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Fantasy Silence Hollow

Night dwellers crawl in their search of prey in the masquerade. Walking corpses, demonic cats, red-eyed blood suckers. Don't let the candy and grinning lanterns fool you.

This night is
Silence Hollow: October 30th, 2014 - 10:00 pm

Two hours. The loud thud of a duffel bag hitting hard wood sounded through the nearly empty room before hands began to open the kit bag. Two more stupid hours and I swear - The thoughts were allowed to trail off as hatchets and firearms alike were pulled out one by one, to be set on the surface of the large rounded table in the center of the dimmed room. The weapons were each placed down unceremoniously, their owner roughly shoving aside the bag they had been in once it was empty. It landed on the ground with the clink of buckles tapping against each other.

William's coat was bloodstained and heavy, the consequences of having charged through territory crowded with psychotic lost souls as an attempt to get back to the dark cabin he claimed as his own. He had left miles upon miles of decapitated corpses in his wake. His weapons of choice, a pair of twin axes, leaned precariously against the leg of the table, their once shining blades crimson with darkening blood. William clapped his hands together as though dusting them off before grabbing a black handled Tomahawk. He twirled it in his left hand, grabbing a smaller double edged hatchet with his right. The twirling came to an abrupt stop as both arms were tightly gripped in black gloved fists.

Two more hours.
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Silence Hollow: October 30th, 2014 - 10:02 pm

An eerie chuckle escaped the creaking planks of the basement, buried under about three hundred pounds of dirt, debris, and the otherwise dead above, heat burning the cracked cement below as flames scurried across the floor, emitting some sick form of amusement from a figure hidden among the shadows and black corpses, burnt by his hand. Each move the... Thing made would result in a series of mangled cries and brief spurts of uncontrollable laughter, the sound plagued the demolished building and rattled the stones some point on the surface, rumbling, clattering on the grounds of the unusually crowded woods, hollow trees densely concentrated in anywhere other than the foundation of what was once an office among businesses, even then the structures had been spaced and all but eerie in a sense, in the sense. The sense, a spelling error made upon the smirking soul's arrival, his intention to call the location "The Since" marred by his lingering poor eyesight and his clumsy hands, unable to properly write or do much of anything other than burn the dead... The undead alive, right where they stood with the fire that seemed to radiate in waves from the now fourteen years dead man, Dacker Vermont, twenty-eight years of age as of December twenty-fifth of the prior year. Funny how someone born on the holiday of lights and joy could cause so much misery and experience just as much, he wasn't quite aware of his death's cause... Just that he was, in fact, dead. And the hour grew nigh, the hour when he and the other cursed few could leave for a very short time, short especially if you would compare it to how long they'd stay when the time came to it's inevitable close. "One hour, fifty-eight minutes... Thirty. Twenty-nine. Twenty-eight. Twenty-seven..." The voice echoed, stretching his slithering voice and snake-like snickering for miles in the cold... Dead... Silence.

Silence Hollow: October 30th, 2014 - 10:03 pm

The moon was high and the night was slowly coming to life. There in the Shadows hidden from sight was a cherry haired monster with a gleam in her eye. There in the darkness of a old ball room, the creature was next to a cauldron bubbling, a delicious brew. The table was set and ready for tonight all the creature needed was a quick 10 pm bite.

A gravely hand arose from the cauldron. It was quickly smacked down by a wooden spoon. Lifeless eyes glared down at the cauldron. "None of that now! Your dead!" The hand twitched and then slowly sunk into the cauldron once again. A mixture of chocolate chunks and butter were plopped into the cauldron as the wooden spoon began to tun the mixture. The clear cauldron turned a dark and clumpy, the aroma of chocolate flooded the area. The pans were set and poured, whispers of anguish could be heard. The creature paid no heed and chilled the chocolate with rapid speed. As the creature stacked the tiers one by one, the creature smiled with the upcoming fun. A sharp tongue caressed the creatures lips as the finishing touches were added bit by bit. "A eyeball here a ear there soon this cake will have parts everywhere" The creature chuckled and continued to decorate the cake. Making sure that each delicious morsel landed either into its mouth or on the cake.

Silence Hollow: October 30th, 2014 - 10:19 pm

The large solid chocolate cake was was sat in front of the creature. Oddly realistic facial features were protruding from the cake. The features were twisted in pain. The creature smiled, it's sharp teeth protrude from the stitches of her mouth. She pulls her jaw apart and....

Chomp, Chomp, Chomp.

The creature wiped its mouth and looked up at the moon. It slowly got up and pulled She readjusted her jaw black fluid seeped out from the corners of her mouth, she giggled and whispered. "A hour and a few, the time is coming soon.......Time for goodies and sweets alike."
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Or This One; A Bit More ... Mystic Of Sorts


This One Too. I'd Say Just Listen To 'Em All :)


If You Can't Read While Listening To Lyrics, Then Listen To This One


Silence Hollow: October 30th, 2014 - 10:25 pm

The eerie silence of the dark, damp cave kept the Witch comfortable and calm as she fought her inner bloodlust for control. She sat in the deepest, darkest part of the enclosure, softly counting down the seconds till her fun can begin. Skeletons and corpses of all types of animals and creatures littered the stone floor, staining the metallic ground with the dried up scarlet blood of the deceased. The decomposing smell of rotten flesh wafted through the vast space; it's stench so profound, intelligent creatures steered clear of the area, the others were to meet their end.

The Witch gently smiled, her bloody lips thick with delight. A year she had waited. A year she was stuck in the unearthly realm of the dead, forced to stay confined in her own messes until the only day in which she was free from her binds, free to wreak havoc amongst the living. A shuffle in the distance. Her blank, completely white eyes scanned the desolate area beyond her cave, searching for the intruder. Even without 'normal' eyes, this monster could see more perfectly than most. She could see great distances and could clearly see things in the pitch black of night as if it were broad daylight.

Wandering aimlessly in the wasteland surrounding the Witches cave, a lone soul searching for salvation in this desolate underworld. The Witch smirked and moaned in delight. A meal before her fun; a sacrifice for the living, for the chance to return to the world she had been ripped away from. In less than 2 hours, it would have been 14 years since her brutal demise on that dreadful day of Halloween.

Stiffly closing her eyes and taking a calm, deep breath the Witch burrowed those memories of her death back into the depths of her mind. Now wasn't the time to feel nostalgic. The Witch was hungry, and her prey was ready to be slaughtered. With a wave of her hand the lost soul froze as it trampled through the desolate wasteland.

he Witch smirked as she again flicked her wrist, bringing the soul to her dungeon. Upon further inspection as the soul hung in mid air, the Witch discovered it was a male in his mid twenties, relatively tall and muscular with his chest badly bruised as if he had been hit by a car. Ah, so that was this man's cause of death; a car.

ow unfortunate for this soul. The Witch would be saving him from his despair of roaming this underworld alone till the depths of time, if another monster didn't get to him first. She would personally add him to her collection of skeletons. Besides, he would be an honoured trophy. The Witch liked handsome men.

First, the Witches curiosity took the better of her. She wanted to know this soul's name, making it easier for her to summon him and wreck havoc amongst the living. She unfroze his sorry state, causing him to fall heavily to the crimson soaked stone floor. From her blood stained lips she muttered almost tonelessly, "Your name?" The soul kneeled uncomfortably and frowned, "W-What?" He muttered, clearly scared out of his wits. The Witch boringly sighed, thinking it would be best to scan his memories; albeit not as fun or interesting.

"M-my... My name?" The soul repeated, stopping the Witch from tormenting him as she would have if she sorted through his mind. She slowly nodded, her dirty silver hair falling into her scarlet stained face as if to make her seem more menacing. The soul clearly shivered and nodded, reassuring himself. He was dead already, right?

"My-my name is ... Ollie ... Ollie Black."
The Witch nodded, satisfied with the knowledge of this strong and handsome man's name. Too bad he's her prey, her sacrifice, her toy. Maybe she'll have more fun than she has before. This Hallow's eve was indeed special. In less than an hour the Witch, previously known as Ivy Winters will once again return to the living from the dead and along with her collected soul, Halloween will be hers.

"Ollie ... Black..." The Witch repeated, rolling it over her tongue like hard candy. With a smirk she muttered an incantation in Latin. As she did, Ollie started to choke in pain, quickly falling to his last death, but also his undead rebirth.

"Glutiam vitae, nunc enim es mihi servus tuus immortui

Quia in æternum mihi est anima tua tibi ederem

Ut mortuum et superstitem te relinquo

Omnis sanctificate Eve, omnis Halloween nocte."

(I swallow your undead life for you are now my slave

I eat your soul for you belong to me for eternity

You may be dead, but you are still alive

Every Hallow's Eve, every Halloween Night.)

{Sorry I took so long to post. I might do a few edits on this one as well. Been busy, and writers block sucks.}
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