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Multiple Settings Satan's Rogues {OPEN}



the biggest dingus to ever ding

Tear off my nails, dig into my skin, still, I am who I am.


    You'd always gotten a 'second chance'. You grew to expect it, really, and you did whatever, whenever and wherever you damn well pleased. Only this time, it seemed... you wouldn't be getting that second chance again.

    The ultimatum was clear and vague all at once; You could serve your respective sentence in prison, or you could serve the scientific community for a specific 'social experiment' they'd hoped to conduct on a group of young people. You weren't given any details, though-

    They'd only told you to make your choice, and where to show up.


    A group of supreme fuckups has exhausted their every opportunity to reenter society without jail time, but is given just ONE last chance to avoid dire circumstance. Each formally complies to the requests of said scientists, thinking it'd just be a bit of sample collection. Unfortunately, and unbeknownst to them, their lives are no longer their own. Over the course of several weeks, the facility wastes no time restraining their new toys. Injections, merciless physical testing, minimal rest, rinse and repeat.

    Those that survived it all are faced with the realization that there won't be a 'release', as they'd been told prior to more or less signing their lives away. With no end in sight, they'll have to leave on their own, and hide well, if they make it.

coded by weldherwings.


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