallet out of nowhere and laid a gold coin on the table "also that should last another ten drinks, but it's just a tip for your kindness"

Virus Virus
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Fafnir and Mortimer
The dragon and Werepossum immediately turned to Yuki when he said their names, Mortimer looked absolutely bewildered as Fafnir raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "How do you know our names mister" Mortimer asked blinking as if he'd witnessed some kind of magic trick. Fafnir didn't really acknowledge it but he was growing ever more suspicious of this individual. Then the bartender up and left without answering his question, Fafnir took a glance backwards and his eye caught sight of the cloaked individual who'd just entered the establishment.
"That guy looks sketchy as hell" Fafnir observed. Mortimer turned around and added his two cents as well.
"Oh I'm sure he's just cold, lotsa fellers get cold easy and don't like it too much" he said.
"well sir, if you forgot you told me your name, by the way does any body know who or what that little thing in the kitchen is" he says as he takes another sip of his second whiskey bottle, he does notice the man in the large coat but does not pay attention to him, Yuki finished his bottle and placed down his bottle "hey angel who owns this place, i'm wondering if I can help at all, I would really love to cook" he says with a friendly smile. "I'm still super confused on that flash back, so when I was fifteen I died and I had a job here?" he thought to himself

(P.S. Yuki does not get drunk, even when he was alive)

Yahhah Yahhah Virus Virus

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