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Fandom Shovel Knight inspired RP.


The plot:

The land lived in peace for ages, while magic did exist, it was unheard of for anyone other than alchemists and knights to exploit it. Although, the peace did not last forever. A brave explorer had uncovered an artifact of untold magical power, it was unlike any artifact ever seen before, it was not limited to a single function like the artifacts that knights had posessed, this gave the wearer unlimited power to create or destroy. At first it was dismissed as a simple campfire tale but when an entire village and its inhabitants had suddenly ceased to exist, people were convinced of the artifact's power. Knights from across the land are now in search of this object each for their own purposes, some nefarious and some virtuous, others simple wish to destroy the amulet itself.

Q: What is the setting for the roleplay?

A: It is set in the same land as Shovel Knight but not the same timeline, so the events of the game did not and will not happen.

Q: Do I need to play Shovel Knight to join in the roleplay?

A: Nope! This is basically just taking the idea of themed knights and using them for a separate story and plot!

Q: What is the level of the roleplay?

A: Casual, so roughly 1-2 paragraphs with your best efforts in grammar.

Q: What are the 'knights' in shovel knight about? Why aren't there any 'normal' knights?

A: The knights in shovel knight are themed. In the game you have King knight, who is not actually a king, merely a decadant dandy that has earned the title of knight by displaying his ability to fight. Another example would be propeller knight who uses a propeller helmet to fly and combines this with his fencing skill and he is quite lethal.

Creating a knight based on your chosen theme is the most important part of the roleplay. Such as each character in Shovel knight is unique and has their own personality. Put your creative thinking to work on what would make your knight different!

Q: Are there limits to what themes are accepted?

A: Only two. Do not blatantly copy one of the in game characters, that isn't creative at all. The other rule is this: As long as you can make the theme believeably awesome then it is fine. (They have to be able put up a fight if they're a knight)

Endnote: Despite this having a preset plot this is pretty much a sandbox style RP so you can add in a subplot of your own.



So is anyone interested?
Bardiel said:
Zubaz is present, right? :P
This is a completely different timeline, so the characters that were present in the game are not present this time around, while I admit the baz was quite a fun and interesting character none of them are actually present in this roleplay...

That being said you can make a character with a similar personality to him, as long as he isn't a carbon copy =)
Thank you for replying. As I am already involved in a couple of nWoD/GMC games at the moment, I would not be able to join. I was asking since I know of Shovel Knight via 2BFP/SBFP.
Bardiel said:
Thank you for replying. As I am already involved in a couple of nWoD/GMC games at the moment, I would not be able to join. I was asking since I know of Shovel Knight via 2BFP/SBFP.
No problem, it is a shame you can't join it.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Never played Shovel Knight. But this sounds like a REALLY FUN sorta thing.
Good to hear it! That is the point of the RP! I myself love the world that shovel knight is in but hate making 'the next generation' type fandoms. So this doesn't require you know anything about shovel knight at all.

I don't even know what I am saying anymore.....

Basically, don't worry about not knowing Shovel knight! My goal is to make an RP that is as separated from the game as possible while maintaining the universe that it built so anyone can jump in and have fun!
Ixacise said:
IC up when?
I am going to wait a bit longer since I assume people are in finals. If you want me to I can pull up the character sheet if you want to start making your character.

EDIT: I didn't answer with an exact date...

The IC will be up around wensday of this coming week or even sunday of this week depending on how many people show interest.
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I love shovel knight and am very interested in this rp, it'd be fun to have our themed knights working together, or maybe even against each other.
Greg2344 said:
I love shovel knight and am very interested in this rp, it'd be fun to have our themed knights working together, or maybe even against each other.
Good to hear!

and yes, you can work with or against other players. It is up to you to decide what happens I am just going to be present to make sure nothing is god modded.
Hey guys, character sheet is up for when you want to start building a character, just make sure to follow the RPnation TOS and the few rules I have in the OP.

Title: [Name of your Knight here]

Weapon: [What does your character use as a weapon?]

Relic: [What magical relic does your knight posses and what does it do?] (The more powerful the relic the more energy intensive it is to use!)

Knight Advantages: [This can be almost anything that gives your character an edge]

Knight Disadvantages: [These can be almost anything that keeps your knight as a person and not a god]

Appearance: [Picture optional, can be in shovel knight 8 bit style if you have the ability, otherwise 2 paragraph minimum]

Biography: [Knight history, 1 paragraph minimum]

Goal: [What is the goal of your knight?]

(P.S. you character can be strong but don't make them god mode)

Title: Fist Knight

Weapon: Take a guess

Relic: Fist Knight has the glove of Sir-Punch-a-Lot that allows his fist to grow spikes

Knight Advantages: Great physical strength

Knight Disadvantages: Low speed


(On his knee, dodging an attack)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/upload_2015-3-30_16-17-39.png.25630b27af4cd6250d3405cf06b177b4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47183" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/upload_2015-3-30_16-17-39.png.25630b27af4cd6250d3405cf06b177b4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Biography: Fist Knight lived a simple life, punching trees for wood in his small town where everyone knew each other. Then someone committed arson and burned the town to the ground. Fist Knight hasn't been the same since, all he's done is punch criminals, not speaking a word. His malformed face a hint of what happened the fiery (k)night.

Goal: Catch the arsonist and do what he can to help others along the way.​



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Alright guys, roleplay is almost up. I haven't done anything extra or fancy so far but more will most likely be added when necessary.

EDIT: I should probably link it...

and since you aren't following the interest check thread....


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